Erm, the Raspberry Pi is built with a microprocessor, not a Microcontroller. While the Broadcom chip is considered to be a system on a chip, it doesn’t host RAM, ROM etc, and most importantly from a Microcontroller point of view it doesn’t provide deterministic execution time. The ARM Cortex A series processors are designed to run code as fast as possible (using high internal clock speeds and cache memory). The ARM Cortex M series are designed to provide deterministic performance (they always take a given number of cycles to execute a given piece of code) and have on board RAM and ROM. The Cortex R series are specialised to handle real time tasks that require immediate response.
Great video . Cant believe it has had so few views. Realy clear and useful. Thanks
Thanks for that Dave, glad you found it useful.
Erm, the Raspberry Pi is built with a microprocessor, not a Microcontroller. While the Broadcom chip is considered to be a system on a chip, it doesn’t host RAM, ROM etc, and most importantly from a Microcontroller point of view it doesn’t provide deterministic execution time. The ARM Cortex A series processors are designed to run code as fast as possible (using high internal clock speeds and cache memory). The ARM Cortex M series are designed to provide deterministic performance (they always take a given number of cycles to execute a given piece of code) and have on board RAM and ROM. The Cortex R series are specialised to handle real time tasks that require immediate response.
I stated that in the description Steve (point 2).