I am an American. My wife and I visit Australia during our winter (your summer) whenever we can. Obviously, we love Australia. This video really makes me want to be there right now. Thanks. It is a lovely and enchanting video of parts of Australia we never get to.
This brings back a lot of memories. I used to travel on the Southern Aurora overnighter in the late 70s in a single sleeper ,shoe shine and continental breakfast ,beers in the club car.Thankyou for the video.
The trip offers a beautiful autumn scenery. The blue grey green variety of eucalyptus trees are mixed with the golden leaves of poplar trees, in green and brown fields. Over them, is a welcome to my eyes, an enormous blue sky. I remember the seventies, when I was swimming with my family in the Murray river. Thanks you for the nice video.
I've taken this train trip as far as Wangaratta and I love travelling on the V/Line, it's such a smooth trip and these new trains are very modern and seem to ride pretty well.
have you done the same on the countrylink xpt? i would think the v line would definitely be smoother even though i think both sets of tracks were upgraded in recent years
@@Roadrunnerz45 Was your comment direct at me? Are you talking about the train that goes from Melbourne to Sydney? I haven't, but I want to. Once I caught the XPT from Wang to Melbourne.
@driver667 Great series and very enjoyable to sit up front with you, even with steam! Hope all was good last Saturday too, and good to hear the DERM rumble!
Albury to Southern Cross will appear also eventually. Just might take me a little time whilst I get through other lines as well 😀 Glad to hear you enjoy them 👍 😊
@ 1:54:45. Looks like we found the Violet Town Village Idiot . The man most likely to not succeed! Crossing a railway track with train in platform as it toots rather than wait 60 seconds. Great journey though. Could really get some speeds up on that track even more I suppose if they improved it further: lots of nice straights and gentle curves. Made for high speed more than many in the state. Although wildlife might be an issue.
I've also seen great old vision of the original Southern Aurora doing this run back in 1937. I think she raced a biplane for some of the trip at least. What agreat Aussie piece of manufacturing that train was. All Victorian gauge in those days.
It just gives the viewers a clearer perspective of just how large Victoria is and to think multiply this distance by 10 to get to Perth or by 12 to get to Darwin. This country is staggering in the rail distances that it can cover. Great video 😅
Just a further comment they could have kept the double track from the Murray River to Albury and beyond. I hope that they build a new bridge over the Murray River sooner than later.
Those are rolls of steel coming from the Port Kembla steel works in NSW and headed for Western Port, South-East of Melbourne where they will be made into all sorts of steel products. Eg, colour bond sheeting as well as many other products. 👍😊
Why has the double track from the Murray River to Albury being cut down to a single track? The new concrete bridge has capacity for a double track. Single tracks don't allow simultaneous movements of up and down trains.
The old bridge over the Murray River is not up to handling two trains at once. I think you will see the bridge replaced in the future as the inland rail project marches on. 👍😊
up my way, much appreciated! a couple of questions please: 1) what was the passenger train that went by at 22:36 ?, and, 2) std and narrow gauge tracks - the one you're on, is that narrow and only used by the new trains, and std is that used by locomotives and xpt? sorry i love trains, photographed stacks of them in albury and out bush but i am really just a novice.
That train was a heritage train on tour. The tracks we are on are standard gauge. All trains to Sydney use this. I am guessing your reference to narrow is around bridges and such where there are check rails for safety that look like narrow gauge. 👍😊
Yea said that above. And probably the best line in the entire state to achieve that as no great mountainous runs and a lot of long straights and gentle curves. Think they’d probably need to start by putting in decent robust fencing to stop wildlife. Even much farm fences are a bit dodgy and hate to see cattle wander into the rails of a 160 kmph train.
When was this line built? What are the types of trees alongside the track (white gum? what?). Looks like they were planted alongside rather than naturally occurring.
The line was originally built in stages around the 1870's as broad gauge. A standard gauge line was built from the border to Melbourne and opened in 1962. The broad gauge line from Seymour to Albury was converted to standard gauge in 2010 forming 2 tracks on this section. I don't think any of those trees were planted by anyone. They naturally grow there. Apart from gum trees I couldn't tell you exactly what species they are. 👍😊
It is a beautiful train trip over this weekend I went up on Friday morning on 707am I will be leaving Albury on tomorrow afternoon on 527 pm down to Melbourne is a beautiful City Albury
Wow, finally made it, 15 to 20 mins per view from a month ago ! Has anyone stayed on for the full 3h 16min ?! Now retired in Philadelphia, ,I worked as a Field Engr, in 1965-66 on the 180 mile Dampier (King Bay) to Mt Tom Price rail, completed in 1 1/2 years for the Hancock/Rio Tinto iron ore project, crossing the Fortescue River and 2 jumpups ( 5x15 min videos on rwmaniac 'Karratha - TomPrice' from 12 yrs ago). Nothing much to see on that post either ! Multiple Alco diesels (then) and the longest ore trains in the world. Lotsa other posts since then, notably John Phillips592, cover these Pilbara ore trains. Thanks Dfriver667, I'll be back for more rides with you !
Hi my name is Len from Sydney, I am a avid train just love watching them. Your video of your dreams driving a V/LINE VELOCITY IS very good and may I make oone can you p😢ut the name of the of the bridges you cross for the viewers pls .😅
Hi my name is Len, I was just wondering if you could give me your opinion about as a driver and a good one at that,which train in your opinion is better to drive out the Xpt or the V/LINE VELOCITY .please.
@@len9003 I'm not actually qualified in the XPT so I can't compare the two. The vlocity units are comfortable and nice to drive but my preference is still a locomotive. 👍😀
just wonderingbwhy you split and set back to a 3 car set for the return journey.. surelly vline and PTV have worked out that Tfnsw dont want rail transit as is highlighted by the journey from Wodonga to Albury?
O letter means - Eye balls, Cornea, Pupil, Netra. PUPIL 2:31 means my sister giving tutions morning evening for the last 12 years to the pupils/students.
@@driver667 Isn't that the truth ! They are heavy on the horn here in the states. Man that was some good running ! You had the Hammer down several times, Best wishes from Blacksburg Virginia!
This train is on standard gauge with the bulk of the state system being on broad gauge. Where the two systems use the same track you will see the two rails on one side 👍😊
@@driver667 yeah thanks. I’m a moron as I just realised that after I sent it 🤣. Absolutely great applies as well especially on the regional train lines. Love it!
@@Lufdhamsda no, the state rail system is broad gauge and the interstate system is standard gauge. It is what we have been stuck with since the states went with different gauges from the start. 👍😊
You should take a train ride in Germany or Italy @ 250km/hr to understand what “high speed rail” is all about. It won’t happen in Australia until politicians like “Teflon Dan” Andrews are removed from government….. Too many kickbacks from organisations that do not have a stake in high speed rail……. Grüße aus Australien. Tschüss.
@@driver667 Probably never if we keep electing the same style of politicians. High speed rail (220 km/h plus) is a great way to get around Europe. You don't have to find your way to an airport, work you way through the various official processes, sit in a departure lounge waiting for boarding, waiting on the tarmac for departure, the flight and going through a similar process at the other end. My son and I travelled from Berlin to Cologne via Deutsche Bahn in comfort as well as several other destinations. Our politicians are too stupid or crooked or both to understand there are alternatives.
No I haven't. I'm not qualified past Albury. I need to talk to a rail company that runs over the border about travelling with them. We will see how it goes. 🤔👍😊
Do you know that the Passenger Seats inside the V/Line Vlocity Trains are really bad, it way too uncomfortable and they hurt peoples necks and the seats like made out of plastic and it can be so painful!😬
Is there a reason why they haven’t run the double track into Albury seeing as the bridges are certainly capable of doing so. Seems silly To create a potential bottleneck.
I think the problem is the bridge over the Murray is not strong enough to hold two trains at once so until a new bridge is built, single track across the Murray remains. 👍😊
Regularly travel on this train to Melbourne from wodonga good to see different perspective of the trip now they just need to increase frequency so it’s not so packed
The training is supplied by the company. It is a very comprehensive course that includes how the trains work, how the signals work and all the rules that we work to as well as many other things. The first step is to keep an eye on the website of the company you are thinking of and apply when they advertise positions. 👍😊
Victoria has ideal conditions for high speed rail with mostly flat, straight open lines. Much like France. Why can't existing trains run faster to give a better service? Even moderate increases in speed would make rail more competitive and save massive amounts of commuting time.
In the early 2000's the government took the step to upgrade the trains to 160kph. The vlocity units now run at this speed as an everyday occurrence. The passenger numbers have increased by a huge amount but I think the real reason for this is the fact that the timetable went from an average of 5 trains a day to a train every hour. (Geelong every 20 minutes). They have been looking at 200kph for the Geelong line although that has been put on hold due to economic circumstances at the moment. 👍😊
@@driver667 There is a great advantage to running faster trains besides better commute times. The Trains can run more frequently. Halve the time and double the service for the same number of trains and staff.. They should also speed up ticketing, access to stations, transfers, and load/unload times. Plus make the whole waiting, platform and seating more pleasant. The French do this very well. Besides a beautiful call tone, they even have pianos on the platforms.
Very enjoyable ride. Shame that the line drops to single line from the Murray River bridge into Albury. That is one impressive length platform in Albury considering the length of the trains operated through there today. The builders must have thought that there would be a lot of passengers when they built it.
Educated guess that until probably the mid 1960’s they were very long trains and night sleepers as the main way to travel between the two largest cities remained rail rather than plane for the average person. Plus back then no freeway either between the two cities which of course made car travel a lot slower than train.
I am an American. My wife and I visit Australia during our winter (your summer) whenever we can. Obviously, we love Australia. This video really makes me want to be there right now. Thanks. It is a lovely and enchanting video of parts of Australia we never get to.
Hello to America 👋👋 Very happy to hear you enjoy watching the scenery and enjoy the ride 😀 👍
@oswaldboelcke5470 i hope you enjoyed it 🙂
I hope so too
Really enjoyed this. Thanks for the time you took in filming and putting this up for us to view.
Glad to hear you enjoyed the video. 👍 😊
This brings back a lot of memories. I used to travel on the Southern Aurora overnighter in the late 70s in a single sleeper ,shoe shine and continental breakfast ,beers in the club car.Thankyou for the video.
Very happy you enjoyed the ride 👍 😊
What is it about the "slow TV" that's so therapeutic and relaxing, thoroughly enjoyed that, many thanks
There's just something about it 😀 Glad you enjoy them 👍 😀
I really love watching these videos on my computer and also have OpenRailwayMap on my tablet following the train. ❤
Sounds like you're all set up 😀 Glad you enjoy them 👍 😀
The trip offers a beautiful autumn scenery. The blue grey green variety of eucalyptus trees are mixed with the golden leaves of poplar trees, in green and brown fields. Over them, is a welcome to my eyes, an enormous blue sky. I remember the seventies, when I was swimming with my family in the Murray river. Thanks you for the nice video.
You are welcome 😊 I am very happy to hear you enjoyed the ride 👍 😊
Great video. Thanks for sharing. This is one of my favourite railway lines.
No problem. Glad you enjoyed the ride 👍😊
I wanna come to work with u ur job looks very fun
Wow. I have never met a youtuber this nice before.
I'm sure there are a lot more nice people here as well. Glad to hear you are enjoying youtube. 😀👍
Great work, Putty Cat, keep it up
Thank you. I'll keep em coming 👍😀
I've taken this train trip as far as Wangaratta and I love travelling on the V/Line, it's such a smooth trip and these new trains are very modern and seem to ride pretty well.
I am very glad to hear that you have enjoyed the vline train trip. 👍😊
have you done the same on the countrylink xpt? i would think the v line would definitely be smoother even though i think both sets of tracks were upgraded in recent years
@@Roadrunnerz45 Was your comment direct at me? Are you talking about the train that goes from Melbourne to Sydney? I haven't, but I want to. Once I caught the XPT from Wang to Melbourne.
Yeah. Both tracks should be the same quality. The older xpt would ride rougher though probably @@Lachlant1984
New Subscriber, hoping for nice long videos like this
Welcome. I do lots of the shorter ones but also do the long ones every so often. Check out the playlist for LONG videos. Hope you enjoy. 😀👍
And I really enjoy ur videos ❤❤❤
Glad you enjoy them 👍 😀
Great video Colin and thanks for the toots to the SM and ASM at Tallarook, seem to be in residence but not on the platform!
No problem Bruce. Always like to toot hello when going past. Glad you enjoyed the video 👍😊
@driver667 Great series and very enjoyable to sit up front with you, even with steam! Hope all was good last Saturday too, and good to hear the DERM rumble!
@@brucemclaren6384 yes, all went well for an enjoyable day out for everyone. 👍😊
Any possibility we will see Albury to Southern Cross? Can't explain why I find your videos so satisfying but please keep it up!
Albury to Southern Cross will appear also eventually. Just might take me a little time whilst I get through other lines as well 😀 Glad to hear you enjoy them 👍 😊
There is already a video on that
@@trainluva5573 but not in the opposite direction 👍😊
@@driver667 ua-cam.com/video/78LSsWB4IH0/v-deo.html
@ 1:54:45. Looks like we found the Violet Town Village Idiot . The man most likely to not succeed! Crossing a railway track with train in platform as it toots rather than wait 60 seconds. Great journey though. Could really get some speeds up on that track even more I suppose if they improved it further: lots of nice straights and gentle curves. Made for high speed more than many in the state. Although wildlife might be an issue.
The line does lend itself to a higher speed with its long straights. Let's see what the future holds. Happy to hear you enjoyed the ride 👍 😊
Loved seeing SRHC's Tour to get S307 at 22:36! Great Video!
Very happy to hear you enjoyed it 👍 😀
I took this trip both ways in May 1987. Southern Cross station didn't exist then but Spencer St. station did. Cheers from Vancouver.
Spencer Street station was renamed Southern Cross and rebuilt around 2005 😊 Good to hear from Vancouver 👍😊
Greetings from Denmark truly enjoyed the ride thank you for sharing spotted some trainspotters at 9:14 in a ute loved that :)
Glad you enjoyed the ride 👍 Greetings to Denmark. 👋 That is a bit of a popular spot for train spotters 👍😊
Wonderful video
Very happy to hear you enjoyed it 👍 😊
Train Stops: Southern Cross to Albury
Broadmeadows (Pick Up Only)
Violet Town
Great i saw a lot of country i haven't seen for quite a while .
Glad you enjoyed the ride 👍 😊
The dual gauge lines out of SC in first minutes makes us realise how complex some of those crossovers are
@@flamingfrancis the dual gauge does make it a little complex. 👍😀
I've also seen great old vision of the original Southern Aurora doing this run back in 1937. I think she raced a biplane for some of the trip at least. What agreat Aussie piece of manufacturing that train was. All Victorian gauge in those days.
It was a great train. The scenes from the plane were actually filmed during a test run on the Geelong line. 👍😀
woohoo the complete journey well done 😀
Glad you enjoyed it 👍 After editing and uploading it, all I can say is..... phewwwww. 👍😊
It just gives the viewers a clearer perspective of just how large Victoria is and to think multiply this distance by 10 to get to Perth or by 12 to get to Darwin. This country is staggering in the rail distances that it can cover. Great video 😅
It certainly is a big country. Very happy you enjoyed the video 👍😊
Australia is as big as the USA. Just with far fewer people
@@jordanwardle11 👍😀
I’m surprised to see it only takes 3 hrs and 13 min, but before it took 4 hours [nearly]
No delays on the way 👍😊
Good thing. 👍
I love going to Albury on the standard gauge ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊
I'm happy to hear you enjoy it 😊 👍
Just a further comment they could have kept the double track from the Murray River to Albury and beyond. I hope that they build a new bridge over the Murray River sooner than later.
3:09:07 Half of the train is still in victoria and the other is in nsw
@@justanaturalcarguy4031 straddled across the border. 😂😀👍
nice train passing you just before jacana blue and gold SRHC train
Yes, it was 👍😊
At 2:30 on the southbound freight, where does the rolls of steel (ALuminum) come from (city, mill)?
Those are rolls of steel coming from the Port Kembla steel works in NSW and headed for Western Port, South-East of Melbourne where they will be made into all sorts of steel products. Eg, colour bond sheeting as well as many other products. 👍😊
Did u see the australia win last night 🎉🎉🎉
No, I was busy with a prior commitment and did not see it. Congratulations to them. 👍😊
Why has the double track from the Murray River to Albury being cut down to a single track? The new concrete bridge has capacity for a double track. Single tracks don't allow simultaneous movements of up and down trains.
The old bridge over the Murray River is not up to handling two trains at once. I think you will see the bridge replaced in the future as the inland rail project marches on. 👍😊
up my way, much appreciated! a couple of questions please: 1) what was the passenger train that went by at 22:36 ?, and, 2) std and narrow gauge tracks - the one you're on, is that narrow and only used by the new trains, and std is that used by locomotives and xpt? sorry i love trains, photographed stacks of them in albury and out bush but i am really just a novice.
That train was a heritage train on tour. The tracks we are on are standard gauge. All trains to Sydney use this. I am guessing your reference to narrow is around bridges and such where there are check rails for safety that look like narrow gauge. 👍😊
@@driver667 thanks so much!
@@mrrol5212 👍😊
@@driver667 really interesting - times have changed!
The bigger gauge is Broad gauge and the smaller gauge is Standard gauge.
Would be good if the powers that be could sprinkle some magic and upgrade the line for 160km/h running. It seems ok on the other side of the border :)
That would be nice but I can't see it happening in the foreseeable future 🤔👍😊
Yea said that above. And probably the best line in the entire state to achieve that as no great mountainous runs and a lot of long straights and gentle curves. Think they’d probably need to start by putting in decent robust fencing to stop wildlife. Even much farm fences are a bit dodgy and hate to see cattle wander into the rails of a 160 kmph train.
@@xr6lad 👍😊
Childhood dream now crossed off list, got drivers view into Benalla.
Thank you!!
Glad to help with your dream. 👍 Happy you enjoyed the ride 👍 😊
When was this line built? What are the types of trees alongside the track (white gum? what?). Looks like they were planted alongside rather than naturally occurring.
The line was originally built in stages around the 1870's as broad gauge. A standard gauge line was built from the border to Melbourne and opened in 1962. The broad gauge line from Seymour to Albury was converted to standard gauge in 2010 forming 2 tracks on this section. I don't think any of those trees were planted by anyone. They naturally grow there. Apart from gum trees I couldn't tell you exactly what species they are. 👍😊
It is a beautiful train trip over this weekend I went up on Friday morning on 707am I will be leaving Albury on tomorrow afternoon on 527 pm down to Melbourne is a beautiful City Albury
Very happy to hear you are enjoying your trip to Albury. Have a safe trip home 👍🙂
Wow, finally made it, 15 to 20 mins per view from a month ago ! Has anyone stayed on for the full 3h 16min ?! Now retired in Philadelphia, ,I worked as a Field Engr, in 1965-66 on the 180 mile Dampier (King Bay) to Mt Tom Price rail, completed in 1 1/2 years for the Hancock/Rio Tinto iron ore project, crossing the Fortescue River and 2 jumpups ( 5x15 min videos on rwmaniac 'Karratha - TomPrice' from 12 yrs ago). Nothing much to see on that post either ! Multiple Alco diesels (then) and the longest ore trains in the world. Lotsa other posts since then, notably John Phillips592, cover these Pilbara ore trains. Thanks Dfriver667, I'll be back for more rides with you !
Very happy you enjoyed it even if it did take a while to get through it 😀 Some people love the long ones and sit through them in one go. 👍😊
Can u please do a video of u sounding the horn on the standard gauge VLocity ❤❤❤😊
I toot the whistle all the way to albury in this video 😀👍
Ok thanks ❤❤❤🎉
Ur a great driver ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊
@@Gothepiessss17 thank you 😊
Bloody marvellous!!!!!
😀 Glad to hear you enjoyed it 👍 😊
22:36 a wild C501 trailing behind T357, not often you see the class leader in action!
Is that the Up Port Kembla Steel Train..? 2:31:19
Yes, I believe it is. 👍😀
@@driver667 It is the Up Port Kembla Steel Train Colin
Port Kembla is in NSW
@@vlinenclasstrains 👍😀
XPT station at the end of the video if passengers want to continue the journey from Albury to Sydney (Central)
i can just see where the track would have veered off to the right originally but the bush area has recovered very well
Does not take long for nature to take over if left to do it's work. 👍😊
@@driver667 yeah you would know its there not bad since 2010
@@Mediawatcher2023 👍😊
Being from the USA, I have only ridden this line once, the other direction. What was the passenger train you met at 22:37 ?
The USA, a place I want to get back to one day and do some filming. That train was a heritage train from the heritage group at Seymour on tour. 👍😊
A mere 7+ - 8 hours on to Sydney Central... At what point is there a transition to NSW signalling?
Albury is the transition. The Sydney end of the platform sees NSW signalling. 👍😊
Hi my name is Len from Sydney, I am a avid train just love watching them. Your video of your dreams driving a V/LINE VELOCITY IS very good and may I make oone can you p😢ut the name of the of the bridges you cross for the viewers pls
To Albury
@@len9003 hi Len, very happy you enjoy the videos. 👍 😀
Hi my name is Len, I was just wondering if you could give me your opinion about as a driver and a good one at that,which train in your opinion is better to drive out the Xpt or the V/LINE VELOCITY .please.
@@len9003 I'm not actually qualified in the XPT so I can't compare the two. The vlocity units are comfortable and nice to drive but my preference is still a locomotive. 👍😀
7:14 What are those rusting locos?
Old West Australian loco's. Been there for years. 👍😀
What are they building on the left as you go over the flyover near North Melbourne?
Roads and freeway connections 👍😊
just wonderingbwhy you split and set back to a 3 car set for the return journey.. surelly vline and PTV have worked out that Tfnsw dont want rail transit as is highlighted by the journey from Wodonga to Albury?
The three cars go off and make up part of a 6 car return another time. 👍😊
@@driver667 are you going to do a post on the taralgon journey soon?
@@DavidWynn-f8o yesterday was a video of the entire trip from Bairnsdale through Traralgon to Melbourne. 👍😀
O letter means - Eye balls, Cornea, Pupil, Netra. PUPIL 2:31 means my sister giving tutions morning evening for the last 12 years to the pupils/students.
Also, how about a pic of the loco and the wagons or carriages - what is behind the cab?
There is a pic of it at the start
V/Line VLocity on standard gauge.
The picture at the start of the video is the same type of train this is filmed from. 👍😊
about 10 cones 6 beers should get you there comfortably.. be nice to staff and enjoy.. choo choo !
Great stuff 😀😀👍
Nice video but only get a little beep warning ,when come across crossing. Not a loud and clear sound off all the way through ,like in America dose.
America has different laws on whistle use depending on which state you are in with some states demanding extreme use of the whistle. 👍😊
@@driver667 Yep ,Also , third world countrys are so much less safety minded on blowing the train horn. Like the Philippines ,sure ,they don't care.
@@driver667 Isn't that the truth ! They are heavy on the horn here in the states. Man that was some good running ! You had the Hammer down several times, Best wishes from Blacksburg Virginia!
@@parrott350 👋👋 Hello to Blacksburg, Virginia. Very happy you enjoyed the ride along the line. 👍😀
Cragiburn the end of the electrfication line as we say bye bye to Melbourne.
When I grow up I want to be just like u❤❤❤
Keep studying and you can achieve anything you wish. I am sure you will get there. 👍😊
Thanks for saying that ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉
@@Gothepiessss17 👍😊
Is v/line really only single track from broadmeadows to Victoria cross? Is the other line separated from the sunshine locals?
The Albury line is standard gauge and is single line from Seymour into Melbourne. All other vline services are broad gauge. 👍😀
@@driver667single all the way?
@@qjtvaddict only Seymour to Melbourne. Two tracks Seymour to Albury. 👍😀
@@driver667???? Damn it should be double tracked and straightened for higher speeds for better regional service
So much rail development going on in Australia right now
Yes, there is a lot going on right now 👍😊
(from Phila) Why is there dual rails in some places ?
Because of standard and broad gauges used in Victoria.
This train is on standard gauge with the bulk of the state system being on broad gauge. Where the two systems use the same track you will see the two rails on one side 👍😊
Just wondering are all the Mel to Albury or return now 6 cars? Why were you splitting the consist at Albury? Thx.
Not all services are 6 cars, some services are only scheduled for 3 cars. 👍😊
what dpes that number indiction that pops up every 5 minutes in yellow????
That yellow you see is a curve board. It indicates the speed around and direction of the curve. 👍😀
@@driver667 yeah thanks. I’m a moron as I just realised that after I sent it 🤣. Absolutely great applies as well especially on the regional train lines. Love it!
@@roseymour2440 you're welcome. All good. 😀 Glad to hear you're enjoying them 👍😀
Yes but the two rails seem to start and stop with no transition points. I must be missing something here.
You are looking at the check rails on bridges or underpasses etc. They are protection in case of a derailment 👍😊
Greetzs from Germany. One Question, for what are the both different track widths? thnaks
Standard gauge 4ft 8 1/2in. (1435mm) and Broad gauge 5ft 3in. (1600mm) Greetings from Australia 👍😊
@@driver667 is the standard for Commuter Trains and the Broad for heavier ones?
@@Lufdhamsda no, the state rail system is broad gauge and the interstate system is standard gauge. It is what we have been stuck with since the states went with different gauges from the start. 👍😊
@@driver667 aah, Thank you very much.
@@Lufdhamsda 👍😊
How long once you have recorded the video ,to edit and place it on UA-cam
It took about 20 hours just to upload to youtube after it was ready to post. 👍😊
Another ASMR video :-) bye the way, going through Dynon due to works?
The Albury service is on standard gauge. Through Dynon is the normal standard gauge access into Southern Cross. Glad to hear you enjoyed the ride 👍 😊
@@driver667 ahhh it’s been ages since I’ve traveled on the Albury line… so when it was broad gauge, it didn’t right?
@@DoDgEball86 when it was broad gauge, it went out via Essendon 👍😊
Actually Albury is in New South Wales
Yes it is 👍😀
How can a standard gauge Vlocity run on broad and standard gauge?
@@LAWSONEEEEEEEEEEEEEE it just runs on standard gauge. 👍😀
Now imagine if you had high speed rail and could get to Albury in half the time...😁
Could certainly cut the time down 👍😊
You should take a train ride in Germany or Italy @ 250km/hr to understand what “high speed rail” is all about. It won’t happen in Australia until politicians like “Teflon Dan” Andrews are removed from government….. Too many kickbacks from organisations that do not have a stake in high speed rail……. Grüße aus Australien. Tschüss.
@@peterfromgw4615 who knows if we will see high speed rail in Australia 👍😊
@@driver667 Probably never if we keep electing the same style of politicians. High speed rail (220 km/h plus) is a great way to get around Europe. You don't have to find your way to an airport, work you way through the various official processes, sit in a departure lounge waiting for boarding, waiting on the tarmac for departure, the flight and going through a similar process at the other end. My son and I travelled from Berlin to Cologne via Deutsche Bahn in comfort as well as several other destinations. Our politicians are too stupid or crooked or both to understand there are alternatives.
@@peterfromgw4615 👍😊
How was your trip to Albury.?
It was good. 👍😀
@@driver667 That's good to hear.👍😁
@@vlinenclasstrains 👍😀
Have you ever tried Viewing, or, showing, Melbourne to Sydney Yet ?.
No I haven't. I'm not qualified past Albury. I need to talk to a rail company that runs over the border about travelling with them. We will see how it goes. 🤔👍😊
What is the second left track for?
There are two tracks from Seymour to Albury. What track are you referring to over the 3 hours of travelling? 🤔👍😊
One rail on the right and 2 on the left. Early part of trip. Still in melbourne.
@@geoffreymartin2764 dual gauge track out of Melbourne. Broad and standard gauge. We are running on the standard gauge track. 👍😊
Timestamps for stops?
I've never thought of timestamps. There's a lot of work with what I do now. 👍🙂
Greeting Driver667
@@PrimeGoesWee Greetings. Hope you are enjoying the channel and having a great day 👍😀
Do you know that the Passenger Seats inside the V/Line Vlocity Trains are really bad, it way too uncomfortable and they hurt peoples necks and the seats like made out of plastic and it can be so painful!😬
But the V/Line N Set Seats are much more better and more comfy.😊
@@vlinenclasstrains 👍😀
Albury is the Bordertown between New South Wales and Victoria
It is 👍 😀
Thank you
It really means the world to
@driver667 Albury is also on the New South Wales side if the border with Victoria
Is this the standard gauge Vlocity?
Yes it is👍😊
How long did the trip take ?
It's a 3 and a half hour trip 👍😊
I believe if u take the train to sydeny, it goes beyond albury. Maybe it makes a stop. I think 🤔
@@KFCBOY-nd4qg the train to Sydney takes the same route to Albury and does make a stop at Albury. 👍😀
@@driver667 including cragieburn line?
@@KFCBOY-nd4qg It doesn't run down the Craigieburn suburban line. This train is standard gauge but runs through Craigieburn. 👍😀
@@driver667 thanks a bunch 😃👍
You're welcome. 👍😀
What is the maximum speed reached on the entire route?
The maximum speed on the journey is 130kph 👍😊
Is there a reason why they haven’t run the double track into Albury seeing as the bridges are certainly capable of doing so. Seems silly
To create a potential bottleneck.
I think the problem is the bridge over the Murray is not strong enough to hold two trains at once so until a new bridge is built, single track across the Murray remains. 👍😊
at Violet Town station that bike rider ouch
Yes, hmmm 🤔👍😀
Is this broad gauge
@@LAWSONEEEEEEEEEEEEEE This is standard gauge. 👍😀
I wonder how much it costs to travel that far 🤔
With the recent price reduction by the state government, full fare is capped at $10 anywhere in Victoria for the day. 👍😊
@@driver667 Woah! That's a steal 😲, might aswell go to Albury for the fun of it I suppose 😊
@@icantsee0 it is extremely cheap and value for money 😄 👍
From Melbourne VIC
The same as myself and quite a few more here 😀👍
(also on the New South Wales side of the border with Victoria
@@driver667Let's be friends bcuz why not
@@driver667 I love you❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@driver667 I also love your videos too ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@debashreegoswami1669 👍😀
Regularly travel on this train to Melbourne from wodonga good to see different perspective of the trip now they just need to increase frequency so it’s not so packed
More trains, more carriages. Glad you enjoyed it 👍 😊
Do southern cross to Warrnambool ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊
Wait so are u going to do it😮
@@Gothepiessss17 it's on the list 👍😊
Ok happy to hear that❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊😮😮😮
Is it possible that the v line can got to warranbool ❤❤❤
What's the Vlocity's top speed on this line?
130kph on this line 👍😊
I thought it was 160, oh well
What do you need to be a train driver
The training is supplied by the company. It is a very comprehensive course that includes how the trains work, how the signals work and all the rules that we work to as well as many other things. The first step is to keep an eye on the website of the company you are thinking of and apply when they advertise positions. 👍😊
Victoria has ideal conditions for high speed rail with mostly flat, straight open lines. Much like France.
Why can't existing trains run faster to give a better service? Even moderate increases in speed would make rail more competitive and save massive amounts of commuting time.
In the early 2000's the government took the step to upgrade the trains to 160kph. The vlocity units now run at this speed as an everyday occurrence. The passenger numbers have increased by a huge amount but I think the real reason for this is the fact that the timetable went from an average of 5 trains a day to a train every hour. (Geelong every 20 minutes). They have been looking at 200kph for the Geelong line although that has been put on hold due to economic circumstances at the moment. 👍😊
@@driver667 There is a great advantage to running faster trains besides better commute times. The Trains can run more frequently.
Halve the time and double the service for the same number of trains and staff..
They should also speed up ticketing, access to stations, transfers, and load/unload times. Plus make the whole waiting, platform and seating more pleasant. The French do this very well. Besides a beautiful call tone, they even have pianos on the platforms.
Bit depressing to see an ostensibly SG main line with very little traffic. Hopefully Inland Rail etc can put some of this right..
Most of the traffic runs after dark but it would be nice to see an increase in traffic 👍😊
This is not my video.@667 driver's video.
It's one for the people that like the long ones 👍😊
Very enjoyable ride. Shame that the line drops to single line from the Murray River bridge into Albury. That is one impressive length platform in Albury considering the
length of the trains operated through there today. The builders must have thought that there would be a lot of passengers when they built it.
Back in the day, the trains that used it were longer than the trains today. Glad you enjoyed the ride 👍 😊
Educated guess that until probably the mid 1960’s they were very long trains and night sleepers as the main way to travel between the two largest cities remained rail rather than plane for the average person. Plus back then no freeway either between the two cities which of course made car travel a lot slower than train.
@@xr6lad I started catching overnight trains in the 1980s and they were still fairly long then but things are different now 👍😊
The platform on the other side is as long again.
@@jeffdouglas9437 it is a bit longer on the through platform 👍😊
Can u change ur profile picture to a v line train
I like my cat being there but I have been wondering what I would have if not my cat 😄👍
1:15:20 Seymour
Aw yeah...
3 hours long, thats Luxury my guy.
Also here's the Comeng horns in a nutshell: Ewgh.
Turn on the big screen, grab the popcorn 🍿 and get comfortable in the recliner. 👍😀
My name is Keyan
Hello Keyan. Welcome to the channel. 👍😀
@@driver667Thank you
Playback speed 2