Gosh, I've never been asked that before. I doubt it would harm the sensor. But it may cause false high readings like a sauna or hot bath does. I'd be sure to log your use of it so when you get a high reading, you know how to interpret it.
I just got off the phone with Dexcom tech support and they actually refused to help me connect the Stelo to Clarity. I made a Clarity account but there's no data so maybe I did something wrong? Then I found your video last night and saw the webinar already came and went! Is there any chance you will post it on line?
The biggest problem with Stelo is that there is nobody supporting the product Dexcom has rolled out this product but they don't have any infrastructure in place to support it if there are any issues or questions. All they provide is a Bot on the Stelo website that creates a case but never gets back to you. You can't contact anybody. Dexcom customer service refuses to assist any Stelo requests. Very poor launch. All Stelo youtube videos have comments turned off and contact information on Facebook is Dexcom and they refuse to help Stelo questions and Issues.
You are not wrong. I'm told that dedicated customer service could be in the works. Until then, they are replacing failed sensors if you have the serial number of your sensors. But I agree it was not a great launch decision.
Register for the free replay of this webinar here: l.bttr.to/tgpnD
Can you use an infrared blanket while using this ?
Gosh, I've never been asked that before. I doubt it would harm the sensor. But it may cause false high readings like a sauna or hot bath does. I'd be sure to log your use of it so when you get a high reading, you know how to interpret it.
Click here to RSVP and grab your spot: l.bttr.to/maVpx
@@HackYourBloodSugar it worked thank u
Not working
@@KimberlyDarrow I just opened it up again. The webinar filled up unexpectedly so I added more spots.
@HackYourBloodSugar will you do another one soon?
I just got off the phone with Dexcom tech support and they actually refused to help me connect the Stelo to Clarity. I made a Clarity account but there's no data so maybe I did something wrong? Then I found your video last night and saw the webinar already came and went! Is there any chance you will post it on line?
Also, the AI chat bot on the Stelo website has no idea what I'm talking about!
Here's the link to the replay of that webinar. Just register for free. l.bttr.to/tgpnD
Thank you!!
Will you make the webinar public for those of us that could not get registered?
Yes, that's in the works!
You can register for the replay for free now here: l.bttr.to/tgpnD
I cant click on the link to do my rsvp
See if this works better: l.bttr.to/maVpx
The biggest problem with Stelo is that there is nobody supporting the product
Dexcom has rolled out this product but they don't have any infrastructure in place to support it if there are any issues or questions. All they provide is a Bot on the Stelo website that creates a case but never gets back to you. You can't contact anybody. Dexcom customer service refuses to assist any Stelo requests. Very poor launch. All Stelo youtube videos have comments turned off and contact information on Facebook is Dexcom and they refuse to help Stelo questions and Issues.
You are not wrong. I'm told that dedicated customer service could be in the works. Until then, they are replacing failed sensors if you have the serial number of your sensors. But I agree it was not a great launch decision.