The Seventh Day is Yahweh's Sabbath

  • Опубліковано 23 січ 2024


  • @ansiekruger9131
    @ansiekruger9131 6 місяців тому +6

    All honour and glory to our Heavenly Father Yahweh for this teaching!!

  • @tylerporter2171
    @tylerporter2171 5 місяців тому +4

    Ahmein 😁Ahmein brother
    The Sabbath is a delight and Holy 😁🙏🏻❤️
    ❤️🙌🏻HalleluYAH 🙌🏻❤️

  • @grcleve7053
    @grcleve7053 6 місяців тому +5

    Excellent presentation! Thank you.❤️

  • @Squivey3577
    @Squivey3577 5 місяців тому +1

    Seekig a greater revelation
    Love your teachings brothers

  • @waltercruz9651
    @waltercruz9651 5 місяців тому +2

    Praise Yahweh the Creator.

  • @glaubenleben3164
    @glaubenleben3164 5 місяців тому +1

    Great teaching. thank you

  • @ICU2B4UDO
    @ICU2B4UDO 6 місяців тому +3

    Remembering the Sabbath Day means to Practice and Do It...Not just mark it and remember it....

  • @jamesking3186
    @jamesking3186 5 місяців тому +2

    Great teaching brother! You say the crucifix is a graven image of God, but that represents his son. I personally don't like crosses but I don't think that is a sin.

  • @ICU2B4UDO
    @ICU2B4UDO 6 місяців тому +2

    Kadosh...Long O...Like O in Oval...I know, I'm a pain in the toochus!! 😂

  • @FeralRanchWife
    @FeralRanchWife 5 місяців тому +2

    Love your instruction on how to keep, we’ll agree to disagree on the calendar I guess. I’m glad we’re both steadfast in KEEPING the Sabbath regardless! There is historic evidence however Saturday is not the “7th day”. There’s 10 days missing from the current calendar taken away several hundred years ago in 1582. That would put the previous “Saturdays” on Tuesdays or Wednesdays after 1582. Prior to that, (from my own extensive research) a Jewish Sanhedrin named Hillel II, changed the lunar sabbath of Yah’s law to a fixed one, on Saturday (Friday sundown to Saturday sundown) in 359 CE. Aside from that, with the 2 calendars, occasionally Passover/other feasts and their preparations fall on Sat Shabbat, with lunar they do not. Just some things I’ve found while researching. Which came first? Yah’s creation/timepiece in the sky or the Roman solar-centric (sun worship) calendar? There’s a website with some interesting research I linked below, could be interesting at least, even if you still disagree, everyone should do their own research for sure! When I started this journey, I had no dog in the fight except I want to follow 💯 whatever it is Yahweh says I should be doing. I also would like to add TORAH was written for “off-grid” agrarian society with very few resources. Of course it’s for EVERYONE but my point is Adam and Eve weren’t keeping a fig leaf calendar from the beginning of time. Mankind had to have a way to keep track of where we are in days to keep track of Shabbat. Moonphases do that in my opinion. I have no idea what pagan day of the week it is most of the time, but I can look up after sundown (the beginning of Biblical days) and tell by the phase of the moon easily. I also live offgrid unlike most people and don’t have a regular 9-5. At the end of the day, all any of us can do is research research research and NEVER stop researching and learning! I mean no disrespect whatsoever and do not intend to argue with my comment. I love this channel and the messages generally! Shalom friends 🙏🏻

    • @assemblyofyahwehinnorthala4316
      @assemblyofyahwehinnorthala4316  5 місяців тому +3

      Hallelu-Yah. have you ever looked at how they removed those 10 days. People went to bed on Thursday, October 4, 1582. And they woke up on Friday October 15, 1582. They NEVER INTERRUPTED THE 7 DAY COUNT. The 7 day cycle set in place by Yahweh HAS NEVER been destroyed or changed. And, I have researched it. I am not here with my head stuck in the sand. I can find NO SCRIPTURAL SUPPORT OR INSTRUCTION on keeping a Lunar Sabbath. And, my instruction on when and how to worship comes NOT from a Roman calendar.
      As to men knowing what day of the week it is: it is done simply by counting, as instructed in Genesis 1&2, to 7. Every 7th day is the Sabbath.
      I did not take your comments as argumentative / nor are mine. I appreciate your comments and I Thank you for watching and your kind words about our channel.

    • @kevinstrange9776
      @kevinstrange9776 5 місяців тому +1

    • @FeralRanchWife
      @FeralRanchWife 5 місяців тому

      @@assemblyofyahwehinnorthala4316 I totally understand your point of view, and the lunar sabbath one that I keep, how both sides get to the answer they’re at. Appreciate your response, and what I do know for sure is that someday we’ll both know for certain which was intended in Yah’s kingdom. Whichever way is correct, (obviously I think I’m correct, but also you are convinced with your research you are correct), I have no doubt it will be magnificent to keep Shabbat with The Creator! If I’m ever in AL, I’ll gladly come attend your congregation and worship with y’all 💛

    • @niki2eable
      @niki2eable 5 місяців тому +2

      Hi there, my family has started following your channel recently and truly love your teachings. I, do, however have to back up the OP here on the Luni-solar calendar. Sorry if this is drawn out but my husband feels called to share this with you.
      Here are some precepts to consider: I present these humbly and in good faith to share this truth that was bestowed upon me by Yahweh. I used to be a Saturday keeper most of my life and believed the same thing as many of you.
      Genesis 1:14 declares Yahweh's calendar. The lights in the firmament are a calendar. If you research etymology of month the word is derived from moon. Please consider what I share with you.
      Genesis 1:14 KJV
      14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for SEASONS, and for days, and years:
      SEASONS is strongs concordance number 4150
      New International Version
      14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years,
      Good News Translation
      14 Then God commanded, "Let lights appear in the sky to separate day from night and to show the time when days, years, and religious festivals begin;
      I'm sharing different translations because I have read the 1611 KJV almost exclusively and I read over these scriptures many times where "MOEDEM" has been translated as "SEASONS" and I didn't not understand.
      Psalms 104:19
      NET Bible
      He made the moon to mark the months, and the sun sets according to a regular schedule.
      International Standard Version
      He made the moon to mark time; the sun knows its setting time.
      Holman Christian Standard Bible
      He made the moon to mark the festivals; the sun knows when to set.
      If one picks an arbitrary day to call Sabbaths on a continual seven day consecutive count then you will led to error. The scriptures speak of three types of days. Work days, Sabbath Days, AND New Moon Days. If you exclude New Moon Days then you are taking away from scripture. If you say "Saturday is the Sabbath" then you are adding to scripture as Saturday does not exist in scripture. Let's say one keeps the Gregorian Saturday as their chosen day as Sabbath. Eventually a Saturday will fall on the day before a High Sabbath or Feast day a commanded preparation day. If your chosen Sabbath falls on a preparation day do you work and prepare for the feast the next day or do you rest and not observe the Feast?
      One more point of many that I have but for the sake of brevity I chose ones that were pivotal in my own coming to the full knowledge of the truth. The Shabbat supersedes the Commandments at Sinai. If one claims to be keeping the correct 7th since the beginning of creation all the way to today, then they would have to have a calendar started by Adam and Eve in the Garden and passed down all the way to today. While Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years and their clothes rotted off their backs how did they keep a calendar?They looked to the moon.
      Psalm 89:37
      New International Version
      it will be established forever like the moon, the faithful witness in the sky.”

    • @FeralRanchWife
      @FeralRanchWife 5 місяців тому

      @@niki2eable this is really great, and I like the way you put all that together! I grew up loosely SDA (we lived on a little farm and grew our own meat, so imagine how that went in a mostly vegan church 😂), so Saturday Shabbat was actually really “normal” to me and drilled in. Until one day, I just sort of started noticing what Genesis was actually saying. And then I read more. A lot of my family grew up on an Indian Reservation also, so the idea for a lunar calendar was pretty normal in my culture as well, but it also seemed like ancient lore. Then, I thought, wait….. Genesis (and a lot of other verses like you mentioned) sure seem to be agreeing with Native American (and other ancient) culture as far as a lunar calendar….maybe they’re onto something. I mean if you lived without power and forgot to draw a line on your cave wall for several days to mark time, HOW else would you be able to know & keep track? 🤔 The moon is a natural timepiece that ironically Torah community doesn’t dispute as far as feasts. Why the HECK would there be two calendars???Simultaneously during this time my husband brought up the 4th Commandment and said, “what the heck is a Sabbath, and shouldn’t we be keeping this?”, (he grew up Lutheran), by this point I had long left the looney SDA church as fast as I could, but also knew he was right. So we had the discussion- Saturday, Sunday (Monday is actually the “first day” of the week as Sunday is the last day of the weekend on the Gregorian calendar), or something else entirely? If it had been Tuesdays or any day, at this point we didn’t care, we were resolved to find the truth and follow it! This lead us to Torah keeping (not just the 10 Commandments) also. Previously neither of us knew what Torah was except we thought it was a “Jewish Bible” 😂
      Anyway, my long rabbit hole diving, conspiracy-mining self went through thousands of years of calendars, cultures, Hebrew dichotomy, culture of the Disciples, hundreds of hours of Bible verses searching them back to the most original shreds of parchment I could find photos of on the internet, discussions with Rabbis, prayer…..all to determine the MOON IS THE CALENDAR.
      It’s great to see others keeping Yah’s Commands and finding truth!

  • @kingg697
    @kingg697 5 місяців тому

    Thank you for this teaching, Pastor Steve!
    I've been studying WHEN is the seventh day Sabbath, I've kept it on the day we call Saturday, but recently, came to some scriptures in Jubilees and Enoch that seem to point to the spring equinox being the head of the year, and resets the Sabbath day according to when that equinox happens. I'm somewhat confused, because according to this calendar (Enochian), we're supposed to count that equinox day as the 4th day of the week, and so then Sabbath is 3 days later. ???
    Have you heard of this calendar keeping?
    Any light or resources you can point me to would be helpful. Thank you!
    My husband and I love your teaching and love for Yahweh!

    • @assemblyofyahwehinnorthala4316
      @assemblyofyahwehinnorthala4316  5 місяців тому +1

      Thank you for watching and for your kind and encouraging words. I had looked at the book of Enoch and what he has to say about the calendar several years ago. I am doing a teaching through the book of Enoch right now that is requiring me to look deeply into it again. I am not prepared at this time to give my view on the calendar that you mentioned. But I hope to be able to do that soon.

    • @kingg697
      @kingg697 5 місяців тому

      Thank you, brother Steve.
      I appreciate your prompt response, and I look forward to the studies...I have to catch up with past videos. Shalom

  • @howardhackett8840
    @howardhackett8840 4 місяці тому +1

    Is it a sin to break the sabbath??
    Shem, Ham and Japheth were sent to inhabit there and multiply in it.
    Suppose Shem and desendants stayed in thT land.
    Ham begins to move eastward.
    Japheth goes westward.
    Now all these families keep the sabbath perfectly reconing the seven day count.
    Over some time Ham's decendants have traveled around the whole earth and return their starting point.
    Japheth's decendants have completed their entire westward journey and return coming from the east.
    Now one group has fully circumstances the earth going easy and the other going west. When they are all assembled together having kept a perfect 7 day count, this fact then exists Hams decendants have gained a day and Japheths decendants have lost a day.
    Now all three families have kept a perfect count, yet they are keeping sabbath on three different days.
    The relation to the sun's movement requires this fact.
    The sun alone declares that the seven count has to be renewed at each new month. The moon H3393 month
    Psalms 104:19 the yerach is for appointed times moed.
    Ans love of mammon causes this great sin.
    Saturday is a gregorian roman calendar day. The moon is for moed. It is the first moed mentioned in Leviticus 23.
    The fist sabbath mentioned is exodus 16:23
    The date of the 15th is the starting point at evening the quail came and ine morning the manna. That is on the 16th day then the 22nd day is a sabbath.
    This matches the beginning and the end of unleavened bread and sukkot.
    I respectfully declare this teaching is in error.
    Please be free to contact me at

  • @YourTID
    @YourTID 5 місяців тому

    Shalom brother. After watching hundreds of hours of your content, this is the first video ive struggled with part of the teaching. Not about Shabbat, but rosh chodesh only signifying the start of abib, instead of the monthly new moon.
    I'm interested in how you arrived at this conclusion, and will humbly check out the series on rosh chodesh for your interpretation.
    The historical documentation is clear that the new moon was celebrated by Israel monthly as an additional moed. There were more sacrifices on that day, and it was forbidden to buy or sell.
    The passage you presented about "making the ephah small" doesnt make sense in the way you presented it, as Abib was the month where the barley would become ripe, and first fruits isnt until more than halfway through the month. The merchants in the passage would not have had time to harvest the barley to sell it until the month was nearly over, making the point you presented rather moot. I'm struggling to fit your interpretation into this verse and other verses where it's usually translated "from new moon to new moon, and shabbat to shabbat..." etc.
    All of the concordances and dictionaries show rosh chodesh as "head of the month" not "head month." In that case, "new moon" is more of an issue with English but would be synonymous with "head of the month" since the new moon signified the beginning of the month. All of the historical documentation and extra-biblical sources indicate it was a monthly festival. Passages where chodesh is translated as "moon" in English (which is literally where we get the word month- moonth) make sense in context, whereas the interpretation presented here causes some issues.
    What am I missing?

    • @assemblyofyahwehinnorthala4316
      @assemblyofyahwehinnorthala4316  5 місяців тому +1

      Thank you for the hundreds of hours you have invested in our videos. May Yahweh bless.
      As to Rosh Chodesh: that doctrine is simple. It comes straight from Exodus 12. Exo 12:2 This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.
      This month/the month they left Egypt shall be ROSH CHODESH.
      That means THE HEAD MONTH.
      There cannot be many heads. There is only one HEAD.
      And it goes on to say: THAT HEAD MONTH is the "FIRST" month of the year.
      It is not every month of the year. IT IS THE FIRST MONTH of the year.
      Hope that helps.
      Exalting His Name,
      steve martin

    • @assemblyofyahwehinnorthala4316
      @assemblyofyahwehinnorthala4316  5 місяців тому +1

      I will add this to answer your question further:
      Look at all of the passages where you find the words "NEW MOON."
      The Hebrew word for NEW is not in the text. Nor is the Hebrew word for MOON in the text.
      The translators ADDED those words CHANGING the Hebrew word for MONTH to say "new moon." This is a serious error.
      Exalting His Name, Steve

    • @grcleve7053
      @grcleve7053 5 місяців тому


  • @kennybearferrell3396
    @kennybearferrell3396 6 місяців тому +3

    I love this preacher but I must share the truth of the lunar calendar being used in the Bible times which was changed later on in history to the point that we are confused as to how they understood days and months and years back then. The Creator’s calendar is the most accurate way to keep the sabbath.

    • @grcleve7053
      @grcleve7053 6 місяців тому +4

      Leviticus 23:2-3
      King James Version
      2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the feasts of the Lord, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are my feasts.
      3 Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, an holy convocation; ye shall do no work therein: it is the sabbath of the Lord in all your dwellings.
      Only one calendar maintains the above two verses, keeping the Sabbath holy and sanctified as well as His Feast days. They will not encroach on each other, ever: Enoch/Jubilees/DSS/Zadokite Priestly Calendar (add in the Sabbath Psalms written by David) - 6 witnesses. ☺️
      I love brother Steve too!

    • @BoldBama
      @BoldBama 5 місяців тому +6

      If that were true would we see evidence of it in scripture? There was zero conflict about when Sabbath was to be observed in scripture. They kept the 7th day sabbath. If Yeshua knew it was supposed to be a lunar sabbath, would you not think that would have been one of the many points of contention between him and the religious leaders of that time?
      This is not the truth. It’s a confusing mess and he’s not the author of confusion. There is no way that this could be biblically accurate- way too many holes

    • @kyleamerica5522
      @kyleamerica5522 5 місяців тому +3

      Can’t use moon for sabbath. What do you do with the extra 1-2 days? Zero instruction on it.
      You CAN use and should use moon for 7 feasts and abib etc.
      He said work 6 rest 1. Can’t do that with lunar. Take care

    • @kyleamerica5522
      @kyleamerica5522 5 місяців тому +1

      @@BoldBamabingo. See comment below. Can use moon for feasts. Not sabbath.

    • @grcleve7053
      @grcleve7053 5 місяців тому +1

      @@BoldBama Every 7th day. However they had turned away from His Sabbaths and observing the proper days of His Feasts. Specially after Babylonian captivity...started observing/following the moon for their calendar. Interesting little tidbit for you (if you are not aware) and others who may read this comment. The first city destroyed after crossing the Jordan was Jericho, which means moon worshippers or followers (paraphrasing). Don't just take my word for it, look it up.

  • @howardhackett8840
    @howardhackett8840 4 місяці тому

    Sir, you said that Genesis 1:14-16 in you cosmology teaching that sun moon and stars are for appointed times ie; moed now you state that the moon is not for moed see Lev 23. Psalms 104:19
    Reconsider your translation of Psalms 81:3
    The moon indeed is for signs AND moedym.
    You contradict yourself.
    Yahuah is watching.
    We do not need any part of the Roman calendar to mark time.
    The count is Chodesh-renewed every full new moon. In all its glory and wonderful light.
    This is the gift from the father of lights

  • @HunterConstruction
    @HunterConstruction 6 місяців тому


    • @ICU2B4UDO
      @ICU2B4UDO 6 місяців тому +1

      Tob/ Tov...Sorry! 😮😊😂

    • @HunterConstruction
      @HunterConstruction 6 місяців тому +1

      @@ICU2B4UDOthank you for the clarification I appreciate that! 😎🙏🏼