They will make policies to Charge Various Taxes from normal people, will digitalised everything which will they get benifits from us but they Can't try to make data security act.
They WANT TO bring in the data security act and surveillance, hence the staging and widespread attention to this digital "scam". They are setting the stage so that people willing accept the surveillance and BEG for it. Problem -} Reaction -} Solution. People are being played, as usual.
They will make policies to Charge Various Taxes from normal people, will digitalised everything which will they get benifits from us but they Can't try to make data security act.
They WANT TO bring in the data security act and surveillance, hence the staging and widespread attention to this digital "scam". They are setting the stage so that people willing accept the surveillance and BEG for it. Problem -} Reaction -} Solution.
People are being played, as usual.
Read newspaper, be aware of such silly scams