He’s one of the first “normal”people in terms of his presentation, while being extremely good at the game, to not make yugioh look like a bad game. 😂 like he’s never making things into a bigger thing than they are, which Konami does a good job of hiring people like this already, but these older employees are just not gifted at the game like Josh. He just feels like someone you’d like to know at your locals, who wouldn’t shark you or rip you off. He’s too busy being great!!!
Insanely helpful to make the viewer understand the strengths and general strategy of Snake-Eyes variants in a condensed form with commentary of what's happening without just mindlessly going through a long combo, really enjoyed this kind of competitive YGO content
It's scary as hell. The deck is busted. Konami has a method to there madness tho. Foresight and hindsight 20/20 where they nerf snake eyes before fire king comes into the game lol.
Doesn't help when every other relevant deck looks like it's playing a singleton format MD and ocg banlist looks retarded Maxx c makes this worse too lol
I started labbing Snake-Eye in MD with separate Rescue-ACE and Sky Striker builds and Immediately saw results. Going to need to craft Linkuriboh and/or Relinquished Anima for all those Level 1s(Linkuriboh since it works on tokens and allows for easier Heatsoul access, Anima because you can actually steal monsters with its SUCC if you run enough Snek engine to summon them out). Also tried to do some Infernoble stuff but I don't know the Isoldeless lines thoroughly yet so I need practice with those in case I have to run a TCG variant of the build. Poplar allows for some complex options, especially if you run any searchers for it(mainly Where Arf Thou and 1 for one until Bonfire gets added to MD). Maxx "C" complicates things in MD though since this engine can do a lot of special summons, enough that you can actually get hit by Nibiru and want to set up potential countermeasures for that by placing certain monsters in the Spell/Trap zones or using certain floats/backrow like Diabellestar, Reinforce, or even the Tribute Immunity of the Hornet Drones token to brute force through it(assuming you don't get a Barrone/Apollousa opening early enough, which is unlikely with all the hoops you have to go through just to get to Jet Synchron/Renaud).
Ridiculously broken decks that power creep the whole meta are always expensive until they get hit. Konami needs to just release ban lists with the new set every time they make a game changing card in high rarity.
Stay optimistic find a way to make more money grind it out ask for a miracle never believe b can't get it !!!I believe u would be a snake eyes specialist sooner than never u legend!
I don't really comment on YT videos but this is exactly the kind of quality content YGO lacks - informative, relevant, no nonsense, and coming from someone who obviously knows what they're talking about. And it's not just "here's my combo with no explanation", it's a wider discussion about the archetype as a whole. Love it
genuine question why do you like snake eyes but hate Mathmech. Playing against both decks it just feels like snake eyes is just a better mathmech. It link climbs (a mechanic you said you despise), it has one card combos and lots of non-engine meaning 4 hand traps and 1 ash is gg (aka 4 handtraps and 1 circular), the deck doesnt really care about handtraps if it has 1 of their million extenders, which usually leads to like 5+ interruptions with infinite follow up, making the handtrap game feel very irrelevant at times, and the deck can also just shit out 13k damage to easily otk going second. It just feels incredibly frustrating playing against the deck even as somebody that plays a pretty good deck myself, however great video as always
I'm OK with Diamond and Master Rank being a shitshow. I don't really need to sink a ton of time and money on an engine. Even when it's ostensibly cheaper in MD, I can't say it interests me. I'll play fire decks to try stuff out, but I am not married to a deck just because it's popular.
i found this incredibly helpful! with cards getting seemingly so complicated in modern times, the way you break things down make it simple for me to understand. keep up the great work!
12:20. Mathemech Circular: Hardly sees any play and is banned. Snake Eye Poplar: It's a better circular and won't get banned. F in the Chat for Circular.
I can finaly play a version of Infernoid that isn't "you better draw Resolve/Monster Gate/Grass or you're screwed" until the support gets into MD in 50 years.
Thank you. I find it easier to follow the combos when you use actual cards as opposed to someone screen sharing MD or whatever Dkayed uses. And I’m not trying to throw shade on them, I just find it easier to follow for some reason.
I would say having the physical cards helps me better understand the combo but having the cards shown on DB makes it easier for me to read them. This style of video did help me a lot! Keep up the good content.
What's funny is that the Snake-eye engine plays very similarly to Cyberse decks (play a lot of 1 card starters and then link climb, ending on layered interuption AND playing 12-15 non-engine), Mathmech *cough*, so it's a little funny hearing him give this deck/engine so much praise. Sounds a little hypocritical
This is what is interesting about YuGiOh now. Most decks do get a 1 card combo that helps setup the the field. Downside to that is that most old tutorials will have to change how the game is showcased. Yes tons of people who love slow duels will be angry but imagine how hyped they will be when their pet deck gets a one card combo for them. The upside to this is YuGiOh has really evolved to a resource management game where if your one card combo gets stopped, you can either respond to let it go through or any of the other 4 cards could be extenders to set up a plan B or C. It's crazy seeing the game go from empty fields that slowly build up as the game goes into a turn one combos can set up a whole field. Both monsters and spells/traps. The game has sped up to a point where there isn't those conversations of "If I only had x amount of turns, I could've drawn this and turned it around!" To playing a deck that can search out your solution consistently. It makes more decks feel actually playable and like your whole deck will be seen at some point and if not, well a few different plays could have changed the tide.
Sorry for a rant there, but amazing video showing the combo! It's fun evolving to look at how some 1 card combo's can actually strengthen any deck rather than complain about how it breaks the game. I think it's evolving and in a very fun way!
@@GalaxyGrubzFun? Hard disagree. When you say “so many decks” you literally just mean the top decks in tournaments. Branded, Snake Eye, Labyrinth, Tear, Kashtira, etc. And it’s not a matter of “hype if it benefits me”. There were one card starters in the past (Tour Guide, Speedroid Terrortop, A Hero Lives, Mathmech Circular, etc) but it’s almost always become a big enough issue down the line that Konami has to respond with a hit. The issue me and others have atm is that rather than being an occasional occurrence, Konami is making this a pattern they’re intentionally steering into for profit. Print some stupid one card starter, hit it when it’s time to release the next stupid one card starter (see half the Ishizu engine and Kashtira Unicorn, and I guarantee you Poplar, Sinful Spoils or whatever is next on the chopping block). We’ve been in like 4 back to back tier 0 formats over the past year. This isn’t a Yugiboomer issue (I played the most during Arc V and Vrains). It’s the fact that Konami seems DESPERATE to relegate staple cards to obscurity, to the point of making decks which laugh at Ash, Droll, or Nibiru. And one card starters are part of the issue as they compartmentalize entire engines to the point where it’s never “figure out what hand traps are most reliable for the current meta”. It’s become “what’s the least amount of cards I can run before shoving my entire deck full of generic disrupters”. It has just made the decision making and deckbuilding lamer. Your “upside downside” performative fairness is just a smokescreen to brush off genuine concerns people have with the game.
@@Createrz2015 you are right, actually. I think droll is being designed for with all of the “put a card from your deck in the st zone” but d shifter is so good decks that don’t play well under it are using it 🤣 point being is hand traps are losing a lot of impact as long as Konami is on this “st zone placing and summoning” centurion I’m looking at you with mixed feelings for starting a trend 🤣
This is a fantastic video and I really hope you continue. The yugioh community has enough deck profiles and master duel highlights. As a follow up, I would love to see a comprehensive guide to going second with this deck. Almost all the Yugioh content out there is about turn 1 combos, which are relatively easy to learn off by heart from any source. But it would be really nice if, for example, you would fishbowl some test hands going second against an established snake eye mirror match board, talking through your process, what effects you are trying to bait out, when to draw vs steal with talents, etc. That content is severely lacking in the Yugioh space I feel.
Love these kind of videos Josh, you do a really good job of explaining the combos! Can't wait for the next ones :) Such a shame that Poplar is ~35€ (so 105€) Wanted is 70€ (so 210€), Bonfire is ~75€ (so 215€) and S:P is 110€ though (Cardmarket prices, no idea for TCGPlayer). 640€ just for 10 cards is unfortunately way too much for the majority of players :( At least you can have "budget" versions of the deck (which, by the way, would be even more awesome for you to cover in these videos!) that don't run Wanted/Bonfire/S:P, as there are other ways to get to Diabellstar. It's harder to make it without Poplar, but it should still be doable. Is it less efficient? Obviosuly, but I'm sure you can still get there, it will require more steps (and more prone to interruptions).
Kurikara is such a good card vs Purrely with all of its draw effects during your turn. It counts as a tribute so EXCELLENT board removal of those annoying cats.
Only thing I would say is in the 1 card combo with the Fire King engine you want to use Ash before Island otherwise you severely lose to Nibiru. You need to place Flamberge on board on your 5th summon to have the best possible follow up Board is less broken than yours but still ends on Amblowhale, Flamberge and IP with Oak still in the deck which I would only use turn 1 if I get Droll, otherwise it’s an awesome follow up for next turn
The way I do the snake-eyes ash one card combo I end up having formula synchron on field along with Flamberge and Masquerena on spell/trap zone to summon during opponent's draw phase and Promethean Princess and Linkuriboh in grave.. I basically trade Amblowhale for Masquerena to go into Apollousa with 4 materials after I summon Baronne off Formula Synchron and Flamberge
This snake eyes Engine works really well with the tenpai dragon set that's coming out in legacy Of destruction and it helps that the dragons are all Fire types and level 4 and 3
A thing I'd like to mention is that the Master Duel version of the deck actualy has one thing the tcg version doesn't:Spright Elf. This single factor means that they can actualy have Formula Synchron AND I:P Masquerena at the same time out of just 1 Ash. You are losing out on Anblowhale if you do this but you still have a Baronne, 4 material Apollousa, and a Spright Elf that can point to both of them to give them targeting protection so I'd say that the Master Duel version actualy isn't that far behind the tcg version, despite lacking Bonfire
From my experience with Snake Eyes in Masterduel so far, I have to say the deck is strong but it has some glaring weaknesses. 1. It has some hands that just loose to a single handtrap. 2. It struggles greatly with monsters/cards that cannot be targeted or destroyed. Almost every single removal it has either destroys or targets or most of the time both. 3. It can be awkward to OTK with Accesscode thanks to Prometheans fire-lock, as well as the lines being pretty free-form and having to be thought up on the spot. 4. Afformentioned lines being free-form means that time can geniunely become an issue, especially going second. I am aware that upcoming cards will fix these issues, notably. 1. Bonfire makes the deck far more resilient and consistent than it already is. 2. S:P Little Knight and Zealantis make removing troublesome cards far easier. 3. Zealantis + Salamangreat Raging Phoenix make OTK far easier. 4. Points 2 and 3 should also help with the timer. Greatly looking forward to those cards to help the deck become even better!
Really interesting, right now my best friend and I are running Centur-ion Horus for me and Fire King Snake Eyes Diabellstar for him, since PHNI it's getting difficult to break his Turn 1 I hope this can help me. It could be really really interesting if you were doing this kind of combo explanations for other kind of decks in the current format. If your experience could help me mastering my Ceur-ion Horus deck I would happily learn from you ! Thanks a lot.
the major problems with this deck is maxx C resolving, ash blossom, any trap or back row deck. if your opp ashes the snake-eye ash your whole play is over.
Maybe try playing against a hand with extenders next time maybe that’ll change your mind. Snake eyes and snake eye variants are the best decks in the ocg btw in a maxx c format
I have a rulings question. Suppose you use a card to send an extra deck monster to the graveyard. Can you use Flamberge’s effect to treat it as a continuous spell? Can you then also use Flamberge’s effect to SS it, even though it was never properly summoned? This probably has an obvious answer, but I just want more insight on the rulings if anything.
Extra Deck cards need to be properly summoned first before you can special summon them by other means, so sending something to the graveyard with e.g. Nadir Servant and then summoning it back with Monster Reborn or Flamberge isnt possible
Oh wow a reply!! Thanks, that’s what I thought, I remember that the proper special summoning condition was specific to the graveyard, I wasn’t sure if it applied here, but it makes sense that it would! Thanks!!
Big boy Drytron ritual destroys pure snake eyes. He don’t care if you special summon after he destroys on field monsters as he can attack over every single card you bring out.
Burch is cool cuz you can do some cheeky Masquerena stuff with it. Like one ash gets you Princess in gy, 4 mat Apollousa, and Whale on board with Burch. You end on Burch, Flameberge, IP in s/t and whale
Definitely enjoyed this. I think, in addition to the combos, getting into the underlying thesis of the deckbuilding would be potentially valuable. For example, I see that you're playing or at least considering jet synchron whereas I haven't seen anyone else talking about it. Why are you looking at those? They're clearly "an option" but what is actually drawing you to them?
@rand0mlyhere I see that, but that's so simple as to not even constitute an actual explanation. "I added 1+1 to make 2" okay, but at what point did we decide 2 was necessary to make or that addition here is the most axiomatically correct thing to do? These are the interesting questions at hand that simply pointing at the cards cannot answer. I can come up with my own reasons why these synchros are interesting in the upcoming format, but I have no idea if I've seen every angle nor do I have the practice to see what's better in practice than on paper.
@@DaedricSheep I see. Unfortunately: it would seem I’m not the internet stranger to answer this question. Though, perhaps, this could start an interesting discussion. A few other benefits, not including Formula Synchron shenanigans, that could come from the use of Jet: Extender, Searchable with Snake-Ash (and Original Sinful Spoils) if you’ve run out of in-engine targets, helps discard (which could be used to draw through the grave effect of Seeker of Sinful Spoils. Maybe there’s more, but this is just what comes off the top of my head. Maybe this should’ve been my initial comment to begin with. Maybe I’m blowing smoke? Ultimately, I’ve just found the card to be a convenient/comfy as a 1-of in my current list.
@rand0mlyhere I realize I kinda snapped a bit, so I apologize for that. I'm getting a bit frustrated by responses to questions that cumulate to a notation of things that exist, rather than actual functions or applications to play. Definitely doesn't merit the tone I used, so my apologies if I came across as harsh.
I just lost to infernoble knight snake eyes, they played through two handtraps and ended on baron, two charles link, 1 charles synchro, and they summoned more interruptions on my turn
Why can snake-eye ash search for snake-eyes poplar but divine temple does not add 1100 atk points to snake-eyes flamberge dragon? Is there a misunderstanding in the snake eye architype? I see a discrepancy here 🤔i want to know this since i want to know if Hero of the ashened city counts as a "HERO" card (elemental, vision, destiny, Xtra)
Josh saw all the "we cant get a serious discourse about ygo" debate and simply say Ok, I will do it myself. Loving the content, keep it up good sir
He’s one of the first “normal”people in terms of his presentation, while being extremely good at the game, to not make yugioh look like a bad game. 😂 like he’s never making things into a bigger thing than they are, which Konami does a good job of hiring people like this already, but these older employees are just not gifted at the game like Josh. He just feels like someone you’d like to know at your locals, who wouldn’t shark you or rip you off. He’s too busy being great!!!
Insanely helpful to make the viewer understand the strengths and general strategy of Snake-Eyes variants in a condensed form with commentary of what's happening without just mindlessly going through a long combo, really enjoyed this kind of competitive YGO content
This is probably one of the best introductions into a deck i have ever seen
Rescue ace snake eyes already started topping tournaments in MD despite missing support lmao😂
It's scary as hell. The deck is busted. Konami has a method to there madness tho. Foresight and hindsight 20/20 where they nerf snake eyes before fire king comes into the game lol.
I mean there isn't much powerful decks that can rival it in MD most of the decks got hit by the banlist
Doesn't help when every other relevant deck looks like it's playing a singleton format MD and ocg banlist looks retarded
Maxx c makes this worse too lol
It was my snake-eye deck of choice for md
I started labbing Snake-Eye in MD with separate Rescue-ACE and Sky Striker builds and Immediately saw results. Going to need to craft Linkuriboh and/or Relinquished Anima for all those Level 1s(Linkuriboh since it works on tokens and allows for easier Heatsoul access, Anima because you can actually steal monsters with its SUCC if you run enough Snek engine to summon them out).
Also tried to do some Infernoble stuff but I don't know the Isoldeless lines thoroughly yet so I need practice with those in case I have to run a TCG variant of the build.
Poplar allows for some complex options, especially if you run any searchers for it(mainly Where Arf Thou and 1 for one until Bonfire gets added to MD). Maxx "C" complicates things in MD though since this engine can do a lot of special summons, enough that you can actually get hit by Nibiru and want to set up potential countermeasures for that by placing certain monsters in the Spell/Trap zones or using certain floats/backrow like Diabellestar, Reinforce, or even the Tribute Immunity of the Hornet Drones token to brute force through it(assuming you don't get a Barrone/Apollousa opening early enough, which is unlikely with all the hoops you have to go through just to get to Jet Synchron/Renaud).
perlereino + scream: makes your monsters 1000atk stronger than your opponents. konami: make the field spell say 1100 atk lol stonks
This is the content the community needs.
Pure Snake-Eye is some of the most fun I’ve ever had playing this game and it’s heartbreaking to know I’ll never be able to afford to play it in paper
Maybe in like 5 years
@@Delir1umTremens when it will be limited
Ridiculously broken decks that power creep the whole meta are always expensive until they get hit. Konami needs to just release ban lists with the new set every time they make a game changing card in high rarity.
Stay optimistic find a way to make more money grind it out ask for a miracle never believe b can't get it !!!I believe u would be a snake eyes specialist sooner than never u legend!
Budget is very playable.
i think weve learned from the January F&L that when this guy talks, konami listens
Josh is a Konami employee confirmed
I don't really comment on YT videos but this is exactly the kind of quality content YGO lacks - informative, relevant, no nonsense, and coming from someone who obviously knows what they're talking about. And it's not just "here's my combo with no explanation", it's a wider discussion about the archetype as a whole. Love it
genuine question why do you like snake eyes but hate Mathmech. Playing against both decks it just feels like snake eyes is just a better mathmech. It link climbs (a mechanic you said you despise), it has one card combos and lots of non-engine meaning 4 hand traps and 1 ash is gg (aka 4 handtraps and 1 circular), the deck doesnt really care about handtraps if it has 1 of their million extenders, which usually leads to like 5+ interruptions with infinite follow up, making the handtrap game feel very irrelevant at times, and the deck can also just shit out 13k damage to easily otk going second.
It just feels incredibly frustrating playing against the deck even as somebody that plays a pretty good deck myself, however great video as always
Hypocrisy at it's finest
That Master Duel version really has 43 UR out of 55 cards lol.
Bonfire will no doubt be UR so that isn't even its final form.
Wtf pay wall much .. Guess that's one way to get money from the players
Recently Konami has been bumping rarities more and more, guess I'll keep using branded and swordsoul
By the time bonfire come, i expect it to be limited just like rota, powerful yet 1 is enough
@@foxblackbirds777you can easily get all of them for free if you've played for a while. As opposed to the tcg where this deck would cost 800€+
I'm OK with Diamond and Master Rank being a shitshow. I don't really need to sink a ton of time and money on an engine. Even when it's ostensibly cheaper in MD, I can't say it interests me. I'll play fire decks to try stuff out, but I am not married to a deck just because it's popular.
I love this style of video! Your insight on stream is great, but an organized and planned out video is even better :D
i found this incredibly helpful! with cards getting seemingly so complicated in modern times, the way you break things down make it simple for me to understand. keep up the great work!
Listening to the yoshie's island music in the background during the 1 card combo was so nostalgic 😊
You are the GOAT
12:20. Mathemech Circular: Hardly sees any play and is banned.
Snake Eye Poplar: It's a better circular and won't get banned.
F in the Chat for Circular.
I could see Poplar beeing banned 2-3 ban lists from now.
It will be banned eventually, or maybe othe core snake eyes cards. Tho not anytime soon, maybe half year more lol
Nah you meant L in the chat
Lmao poplar is like a half circular
Poplar is not as good as circular
I can finaly play a version of Infernoid that isn't "you better draw Resolve/Monster Gate/Grass or you're screwed" until the support gets into MD in 50 years.
Well, there was also the option of Set Feast-Pass. Having a real play on turn 1 is nice.
Thank you. I find it easier to follow the combos when you use actual cards as opposed to someone screen sharing MD or whatever Dkayed uses.
And I’m not trying to throw shade on them, I just find it easier to follow for some reason.
I loved the content. Id be happy watching an even more detailed version of a guide like this but hey, thats what the streams are for, lol
This video was absolutely helpful. That fire king combo is insane. Thank you
Lmao the meme on 12:21
I keep coming back to this video to figure out where I messed up the one-card combo. This is definitely the most concise snake-eyes video yet
I would say having the physical cards helps me better understand the combo but having the cards shown on DB makes it easier for me to read them. This style of video did help me a lot! Keep up the good content.
What's funny is that the Snake-eye engine plays very similarly to Cyberse decks (play a lot of 1 card starters and then link climb, ending on layered interuption AND playing 12-15 non-engine), Mathmech *cough*, so it's a little funny hearing him give this deck/engine so much praise. Sounds a little hypocritical
Very informative. Big help as its very clear and concise explaining:). Definitely keep doing these
Incredibly helpful. Thank you!
As a player who has only recently started to be interested in competitive ygo, this kinds of videos are a huge help. Thank you, keep up the good work!
This is what is interesting about YuGiOh now. Most decks do get a 1 card combo that helps setup the the field.
Downside to that is that most old tutorials will have to change how the game is showcased. Yes tons of people who love slow duels will be angry but imagine how hyped they will be when their pet deck gets a one card combo for them.
The upside to this is YuGiOh has really evolved to a resource management game where if your one card combo gets stopped, you can either respond to let it go through or any of the other 4 cards could be extenders to set up a plan B or C.
It's crazy seeing the game go from empty fields that slowly build up as the game goes into a turn one combos can set up a whole field. Both monsters and spells/traps. The game has sped up to a point where there isn't those conversations of "If I only had x amount of turns, I could've drawn this and turned it around!" To playing a deck that can search out your solution consistently. It makes more decks feel actually playable and like your whole deck will be seen at some point and if not, well a few different plays could have changed the tide.
Sorry for a rant there, but amazing video showing the combo! It's fun evolving to look at how some 1 card combo's can actually strengthen any deck rather than complain about how it breaks the game. I think it's evolving and in a very fun way!
@@GalaxyGrubzFun? Hard disagree. When you say “so many decks” you literally just mean the top decks in tournaments. Branded, Snake Eye, Labyrinth, Tear, Kashtira, etc. And it’s not a matter of “hype if it benefits me”. There were one card starters in the past (Tour Guide, Speedroid Terrortop, A Hero Lives, Mathmech Circular, etc) but it’s almost always become a big enough issue down the line that Konami has to respond with a hit. The issue me and others have atm is that rather than being an occasional occurrence, Konami is making this a pattern they’re intentionally steering into for profit. Print some stupid one card starter, hit it when it’s time to release the next stupid one card starter (see half the Ishizu engine and Kashtira Unicorn, and I guarantee you Poplar, Sinful Spoils or whatever is next on the chopping block). We’ve been in like 4 back to back tier 0 formats over the past year. This isn’t a Yugiboomer issue (I played the most during Arc V and Vrains). It’s the fact that Konami seems DESPERATE to relegate staple cards to obscurity, to the point of making decks which laugh at Ash, Droll, or Nibiru. And one card starters are part of the issue as they compartmentalize entire engines to the point where it’s never “figure out what hand traps are most reliable for the current meta”. It’s become “what’s the least amount of cards I can run before shoving my entire deck full of generic disrupters”. It has just made the decision making and deckbuilding lamer. Your “upside downside” performative fairness is just a smokescreen to brush off genuine concerns people have with the game.
This was really good/helpful! Only thing missing for me is how to play against this deck, but maybe that would be a video on its own.
Break their board, I think hand traps are officially dead this format.
@@Saixjacket I wouldn't say completely dead. Droll and shifter are decent.
@@Createrz2015 you are right, actually. I think droll is being designed for with all of the “put a card from your deck in the st zone” but d shifter is so good decks that don’t play well under it are using it 🤣 point being is hand traps are losing a lot of impact as long as Konami is on this “st zone placing and summoning” centurion I’m looking at you with mixed feelings for starting a trend 🤣
Super poly if your deck can side it. Droll isn''t enough
Editor is an real one for the Mathmech comparison lol
I've been really enjoying the content you've been making, I hope people give it the attention it deserves because it's really good.
I would definitely watch a video of this style for each new deck that comes out in the game
Thanks for explaining the deck since it's been years since I played YGO. A lot of Tubers just say hey here's a tier list video
This sort of video is awesome, thank you Josh ❤
This is a fantastic video and I really hope you continue. The yugioh community has enough deck profiles and master duel highlights.
As a follow up, I would love to see a comprehensive guide to going second with this deck. Almost all the Yugioh content out there is about turn 1 combos, which are relatively easy to learn off by heart from any source.
But it would be really nice if, for example, you would fishbowl some test hands going second against an established snake eye mirror match board, talking through your process, what effects you are trying to bait out, when to draw vs steal with talents, etc.
That content is severely lacking in the Yugioh space I feel.
Love these kind of videos Josh, you do a really good job of explaining the combos! Can't wait for the next ones :)
Such a shame that Poplar is ~35€ (so 105€) Wanted is 70€ (so 210€), Bonfire is ~75€ (so 215€) and S:P is 110€ though (Cardmarket prices, no idea for TCGPlayer).
640€ just for 10 cards is unfortunately way too much for the majority of players :(
At least you can have "budget" versions of the deck (which, by the way, would be even more awesome for you to cover in these videos!) that don't run Wanted/Bonfire/S:P, as there are other ways to get to Diabellstar. It's harder to make it without Poplar, but it should still be doable. Is it less efficient? Obviosuly, but I'm sure you can still get there, it will require more steps (and more prone to interruptions).
Awesome video Josh! I really enjoy the conversation and the breakdown of the combos!
Love the artwork on the sunlight wolf
loved this video, it was clear and more useful than most guides i've seem
great video like always :)
This video actually helps a lot with learning how the deck works.
Loving this new physical content, makes it feel a lot more interesting and in depth
Holy, HR Lady jumpscare. Someone watches MDM meme review lol
great content need more videos like this
Triple tactics is mega lit this current md format run 3 in my mannadium deck and its been doing wonders for me in ladder
That Sunlight Wolf though. So cool.
Thanks for the video Josh, really appreciate it
Thank you so much for this Joshua, I really appreciate it. It will help me find the best way to play against it
Just made pure last night in MD trying to get back into the game, this video couldn't have been more well timed
This was VERY helpful! Thank you!
Killed it Josh ! Smooth and informative for TCG and master duel. The cards in hand are a nice touch for sure.
Josh this was an amazing video. Love this kind of content.
I am loving these deck breakdowns! Id love to see infernoble flame swordsman, or maybe a vanquish soul soul build for the format. Plenty of ideas
In other words: An unfair deck.
I actually really like the field spell lines in pure snake-eye.
Loved this, this was amazing in terms of learning the fundamentals of the deck
What a great overview of the deck. Keep it up!
Really happy about this video existing even if I know how to play the deck.
Kurikara is such a good card vs Purrely with all of its draw effects during your turn. It counts as a tribute so EXCELLENT board removal of those annoying cats.
Much needed video, great as always!
Only thing I would say is in the 1 card combo with the Fire King engine you want to use Ash before Island otherwise you severely lose to Nibiru. You need to place Flamberge on board on your 5th summon to have the best possible follow up
Board is less broken than yours but still ends on Amblowhale, Flamberge and IP with Oak still in the deck which I would only use turn 1 if I get Droll, otherwise it’s an awesome follow up for next turn
The way I do the snake-eyes ash one card combo I end up having formula synchron on field along with Flamberge and Masquerena on spell/trap zone to summon during opponent's draw phase and Promethean Princess and Linkuriboh in grave.. I basically trade Amblowhale for Masquerena to go into Apollousa with 4 materials after I summon Baronne off Formula Synchron and Flamberge
This snake eyes Engine works really well with the tenpai dragon set that's coming out in legacy Of destruction and it helps that the dragons are all Fire types and level 4 and 3
I'm calling it right now when the Tenpai Dragons come out in the TCG/Master Duel the snake eyes engine well be used in it and it well pop off.
Realy good vid, thank you! 🔥🔥🔥
A thing I'd like to mention is that the Master Duel version of the deck actualy has one thing the tcg version doesn't:Spright Elf.
This single factor means that they can actualy have Formula Synchron AND I:P Masquerena at the same time out of just 1 Ash.
You are losing out on Anblowhale if you do this but you still have a Baronne, 4 material Apollousa, and a Spright Elf that can point to both of them to give them targeting protection so I'd say that the Master Duel version actualy isn't that far behind the tcg version, despite lacking Bonfire
I really liked this type of video. I would also like to see a video on how to best counter the snake-eyes. Which handtraps to use on which cards.
From my experience with Snake Eyes in Masterduel so far, I have to say the deck is strong but it has some glaring weaknesses.
1. It has some hands that just loose to a single handtrap.
2. It struggles greatly with monsters/cards that cannot be targeted or destroyed. Almost every single removal it has either destroys or targets or most of the time both.
3. It can be awkward to OTK with Accesscode thanks to Prometheans fire-lock, as well as the lines being pretty free-form and having to be thought up on the spot.
4. Afformentioned lines being free-form means that time can geniunely become an issue, especially going second.
I am aware that upcoming cards will fix these issues, notably.
1. Bonfire makes the deck far more resilient and consistent than it already is.
2. S:P Little Knight and Zealantis make removing troublesome cards far easier.
3. Zealantis + Salamangreat Raging Phoenix make OTK far easier.
4. Points 2 and 3 should also help with the timer.
Greatly looking forward to those cards to help the deck become even better!
Circular Meme hit hard. XD
Really interesting, right now my best friend and I are running Centur-ion Horus for me and Fire King Snake Eyes Diabellstar for him, since PHNI it's getting difficult to break his Turn 1 I hope this can help me.
It could be really really interesting if you were doing this kind of combo explanations for other kind of decks in the current format. If your experience could help me mastering my Ceur-ion Horus deck I would happily learn from you ! Thanks a lot.
Promethean Fire Princess is what all Zombie monsters should be, but for some reason, for Fire types
I like this content and style of video!
the major problems with this deck is maxx C resolving, ash blossom, any trap or back row deck. if your opp ashes the snake-eye ash your whole play is over.
Maybe try playing against a hand with extenders next time maybe that’ll change your mind.
Snake eyes and snake eye variants are the best decks in the ocg btw in a maxx c format
10/10 I loved the step by step
but the important part, where do i ash blossom? i think in the send 2 cards to summon from deck right?
What I'm here to find out also
Please keep making content like this
So this thing is going to be close to tier zero, right? Lab is the only real competition. I’m honestly just curious about what Konami is going to ban
Lab 💀
I have a rulings question. Suppose you use a card to send an extra deck monster to the graveyard. Can you use Flamberge’s effect to treat it as a continuous spell? Can you then also use Flamberge’s effect to SS it, even though it was never properly summoned? This probably has an obvious answer, but I just want more insight on the rulings if anything.
Extra Deck cards need to be properly summoned first before you can special summon them by other means, so sending something to the graveyard with e.g. Nadir Servant and then summoning it back with Monster Reborn or Flamberge isnt possible
Oh wow a reply!! Thanks, that’s what I thought, I remember that the proper special summoning condition was specific to the graveyard, I wasn’t sure if it applied here, but it makes sense that it would! Thanks!!
its the same as the cheated out captain roland and the infernoble field spell. you can not summon them
As long as I can still floodgate and stun them with plants, then I’m all cool.
I really really hope that Fire Kings don't get hit because of Snake Eyes, but I know they probably will
Limited Kirin i think
@@Renannreis08 I could live with that
Big boy Drytron ritual destroys pure snake eyes. He don’t care if you special summon after he destroys on field monsters as he can attack over every single card you bring out.
Burch is cool cuz you can do some cheeky Masquerena stuff with it. Like one ash gets you Princess in gy, 4 mat Apollousa, and Whale on board with Burch. You end on Burch, Flameberge, IP in s/t and whale
This Style of Video is really nice 👍 please do it again for other decks
12:21 Josh, do you have anything to say about these allegations?
i just realized they made fire king circular
Definitely enjoyed this. I think, in addition to the combos, getting into the underlying thesis of the deckbuilding would be potentially valuable.
For example, I see that you're playing or at least considering jet synchron whereas I haven't seen anyone else talking about it. Why are you looking at those? They're clearly "an option" but what is actually drawing you to them?
One reason I run it (in MD) is the option for Formula Synchron, which lets you make Borrel-Savage or Baronne on your opponent’s turn
@rand0mlyhere I see that, but that's so simple as to not even constitute an actual explanation. "I added 1+1 to make 2" okay, but at what point did we decide 2 was necessary to make or that addition here is the most axiomatically correct thing to do? These are the interesting questions at hand that simply pointing at the cards cannot answer. I can come up with my own reasons why these synchros are interesting in the upcoming format, but I have no idea if I've seen every angle nor do I have the practice to see what's better in practice than on paper.
Jet Synchron is already played a lot, there are a bunch of DB duels you can watch
@@DaedricSheep I see. Unfortunately: it would seem I’m not the internet stranger to answer this question. Though, perhaps, this could start an interesting discussion.
A few other benefits, not including Formula Synchron shenanigans, that could come from the use of Jet: Extender, Searchable with Snake-Ash (and Original Sinful Spoils) if you’ve run out of in-engine targets, helps discard (which could be used to draw through the grave effect of Seeker of Sinful Spoils.
Maybe there’s more, but this is just what comes off the top of my head. Maybe this should’ve been my initial comment to begin with. Maybe I’m blowing smoke? Ultimately, I’ve just found the card to be a convenient/comfy as a 1-of in my current list.
@rand0mlyhere I realize I kinda snapped a bit, so I apologize for that. I'm getting a bit frustrated by responses to questions that cumulate to a notation of things that exist, rather than actual functions or applications to play.
Definitely doesn't merit the tone I used, so my apologies if I came across as harsh.
Love the content keeg going
Im not complaining necessarily, but its just crazy to see a wall of URs for that deck list
Josh once again proving why he's the goat, keep up the amazing content king
I just lost to infernoble knight snake eyes, they played through two handtraps and ended on baron, two charles link, 1 charles synchro, and they summoned more interruptions on my turn
🔥🔥🔥 keep the competive content coming
Why can snake-eye ash search for snake-eyes poplar but divine temple does not add 1100 atk points to snake-eyes flamberge dragon? Is there a misunderstanding in the snake eye architype? I see a discrepancy here 🤔i want to know this since i want to know if Hero of the ashened city counts as a "HERO" card (elemental, vision, destiny, Xtra)
Is starnge see a video of Josh that is no a stream. Love it
I think the question we all want to know is, are you gonna play the runick snake-eye deck?
Love the video! Keep it up ❤
Josh: We don't have enough competitive Yu-Gi-Oh content.
Everyone: *...*
Josh: Fine then, I'll do it myself.
41 ultra rares btw in master duel
If possible a video of where to handtrap fire kings at crucial points would be nice. I know you already did it on stream though.
perfect video