I really like the Ventrue. Aside from digging their whole general tone, they have something fairly simple that's actually pretty rare in games, in that they are a manipulator class that are also not made of glass. Lets say you are an assassin. If a normal minion overlord is leading a band of thugs towards you, or a Giovani is leading a pack of zombies, what do you do? Obviously you strike directly at the head, bypass the minions and come to grips with the leader as quickly as possible, who you will then obviously shred since they put all their points into minion control. With a Ventru however, you dance past the blades of their followers and burry your knife into the Ventru's chest, only to realize that they just don't give a fuck. The next thing you know you are being suplexed back into the waiting arms of their toadys. Start your character with 2 points in Fortitude, 1 in Presence and build from there, focusing on Charisma, Manipulation and Stamina, then throw in just a little Potence and keep building your Fortitude up. You don't even have to get Presence up that high for it to be effective as long as your social stats are solid. And this is all exponentially more effective if your character has money. Assuming you are the kind of RP'r who has leadership of the party in the first place you will become an iron hard center of the party who can draw fire to himself, shrug it off and then manhandle his enemys at his leisure while your team cuts them apart. Its delicious. You will ruin a lot of good suits this way though so be warned.
Is a kindred not entitled to the vitae of his own herd? NO says the Toreador, it belongs to the beautiful, NO says the Nosferatu, it belongs underground! NO says the Malkavian, it belongs to fish!? I chose a different answer. I chose... Ventrue! Where those with 5 dots in generation would not be constrained by those with 0. Where those with Charisma and Intimidate would Dominate those with Dexterity and Melee! Where those with high Willpower will stomp those with high Humanity!
You sir are most certainly a Ventru or at the very least a Tremere, now I will not pretend to know the game to its full but when I first played Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, the first charter I ever made was a male Ventrue, the kingly gaze & chivalric character, honorable warrior, knghtly virtues. There is just something about them that I love, as Dracula patriotic devotee & scholar, this is something I can really relate to them, but the main inspiration for me to play this clan was the late sir Christopher Lee & Gary Oldman. Still one of the ranks the I would love to be given to me was either Jarl/Earl, Count, Baron, Count, Viscount, still of all the clans they for me come in 1st place, fallowed by the Gangrel in 2nd & the Tremere in 3rd. Any how my thanks for sharing such light in to this clan & the lore about it.
It was thanks to this video that I decided to make my first ever character a ventrue, His sheet is setting on my desk right now and I can't wait to use him.
Another excellent installment of the Vampire Clan Guides. I remember that a fellow player described the Ventrue as the high school rich kids, the Brujah as the jocks, the Tremere as the nerds, the Toreador as the popular kids, and the Nosferatu as the ugly misfits. The popularity of this game was a way to role play high school stereotypes.
Well, not quite. They have a certain class of people they can drink blood from which doesn't have to be well-off people. Can be gays, naked kids, catladies, senators...Hell, I think theoretically you could be a Ventrue that can ONLY drink from lowlives.
@@teaartist6455 You know, unfortunately I have never played in a game where this was an issue, especially considering you have Dominate and Presence. That was the one problem I always had with this game, and I started playing it when I was just a kid of about 11 playing with young adults, is that feeding in general was never really made an issue. I suppose this is because of ambitious storytellers who always wanted to delve into the political aspects of the game, so every week when we would play, it would take place mostly in real time at the weekly Camarilla Elysium meeting and we rarely dealt much with humans. So unless you had a particularly weak character, or some flaw like Permanent Wound that would cause you to need more blood than a normal kindred, it was a foregone conclusion that you would be fully fed before our weekly session. But even then, with disciplines, it was always easy, especially for Venture. I did have a storyteller who tries to rectify this by having players roll survival+whichever stat fit how our character approaches feeding before each session. And for Ventrue, this was +1-3 difficulty depending on the exact nature of your weakness plus where we were selecting our meal from. But this difficulty was also reduced by your abilities in Presence and Dominate. But still, these things could all be negated by a couple of dots of Herd, which virtually everyone took in any game where feeding was an issue.
I just came to this video because I'm going to have my first entry into these types of in-depth roleplaying games with Vampire: the Masquerade as a Ventrue vampire, and I must say that I am quite hyped to join the hobby.
one of the guys in my group likes to slip "did you know autodefenestrate means to throw ones self from a window" and then simply slip the command "autodefenestrate" in to a later conversation
You are true about the clan Ventrue gentleman, i played VTM: Bloodlines, and that fucken prince Lacroix seemed convincing and responsible until the middle of the game.
FizzlyIRL I was gonna say the exact same thing. I'll explain further through each Clan's Disciplines... Lasombra are the overt display of power: 1. Potence is a noticeable display of physical power acting on the world. 2. Obtenebration is a very noticeable display of supernatural power. 3. Dominate is often used very openly by the Keepers. Ventrue are the subtle display of power: 1. Fortitude is a display of power directed inward to resist force. 2. Presence is a subtle display of power to encourage, not force, one's will on others. 3. Dominate is more often used in subtle displays by the Blue Bloods.
O clã Ventrue é o meu preferido, eles são os Nobres da Noite, os verdadeiros Sangue Azul fazem de tudo para manter a Camarilla e manter a ordem, adoro o conceito do clã
*A wind blew, or mayhaps it be a long winded sigh, emanated from the Ventrue in his study. His sharp blue eyes quickly sized up the Mallavian in his room. The madness he saw growing in the room budged his tie from perfect order, requiring fixing.*
Excellent job with the presentation here of the vid, a wonderful of the exploration of the clan. You really know your VTM history well. Adding details like the founders names is really a good addition as is the names of so many other ventrue that you mention throughout the video. The addition of presence to dominate really makes both dis really powerful, as they burn through your willpower. I don't think ventrue make people wet themselves, that was a bit silly.
Ah you did do a video for the Followers of Set! I'm slowly making my way through your collection, when time permits. Always quality stuff dude. I'm jonesin' for a good V:tm game. My dark ages game has stalled out with players becoming too busy to meet regularly. I'm in 3 bands and have 2 other campaigns going (1 of which I GM), plus gf obligations, and I still make time! Love me my RPGs ;)
Not really, no. I've done some new guides to vampires in recent months, but as I'm neither writing nor running Masquerade these days, it doesn't seem a good use of my time.
@haydenstag I was assuming there were no actual blood drinkers in your group. I was just making the point that being one, and remaining hidden, would be nigh impossible.
@woodwwad I couldn't agree more. They have the ultimate tag team of social disciplines, and that's why I love the manipulative bastards. I think a Ventrue neonate may well do that. Imagine the boardroom meeting and the Ventrue in attendance wants to make someone lose face in a way that isn't lethal but is humiliating. Defecate would be another good one word command.
@Komeister Both of those guides are good, as are the clanbooks. Ghouls: Fatal Addiction and the Gilded Cage are two of my favourites, next to New York and London by Night as good city sourcebooks with lots of intrigue.
I like this video series about the clans and bloodlines in V:tM, but I'm somewhat confused about a couple things you mentioned. Nothing specific I can think of off the top of my head, and not in the Ventrue video particularly. But, there were some references you made that had me scratching my head, and considering I've been playing since '92, hats off to you.
@tetsubo57 I think the older books said something like one vampire for every 100 thousand humans in a given city population. I always thought that seemed kind of low since the city I was living in at the time (1997) had a population of only 325,000 and our LARP had about twenty people pretending to be kindred.
3:55 You said that the antediluvians committed diablerie upon the 2nd generations? Was that a mistake or did you mean it? Because as far as I know they didn't know about diablerie back then nor is any of them 2nd generation and/or any non-antediluvian childer of them is a 3rd generation (which would be the result if an antediluvian being 2nd generation embraced someone).
So there is a 2nd generation vampire and non-antedeluvian 3rd generations? That's the first time I hear about that. Interesting. I'll look this guy up.
The book of nod as well as the many rule book says the 3rd generation all attacked and slew the 2nd generation I think it was after the flood while Caine was absent.
@clackclickbang I still have a lot of reading to do, thanks for your reply as always. Do you have particular sourcebooks you would like to recommend? (I'm working on collecting all the clanbooks and the guide to the camarilla and guide to the sabbath now)
Brujah would like to protest, Brujah would like to rant, Brujah would like a great many things. Regardless of these Brujah will do as Brujah has always done, mew and moan their unjust lot in existence all the while this boot you speak of isn't a boot at all friend, it's a tasteful yet stylish dress shoe pressed onto your throat by your blue blooded better Brujah peasent.
Ah yes Kit, set.. The old snake. It's spawn often fancy themselves so clever or beholden to some greater truth. The truth is they are little more than a novelty act. Perhaps one day when the Ivory Tower deems them worthy of a closer look we'll shine a light on these knotted nests of Garden snakes. I fear if such a night comes you'll be weighed and measured but found wanting. It's come to my attention from the harpies, that shining a light on the clan for a closer look would be tantamount to cruelty. My deepest apologies.
@tetsubo57 I don't think anyone that played in our LARP really drank blood if that's what you're saying and it wasn't my intentions to imply such. It's just a game as stated in the book's disclaimer and we didn't take it too serious. Given our community's interest in the game we just ignored the number cap of 1/100k in order to include everyone that wished to play.
@hammeredshitsteak I very much agree about the Shadow Lords, and even the Red Talons to an extent. I do think the Ventrue are playable though, as not every one of them is a mastermind. The quote perfectly sums up the Ventrue. Perfectly.
I drew on three from a room over a find the young men’s youth most pleasing. It is a great wonder how I lost control of my Giovanni cohort after pouring a thaumaturgy transfusion into her.
Zer0Morph on behalf of Team Camarilla International approve the Gentleman's Guide to Vampires series! Great stuff man, you are a master at your craft. Have you ever considered voice acting? The Final Nights mod could sure use more voices for new characters. :)
I've just found this channel, and I am mesmerized. Great work. Do you plan on doing videos for other aspects of the World of Darkness (Mummies, Werewolves, Hunter, etc.)?
Once read somewhere that the Ventrue and Gangrel are related somehow, can't quite remember where, but apparently Ennoia and Vedhartha had something going on, whether romance, friendship, or something else, I don't know.
@tetsubo57 Well the alternative would be to reduce the number of LARPers would just wouldn't be fair on the players now, would it? Better to will the suspension of disbelief and enjoy the tale.
Another perfect installment of the Gentlemen's guide to Vampires. How do you get this extensive background knowledge? Is it all in the clanbooks? I only read the Vampire Rulebook and am halfway through the Storytellers guide and I want to increase my lore knowledge. Do you have any recommendations? I will start a Vampire campaign (in oWOD setting) somewhere in the beginning of 2012 and could really use some hints. :)
I don't believe I've ever read that.. I thought the Ventrue were happy enough (or distracted enough with the nascent Sabbat) to just stand back as the clan was wiped out.
As the biggest users of the discipline I seek advice on Dominate. Currently I'm playing a Tremere neonate for the first time and even Dominate 1 provides lots of interesting opportunities. However, my imagination tends to get stuck on the one word commands. Aside from basic stuff like "STOP whatever you are doing" and "DRINK this delicious (blood) whiskey" or "UNLOCK this particular door."...what are some more creative/'everyday' uses of Dominate 1. Would love to see a video series that gets into the uses of disciplines because there are some very cool 'nonstandard' uses of those powers out there.
@clackclickbang I wasn't really talking about LARPers. Silly hobby. :) I was discussing the in-game justification for there being enough vampires in the world to have these huge bloody (pun intended) clans. You might be able to pull off 200-300 vampires world-wide total. Tops. Which still makes them a credible threat as a supernatural enemy but doesn't allow enormous clans.
@Komeister Most of the information is from Clanbook Ventrue, the By Night books and the Player's Guide to the High Clans. I've read so much Vampire though, that it'd be difficult to pinpoint a particular source.
@tetsubo57 Roger that. The dynamics of vampire survival has always interested, especially in relation with their chosen community of residence. We had tried to craft a story to fit our game to explain a lot of the issues away (controlling the majority of the police), because in relativity we were just in for the fun. I guess most would consider a lot of the plot points implausible, but we never focused on the difficulties for too long.
And you have a very good voice. English is not my native language, but It's easy for me listen to your guide. :) thank you for that! I tried to read books of the clans, but It's rather difficult for me. I think It will be fun to play The Masquerade in english. Heh, that what some good voices do! Like Jacks, Gary's or yours!:)))
:D I don't go to conventions. I wish to go. I know this should be said privately. But, I have anxiety problems, so I rarely go out. ^^ I'm from Norfolk. :)
HardcoreHamster33 . Anxiety can be a bastard. I used to live in Norwich, interestingly. If you want to chat somewhere other than the comments section, you can message me on here or on Facebook: facebook.com/pages/The-Gentleman-Gamer/271236162940159
The Venture can & do state their lineage, indeed down to Veddartha, through Irad the Strong to Caine...yet they are among the strongest proponents of the "Antedeluvian Myth" (see: Jan Piertezoon).
I really like the Ventrue. Aside from digging their whole general tone, they have something fairly simple that's actually pretty rare in games, in that they are a manipulator class that are also not made of glass.
Lets say you are an assassin. If a normal minion overlord is leading a band of thugs towards you, or a Giovani is leading a pack of zombies, what do you do? Obviously you strike directly at the head, bypass the minions and come to grips with the leader as quickly as possible, who you will then obviously shred since they put all their points into minion control.
With a Ventru however, you dance past the blades of their followers and burry your knife into the Ventru's chest, only to realize that they just don't give a fuck. The next thing you know you are being suplexed back into the waiting arms of their toadys.
Start your character with 2 points in Fortitude, 1 in Presence and build from there, focusing on Charisma, Manipulation and Stamina, then throw in just a little Potence and keep building your Fortitude up. You don't even have to get Presence up that high for it to be effective as long as your social stats are solid. And this is all exponentially more effective if your character has money.
Assuming you are the kind of RP'r who has leadership of the party in the first place you will become an iron hard center of the party who can draw fire to himself, shrug it off and then manhandle his enemys at his leisure while your team cuts them apart.
Its delicious.
You will ruin a lot of good suits this way though so be warned.
Well said.
@@shezyam460 Honestly it's a pity Fortitude isn't better than it is. That's really the limiting factor here, in that you can only really get so tough.
If ever you want me for voice acting, just let me know.
I miss videos like this Gentleman Gamer.
If people get on my Patreon and pay me to make videos like the ones I made ten years ago, I'll consider going back to them!
Ventrue, Tremere and Malkavians are my favourite. ^^ Hehe.
I started watching to learn more of V:tM. I subscribed because I can see Call of Cthulhu on your shelf.
Is a kindred not entitled to the vitae of his own herd? NO says the Toreador, it belongs to the beautiful, NO says the Nosferatu, it belongs underground! NO says the Malkavian, it belongs to fish!?
I chose a different answer. I chose... Ventrue! Where those with 5 dots in generation would not be constrained by those with 0. Where those with Charisma and Intimidate would Dominate those with Dexterity and Melee! Where those with high Willpower will stomp those with high Humanity!
Onionkid99 nice bioshick reference.
Your way of talking and explain are wonderful... you should be a great master. :D
long non-life to the best clan of rulers!
You sir are most certainly a Ventru or at the very least a Tremere, now I will not pretend to know the game to its full but when I first played Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, the first charter I ever made was a male Ventrue, the kingly gaze & chivalric character, honorable warrior, knghtly virtues.
There is just something about them that I love, as Dracula patriotic devotee & scholar, this is something I can really relate to them, but the main inspiration for me to play this clan was the late sir Christopher Lee & Gary Oldman. Still one of the ranks the I would love to be given to me was either Jarl/Earl, Count, Baron, Count, Viscount, still of all the clans they for me come in 1st place, fallowed by the Gangrel in 2nd & the Tremere in 3rd.
Any how my thanks for sharing such light in to this clan & the lore about it.
I'm glad these videos are easy to understand!
Excellent stuff. I will have to check out all your other videos.
It was thanks to this video that I decided to make my first ever character a ventrue, His sheet is setting on my desk right now and I can't wait to use him.
An excellent insightful guide, the ventrue TRULY a favourite of mine. Look forward to the next one :)
Another excellent installment of the Vampire Clan Guides. I remember that a fellow player described the Ventrue as the high school rich kids, the Brujah as the jocks, the Tremere as the nerds, the Toreador as the popular kids, and the Nosferatu as the ugly misfits. The popularity of this game was a way to role play high school stereotypes.
My favorite clan because... I don't know, I just think they're cool.
Well, not quite. They have a certain class of people they can drink blood from which doesn't have to be well-off people. Can be gays, naked kids, catladies, senators...Hell, I think theoretically you could be a Ventrue that can ONLY drink from lowlives.
@@teaartist6455 You know, unfortunately I have never played in a game where this was an issue, especially considering you have Dominate and Presence. That was the one problem I always had with this game, and I started playing it when I was just a kid of about 11 playing with young adults, is that feeding in general was never really made an issue.
I suppose this is because of ambitious storytellers who always wanted to delve into the political aspects of the game, so every week when we would play, it would take place mostly in real time at the weekly Camarilla Elysium meeting and we rarely dealt much with humans. So unless you had a particularly weak character, or some flaw like Permanent Wound that would cause you to need more blood than a normal kindred, it was a foregone conclusion that you would be fully fed before our weekly session.
But even then, with disciplines, it was always easy, especially for Venture.
I did have a storyteller who tries to rectify this by having players roll survival+whichever stat fit how our character approaches feeding before each session. And for Ventrue, this was +1-3 difficulty depending on the exact nature of your weakness plus where we were selecting our meal from. But this difficulty was also reduced by your abilities in Presence and Dominate.
But still, these things could all be negated by a couple of dots of Herd, which virtually everyone took in any game where feeding was an issue.
This is a cool video.
And you're a cool guy!
I just came to this video because I'm going to have my first entry into these types of in-depth roleplaying games with Vampire: the Masquerade as a Ventrue vampire, and I must say that I am quite hyped to join the hobby.
one of the guys in my group likes to slip "did you know autodefenestrate means to throw ones self from a window" and then simply slip the command "autodefenestrate" in to a later conversation
You are true about the clan Ventrue gentleman, i played VTM: Bloodlines, and that fucken prince Lacroix seemed convincing and responsible until the middle of the game.
Man your videos are great now i have a better understanding about clans,and now i really want to play the game:D
Thank you for this :-D Thinking of playing a Ventrue in our larpgame and your video/s really helps!
Ventrue or Lasombra?
Lasombra may be more powerful, but the Ventrue consolidate its power much better.
rrodrigues338 I'd rather be a Lasombra than a Blueblood. :P
+rrodrigues338 They're two sides of the same coin.
I was gonna say the exact same thing. I'll explain further through each Clan's Disciplines...
Lasombra are the overt display of power:
1. Potence is a noticeable display of physical power acting on the world.
2. Obtenebration is a very noticeable display of supernatural power.
3. Dominate is often used very openly by the Keepers.
Ventrue are the subtle display of power:
1. Fortitude is a display of power directed inward to resist force.
2. Presence is a subtle display of power to encourage, not force, one's will on others.
3. Dominate is more often used in subtle displays by the Blue Bloods.
O clã Ventrue é o meu preferido, eles são os Nobres da Noite, os verdadeiros Sangue Azul fazem de tudo para manter a Camarilla e manter a ordem, adoro o conceito do clã
Great videos, I also love your voice, very smooth and nice to listen to :3
Ventrue and Malkavians are cousin clans :) hello Cousins from your humble Malkavian Family Member
(Deep sigh as I straighten my tie)
*A wind blew, or mayhaps it be a long winded sigh, emanated from the Ventrue in his study. His sharp blue eyes quickly sized up the Mallavian in his room. The madness he saw growing in the room budged his tie from perfect order, requiring fixing.*
@Samwise7RPG Thank you for watching, Tim!
Thanks for saying so! I'm glad you like them. Feel free to discuss vampires with me any time.
@haydenstag You're quite correct. One to every 100,000 is the Camarilla set limit.
Your presenting style always reminds me of Newman and Baddiels 'History Today'
Excellent job with the presentation here of the vid, a wonderful of the exploration of the clan. You really know your VTM history well. Adding details like the founders names is really a good addition as is the names of so many other ventrue that you mention throughout the video. The addition of presence to dominate really makes both dis really powerful, as they burn through your willpower.
I don't think ventrue make people wet themselves, that was a bit silly.
@Backfromthedeadguy Indeed they do! In my current game one of the characters is a Ventrue and can only feed from mortals who resemble her sire.
I'm currently playing a Ventrue who's a gentleman thief. Think Arsene Lupin.
Ah you did do a video for the Followers of Set! I'm slowly making my way through your collection, when time permits. Always quality stuff dude. I'm jonesin' for a good V:tm game. My dark ages game has stalled out with players becoming too busy to meet regularly. I'm in 3 bands and have 2 other campaigns going (1 of which I GM), plus gf obligations, and I still make time! Love me my RPGs ;)
One of the most underrated clans (though I'm fond of them all!). Blue Bloods are a lot of fun to play -- plus, they look damn good in a suit.
Sebastian LaCroix ✌😂
@MeesterWolf99 I'm split between the Setites and the Tremere..
You are indeed correct! As I studied Roman history I shouldn't have blundered into that one.
Matthew, have you considered re-mastering/editing and updating this incredible video series??
Not really, no. I've done some new guides to vampires in recent months, but as I'm neither writing nor running Masquerade these days, it doesn't seem a good use of my time.
@haydenstag I was assuming there were no actual blood drinkers in your group. I was just making the point that being one, and remaining hidden, would be nigh impossible.
@TheEvilGhoul Thank you!
@woodwwad I couldn't agree more. They have the ultimate tag team of social disciplines, and that's why I love the manipulative bastards.
I think a Ventrue neonate may well do that. Imagine the boardroom meeting and the Ventrue in attendance wants to make someone lose face in a way that isn't lethal but is humiliating. Defecate would be another good one word command.
Subscribed, thanks for those videos.
@Komeister Both of those guides are good, as are the clanbooks. Ghouls: Fatal Addiction and the Gilded Cage are two of my favourites, next to New York and London by Night as good city sourcebooks with lots of intrigue.
I like this video series about the clans and bloodlines in V:tM, but I'm somewhat confused about a couple things you mentioned. Nothing specific I can think of off the top of my head, and not in the Ventrue video particularly. But, there were some references you made that had me scratching my head, and considering I've been playing since '92, hats off to you.
@YuriPRIME Thank you for watching!
My pleasure.
Really great. Keep it up!
@tetsubo57 I think the older books said something like one vampire for every 100 thousand humans in a given city population. I always thought that seemed kind of low since the city I was living in at the time (1997) had a population of only 325,000 and our LARP had about twenty people pretending to be kindred.
3:55 You said that the antediluvians committed diablerie upon the 2nd generations? Was that a mistake or did you mean it? Because as far as I know they didn't know about diablerie back then nor is any of them 2nd generation and/or any non-antediluvian childer of them is a 3rd generation (which would be the result if an antediluvian being 2nd generation embraced someone).
Ask Haqim of the 2nd Generation...
So there is a 2nd generation vampire and non-antedeluvian 3rd generations? That's the first time I hear about that. Interesting. I'll look this guy up.
According to the Revised version of the Assamite Clan Book, Haqim is of the 3rd Generation.
The book of nod as well as the many rule book says the 3rd generation all attacked and slew the 2nd generation I think it was after the flood while Caine was absent.
Ventrue: *Gets staked by a human hunter*
Also Ventrue: "Ugh...really?" -_-
In the WoD, what is the estimated world population of vampires? How about the other supernatural beings such as the weres?
I talk about this stuff when I'm on the pull. It always works.
Loving these VtM topics, I need to get my hands on V20 to get back into the setting.
@clackclickbang I still have a lot of reading to do, thanks for your reply as always. Do you have particular sourcebooks you would like to recommend? (I'm working on collecting all the clanbooks and the guide to the camarilla and guide to the sabbath now)
"Nec Temere, Nec Timide." Ventrue rule isn't only assured its the Bloodline's birthright.
"Eat my boot." Brujah would like to protest.
Brujah would like to protest, Brujah would like to rant, Brujah would like a great many things. Regardless of these Brujah will do as Brujah has always done, mew and moan their unjust lot in existence all the while this boot you speak of isn't a boot at all friend, it's a tasteful yet stylish dress shoe pressed onto your throat by your blue blooded better Brujah peasent.
cptexploderman and Set just laughs.
Ah yes Kit, set.. The old snake. It's spawn often fancy themselves so clever or beholden to some greater truth. The truth is they are little more than a novelty act. Perhaps one day when the Ivory Tower deems them worthy of a closer look we'll shine a light on these knotted nests of Garden snakes. I fear if such a night comes you'll be weighed and measured but found wanting.
It's come to my attention from the harpies, that shining a light on the clan for a closer look would be tantamount to cruelty. My deepest apologies.
@tetsubo57 I don't think anyone that played in our LARP really drank blood if that's what you're saying and it wasn't my intentions to imply such. It's just a game as stated in the book's disclaimer and we didn't take it too serious. Given our community's interest in the game we just ignored the number cap of 1/100k in order to include everyone that wished to play.
Thanks for the videos. I hate reading, but I love World of Darkness. You're living breathing Cliff Notes.
@hammeredshitsteak I very much agree about the Shadow Lords, and even the Red Talons to an extent. I do think the Ventrue are playable though, as not every one of them is a mastermind.
The quote perfectly sums up the Ventrue. Perfectly.
It's an automatic effect that alas, cannot be switched off.
Didn't the Ventru have such refined taste that they could only feed off of certain types of victims (chosen at character creation)?
I would be awesome if you did a video for Lasombra :)
I am clan Tremere. And we are like kings unto the immortal kind. We may draw of the vita from others by will alone, without biting. Kneel.
I drew on three from a room over a find the young men’s youth most pleasing. It is a great wonder how I lost control of my Giovanni cohort after pouring a thaumaturgy transfusion into her.
Zer0Morph on behalf of Team Camarilla International approve the Gentleman's Guide to Vampires series! Great stuff man, you are a master at your craft. Have you ever considered voice acting? The Final Nights mod could sure use more voices for new characters. :)
@JustMEheart How can I help you with that?
@Deckof51 Oooooo... Cold as ice!
I've just found this channel, and I am mesmerized. Great work. Do you plan on doing videos for other aspects of the World of Darkness (Mummies, Werewolves, Hunter, etc.)?
Far and away my favorite clan
My favorite Camarilla Clan.
Once read somewhere that the Ventrue and Gangrel are related somehow, can't quite remember where, but apparently Ennoia and Vedhartha had something going on, whether romance, friendship, or something else, I don't know.
@tetsubo57 Well the alternative would be to reduce the number of LARPers would just wouldn't be fair on the players now, would it? Better to will the suspension of disbelief and enjoy the tale.
Another perfect installment of the Gentlemen's guide to Vampires. How do you get this extensive background knowledge? Is it all in the clanbooks? I only read the Vampire Rulebook and am halfway through the Storytellers guide and I want to increase my lore knowledge. Do you have any recommendations?
I will start a Vampire campaign (in oWOD setting) somewhere in the beginning of 2012 and could really use some hints. :)
They are the Clan of Kings!
They're excellent fun.
I don't believe I've ever read that.. I thought the Ventrue were happy enough (or distracted enough with the nascent Sabbat) to just stand back as the clan was wiped out.
@23penguins32 Thanks Dudeski!
@DirtyBriefcase Thank you!
As the biggest users of the discipline I seek advice on Dominate. Currently I'm playing a Tremere neonate for the first time and even Dominate 1 provides lots of interesting opportunities. However, my imagination tends to get stuck on the one word commands. Aside from basic stuff like "STOP whatever you are doing" and "DRINK this delicious (blood) whiskey" or "UNLOCK this particular door."...what are some more creative/'everyday' uses of Dominate 1. Would love to see a video series that gets into the uses of disciplines because there are some very cool 'nonstandard' uses of those powers out there.
@woodwwad Presence is a good underrated one. Animalism is the most ignored though.
@clackclickbang I wasn't really talking about LARPers. Silly hobby. :) I was discussing the in-game justification for there being enough vampires in the world to have these huge bloody (pun intended) clans. You might be able to pull off 200-300 vampires world-wide total. Tops. Which still makes them a credible threat as a supernatural enemy but doesn't allow enormous clans.
Maybe they can deny fire from hurting them, but still they'll fear it.
A whole clan of littlefingers
Good! I'm glad!
Yes they are.
@Komeister Most of the information is from Clanbook Ventrue, the By Night books and the Player's Guide to the High Clans. I've read so much Vampire though, that it'd be difficult to pinpoint a particular source.
@tetsubo57 Roger that. The dynamics of vampire survival has always interested, especially in relation with their chosen community of residence. We had tried to craft a story to fit our game to explain a lot of the issues away (controlling the majority of the police), because in relativity we were just in for the fun. I guess most would consider a lot of the plot points implausible, but we never focused on the difficulties for too long.
The Ventrue approve.
@Demolitiondude Good Kryptonian.
And you have a very good voice. English is not my native language, but It's easy for me listen to your guide. :) thank you for that! I tried to read books of the clans, but It's rather difficult for me.
I think It will be fun to play The Masquerade in english. Heh, that what some good voices do! Like Jacks, Gary's or yours!:)))
My favorite clan, thanks for review :)
Maybe one day!
I'm from England, too. :D That is, if you are really from England. ^^
You have compelled me. ^^
I am indeed from England too! Message me - we may be local and may even attend the same conventions.
:D I don't go to conventions. I wish to go. I know this should be said privately. But, I have anxiety problems, so I rarely go out. ^^ I'm from Norfolk. :)
HardcoreHamster33 . Anxiety can be a bastard. I used to live in Norwich, interestingly. If you want to chat somewhere other than the comments section, you can message me on here or on Facebook: facebook.com/pages/The-Gentleman-Gamer/271236162940159
The Gentleman Gamer Good thing I have facebook. :D Really? Norwich is only 30-40 minutes from where i live. XD Yeah, anxiety sucks. >u
lol the "urinate" was a tremere not a ventrue but nice use of the reference
This is an amazing video subbed for more
Indeed they do. Sometimes they claim lineage from Enoch rather than Irad. It depends on the Ventrue.
More like VenFALSE!
Dominate, Dement, Present, Drink
The Venture can & do state their lineage, indeed down to Veddartha, through Irad the Strong to Caine...yet they are among the strongest proponents of the "Antedeluvian Myth" (see: Jan Piertezoon).
Which key?