John Stevenson 0 seconds ago I became Muslim from watching Shaykh Uthman videos and I have been following him as my primary source of knowledge. What I love about Shaykh Uthman is that he is not only a caller to Islam but he is also a scholar. Top that off with patience of a saint and manners of a true gentleman and you have SHAYKH UTHMAN THE LEGEND!
@@jared2244 Condsending, aren't we!? - we all know common logic doesn't dictate truth 'cause to each their own logic and here Mr. smart we're talking sanity/logic and truth are most certainly for the majority of us individual's worst enemy!
@@sufiansaeed9412 why throw it away??there are lots of thing that similar to Quran and we believe on those stuff.Muslims just trying to point out the christians that's a corrupted bible not directly from Jesus(pbuh) they want to follow. If you love Jesus, Quran is the Book to give you direction because It's a filteration of truth.
I can show you the contradiction :) it’s very simple. 1. Is Moses a Navi? 2. He listed in Leviticus to only eat things with scales and fins. Ishmael eats lobster and crabs lol. In the last book of Moses it says not to add or change one letter in the Torah, Muslims use the new and the teachings of Muhammad…. Ccccc combo breaker
I’m sooooooo ashamed of this supposed Christian so disrespectful no wonder I’m looking into converting my self!!!!!!! The more I listen the more I realise that Allah is the only true way and the Curran is the only book that has not been cur opted and that’s coming from a Polish Christian that was raised on going to church every Sunday!!!!!!! I can’t wait until I accept Allah in my heart!!!! Thank you for opening my eyes!!!!!
When your Iman is going low go to look at the minor signs the “mountain of gold” has been found and there is a shadow on the Kaaba and right now there is a huge clock tower towering over the Kaaba and will create shadows they have built dajjals temple and now two minor signs left I believe it’s the black flags of khorasan and imam Mahdi
Please brother don't say 3 hyenas, as hyenas are scavengers, they attack either on dead or on those who are near to dead. Our beloved Sheikh is alhamdullilah a living legend not a dead.
لَقَدْ جِئْنَاكُم بِالْحَقِّ وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَكُمْ لِلْحَقِّ كَارِهُونَ Indeed We have brought the truth, to you, but most of you have a hatred for the truth Quran 43:78 Hearts are sealed
by their fruit ye shall know them, whether they are arabs and non arabs with blind faith, even they refuse their holy book as a proof. Seeing they see not, hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
@@human7491 most white christians are very ignorant to the teachings in the bible and christianity. American white christians are mostly cultural christians who celebrate christmans, easter, etc and go to church on Sundays. They dont have much knowledge about their own religion
The Arab Christin guy was an Iraqi guy, unfortunately many of them are hateful and blame what happened to Christians by ISIS and Alqaida القاعدة on all Muslims, but they ignore the fact that these terrorist organizations killed more Muslims than any other religion especially in Iraq 🇮🇶. Most of these Iraqi Christians were pro Saddam Hussein and served in his palaces and in his Secret police. After 2003 many of them fled the country and came to the US under the falls reason of persecution where in reality they were afraid of being caught.
@@northernrebel1402 good finding bro, but what can we expect when christians themselves doesn't believe the bible said 17:40 like this white guy said "who gives a shit" to their own bible?
What a lion he debated so much people on his own. It gives me so much love for the prophets who debated whole countries on their own for the sake of allah swt
@The Nour way Pharaoh wouldn’t even be able to touch Musa (as) even if he were to summon every single creature to attack Musa. Why? Sufficient is Allah as a protector
I grew up in a Christian family,I give praise to shaykh uthman work and dedication and humbleness to open our eyes and to clear our heads to understand what we read, I pray to understand what I don't and pray Allah guides me with clear understanding.
May Allah ﷻ guide you and maintain you and all of us steadfast on the straight path. Btw, if you have any question about Islam, I'll try my best to help Insha'Allah (by the will of Allah ﷻ).
Come to a religion of 2 billion Muslims who will be your new FAMILY, that’s the one thing that separates Islam from any other, THE BROTHERHOOD, also Allah will love you and forgive your sins(: may Allah aid u bro.
All Christian missionary member : It is in your quran. Muslim : Here is the Quran. Show me where ? All Christian missionary member : I cannot. I donot know where . But I know it is in the Quran.
لَقَدْ جِئْنَاكُم بِالْحَقِّ وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَكُمْ لِلْحَقِّ كَارِهُونَ Indeed We have brought the truth, to you, but most of you have a hatred for the truth Quran 43:78
I couldn't stop myself from writing this after watching several videos of UTHMAN. He's a legend. I'm amazed how bravely he stands there and how politely he responds. If I was there I would punch everyone in their face for their ignorance and fear of losing. Those who are intelligent, see the straight path of Islam. Just tell them one ALLAH sent one religion and Islam is the latest version. Only an ignorant will keep the older version(which is also changed) of Islam.
@@Mardark-e4sjust believe Jesus dies on the cross & you have a free pass to do anything . There is no such thing called sins in Christianity. Everything is allowed. Everything. Literally !
12:20 Christian preacher: I don't care what it says Sheikh: so you don't care about the bible? Christian preacher: I do care about the bible. Me: absolutely confused 😕
Christians: ''we will make a counter argument and then we will not give you a chance to explain as we will keep interrupting you. All while saying you are wrong, as we lie and won't let you clarify our misconception.''
@@rockinflemingo3075 I'm Catholic. And even if I worshipped Odin it's better than that pedo who slaughtered thousands of innocent people. You know who I'm on about. 😄
I have not seen any Christians or other religion supporter can stand against Islam. Shame everyone who knows the truth but closes eyes. You only need one honest heart to understand Quran. That's all. Only when you put Quran in your life, everything make sense. It's that much beautiful. It's that much logical and pure. Thank you for your all efforts. You inspire us.
Alhamdulillah for Islam. Not based on emotions, just logic and clear proofs. Ya Rabb preserve Sheikh Uthman and bestow your mercy upon him and upon your believing slaves 🤲🏽
@@soldier2297 I know you think you're so big and mighty but newsflash, the Earth belongs to Allah (the Most High). Go tell your leaders to stop interfering in other countries and to return the wealth they stole. There are plenty of muslims who were born in "Christian lands" (and I use that term lightly). There are also plenty of people who were born in "Christians lands" who reverted to Islam - me being one of them. Praise be to Allah. God willing I'll move to a muslim majority country. This "Christian land" is more like the land of satan.
Shaykh Uthman is the OG of dawah. Being patient at all times, but can be vicious when in need. Truly a role model. Jazakallah sheikh. You represent Islam splendidly ! Greetings from Indonesia 🇮🇩
The amount of harshness and coarseness Shaykh Uthman has to go through from some harsh Christians and haters is massive. It's unbelievable how Allah gave him the perfect blend of knowledge, patience, and intellectual strength to tackle every situation.
Teachers need a great deal of patience to teach schoolchildren. And bro Uthman is as good as they come, SubhaanAllah. May Allah bless him. Some children don’t know how to behave lol
Just finished watching it. The last dude and others who choose to be rude and impolite (don’t wanna stoop down and call them names) won’t dare to behave like that if they face another gangsta with street mentality. And that’s not the way of the merciful people. I hope they’re not there just to instigate daiys and brothers won’t fall into the trap. May Allah protect
As a Muslim who lives in a Christian community you have to know that these people don’t read their own Bible but they just go to church and whatever the priest is telling them they will just take it and go home without any reading whatsoever and that’s the main reason why they get scared the moment you show them a Bible.
@@armsie100 nah man, just the murtads. They never read the Quran, went to night clubs and got accustommed to the western hookup culture and haram lifestyle. When they're shown how the religion their predecessors followed threatens the western values they had internalized over the last 20 years, they get upset. Then they "denounce" the religion they were never a part of in the first place, since they had internalized western values.................. last 20 years they learned to talk like a westerner, behave like a westerner, eat and drink like a westerner, dressup like a westerner, look like a westerner, date, hookup and do zina like a westerner. Quite sad what they have become. They let their western masters colonize their minds via "ideological subversion". Now when you try to show them logic, they counter logic with raw emotion.
Omg dealing with these people is just a headache, you’re doing a really hard job sheikh Othman, may allah gives you the power and patient to spread the dawah for all people
May Allah protect him. Just think how the prophet (peace be upon him) struggled back then when he was given dawa alone, and all Arabia were against him and trying to kill him and planning to destroy him day and night! May Allah guide us and make us of the people of Jannah with the prophet peace be upon him 💜
But he has to educate his son (if that’s his son) In the beginning he said “His body died, so part of God died”. A big, yet understandable misconception which even Christians themselves mistake about often. In christian theology, the body of Christ is not truly God, so God doesn’t die. You may think things like “but they say God died for us”, but this has one reason, namely: “the communication of idiom” In this we render attributes of one nature to the whole while it only belongs to that one nature. Let’s say: “Mike bleeds”, yet Mikes body bleeds not his soul or “Mike lays in his grave”, but his soul isnt there, that while Mike is only truly Mikes soul since that is the identity of a person. Hence, the divine nature in Christ is truly divine and the human nature truly (and only) human, these two dont mix. And coz of this rule a christian can say “God died”, eventho only the human body died which is not truly divine
@@hollowdriller670 What I said is orthodox (established by the Early Church) theology, and I didn’t say that all christians don’t know it. It is just that a lot of laymen christians are wrong about it
I am worried for the safety of my brother, may Allah protect him and his team from all harm, I would happily stand by him at all times he's in the park to make sure he's safe. But unfortunately I liv in another continent and all I could do is offer him my Dua'a.
6:05 Surah Al-Baqarah (2:133). The context is a conversation about his lineage and faith: Arabic: وَوَصَّىٰ بِهَآ إِبْرَٰهِيمُ بَنِيهِ وَيَعْقُوبُ يَٰبَنِىَّ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ ٱصْطَفَىٰ لَكُمُ ٱلدِّينَ فَلَا تَمُوتُنَّ إِلَّا وَأَنتُم مُّسْلِمُونَ Transliteration: Wa wassaa bihaaa Ibraaheemu baneehi wa Ya'qoob; yaa baniyya innal laahas tafaa lakumud deena falaa tamootunna illaa wa antum muslimoon. Translation: "And Ibrahim instructed his sons and [so did] Ya'qub, [saying], 'O my sons, indeed Allah has chosen for you this religion, so do not die except while you are Muslims.'” Also check surah baqarah ( Al-Imran (3:52): Arabic: فَلَمَّا أَحَسَّ عِيسَىٰ مِنْهُمُ ٱلْكُفْرَ قَالَ مَنْ أَنصَارِىٓ إِلَى ٱللَّهِۖ قَالَ ٱلْحَوَارِيُّونَ نَحْنُ أَنصَارُ ٱللَّهِۖ ءَامَنَّا بِٱللَّهِ وَٱشْهَدْ بِأَنَّا مُسْلِمُونَ Transliteration: Falamma ahassa 'Isa minhumul kufra qaala man ansaareee ilal laah; qaalal Hawaariyyoona nahnu ansaarul laah; aamannaa billaahi washhad bi annaa muslimoon. Translation: "When Jesus sensed disbelief from them, he said, 'Who are my helpers in the cause of Allah?' The disciples said, 'We are helpers of Allah. We believe in Allah, so bear witness that we have submitted (to Him as Muslims).'" Also check out surah baqarah (2:128) when abraham and his son ismail are making supplications to allah they say "Our Lord, make us Muslims [in submission] to You and [raise] from our descendants a Muslim nation [in submission] to You. And show us our rites and accept our repentance. Indeed, You are the Accepting of Repentance, the Merciful."
When I see this Sheikh's patience for calling people towards guidance... The only thing I could think of right now is, only God knows what the Prophet went through when he calls his people to Islam !
Sheikh is not only strong in emaan but strong mentally the way he stood his ground. Immensely respectable character. The christian man looks largely racist as though he has issues with Islam and Muslims may allah guide him to seek truth. How are Muslims intolerant? We don't back down in our religion for NO ONE. At the same time we treat ALL people with manners and decency. But if you're tolerant of everything, you stand for NOTHING.
@@Puppeteer1453 actually the only correct way to write it is قرآن. Using any other alphabet, just write it however it is understandable: qur'aan quran coran koran. It's all the same
Wow I’m proud as Malaysian when Sheikh recognised my country Thank you Sheikh for your dakwah I’ll pray to Allah for all the people that giving dakwah all over the world including Sheikh Uthmanand his group in America that they always in the protection of Allah S.W.T. Amin
Guy: *has the audacity to call Sheikh Uthman contradictory and arrogant* Also guy: *is upset that he got interrupted by Sheikh Uthman’s son but has no problem interrupting Sheikh; says he doesn’t care what’s in the bible then says he does care the bible; calls the Quran arrogant while he himself doesn’t want to consider Sheikh’s arguments* certified bruh moment right here
I think it speaks volumes that a supposed Christian will call the Bible bull**** like he did but a true Muslim never would even though we believe the modern Bible has been corrupted.
@@ibnmianal-buna3176 lets us not judge a christian with some people who is a bad christian brother, i believe there is some christian that still open minded, that insyaallah will guided to the truth
@@fajarkurniawan3282 prior to watching this video, i watched one by one true message foundation which was also about a christian guy asking on the Jesus pbuh was a muslim statement saying it was confrontational. However, unlike the people in this video, the young man was much more open and had a fruitful conversation with the Muslim brother that they parted on good terms Alhamdulillah.
"You cannot show me in my book, I can show you in your book"...sheikh uthman, that was fire 🔥 😂. SubhanAllah the truth of Islam always puts the arrogant and preachers of falsehood in their place
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh...I'm from Indonesia...who said Indonesia as muslims majority are intolerance country...we even have 5 religion here...and we living in's really an honor when Syekh Uthman mention Indonesia as one of Islam Country that you remember ❤️
You haven’t dealt with people on anything serious? Also the street talk is totally different than office atmosphere chat where boss or HR breathing down on ya neck and money/respect/rank is on the line.
Masha Allah Alhamdulillah, Subhanallah ...after watching this clip, I am reminded again just how precious is guidance from Allah... Those whose hearts have been sealed, would refuse to see the truth even when it's presented right in front of their eyes..
The prophet had people beating him cursing him and throwing sand at him while he was praying and preaching and he never fought anyone or swore or curse anyone and didnt even get revenge when could have , thats not akhla9 of a muslim to do that especially when preaching
I love this Sheikh for the sake of Allah! ❤️ How many of us are on the streets giving dawah like the Prophets (Peace be upon them) did? He is indeed a gem in the Ummah. May Allah preserve him!
@@randomguy6974 Could you quotes from your bible (pls state which version(s)) that jesus asked himself to be worshipped? In addition, could you explain the concept of trinity? God (Jesus) + Father + Holy spirit = 1 God ? 1+1+1=3 not 1.
@@randomguy6974 Philippians 2 10: that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11: and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. So my question is who is god? Is it God, Father or Holy Spirit? Could you quote me from your version of the bible(s) that Jesus asked himself to be worshipped? Philippians 2:10-11 did not quote Jesus himself saying that he is god and he himself has to be worshipped.
@@randomguy6974 When stating that Islam is anti christ, do quote from the Quran and show exactly where it is mentioned. Not just based on what you think. What is your intention of spewing such comment? Did you read chapter 19 of the Quran, a surah about Maryam as (Mary)? Btw, we love all of our prophets including Isa as (Jesus). Peace. Read. Stay away from hate for it causes you to have an unpleasant feeling in your heart. 👍
@@randomguy6974 💫Az-Zukhruf 43:59 He [i.e., Jesus] was not but a servant upon whom We bestowed favor, and We made him an example for the Children of Israel. 💫Az-Zukhruf 43:61 And indeed, he [i.e., Jesus] will be [a sign for] knowledge of the Hour, so be not in doubt of it, and follow Me. This is a straight path.
WOW, I have never heard a Christian minister use such foul language. It's too easy to condemn him. So let's represent Islam by asking Allah to grant him some manners, and then lift the veil of ignorance off of him so he can acknowledge the mistakes of his faith and book, and embrace the truth. Ameen.
@@randomguy6974 It's a booth set up in a neutral area where people from other faiths are doing the same. People come by for information. If people are not interested, they do not have to stop by. No one is being approached and preached to.
@@randomguy6974 hmm so you are telling me you support this christian minister in the video? He is screaming and cussing? While the sheikh is respectfull? Damn, you have no morals because you support screaming en cussing over respect.
Respected sir, never knew you were a pukhtoon besides being such a brave Muslim... may Allah SWT raise your status in both the worlds... Ameen.. so proud of you Alhamdulillah...
Great debating skills. Make a claim with no evidence, such as all Muslim countries are intolerant, and when someone lists Muslim countries which are tolerant, tell them to shut up. This is how you persuade people about your religion 👏
They lost the argument thus their ego is scarred. It's only their arrogance that kept them from thinking clear. Hope all of them will receives hidayah from Allah swt.
Man...Dawah is difficult. It really is. I dont know how Sheikh Uthman keeps himself from punching the stupidity, arrogance and rudeness out of these people. May Allah bless all the people that are sincerely doing Dawah and May Allah reward them all including Shekh Uthman immensely in this life and the hereafter.
Because if he does then that wouldn't be Dawah anymore would it? we're meant to share and deliver a message, whether they believe it and how they react to it is their business, obviously unless they attack you then that's another subject.
As a person who is born in Malaysia, this Christian man clearly never been to any Islamic country. We have multiple races (Malay, Chinese, Indian, Indonesian, even there are some English (US and UK)), multiple religions (Islam, Christian, Buddha, Hindu) live peacefully in Malaysia. We even have Mosques, Chinese Temples, Indian Temples, Churches in every states. I believe Malay people is the most tolerant race in the world. Alhamdulillah, we can live peacefully and respect each other. Feel free to visit Malaysia. We are welcoming you 😁
The whole world will be against u when u spread the truth. But don't worry , Allah is always with the people who stand towards the truth. This is what we see with the dawah of Sheik. 🙂
I just wanna remind all the none muslim. You can't win from the truth. The truth will always prevail. That's why no matter how you debated the Sheikh, he still wins.
The truth of Allah Az Zawjal wins falsehood perish. Make Du'aa for the Sheikh and his Dawah , May Allah Az Zawjal increases his knowledge, forgive his short coming, bless and protect him.
Anyhow ...i believe that we still need to respect on what they were believe...whether they want to accept or not ..that's their own choice...UNLESS they start being rude...then we can't tolerate ..
I am so amazed at Sheikh Uthmans Sabr and good character. Inshaallah we can all learn from him. I was brought up Catholic and honestly, never did we study the bible in CCD classes! You basically believe because your Catholic and your family is Catholic. ALHUMDULILAH I had the open mind to listen. I do remember when I was first told Jesus was not crucified I felt, no way, no way..but Alhumdulilah I used my brain and all the evidences I could not deny. This man breaks my heart because of his arrogance.
Alhamdulillah.. hidayah or guidance is in Allah's hands. Hes the only one can open our heart or not, as long as we sincere to find Him. May Allah bless you sister
اشاءلله، الله، الحمد لله،،، Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, that with tears of joy a servant who wants to think about making Islam a mercy lil alamin / mercy to the entire world "the world and the hereafter" that is how very expensive and most valuable a convert wants to emigrate to pick up guidance that there is no comparison with this world and its contents, because God has chosen them like a newborn baby in a state that is still pure and clean from sin, on the contrary to the infidels / non-Muslims, as in the days of prophet muses and prophet jesus that God has warned and threatened you humans. unbelievers dholim, do not waste the opportunity that is only once in your lifetime that is given by Allah, then use the eyes of your heart, your logic to think rationally / not with dogma & doctrine to worship the devil's idol, before death comes to pick you up without knowing distance, space and time. then regret later when you have experienced the pain of death, the torment of the grave, and the doom of hell until eternal life ️
I can’t stop watching these…. Just wanted to thank you again for introducing this beautiful message to me… I want to take my shahada (sp?) soon… I just want to make sure I do it right, as there are very limited Islam resources in my area…
You are already a Muslim in your heart. You submitted yourself to the will of Allah. You just have to say “ashadu Allah ilaha illalaAllah, wa ashadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasulohu” and get to know the Quran and act on those verses not just believe in it but also take actions
This is why I avoid these people. They get incredibly hostile and you can't tell them anything. Lahi lahi illallah. I'm so happy I reverted and keep my distance from the others.
He has proven to be a fool and reckless..with all due respect to honorable Christians. Brother Othman, all we have to do is pray for you that Allah supports you, protects you, and takes care of you and all your loved ones. We envy you (with love) for your determination and striving in the cause of God. You are truly Allah's men.. Islam's knights. May Allah bless you..
I am a PROUD MALAYSIAN. The Hindus, Buddhists, Christians can practice their religion as they please. There is very much tolerance towards non-Islamic faiths. We live in peace and harmony.
MasyaAlloh Tabarakallah ... I'm from Indonesia, i don't know why, but i always cry watching shaikh Uthman with such a great effort handle people like the tall guy ... Barakallah sheikh ... Salute and respect ...
Brother Uthman is on the frontlines doing dawah may Allah accept his efforts . This is a very dangerous job to do knowing there are psychos and haters walking around. Peace to brother uthman 100% respect !!
Ouch this poor Cristian, I'm lost for words, his denying everything that was clearly shown to him, May Allah protect you brother Uthman heart of a Lion
Don’t you ever tell to our sheikh to shut up ,when you think you know the Qur‘an and the Bible without looking in the books May Allah reward the Sheikh ❤❤
The Massih ALSO means, The Messenger, or a person who will give a message, or a leader. For example, a normal King in those days, was also called a Massih.
The only unforgivable sin is to worship god beside the Creator God ( Allah) Never worship a man Never worship creatures (Jesus or any ) Jesus Never said himself" I am God or worship me" Jesus Said 👇 "God is One, Worship the Lord your God " Jesus said" Father. only the true God" , 👇 Allah stated " I'm the only God , I'm One, No Trinity" Allah accepts only his final revelation " Islam" MSG is passed to u Search truth Jesus Is Not God And Not begotten Son Of God "People of the Book (Jews and Christians)!, go not beyond the bounds in your religion, and say not as to Allah but the truth. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only the Messenger of Allah, and His Word that He committed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His Messengers, and say not, 'Three.' Refrain; better is it for you. God is only One God. Glory be to Him -- That He should have a son! To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth.. "Quran 4:171
The sheikh stood up and screamed with truth, and no one could answer. He was like a warrior standing in the middle of the battlefield, asking for the bravest one to get out and face him, but no one can face the truth.
christian preachers always operate this way they yell and get emotional but when challenged they flee. i have never met a christian who quotes directly from bible other then a few verses that suit the trinitarian doctrine
John Stevenson
0 seconds ago
I became Muslim from watching Shaykh Uthman videos and I have been following him as my primary source of knowledge. What I love about Shaykh Uthman is that he is not only a caller to Islam but he is also a scholar. Top that off with patience of a saint and manners of a true gentleman and you have SHAYKH UTHMAN THE LEGEND!
Wow nice bro
This is soo heartwarming ما شاء الله
May i ask since when you converted?
Welcome to Islam brother ❤
Alhamdullilah ☝🏼
Logic and truth are some people’s worst enemy
@@jared2244 but false English can make you liable to GOD and Truth.
@@jared2244 most of the time yes, not all the time
@@jared2244 Condsending, aren't we!? - we all know common logic doesn't dictate truth 'cause to each their own logic and here Mr. smart we're talking sanity/logic and truth are most certainly for the majority of us individual's worst enemy!
@@jared2244 Oh you deluded human!
May Allah Give you Hidayat
Damn! The Christians are even afraid of their Bible
@@casted7943 then don't read the Bible throw it away if u can't why u keep it in ur homes if u can't understand it
@@sufiansaeed9412 why throw it away??there are lots of thing that similar to Quran and we believe on those stuff.Muslims just trying to point out the christians that's a corrupted bible not directly from Jesus(pbuh) they want to follow.
If you love Jesus, Quran is the Book to give you direction because It's a filteration of truth.
Man: “I can show you the contradictions but I don’t have a Quran”
Uthman: “I have a Quran”
Man: “I don’t want to show you the contradictions”
definition of a fail
What he said there is a contridiction in itself lol
Failed 😂😅😂
I can show you the contradiction :) it’s very simple.
1. Is Moses a Navi?
2. He listed in Leviticus to only eat things with scales and fins.
Ishmael eats lobster and crabs lol.
In the last book of Moses it says not to add or change one letter in the Torah, Muslims use the new and the teachings of Muhammad….
Ccccc combo breaker
@@GruntTV1776 show from Qur'an.
I'm not interested in your book.
Show contradiction in Qur'an
"shaykh uthman Another lion for islam May Allah Accept all his good deeds and dedication"
Ameen !
@@HabrenOdinsdottir انه مبتدع
@@Aber_Sbeel I cannot read that much Arabic yet. I'm sorry.
I know the letter but, cannot read the word.
@@keeleenunknownlegend2943 what bidhah done by sheikh uthman..He is giving Dawah very well.
I’m sooooooo ashamed of this supposed Christian so disrespectful no wonder I’m looking into converting my self!!!!!!! The more I listen the more I realise that Allah is the only true way and the Curran is the only book that has not been cur opted and that’s coming from a Polish Christian that was raised on going to church every Sunday!!!!!!! I can’t wait until I accept Allah in my heart!!!! Thank you for opening my eyes!!!!!
Please reach out to us with your contact information and we will have Shaykh Uthman contact you
👏 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 🫡
Read bhagvat geeta 🙏🙏
Welcome to Islam
@@mayurgangawane6829 no you pagan we do not worship false gods and idols
Everytime my iman is going low, i come to this channel to boost it up. Jazakallah Syakh Uthman and crew
You should try praying as well
الله اكبر
@@hafsa1698 Of course bro! this video is like vaccine for my iman and praying is like antibody Allah has given me. Jazakallah Akhi
When your Iman is going low go to look at the minor signs the “mountain of gold” has been found and there is a shadow on the Kaaba and right now there is a huge clock tower towering over the Kaaba and will create shadows they have built dajjals temple and now two minor signs left I believe it’s the black flags of khorasan and imam Mahdi
The best Sheikh I’ve ever seen. Strong and smart! May allah reward him ameen
Far from the best
@@_Duje_Pericic_ Quran 27:26) Allah - none is worthy of worship save He; He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne
@@_Duje_Pericic_lol u talking with ur corrupted many versions updated condurctions mistaken new and Old Testament unknown authors unauthentic bible 😂
"I belive in the bible"
"Okay heres a verse"
"I dont care about that sh**"
Man just left Christianity
Yeah lol
LoL hahahha
Claims to be a christian and yet yell swear words that is totally prohobited? Hypocrisy.
well they like birds in the cage. never see the real world 😂😂.
salam from indonesia all my brother 🙏🙏
When he realized loosing the debate choose violence. Kudos to Shykh!
That zionist thought he can bully shaykh because he is short. And see how the lion rawr back😂😂😂
Sheik used to be in a gang i believe, no chance hed get intimidated.
@@HMAAAz Why do you say Zionist? lmfao. He is a christian living in the USA. Not some zionist living wanting to migrate to Israel.
We can kill the God in human form. Why not
@@welcometolife4237 I dont think you even understand what youre saying. You think its okay that you killed god?
1 LION against 4 HYENAS . In the end Lion stood his ground & the Hyenas RAN AWAY 💪🦁
1 Lion vs 4 Dogs
Please brother don't say 3 hyenas, as hyenas are scavengers, they attack either on dead or on those who are near to dead.
Our beloved Sheikh is alhamdullilah a living legend not a dead.
Btw you have a cross in your DP
don't insult hyenas by comparing them to those psychopaths
@@SALAM-rj8dk Avoid name calling.
No one can be logically satisfied with Christianity
لَقَدْ جِئْنَاكُم بِالْحَقِّ وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَكُمْ لِلْحَقِّ كَارِهُونَ
Indeed We have brought the truth, to you, but most of you have a hatred for the truth
Quran 43:78
Hearts are sealed
There argument they mostly use is you just need to feel the Holy than you understand. Like some exorcism. 👻
I'm satisfied with God killed for my sins
@@welcometolife4237 God killed for your sins? He committed suicide for your sins?
Lol get out of these comments kid, its obvious your too young
It's called Cognitive Dissonance
Arab Christians are sadly always too emotional lol
by their fruit ye shall know them, whether they are arabs and non arabs with blind faith, even they refuse their holy book as a proof. Seeing they see not, hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
@@human7491 most white christians are very ignorant to the teachings in the bible and christianity. American white christians are mostly cultural christians who celebrate christmans, easter, etc and go to church on Sundays. They dont have much knowledge about their own religion
The Arab Christin guy was an Iraqi guy, unfortunately many of them are hateful and blame what happened to Christians by ISIS and Alqaida القاعدة on all Muslims, but they ignore the fact that these terrorist organizations killed more Muslims than any other religion especially in Iraq 🇮🇶.
Most of these Iraqi Christians were pro Saddam Hussein and served in his palaces and in his Secret police.
After 2003 many of them fled the country and came to the US under the falls reason of persecution where in reality they were afraid of being caught.
@@randomguy6974 Where do u get your facts from?
@@northernrebel1402 good finding bro, but what can we expect when christians themselves doesn't believe the bible said 17:40 like this white guy said "who gives a shit" to their own bible?
What a lion he debated so much people on his own. It gives me so much love for the prophets who debated whole countries on their own for the sake of allah swt
Yes , To be chosen as prophet by ALLAH is not joke.
Shiekh vs random Christian was intense… just imagine Musa (saw) vs Pharaoh… wow. Lions are right.
Now i understand why prophet yunus aleihi Salam ran away from his people.
@The Nour way
Pharaoh wouldn’t even be able to touch Musa (as) even if he were to summon every single creature to attack Musa. Why? Sufficient is Allah as a protector
This is the perfect example of , when Allah says in Quran " we have placed seals on their hearts , they can't listen ,they can't see .............
“In there hearts there is a disease, so Allah has increased their disease,” Quran surah baqara
That last guy is pretty much a keyboard warrior grunt in real life lol.
Word up! Lol
Ya get me 💯
Like high school bully
@@ainza6229 naa , in real life when you confront them they are like little kitties
Brother uthman’s patience is next level… may Allah bless him.
Even i would have lost my patience with both of those guys.
@@trailerstalker1130 true.
@@randomguy6974 did u take your medicine today mate
Heart stopping moment for christian evangelists : when sheikh Uthman opens a bible. 😂 😂 😂
Agreeeeee they run away then
@@faithfultoyeshua4576 when he opens your bible he will show you contradictions when you open the quran what will you show him? The truth?
@@faithfultoyeshua4576 oh please do, you think we are ashamed of our holy book like you christians?
@@faithfultoyeshua4576 go ahead open it, i hope you use your logic when reading
@@faithfultoyeshua4576 guys we dont need to be rude to him, May Allah guide him on the right path
I grew up in a Christian family,I give praise to shaykh uthman work and dedication and humbleness to open our eyes and to clear our heads to understand what we read, I pray to understand what I don't and pray Allah guides me with clear understanding.
may the Almighty guide us all..
May Allah ﷻ guide you and maintain you and all of us steadfast on the straight path.
Btw, if you have any question about Islam, I'll try my best to help Insha'Allah (by the will of Allah ﷻ).
Come to a religion of 2 billion Muslims who will be your new FAMILY, that’s the one thing that separates Islam from any other, THE BROTHERHOOD, also Allah will love you and forgive your sins(: may Allah aid u bro.
Welcome to Islam brother ❤
All Christian missionary member : It is in your quran.
Muslim : Here is the Quran. Show me where ?
All Christian missionary member : I cannot. I donot know where . But I know it is in the Quran.
They don't know their own bible how will they know about the quran
@@zain_not_malik757 They seem to be afraid of it . I guess it is too holy for them to touch and read.
لَقَدْ جِئْنَاكُم بِالْحَقِّ وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَكُمْ لِلْحَقِّ كَارِهُونَ
Indeed We have brought the truth, to you, but most of you have a hatred for the truth
Quran 43:78
Lol 😂 they have to Google it
I like those line
Yup, meee tooo
Savage. I like you sheikh
Good words
Kasi bakar Line..ayam goreng 1 😁😁😁
Sheikh uthman's patience next level.
Mashallah. May Allah make him strong and generous.
He needs to go gangsta on some of these guys.
That old man probably on something..
He would die from a fall
@@toushiri9476 Do not pass judgement please.
But, he needs help and guidance and dua.
I couldn't stop myself from writing this after watching several videos of UTHMAN. He's a legend. I'm amazed how bravely he stands there and how politely he responds. If I was there I would punch everyone in their face for their ignorance and fear of losing. Those who are intelligent, see the straight path of Islam. Just tell them one ALLAH sent one religion and Islam is the latest version. Only an ignorant will keep the older version(which is also changed) of Islam.
Actually man!😮💨
People who know they’re WRONG start yelling and abusing, Thanks for sharing sheikh, love from Australia 🇦🇺
He called the bible "s***". Just goes to show how much respect he has for what he believes are the "true words of God".
I think most people accept Christianity because it's convenient and they can make it to be whatever they want it to be
Most don't really read the bible. Most of them just listen to what the church preaches.
Some created their own version to do away with mistakes in the Bible. Talking about Jehovah Witnesses.
Also Christianity can t protect women being sexualized by western men
@@Mardark-e4sjust believe Jesus dies on the cross & you have a free pass to do anything . There is no such thing called sins in Christianity. Everything is allowed. Everything. Literally !
Christian preacher: I don't care what it says
Sheikh: so you don't care about the bible?
Christian preacher: I do care about the bible.
Me: absolutely confused 😕
A walking contradiction 🤦♂️.
@@abduallahamin2001 he's that bad, that when you look up contradiction in a dictionary you will see a pic of him! 😅
Lol, facts.
I am confused myself brother Allahumdullah for being Muslim!! Allah is the greatest!!
@@abdulrahim52 ooooh lol
‘Show me a contradiction in the Quran’
Professor: Im not going to show you. 🤡🤡
Skibidi sigma toilet..🗿
I’m not Muslim but I really, really like Shaykh Uthman.
Imagine how much more you will like Allah/Islam that molded him once you accept Islam.
May Allah guide you
Brother the only true religion in the world is Islam plz study Islam and Quraan and accept it.
Come to a religion who will be your family my brother, Allah will love you and forgive all your sins.
May Allah guide you to the straight path.
Love from Finland. May Allah make the whole world see the truth and bless your dawah Shaykh.
Are you a revert?
are you revert/convert?
@@twitjunkie6007 Most likely a revert, he has a Finnish name at least
Doesnt matter if hes a convert, ma sha allah ❤️
@@mezenasuga are you finnish also?
Christians: ''we will make a counter argument and then we will not give you a chance to explain as we will keep interrupting you. All while saying you are wrong, as we lie and won't let you clarify our misconception.''
Their well-known tactic of being both arrogant and ignorant.
Funny how you speak our language😄😄😄😄😄😄
@@soldier2297 says the scribbled face English soldier that speaks ONLY one language. 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄
@@soldier2297 Funnier that you speak an Odin worshipping Saxon's language and call it your own 😂😂😂
@@rockinflemingo3075 I'm Catholic. And even if I worshipped Odin it's better than that pedo who slaughtered thousands of innocent people. You know who I'm on about. 😄
I can only wish I am as intelligent, fearless, respectful as this sheikh Ma sha Allah
I maybe wrong but he really seems to have that Pakhtoon fire 🔥 in him.... Like they always choose to be brave... All Muslims should do that
Wish to be like the prophet Mohamed ASWS
I have not seen any Christians or other religion supporter can stand against Islam. Shame everyone who knows the truth but closes eyes. You only need one honest heart to understand Quran. That's all. Only when you put Quran in your life, everything make sense. It's that much beautiful. It's that much logical and pure. Thank you for your all efforts. You inspire us.
Alhamdulillah for Islam. Not based on emotions, just logic and clear proofs.
Ya Rabb preserve Sheikh Uthman and bestow your mercy upon him and upon your believing slaves 🤲🏽
Yet you all flood to our native Christian lands begging us for handouts. Strange that.
@@soldier2297 I know you think you're so big and mighty but newsflash, the Earth belongs to Allah (the Most High).
Go tell your leaders to stop interfering in other countries and to return the wealth they stole.
There are plenty of muslims who were born in "Christian lands" (and I use that term lightly). There are also plenty of people who were born in "Christians lands" who reverted to Islam - me being one of them. Praise be to Allah.
God willing I'll move to a muslim majority country. This "Christian land" is more like the land of satan.
@@soldier2297 Nobody is coming to your christian state of Angola😂😂😂
Shaykh Uthman is the OG of dawah. Being patient at all times, but can be vicious when in need. Truly a role model. Jazakallah sheikh. You represent Islam splendidly ! Greetings from Indonesia 🇮🇩
A very Good comment brother! 👍
Sheikh Uthman is a very patient man. Cant even fathom how much ignorance oozes out of some people. May Allah reward him.
meanwhile, Noah (Nuh) Allaihisalam continued to preach patiently for 950 years to his people.
Inggrisnya bagus brooo.
Masya Allah, mantap.
@@iwanrustandi5557 kumpul2.
Para subscribers Syaikh uthman hafidzohullah
The struggle of the Christians trying to explain their Bible 😂😂😂😂😂
And when they can’t they get defensive and angry 😂😂😂
Stay safe sheik.
The amount of harshness and coarseness Shaykh Uthman has to go through from some harsh Christians and haters is massive.
It's unbelievable how Allah gave him the perfect blend of knowledge, patience, and intellectual strength to tackle every situation.
Teachers need a great deal of patience to teach schoolchildren. And bro Uthman is as good as they come, SubhaanAllah. May Allah bless him. Some children don’t know how to behave lol
Just finished watching it. The last dude and others who choose to be rude and impolite (don’t wanna stoop down and call them names) won’t dare to behave like that if they face another gangsta with street mentality. And that’s not the way of the merciful people.
I hope they’re not there just to instigate daiys and brothers won’t fall into the trap. May Allah protect
Our brother would be a great Sheppard
KM Hemmans The UA-camr
As a Muslim who lives in a Christian community you have to know that these people don’t read their own Bible but they just go to church and whatever the priest is telling them they will just take it and go home without any reading whatsoever and that’s the main reason why they get scared the moment you show them a Bible.
They believe what they want to believe lol
@@armsie100 nah man, just the murtads. They never read the Quran, went to night clubs and got accustommed to the western hookup culture and haram lifestyle. When they're shown how the religion their predecessors followed threatens the western values they had internalized over the last 20 years, they get upset. Then they "denounce" the religion they were never a part of in the first place, since they had internalized western values.................. last 20 years they learned to talk like a westerner, behave like a westerner, eat and drink like a westerner, dressup like a westerner, look like a westerner, date, hookup and do zina like a westerner. Quite sad what they have become. They let their western masters colonize their minds via "ideological subversion".
Now when you try to show them logic, they counter logic with raw emotion.
@@kakarote100 you cant generalize muslims ahhahahah
Omg dealing with these people is just a headache, you’re doing a really hard job sheikh Othman, may allah gives you the power and patient to spread the dawah for all people
May Allah protect him.
Just think how the prophet (peace be upon him) struggled back then when he was given dawa alone, and all Arabia were against him and trying to kill him and planning to destroy him day and night!
May Allah guide us and make us of the people of Jannah with the prophet peace be upon him 💜
Ameen ya Rabbul Alameen, May Allah grant our Sheikh Jannatul Firdaus Ameen 🤲🏽
Man.... I'm shocked by the courage Allah has given you... May Allah grant you place in Janatul Firdous and bless you and your family.
Mashallah Shaykh's like Mike Tyson of Dawah. No nonsense taken 💪👍🏻
It’s *Ma Sha Allah
But he has to educate his son (if that’s his son) In the beginning he said “His body died, so part of God died”. A big, yet understandable misconception which even Christians themselves mistake about often. In christian theology, the body of Christ is not truly God, so God doesn’t die. You may think things like “but they say God died for us”, but this has one reason, namely: “the communication of idiom” In this we render attributes of one nature to the whole while it only belongs to that one nature. Let’s say: “Mike bleeds”, yet Mikes body bleeds not his soul or “Mike lays in his grave”, but his soul isnt there, that while Mike is only truly Mikes soul since that is the identity of a person. Hence, the divine nature in Christ is truly divine and the human nature truly (and only) human, these two dont mix. And coz of this rule a christian can say “God died”, eventho only the human body died which is not truly divine
@@bwc1245 So Christian dont know there own theology? So you’re right and they are wrong
@@hollowdriller670 What I said is orthodox (established by the Early Church) theology, and I didn’t say that all christians don’t know it. It is just that a lot of laymen christians are wrong about it
Subhanallah...knowledge is power.
May Allah bless sheikh Uthman ameen
Amin ya ALLAH
Funny the guy talking about tolerance telling the sheik to shut up . Because he is intellectually incompetent to have a meaningful discussion 😂
I am worried for the safety of my brother, may Allah protect him and his team from all harm, I would happily stand by him at all times he's in the park to make sure he's safe. But unfortunately I liv in another continent and all I could do is offer him my Dua'a.
me tooo bro
أسأل الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم أن يحفظه من كل مكروه وسوء. وأن يجعل كيد أعادءه في نحورهم.
If all you could offer him is Dua then don’t fret..because Dua is the weapon of a believer …continue making Dua & Allah ﷻ will protect our shaykh 💕
@@romanbis4807 Ameen!
@@rhlrhf Insha'Allah...May Allah protect all the soldiers of the truth...Ameen
6:05 Surah Al-Baqarah (2:133). The context is a conversation about his lineage and faith:
وَوَصَّىٰ بِهَآ إِبْرَٰهِيمُ بَنِيهِ وَيَعْقُوبُ يَٰبَنِىَّ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ ٱصْطَفَىٰ لَكُمُ ٱلدِّينَ فَلَا تَمُوتُنَّ إِلَّا وَأَنتُم مُّسْلِمُونَ
Wa wassaa bihaaa Ibraaheemu baneehi wa Ya'qoob; yaa baniyya innal laahas tafaa lakumud deena falaa tamootunna illaa wa antum muslimoon.
"And Ibrahim instructed his sons and [so did] Ya'qub, [saying], 'O my sons, indeed Allah has chosen for you this religion, so do not die except while you are Muslims.'”
Also check surah baqarah (
Al-Imran (3:52):
فَلَمَّا أَحَسَّ عِيسَىٰ مِنْهُمُ ٱلْكُفْرَ قَالَ مَنْ أَنصَارِىٓ إِلَى ٱللَّهِۖ قَالَ ٱلْحَوَارِيُّونَ نَحْنُ أَنصَارُ ٱللَّهِۖ ءَامَنَّا بِٱللَّهِ وَٱشْهَدْ بِأَنَّا مُسْلِمُونَ
Falamma ahassa 'Isa minhumul kufra qaala man ansaareee ilal laah; qaalal Hawaariyyoona nahnu ansaarul laah; aamannaa billaahi washhad bi annaa muslimoon.
"When Jesus sensed disbelief from them, he said, 'Who are my helpers in the cause of Allah?' The disciples said, 'We are helpers of Allah. We believe in Allah, so bear witness that we have submitted (to Him as Muslims).'"
Also check out surah baqarah (2:128) when abraham and his son ismail are making supplications to allah they say "Our Lord, make us Muslims [in submission] to You and [raise] from our descendants a Muslim nation [in submission] to You. And show us our rites and accept our repentance. Indeed, You are the Accepting of Repentance, the Merciful."
Sheikh Uthman's signature "i got you" never fail to make me smile, masya Allaah. His patience and knowledge is commendable.
Its have you finished you guna let me speak
It has to be "Can I finish".....
Are you guys done commenting so i can comment ? Can i comment?
When I see this Sheikh's patience for calling people towards guidance... The only thing I could think of right now is, only God knows what the Prophet went through when he calls his people to Islam !
Yes 🥲🥲🥲
يا حبيبي يا رسول الله محمد 😔 اللهم صل و سلم و بارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آل سيدنا محمد ...
@@DrJK-hu7ewwa sahbeehee wa salam
That rude violent christían in the end was trying to bully sheikh but he failed miserably 💪
Sheikh is not only strong in emaan but strong mentally the way he stood his ground. Immensely respectable character.
The christian man looks largely racist as though he has issues with Islam and Muslims may allah guide him to seek truth. How are Muslims intolerant? We don't back down in our religion for NO ONE. At the same time we treat ALL people with manners and decency. But if you're tolerant of everything, you stand for NOTHING.
sheikh Usman was a gangster before Islam saved him. So he is not scared of people like this .
رَبَّنَا أَفْرِغْ عَلَيْنَا صَبْراً وَثَبِّتْ أَقْدَامَنَا وَانصُرْنَا عَلَى القَوْمِ الكَافِرِينَ
Amazing how a minister is so weak in his own faith that he resortes to cursing and name calling.
I know right
Because you don't want to believe God died for our sins
@@welcometolife4237 God can die? Lol
Also, why does god even need to die in order to forgive us?
@@EscapeDunya yes we can kill God in human form. Because it's the only way God can forgive sins.
@@welcometolife4237 You make no sense😂 Why does an infinite being, need to be killed by his own creation to forgive us? No part of that makes sense
Xtian: "you can find things (contradictions)in the Koran"
Shaykh: "Show me.."
Xtian "I don't have a Koran with me"
Shaykh: "I do, here it is"
I will not touch it.
@@Puppeteer1453 actually the only correct way to write it is قرآن. Using any other alphabet, just write it however it is understandable: qur'aan quran coran koran. It's all the same
Hahahahha 😂
Wow I’m proud as Malaysian when Sheikh recognised my country
Thank you Sheikh for your dakwah
I’ll pray to Allah for all the people that giving dakwah all over the world including Sheikh Uthmanand his group in America that they always in the protection of Allah S.W.T.
Sadly our country has become more secularised everyday. May Allah preserve our deen here.
@@SyahidanIbnMokhtar yes, kinda sux. Ameen
I smiled hearing Malaysia mentioned
Hi I appreciate that you meet people in the street and discuss these topics. I wish i could talk to you. You seem like a sincere person.
May Allah (God) grant you happiness, health, knowledge, and longevity, Sheikh Uthman. Ameen! You're doing an outstanding job, Sir.
Ameen ☺️
@@jared2244 does your Auto Correct replaced Christianity to Islam?
@@Malik_are_Kings Bruh don't do him like that😂
When they can't win an argument they became emotional
"Can I finish speaking?"
"No you cannot"
Leave them. They aren't here to learn.
but they spell a lot of fake claims , unsubstanciated of course, and whe he showed them the bible they run away
He also does not allow them to speak. It's tiring.
@@jodolski you must be blind
Adam was Muslim, Moses was Muslim, Noah was Muslim, Jesus was Muslim, Abaraham was Muslim, Issac was Muslim peace be upon them all.
"You wanna talk, or you wanna yell while you're walking" 😂 masya Allaah. 👍
Guy: *has the audacity to call Sheikh Uthman contradictory and arrogant*
Also guy: *is upset that he got interrupted by Sheikh Uthman’s son but has no problem interrupting Sheikh; says he doesn’t care what’s in the bible then says he does care the bible; calls the Quran arrogant while he himself doesn’t want to consider Sheikh’s arguments*
certified bruh moment right here
I think it speaks volumes that a supposed Christian will call the Bible bull**** like he did but a true Muslim never would even though we believe the modern Bible has been corrupted.
@@ibnmianal-buna3176 lets us not judge a christian with some people who is a bad christian brother, i believe there is some christian that still open minded, that insyaallah will guided to the truth
@@fajarkurniawan3282 prior to watching this video, i watched one by one true message foundation which was also about a christian guy asking on the Jesus pbuh was a muslim statement saying it was confrontational.
However, unlike the people in this video, the young man was much more open and had a fruitful conversation with the Muslim brother that they parted on good terms Alhamdulillah.
"You cannot show me in my book, I can show you in your book"...sheikh uthman, that was fire 🔥 😂. SubhanAllah the truth of Islam always puts the arrogant and preachers of falsehood in their place
That was savage
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh...I'm from Indonesia...who said Indonesia as muslims majority are intolerance country...we even have 5 religion here...and we living in's really an honor when Syekh Uthman mention Indonesia as one of Islam Country that you remember ❤️
This is so embarrassing, how are they grown men acting like this?
Not everyone grows internally, morally and mentally.
You haven’t dealt with people on anything serious? Also the street talk is totally different than office atmosphere chat where boss or HR breathing down on ya neck and money/respect/rank is on the line.
Clearly not men. They're boys because they can't listen or offer any constructive
@@HG504X Not they but the pastor
Compare this to the Chinese PhD bible scholar? What a gentleman in their conversation with Shaykh Uthman.
Christian : "Old testament is this, new testament is this"
Sheikh Uthman : showing christian the Bible
Christian : "don't pull out..." 😂
All what I have to say is alhamdulillah for being a muslim!!!
Mashallah Allah brother. Welcome to oummat Mohamed aleyhi esalat wa salam.oummat el tawhid
are you revert
Thank Allah for making us muslim
Indeed, we are blessed to be muslim
@@clementeen where you from
I love this man, Allah please protect the protectors of Islam.
Nobody can beat Sheikh, hats off to you my brother.
Unbeatable when he is backed by the Quran and his opponents are backed by their small mushrikun brains.
Nobody can beat Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the Haq that He has send to us by his mercy
Nobody can beat Islam*
Christian prince and David wood exposes Islam. Muhammad is dead and Jesus Christ is alive. You muslims are following a deadman.
@@spiritualwarrior9021 Wake up please
Masha Allah, may Allah increase the young brother ibn Uthman in knowledge.
Masha Allah Alhamdulillah, Subhanallah ...after watching this clip, I am reminded again just how precious is guidance from Allah... Those whose hearts have been sealed, would refuse to see the truth even when it's presented right in front of their eyes..
This man is blessed with epic talking skills and knowledge. Alhamulilah
If I was in place of Shykh, I would have gone MMA mode straight away, Shykh is truly blessed with a gift of patience by Allah.
hahaha... same here...
The prophet had people beating him cursing him and throwing sand at him while he was praying and preaching and he never fought anyone or swore or curse anyone and didnt even get revenge when could have , thats not akhla9 of a muslim to do that especially when preaching
Same here.. Lol.. these ppl makes my blood boil
I love this Sheikh for the sake of Allah! ❤️
How many of us are on the streets giving dawah like the Prophets (Peace be upon them) did?
He is indeed a gem in the Ummah.
May Allah preserve him!
Ameen.. very dangerous task
@@randomguy6974 Could you quotes from your bible (pls state which version(s)) that jesus asked himself to be worshipped? In addition, could you explain the concept of trinity? God (Jesus) + Father + Holy spirit = 1 God ? 1+1+1=3 not 1.
Philippians 2
10: that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11: and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
So my question is who is god? Is it God, Father or Holy Spirit?
Could you quote me from your version of the bible(s) that Jesus asked himself to be worshipped? Philippians 2:10-11 did not quote Jesus himself saying that he is god and he himself has to be worshipped.
@@randomguy6974 When stating that Islam is anti christ, do quote from the Quran and show exactly where it is mentioned. Not just based on what you think. What is your intention of spewing such comment? Did you read chapter 19 of the Quran, a surah about Maryam as (Mary)? Btw, we love all of our prophets including Isa as (Jesus). Peace. Read. Stay away from hate for it causes you to have an unpleasant feeling in your heart. 👍
💫Az-Zukhruf 43:59
He [i.e., Jesus] was not but a servant upon whom We bestowed favor, and We made him an example for the Children of Israel.
💫Az-Zukhruf 43:61
And indeed, he [i.e., Jesus] will be [a sign for] knowledge of the Hour, so be not in doubt of it, and follow Me. This is a straight path.
seems like the Christians have lost their faith in their book...keep going sheikh🔥❤..
They have been blindly following for Generations now
They ain’t Christian’s lol
Māsyā Allāh tabārakallāh.. Jazākumullāhu khayra syaikh n team
WOW, I have never heard a Christian minister use such foul language. It's too easy to condemn him. So let's represent Islam by asking Allah to grant him some manners, and then lift the veil of ignorance off of him so he can acknowledge the mistakes of his faith and book, and embrace the truth. Ameen.
@@randomguy6974 you know what ? they are misguided.
@@randomguy6974 It's a booth set up in a neutral area where people from other faiths are doing the same. People come by for information. If people are not interested, they do not have to stop by. No one is being approached and preached to.
@@northernrebel1402 hahahah he is silent. Ma sha Allaha, i want your knowledge too in sha Allah.
@@randomguy6974 hmm so you are telling me you support this christian minister in the video? He is screaming and cussing? While the sheikh is respectfull? Damn, you have no morals because you support screaming en cussing over respect.
Christian: "ToLeRaNcE"
Also Christian: "SHUT UP"
that’s another contradiction
@@the-expertstreetb-racer5832 ahahaha🤣
Sheikh Uthman heartfelt doa Allah protect you all the time..your team, family . tabarakallah..Your sister from 🇲🇾MALAYSIA
Hai, assalamualaikum from Indonesia sister🙏🏼
May Allāh bless you for your du’ā ❤️
Respected sir, never knew you were a pukhtoon besides being such a brave Muslim... may Allah SWT raise your status in both the worlds... Ameen.. so proud of you Alhamdulillah...
Great debating skills. Make a claim with no evidence, such as all Muslim countries are intolerant, and when someone lists Muslim countries which are tolerant, tell them to shut up. This is how you persuade people about your religion 👏
They lost the argument thus their ego is scarred. It's only their arrogance that kept them from thinking clear. Hope all of them will receives hidayah from Allah swt.
May Allah protect Shaykh Uthman and our Ummah
Man...Dawah is difficult. It really is. I dont know how Sheikh Uthman keeps himself from punching the stupidity, arrogance and rudeness out of these people. May Allah bless all the people that are sincerely doing Dawah and May Allah reward them all including Shekh Uthman immensely in this life and the hereafter.
Because if he does then that wouldn't be Dawah anymore would it? we're meant to share and deliver a message, whether they believe it and how they react to it is their business, obviously unless they attack you then that's another subject.
As a person who is born in Malaysia, this Christian man clearly never been to any Islamic country. We have multiple races (Malay, Chinese, Indian, Indonesian, even there are some English (US and UK)), multiple religions (Islam, Christian, Buddha, Hindu) live peacefully in Malaysia. We even have Mosques, Chinese Temples, Indian Temples, Churches in every states. I believe Malay people is the most tolerant race in the world. Alhamdulillah, we can live peacefully and respect each other. Feel free to visit Malaysia. We are welcoming you 😁
Satu Malaysia!
Brother Uthman’s protection and reward are with Allah!.👍🕋💯💞
The whole world will be against u when u spread the truth. But don't worry , Allah is always with the people who stand towards the truth. This is what we see with the dawah of Sheik. 🙂
I envy the knowledge and eloquence given by ALLAH to you and the will power to confront those arrogant people yaa Sheikh...الله أكبر
May Allah reward him for his patience 😭 I am truly inspired
I just wanna remind all the none muslim. You can't win from the truth. The truth will always prevail. That's why no matter how you debated the Sheikh, he still wins.
The truth of Allah Az Zawjal wins falsehood perish. Make Du'aa for the Sheikh and his Dawah , May Allah Az Zawjal increases his knowledge, forgive his short coming, bless and protect him.
@@AdDeen319 ameen
Anyhow ...i believe that we still need to respect on what they were believe...whether they want to accept or not ..that's their own choice...UNLESS they start being rude...then we can't tolerate ..
I am so amazed at Sheikh Uthmans Sabr and good character. Inshaallah we can all learn from him. I was brought up Catholic and honestly, never did we study the bible in CCD classes! You basically believe because your Catholic and your family is Catholic. ALHUMDULILAH I had the open mind to listen. I do remember when I was first told Jesus was not crucified I felt, no way, no way..but Alhumdulilah I used my brain and all the evidences I could not deny. This man breaks my heart because of his arrogance.
Alhamdulillah.. hidayah or guidance is in Allah's hands. Hes the only one can open our heart or not, as long as we sincere to find Him. May Allah bless you sister
Alhamdulillah brother
Jazakallahkhair to you all🙏👍
اشاءلله، الله، الحمد لله،،، Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, that with tears of joy a servant who wants to think about making Islam a mercy lil alamin / mercy to the entire world "the world and the hereafter" that is how very expensive and most valuable a convert wants to emigrate to pick up guidance that there is no comparison with this world and its contents, because God has chosen them like a newborn baby in a state that is still pure and clean from sin, on the contrary to the infidels / non-Muslims, as in the days of prophet muses and prophet jesus that God has warned and threatened you humans. unbelievers dholim, do not waste the opportunity that is only once in your lifetime that is given by Allah, then use the eyes of your heart, your logic to think rationally / not with dogma & doctrine to worship the devil's idol, before death comes to pick you up without knowing distance, space and time. then regret later when you have experienced the pain of death, the torment of the grave, and the doom of hell until eternal life ️
I can’t stop watching these…. Just wanted to thank you again for introducing this beautiful message to me… I want to take my shahada (sp?) soon… I just want to make sure I do it right, as there are very limited Islam resources in my area…
as salam alaykum, just find a mosquee near you and ask them ^^
I suggest you dont take your shahadah yet until you travel to a majority Muslim country to clarify your doubts.
You are already a Muslim in your heart. You submitted yourself to the will of Allah.
You just have to say “ashadu Allah ilaha illalaAllah, wa ashadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasulohu” and get to know the Quran and act on those verses not just believe in it but also take actions
This is why I avoid these people. They get incredibly hostile and you can't tell them anything. Lahi lahi illallah. I'm so happy I reverted and keep my distance from the others.
You can teach a fool, but you can't make him think.
Very well put 👏
Very sharp and on point statement against these people
I have so much respect for these brothers and the Shaykh giving dawah in such ignorant time, may Allah swt protect them all!
We’re returning to an age of Jahil again surely
He has proven to be a fool and reckless..with all due respect to honorable Christians.
Brother Othman, all we have to do is pray for you that Allah supports you, protects you, and takes care of you and all your loved ones.
We envy you (with love) for your determination and striving in the cause of God.
You are truly Allah's men.. Islam's knights.
May Allah bless you..
The Hindus, Buddhists, Christians can practice their religion as they please. There is very much tolerance towards non-Islamic faiths.
We live in peace and harmony.
MasyaAlloh Tabarakallah ... I'm from Indonesia, i don't know why, but i always cry watching shaikh Uthman with such a great effort handle people like the tall guy ... Barakallah sheikh ... Salute and respect ...
Brother Uthman is on the frontlines doing dawah may Allah accept his efforts . This is a very dangerous job to do knowing there are psychos and haters walking around. Peace to brother uthman 100% respect !!
Ouch this poor Cristian, I'm lost for words, his denying everything that was clearly shown to him, May Allah protect you brother Uthman heart of a Lion
Don’t you ever tell to our sheikh to shut up ,when you think you know the Qur‘an and the Bible without looking in the books
May Allah reward the Sheikh ❤❤
May Allah bless you Sheikh Uthman, may Allah protect you and increase you in knowledge MashaAllah
The Messiah literally means the anointed one, therefore the anointed isn’t the anointer, just as the son isn’t the same God; of who’s son he is.
@Sam Hawk no even non Arabs know messiah means the anointed one they just choose not to think about it
The Massih ALSO means, The Messenger, or a person who will give a message, or a leader. For example, a normal King in those days, was also called a Massih.
The only unforgivable sin is to worship god beside the Creator God ( Allah)
Never worship a man
Never worship creatures (Jesus or any )
Jesus Never said himself" I am God or worship me"
Jesus Said
"God is One, Worship the Lord your God "
Jesus said" Father. only the true God" ,
Allah stated
" I'm the only God , I'm One, No Trinity"
Allah accepts only his final revelation " Islam"
MSG is passed to u
Search truth
Jesus Is Not God And Not begotten Son Of God
"People of the Book (Jews and Christians)!, go not beyond the bounds in your religion, and say not as to Allah but the truth. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only the Messenger of Allah, and His Word that He committed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His Messengers, and say not, 'Three.' Refrain; better is it for you. God is only One God. Glory be to Him -- That He should have a son! To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth.. "Quran 4:171
The sheikh stood up and screamed with truth, and no one could answer.
He was like a warrior standing in the middle of the battlefield, asking for the bravest one to get out and face him, but no one can face the truth.
christian preachers always operate this way they yell and get emotional but when challenged they flee. i have never met a christian who quotes directly from bible other then a few verses that suit the trinitarian doctrine
Quel patience je suis impressioné qu'Allah donne la plus haute recompense a sheikh dans ce monde est dans l'au de la
Can you tell me the intro sound?