For a chance to win free vacations and annual ski lift passes and much more click on the following link. Courtesy of Destination Big Bear
This is so wonderful not missing any storm this year. Once again I am so happy about you finding your little baby.Please stay safe out there. We are with you on every drive😊❤
Wednesday, March 22, 2023. 12:17 AM. Hey Nik, absolutely love your videos and your positive attitude. I sent you $$. Love that you’re date stamping the beginning of videos. Because you often make multiple videos in a single day, it’s a good idea to say the date and the time, especially so people can tell when the weather you’re recording is actually happening during that particular day. Just a suggestion. Thanks for all your doing for our community. You rock!
Every video I do mention the date I promise you at the very beginning I do every video I’m 99.9% sure at the very beginning I always mention the date. Time not as good about remembering
@@bigbearweatherandmore6621 Wednesday, March 22, 2023. 12:24PM. All good, Nik. You're doing a fantastic job. Weather conditions change so quickly. When I watch your videos I'm often wondering when the recording was made. All good. Keep it up, bro.
@@CmdrDuncan Duncan your the best dude. You really are. On 99.9% of vids I promise you when I start video I mention the date almost first thing I say to let y’all know. Usually videos are uploading about 1 hour after done recoding. Wish it was faster. That’s why I love love the live feed
That was awesome! Parents had a cabin in Moonridge, from the 70’s to the 90’s. Can’t sleep tonight, watching you drive is bringing me a lot of comfort and wonderful memories. You’re doing a great job!!! Appreciate all you do to show us beautiful BB. Stay safe! Thank you, Nikk and Rachel. ❤❤
Thank you for showing all your viewers the big bear snow storm storm in real time. My brother lives there with his three children, and it’s really helpful for me to see what they are experiencing.
Thanks Donnie. I’m really excited for people to come visit. I hope people can get up here in the next day and really enjoy the last of the ski resorts being open the last few weeks.
You like snow I'm Hot and Humid weather lol my husband use to say you fair weather person lol spring summer I love fall is spectacular the colors so vibrant out here I love it but winter yuk yuk yuk lolol I'll let you deal with that lol
Oh wow! Just wow! White-out conditions and the roads are blanketed. 😱 I have to be honest- I think you’re the only person I know that I’d feel 100% comfortable with driving in the snow. Lol Thank you- just amazing to watch. be safe!!
Hope the winter-sports businesses get a big-boost from these late snows! Your drives remind us flatlanders how much beauty and adventure is waiting up there. We don't get much snow here, but I keep a tire chained up so just 5 lugnuts to get the old toyota cruising without worries, and without mucking about trying to fit chains in the snow. Cool Subaru. As Neil young would sing, 'Long may you run'.
Haha Franklin you are the best. I appreciate you sharing that with me. And yes, I’m always gonna be a flatlander at heart bro I’m just lucky to be able to live up here.
I lived in Big Bear from spring of 1982 to fall 1994. Both my kids were born at Big bear community hospital. Driving with you sure brings back the memories. Thanks for the ride. Deb of Oregon
@@bigbearweatherandmore6621 well thank you I give you alot of credit driving in that weather when it snows here I hibernate lol like a bear don't have to go out I don't but enjoy your videos pretty crazy
Brenda that makes me so happy I play these videos in the background the really long ones when I’m going to sleep and it puts me right to sleep even with me not shutting up lol
I know I’ve said it before but I just love watching your videos. I usually get caught up with the videos when I get home in the morning because I work night shift.. seeing all that snow in big bear is such a cozy, warm feeling it’s so beautiful!!
Wellesley I love that about these mountain towns is people keep their lights I have different color lights that do not resemble Christmas lights so it makes me feel more comfortable keeping them up all year
Jake my friend. Yes you do. You really know snow in a big way. Especially cold temps dude. The countries I’ve box dude. We rarely see 0 degrees. Rarely. Maybe once a year. One night per year. Wish I could experience one season in your area
I love watching and getting to know Big Bear. If I ever get there I will know my way around! You have more snow than we have up in a Winnipeg Manitoba Canada!!!
Kim wow I can’t believe we have more snow than parts of Canada. That makes me so happy right now. And I love Canada by the way the topography is beautiful.
These storms are a once in a lifetime event. On January 1st our local lake in the Ojai area was at 31% full as of yesterday it’s now 61% full & rising 1% a day. It’s unreal. Wishing all up there well & be safe.
@@bigbearweatherandmore6621 yes - a long time on the mountain 🏔️ hence the appreciation we have for the joy you have about living here! It’s been great seeing BBL through your eyes and enthusiasm! 🌲 ☀️ ❄️ ⛰️ And, oddly enough, the little place on Pineknot was quite affordable!
Thank you Nik for the drive you did. omg is nice and I have never seen something like that I'm glad that you were safe doing the drive cause it look denger.❤
Howard, I hope you’re saying I’m a good driver lol some people say I drive too fast and I know I do sometimes but I know I can handle this icy and snowy roads really well
Awesome😂, brings back memories of learning to drive in the snow in PA when I was 14, loads of fun 👍. Good job handling the white out portion of the video 😳
Looks like a nice wet & heavy snow. The scene is absolutely astounding. I'm so If we ever got that amount here in morganfield Kentucky, we would be paralyzed still late I love the snow, but love the summer as well.
You were up early! That was scary going into that white out like that, then those huge sleet pellets/hail, oh me. Weather is awful for you folks. Be safe.
@@judylodyga8523 I’ll be honest when I’m looking through the camera it’s a lot easier to see through the camera than it is in actuality. Imagine that imagine it’s much worse than it even looks in the camera.
Awesome video! Although I wish you could have spent a warm cozy evening cuddling by the fireplace with your bride of less than a year. We tried to keep her company as best we could, but I have a feeling that she was lonely without you. 😮💨
Please keep your snow out west. We, in South Dakota, are seeing bare ground and 40 degree temps with no moisture forecast in the next 10 days. But I do enjoy your videos, Nik.
@@bigbearweatherandmore6621 flatlanders don't always have it easy. However the ski set up here closed for the season due to lack of snow. Disclaimer: I don't ski.
I remember lying in my bed the wind so bad when there was a really big gust you could feel the house creak and the snow sounded like gravel hitting the window Big Bear had a good monsoon season now it's having a good winter sure hope we have a helluva monsoon season this year but I think this summer is going to be HOT! drive safe that mountain is no joke Nick
Wow! White out! Looks slippery. First you say it's nutty, so I'm thinking it's all about me (jk!), then you were driving almost to the lodge I had asked about. If you'd gone to the right onto Forest, instead of left onto Edgemoor, you'd be almost there! But it's too dark to see the building. Do be careful, so you don't end up in the marina!
Jeff thank you my brother from another mother these are called arctic claw tires and they are awesome and that’s what I was running last year and then I also used Sumitomo ice edge before that
Ruth. I would love something like that that would be amazing. I’ve never heard of using those, but since you suggested it I’m really interested in. Checking it out. Thank you for that my good buddy.
There has not been much in dunkirk area..but up in Orchard Park. Ny. They got it hard..around 75 --80 inches and very very strong winds . Be lucky if we got 30 or so here
@@teddybear4020 75 is even more than we average here. Can you believe our northern mountains are at about 1000 inches so far and many spots more? Crazy
I live in Boise Idaho and when it snows like that here in Boise I get panic attacks I feel to closed in I have to shut the blinds and turn on all the lights 😮
You guys truly get real winters up there with real winter temperatures we get obviously freezing temperatures, of course but nothing like you guys receive if I lived where you live I would probably feel the same way
For a chance to win free vacations and annual ski lift passes and much more click on the following link. Courtesy of Destination Big Bear
Good stuff here!
@@samsen3965 I appreciate you Sam thank you bro
D1 I can’t believe it thank you guys for all your support
14:32 My favorite wintery sign in Big Bear, Cozy Hollow Lodge.
I can’t believe you just said that I used to think the same thing lol
Wow, I've never seen so much snow before in my life! (And I used to live up there)....Very pretty though, like a winter wonderland
Desrat your the best. Great to hear from you today
This is so wonderful not missing any storm this year. Once again I am so happy about you finding your little baby.Please stay safe out there. We are with you on every drive😊❤
Lydia I’m so stoked and grateful for you guys. Means so much to me the love
Wednesday, March 22, 2023. 12:17 AM. Hey Nik, absolutely love your videos and your positive attitude. I sent you $$. Love that you’re date stamping the beginning of videos. Because you often make multiple videos in a single day, it’s a good idea to say the date and the time, especially so people can tell when the weather you’re recording is actually happening during that particular day. Just a suggestion. Thanks for all your doing for our community. You rock!
Commander. Thank you so much bro I really really really beyond gratitude. Appreciate you bro thank you you are the man.
Every video I do mention the date I promise you at the very beginning I do every video I’m 99.9% sure at the very beginning I always mention the date.
Time not as good about remembering
@@bigbearweatherandmore6621 Wednesday, March 22, 2023. 12:24PM. All good, Nik. You're doing a fantastic job. Weather conditions change so quickly. When I watch your videos I'm often wondering when the recording was made. All good. Keep it up, bro.
@@CmdrDuncan Duncan your the best dude. You really are. On 99.9% of vids I promise you when I start video I mention the date almost first thing I say to let y’all know.
Usually videos are uploading about 1 hour after done recoding. Wish it was faster. That’s why I love love the live feed
Thank you Nik for taken chances to drive in the snow and show us the weather ❤
It’s my pensive Viv
That was awesome! Parents had a cabin in Moonridge, from the 70’s to the 90’s. Can’t sleep tonight, watching you drive is bringing me a lot of comfort and wonderful memories. You’re doing a great job!!! Appreciate all you do to show us beautiful BB. Stay safe! Thank you, Nikk and Rachel. ❤❤
Pulp it’s my pleasure, my friend. I love doing this for you guys. I really love doing this for you guys. Thank you for being so cool my friend.
Epic! Have not seen this in years and your coverage is stellar!
Moonridge and your friendship is stellar
Yeah my front door looks awesome covered in snow.
Haha. Our hotel door was same lolol
Great drive!
Thanks GG
Good morning Nick- 😊
Morning Lydia
Thank you for showing all your viewers the big bear snow storm storm in real time. My brother lives there with his three children, and it’s really helpful for me to see what they are experiencing.
Susan it’s my pleasure. I live doing it.
Wow cool video bro so much snow ❄️ to enjoy for everyone
Thanks Donnie. I’m really excited for people to come visit. I hope people can get up here in the next day and really enjoy the last of the ski resorts being open the last few weeks.
Excellent coverage of this storm Nikk. Stay safe out there!
Thanks piping very very much
Be safe. So beautiful. Thank you.
So good to hear the joy back in your voice.
Laura. Thank you. I’m beyond thankful. Your the best
@@bigbearweatherandmore6621 you're welcome 🤗
Thank you Nik. So greatful for this. Please be careful and stay safe. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Nid it’s my pleasure it really is my pleasure
This weather is crazy omg🦅♥️
@@judylodyga8523 it was so crazy and I can’t wait. I might be able to record some snow tomorrow night. I’m excited.
You like snow I'm Hot and Humid weather lol my husband use to say you fair weather person lol spring summer I love fall is spectacular the colors so vibrant out here I love it but winter yuk yuk yuk lolol I'll let you deal with that lol
I love it. I wish I was there
Lu Lu. Where are you?
Oh wow! Just wow! White-out conditions and the roads are blanketed. 😱 I have to be honest- I think you’re the only person I know that I’d feel 100% comfortable with driving in the snow. Lol Thank you- just amazing to watch. be safe!!
I think I’m the only person I know as well who will always put himself out there like that lol it might not be smart, but it feels good to do it
@@bigbearweatherandmore6621 yes you are the only one to do that I bet- but it is amazing to watch!
@@maryalicesoto1048 hahaha. Thanks Mary
Stay safe and enjoy the ride! Thanks!
Thank you carol my friend
Seriously, Judy is not crazy?
Hope the winter-sports businesses get a big-boost from these late snows! Your drives remind us flatlanders
how much beauty and adventure is waiting up there. We don't get much snow here, but I keep a tire chained up so just 5 lugnuts to get the old toyota cruising without worries, and without mucking about trying to fit chains in the snow.
Cool Subaru. As Neil young would sing, 'Long may you run'.
Haha Franklin you are the best. I appreciate you sharing that with me. And yes, I’m always gonna be a flatlander at heart bro I’m just lucky to be able to live up here.
Nick! Thank you for making these videos!
Lock it’s my honor my friend.
Robert it got really bad for a couple hours dude. Was awesome
Thank you for updating,but please stay safe and warm! You don’t have to drive in the night while there is heavy snow. We care about you❤
Elise thank you. I just always want to do what I can for you guys.
Congrats on making it to 20k subscribers brother !!! 👏👏👏
Joshua I can’t believe it dude.
Thanks a ton my good friend
Wow lots of snow ❄️ first
Hey viv.
I lived in Big Bear from spring of 1982 to fall 1994. Both my kids were born at Big bear community hospital. Driving with you sure brings back the memories. Thanks for the ride. Deb of Oregon
Deb that is amazing Deb. I appreciate you telling me that I guess they don’t deliver babies up here anymore.
Decorations look pretty lol
@@judylodyga8523 Judy, you are the best seriously you were so supportive and I love it so much
@@bigbearweatherandmore6621 well thank you I give you alot of credit driving in that weather when it snows here I hibernate lol like a bear don't have to go out I don't but enjoy your videos pretty crazy
Beautiful! 🤍
Thanks Julie my good friend.
Coming down so hard!!!
It really got bad for a bit for sure
Laying In Bed At 4:54am In NC Watching This/Snow Is So Relaxing Coming Down,Maybe This Will Help Me Too Sleep,Thanks For Sharing😊❤
Brenda that makes me so happy I play these videos in the background the really long ones when I’m going to sleep and it puts me right to sleep even with me not shutting up lol
I know I’ve said it before but I just love watching your videos. I usually get caught up with the videos when I get home in the morning because I work night shift.. seeing all that snow in big bear is such a cozy, warm feeling it’s so beautiful!!
We like being in NIKKS fan club 🐻🎶❄️
Jason I’m in your fan club
I love it! It's March 21 and everyone still has their Christmas lights on to add a festive touch to the wintry blanket of snow! 😃
Wellesley I love that about these mountain towns is people keep their lights I have different color lights that do not resemble Christmas lights so it makes me feel more comfortable keeping them up all year
HOLY SNOWMAGEDDON!!!!! AGAIN?!!!!! YESSAH BLESSAH!! ❄️ ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ Stay safe Braddah 🤙🏼
Sea level wassup dude. I am stoked bro I woke up to about 15 inches of snow outside the hotel.
Drive safe mate, we don't want you risking your life for this. It looks awesome. I can't wait to see the aftermath with the sun out...
John it’s gonna be pretty. Your the man
every new snow video i can feel your excitement. i can tell you really enjoy doing this. hopefully this isn’t the last snow video of the season.
Jackson, I love it so much I really do thank you for realizing and noticing that
Stay safe out there
Thanks Matt bro. Appreciate that
Thanks so much. I would love to live there. What a beautiful place. I grew up on Madison WI and man do I know snow and below 0 temps in the winters. J
Jake my friend. Yes you do. You really know snow in a big way. Especially cold temps dude. The countries I’ve box dude. We rarely see 0 degrees. Rarely. Maybe once a year. One night per year. Wish I could experience one season in your area
Oh no, Nikk! Be careful! Wow, you really do put yourself out there for the channel. And yes, fetching dessert for Rachel is a must! 🥰
Veronica, thank you for caring so much
Wow, what a difference, please ve's raining like crazy down here in the valley but nothing compared to you guys..please be safe
Yolanda thank you so much I’ll be very careful I really appreciate your support and the care
Keep up the good work! ✊
Hey there Hopper Your the man. Thanks for the support brother
I love watching and getting to know Big Bear. If I ever get there I will know my way around! You have more snow than we have up in a Winnipeg Manitoba Canada!!!
Kim wow I can’t believe we have more snow than parts of Canada. That makes me so happy right now. And I love Canada by the way the topography is beautiful.
Through the Village! That’s nuts!! 🥜
It is insane Moonridge. It’s crazy
Nikk the storm is quite intense. Steady. Very dark out there. Keep up the great work. Take care .
Thanks Craig, my bro, and I hope you’re having a great day man. I appreciate your compliment and kind words always
Sweet ❤️
Thanks Janet
These storms are a once in a lifetime event. On January 1st our local lake in the Ojai area was at 31% full as of yesterday it’s now 61% full & rising 1% a day. It’s unreal. Wishing all up there well & be safe.
So ooo BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for sharing my friend.Be safe!
Roma it’s my pleasure
Pineknot - on the right - my old house! Loved being able to walk to the Village for work and dinner!
Our house is up Pine Knot on Cherry Lane up by the Old Snow Forest. I always wish he’d turn up Pine Knot.
@@susansteinhaus5859 Beautiful area up there ! Just love it! ❄️❄️❄️ Enjoy this season, Susan!
That is so awesome how much time you spent in this town, my friend I would’ve loved to live by the village, but I couldn’t afford anything near there
@@susansteinhaus5859 Susan that’s another beautiful area
@@bigbearweatherandmore6621 yes - a long time on the mountain 🏔️ hence the appreciation we have for the joy you have about living here! It’s been great seeing BBL through your eyes and enthusiasm! 🌲 ☀️ ❄️ ⛰️ And, oddly enough, the little place on Pineknot was quite affordable!
thanks for sharing bro!
Chili it’s my pleasure.
Love your videos. I grew up going to my best friend’s cabin on Conklin st. He retired there and has had to dig out several times this winter.
David my brother I love your comment thank you for being so supportive man I really do appreciate you I really really do
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ U R DOING WELL.
Love you very much teddy bear thank you
Thank you Nik for the drive you did. omg is nice and I have never seen something like that I'm glad that you were safe doing the drive cause it look denger.❤
I have been driving for 35 years and know a good driver when I see one.
Howard, I hope you’re saying I’m a good driver lol some people say I drive too fast and I know I do sometimes but I know I can handle this icy and snowy roads really well
Awesome! it's dumping!
That was crazy! We woke up With our windows covered lol..😮
Awesome😂, brings back memories of learning to drive in the snow in PA when I was 14, loads of fun 👍.
Good job handling the white out portion of the video 😳
Love your videos be safe stay warm.💕🙏
Thank you very much Olivia. I love the beautiful comment. Thank you.
Craziest snow drive I've seen you do. Insane!
Erik you’re awesome man thank you for saying that
That is awesome
drive safe good night prayers
Thanks Carrie my friend.
Stay safe and warm my friend!
Lets pray for lots of wrap around moisture!!
Amen Chris. You sound like a weatherman, bro I love it.
Looks like a nice wet & heavy snow. The scene is absolutely astounding. I'm so If we ever got that amount here in morganfield Kentucky, we would be paralyzed still late I love the snow, but love the summer as well.
Hahaha Roma your so funny
Thanks Nikk for the ride in big bear. Still getting snow in south wast Montana. Stay safe.
Keith, it was nice talking to you on the live feed as well bro
Thanks Letitia my friend
Love it!
Chris the man. Thanks dude
Yooo heading up tomorrow have a good one 🎉🎉
Thomas I hope you have such an amazing time bro get here safe and sound and we’re looking forward to you being here
Thanks Esperia
The drive looks like fun! Stay safe.
Czar. It really is so much fun dude
You were up early! That was scary going into that white out like that, then those huge sleet pellets/hail, oh me. Weather is awful for you folks. Be safe.
Kimberly, thank you for caring. I really do appreciate that. We all appreciate you guys so much this channel has so many beautiful people here.
I'd be white knuckles driving in this weather but I drove in whiteout conditions and it was really scary at least here you can see alittle bit🦅♥️
@@judylodyga8523 I’ll be honest when I’m looking through the camera it’s a lot easier to see through the camera than it is in actuality. Imagine that imagine it’s much worse than it even looks in the camera.
Awesome video! Although I wish you could have spent a warm cozy evening cuddling by the fireplace with your bride of less than a year. We tried to keep her company as best we could, but I have a feeling that she was lonely without you. 😮💨
That car tracks so well! From here, it looks like it’s a breeze!
My other brand new car believe it or not is even a little better. I almost got stuck last night two times lol.
LOL you might need to put snow boots on your tires little brother have a good one and taco Tuesdays the best
Great tho see Nikki. Have a great day stay Safe.
Hey Peter man. Thank you. Great to hear from you.
Please keep your snow out west. We, in South Dakota, are seeing bare ground and 40 degree temps with no moisture forecast in the next 10 days. But I do enjoy your videos, Nik.
Shirley I can’t believe it’s that warm over there without snow that’s just mind blowing to me. It almost seems like the twilight zone lol.
@@bigbearweatherandmore6621 northern part of the state gets some more than southern. There are definite weather divisions here. Weird.
@@shirleyharrington-moore9657 huge differences here to there
@@bigbearweatherandmore6621 flatlanders don't always have it easy. However the ski set up here closed for the season due to lack of snow. Disclaimer: I don't ski.
@@shirleyharrington-moore9657 haha. Shirley I don’t do it much either anymore
Snow ❄️⚾️Balls falling! Stay safe!
Kay your awesome.
Great job!!!
Thanks Moonridge as always. Love this stuff
At this time, we were up trying to play a Goonies board game that was really complicated, and going outside periodically to enjoy the snow.
Thanks John
Here in Los Angeles there is only rain
Hey Bach. I heard some of you guys got some torrential rains yesterday.
Wow! That is something else! ❄️
Moonridge it really is some parts of the drive were unbelievable
@@bigbearweatherandmore6621 I bet! And cra cra during some moments! 🙃
@@SHEEPHORNsummer it was scary at times. Couldn’t see at all
@@bigbearweatherandmore6621 #safetyfirst Just make sure you guys are always buckled-up!
@@SHEEPHORNsummer 100% always. It religiously done without thinking
drive safe it's raining in riverside
Thanks Carrie. I hope you guys stayed safe. I heard some parts of down the mountain. Got Smashed with Rain.
I remember lying in my bed the wind so bad when there was a really big gust you could feel the house creak and the snow sounded like gravel hitting the window
Big Bear had a good monsoon season now it's having a good winter sure hope we have a helluva monsoon season this year but I think this summer is going to be HOT!
drive safe that mountain is no joke Nick
I know I need to be a little more careful. Sometimes I promise you when I’m driving down and up the mountain. I’m not as fast.
Hi Nik! I'm predicting Thundersnow today. Lightning map is showing strikes off Pt. Conception.
Mark I would love that. I would absolutely love that dude.
How are the communities around Crestline doing?
Veronica I heard they’ve been getting rain but I haven’t heard anything really awful so that’s really good news really really good news
Stay pretty up mauka brah. No get stuck ah..
Sup scout my friend.
I try bro lol
@@bigbearweatherandmore6621 😂🤙🏼
@@ScoutLakai my brada thanks for being here my bro
@@bigbearweatherandmore6621 Choke mahalo for the weather reports brah.
Wow! White out! Looks slippery. First you say it's nutty, so I'm thinking it's all about me (jk!), then you were driving almost to the lodge I had asked about. If you'd gone to the right onto Forest, instead of left onto Edgemoor, you'd be almost there! But it's too dark to see the building.
Do be careful, so you don't end up in the marina!
Hahahahaha. It’s nutty and nutti lolol. It’s been nice chatting with you my friend.
thought you'd be sick of snow by now lol
Getting there
Great vids, what snow's did you get, and what were you running for the past 8 years? I wish I was there to enjoy the driving. Cheers
Jeff thank you my brother from another mother these are called arctic claw tires and they are awesome and that’s what I was running last year and then I also used Sumitomo ice edge before that
You wanted it you got it. Now is your chance to play in the snow ❄️🌨️ if you missed it. 😁
Don the man. I am excited bro.
@@bigbearweatherandmore6621 Heck yeah. Happy for you bro. Be careful though.🙏👍
@@donjaun540 don I will brother. I do my best although looks crazy sometimes
@@bigbearweatherandmore6621 I'm not judging your driving just saying be careful because try as you might you can't see ice under snow. 👍
@@donjaun540 don. Thanks man. I know you care
🔥🔥hey Nik. Have you ever thought of purchasing yellow off road lights. Absolutely a better driving experience.
Ruth. I would love something like that that would be amazing. I’ve never heard of using those, but since you suggested it I’m really interested in. Checking it out. Thank you for that my good buddy.
You ever heard of cable chains in the trunk just in case
Yes. I just refer to all them as chains. When they go to buy the chains I’m sure or at least hope they’ll be informed
Build the snow pack back up
30:07 Be careful Nikk.
Thanks Conrad dude
UP here by lake erie , we get heavy lake effect snow .
That’s real snow. I wish I could live there for a season of snow
There has not been much in dunkirk area..but up in Orchard Park. Ny. They got it hard..around 75 --80 inches and very very strong winds .
Be lucky if we got 30 or so here
@@teddybear4020 75 is even more than we average here. Can you believe our northern mountains are at about 1000 inches so far and many spots more? Crazy
I live in Boise Idaho and when it snows like that here in Boise I get panic attacks I feel to closed in I have to shut the blinds and turn on all the lights 😮
You guys truly get real winters up there with real winter temperatures we get obviously freezing temperatures, of course but nothing like you guys receive if I lived where you live I would probably feel the same way