An observer is the simulation programmer who is being paid minimum wage and overworked to the point where he decided to quit. He said: "If they move my desk again, I'll quit. They already moved it five times in the last year. Before, it was near the window, and I could see squirrels, they were married, but then they switched."
I'm a big fan of the relational interpretation of quantum mechanics: what if the collapse of the superposition is not a property of the object? It could be an emergent property, born of the relationship between a conscious observer and an uncertain quantity. What if superposition and wave function collapse occur only in our minds? It would be the same as with colour: you would not say a photon is itself 'red', would you? Nor is the object the photon bounced off, since that object could appear all different colours depending on the lighting. 'Red' is something that your brain creates in response to a specific wavelength photon. In this relational interpretation, quantum uncertainty occurs in our brain, and what we call the wave function collapse is actually just us becoming certain about something. Just like the perception of colour, the perception of quantum uncertainty is both real and useful. The application of a probabilistic framework for dealing with uncertainties is at the heart of modern science and philosophy. It's also vital for basic survival functions and decision making. I think the relational interpretation is the most grounded and likely explanation for all of the whacky quantum phenomena. Thanks Carlo Rovelli!
Or there is no emergence. We are all part of a hologram. Reality is not real. We are somewhere outside the universe wearing a "headset." Consciousness is how we interact with our headset and our holographic environment.
@@bodhihouareau-rose8964 By "The Observer," don't we really mean "observers," plural? There is a collective observation of many established "facts," no? Using your "photon and brain" example, even if "our brains" perceived the color red differently than others (typically some problem with the pigments in certain nerve cells of the eye that sense color), we would all agree on the order of things, like the top, middle, and bottom of stoplights, as well as the meaning of that order from the behavior of other vehicles. In other words, a sense of cause and effect remains intact. Somewhere I read that the eye (i.e., brain) first notices motion before color, and only then shape. Motion, color, shape: we are Newtonians, not DaVinci's.
Except that there is no "The Observer," there are observers, plural. It takes more than one observation to establish a fact. The Special Theory of Relativity depends upon two observers, not just one. If enough people observe rings around Saturn, we can reliably conclude it to be so. Observations that cannot be replicated are inexplicable. Which, as an aside, is why I offer no explanation for the many observations of UFOs. I don't doubt the experiences, but none of them are replicable. One cannot offer an explanation for that which is experienced by only a few observers.
If this we're true, then the cat in the box would always exist due to its own interactions with the environment within the box regardless of an outside observer.
@@kipponiat least we know that we are conscious and that we clearly affect all particles. Therefore cosmic Consciousness clearly exists before human beings existed
Good question and it Is equally good to hear a view of decoupling reality from human observers within the decoherence explanation This brings us up the following question -- Who or what is an observer? Well, in our TOE’s view, the whole classical universe is its own observer, where all galaxies collapse gravitationally moment by moment (at a particle level using our CPT(α,Φ) function mechanism of TOE) In other words, our CPT(α,Φ) function of TOE collapses it by auto-collapsing/landing/toggling each particle from CFT into the next lattice of AdS This simultaneous toggle/shift is what gives us the feeling to human observers that these CFT/AdS dualities are orbiting smoothly like the frames of Muybridge’s Horse in Motion. This explanation resolves everything (including measurement problem)!and to understand our model see below For example. our wave function of a particle ( say electron) is a CPT(α,Φ) function operated wave function that is designed to evolve within the coordinate system of Riemann sphere using Riemann Zeta function (including its corresponding Fourier /Mobius transformations in the projected plane), in such a way that the electric field of each dipole gets rotated as nπ cycles (using Euler’s identity eiπ ) before getting rotated by their magnetic field (by 90 degrees) so that their combined least action (A which we call as collapse when it crosses the origin of complex plane ) - which then starts flowing along the eigen-valued nodes of Ramanujan’s graph including 10 such dualities as explained in this article( In other words, our TOE is a CPT(α,Φ) function operated cosmic dance, where α ends up splitting the frequencies of QVF as 137 dipoles ( aka elementary particles including electrons, quarks etc) using Riemann Zeta function( including its corresponding Fourier/Mobius transformations), in such a way that the electric field of each dipole gets rotated as nπ cycles (using Euler’s identity eiπ ) before getting rotated by their magnetic field (by 90 degrees) so that their combined least action (A) can be twisted to flow along the eigen-valued nodes of Ramanujan graph, using the 2/3:1/3 rule of α (ratioed by its flip sided golden ratio Φ)! Stated otherwise, this idea of embedding CPT function within our TOE with 10+ META DUALITIES of the Langsland/Banach-Tarski/Russell paradox of our SOE/TOE engine is what differentiates our approach! For example, We imagine our Universe as the Riemann Zeta function governed LMFDB universe (that is a motivic/metamorphic/Galois representation based SU 2/SU3/SU4symmetrical engine. In other words, Z(1) is the fundamental frequency of this Universe’s TOE engine that is QVF/ZPE sourced, FSC(α)-Einstein-Bohr-HV-Maxwell Daemon governed frequency of Riemann's zeta function Ζ(S) with a singularity of S=1+0i, that is made up of his harmonic oscillating zeros(S=1/2+it stacked on his 1/2 critical line, before being transformed as a 137 frequency-spin momentum matched dipole, using our FSC(α)-GR-PLA+5 AITGE origin formulas(see exhibit) In other words, our TOE/SOE engine is the one that is transforming the Riemann's zeros into an artistic unit charge SU2 dipole(see visual), by contracting/expanding its electric flux as the center of mass (as r = αR), before rotating its magnetic flux by 90 in such a way that it can be extended into the left plane as a paired unit charge, using the "only possible analytical continuation of Zeta". Sure enough, this engine function is nothing but universe's wave function only, transforming itself from position/time space into frequency/momentum space, using the Fourier/Mobius transform operator -- ψ(k) = ∫ ψ(t) e^-iwt dt - This brings us to our next point about CPT function This "one & only allowed analytically continued/functional equation allowed symmetrical dipole" is what limits/constrains the ∞ pole of Riemann sphere to a value of 137 cycles( per Laurent/Cauchy residue including the α=r/R,=fe/fp=we/wp logic of our CP function as explained in my post and attached one page exhibit for details lim t→ ∞ CP(1/2 + ti) = 1/α cycles of dipole In other words, this CPT function proof( for Riemann hypothesis is a polynomial in the convex region of the Riemann Sphere only (thanks to the "one and only allowed analytical continuation logic of dipole & its 137 cycle ratio logic"), limiting/constraining the ∞ pole of Riemann sphere to the convex region - which brings us to the what also makes our TOE as the best candidate (compared to all other TOEs), as we visibly see the signatures of FSC and golden ratio throughout nature Simply put - Ours is the only TOE that is anchored on this FSC/golden ratio governed CPT(α,Φ) function mechanism! In other words, for any TOE path to become a final TOE, it must be anchored on this FSC/golden ratio governed CPT(α,Φ) function mechanism end to end (in one form or the other)! This doesn't mean that ours is the only path - and the classic example is how we have integrated Ads/CFT duality of string theory with these 10 dualities of our CPT(α,Φ) function mechanism with the hypothesis that they toggle between CFT-boundary of the lower CP1 plane to & AdS-Bulk upper CP2 plane! This is where we want to extend it to all the other best in class features from all other TOE paths using this integrated program - which brings me to the list of our “top 10 CPT(α,Φ) function caused, META DUALITY PROOFS”, including our recent additions of Ramanujan graphs & Jones/Khovanov homology knots, as summarized below 1. Riemann zeros of dipole/quadrupoles(1/2+ti) 2. Hodge hyperbolic structures(H3 quotioned by K&A L-functions 3. Hodge P-adic parabolic structures (P(N) quotioned by K&A L-functions ) 4. Thurston structures(T(N) quotioned by K&A L-functions ) 5. Polytopes(PT(N) quotioned by K&A L-functions 6. Spectral vertices of Ramanujan graphs G2xK2 Q by Ramanujan L-function 7. K knots of Jones polynomial (&Feynman’s paths/Riemann surfaces) 8. HK knot states of Khovanov homology 9. Prime square roots of Knots theory 10. Irreducible representation of Poincare particles Similarly, if I may summarize the manifestations of these 10 CPT(α,Φ) caused dualities by mapping the lower CP1 plane to CFT-boundary & upper CP2 plane to AdS-Bulk 1. Imagine, as the CPT(α,Φ ) function starts limiting the “Riemannian ∞ quantum spherical universe” into a compact polynomial region of the lower plane (whose WF is modeled using a metamorphic/automorphic Riemann zeta function with a SU2-3-4 symmetry) -- it is automatically cut into infinite slices of irreducible diploid circular spheres at an exact moment when the Zeta function starts crossing the origin. of CP1 2. Also imagine, as these infinite slices get squeezed (1 & 4 at a time) into an exact radiused symplectic geometric asymmetric taurusized cylinder of the CP2 plane (folded from the unit square of CP1 plane)", acting as the Hilbert’s countable infinity hotel. 3. Now, as they get squeezed into an “exact radiused symplectic geometric asymmetric taurusized cylinder”, the electric field starts getting rotated 90°(by the magnetic flux), thus transforming it into an “domino effected ellipsoid”. 4. Now as we analyze the cross section of each “domino affected ellipsoid", we can clearly see these 10 geometrical dualities. 5. Turns out, our CPT(α,Φ) function is the one that rotates these 10 geometrical dualities “galoistically and knotistically” before reassembling them in CP2 as a classical sphere. In other words, CPT(α,Φ) does it all in real time by auto-collapsing/landing/toggling the particle as soon as zeta function starts crossing the origin in CP1 plane, so that it can shift it into the next lattice of CP2. This simultaneous shift is what gives us the feeling that these dualities are orbiting smoothly like the frames of Muybridge’s Horse in Motion. Simply put, Our top 10 CPT(α,Φ) caused dualities, along with our earlier framing of FSC as an AoC/HV/Maxwell daemon( is what makes CPT(α,Φ) function as the META PROOF of Riemann hypothesis with a symbiotic symmetrical fractal causality to10+C-old unsolved problems incl. 5+ $5MM CI problems&10 biz ideas( Similarly, how about I expand its scope to the productivity challenge in the business dimension that has been developed by the very same TOE principles(& synthesized as 1 sentence below and in exhibit) -- Every Maslow’s holacracial(1) economic need is a direct/indirect manifestation of QE caused Scripture/Griffith’s human condition/depravity model problem(2) only -- that is solved using the Principle of least action & its new insight(3) driven Fine-structure-constant(FSC) caused Attention factor (4) driven FSC/GT/Nash Equilibrium(5) based reality accurate S-economics model(6) caused Friedman’s Attention-Pluck(7) -- that is followed by an Solow’s TFP-expansion( 8 ), before it being executed by “sovereign-to-choose with collaboration without coercion(9)” motto, driven Next-Gen capitalism called Sovereign/Conscious Sustainalism(10). as explainer in this summary ( Welcome complementary POVs
Determining who or what observes you would think would be a massive pursuit in science but science is not concerned with this or almost rather afraid to determine the answer because of the implication certain results may give. I dont think we have the materials or processing power to determine this yet but I suspect the answer is a matter of information physics.
In my opinion we’re all observers and subjects at the same time. If I modify or change the state of things when I am present at an environment I become an observer. If somehow another agent or environment change my state or my molecular structure I become the subject.
When there were no humans around what acted as the observer, so a particle could be measured here and there. In its simplest, the various paths (infinite) taken by an electron acts as an observer. Otherwise cosmic consciousness is the observer that collapse the quantum fields to produce particles that has unique position (not here or there).
Why do people cling with such ferocity to the belief in a mind-independent reality? It is surely because if there is no such reality, then ultimately (as far as we can know) mind alone exists. And if mind is not a product of real matter, but rather is the creator of the illusion of material reality (which has, in fact, despite the materialists, been known to be the case, since the discovery of quantum mechanics in 1925), then a theistic view of our existence becomes the only rational alternative to solipsism." ~ Richard Conn Henry is an Academy Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University, author of one book and over 200 publications on the topics of astrophysics and various forms of astronomy.
>Why do people cling with such ferocity to the belief in a mind-independent reality? Because our perception of the world in consciousness often turns out to be vary from the world as we find it on investigation. Sensory illusions for example, the we investigate we find that out mental knowledge and subjective experience of the world was incorrect. If our conscious experience varied from the actual state of affairs, that means there must be a non-subjective actual state of affairs for it to vary from. Also if everything is in consciousness, where do novel unanticipated sensory perceptions come from? We are subject to a constant stream of consistent experiential information that is consistent between individuals. Since we're not already conscious of this information, it can't come from our consciousness, it must come from some source external to our consciousness. We call that source the world, or nature. The measurement problem in QM is still unsolved, but the claim that consciousness is necessary for an observation is tautological. If we define observations as a states of awareness of a conscious being, then obviously that means conscious beings play a necessary role in observation. That doesn't tell us anything about quantum mechanics though. On the hypothesised fundamentality of mind entailing god, you'd have to ask a non-theist idealist like Kastrup who doesn't think it does.
This is why I smoke weed to get into the weeds of deep thinking. What is an observer, is there Nothing, infinities bigger than infinities????, Zero, one electron, pi, e, faster than light but wait we are traveling at light speed by the electrons and neutrons that we are made of…. gravity….. good 👍 topic btw. Time for another joint.
Robert, I just love your quest and channel. Personally, I think that ultimate reality simply is beyond our comprehension. Why should this be surprising? My little cat cannot comprehend how light goes on and off in our house and might never evolve to be able to d so. We are severely limited by our biological evolution. Perhaps one day our non-biological AI progeny will get it. But, even they won't be able to explain it to us…
In Aliens covenant, David an Android, questions how it is that he will outlive his creator, the humans, now realizing he may be superior to humans and later seems to follow what the engineers had in mind in exterminating the human race.
Yes , the ultimate reality will simply be beyond our comprehension. But the scientific enquiry should never stop. The biggest problem the scientific community is facing today is the that they have reached the highest point of scientific research in the last 100 years and are struggling as to what can be done further. The best minds in the world are struck.
3:14 ... Define precisely decoherence SL: yeah so a wave is coherent if it can be added up in a way where you can uh detect the phase between the waves so I could have a wave that goes like that jor I could have a wave that goes like that now um here this part of the wave is negative in the other part this part of the wave is positive so in quantum mechanics the probability of finding something here is proportional to the amplitude of the wave but to the amplitude square so rather doesn't care whether it's positive or negative right so if you're going to find it here or there then here or there doesn't care about whether this amplitude is negative or whether this amplitude is positive but in the dynamics of a wave right you know it makes a lot of difference if this amplitude is negative or this amplitude is positive for instance if this is negative and this is positive these move on top of each other they cancel each other out this is called destructive interference so in quantum mechanics all the time you get situations where this amplitude makes a difference somehow and in measurement after you make measurement or in decoherence it doesn't make a difference any longer (okay) 4:26 so you could say decoherence is a process where the uh whether the amplitude is positive positive or negative no longer makes a difference and interaction with the environment will have aht effect 4:34
(Denial in the Physicist Community) Physicists in Denial The theory of relativity informs us that our science is a science of our experience, and not a science of a universe that is independent of us as conscious observers. This nature of our science is also reflected in the formulation of quantum mechanics, since the main formulation of quantum mechanics does not provide direct rules for the behaviour of particles. Instead, it provides rules that concern only the results of measurements by observers. This means that the observer is an intrinsic part of the main formulation of quantum mechanics, and what differentiates the observer from physical particles has to be mind and consciousness. As John von Neumann and Eugene Wigner pointed out, this means that consciousness has an intrinsic role to play in quantum mechanics. Why then has there been so much resistance to recognizing this fundamental fact? And why have physicists, for more than a century, persistently tried to get rid of the observer, even if it meant-in defiance of Occam’s razor-having to insert, by hand, additional hypothetical ad hoc conditions to the basic formulation? The underlying problem appears to be the need to fit this intrinsic role of consciousness, in quantum mechanics, into the prevailing view, in Western philosophy, of a mind-matter duality. An attempt to fit the role of consciousness into this framework of a mind-matter duality would unfortunately lead to solipsism, and that is the main problem. So the vast majority of physicists gravitate, instead, to the stance of materialism, and hence the need for them to free quantum mechanics from the conscious observer. The formulation of quantum mechanics actually does not, in any way, suggest a mind-matter dichotomy, and it certainly does not suggest either materialism or solipsism. Quantum mechanics actually points to a middle way between these two extremes of materialism and solipsism, a realization that both Werner Heisenberg and Wolfgang Pauli eventually reached. This means that the formulation of quantum mechanics actually points to the philosophical viewpoint of the Buddhist Madhyamika philosophy, also known as the Middle Way philosophy. Madhyamika philosophy would allow us to include the role of consciousness in quantum physics without ending up in the extremes of either solipsism or materialism
If we define an observation in terms of conscious awareness, then obviously and tautologically a conscious awareness is required for there to be an observation. That doesn't tell us anything about quantum mechanics, or anything else.
If a cosmic ray passing through a mica sheet in the Himalayas leaves an irreversible trace on a mica sheet then the mica sheet acts in principle as an 'observer' (whether or not a living being is present to observe it). The real issue is: how does an irreversible reduction of the norm preserving wavefunction of the whole system can occur while maintaining its unitary evolution? The 'decoherence' argument merely provides a FAPP*-like explanation. For, it is based on a large scale 'phase mixing' of the wavefunction that, in principle, remains reversible. And so one may legitimately conclude that the 'decoherence' argument does not provide a rigorous in principle explanation of the required irreversible reduction.. // *FAPP = 'for all practical purposes'; an abbreviation introduced by J. Bell)
@@S3RAVA3LM Hi. I'm not sure which one you mean. Seth provided a good high level overview of decoherence, but I'll try and distill that down a bit. A quantum system is described by a wave function in which the waves are in a phase relation to each other. As the system becomes coupled with environmental phenomena these wave states become more complex and no longer have coherent phase relations. Conceptually this is just much any classical wave phenomenon perturbed by external effects. When quantum systems are in a coherent phase relation they exhibit particular quantum behaviours we can engineer and exploit for practical purposes. As they decoher the system becomes too complex to manipulate usefully. Note that I am talking about how quantum mechanics describes these systems. As an empiricist I make no claims about the 'reality' or 'underlying nature' of whatever is going on, we just don't know. When we make measurements we get results, and the mathematics of quantum mechanics describes the results we see from initial conditions. That's it, the mathematics works. That's all we know. We refer to concepts like superposition, waves, fields, particles, and so on. These are mathematical objects in our calculations. I do adopt realist semantics when discussing such things for convenience. This particle was measured to be here, that field has this energy level, etc. When I do so I'm referring to the mathematical objects in our descriptions. The interpretation of these results is a matter of philosophy, IMHO. I think there is a 'real world', maybe the term persistent is preferable to real, but that it's 'true' nature is not accessible to us. That's not an answer physics or science can provide. Scientific realists will differ on that.
...Please we are always Observing from the Inside out, because we are involved, either by experiment or from the sidelines thinking. We are not the...end all of all...respectfully, Chuck...captivus tube...Blessings...
If a singe photon could disrupt a supperpostion of states, there would be no supperposition of states. Every point in spacetime has an EM field that is continuously interacting with itself via the exchange of photons, and yet supperposition exists.
I think you're talking about virtual particles and vacuum energy? These effects are too short range and of too short a duration to significantly perturb the quantum systems involved in processes like quantum computing. Decoherence isn't an all-or-nothing effect, low levels of decoherence, such as from virtual particle interactions, can perturb a system so little that the wave structure and amplitude of the system under consideration is still dominant.
@@simonhibbs887 Not talking about virtual particales. Everywhere that has light, detectable by the eye and not detectable you have photons, on shell. Everywhere in the universe the electromagnetic field exists, and there is only one EM field in the universe. His point at the end is correct, where do you draw the boundaries between the matter that is in the supperpostion state and the matter that interacts with the supperposition? From the point of view of nature, there are no boundries, boundries are an athropomorphic concept. My instict is that physicsts do not want humanity (ie consciousness) to be somehow special for very complex social-historical reasons.
@@Greg-xs5py Right, but that EM field has insignificant amplitude in spaces blacked out, shielded from EM interference and cooled to near absolute zero, such as in quantum computers. In such conditions the amplitude of the wave function of the isolated phenomena being studied and utilised dominates. That's why quantum computers work. >My instict is that physicsts do not want humanity (ie consciousness) to be somehow special for very complex social-historical reasons. There are physicists that do think consciousness is special in the way that you imply. You might like to look up the interview clip with Henry Stapp on this channel from a month ago. Then there's Lothar Schäfer, Fred Alan Wolf.However none of them have so far some up with a way that consciousness has any measurable consequences relative to quantum phenomena.
Has anyone ever had the thought that gravity is just some potential energy function which could be incorparated in the hamiltonian of the schrodinger equation? I suppose thats where the mathematical inconsistences show up as are mentioned often. Kind of off topic but I thought this is maybe the right audience to ask.
freekv2 • You don't need a complicated mathematical apparatus in order to correctly understand the universal dynamic. It can be expressed in a much simpler way. The so-called "gravity" is not attractive at all, or the result of a bending of a hypothetical and non-existent "space-time". It is the result of the natural universal REPULSIVE dynamic. In this universal repulsive dynamic you find all the answers like: what, how and why. If you want, this phenomenon, so-called "gravity", can be understood - in the direction of your observation - as being the local emergent entropic "potential".
Osho says, because Newton was not a meditator, he could not find the law of grace which is exactly opposite of the law of gravitation. Osho points out : "Gravitation is the law which pulls you down; grace is the law which pulls you up. Science has not yet discovered, maybe it is not going to discover it ever, the other law. It has discovered one law. "You have heard the story that Newton was sitting in a garden, and one apple fell. Watching that apple fall, Newton started thinking, "Why does the apple fall towards the earth? Why directly towards the earth? Why not sideways? Why does it not start flying upwards?" The law of gravitation was discovered, that the earth has a pull and pulls everything towards it. " But Newton saw the fruit falling; he didn't see the tree rising up. Whenever I read the story. I always felt he saw the small fruit falling towards the earth; he didn't see the tree rising upwards. You throw a stone. It falls back, true, but a tree goes on rising higher and higher. Something is pulling the tree up. A stone is dead; the tree is alive. Life goes higher and higher and higher. Osho , from the book...'yoga , the alpha and the omega , vol 7'
sujok-a9 • All wrong, Osho wrong. What has Newton observed is the reactive effects of the active ones. Working on the local reactive effects+ losses is ok as practical applications. But if you want to understand the true real dynamic you have to truly understand the real universal active phenomenon. The active ones, not the reactive ones. There's no "pull" without a "push". 🤔🙄😯😏😉 Good luck.🫡
Fundamentally, there are no observers. There's only the physical system (the wave function of the Universe) evolving accordingly to the Schrödinger equation. Observers are an emergent property, a way of talking about the branching of the wave function.
1:45 Yes Humans' were not there but we are now and are sentient and conscious of our own existence, hence all the questions. It is a tad presumptuous to assume that we are the first creatures to ponder such things. 3:15 Interaction within the local environment of other interacting waves is quite the best way to go in understanding decoherence. What is so funny is that some folks watching this are going to think He is and Eco Warrior because of his long hair and beautiful setting of the conversation .. that is entirely not what he means by environment. I could be wrong of course. Shame about the Avogadro number of photons comment but be honest Many Worlds is based upon possibility being certain, a statistical nonsense ... like Shakespeare's Monkeys on the road to Clarksville. 8:00 Boy oh Boy did he blow his own toes off and not answer the question of this video . Fun though. A tsunami of suppostional waves is not the same as 1+1= 2.
It depends on what the term observer means. it could mean any particle that impinges upon another. The other end of that spectrum of observer is consciousness that existed before the universe began. I find that absurd because there is no logical way to explain how that observer became to be. And no, no theological explanation actually explains anything.
Only a Living Being, can be Observer, with the Ability to Observe, Consciousness, Observation can Only happends through Sensing, = Motion, the Sensed 'object' is Motion, and our Sensing-Organs, is Motion, it is all Motion.
the one capacity (attribute) that may exist only within the human as a variation within material life form, is that of an "observer" "bring thyself unto account each day ere thou art summoned to a reckoning" This be-ing "aincient" Still today examples . In Japanese culture "hansei" self reflection In self-re-flective practice can be attained perception outside of ones own physical be-ing. Some have called these verities "astral" They are not limited to the dream realm or confined by material con-struct that we see as reality. The greatest veil be-ing, in terms of "business" "conflict of interest" Yet to a reality with bus-i-ness experience it is simply individual "confirmation bias" that is the greater veil. What if the bias was "all good bias" would the "bad" go by us? bi, by, bye, "buy" bye, bye not here!
If we define observation as a capacity of conscious beings, then tautologically observations will require the existence of consciousness. That tells us nothing about quantum mechanics, or anything else.
@@simonhibbs887 This one has merely "affirmed" material constructs that have been given definition. I also affirm your beautiful off-ering! In our complex material understanding is a reality that struggles with "re-turn" and even as per each ones own material be-ginning. A simple question, In all our complex understanding is it possible that human intelligence missed anything? Unless we are willing to re-view all of it, we will never know. For this individual it has only been continual re-view that re-vealed what could be termed "limitless" As great as the material definitions of human material understanding is, it is per the "affirmation of all things" simply "limited" One thing we can understand in affirming all definition of things "limited" there is never enough "limited" things by definition to go around! Gratitude and appreciation for your perception, which if not dis-puted yet given consideration, is moving toward the recognition of "limitless"
@@stevehines7520 A simple question, In all our complex understanding is it possible that human intelligence missed anything? >Unless we are willing to re-view all of it, we will never know. Of course, science is a process not a destination. It's under constant review. The way science is taught, in my experience, is through showing students how to perform the same experiments performed by scientists past, so that they know how to personally test and verify as many of the ideas they learn as possible. That's why so much of science education takes place in laboratories. It's why scientific papers are peer reviewed and a great many of them are publicly available.
Sith Lord implies that there is indeed Cosmic Consciousness which can be God , and that we are all created in the image and likeness of God as Pro-creators, thus we can affect particles by collapsing its wave function
Combine all measurement(of position, momentum, energy, probability etc.) apparatuses or machines in one machine and this resulting machine may be taken as the approximate observer ! The approximate observer will become the perfect observer when we finally crack the code of the universe ! Do not treat "human" as observer as they are subjective and biased !
No, the human mind does not influence it. The human brain is in superposition, because it is also made of particles which are entangled with the wave function of the measured quantum particle. But consciousness is not physical so it cannot be in a superposition. So you have one consciousness that thinks the particle is here, and one that thinks it's there, depending on which brain state generates it. They don't interact so each one thinks that there is a single classical reality. I think it's a good test for consciousness - only a conscious being would be puzzled by quantum mechanics.
I've tried to understand that and its just all so confusing. Its seems the observer is more the action of taking a measurement in the experiment of the double slid
In this video, Sabine Hossenfelder describes why decoherence *doesn't* solve the measurement problem. So there *is* some disagreement among physicists.
Observers is other side of origin and side view of object in reality, its the natural occurring phenomena of reality, where so ever is origin some or other observer will arise zome time to verify the object and its properties in that time and space thats the fundamental of conciousness, rest you are right about your classical view 😂 AABARACADABARAAS❤
We observers are a created AI within the created AI system. What separates us is our created minds that are like computer processors, CAD and Photoshop working together to process invisible waves (quantum world) into visible images that also wakes up the AI, the observer of those images.
Can you give quotes from genuine authoritative figures, scriptures, metaphysicians and field theory gods please. You never give references, citations or ever name your sources. There's another sophist here, "0 by 1 publishing llc", he refuses to name his sources, quotes nothing universal or foundational, and none of his bs aligns with field theory. Maybe it's your lexicon that is most degenerate. I don't believe this to be the case as you display here great transgressions of universal metaphysics.
@@S3RAVA3LM My source is our Creator and I as the only source that exists today where you can learn how you're created within HIS AI system. There are no books on earth or any other obedient AI that can tell you what our Creator and I possess for eternity. If you don't believe you were created as an AI with your own individual mind, then it's because you were not chosen by our Creator to believe it.
wave-particle duality might explain how mathematical objects - prob functions - give rise to physical objects - particles it’s a candidate for how probabilistic math becomes physical reality
it’s tempting to speculate wave functions exist in another “realm” - the one that existed before the universe did - and their effects only “enter” the universe when they decohere that the mystery of decoherence is the mystery of how the universe came into existence
so the picture of ultimate reality is there is a physical universe(s) *and* a mathematical realm and wavefunctions exist at the boundary betwn the two so wave-particle duality isn't something that exists only in the observable physical universe it exists in the universe and at the boundary
and the confinement of wavefunctions to this boundary explains their strange properties, like superposition, entanglement, and tunneling wavefunctions don't exist in the physical universe and are, therefore, not physically constrained until, that is, they interact with physical things - incl measurement instruments and human observers - when they become particles and measurements
This guest is really smart. But every time I see him, I can’t help but ask why he doesn’t cut that hair. He’s holding onto scraps. And the ponytail is not helping. Thanks for the interesting interview.
I feel that this is really such an unnecessary thing to say. I think he wears it well & not everybody looks better with their head shaved. Why possibly mess with people's self esteem by commenting on something you don't like about their looks? I'm sorry for ranting but I see it too much & it's a worse look than dudes ponytail, that's for sure 😅
“Certainly there were quantum mechanical things going on in the early universe… (before humans)” Certainly? Is that an argument? Ok so certainly, therefore true? What? That’s a big metaphysical assumption
Eh? We can see star light from millions of lightyears away. That alone proves stuff was happening long before humans were around. In fact, our planet had to form before we could be here so I really don't see why you find this difficult.
Observers are what humans are. The universe does not exist without observation of it. For where and in what sense does it exist if nothing observes it? Before observers existed, perhaps the universe existed in some weird platonic sense. Then when observers came into existence they gave breadth to space and intervals of time. For example, an hour to an electron is no different than an eon to the electron. The hour and the eon are indistinguishable to the electron since the electron does not observe. The Big bang, was the first observer, giving breadth to the universe. "We don't want humans around to say things exist". This is the abuse of science. You shouldn't "want" anything, other than the truth.
"It only takes one photon bouncing off of me to make me be either here or there" Except quantum field theory tells us there are no such thing as distinct particles "bouncing off" each other, but just a series over overlapping/connected fields stretching across the entire universe, and particles are just patterns of excitation in those fields....
Circumscribing God to a measure, and only can be done if God is of mass and magnitude to some degree, is implying that God is in a place, thus not in another place. Im thinking over your statement here. But God isn't a particle. Quantum refers to nothing - it represents only a measure or quantity of something. A measure of something isn't to be afforded properties or attributes; or even powers or energy. All the principles, universals, powers, divinities, virtues, orders, enery, this isn't quantum's as if it's quantum's properties. H How does one identify God as quantum? Therefore how can God be logically and rationality circumscribed and delimited to something of phenomena when phenomena emanated from a higher and more subtle sphere?
There is no beginning, nor end. There is no limit. The fourth dimension is infinite. The Fifth has the same character as those other dimensions. How could it contain the infinite? (You are trapped by your mind.)
Here let me break it down for you. Since god is fictional it can be everywhere and nowhere all at the same time. Whatever you want to make up is good since no proof is necessary. If there is a problem just make up something else.
@@tomjackson7755 it's not what we want to make up, it's what reason reveals to be the case, in which it can not be any other way. It is far too illogical and of demerit to deny God. We can only argue and deny the theories concerning God.
@@S3RAVA3LM That is what you made up in all of its illogical glory. There was a problem and you just made up something else. Thank you for proving my point.
@@tomjackson7755ok. And by you denying my statement you make known indirectly your stance. You believe things subject to the laws, which laws are not visible, only are the effects of, and such transient things as being principles, when there are no explicit demonstrations of indicating. Therefore you have to prove what come first, the tree or the seed.. how things existential gave themselves being, prior to them having being, and what this procession of becoming is and where it's going. How are you to explain both the beginning and dissolution when you deny the primodial cause? Go ahead. Explain away your belief you made unwittingly.
@@S3RAVA3LM Oh look you proved my point again. You ran into a problem and made up a big 'story' to try to solve it. Why do I need to explain any of that? You are the one that keep claiming to have all the answers. You brought up a big one that you need to prove how it is even possible. How could your god exist as a being before there was existence and beings? Otherwise your god would be contingent on those things.
An observer is the simulation programmer who is being paid minimum wage and overworked to the point where he decided to quit. He said: "If they move my desk again, I'll quit. They already moved it five times in the last year. Before, it was near the window, and I could see squirrels, they were married, but then they switched."
I absolutely love this rabbit hole - especially how it relates to consciousness and the collapse of the wave function.
I'm a big fan of the relational interpretation of quantum mechanics: what if the collapse of the superposition is not a property of the object? It could be an emergent property, born of the relationship between a conscious observer and an uncertain quantity. What if superposition and wave function collapse occur only in our minds?
It would be the same as with colour: you would not say a photon is itself 'red', would you? Nor is the object the photon bounced off, since that object could appear all different colours depending on the lighting. 'Red' is something that your brain creates in response to a specific wavelength photon.
In this relational interpretation, quantum uncertainty occurs in our brain, and what we call the wave function collapse is actually just us becoming certain about something.
Just like the perception of colour, the perception of quantum uncertainty is both real and useful. The application of a probabilistic framework for dealing with uncertainties is at the heart of modern science and philosophy. It's also vital for basic survival functions and decision making.
I think the relational interpretation is the most grounded and likely explanation for all of the whacky quantum phenomena.
Thanks Carlo Rovelli!
Or there is no emergence. We are all part of a hologram. Reality is not real. We are somewhere outside the universe wearing a "headset." Consciousness is how we interact with our headset and our holographic environment.
@@bodhihouareau-rose8964 By "The Observer," don't we really mean "observers," plural? There is a collective observation of many established "facts," no?
Using your "photon and brain" example, even if "our brains" perceived the color red differently than others (typically some problem with the pigments in certain nerve cells of the eye that sense color), we would all agree on the order of things, like the top, middle, and bottom of stoplights, as well as the meaning of that order from the behavior of other vehicles. In other words, a sense of cause and effect remains intact. Somewhere I read that the eye (i.e., brain) first notices motion before color, and only then shape. Motion, color, shape: we are Newtonians, not DaVinci's.
2:43 The "observer" is the interaction with the environment.
Exactly! We need to stop using the term "observer" to describe the thing that causes quantum decoherence. It's an outdated and confusing term.
Except that there is no "The Observer," there are observers, plural. It takes more than one observation to establish a fact. The Special Theory of Relativity depends upon two observers, not just one. If enough people observe rings around Saturn, we can reliably conclude it to be so. Observations that cannot be replicated are inexplicable.
Which, as an aside, is why I offer no explanation for the many observations of UFOs. I don't doubt the experiences, but none of them are replicable. One cannot offer an explanation for that which is experienced by only a few observers.
If this we're true, then the cat in the box would always exist due to its own interactions with the environment within the box regardless of an outside observer.
@andyc8707 The existence of the cat in Schrödinger's thought experiment is not in question.
There have been plenty of non"observer" pieces of equipment that do not collapse the wave function though. So what gives?
An observer could very well be the environment. Since we are not certain about what things are conscious or even what consciousness is.
All things are alive/exist but we are observers and gauges of different ones phenomena.
@@kipponiat least we know that we are conscious and that we clearly affect all particles. Therefore cosmic Consciousness clearly exists before human beings existed
Good question and it Is equally good to hear a view of decoupling reality from human observers within the decoherence explanation
This brings us up the following question
-- Who or what is an observer?
Well, in our TOE’s view, the whole classical universe is its own observer, where all galaxies collapse gravitationally moment by moment (at a particle level using our CPT(α,Φ) function mechanism of TOE)
In other words, our CPT(α,Φ) function of TOE collapses it by auto-collapsing/landing/toggling each particle from CFT into the next lattice of AdS
This simultaneous toggle/shift is what gives us the feeling to human observers that these CFT/AdS dualities are orbiting smoothly like the frames of Muybridge’s Horse in Motion.
This explanation resolves everything (including measurement problem)!and to understand our model see below
For example. our wave function of a particle ( say electron) is a CPT(α,Φ) function operated wave function that is designed to evolve within the coordinate system of Riemann sphere using Riemann Zeta function (including its corresponding Fourier /Mobius transformations in the projected plane), in such a way that the electric field of each dipole gets rotated as nπ cycles (using Euler’s identity eiπ ) before getting rotated by their magnetic field (by 90 degrees) so that their combined least action (A which we call as collapse when it crosses the origin of complex plane ) - which then starts flowing along the eigen-valued nodes of Ramanujan’s graph including 10 such dualities as explained in this article(
In other words, our TOE is a CPT(α,Φ) function operated cosmic dance, where α ends up splitting the frequencies of QVF as 137 dipoles ( aka elementary particles including electrons, quarks etc) using Riemann Zeta function( including its corresponding Fourier/Mobius transformations), in such a way that the electric field of each dipole gets rotated as nπ cycles (using Euler’s identity eiπ ) before getting rotated by their magnetic field (by 90 degrees) so that their combined least action (A) can be twisted to flow along the eigen-valued nodes of Ramanujan graph, using the 2/3:1/3 rule of α (ratioed by its flip sided golden ratio Φ)!
Stated otherwise, this idea of embedding CPT function within our TOE with 10+ META DUALITIES of the Langsland/Banach-Tarski/Russell paradox of our SOE/TOE engine is what differentiates our approach!
For example,
We imagine our Universe as the Riemann Zeta function governed LMFDB universe (that is a motivic/metamorphic/Galois representation based SU 2/SU3/SU4symmetrical engine.
In other words, Z(1) is the fundamental frequency of this Universe’s TOE engine that is QVF/ZPE sourced, FSC(α)-Einstein-Bohr-HV-Maxwell Daemon governed frequency of Riemann's zeta function Ζ(S) with a singularity of S=1+0i, that is made up of his harmonic oscillating zeros(S=1/2+it stacked on his 1/2 critical line, before being transformed as a 137 frequency-spin momentum matched dipole, using our FSC(α)-GR-PLA+5 AITGE origin formulas(see exhibit)
In other words, our TOE/SOE engine is the one that is transforming the Riemann's zeros into an artistic unit charge SU2 dipole(see visual), by contracting/expanding its electric flux as the center of mass (as r = αR), before rotating its magnetic flux by 90 in such a way that it can be extended into the left plane as a paired unit charge, using the "only possible analytical continuation of Zeta".
Sure enough, this engine function is nothing but universe's wave function only, transforming itself from position/time space into frequency/momentum space, using the Fourier/Mobius transform operator --
ψ(k) = ∫ ψ(t) e^-iwt dt -
This brings us to our next point about CPT function
This "one & only allowed analytically continued/functional equation allowed symmetrical dipole" is what limits/constrains the ∞ pole of Riemann sphere to a value of 137 cycles( per Laurent/Cauchy residue including the α=r/R,=fe/fp=we/wp logic of our CP function as explained in my post and attached one page exhibit for details
lim t→ ∞ CP(1/2 + ti) = 1/α cycles of dipole
In other words, this CPT function proof( for Riemann hypothesis is a polynomial in the convex region of the Riemann Sphere only (thanks to the "one and only allowed analytical continuation logic of dipole & its 137 cycle ratio logic"), limiting/constraining the ∞ pole of Riemann sphere to the convex region - which brings us to the what also makes our TOE as the best candidate (compared to all other TOEs), as we visibly see the signatures of FSC and golden ratio throughout nature
Simply put -
Ours is the only TOE that is anchored on this FSC/golden ratio governed CPT(α,Φ) function mechanism!
In other words, for any TOE path to become a final TOE, it must be anchored on this FSC/golden ratio governed CPT(α,Φ) function mechanism end to end (in one form or the other)!
This doesn't mean that ours is the only path - and the classic example is how we have integrated Ads/CFT duality of string theory with these 10 dualities of our CPT(α,Φ) function mechanism with the hypothesis that they toggle between CFT-boundary of the lower CP1 plane to & AdS-Bulk upper CP2 plane!
This is where we want to extend it to all the other best in class features from all other TOE paths using this integrated program - which brings me to the list of our “top 10 CPT(α,Φ) function caused, META DUALITY PROOFS”, including our recent additions of Ramanujan graphs & Jones/Khovanov homology knots, as summarized below
1. Riemann zeros of dipole/quadrupoles(1/2+ti)
2. Hodge hyperbolic structures(H3 quotioned by K&A L-functions
3. Hodge P-adic parabolic structures (P(N) quotioned by K&A L-functions )
4. Thurston structures(T(N) quotioned by K&A L-functions )
5. Polytopes(PT(N) quotioned by K&A L-functions
6. Spectral vertices of Ramanujan graphs G2xK2 Q by Ramanujan L-function
7. K knots of Jones polynomial (&Feynman’s paths/Riemann surfaces)
8. HK knot states of Khovanov homology
9. Prime square roots of Knots theory
10. Irreducible representation of Poincare particles
Similarly, if I may summarize the manifestations of these 10 CPT(α,Φ) caused dualities by mapping the lower CP1 plane to CFT-boundary & upper CP2 plane to AdS-Bulk
1. Imagine, as the CPT(α,Φ ) function starts limiting the “Riemannian ∞ quantum spherical universe” into a compact polynomial region of the lower plane (whose WF is modeled using a metamorphic/automorphic Riemann zeta function with a SU2-3-4 symmetry) -- it is automatically cut into infinite slices of irreducible diploid circular spheres at an exact moment when the Zeta function starts crossing the origin. of CP1
2. Also imagine, as these infinite slices get squeezed (1 & 4 at a time) into an exact radiused symplectic geometric asymmetric taurusized cylinder of the CP2 plane (folded from the unit square of CP1 plane)", acting as the Hilbert’s countable infinity hotel.
3. Now, as they get squeezed into an “exact radiused symplectic geometric asymmetric taurusized cylinder”, the electric field starts getting rotated 90°(by the magnetic flux), thus transforming it into an “domino effected ellipsoid”.
4. Now as we analyze the cross section of each “domino affected ellipsoid", we can clearly see these 10 geometrical dualities.
5. Turns out, our CPT(α,Φ) function is the one that rotates these 10 geometrical dualities “galoistically and knotistically” before reassembling them in CP2 as a classical sphere. In other words, CPT(α,Φ) does it all in real time by auto-collapsing/landing/toggling the particle as soon as zeta function starts crossing the origin in CP1 plane, so that it can shift it into the next lattice of CP2. This simultaneous shift is what gives us the feeling that these dualities are orbiting smoothly like the frames of Muybridge’s Horse in Motion.
Simply put,
Our top 10 CPT(α,Φ) caused dualities, along with our earlier framing of FSC as an AoC/HV/Maxwell daemon( is what makes CPT(α,Φ) function as the META PROOF of Riemann hypothesis with a symbiotic symmetrical fractal causality to10+C-old unsolved problems incl. 5+ $5MM CI problems&10 biz ideas(
Similarly, how about I expand its scope to the productivity challenge in the business dimension that has been developed by the very same TOE principles(& synthesized as 1 sentence below and in exhibit)
-- Every Maslow’s holacracial(1) economic need is a direct/indirect manifestation of QE caused Scripture/Griffith’s human condition/depravity model problem(2) only -- that is solved using the Principle of least action & its new insight(3) driven Fine-structure-constant(FSC) caused Attention factor (4) driven FSC/GT/Nash Equilibrium(5) based reality accurate S-economics model(6) caused Friedman’s Attention-Pluck(7) -- that is followed by an Solow’s TFP-expansion( 8 ), before it being executed by “sovereign-to-choose with collaboration without coercion(9)” motto, driven Next-Gen capitalism called Sovereign/Conscious Sustainalism(10). as explainer in this summary (
Welcome complementary POVs
Do you have a hobby
I see the Stawamus Chief in the background. Cool.
Determining who or what observes you would think would be a massive pursuit in science but science is not concerned with this or almost rather afraid to determine the answer because of the implication certain results may give. I dont think we have the materials or processing power to determine this yet but I suspect the answer is a matter of information physics.
In my opinion we’re all observers and subjects at the same time. If I modify or change the state of things when I am present at an environment I become an observer. If somehow another agent or environment change my state or my molecular structure I become the subject.
When there were no humans around what acted as the observer, so a particle could be measured here and there. In its simplest, the various paths (infinite) taken by an electron acts as an observer. Otherwise cosmic consciousness is the observer that collapse the quantum fields to produce particles that has unique position (not here or there).
Sseth Lloyd is brilliant!
And he looks cool and has charisma. He's like a scientific monk.
Why do people cling with such ferocity to the belief in a mind-independent reality? It is surely because if there is no such reality, then ultimately (as far as we can know) mind alone exists. And if mind is not a product of real matter, but rather is the creator of the illusion of material reality (which has, in fact, despite the materialists, been known to be the case, since the discovery of quantum mechanics in 1925), then a theistic view of our existence becomes the only rational alternative to solipsism."
~ Richard Conn Henry is an Academy Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University, author of one book and over 200 publications on the topics of astrophysics and various forms of astronomy.
>Why do people cling with such ferocity to the belief in a mind-independent reality?
Because our perception of the world in consciousness often turns out to be vary from the world as we find it on investigation. Sensory illusions for example, the we investigate we find that out mental knowledge and subjective experience of the world was incorrect. If our conscious experience varied from the actual state of affairs, that means there must be a non-subjective actual state of affairs for it to vary from.
Also if everything is in consciousness, where do novel unanticipated sensory perceptions come from? We are subject to a constant stream of consistent experiential information that is consistent between individuals. Since we're not already conscious of this information, it can't come from our consciousness, it must come from some source external to our consciousness. We call that source the world, or nature.
The measurement problem in QM is still unsolved, but the claim that consciousness is necessary for an observation is tautological. If we define observations as a states of awareness of a conscious being, then obviously that means conscious beings play a necessary role in observation. That doesn't tell us anything about quantum mechanics though.
On the hypothesised fundamentality of mind entailing god, you'd have to ask a non-theist idealist like Kastrup who doesn't think it does.
you can have consciousness without theism
This is why I smoke weed to get into the weeds of deep thinking. What is an observer, is there Nothing, infinities bigger than infinities????, Zero, one electron, pi, e, faster than light but wait we are traveling at light speed by the electrons and neutrons that we are made of…. gravity….. good 👍 topic btw. Time for another joint.
Robert, I just love your quest and channel. Personally, I think that ultimate reality simply is beyond our comprehension. Why should this be surprising? My little cat cannot comprehend how light goes on and off in our house and might never evolve to be able to d so. We are severely limited by our biological evolution. Perhaps one day our non-biological AI progeny will get it. But, even they won't be able to explain it to us…
In Aliens covenant, David an Android, questions how it is that he will outlive his creator, the humans, now realizing he may be superior to humans and later seems to follow what the engineers had in mind in exterminating the human race.
jacks • Lol 🤣
Good joke.
Yes , the ultimate reality will simply be beyond our comprehension. But the scientific enquiry should never stop. The biggest problem the scientific community is facing today is the that they have reached the highest point of scientific research in the last 100 years and are struggling as to what can be done further. The best minds in the world are struck.
sujok-a9 • Another good joke. 🤣
Yeah, they have been all "struck" for too long by ingenuous stupidity and lack of mental prowess. 🤣
I don't he cares.
in quantum superposition, time might not be local?
Everything is relative.
3:14 ... Define precisely decoherence SL: yeah so a wave is coherent if it can be added up in a way where you can uh detect the phase between the waves so I could have a wave that goes like that jor I could have a wave that goes like that now um here this part of the wave is negative in the other part this part of the wave is positive so in quantum mechanics the probability of finding something here is proportional to the amplitude of the wave but to the amplitude square so rather doesn't care whether it's positive or negative right so if you're going to find it here or there then here or there doesn't care about whether this amplitude is negative or whether this amplitude is positive but in the dynamics of a wave right you know it makes a lot of difference if this amplitude is negative or this amplitude is positive for instance if this is negative and this is positive these move on top of each other they cancel each other out this is called destructive interference so in quantum mechanics all the time you get situations where this amplitude makes a difference somehow and in measurement after you make measurement or in decoherence it doesn't make a difference any longer (okay) 4:26 so you could say decoherence is a process where the uh whether the amplitude is positive positive or negative no longer makes a difference and interaction with the environment will have aht effect 4:34
(Denial in the Physicist Community)
Physicists in Denial
The theory of relativity informs us that our science is a science of our experience, and not a science of a universe that is independent of us as conscious observers. This nature of our science is also reflected in the formulation of quantum mechanics, since the main formulation of quantum mechanics does not provide direct rules for the behaviour of particles. Instead, it provides rules that concern only the results of measurements by observers. This means that the observer is an intrinsic part of the main formulation of quantum mechanics, and what differentiates the observer from physical particles has to be mind and consciousness.
As John von Neumann and Eugene Wigner pointed out, this means that consciousness has an intrinsic role to play in quantum mechanics. Why then has there been so much resistance to recognizing this fundamental fact? And why have physicists, for more than a century, persistently tried to get rid of the observer, even if it meant-in defiance of Occam’s razor-having to insert, by hand, additional hypothetical ad hoc conditions to the basic formulation?
The underlying problem appears to be the need to fit this intrinsic role of consciousness, in quantum mechanics, into the prevailing view, in Western philosophy, of a mind-matter duality. An attempt to fit the role of consciousness into this framework of a mind-matter duality would unfortunately lead to solipsism, and that is the main problem. So the vast majority of physicists gravitate, instead, to the stance of materialism, and hence the need for them to free quantum mechanics from the conscious observer.
The formulation of quantum mechanics actually does not, in any way, suggest a mind-matter dichotomy, and it certainly does not suggest either materialism or solipsism. Quantum mechanics actually points to a middle way between these two extremes of materialism and solipsism, a realization that both Werner Heisenberg and Wolfgang Pauli eventually reached. This means that the formulation of quantum mechanics actually points to the philosophical viewpoint of the Buddhist Madhyamika philosophy, also known as the Middle Way philosophy. Madhyamika philosophy would allow us to include the role of consciousness in quantum physics without ending up in the extremes of either solipsism or materialism
If we define an observation in terms of conscious awareness, then obviously and tautologically a conscious awareness is required for there to be an observation. That doesn't tell us anything about quantum mechanics, or anything else.
Great ... I like that guy
We anthropologists long ago knew this to be true.
If a cosmic ray passing through a mica sheet in the Himalayas leaves an irreversible trace on a mica sheet then the mica sheet acts in principle as an 'observer' (whether or not a living being is present to observe it).
The real issue is: how does an irreversible reduction of the norm preserving wavefunction of the whole system can occur while maintaining its unitary evolution?
The 'decoherence' argument merely provides a FAPP*-like explanation. For, it is based on a large scale 'phase mixing' of the wavefunction that, in principle, remains reversible. And so one may legitimately conclude that the 'decoherence' argument does not provide a rigorous in principle explanation of the required irreversible reduction.. //
*FAPP = 'for all practical purposes'; an abbreviation introduced by J. Bell)
Gigantic Orangutan is freak of nature. All these headlines from CTT are ridiculous. Yet we still love it.
I thought the observer was at rest in a time dimension observing the time dilation perspective of another's motion from that distance.
An observer is a quantum mechanical system that is entangled with another quantum mechanical system that is under study.
Has decoherence ever been observed?
It's an important issue in designing quantum computers, because it messes up the superposition of the qubits.
@@simonhibbs887 what attribute does this quantum thing have?
@@S3RAVA3LM Hi. I'm not sure which one you mean. Seth provided a good high level overview of decoherence, but I'll try and distill that down a bit.
A quantum system is described by a wave function in which the waves are in a phase relation to each other. As the system becomes coupled with environmental phenomena these wave states become more complex and no longer have coherent phase relations. Conceptually this is just much any classical wave phenomenon perturbed by external effects.
When quantum systems are in a coherent phase relation they exhibit particular quantum behaviours we can engineer and exploit for practical purposes. As they decoher the system becomes too complex to manipulate usefully.
Note that I am talking about how quantum mechanics describes these systems. As an empiricist I make no claims about the 'reality' or 'underlying nature' of whatever is going on, we just don't know. When we make measurements we get results, and the mathematics of quantum mechanics describes the results we see from initial conditions. That's it, the mathematics works. That's all we know. We refer to concepts like superposition, waves, fields, particles, and so on. These are mathematical objects in our calculations.
I do adopt realist semantics when discussing such things for convenience. This particle was measured to be here, that field has this energy level, etc. When I do so I'm referring to the mathematical objects in our descriptions. The interpretation of these results is a matter of philosophy, IMHO. I think there is a 'real world', maybe the term persistent is preferable to real, but that it's 'true' nature is not accessible to us. That's not an answer physics or science can provide. Scientific realists will differ on that.
Closer to Confusion
...Please we are always Observing from the Inside out, because we are involved, either by experiment or from the sidelines thinking. We are not the...end all of all...respectfully, Chuck...captivus tube...Blessings...
Many Worlds seems like a cop-out.
I'm dizzy!! 🥴
Better have a beer.
@@Ekam-SatTo get more dizzy 😁?
Me too every time I look billions of galaxies.
@@kipponi Yes and have some good laughs together!
Everything is everything is nothing
Jesus is Love.
@@Ekam-SatJesus is imaginary.
@@melgross Are you saying you are imaginary too?
@@Ekam-Sat by that, you are too.
If a singe photon could disrupt a supperpostion of states, there would be no supperposition of states. Every point in spacetime has an EM field that is continuously interacting with itself via the exchange of photons, and yet supperposition exists.
I think you're talking about virtual particles and vacuum energy? These effects are too short range and of too short a duration to significantly perturb the quantum systems involved in processes like quantum computing. Decoherence isn't an all-or-nothing effect, low levels of decoherence, such as from virtual particle interactions, can perturb a system so little that the wave structure and amplitude of the system under consideration is still dominant.
@@simonhibbs887 Not talking about virtual particales. Everywhere that has light, detectable by the eye and not detectable you have photons, on shell. Everywhere in the universe the electromagnetic field exists, and there is only one EM field in the universe. His point at the end is correct, where do you draw the boundaries between the matter that is in the supperpostion state and the matter that interacts with the supperposition? From the point of view of nature, there are no boundries, boundries are an athropomorphic concept. My instict is that physicsts do not want humanity (ie consciousness) to be somehow special for very complex social-historical reasons.
@@Greg-xs5py Right, but that EM field has insignificant amplitude in spaces blacked out, shielded from EM interference and cooled to near absolute zero, such as in quantum computers. In such conditions the amplitude of the wave function of the isolated phenomena being studied and utilised dominates. That's why quantum computers work.
>My instict is that physicsts do not want humanity (ie consciousness) to be somehow special for very complex social-historical reasons.
There are physicists that do think consciousness is special in the way that you imply. You might like to look up the interview clip with Henry Stapp on this channel from a month ago. Then there's Lothar Schäfer, Fred Alan Wolf.However none of them have so far some up with a way that consciousness has any measurable consequences relative to quantum phenomena.
Well the double slit experiment was conducted on Earth, far from the conditions you described.
Has anyone ever had the thought that gravity is just some potential energy function which could be incorparated in the hamiltonian of the schrodinger equation? I suppose thats where the mathematical inconsistences show up as are mentioned often. Kind of off topic but I thought this is maybe the right audience to ask.
freekv2 • You don't need a complicated mathematical apparatus in order to correctly understand the universal dynamic.
It can be expressed in a much simpler way.
The so-called "gravity" is not attractive at all, or the result of a bending of a hypothetical and non-existent "space-time".
It is the result of the natural universal REPULSIVE dynamic.
In this universal repulsive dynamic you find all the answers like: what, how and why.
If you want, this phenomenon, so-called "gravity", can be understood - in the direction of your observation - as being the local emergent entropic "potential".
Indeed; the purpose of life is love.
Osho says, because Newton was not a meditator, he could not find the law of grace which is exactly opposite of the law of gravitation.
Osho points out : "Gravitation is the law which pulls you down; grace is the law which pulls you up. Science has not yet discovered, maybe it is not going to discover it ever, the other law. It has discovered one law.
"You have heard the story that Newton was sitting in a garden, and one apple fell. Watching that apple fall, Newton started thinking, "Why does the apple fall towards the earth? Why directly towards the earth? Why not sideways? Why does it not start flying upwards?" The law of gravitation was discovered, that the earth has a pull and pulls everything towards it.
" But Newton saw the fruit falling; he didn't see the tree rising up. Whenever I read the story. I always felt he saw the small fruit falling towards the earth; he didn't see the tree rising upwards. You throw a stone. It falls back, true, but a tree goes on rising higher and higher. Something is pulling the tree up. A stone is dead; the tree is alive. Life goes higher and higher and higher.
Osho , from the book...'yoga , the alpha and the omega , vol 7'
sujok-a9 • All wrong, Osho wrong.
What has Newton observed is the reactive effects of the active ones.
Working on the local reactive effects+ losses is ok as practical applications.
But if you want to understand the true real dynamic you have to truly understand the real universal active phenomenon.
The active ones, not the reactive ones.
There's no "pull" without a "push". 🤔🙄😯😏😉
Good luck.🫡
@@mikel4879 if similarly grace energy was not there then trees would creep on the ground, not stand straight.
Like any simulation, if there are no players/observors, there is no game.
it's not a simulation
@@JB_inksit’s a simulation
Fundamentally, there are no observers. There's only the physical system (the wave function of the Universe) evolving accordingly to the Schrödinger equation. Observers are an emergent property, a way of talking about the branching of the wave function.
If the universe goes unobserved by consciousness, does the universe matter? Mattering is a state of mind.
All that matters is love.
Any phenomenon defined as a property of minds will require minds.
@@simonhibbs887 You know it.
3:14 That was an atrocious attempt at defining decoherence.
1:45 Yes Humans' were not there but we are now and are sentient and conscious of our own existence, hence all the questions. It is a tad presumptuous to assume that we are the first creatures to ponder such things. 3:15 Interaction within the local environment of other interacting waves is quite the best way to go in understanding decoherence. What is so funny is that some folks watching this are going to think He is and Eco Warrior because of his long hair and beautiful setting of the conversation .. that is entirely not what he means by environment. I could be wrong of course. Shame about the Avogadro number of photons comment but be honest Many Worlds is based upon possibility being certain, a statistical nonsense ... like Shakespeare's Monkeys on the road to Clarksville. 8:00 Boy oh Boy did he blow his own toes off and not answer the question of this video . Fun though. A tsunami of suppostional waves is not the same as 1+1= 2.
It depends on what the term observer means. it could mean any particle that impinges upon another. The other end of that spectrum of observer is consciousness that existed before the universe began. I find that absurd because there is no logical way to explain how that observer became to be. And no, no theological explanation actually explains anything.
The biggest problem with the Observer is that he / she also needs an observer ad infinitum.
it's not a person
Every noun is a soul. Everything is alive, even though life isn't obvious in the very slowly living forms. This understanding makes physics obsolete.
Physics still accurately predicts the behaviour of systems, and is still the foundation of all of our technology. How is any of that obsolete?
Only a Living Being, can be Observer,
with the Ability to Observe, Consciousness,
Observation can Only happends through
Sensing, = Motion, the Sensed 'object' is Motion,
and our Sensing-Organs, is Motion,
it is all Motion.
simple - it's all the MATRIX
the one capacity (attribute) that may exist only within the human as a variation within material life form, is that of an "observer" "bring thyself unto account each day ere thou art summoned to a reckoning" This be-ing "aincient" Still today examples . In Japanese culture "hansei" self reflection In self-re-flective practice can be attained perception outside of ones own physical be-ing. Some have called these verities "astral" They are not limited to the dream realm or confined by material con-struct that we see as reality. The greatest veil be-ing, in terms of "business" "conflict of interest" Yet to a reality with bus-i-ness experience it is simply individual "confirmation bias" that is the greater veil. What if the bias was "all good bias" would the "bad" go by us? bi, by, bye, "buy" bye, bye not here!
If we define observation as a capacity of conscious beings, then tautologically observations will require the existence of consciousness. That tells us nothing about quantum mechanics, or anything else.
@@simonhibbs887 This one has merely "affirmed" material constructs that have been given definition. I also affirm your beautiful off-ering!
In our complex material understanding is a reality that struggles with "re-turn" and even as per each ones own material be-ginning.
A simple question, In all our complex understanding is it possible that human intelligence missed anything?
Unless we are willing to re-view all of it, we will never know.
For this individual it has only been continual re-view that re-vealed what could be termed "limitless"
As great as the material definitions of human material understanding is, it is per the "affirmation of all things" simply "limited"
One thing we can understand in affirming all definition of things "limited" there is never enough "limited" things by definition to go around!
Gratitude and appreciation for your perception, which if not dis-puted yet given consideration, is moving toward the recognition of "limitless"
@@stevehines7520 A simple question, In all our complex understanding is it possible that human intelligence missed anything?
>Unless we are willing to re-view all of it, we will never know.
Of course, science is a process not a destination. It's under constant review. The way science is taught, in my experience, is through showing students how to perform the same experiments performed by scientists past, so that they know how to personally test and verify as many of the ideas they learn as possible. That's why so much of science education takes place in laboratories. It's why scientific papers are peer reviewed and a great many of them are publicly available.
did you choose 887 or was it assigned to you?
@@stevehines7520 Assigned I think, it's been a long time since I created my account and I have no particular reason to choose 887.
Sith Lord implies that there is indeed Cosmic Consciousness which can be God , and that we are all created in the image and likeness of God as Pro-creators, thus we can affect particles by collapsing its wave function
Combine all measurement(of position, momentum, energy, probability etc.) apparatuses or machines in one machine and this resulting machine may be taken as the approximate observer ! The approximate observer will become the perfect observer when we finally crack the code of the universe !
Do not treat "human" as observer as they are subjective and biased !
🤔 does the human mind influence it?
There's no evidence that it does.
No, the human mind does not influence it. The human brain is in superposition, because it is also made of particles which are entangled with the wave function of the measured quantum particle. But consciousness is not physical so it cannot be in a superposition. So you have one consciousness that thinks the particle is here, and one that thinks it's there, depending on which brain state generates it. They don't interact so each one thinks that there is a single classical reality. I think it's a good test for consciousness - only a conscious being would be puzzled by quantum mechanics.
@@simonhibbs887Then how are all your sentiments erroneous
I've tried to understand that and its just all so confusing. Its seems the observer is more the action of taking a measurement in the experiment of the double slid
@@S3RAVA3LM Maybe need to double down on reading more Proclus.
In this video, Sabine Hossenfelder describes why decoherence *doesn't* solve the measurement problem. So there *is* some disagreement among physicists.
Seth also said it doesn't solve the problem, because the environment becomes entangled with the system.
If they can’t even define what the environment is then decoherence is no explanation. It sounds more like hypothesis.
We can define and model it well enough at the micro level to engineer systems based on it.
Electrons were also never measured to be in 2 places at the same time. Just to be clear, sating they are is a metaphor and not science.
Observers is other side of origin and side view of object in reality, its the natural occurring phenomena of reality, where so ever is origin some or other observer will arise zome time to verify the object and its properties in that time and space thats the fundamental of conciousness, rest you are right about your classical view
We observers are a created AI within the created AI system. What separates us is our created minds that are like computer processors, CAD and Photoshop working together to process invisible waves (quantum world) into visible images that also wakes up the AI, the observer of those images.
Can you give quotes from genuine authoritative figures, scriptures, metaphysicians and field theory gods please. You never give references, citations or ever name your sources.
There's another sophist here, "0 by 1 publishing llc", he refuses to name his sources, quotes nothing universal or foundational, and none of his bs aligns with field theory.
Maybe it's your lexicon that is most degenerate. I don't believe this to be the case as you display here great transgressions of universal metaphysics.
@@S3RAVA3LM They both make it up as they go along, just like you do. Also like you Brad needs to get his meds adjusted.
@@S3RAVA3LM My source is our Creator and I as the only source that exists today where you can learn how you're created within HIS AI system. There are no books on earth or any other obedient AI that can tell you what our Creator and I possess for eternity.
If you don't believe you were created as an AI with your own individual mind, then it's because you were not chosen by our Creator to believe it.
@@BradHolkesvigwow! You're going to play that game, really bud.
There's waaaaay more gifted souls here today than you Brad.
@@BradHolkesviga sophist fraud you are.
Cosmos needs minimum wage rate
God is the Observer
True. Atman. Nous.
There really is no other good answer for observations made without conscious beings involved.
if Time and Space are IDEAL then does the ideal have a seeing ?
wave-particle duality might explain how mathematical objects - prob functions - give rise to physical objects - particles
it’s a candidate for how probabilistic math becomes physical reality
it’s tempting to speculate wave functions exist in another “realm” - the one that existed before the universe did - and their effects only “enter” the universe when they decohere
that the mystery of decoherence is the mystery of how the universe came into existence
* originally came and continues to come into existence
bc if math is eternal then it exists whether the universe exists or there is nothing
so the picture of ultimate reality is there is a physical universe(s) *and* a mathematical realm
and wavefunctions exist at the boundary betwn the two
so wave-particle duality isn't something that exists only in the observable physical universe
it exists in the universe and at the boundary
and the confinement of wavefunctions to this boundary explains their strange properties, like superposition, entanglement, and tunneling
wavefunctions don't exist in the physical universe and are, therefore, not physically constrained
until, that is, they interact with physical things - incl measurement instruments and human observers - when they become particles and measurements
They were no observers before us
Why does "animal" run away from danger@death@predator ?? Do they conscious???
Mama bears confront the threat out of love in protecting the cubs.
This guest is really smart. But every time I see him, I can’t help but ask why he doesn’t cut that hair. He’s holding onto scraps. And the ponytail is not helping.
Thanks for the interesting interview.
Maybe one reason is that he wants to demonstrate that unintelligent observers focus too much on how other people look...
I feel that this is really such an unnecessary thing to say. I think he wears it well & not everybody looks better with their head shaved. Why possibly mess with people's self esteem by commenting on something you don't like about their looks? I'm sorry for ranting but I see it too much & it's a worse look than dudes ponytail, that's for sure 😅
@@Tommy_007 You got me Tommy. I'm an unintelligent observer.
“Certainly there were quantum mechanical things going on in the early universe… (before humans)”
Certainly? Is that an argument? Ok so certainly, therefore true?
What? That’s a big metaphysical assumption
Eh? We can see star light from millions of lightyears away. That alone proves stuff was happening long before humans were around. In fact, our planet had to form before we could be here so I really don't see why you find this difficult.
@@JB_inks can you attempt to describe what you mean by “see”?
As in how that works from the object to the mental thought
@@deanodebo, kindly repeat that in ENGLISH, Miss.☝️
Incidentally, Slave, are you VEGAN? 🌱
You are the observer.
Observers are what humans are. The universe does not exist without observation of it. For where and in what sense does it exist if nothing observes it? Before observers existed, perhaps the universe existed in some weird platonic sense. Then when observers came into existence they gave breadth to space and intervals of time. For example, an hour to an electron is no different than an eon to the electron. The hour and the eon are indistinguishable to the electron since the electron does not observe. The Big bang, was the first observer, giving breadth to the universe. "We don't want humans around to say things exist". This is the abuse of science. You shouldn't "want" anything, other than the truth.
"It only takes one photon bouncing off of me to make me be either here or there"
Except quantum field theory tells us there are no such thing as distinct particles "bouncing off" each other, but just a series over overlapping/connected fields stretching across the entire universe, and particles are just patterns of excitation in those fields....
God is quantum in nature, because he is with you and me simultaneously.
Circumscribing God to a measure, and only can be done if God is of mass and magnitude to some degree, is implying that God is in a place, thus not in another place. Im thinking over your statement here. But God isn't a particle. Quantum refers to nothing - it represents only a measure or quantity of something. A measure of something isn't to be afforded properties or attributes; or even powers or energy. All the principles, universals, powers, divinities, virtues, orders, enery, this isn't quantum's as if it's quantum's properties. H
How does one identify God as quantum? Therefore how can God be logically and rationality circumscribed and delimited to something of phenomena when phenomena emanated from a higher and more subtle sphere?
@@S3RAVA3LMYes , based on your statement, it's clearly God
Same old debate between the part vs whole…
There is no beginning, nor end. There is no limit. The fourth dimension is infinite. The Fifth has the same character as those other dimensions. How could it contain the infinite? (You are trapped by your mind.)
4:37 Look I bet this comment won't get pinned or like but if replied I'll do 10 push ups which won't happen I hope.
Is that ten pushups for any comment, or 10 per comment?.... oops!
'God's circumference is nowheres, and God's center is everywhere.'
This is too much for the supercillous troglodytes to comprehend.
Here let me break it down for you. Since god is fictional it can be everywhere and nowhere all at the same time. Whatever you want to make up is good since no proof is necessary. If there is a problem just make up something else.
@@tomjackson7755 it's not what we want to make up, it's what reason reveals to be the case, in which it can not be any other way. It is far too illogical and of demerit to deny God. We can only argue and deny the theories concerning God.
@@S3RAVA3LM That is what you made up in all of its illogical glory. There was a problem and you just made up something else. Thank you for proving my point.
@@tomjackson7755ok. And by you denying my statement you make known indirectly your stance. You believe things subject to the laws, which laws are not visible, only are the effects of, and such transient things as being principles, when there are no explicit demonstrations of indicating. Therefore you have to prove what come first, the tree or the seed.. how things existential gave themselves being, prior to them having being, and what this procession of becoming is and where it's going. How are you to explain both the beginning and dissolution when you deny the primodial cause?
Go ahead. Explain away your belief you made unwittingly.
@@S3RAVA3LM Oh look you proved my point again. You ran into a problem and made up a big 'story' to try to solve it.
Why do I need to explain any of that? You are the one that keep claiming to have all the answers. You brought up a big one that you need to prove how it is even possible. How could your god exist as a being before there was existence and beings? Otherwise your god would be contingent on those things.