The story of Pope Saint Leo the great flipping out on Attila the Hun and telling him not to step foot in Rome is my favorite. When asked by his generals why he agreed, Attila said that as Leo spoke, Saint Peter ( he didn’t know it was Saint Peter ) hovered above him with a flaming sword with a look like he was going to strike if Attila didn’t agree 😉🙏🏻👍
This talk show opens up a lot of unknowns in the Catholic world. The format, specially the language makes it easily understood by younger generations. God bless you!
Father rich. I was in community Cenacalo when you stopped by and said mass for us. You left an impression on me I’ll never forget. Thank you Father for all you do for the us poor sinners
Thank you for mentioning my maternal grandfather's uncle S. S. Venerabilis Pivs PP. XII. He was the humblest & holiest Pope after S. S. Sanctvs Pivs PP. X!! He beatified Sanctvs Pivs PP. X in 1951& canonized him in 1954. When Pivs XII was asked what was your greatest achievement he said, "I want to be remembered for one thing and that's the canonization of St. Pivs X." Dr. Gennaro Giammarino, III
Thank the three of you for the highlight!! I have so many things of Venerabilis PivsPP. XII & Pope St. Pivs X I have to donate it. I have primary relics of Pope St. Pivs X & my great great uncle S. S. Pivs PP. XII all from the Vatican with the seals and papers. Thanks, Dr. Gennaro Giammarino, III
@@matthewbroderick8756 Agreed, JPII. JPII and Pius XII have one thing important in common [apart from both having being Pope] that is their opposition to communism.
You forgot to mention Pope Gregory's contribution in support of science, the gregorian calendar was developed at that time and named after him. It's the calendar the modern world still uses to this day.
God Bless the Catholic Church! May the church follow Jesus all the way! Keep the church safe and from all harm! Help the church change in ways it needs to change! And stay the same in ways it needs to stay the same 👍✝️👍✝️👍✝️👍
BTW, I grew up on Gregorian Chant; my Liber Usualis is a 1956 edition with notes I made from instructions from Dom Gajard OSB. I have a deep appreciation for it. As an organist, I frequently improvised on Gregorian themes. God bless all of you and your ministry.
0:00 Introduction 4:26 St. Peter 9:45 Why is there a Pope?; Matthew 16:18, Isaiah 22:22 13:00 Pope St. Leo The Great 24:47 Pope St. Gregory the Great 31:09 Pope St. Gregory VII 43:38 Pope Innocent III 47:40 Pope Pius V 55:39 Pope Pius IX 1:00:00 Honourable Mentions: Pope Pius X, Pope Pius XII, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI 1:04:23 Pope St. John Paul II
I have often wondered about, Jesus and His Mother Mary reuniting. To know she is our Mother. Ryan, I pray for Jen daily. As well as for you and your seven children. May God, continue to Bless your family.
stpetric . Agreed. I am afraid that “pap-uh-see” sounds too much like a feminine medical procedure to my ears...and technically, the spelling would require a double ‘p’ at the end of the first syllable to be pronounced in the way it is on this show. :/
In Latin, the letter A is always pronounced the same way. So the _uh_ in pap-uh-cy should be pronounced like the first syllable. But this isnʼt Latin. In English, it is totally fine to say pay-puh-cy
So, random, fun historical note, 5 star general means General of the Army. 6 stars means General of the Armies. John "Black Jack" Pershing was ALSO promoted to the rank of General of the Armies in order to lead the entire AEF in WW1. In order to give him this 6th star, and not violate the law that Washington must always be the highest ranked general, I believe they awarded Washington a posthumous 7th star.
Great episode, except for I have to disagree with almost every word that was spoken about Vatican II. The fruits of Vatican II have been a precipitous decline of priests and religious, lack of reverence for the Mass and Eucharist, Catholics not knowing their faith, lack of belief and understanding in the truths of the Church, etc etc etc. That is the "spirit" of Vatican II- trying to take everything that was strong and beautiful about Catholicism and watering it down to make it palatable to people of the 1970s. We can see where that has gotten us today...
There was another ( a 3rd Pope with 'The Great' -- Pope Nicholas I the Great) he consolidate the Church. And Papacy is pronounced pay-pa-see. But nice show.
I would appreciate a show on Father Rothrock . Also the failure of too many bishops not taking an active warlike action against those vandalizing church icons and churches.
Yes…13:06……why is there so much levity and playin’ around?? Many of these subjects are serious….not everything is a subject for jokes….get serious a little more
Even tho Satan has entered the Church per one Pope, we can be rest assured by Jesus’s promise: Thou art Peter and on this Rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
You think a Pope who invites every Heretic and Pagan to Perform their Rites upon the Holy Altar of Christ in Assisi ,orders all Statues and Crucifixes to be COVERED, so not to Offend Heretics and Pagans,is the Best Pope in your Lifetime?? You think he is a Saint in the Company of Christ? He was a great Pretender of Keeping the Faith. He was the first to drag the Catholic Church into the confusion of Today. I have Higher Standards for the Pope who sits on the Throne of Peter. Not a Servant of Satan who MOCKS everything Catholic and SPITS in the Face of Christ. The Blessed Mother warned that the Betrayal to the Church would being with a POPE, JP II had the most years to gnaw at the Foundations of the Church and Francis has just about gnawed through the Pillars of the Church. May Christ have Mercy on the Vatican II Blind Sheep, who have been Led on the WIDE Path to Hell by Pretenders to Saint Peter's Throne.
The general comments about Pope Leo the Great and Atilla the Huhn are greatly appreciated. However, I think that Pope Leo meeting Atilla "at the gates" of Rome may be a little exaggerated. I understand that they met at Mantua, which is 294 miles from Rome.
Look, whether we like him or not, we are bound by GOD to charity and obedience, therefore we are bound to respect the office and its occupant, whomever it is, so long as it is not in direct conflict with doctrine or dogma. We must pray for vocations and the clergy, otherwise we’ll get what we pray for.
Francis, leo magnus, Peter, Pío V, Pius VIII ¿ and what about those Popes who fought and resisted persecution headed by Napoleon, Charles V and Henry VIII?
Could not understand the title of book regarding the history of the popes and it’s author. Can you send it to me. Sounds like a good read. Thank you. Carroll Mellina
You guys should have included Pope Benedict XIV! He's the main figure in a book im reading called Saving Michaelangelo's Dome! It's about how Benedict XIV realized the dome would collapse, hired the best mathematical and architectual minds to fix it and it stands without issue to this day! He was one of the brightest scholars to be Pope!
My favorite is Pope Leo Xlll... He is exactly what our church needs in 2021! He would flip his Pope cap over the legalizing of abortion and same sex marriages...Or I prefer to call it a union! It's clearly not a sacramental marriage as God intended! 🌷
@@LUIS-ox1bv I understand what you are saying....Pope Francis is clearly a much better Pope then the one the media portrays, or the one that his critics try to destroy. Though I still wouldn't put him in my top 10!
You bear the name Ignatius; pity you don’t possess the intellect. Did you spray that remark on the bathroom wall in junior high school? (That is, if you were ever in school!)
Deluded. The sentimentality accorded to JPII is cringeworthy and embarrasing. Way too many mistakes and missteps in his Pontificate. None of the post conciliar Popes deserve a crown of greatness. None.
Pope John Paul II has been my favourite among those that l know. Very easy going, learned, really interested in world happenings to correct. He helped break socialism. Hope you include him among the seven. Pope Benedictus XVI, a theologian, very calm but my spirit tells me he has too much insight of theology and righteousness. Over to you researchers.
I believe Peter loved Jesus with all his heart but Jesus knew that there was a lot of enthusiasm there that Peter used as a replacement for love. Jesus admonished him plenty of times and one of the last things that Jesus told him was that Peter would be led where he will not want to go
That would be interesting. Especially that since by studying a heresy, we can reinforce the truth by studying the " compare and contrast " of the principal. Also, some of these might seem weird to modern man. How many people at are running around today debating graces? Howevet, there may be some other current schools of thought running around today, that could undermine our union with Christ. Do they rise to the level of heresy?
1] Arianism and its modern equivalents Jehovah's Witesses, Christadelphianism and Unitarianism 2] Gnosticism 3] Calvinism 4]Lutheranism 5]Mormonism 6]Seventh Day Adventists 7]Christian Science Also worth a mention, Nestorianism, Monophytism, Pelagianism, Jansenism,
There have been many Great Popes over the centuries.I my lifetime I would say there had been two influential Popes.They are Pope John XX111 and Pope John Paul 2..
That's a big nothing-burger, but I would like to see a clarification as to why so many people are going off their rockers about it. If you watch the video with any cultural frame of reference, it's easy to tell that it's just a prayer circle. They're looking UP to God during the actual prayer. The items on the blanket included pictures of a martyred nun among other items of faith. The "Pachamama" statue is merely a cultural symbol, like Santa Claus or something. Protestants don't pray to St. Nicholas, you know. I swear, these pearl-clutching lunatics are doing more damage to the Church than they could ever know. God bless Pope Francis, and God bless the Catholic Church! P.S. I will say, I don't like the idea of married clergy, if you're referring to ideas that were brought up for more easily distributing Sacraments to the faithful in the Amazon, but there's nothing blasphemous about floating the possibility. Clerical celibacy is a valued tradition, but it's not explicitly dogmatic, as I'm sure you know.
Well, at least Pope Pius XII was worthy of an “honourable mention.” He should have been on the main list. Pius led the Church during one of the most dreadful periods in history. His efforts saved 860,000 Jewish lives, more than any organization or individual. The praise he received throughout the war, and after his passing in 1958, has been flipped into condemnation for his “silence” and “cowardice.” (“Hitler’s Pope” is but one wretched example.) That Pius has not been made a saint is a disgrace. Certainly as a genuine Catholic hero, he is worthy of a complete episode of your series. If you are so inclined, possible guests could be: Ronald Rychlak, William Doino, Michael Hesemann, Gary Krupp, and Rabbi David Dalin. They are heroic in their own right, for daring to speak the truth.
Disagree. Francis is alive, only when the Popes pass away, then people start missing them and realising how many virtues these pastors had. Francis is the Pope of the charity.
Michael baker: you said”some days I have trouble believing he is a Catholic”………minor correction: EVERYDAY I have trouble believing he is a Catholic….tired of defending the Faith as long as he is the pope…embarrassing…. he takes too many left turns to be our Vicar….pray that his eyes will be opened on many issues
All are best. Each one is appointed by holy spirit. We are not anyone to judge iit. Who evercoming to this seat is by lord. So dont approach god with your brain. He well beyond that. Try to proclaim the love of god. For that god is love. Dont try to bring god to your level.
I hate to say this but the speaker, Mr. Schell is pointing to Fr. Rick looks like a rifle. It always bothers me. I guess it is because so many of our beloved priests are being murdered. Now I know it is not a gun nor are you wanting to shoot Fr. Rick. I belong to a rosary group that prays for our priests. Iis there a way you can hide or put up a flag with your logo on it? Maybe I am being just silly.
Rubbish, guys. I know your hearts are in the right place. But please stop being flippant about holy things. Pope St Gregory the Great codified and promoted Gregorian Chant. But the modes of the.chant date back to Jewish rites of Divine Worship both in the Temple at Jersusalem, and in the local synagogues. So…the Holy Family was familiar with it! Amazing,
A lady who was educated in Catholic schools for 13 years just told me St. Peter never went to Rome, only St. Paul did, and that Catholics made up the fact that Peter went to Rome and was crucified there. I'm sure she was studying under a Lutheran since she "knows" Luther loved being a monk, and didn't want to leave the Church, he just wanted to talk things over, but no one would. 🤔
Pope Francis is a radical reformer, moved by the Holy Spirit to confront the ideologies of the world and our Church, as well as the Pharisaical impulse in certain segments. He’s a future saint! 🙏🏼
You see, I want to believe that he has good intention, but his reforms are not in the same category as the reforms of the great Popes. He really is introducing dangerous ideologies that go directly against church teaching, discipline and tradition. We have to pray for him with love and respect though. I want nothing more than to see him a true saint who comes through to protect the treasury of Our faith. Let us pray for him.
I just saw a photo of Pope Francis participating in a pagan ritual honoring the goddess Pachamama inside St. Peter's Basilica. He pretends to care about the poor but then promotes Socialist / Marxist attitudes which in reality cruelly oppress the poor. He'll get down on his knees to wash someone's feet but he rarely if ever genuflects in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
After the Amazon Synod, he falls under some of the worst. Allowing pagan ceremonies on Vatican grounds and in St.Peter's Basilica. NO WAY! This is breaking the 1st Commandment.
Don’t you miss the Eucharist? Seems to me that someone who’s been around for about 60 years would’ve taken comfort in the sacrament that’s been around for all 2000 years of the church.
The story of Pope Saint Leo the great flipping out on Attila the Hun and telling him not to step foot in Rome is my favorite. When asked by his generals why he agreed, Attila said that as Leo spoke, Saint Peter ( he didn’t know it was Saint Peter ) hovered above him with a flaming sword with a look like he was going to strike if Attila didn’t agree 😉🙏🏻👍
“Peter is in a class of his own” Nice save.
This talk show opens up a lot of unknowns in the Catholic world. The format, specially the language makes it easily understood by younger generations. God bless you!
Pope Leo XIII is my favorite Pope. That man was just so holy, and did so many good things to prepare for us for these dark times.
Father rich. I was in community Cenacalo when you stopped by and said mass for us. You left an impression on me I’ll never forget. Thank you Father for all you do for the us poor sinners
Thank you for mentioning my maternal grandfather's uncle S. S. Venerabilis Pivs PP. XII. He was the humblest & holiest Pope after S. S. Sanctvs Pivs PP. X!! He beatified Sanctvs Pivs PP. X in 1951& canonized him in 1954. When Pivs XII was asked what was your greatest achievement he said, "I want to be remembered for one thing and that's the canonization of St. Pivs X."
Dr. Gennaro Giammarino, III
Thank the three of you for the highlight!! I have so many things of Venerabilis PivsPP. XII & Pope St. Pivs X I have to donate it. I have primary relics of Pope St. Pivs X & my great great uncle S. S. Pivs PP. XII all from the Vatican with the seals and papers.
Dr. Gennaro Giammarino, III
That's great
The pronunciation "pappacy" drives me nuts! "Pay-pa-cy" sounds so much better to my ear.
You are correct. His pronunciation is wrong!
My Top 5:
1. Saint Peter
2. Saint Gregory the Great
3. Saint Pius V
4. Leo XIII
5. Saint Pius X
The last true Pope Pius Xll
@@BeBe-vk7nx Pius XIi was indeed a true and great Pope, as are those who succeeded him.
JP ll top 5
@@matthewbroderick8756 Agreed, JPII. JPII and Pius XII have one thing important in common [apart from both having being Pope] that is their opposition to communism.
Commendable list.
You guys are great! You make being Catholic fun :)
Great video! I love Gregorian chants. It's so beautiful.
Very much looking forward to Top 7 Most Average Popes in History episode
CraggyIsland87 That’s hilarious
Thanks guys, I'm learning a lot from your show. Love the format...
You forgot to mention Pope Gregory's contribution in support of science, the gregorian calendar was developed at that time and named after him.
It's the calendar the modern world still uses to this day.
It’s good to pray the rosary every day!
God Bless the Catholic Church! May the church follow Jesus all the way! Keep the church safe and from all harm! Help the church change in ways it needs to change! And stay the same in ways it needs to stay the same 👍✝️👍✝️👍✝️👍
First the bad ones now the good ones, I see what you all did there 😂 This was great, thank you!
Forgot to mention that Pius IX's Apostolic Constitution Ineffabilis Deus established the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception.
Pope Benedict XVI is great. Constantly pray for his healing and protection from evil.
Benedict was so right wing. Francis is drawing people back to the church.
@@nbenefiel Francis is doing just the opposite!
@@nbenefiel LOL. I do not see that at all! Do you have any proof?
@@nbenefiel Benedict supported Social Democracy akin to what Bernie Sanders wanted. That's a good thing, and both he and Francis are excellent popes!
Benedict’s writings are what instigated my conversion from atheism to Catholicism. IMHO he was one of the most profound theologians of our time
Could you do an episode on JP2 and one on Icons- their origin, relevance, artists of icons, famous icons and what they depict?
When are we going to get the 10 BEST Catholic Church Songs???
Forgot about Pope Leo XIII. So many awesome encyclicals.
Why isn't he a saint?? How can I vote for him to become declared a saint?
BTW, I grew up on Gregorian Chant; my Liber Usualis is a 1956 edition with notes I made from instructions from Dom Gajard OSB. I have a deep appreciation for it. As an organist, I frequently improvised on Gregorian themes. God bless all of you and your ministry.
0:00 Introduction
4:26 St. Peter
9:45 Why is there a Pope?; Matthew 16:18, Isaiah 22:22
13:00 Pope St. Leo The Great
24:47 Pope St. Gregory the Great
31:09 Pope St. Gregory VII
43:38 Pope Innocent III
47:40 Pope Pius V
55:39 Pope Pius IX
1:00:00 Honourable Mentions: Pope Pius X, Pope Pius XII, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
1:04:23 Pope St. John Paul II
thank you!
All these Popes NEED movies made about them.
Great shows guys. As always. God bless you all.
You can't discuss the Battle of Lepanto without G K Chesterton's poem of the same name.
I have often wondered about, Jesus and His Mother Mary reuniting. To know she is our Mother. Ryan, I pray for Jen daily. As well as for you and your seven children. May God, continue to Bless your family.
This was a great episode. I love this show
FWIW, the pronunciation "pap-uh-see" drives me nuts! "Pay-puh-see" sounds much better to my ear.
stpetric . Agreed. I am afraid that “pap-uh-see” sounds too much like a feminine medical procedure to my ears...and technically, the spelling would require a double ‘p’ at the end of the first syllable to be pronounced in the way it is on this show. :/
Pap-uh-see is the right pronunciation from the term habemos papam.
Stop using abbreviations nobody understands! This is not Twitter
In Latin, the letter A is always pronounced the same way.
So the _uh_ in pap-uh-cy should be pronounced like the first syllable. But this isnʼt Latin. In English, it is totally fine to say pay-puh-cy
So, random, fun historical note, 5 star general means General of the Army. 6 stars means General of the Armies. John "Black Jack" Pershing was ALSO promoted to the rank of General of the Armies in order to lead the entire AEF in WW1. In order to give him this 6th star, and not violate the law that Washington must always be the highest ranked general, I believe they awarded Washington a posthumous 7th star.
If 6 stars is General of the Armies, what does 7 Stars mean?
@@gilbertotoledo1421means you’re George Washington
Great episode, except for I have to disagree with almost every word that was spoken about Vatican II. The fruits of Vatican II have been a precipitous decline of priests and religious, lack of reverence for the Mass and Eucharist, Catholics not knowing their faith, lack of belief and understanding in the truths of the Church, etc etc etc. That is the "spirit" of Vatican II- trying to take everything that was strong and beautiful about Catholicism and watering it down to make it palatable to people of the 1970s. We can see where that has gotten us today...
Also, there's that abomination at Assisi that JPII presided at, opening the way for paganism in the Vatican.
I hope it will be set aside.
Casey McCullen The Templar Knight of Justice Come to find out I’m not really catholic because I wasn’t born until 1979? 🙄
There was another ( a 3rd Pope with 'The Great' -- Pope Nicholas I the Great) he consolidate the Church. And Papacy is pronounced pay-pa-see. But nice show.
I would appreciate a show on Father Rothrock . Also the failure of too many bishops not taking an active warlike action against those vandalizing church icons and churches.
@13:06 start of 7 greatest popes
Yes…13:06……why is there so much levity and playin’ around?? Many of these subjects are serious….not everything is a subject for jokes….get serious a little more
Otherwise, it’s a fine program….decorum, gentlemen
Even tho Satan has entered the Church per one Pope, we can be rest assured by Jesus’s promise: Thou art Peter and on this Rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
JPII has been the best pope in my lifetime I was born 1941
You think a Pope who invites every Heretic and Pagan to Perform their Rites upon the Holy Altar of Christ in Assisi ,orders all Statues and Crucifixes to be COVERED, so not to Offend Heretics and Pagans,is the Best Pope in your Lifetime??
You think he is a Saint in the Company of Christ?
He was a great Pretender of Keeping the Faith. He was the first to drag the Catholic Church into the confusion of Today.
I have Higher Standards for the Pope who sits on the Throne of Peter. Not a Servant of Satan who MOCKS everything Catholic and SPITS in the Face of Christ.
The Blessed Mother warned that the Betrayal to the Church would being with a POPE, JP II had the most years to gnaw at the Foundations of the Church and Francis has just about gnawed through the Pillars of the Church.
May Christ have Mercy on the Vatican II Blind Sheep, who have been Led on the WIDE Path to Hell by Pretenders to Saint Peter's Throne.
I just read an article by him in Crisis Magazine.
My Top 5:
Peter as side in his own class.
1.Leo the Great
2.Gregory the Great
3.Benedict the XVI
4.John Paul II
5.Pious XII
The general comments about Pope Leo the Great and Atilla the Huhn are greatly appreciated. However, I think that Pope Leo meeting Atilla "at the gates" of Rome may be a little exaggerated. I understand that they met at Mantua, which is 294 miles from Rome.
Just noticed that they removed the Pope Francis bobble head, hmmmm....
Look, whether we like him or not, we are bound by GOD to charity and obedience, therefore we are bound to respect the office and its occupant, whomever it is, so long as it is not in direct conflict with doctrine or dogma.
We must pray for vocations and the clergy, otherwise we’ll get what we pray for.
Francis, leo magnus, Peter, Pío V, Pius VIII ¿ and what about those Popes who fought and resisted persecution headed by Napoleon, Charles V and Henry VIII?
Peter is the best Pope
My favorite popes of all time were Gregory the great and John XXIII.
John XXIII? Pray on that. I think there’s much more to the story. Much more that the media does not report.
Could not understand the title of book regarding the history of the popes and it’s author. Can you send it to me. Sounds like a good read. Thank you. Carroll Mellina
What about the pope Damascus who ordered to make Bible?
Hi Folks. A little correction: Battle of Lèpanto. Accent is on the first syllable. I hope you see this.
Cheers and blessings.
You guys should have included Pope Benedict XIV! He's the main figure in a book im reading called Saving Michaelangelo's Dome! It's about how Benedict XIV realized the dome would collapse, hired the best mathematical and architectual minds to fix it and it stands without issue to this day! He was one of the brightest scholars to be Pope!
My favorite is
Pope Leo Xlll...
He is exactly what our church needs in 2021! He would flip his Pope cap over the legalizing of abortion and same sex marriages...Or I prefer to call it a union! It's clearly not a sacramental marriage as God intended! 🌷
People neglect just how truly great this Pope was.
I understand what you are saying....Pope Francis is clearly a much better Pope then the one the media portrays, or the one that his critics try to destroy.
Though I still wouldn't put him in my top 10!
Talk about Anglican Orders sometime ?
The brother in the middle is very serious though.
A favorite, though.
Innocent III also excommunicated King John of England for signing the Magna Carta.
Mario Sports Master innocent iii is roasting in hell as we speak
@@juri8723 in your dreams ......
The guy on the left is Stipe Miocic
39:28 I could see President Biden doing that, except he wouldn't know where he is, why he's there, or where his shoes went. 😂
You bear the name Ignatius; pity you don’t possess the intellect. Did you spray that remark on the bathroom wall in junior high school? (That is, if you were ever in school!)
Whats the name of the book again ?
Priest Pagano 👌
Thanks for the show friends. There's only one best - Pope John Paul the 2nd
Very wrong the best Pope is Saint Peter the first Pope to in the history of Popes A.k.a Apostle Peter then the rest
Deluded. The sentimentality accorded to JPII is cringeworthy and embarrasing. Way too many mistakes and missteps in his Pontificate. None of the post conciliar Popes deserve a crown of greatness. None.
No mention of Nicholas I?
How about Pope Nicholas I (the great)?
Pope John Paul II has been my favourite among those that l know. Very easy going, learned, really interested in world happenings to correct. He helped break socialism. Hope you include him among the seven. Pope Benedictus XVI, a theologian, very calm but my spirit tells me he has too much insight of theology and righteousness. Over to you researchers.
Christopher Check!!! President of Catholic Answers Live. Would be excellent for Lepanto!!!!
I believe Peter loved Jesus with all his heart but Jesus knew that there was a lot of enthusiasm there that Peter used as a replacement for love. Jesus admonished him plenty of times and one of the last things that Jesus told him was that Peter would be led where he will not want to go
Sidebar: Anyone ever noticed we don't let guys named Hannibal read at Mass?
Regarding Attila the Hun, take a look at Saint Aignan.
Let's get an episode on the top 7 heresy's
That would be interesting. Especially that since by studying a heresy, we can reinforce the truth by studying the " compare and contrast " of the principal.
Also, some of these might seem weird to modern man. How many people at are running around today debating graces? Howevet, there may be some other current schools of thought running around today, that could undermine our union with Christ. Do they rise to the level of heresy?
1] Arianism and its modern equivalents Jehovah's Witesses, Christadelphianism and Unitarianism
2] Gnosticism
3] Calvinism
6]Seventh Day Adventists
7]Christian Science
Also worth a mention, Nestorianism, Monophytism, Pelagianism, Jansenism,
Pope John Paul 23rd ( Roncalli ), who brings the new breeze in Catholic Church now….with Vatican Council II.
It was just John XXIII. He was succeeded by Paul VI, who was followed by John Paul I and II.
popes that were martyrs were great
Is it true the LAST Pope will be named ST Peter?
"Imagine if someone excommunicated the POTUS" well, funny now.
There have been many Great Popes over
the centuries.I my lifetime I would say there
had been two influential Popes.They are
Pope John XX111 and Pope John Paul 2..
JP 2
Which category of pope will Pope Francis fall into?
None. He’s not a Pope.
Most Confusing Popes
The one that should have done better.
Can the people object to the election of a cardenal?
Can you please talk about the Amazonian Synod.
Oh no, please!
That's a big nothing-burger, but I would like to see a clarification as to why so many people are going off their rockers about it. If you watch the video with any cultural frame of reference, it's easy to tell that it's just a prayer circle. They're looking UP to God during the actual prayer. The items on the blanket included pictures of a martyred nun among other items of faith. The "Pachamama" statue is merely a cultural symbol, like Santa Claus or something. Protestants don't pray to St. Nicholas, you know. I swear, these pearl-clutching lunatics are doing more damage to the Church than they could ever know. God bless Pope Francis, and God bless the Catholic Church!
P.S. I will say, I don't like the idea of married clergy, if you're referring to ideas that were brought up for more easily distributing Sacraments to the faithful in the Amazon, but there's nothing blasphemous about floating the possibility. Clerical celibacy is a valued tradition, but it's not explicitly dogmatic, as I'm sure you know.
Why? It's a big nothing-burger.
Well, at least Pope Pius XII was worthy of an “honourable mention.” He should have been on the main list.
Pius led the Church during one of the most dreadful periods in history. His efforts saved 860,000 Jewish lives, more than any organization or individual. The praise he received throughout the war, and after his passing in 1958, has been flipped into condemnation for his “silence” and “cowardice.” (“Hitler’s Pope” is but one wretched example.) That Pius has not been made a saint is a disgrace.
Certainly as a genuine Catholic hero, he is worthy of a complete episode of your series. If you are so inclined, possible guests could be: Ronald Rychlak, William Doino, Michael Hesemann, Gary Krupp, and Rabbi David Dalin. They are heroic in their own right, for daring to speak the truth.
Leave history to the historians lads.
Why isn't Pope St Gelasius on there?
The best pope ever J.P the2 💕
Top 5
He was certainly one of the best of the last 100 years. I also admire Pius XII.
Bottom 7: any random assortment of Borgias and Medici.
Sadly, Pope Francis will never come close to being on such a list; some days I have trouble believing he is a Catholic!
Disagree. Francis is alive, only when the Popes pass away, then people start missing them and realising how many virtues these pastors had. Francis is the Pope of the charity.
Francis is a Heretic.
Francis is also prideful. That’s why he has not answered to this day the Dubia.
Then you need to reeducate yourself about Catholicism. Pope Francis is tackling issues which should never have existed.
Michael baker: you said”some days I have trouble believing he is a Catholic”………minor correction: EVERYDAY I have trouble believing he is a Catholic….tired of defending the Faith as long as he is the pope…embarrassing…. he takes too many left turns to be our Vicar….pray that his eyes will be opened on many issues
Is the best 😂
Pope Paul VI was a wonderful Pope.
Saint Albert was a “the Great” 👍🏼😁
All are best. Each one is appointed by holy spirit. We are not anyone to judge iit. Who evercoming to this seat is by lord. So dont approach god with your brain. He well beyond that. Try to proclaim the love of god. For that god is love. Dont try to bring god to your level.
Pope John 23rd should definitely be in this group.
In geology, basalt is the hardest, densest rock.
Just as talc is the softest. Just saying.
Definitely John 23
Pedro III of the Palmarian Church.
I hate to say this but the speaker, Mr. Schell is pointing to Fr. Rick looks like a rifle. It always bothers me. I guess it is because so many of our beloved priests are being murdered. Now I know it is not a gun nor are you wanting to shoot Fr. Rick. I belong to a rosary group that prays for our priests. Iis there a way you can hide or put up a flag with your logo on it? Maybe I am being just silly.
JP2 devastated the Church with ultramodernism
Rubbish, guys. I know your hearts are in the right place. But please stop being flippant about holy things.
Pope St Gregory the Great codified and promoted Gregorian Chant. But the modes of the.chant date back to Jewish rites of Divine Worship both in the Temple at Jersusalem, and in the local synagogues.
So…the Holy Family was familiar with it! Amazing,
Just to be clear, Jews do not see Jesus as a prophet, and a person of norariety is one known for bad deeds.
A lady who was educated in Catholic schools for 13 years just told me St. Peter never went to Rome, only St. Paul did, and that Catholics made up the fact that Peter went to Rome and was crucified there. I'm sure she was studying under a Lutheran since she "knows" Luther loved being a monk, and didn't want to leave the Church, he just wanted to talk things over, but no one would. 🤔
Fr. Richard Pagano? Pagan? Really?
What's he supposed to do, change his last name?
@@josephbirch3635 no, it was just funny for me
@@angelgarse Haha yeah the irony honestly is really funny. I'm just so used to people in the comments beings so critical lol.
Pope JP II was a Holy Man indeed, but a terrible Pope.
This is really just three dudes yapping.
Pope Francis is a radical reformer, moved by the Holy Spirit to confront the ideologies of the world and our Church, as well as the Pharisaical impulse in certain segments. He’s a future saint! 🙏🏼
You see, I want to believe that he has good intention, but his reforms are not in the same category as the reforms of the great Popes. He really is introducing dangerous ideologies that go directly against church teaching, discipline and tradition. We have to pray for him with love and respect though. I want nothing more than to see him a true saint who comes through to protect the treasury of Our faith. Let us pray for him.
I just saw a photo of Pope Francis participating in a pagan ritual honoring the goddess Pachamama inside St. Peter's Basilica. He pretends to care about the poor but then promotes Socialist / Marxist attitudes which in reality cruelly oppress the poor. He'll get down on his knees to wash someone's feet but he rarely if ever genuflects in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
Jose Rodriguez He is an absolute disgrace to the chair of St. Peter. Although I pray he turns from his ways and redeems himself.
After the Amazon Synod, he falls under some of the worst. Allowing pagan ceremonies on Vatican grounds and in St.Peter's Basilica. NO WAY! This is breaking the 1st Commandment.
We will see. He also said he wouldn't mind a schism. So he is willing to throw away faithful Catholics. Jesus wasnt but he is.
JP II Kissed "Koran", All Religion Pray in Assisi....!
for the one million and one time plus, peter was never a pope......diehard ex catholic since 2016 after 60 bloody yrs in this cult.
Don’t you miss the Eucharist? Seems to me that someone who’s been around for about 60 years would’ve taken comfort in the sacrament that’s been around for all 2000 years of the church.