One of those red fields disappearing was my partizan grandfather being taken prisoner. Against all odds, he survived the war in a labor camp in Norway. He never said a bad word against any nationality. Good man.
@@im-lazy800 you should be very proud of him my friend. I am greek and i love all the albanians and humans in general who sacrificed themselves for freedom.
My grandfather was captured by the Chetniks. They told him that he will be executed the next day but that night his fellow Partisans came and liberated the prison he was in
At the end of the war ,Yugoslavia had the third largest standing army in the world so.. yeah, but the issue was that it wasnt only a war of liberation but also a civil war between the colaborators masking them selves as in anything but, while they were still sucking German cock. And now their desendance still bitch and moan about how bad the communist were for taking their lands after the war... sorry that was a bit of a sidetrack.
"Yugoslavia had the third largest standing army in the world" - nope, the 5th largest in Europe - US, UK, Canada and USSR had bigger armies stationed in Europe than was the size of Yugoslav army. And on the world stage, Yugoslavia did not even reach top 10 in 1945.
Because most of this regions were uninhabited mountain areas. So practicaly most of this "partizan teritories"a mountain forests in most of them there is no populated places or few.
So the partisans directly and fully controlled all that land for that whole time? I'm surprised those rebel pockets existed in German territory and they didn't do a thing to get rid of it. These guys fought in a pretty bad situation too. Looks like they are just another party of WW2 that never got the credit they deserved.
It was mainly rough terrain that German would need million troops to hold with so many people in arms..partisan had around 100 000 soldeirs in 1942 and 150 000 in 1943....axis had many so call offensives on partisans territories but were not very effective because they could not hold for long even if they they mainly concentrate on towns and defending supply roads
In areas directly under German control they did crush them (see the area in Serbia which appears and disappears in 1941). In Independent State of Croatia it was more difficult, both because Ustaše lacked the resources of Germany and because of terrain being more difficult.
it was hard fight in those regions.. there were mostly mountains and villages of mixed nationalities , so communist gerilla exploited chaos and used that harsh region to wage war against germans and german nazi allies(croatians and serbians alike).
You should look historical movies like battle of Neretva, Battle of Sutjeska, Battle of Kozara, Desant on Drvar, etc. then look for documentary movies on this battles and then you tell which is important...
spice yes but most people assume that the french resistence was the most effective and most people outside of the balkans would know that the partisans existed in the first place
In alphabetical order, which has nothing to do with how effective and/or important they were, the five most important resistance/partisan movements in WW2 were in: China, France, Poland, Soviet Union, Yugoslavia.
@@Sudungarn i have mixed opinions. I think that tito did some good and some bad, but also that croatia, a country which i have family in, even family that was alive during ww2 that have told me about it, bosnia, and slovenia had the right to leave when milosevic took power
i have lots of respect for the balkans' nations, especially the yugoslavs, they went trough a lot and they always defended their independence; if not the goverment, the people did.
Misha Medvedev it wasn’t for any homeland. Communism fights for freedom to the whole world, unlike filthy capitalists and fascists who fight for nothing but to preserve their own heads
Misha Medvedev Yugoslavian government signed a Tripartide pact with Hitler, with some specific neutral points. After that there was a coup led by some Serbian officers with the support from the Brits and part of population, and the pact with Germany was annulled. Infuriated Hitler ordered a bombing of Belgrade without war declaration. It was executed early in the Sunday morning on April 6th, while whole city was still sleeping. The Germans used napalm/burning bombs...
During the battle at Sutjeska river (German "operation Schwarz") Nazis were trying to kill partizans' leader Tito, he managed to escape to eastern/central Bosnia, and the partisan forces recovered. British envoy to the partizans, F. W. D. Deakin went through it and wrote a book ("The Embattled Mountain"), it is an interesting and enlightening book about political and guerrilla warfare for anyone interested in the topic.
Ona učiteljica Smilja je stala isprid ploče i rekla je: „Dico, danas ćemo učit o domovinskom ratu! Moran odma na početku izrazit ushit, sriću i zadovoljstvo šta je to ušlo u nastavni plan i program trećaša! Nikad nije previše rano da mi ka ponosni Hrvati usvojimo to gradivo!“ Onda je uča pljesnila sa rukama i pitala je: „Jel možda neko od vas zna šta je to bija domovinski rat?“ Svi rulja u razredu su šutili i vrtili su sa glavušama kao da nemaju blage. Uča je pitala: „Šta? Baš niko?“ Onda sam ja dignijo ruku. Uča je rekla: „Izvoli Robi!“ Ja sam rekao: „Jel to bija rat di su naši uz pomoć saveznika satrali Njemce i ustaše?“ Učiteljica Smilja je mene blido pogledala. Onda je ona stavila ruke na kukove i pitala je: „A molinte lipo, od koga si to čuja?“ Ja sam rekao: „Od mog dida sa Šolte!“ Uča je rekla: „E pa dida ti se malo zajeba, mladiću! Biće čovik ostarija, pa je mrvicu propuva!“ Ja sam rekao: „Sori, učiteljice, al moj dida nije propuva!“ Uča je rekla: „Okej, ako nije propuva, onda je mislija na neki drugi rat!“ Ja sam pitao: „Na koji drugi rat?“ Uča Smilja je rekla: „Na drugi svjecki rat! Ti je rat bija prije domovinskog rata!“ Ja sam pitao: „Pa koga su onda naši satrali u domovinskom ratu?“ Uča je rekla: „Satrali su Srbe i četnike!“ Ja sam pitao: „A ko su nam bili saveznici?“ Uča je rekla: „Njemci i ustaše!“ Ja sam zblantao se u uču Smilju sa lakšom zbunjozom. Samo onda je moj drug Dino rekao: „Čekajte malo, učiteljice, zar oni već nisu bili satrani u drugom svjeckom ratu?“ Onda je onaj Kane Šteta rekao: „E stvarno, jebate! Ako su naši satrali Njemce i ustaše u drugom svjeckom ratu, a posli toga je doša domovinski rat, kako su ih onda mogli imat za saveznike?“ Ona tuljanica Niveska je uletila: „Možda ih nisu satrali sve! Nego su neke satrali, a neke su ostavili da in posli budu saveznici!“ Ona Nela Svinjogojstvo je pitala: „Kako su birali koje će satrat, a koje će ostavit za saveznike?“ Onaj Rino Sajla je rekao: „Možda su in dali igrat na par-dišpar?“ Učiteljica Smilja je dvaput pljesnila sa rukama i rekla je: „Dico, molinvas lipo nemojte konplicirat život! Ovo je tribalo bit jednostavno gradivo, da skužimo ko je agresor a ko žrtva, a ne da sad tu idemo do stoljeća sedmog…“ Samo onda je ona balibanica Lidija uletila: „A di su onda bili Srbi i četnici?“ Uča je pitala: „Kad?“ Balibanica Lidija je rekla: „Pa u drugom svjeckom ratu!“ Uča Smilja je počeškala se po bradi i malo je dumala. Onda je ona rekla: „Četnici su bili skupa sa Njemcima i ustašama! A Srbi su bili skupa sa našim Hrvatima, znači protiv Njemaca, ustaša i četnika!“ Onda je mala Teica pitala: „Zašto onda moja mama govori da su mog dida u domovinskom ratu uhapsili Taljani?“ Učiteljica Smilja je okrenila se prema njoj i rekla je: „Teice, dušo, didu ti nikako Taljani nisu mogli uhapsit u domovinskom ratu! Možda su ga jedino mogli uhapsit u drugom svjeckom ratu!“ Kane Šteta je pitao: „A jesul Taljani bili Njemci, ustaše ili četnici?“ Uča Smilja je podviknila: „Taljani su bili Taljani! Samo su bili u kompi sa Njemcima, ustašama i četnicima! A to znači protiv Hrvata i Srba!“ Ona pederica Sandra je pitala: „A jesul onda posli u domovinskom ratu bili u kompi sa Hrvatima i Srbima?“ Moj drug Dino je njoj rekao: „A glupa si ka tava, Sandra! Kako će bit u kompi sa Hrvatima i Srbima ako su Hrvati bili protiv Srba!“ Pederica Sandra je pitala: „Kad?“ Dino je rekao: „Pa u domovinskom ratu!“ Kane Šteta rekao: „Možda je po Taljana išlo sa Srbima, a po sa Hrvatima!“ Nela Svinjogojstvo je pitala: „Kako su birali koji će sa kojima? Jesul igrali na par-dišpar?“ Uča Smilja je zveknila sa dnevnikom po klupi i viknila je: „Jel više bilo dosta?!“ Ja sam njoj rekao: „Ovo gradivo je zapopizdit teško, učiteljice! Ja ne kužim ništa živo!“ Uča je dreknila: „Zato šta smo sve zakonplicirali sa tvojin didom i drugim svjeckim ratom! Odsad se držimo samo domovinskog rata i gotovo! Jel to svima jasno?!“ Mi smo svi u razredu umirili se i začepili smo labrnje. Uča je podviknila: „I da se više uopće ne spominju Taljani i Njemci, pošto su to sad naši dragi turisti! Jel i to jasno?“ Mi smo svi šutili i klimali smo sa glavušicama. Uča je rekla: „Okej! Znači, vratimo se na početak! U domovinskom ratu su Srbi i četnici išli okupirat našu zemlju, a onda su…“ Dino je uletijo: „…a onda su ih Hrvati i ustaše satrali! Jel tako?“ Učiteljica Smilja je značajski se okrenila prema njemu. Ona je zarežala: „Otprilike!“ Ja sam uletijo: „Za razliku od drugog svjeckog rata, di su Hrvati i Srbi satrali četnike i ustaše! Jel tako?“ Uča je značajski zapiljila se prema meni i zarežala je: „Otprilike!“ Onda je Dino uletijo: „Šta znači da će u sljedećem ratu Hrvati i četnici satrat Srbe i ustaše!“ Uča je iskobečila oči i zinila je sa ustima. Onda je tuljanica Niveska rekla: „A zašto Hrvati uvik moraju pobjedit? Možda će baš Srbi i ustaše satrat Hrvate i četnike!“ Samo uča je na nju arlauknila: „Niveska, kakvo je to nedomoljubno ponašanje?! Za koga ti navijaš? Neću da čujen takve stvari u ovom razredu!“ Tuljanica Niveska je u roku odma zablindirala gubicu. Moj drug Dino se mrgaški smjehuckao. Učiteljica Smilja je naperila kažimprst prema njemu i rekla je: „A ti se, pametnjakoviću, ne keseri! Otkud tebi pravo da govoriš da će bit novog rata? Je li, klipsone?!“ Dino je raširijo ruke i rekao je: „Pa ubra san da je to princip lige prvaka! Igra svak protiv svakoga i na kraju se zbroje punti!“ Ja sam rekao: „Naravska stvar! A nemoš prekinit natjecanje napola!“ Uča je podviknila: „E pa slušajte me dobro, papani, to van je malo degenerična logika! Prvo i prvo, više nikad ne smi bit rata! A drugo i drugo, ako ga i bude, onda je turbo nemoguća kombinacija da Hrvati skupa sa četnicima ratuju protiv Srba i ustaša! Gotova priča!“ Onda sam ja rekao: „A zašto onda na Šolti mom didi ka Hrvatu jebu četničku mater?“ Uča je zableušila se u mene sa težim ošamutom. Ekipa u razredu su isto gledali sa čudilom. Ja sam rekao: „I to samo zato šta je bija u partizanima!“ Onda je Rino Sajla pitao: „Ko su sad partizani, jebate noj?“ Kane Šteta je rekao: „Nikad čuja!“ Nela Svinjogojstvo je rekla: „Biće neki turisti, ka Njemci i Taljani!“ Učiteljica Smilja je i dalje stajala ukipana isprid ploče sa namušenom facom. Onda je balibanica Lidija nju pitala: „Stvarno, učiteljice, a ko su bili partizani?“ Uča je gledala koljački prema meni i podviknila je: „Jel vidiš sad šta si napravija, debilu? Jesmol mi na ovom satu tribali govorit o domovinskom ratu il o partizanima?“ Ja sam rekao: „Moj dida kaže da su partizani bili odlučujući faktor u domovinskom ratu!“ Uča se napečila: „A po čemu to, majketi?“ Ja sam rekao: „Po tome šta su nedostajali!“
Vinko Gajic 90% partizana u drugom svetskom ratu Srbi, borili se protiv Mudzahedina i hrvatskih ustasa sa petokrakom na kapi za vreme 90-ih, nisu nedostajali, branli su Jugu od cepanja o_0
I am from Azerbaijan.Heroes of my country were partisans in Yugaslovia and other countries.Popularest of those was Mehdi Guseynzade(Michaylo).He was liuetuant and partisan in Yugaslovia.
Just looked him up, and holy shit he was a badass. Fought at Stalingrad, got captured and brought to a POW camp, escaped, joined the Partisans, and died fighting bravely against the Nazis for one last time.
It might be worth mentioning that most Yugoslav Partisans weren't actually Communists, Titoists, or even Socialists (not that there is anything wrong with those). The Yugoslav Partisan resistance movement was a collection of different anti-fascist, anti-occupation movements present in the Balkans at the time. The word "Partisan" in the Balkans often widely referred to the "Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia", which was formed on November 26, 1942 in central-north-west-Yugoslavaia modern day Bosnia. Essentially different factions fighting the Axis forces, which previously competed, came together to form a single government/command. Tito was the elected leader, largely due to the fact his forces were the most successful and controlled the most territory at the time. It was intended at a temporary assignment that stuck, but overtime the movement, particularly its leadership became communist in nature. It really was a Yugoslav people's liberation movement.
Nah, i dont think so, tito became a communist while being held prisoner in the USSR, his goal was to make a socialist united nation, i mean, why else would they wear those red stars on their hats?
@@Dr.SamuelHaydenTito was prisoner in Russia before the USSR. Also what the commenter said is just straight up true, in the beggining they worked together with royalist antifascists and some other factions like liberals etc.
TheLegoCreator12344 i'm so ashamed for my country, Italy, being part of the dirty axis. But at least, a lot of us sided with the Allies and with the Italian partisans
My great grandfather was a partisan , my family is from montenegro. He was captured and sent to aushwitz and survived. Im proud of all of the partisans..yuguslavia was amazing together...and yet we got sad...
Tito and his anti fascist movement have been inspirational for many generations in the world. It’s background was communism, and you might not like that much, but it was the way to connect different nations on the Balkan and led them to live together in Yugoslavia. Tito’s chances to win this fight were minimal considering that he fought Nazis, Croatian nationalist nazi state (NDH), Serbian nationalists ( Cetniks), Italian fascist and other Nazi friendly neighbors. He started with a few revolutionaries and ended up with 800 thousands strong army in 1945. The next 45 years of Yugoslavia is a time when south Slavens lived in peace and prosperity putting their country on the world map. The country was on the way to became more democratic and politically modernized, but the Balkan tribes, especially Serbs hungry for domination, cut that dream short starting the war and killing old good Yugoslavia.
imagine taking a bunch of mountains and forests and acting like you've just destroyed fascism ,which was anyway fighting on 2 fronts by 1943 and on 3 fronts by 1944 , all the while with no support against 3 of the biggest world powers
@@RandomOperativeRightWing if it was that easy why couldnt anyone else just take a bunch of mountains and forests bro come on its so easy bro i do it all the time
Actually, a little known fact is that the first resistance (connected to the partisans and/or communists) formally and actually started in the Slovenian part of Yugoslavia - OF, Osvobodilna fronta was founded on 26th of april and the first armed action was on 29th of april. Druže, zajebo si infografiku.
I ve heard that germany had huge problem with fighting the partisans in serbia and croatia was very successfull, but here, germany controlled 90% of the serbian land until 44 and in croatia, more than a half is under control of partisans at 42
as an average Croat, i have some family relatives that were allies with germans in WW2, and others were part of partisan communist gerilla .. it was huge killing here in WW2.., mostly croats, serbs and others killing other croats, serbs and others .. in the end communists won.. maybe in WW2 they were "good side", but after war they ruined those countries
@@TheAstralftw Pardon? Maybe Yugoslavia was not as prosperous as most capitalist countries at that time, but it was the most open and liberal socialist country of the era. Look at Croatia 25 years after their nationalists won them independence. What do you see? I mean, apart from huge choice of yoghurt flavours? ;)
Serbia was occupied by the Germans because Serbs rebelled, while most other parts of Yugoslavia were not. Some parts joined the nazis (Slovenia, Croatia). First 50 and then 100 Serbs were killed for every killed German by Serbian resistance. One time, Germans could not find enough adult Serbs in the city to kill in retribution, so they went to school and took children. After that Serbian resistance decided to find another way to resist. In contrast, at the beginning of the war, Croatia took a part of today's Bosnia and Hercegovina and northern Serbia and became an independent Nazy state. Croats joined the Germans and the Germans gave them their state to govern. Naturally, it was easier for partisans to fight over there because Croats didn't have the recourses Germans did, it was impossible for them to apply the same methods of suppression Germans did since it was not so obvious who is the enemy, and unaccaseble terrain went in favor of partisans because they could effectively hide in maintains and retreat
My great grandfather and his brother was a Partisan. From 1939-1942 when he was 19 years old and then 1943-1945 to finish what they started 💪🏻 He spent time in a Croatian Nazi camp where his older brother used to protect him when they’d get beaten. Eventually escaping. At the end of all this, he got a piece from an explosion under his eye, which you could see. Also a bullet in his arm, which you could feel. As for his brother, he was a brave soldier (as also my great grandfather) he was sent for one more mission at the end of the war, in Kosovo and was killed by an Albanian. The strongest men always die.
my grandpa was an albanian living in kosovo and eventhough he supported the nazi s at first beacuase they liberated the albanian people he quickly came to realize that they are horrible people and immedeatly joined the yugoslav partisans in usice and helped liberating belgrad and made it up to slovenia mustafa Citaku you will never be forgotten
my great uncle (I'm not sure, complicated family stuff) fought as a partisan alongside my great grandfather, i have one of his medals. fun fact, my great-grandfathers brother was in the ustase, and he would occasionally help my great-grandfather, after the war he fled to Argentina and they never spoke again.
Jekusr Especially the Bosnians. The death toll for the Whole yugoslav wars including the kosovo conflicts is about 133000. The Bosnians make up for 100000 of those deaths.
Here is what Nationalism did to us from Balkans: -Rise of Independent state of Croatia in ww2 and genocide against Serbs. -Start of war between brotherly countries and people. -Destruction of Yugoslavia and prosperity in general. And now despite being a small, corrupted and poor states some people still force nationalism.
I did now know about this uprising. As early as 1941. It must have taken considerable resources from Germany trying to fight those partisans. Nice video.
22 German divisions (500.000men)were tied down fighting the Yugoslav partisans from 1942 onwards. They launched 7 full scale offensives against them . The 5 offensives were aimed at destroying the whole partisan force but after the fifth one in 1943( If you're interested Google battle of Sutjeska) the partisans grew far to strong to destroy. After the Italians surrendered in August of that year things turned around because the partisans captured huge amounts of weapons during there surrender and they liberated large parts of they're former occupation territory mobilizing huge amount of people into their army. By the end of 1943 the army had over 300.000 men that were far better equipped as the allies begane to supply them whit additional war materials. British general sir Harold Alexander was reported saying that the Yugoslav army was the only army in ww2 that had their own independent front.
God, I love how smooth the animation of this one is compared to the average animated maps. Do I also need to mention I love it when it's a little dot moving across the map to find refuge? Would love to see the same things done with, say, Mao's Long March in a Chinese theater map. Speaking of which, anyone can tell me what happened from 1:11 with the dot escaping from Montenegro to join the resistance in Croatia?
My great grandfather was sent to Kosovo by Italians to get executed for being a communist, he somehow escaped and then 2 years later, there was someone who didn't really like him so that person said something to the Partisans and they were gonna execute him but the thing that happened 2 years before that saved him
evo meme jedan: hitler pita rumunjsku sto je sa staljingradom rumunjska: sve je u redu mi smo dobri hico: kako italijo stojis sa afrikom? italija: koja afrika?
My both grandparents were partisans. One was imprisoned by italian fascists on an island and later taken to italy to prison. Survived and never said anything bad about italians!
My great grandfather became a yugoslavian partisan back in 1943, because his hole family was killed by the ustaše army. He fought in the yugoslavian partisans from 1943-45 and achieved around 5-6 medals as how i know. In 1943 his first battle were in istra and in slovenian alps which is were he was from. He then later in 1944 was liberation Bosnia and Croatia, and in 1945 he fought in the liberation of zagreb, he died in 2009 a year before i was born, great story from what i heard from my grandpa! Another great grandpa was an Ustaša and executed serbs in a village in solin. He killed around 10-15 serbs but in 1945 got away with his war crimes, both of my great grandpas had different stories because ustaše were most likely to be in cities such as split or Rijeka in croatia
Yugoslavs managed to liberate Yugoslavia before the Red Army and that's why the idependent Yugoslavia could exist. Sadly, we Poles couldn't make it before the Red Army. Both Poland and Yugoslavia were communist but Yugoslavia could decide about herself and Poland couldn't. Our nation suffered because of a red executioner. Yugoslavia did something that we couldn't. Glory to Yugoslavia! Glory to all nations of Yugoslavia! They are one of the most brave nations in the world. Slava!
Rebels in Zara and Istria were at max Italian partisans since they were mostly ethnic italians before tito deported or killed them amazing video for the rest and the quality of the animation !
>TIGR *slovenian* anti-fascist movement throughout eastern italy the upper class was italian, like german was in kärnten the majority in the countryside was slovenian still. I'll give you that the italians were overlords of the area though, that's why so many people still claim it
My grate grand father was a partisan in Ukraine and he was a hero because he took a german officer alive and took him to the high command. One day before partisans who tried to take this officers were catched and germans cut their tongues and their eyes and left them dying(((
Long live the heroes, the partisans, the soldiers who fought for liberation behind the frontlines. We will remember them and their legacy! Siamo tutti antifascisti !
+Teiku - P actually since 476 A.D. the world fucked up... And anyway this is not the one "liberation" that got civilian murdered, 4 example italian unification, etc...
There is only one thing more ferocious than Slavs fighting each other over ancient grievances and that is Slavs standing together united, fighting against foreign invaders of their homeland.
WW2 never ended for Yugoslavia, it just changed the actors!We fought Nazis from all over,in and around, then Stalin, we became the most successful socialist society and the West had to punish us,turned brother against brother and created hatred between nationalities by embracing one people and dissing the most populous Serbs! I lived in New York City since 84 and probably, actually surely would've been back home, but because I am still a Yugoslav at heart and hate nationalism, like my dad and his dad,my mom and her dad,did hate hateful people who are now the majority! I remember the brotherhood of people and was proud to be a part of that,would have given my life to protect it,but what happened was a shame on all sides! I am one of few who feels this way and here in NYC have friends who are from all parts of Yugoslavia and among us,like minded , our difference never comes up !
Im born in the bronx and grew up in brooklyn , I agree in america were more together we dont care about what religion you are because we speak the same language etc makes us together. Back in the motherland they have hatred for nothing
My grandfather was 12 years old when the war in his country started. His older brothers joined the partisans, and unfortunately, one of them froze to death, but he knew what he was fighting for.
Bihać, November 26/27, 1942, the First Session of AVNOJ was held. At the end of 1942 and the beginning of 1943, the Anti-Fascist Council of the People's Liberation of Yugoslavia Bihać became the center of the armed struggle of the people of Yugoslavia. The liberation of Bihać on November 4, 1942, was a relevant historical act of great importance for further directions and the fate of the anti-fascist struggle. As the center of the "Bihać Republic", which was created by merging the previously liberated territories of Bosnian Krajina whose area was larger than Belgium and Switzerland.
When Bulgaria switched sides in 1944, Bulgarian armies along with Red army drew Germans out of Yugoslavia. Bulgarians went to Hungary where they won a tough battle at Drava river.
you should make a video of ww2 in yugoslavia (and some years after the war)showing not only the partisan teritories,but also chetnik,Lovćen brigade,ZBOR,SDS,white guard,balists,muslim army,ustashe etc.,not only gray background it would be very good to show all the events happening and even as i said,fights after the war which occured through all of yugoslavia until mid 50s
two my grand grandfather was a partisan one slaved away in novi sad and other in kocani one of them got released by germans(because of their origin of turkish as they say we were turks in macedonia) but thanks to tito life was great for everybody
Known as the Igman march or the second offensive where the partisans from montenegro retarted to link up with other partisan forces it was a sucess but at a very high cost
@@user-vy2hv5pp7k Kaze neko ko ima petokraku kao profilnu i naziva sebe komisar. Ocigledno je da i ti zivis u proslosti,i to u veoma sramnoj za nas narod.
im really disappointed that Macedonia is not in that animation they were a part of Yugoslavia on 11 of October the partisans of Macedonia also launched a massive attack in they were late because of a short delay of weapons etc they also freed all of Macedonia the army that formed was 110,000 soldiers and was the first Macedonian army huge mistake bro
Can I make a slight correction? The last battle in Europe was the battle of Odžak in bosnia, it ended may 25th it was between partizans and Croatian forces but the Yugoslav state didn’t release the details until 1971 bc though Yugoslavia won it, the casualties on the Yugoslav side were huge, wiki says10.000-12.000 and only against under 2000 croats
It was operation trio ..large combinated offensive by Germans,Italians and nazi ustase..after partisans could not hold territory they widrow 2 other partisan territory in the west
What was going on, in the battle at Sutjeska river (German "operation Schwarz") Nazis were trying to kill partizans' leader Tito, he managed to escape to eastern/central Bosnia, and the partisan forces recovered. British envoy to the partizans, F. W. D. Deakin went through it and wrote a book ("The Embattled Mountain"), it is an interesting and enlightening book about political and guerrilla warfare for anyone interested in the topic.
It was taken by the Yugoslav partizans before the Alies, after that the Italians demanded it back, wile the Yugoslavia refused, and it became a free city, before the UN awarded it to Italy.
What sources did you use when making this video? And what exactly does this show, partisan activity or partisan control. Because I am pretty sure that there were no partisan enclaves in Bulgarian held territory.
There's an entire Wikipedia page of anti-Bulgarian resistance in World War 2: It's not an authoritative source, sure, but it still suggests that there was some liberated enclaves as far back as 1942 in Bulgarian-held Macedonia.
Well, it does say Mount Kozuf, which straddles German-occupied Aegean Macedonia and Bulgarian-occupied Vardar Macedonia, was in partisan hands by the end of 1943. And the city of Kratovo temporarily fell in the Spring of 1944. Before that, it doesn't explicitly say all enclaves were in Italian-occupied areas either, only the ones that were listed, which probably wasn't an exhaustive list. It does mention that some cities in Bulgarian-territory, such as Gevgalija and Kumanovo, were strongholds of the partisan units in the summer of 1943.
Leonnatus Chouan Yes a mountain top on the border of Greece for a few weeks in the winter and the city of Kratovo for 3 days. Far far different from what was shown in the video. It says that partisan groups were formed in the region of Kumanovo and Gevgelija not that they captured the cities. It makes no sense for there to have been enclaves in Bulgarian held territories as they would have been crushed the moment they ware found just like it happened in Kratovo.
Moj pradeda se borio u bitci na Neretvi Vidjen je tamo sa Titom.Sada imam čamac sa crvenom zvijezdom i srpom i čekićem po njemu. On je tada pogubio stotine ljudi koji su bili ratni zločinci i borili se protiv nas.Ponosan sam što je moj pradeda upoznao najvećeg maršala Tita i zabavljali su se i barem ja imam uspomenu na njega 1909-2010 je živio. Živjeli partizani!❤💪💪
My grandmother and my grand - grandmother died the exact same second in Užice, during bombing by German forces. I grew up in Yugoslavia, a proud Yugoslavian, teaching my children what Yugoslavia was. I will die as Jugoslovenka.
One of those red fields disappearing was my partizan grandfather being taken prisoner. Against all odds, he survived the war in a labor camp in Norway. He never said a bad word against any nationality. Good man.
can you tell the second when it dissapeared (if it was visible on the map)
Hi, where are you from?
Not a good man
The courage of the Yugoslavians in the Second World War cannot be forgotten.
ANd what about courage of defenders of Ođak and Kula Fazlagić? They could have surrendered but they fought till the last
Im albanian and my great grandfather fought againts nazi movement but got shot
@@im-lazy800 you should be very proud of him my friend. I am greek and i love all the albanians and humans in general who sacrificed themselves for freedom.
@@domagojcapko4152 They were also partizans
@@im-lazy800 respect
if i was surrounded i would also simply escape.
@@slowburgundyy574 Ya me too
"When they approach... We run away!"
"Sir...You're a genius!"
@@thisaccountwashacked666 lol
My grandfather was captured by the Chetniks. They told him that he will be executed the next day but that night his fellow Partisans came and liberated the prison he was in
Well he got away sadly,but maybe we'll get you in the future if you keep following your traitorous commie grandfathers footsteps.
@slovene ball
My grandfather was ustasha
@@ratniveteran7556Heeey dont be sad, u didnt chose your family,not everyone can be decented out of glorious partisans
@@SnakeP1tPoetry Baš šteta što tvoj čiča nije utekao ;)
My grandfather was a partisan. He sat in Nazi camp. He later escaped and stole a chrome Mauser from the german officer. He has 2 medals for bravery.
just like in wolfenstein.. very nice my brother!!
@@ivanz5239 yep
youre grandfather has balls of steel
My did the same thing but he was wounded in leg and still escaped
My great-grandfather also served in the Partisans, but got wounded pretty darn quickly while assaulting a castle in Slovenia :/
Wow i didnt know Yugoslav Partisans took that much land.
At the end of the war ,Yugoslavia had the third largest standing army in the world so.. yeah, but the issue was that it wasnt only a war of liberation but also a civil war between the colaborators masking them selves as in anything but, while they were still sucking German cock. And now their desendance still bitch and moan about how bad the communist were for taking their lands after the war... sorry that was a bit of a sidetrack.
"Yugoslavia had the third largest standing army in the world" - nope, the 5th largest in Europe - US, UK, Canada and USSR had bigger armies stationed in Europe than was the size of Yugoslav army.
And on the world stage, Yugoslavia did not even reach top 10 in 1945.
Because most of this regions were uninhabited mountain areas. So practicaly most of this "partizan teritories"a mountain forests in most of them there is no populated places or few.
Aleksandar Matić if only your countries achived this much... hahaha
Jake Mapping They didnt care about they lives!
So the partisans directly and fully controlled all that land for that whole time? I'm surprised those rebel pockets existed in German territory and they didn't do a thing to get rid of it. These guys fought in a pretty bad situation too. Looks like they are just another party of WW2 that never got the credit they deserved.
It was mainly rough terrain that German would need million troops to hold with so many people in arms..partisan had around 100 000 soldeirs in 1942 and 150 000 in 1943....axis had many so call offensives on partisans territories but were not very effective because they could not hold for long even if they they mainly concentrate on towns and defending supply roads
In areas directly under German control they did crush them (see the area in Serbia which appears and disappears in 1941). In Independent State of Croatia it was more difficult, both because Ustaše lacked the resources of Germany and because of terrain being more difficult.
it was hard fight in those regions.. there were mostly mountains and villages of mixed nationalities , so communist gerilla exploited chaos and used that harsh region to wage war against germans and german nazi allies(croatians and serbians alike).
OwnageCubed Most of the land the partisans controlled was farmland, for the most part all major roads and cities we're German.
Luka Kujundžić Lujan Serbians?
Germany: YES we beat Yugoslavia!
Yugoslavia: well yes, but actually no.
Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia > Kingdom of Yugoslavia
@@初日の出_初日の入り Never
@Anirudh ok wehraboo, you lost, cry about it
@A the 14 year old wehraboo calls me a kid lmao
@@DrugBa642 Always
The french resistence is the most important in ww2
Yugoslav partisans: *_Do we look like a fools to you?_*
You should look historical movies like battle of Neretva, Battle of Sutjeska, Battle of Kozara, Desant on Drvar, etc. then look for documentary movies on this battles and then you tell which is important...
spice yes but most people assume that the french resistence was the most effective and most people outside of the balkans would know that the partisans existed in the first place
The most important ones were the Soviet partisans. Then the Chinese Red army (a guerilla movement at the time).
In alphabetical order, which has nothing to do with how effective and/or important they were, the five most important resistance/partisan movements in WW2 were in: China, France, Poland, Soviet Union, Yugoslavia.
@@mdivmapperandgamer1138 and in Italy I think
Salutations to Yugoslavs brothers
your resistance shall be an exemple to all oppressed peoples around the world
Yugoslavs were doing the opressions, Yugoslavia the cage of nations!
@123 i am from there, i know.
@@Sudungarn i have mixed opinions.
I think that tito did some good and some bad, but also that croatia, a country which i have family in, even family that was alive during ww2 that have told me about it, bosnia, and slovenia had the right to leave when milosevic took power
i have lots of respect for the balkans' nations, especially the yugoslavs, they went trough a lot and they always defended their independence; if not the goverment, the people did.
Yeah, but now it is totally wrecked. When I hear something of Yugoslavia and look at its countries now, I could laugh.
@@adrijanjakimoski4831 It's totally fine in Slovenija
Every time one area gets smaller another grows, what a truly brilliant set of fighters. Solidarity to all these brave comrades!
As a Brit, I knew nothing about this. Thank you for enlightening me. Glory to the people who fought for their homeland!
Misha Medvedev it wasn’t for any homeland. Communism fights for freedom to the whole world, unlike filthy capitalists and fascists who fight for nothing but to preserve their own heads
slovene ball it was to a smaller degree. The brits helped clean some of the islands. The Soviets helped in serb areas
Misha Medvedev Yugoslavian government signed a Tripartide pact with Hitler, with some specific neutral points. After that there was a coup led by some Serbian officers with the support from the Brits and part of population, and the pact with Germany was annulled. Infuriated Hitler ordered a bombing of Belgrade without war declaration. It was executed early in the Sunday morning on April 6th, while whole city was still sleeping. The Germans used napalm/burning bombs...
During the battle at Sutjeska river (German "operation Schwarz") Nazis were trying to kill partizans' leader Tito, he managed to escape to eastern/central Bosnia, and the partisan forces recovered. British envoy to the partizans, F. W. D. Deakin went through it and wrote a book ("The Embattled Mountain"), it is an interesting and enlightening book about political and guerrilla warfare for anyone interested in the topic.
You know how many war crimes those commies commited read about bleiburg and way of the cross
Ona učiteljica Smilja je stala isprid ploče i rekla je: „Dico, danas ćemo učit o domovinskom ratu! Moran odma na početku izrazit ushit, sriću i zadovoljstvo šta je to ušlo u nastavni plan i program trećaša! Nikad nije previše rano da mi ka ponosni Hrvati usvojimo to gradivo!“ Onda je uča pljesnila sa rukama i pitala je: „Jel možda neko od vas zna šta je to bija domovinski rat?“ Svi rulja u razredu su šutili i vrtili su sa glavušama kao da nemaju blage. Uča je pitala: „Šta? Baš niko?“ Onda sam ja dignijo ruku. Uča je rekla: „Izvoli Robi!“ Ja sam rekao: „Jel to bija rat di su naši uz pomoć saveznika satrali Njemce i ustaše?“
Učiteljica Smilja je mene blido pogledala. Onda je ona stavila ruke na kukove i pitala je: „A molinte lipo, od koga si to čuja?“ Ja sam rekao: „Od mog dida sa Šolte!“ Uča je rekla: „E pa dida ti se malo zajeba, mladiću! Biće čovik ostarija, pa je mrvicu propuva!“ Ja sam rekao: „Sori, učiteljice, al moj dida nije propuva!“ Uča je rekla: „Okej, ako nije propuva, onda je mislija na neki drugi rat!“ Ja sam pitao: „Na koji drugi rat?“ Uča Smilja je rekla: „Na drugi svjecki rat! Ti je rat bija prije domovinskog rata!“ Ja sam pitao: „Pa koga su onda naši satrali u domovinskom ratu?“ Uča je rekla: „Satrali su Srbe i četnike!“ Ja sam pitao: „A ko su nam bili saveznici?“ Uča je rekla: „Njemci i ustaše!“
Ja sam zblantao se u uču Smilju sa lakšom zbunjozom. Samo onda je moj drug Dino rekao: „Čekajte malo, učiteljice, zar oni već nisu bili satrani u drugom svjeckom ratu?“ Onda je onaj Kane Šteta rekao: „E stvarno, jebate! Ako su naši satrali Njemce i ustaše u drugom svjeckom ratu, a posli toga je doša domovinski rat, kako su ih onda mogli imat za saveznike?“ Ona tuljanica Niveska je uletila: „Možda ih nisu satrali sve! Nego su neke satrali, a neke su ostavili da in posli budu saveznici!“ Ona Nela Svinjogojstvo je pitala: „Kako su birali koje će satrat, a koje će ostavit za saveznike?“ Onaj Rino Sajla je rekao: „Možda su in dali igrat na par-dišpar?“
Učiteljica Smilja je dvaput pljesnila sa rukama i rekla je: „Dico, molinvas lipo nemojte konplicirat život! Ovo je tribalo bit jednostavno gradivo, da skužimo ko je agresor a ko žrtva, a ne da sad tu idemo do stoljeća sedmog…“ Samo onda je ona balibanica Lidija uletila: „A di su onda bili Srbi i četnici?“ Uča je pitala: „Kad?“ Balibanica Lidija je rekla: „Pa u drugom svjeckom ratu!“ Uča Smilja je počeškala se po bradi i malo je dumala. Onda je ona rekla: „Četnici su bili skupa sa Njemcima i ustašama! A Srbi su bili skupa sa našim Hrvatima, znači protiv Njemaca, ustaša i četnika!“ Onda je mala Teica pitala: „Zašto onda moja mama govori da su mog dida u domovinskom ratu uhapsili Taljani?“
Učiteljica Smilja je okrenila se prema njoj i rekla je: „Teice, dušo, didu ti nikako Taljani nisu mogli uhapsit u domovinskom ratu! Možda su ga jedino mogli uhapsit u drugom svjeckom ratu!“ Kane Šteta je pitao: „A jesul Taljani bili Njemci, ustaše ili četnici?“ Uča Smilja je podviknila: „Taljani su bili Taljani! Samo su bili u kompi sa Njemcima, ustašama i četnicima! A to znači protiv Hrvata i Srba!“ Ona pederica Sandra je pitala: „A jesul onda posli u domovinskom ratu bili u kompi sa Hrvatima i Srbima?“ Moj drug Dino je njoj rekao: „A glupa si ka tava, Sandra! Kako će bit u kompi sa Hrvatima i Srbima ako su Hrvati bili protiv Srba!“ Pederica Sandra je pitala: „Kad?“ Dino je rekao: „Pa u domovinskom ratu!“ Kane Šteta rekao: „Možda je po Taljana išlo sa Srbima, a po sa Hrvatima!“ Nela Svinjogojstvo je pitala: „Kako su birali koji će sa kojima? Jesul igrali na par-dišpar?“
Uča Smilja je zveknila sa dnevnikom po klupi i viknila je: „Jel više bilo dosta?!“ Ja sam njoj rekao: „Ovo gradivo je zapopizdit teško, učiteljice! Ja ne kužim ništa živo!“ Uča je dreknila: „Zato šta smo sve zakonplicirali sa tvojin didom i drugim svjeckim ratom! Odsad se držimo samo domovinskog rata i gotovo! Jel to svima jasno?!“ Mi smo svi u razredu umirili se i začepili smo labrnje. Uča je podviknila: „I da se više uopće ne spominju Taljani i Njemci, pošto su to sad naši dragi turisti! Jel i to jasno?“ Mi smo svi šutili i klimali smo sa glavušicama. Uča je rekla: „Okej! Znači, vratimo se na početak! U domovinskom ratu su Srbi i četnici išli okupirat našu zemlju, a onda su…“ Dino je uletijo: „…a onda su ih Hrvati i ustaše satrali! Jel tako?“
Učiteljica Smilja je značajski se okrenila prema njemu. Ona je zarežala: „Otprilike!“ Ja sam uletijo: „Za razliku od drugog svjeckog rata, di su Hrvati i Srbi satrali četnike i ustaše! Jel tako?“ Uča je značajski zapiljila se prema meni i zarežala je: „Otprilike!“ Onda je Dino uletijo: „Šta znači da će u sljedećem ratu Hrvati i četnici satrat Srbe i ustaše!“ Uča je iskobečila oči i zinila je sa ustima. Onda je tuljanica Niveska rekla: „A zašto Hrvati uvik moraju pobjedit? Možda će baš Srbi i ustaše satrat Hrvate i četnike!“ Samo uča je na nju arlauknila: „Niveska, kakvo je to nedomoljubno ponašanje?! Za koga ti navijaš? Neću da čujen takve stvari u ovom razredu!“
Tuljanica Niveska je u roku odma zablindirala gubicu. Moj drug Dino se mrgaški smjehuckao. Učiteljica Smilja je naperila kažimprst prema njemu i rekla je: „A ti se, pametnjakoviću, ne keseri! Otkud tebi pravo da govoriš da će bit novog rata? Je li, klipsone?!“ Dino je raširijo ruke i rekao je: „Pa ubra san da je to princip lige prvaka! Igra svak protiv svakoga i na kraju se zbroje punti!“ Ja sam rekao: „Naravska stvar! A nemoš prekinit natjecanje napola!“ Uča je podviknila: „E pa slušajte me dobro, papani, to van je malo degenerična logika! Prvo i prvo, više nikad ne smi bit rata! A drugo i drugo, ako ga i bude, onda je turbo nemoguća kombinacija da Hrvati skupa sa četnicima ratuju protiv Srba i ustaša! Gotova priča!“ Onda sam ja rekao: „A zašto onda na Šolti mom didi ka Hrvatu jebu četničku mater?“ Uča je zableušila se u mene sa težim ošamutom. Ekipa u razredu su isto gledali sa čudilom. Ja sam rekao: „I to samo zato šta je bija u partizanima!“
Onda je Rino Sajla pitao: „Ko su sad partizani, jebate noj?“ Kane Šteta je rekao: „Nikad čuja!“ Nela Svinjogojstvo je rekla: „Biće neki turisti, ka Njemci i Taljani!“ Učiteljica Smilja je i dalje stajala ukipana isprid ploče sa namušenom facom. Onda je balibanica Lidija nju pitala: „Stvarno, učiteljice, a ko su bili partizani?“ Uča je gledala koljački prema meni i podviknila je: „Jel vidiš sad šta si napravija, debilu? Jesmol mi na ovom satu tribali govorit o domovinskom ratu il o partizanima?“ Ja sam rekao: „Moj dida kaže da su partizani bili odlučujući faktor u domovinskom ratu!“ Uča se napečila: „A po čemu to, majketi?“ Ja sam rekao: „Po tome šta su nedostajali!“
Vinko Gajic Brate car si!Jel ti se ovo stvarno desilo?
Vinko Gajic svaka cast
Najjači komentar na jutjubetu. Živio
Ovo je jedan od boljih komentara
Vinko Gajic 90% partizana u drugom svetskom ratu Srbi, borili se protiv Mudzahedina i hrvatskih ustasa sa petokrakom na kapi za vreme 90-ih, nisu nedostajali, branli su Jugu od cepanja o_0
I am from Azerbaijan.Heroes of my country were partisans in Yugaslovia and other countries.Popularest of those was Mehdi Guseynzade(Michaylo).He was liuetuant and partisan in Yugaslovia.
Just looked him up, and holy shit he was a badass. Fought at Stalingrad, got captured and brought to a POW camp, escaped, joined the Partisans, and died fighting bravely against the Nazis for one last time.
@@theobuniel9643 Google Sidor Kovpak)
It might be worth mentioning that most Yugoslav Partisans weren't actually Communists, Titoists, or even Socialists (not that there is anything wrong with those). The Yugoslav Partisan resistance movement was a collection of different anti-fascist, anti-occupation movements present in the Balkans at the time. The word "Partisan" in the Balkans often widely referred to the "Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia", which was formed on November 26, 1942 in central-north-west-Yugoslavaia modern day Bosnia. Essentially different factions fighting the Axis forces, which previously competed, came together to form a single government/command. Tito was the elected leader, largely due to the fact his forces were the most successful and controlled the most territory at the time. It was intended at a temporary assignment that stuck, but overtime the movement, particularly its leadership became communist in nature. It really was a Yugoslav people's liberation movement.
Nah, i dont think so, tito became a communist while being held prisoner in the USSR, his goal was to make a socialist united nation, i mean, why else would they wear those red stars on their hats?
@@Dr.SamuelHaydenTito was prisoner in Russia before the USSR. Also what the commenter said is just straight up true, in the beggining they worked together with royalist antifascists and some other factions like liberals etc.
@@TankMarko yeah they worked togehter for like 5 months and then stopped because chetnicks were just cutthroat cowards
1:17 oh sht we need to gtfo
Even if i don't share the communist ideology, i wish to congratulate these brave people who managed to free themselves from the Nazi oppression!
Darken Mapper and then killed many italian in Dalmatia and Istria, they were also Nazi
Darken Mapper It was a common victory:) Yugoslavians and Soviets bet the shit out of those dirty nazi Far-Righters!
TheLegoCreator12344 i'm so ashamed for my country, Italy, being part of the dirty axis. But at least, a lot of us sided with the Allies and with the Italian partisans
Thank god they defeated those Nat-zees (TM) so that Europe can be made safe for Islamization. You will become a minority in your own homeland.
Teiku- P ''they were also nazi'' who?
Its beautifull how when they are defeated somewhere they just rise up elswere again.
Germans: YES this offensive will destroy the resistance in Bosnia and they will finally be crushed!
Yugoslav partisans: well we own Croatia now LMAO.
Pozdrav iz Slovenskega Trsta
@@jozeterbovsek8563 i gorica
@@aeyes1314 Like your whole coast, which gives you your whole identity.
Hteo reci slovenackoga znam te ja
1:18-1:22 what the heck was that?
TheGamingParadise 360 retreat tactics, most MLG of all tactics
TheGamingParadise the best tactic
The united states are damn trash.
Alex __ so? I'm not American
It was a glitch.
My great grandfather was a partizan who was shot in the neck by Chetniks and in the arm by Italians, he lived to tell the tale.
My great grandfather was a partisan , my family is from montenegro. He was captured and sent to aushwitz and survived. Im proud of all of the partisans..yuguslavia was amazing together...and yet we got sad...
My great uncle was in the US ARMY. He was deployed in North Africa and did missions in Italy and France. He was redeployed shortly after D-Day. 🦅🇺🇸
Tito and his anti fascist movement have been inspirational for many generations in the world. It’s background was communism, and you might not like that much, but it was the way to connect different nations on the Balkan and led them to live together in Yugoslavia. Tito’s chances to win this fight were minimal considering that he fought Nazis, Croatian nationalist nazi state (NDH), Serbian nationalists ( Cetniks), Italian fascist and other Nazi friendly neighbors. He started with a few revolutionaries and ended up with 800 thousands strong army in 1945. The next 45 years of Yugoslavia is a time when south Slavens lived in peace and prosperity putting their country on the world map. The country was on the way to became more democratic and politically modernized, but the Balkan tribes, especially Serbs hungry for domination, cut that dream short starting the war and killing old good Yugoslavia.
imagine taking a bunch of mountains and forests and acting like you've just destroyed fascism ,which was anyway fighting on 2 fronts by 1943 and on 3 fronts by 1944 , all the while with no support against 3 of the biggest world powers
@@RandomOperativeRightWing if it was that easy why couldnt anyone else just take a bunch of mountains and forests bro come on its so easy bro i do it all the time
@@poopfart4932 cope, you know it's true
@@RandomOperativeRightWing top ten best arguments in the world : cope
Even though I'm not from Eastern Europe, I have to admit you guys have great music.
Central and Southern Europe
Actually, a little known fact is that the first resistance (connected to the partisans and/or communists) formally and actually started in the Slovenian part of Yugoslavia - OF, Osvobodilna fronta was founded on 26th of april and the first armed action was on 29th of april. Druže, zajebo si infografiku.
Žal malo ljudi to ve izven Slovenije. Ampak glavno je to, da se mi tega zavedamo in da smo na naše borce ponosni :)
Ali jna je napraven u jedan bosanski seljo u istočne bosne
Jugoslovenska vojska u otadžbini je prva podigla ustanak.
@@blueeyeswhitedragon7787jebli te oni
I ve heard that germany had huge problem with fighting the partisans in serbia and croatia was very successfull, but here, germany controlled 90% of the serbian land until 44 and in croatia, more than a half is under control of partisans at 42
as an average Croat, i have some family relatives that were allies with germans in WW2, and others were part of partisan communist gerilla .. it was huge killing here in WW2.., mostly croats, serbs and others killing other croats, serbs and others .. in the end communists won.. maybe in WW2 they were "good side", but after war they ruined those countries
@Jackson Vermillion in the kindom of yugoslavia there was only poverty protests and half of the population couldnt read
@@TheAstralftw Pardon? Maybe Yugoslavia was not as prosperous as most capitalist countries at that time, but it was the most open and liberal socialist country of the era. Look at Croatia 25 years after their nationalists won them independence. What do you see? I mean, apart from huge choice of yoghurt flavours? ;)
@1 minute ustace was not better than yugoslavia
Serbia was occupied by the Germans because Serbs rebelled, while most other parts of Yugoslavia were not. Some parts joined the nazis (Slovenia, Croatia). First 50 and then 100 Serbs were killed for every killed German by Serbian resistance. One time, Germans could not find enough adult Serbs in the city to kill in retribution, so they went to school and took children. After that Serbian resistance decided to find another way to resist. In contrast, at the beginning of the war, Croatia took a part of today's Bosnia and Hercegovina and northern Serbia and became an independent Nazy state. Croats joined the Germans and the Germans gave them their state to govern. Naturally, it was easier for partisans to fight over there because Croats didn't have the recourses Germans did, it was impossible for them to apply the same methods of suppression Germans did since it was not so obvious who is the enemy, and unaccaseble terrain went in favor of partisans because they could effectively hide in maintains and retreat
My great grandfather and his brother was a Partisan. From 1939-1942 when he was 19 years old and then 1943-1945 to finish what they started 💪🏻
He spent time in a Croatian Nazi camp where his older brother used to protect him when they’d get beaten. Eventually escaping. At the end of all this, he got a piece from an explosion under his eye, which you could see. Also a bullet in his arm, which you could feel. As for his brother, he was a brave soldier (as also my great grandfather) he was sent for one more mission at the end of the war, in Kosovo and was killed by an Albanian.
The strongest men always die.
Salute to them
I know my Great Grandpa was in Partisanian parathrooper division although i dont know much about him
Sadly he was duped into fighting for the overlords of today. You've been fed many lies
@@baseballworldwide9439nope, he fought so he can be free from Nazi occupation.
Wow great work! :D
my grandpa was an albanian living in kosovo and eventhough he supported the nazi s at first beacuase they liberated the albanian people he quickly came to realize that they are horrible people and immedeatly joined the yugoslav partisans in usice and helped liberating belgrad and made it up to slovenia mustafa Citaku you will never be forgotten
He did the right thing. Respect for your grandfather's efforts and help liberating the country!
my great uncle (I'm not sure, complicated family stuff) fought as a partisan alongside my great grandfather, i have one of his medals. fun fact, my great-grandfathers brother was in the ustase, and he would occasionally help my great-grandfather, after the war he fled to Argentina and they never spoke again.
Ovu treću pjesmu nikad prije nisam čula. Baš šteta. Super je!
United against Fascism
Separated with Nationalism.
Sarajevo Mapper Quite ironic cuz Faschism is pretty much the same
Amar Ajrulla Its a little bit different. But you would get the point. Right?
I don't want to make an argument about it.
Sarajevo Mapper actually nationalism united at least whole balkans against allies so basically what you said it's not totally accurate
Jekusr Especially the Bosnians. The death toll for the Whole yugoslav wars including the kosovo conflicts is about 133000.
The Bosnians make up for 100000 of those deaths.
Here is what Nationalism did to us from Balkans:
-Rise of Independent state of Croatia in ww2 and genocide against Serbs.
-Start of war between brotherly countries and people.
-Destruction of Yugoslavia and prosperity in general.
And now despite being a small, corrupted and poor states some people still force nationalism.
I did now know about this uprising. As early as 1941. It must have taken considerable resources from Germany trying to fight those partisans. Nice video.
22 German divisions (500.000men)were tied down fighting the Yugoslav partisans from 1942 onwards.
They launched 7 full scale offensives against them . The 5 offensives were aimed at destroying the whole partisan force but after the fifth one in 1943( If you're interested Google battle of Sutjeska) the partisans grew far to strong to destroy. After the Italians surrendered in August of that year things turned around because the partisans captured huge amounts of weapons during there surrender and they liberated large parts of they're former occupation territory mobilizing huge amount of people into their army.
By the end of 1943 the army had over 300.000 men that were far better equipped as the allies begane to supply them whit additional war materials.
British general sir Harold Alexander was reported saying that the Yugoslav army was the only army in ww2 that had their own independent front.
Fun fact they were the built there own air force and navy from stolen aircraft and from fishing boats but they were highly effective
God, I love how smooth the animation of this one is compared to the average animated maps. Do I also need to mention I love it when it's a little dot moving across the map to find refuge? Would love to see the same things done with, say, Mao's Long March in a Chinese theater map.
Speaking of which, anyone can tell me what happened from 1:11 with the dot escaping from Montenegro to join the resistance in Croatia?
I only know that the name of attack on partisans was "Operation Trio", or "Third enemy's operation".
Partisan Long March
Tito fleeing
My great grandfather was sent to Kosovo by Italians to get executed for being a communist, he somehow escaped and then 2 years later, there was someone who didn't really like him so that person said something to the Partisans and they were gonna execute him but the thing that happened 2 years before that saved him
The Yugoslav partisans make me proud of being from there every day.
who would win?
Countries who took control of almost all of Europe
Some partisans in the Balkans
Some partisans?Its 2 milion Yugoslav partisans!
@Syndrome nope the first revolution happend in montenegro it was centered mostly in bosnia
@Syndrome ok got it
The Red Army of millions of soldiers and tens of thousands of tanks, guns, mortars and aircraft.
@@VersusARCH +
dobar video brate pozdrav iz Hrvatske
КРЛЕ X Zar to nije malo previše agresivno?
Hrvatski video: doslovno novi balkanski rat
Jugoslavenski video: DE SI BRATE
@@dalmatiaball7687 pretty blessed tbh
evo meme jedan: hitler pita rumunjsku sto je sa staljingradom
rumunjska: sve je u redu mi smo dobri
hico: kako italijo stojis sa afrikom?
italija: koja afrika?
Great video!Keep up the good work!Long life Yugoslavia!Long life Serbia!
Hitman_ yugoslavia is dead for about 26 years
No sh*t
Българ Иранист [Нимрод Пилев] Nice try Palasovski
Lol you are a disgrace to the Vergina Sun
MLGabriel99 Croat-Bosniak brotherhood against chetnik scums like in 1995.
My both grandparents were partisans. One was imprisoned by italian fascists on an island and later taken to italy to prison. Survived and never said anything bad about italians!
My great grandfather became a yugoslavian partisan back in 1943, because his hole family was killed by the ustaše army. He fought in the yugoslavian partisans from 1943-45 and achieved around 5-6 medals as how i know. In 1943 his first battle were in istra and in slovenian alps which is were he was from. He then later in 1944 was liberation Bosnia and Croatia, and in 1945 he fought in the liberation of zagreb, he died in 2009 a year before i was born, great story from what i heard from my grandpa! Another great grandpa was an Ustaša and executed serbs in a village in solin. He killed around 10-15 serbs but in 1945 got away with his war crimes, both of my great grandpas had different stories because ustaše were most likely to be in cities such as split or Rijeka in croatia
The Ustashas never saw Rijeka even in their dreams.
Great idea. Well, we have different information about partisans ( I told about my WWII ) . I think, I have mistakes :) Great video, thanks for this.
Endless love to the Yugoslav people from Russia.
Blagoslovi vas Bog, bratja!
1:40 you know that stuff is gonna go seriously when Montenegro got rekt
we didnt got rekt we just needed to regroup
Yugoslavs managed to liberate Yugoslavia before the Red Army and that's why the idependent Yugoslavia could exist. Sadly, we Poles couldn't make it before the Red Army. Both Poland and Yugoslavia were communist but Yugoslavia could decide about herself and Poland couldn't. Our nation suffered because of a red executioner. Yugoslavia did something that we couldn't. Glory to Yugoslavia! Glory to all nations of Yugoslavia! They are one of the most brave nations in the world. Slava!
Rebels in Zara and Istria were at max Italian partisans since they were mostly ethnic italians before tito deported or killed them amazing video for the rest and the quality of the animation !
*slovenian* anti-fascist movement throughout eastern italy
the upper class was italian, like german was in kärnten
the majority in the countryside was slovenian still.
I'll give you that the italians were overlords of the area though, that's why so many people still claim it
If we where allied like this nowadays 🇧🇦🇽🇰🇷🇸🇭🇷 from Bosnia
yea except remove that flag between Bosnia and Serbia
Ummmm 🇸🇮🇲🇰🇲🇪
2:31 did they seriously avoid entering albania?
because albania is scary
@@LonacSneed Because there were Albanian partisans lead by Enver Hoxha at that time so that's why they didn't enter.
after the capitulation of germany and fall of berlin, the war in slovenia was still going on. last in europe and then in 1991 first war in europe
We Turks slavs and muslims fought against fascists together I wish we lasted that friendship and unity longer
@slovene ball muslims defended your country in ww1 ...
@@michaelmyers5310 The Bosnian SS and Iraq he means. But not only muslims, even indians.
@@shelbyisa I'm Indian and sorry for that.
My grate grand father was a partisan in Ukraine and he was a hero because he took a german officer alive and took him to the high command. One day before partisans who tried to take this officers were catched and germans cut their tongues and their eyes and left them dying(((
Long live the heroes, the partisans, the soldiers who fought for liberation behind the frontlines. We will remember them and their legacy! Siamo tutti antifascisti !
Sia partigiani sia nazi-fascisti e gli alleati sono criminali!
Red Bavaria if killing italian civilians because they've italian it's liberation then the world is really fucked up
+Teiku - P actually since 476 A.D. the world fucked up...
And anyway this is not the one "liberation" that got civilian murdered, 4 example italian unification, etc...
Teiku- P Oh the poooor fascists....
(Not really)
Red Bavaria poor fascist? they were not fascist, they were civilian, they were just innocent civilian who got killed by fucking commie barbarians
There is only one thing more ferocious than Slavs fighting each other over ancient grievances and that is Slavs standing together united, fighting against foreign invaders of their homeland.
We need that back in days of EU
That's why the westerners decided to do everything to make them hating each other.
Divide et impera at It's best!!!
Slavs haven't united since the 600s
Where is the sound?
WW2 never ended for Yugoslavia, it just changed the actors!We fought Nazis from all over,in and around, then Stalin, we became the most successful socialist society and the West had to punish us,turned brother against brother and created hatred between nationalities by embracing one people and dissing the most populous Serbs! I lived in New York City since 84 and probably, actually surely would've been back home, but because I am still a Yugoslav at heart and hate nationalism, like my dad and his dad,my mom and her dad,did hate hateful people who are now the majority! I remember the brotherhood of people and was proud to be a part of that,would have given my life to protect it,but what happened was a shame on all sides! I am one of few who feels this way and here in NYC have friends who are from all parts of Yugoslavia and among us,like minded , our difference never comes up !
Then why not vote Communist Party and reunite again?
One word:Stalin.
Im born in the bronx and grew up in brooklyn , I agree in america were more together we dont care about what religion you are because we speak the same language etc makes us together. Back in the motherland they have hatred for nothing
My grandfather was 12 years old when the war in his country started. His older brothers joined the partisans, and unfortunately, one of them froze to death, but he knew what he was fighting for.
Bihać, November 26/27, 1942, the First Session of AVNOJ was held. At the end of 1942 and the beginning of 1943, the Anti-Fascist Council of the People's Liberation of Yugoslavia Bihać became the center of the armed struggle of the people of Yugoslavia. The liberation of Bihać on November 4, 1942, was a relevant historical act of great importance for further directions and the fate of the anti-fascist struggle.
As the center of the "Bihać Republic", which was created by merging the previously liberated territories of Bosnian Krajina whose area was larger than Belgium and Switzerland.
What is name of this song of 2:48-3:36
@Стари Сремац oh ok
When Bulgaria switched sides in 1944, Bulgarian armies along with Red army drew Germans out of Yugoslavia. Bulgarians went to Hungary where they won a tough battle at Drava river.
1:13 I know it was a dark run but partizants are just brrrrr to croatia
USSR: Well, hello there.
In Yugoslavia, Soviets only liberated Vojvodina. Partisans liberated the rest
Uz Maršala Tita!!!
Nikad u zivotu
Yugo Mapper death to yugoslavia!
Marko Ilic Nikad ne reci nikad ;-)
Teiku- P Fuck you idiot! Fucking NATO 😈 Glory Yugoslavia!
you should make a video of ww2 in yugoslavia (and some years after the war)showing not only the partisan teritories,but also chetnik,Lovćen brigade,ZBOR,SDS,white guard,balists,muslim army,ustashe etc.,not only gray background
it would be very good to show all the events happening
and even as i said,fights after the war which occured through all of yugoslavia until mid 50s
Absolutely worth the wait, such a good video, only thing that bugs me is at the end you put Trieste under Yugoslavia which it never was, sadly.
Dalmatia is Italian territory?nope,it's Croatian,and Croatia belongs to Yugoslavia!
Orion P you just said the same thing as him but with Italy, complaining about territory
O r i o n Istria and Dalmatian aren't Italien, just Trieste. But Triste has many Slovenes and Croats too. :)
@@zempov Istria was populated mainly by Italians, although slavs were many, too.
@BANANKO the whole west coast plus some cities on the east
two my grand grandfather was a partisan one slaved away in novi sad and other in kocani one of them got released by germans(because of their origin of turkish as they say we were turks in macedonia) but thanks to tito life was great for everybody
1:16 "Regroup team".
1:24 what's the song called?
With marsal tito
Uz maršala Tita
With marshal Tito
1:17-1:20 Can someone explain me what the hell is this???
Withdrawal tactics.
cat and mouse
Known as the Igman march or the second offensive where the partisans from montenegro retarted to link up with other partisan forces it was a sucess but at a very high cost
I didn't know may had 1415 days
Kako mrzim sto se mi Srbi, Hrvati i Bosnjaci jos uvek svadjamo a nikako da se sprijateljimo posle svih ovih godina...
Zato sto ljudi zive u proslosti jer su primitivne majmuncine.
@@user-vy2hv5pp7k Kaze neko ko ima petokraku kao profilnu i naziva sebe komisar. Ocigledno je da i ti zivis u proslosti,i to u veoma sramnoj za nas narod.
@@SnakeP1tPoetry Pogledaj svoje ime i sliku stari, nakon sve prolivene bratske krvi ti idalje imas potrebu za mrznjom.
I never really heard about them until now....
im really disappointed that Macedonia is not in that animation they were a part of Yugoslavia on 11 of October the partisans of Macedonia also launched a massive attack in they were late because of a short delay of weapons etc they also freed all of Macedonia the army that formed was 110,000 soldiers and was the first Macedonian army huge mistake bro
- Don`t worry my brother, we know who have died for our freedom...
Macedonia is fcking greek
@@rellosapostolos2266 no it's Bulgarian!
@@promeneuzivotu117 Its greek maybe varadaska is yours but macedonia is greek
@@rellosapostolos2266 ye ye go get a life mate lmao
Can I make a slight correction? The last battle in Europe was the battle of Odžak in bosnia, it ended may 25th it was between partizans and Croatian forces but the Yugoslav state didn’t release the details until 1971 bc though Yugoslavia won it, the casualties on the Yugoslav side were huge, wiki says10.000-12.000 and only against under 2000 croats
The reason you may have listed that other battle as the last is probably because it was the last to start considering odžak lasted about a month long
my great grandfather fought in ww2 as a partisan and was wounded, after war, he got really well paid every first day of the month
I salute to you for doing such an outstanding job! One of the best videos of it's kind! Again, GREAT JOB! And greetings from Montenegro! :D
lmao what was that little chase a t 1:17?
It was operation trio ..large combinated offensive by Germans,Italians and nazi ustase..after partisans could not hold territory they widrow 2 other
partisan territory in the west
cat and mouse
hahahahaah i didnt saw it hahahah man its so funny
What was going on, in the battle at Sutjeska river (German "operation Schwarz") Nazis were trying to kill partizans' leader Tito, he managed to escape to eastern/central Bosnia, and the partisan forces recovered. British envoy to the partizans, F. W. D. Deakin went through it and wrote a book ("The Embattled Mountain"), it is an interesting and enlightening book about political and guerrilla warfare for anyone interested in the topic.
Nice video 👌
Good video, but you had to say that there were Macedonian Partisans in Aegean Macedonia.
Song name pls
1st song "Internationale in serbian or croatian",2nd song ''Uz marsala Tita'', 3rd song "Zabruje tako pjesme znane"
But there was uprising in Croatia, around city of Sisak on 22. june 1941. Why you didn't include it on map?
1:12 moment and few seconds after were incredible
Odlično odrađeno, braćo! :D
Germany: ok I took over Yugoslavia now its time to divide it---
partisans: how about no
3:05 game over
First, and nice video as always. Keep up the great work!
There's a mistake: Trieste was never part of Yugoslavia.
It was taken by the Yugoslav partizans before the Alies, after that the Italians demanded it back, wile the Yugoslavia refused, and it became a free city, before the UN awarded it to Italy.
Dain II IronfootKing Under The Mountain
Yes, sorry, now I see it's 1946, not 1947, the year the Free Territory of Trieste was created.
Southern Trieste was part and is still part of Croatia and Slovenia. :)
@@PartyCube77 it's not southern Trieste, it's istria
What sources did you use when making this video? And what exactly does this show, partisan activity or partisan control. Because I am pretty sure that there were no partisan enclaves in Bulgarian held territory.
There's an entire Wikipedia page of anti-Bulgarian resistance in World War 2:
It's not an authoritative source, sure, but it still suggests that there was some liberated enclaves as far back as 1942 in Bulgarian-held Macedonia.
Leonnatus Chouan if you read it you will see that it says that the enclaves were in Albanian/Italian occupied territories not in any Bulgarian zone.
Well, it does say Mount Kozuf, which straddles German-occupied Aegean Macedonia and Bulgarian-occupied Vardar Macedonia, was in partisan hands by the end of 1943. And the city of Kratovo temporarily fell in the Spring of 1944. Before that, it doesn't explicitly say all enclaves were in Italian-occupied areas either, only the ones that were listed, which probably wasn't an exhaustive list. It does mention that some cities in Bulgarian-territory, such as Gevgalija and Kumanovo, were strongholds of the partisan units in the summer of 1943.
Leonnatus Chouan
Yes a mountain top on the border of Greece for a few weeks in the winter and the city of Kratovo for 3 days. Far far different from what was shown in the video.
It says that partisan groups were formed in the region of Kumanovo and Gevgelija not that they captured the cities.
It makes no sense for there to have been enclaves in Bulgarian held territories as they would have been crushed the moment they ware found just like it happened in Kratovo.
marianmgm Partisans fucked up Germans,Bulgarians would be piece of cake for them. :)
Nek postoji nova Jugoslavija!
1:18 They are chasing each other😂😂😂
zivila jugoslavija
amazing video
please make one for greece if you have the time
Moj pradeda se borio u bitci na Neretvi Vidjen je tamo sa Titom.Sada imam čamac sa crvenom zvijezdom i srpom i čekićem po njemu. On je tada pogubio stotine ljudi koji su bili ratni zločinci i borili se protiv nas.Ponosan sam što je moj pradeda upoznao najvećeg maršala Tita i zabavljali su se i barem ja imam uspomenu na njega 1909-2010 je živio. Živjeli partizani!❤💪💪
i like how its so random it looks like it was made up but there is some story behind all that stuff
There were albanian Partisan too
Greetings to Yugoslav comraded
My grandmother and my grand - grandmother died the exact same second in Užice, during bombing by German forces. I grew up in Yugoslavia, a proud Yugoslavian, teaching my children what Yugoslavia was. I will die as Jugoslovenka.
Super,svaka čast brate