In soap world, one day can last several days in the real world. Jason and Sam will be together at her appointment. There's a spoiler pic on Twitter for Wednesday's show
what I don't understand is y doesn't Curtis and Jason wear freaking gloves while searching the can for clues??!?? I know the ol'Jason(Steve Burton) would wear gloves for goodness sake 😑
Do they find out the sex of the baby wednesdayy? I read somewhere that Sam goes into early labor in February. I'm just thinking that Sam maybe in the car with Alexis, who is drinking and wrecks. But with these writers who knows? Boring storylines lately. And the storyline with Nell I hate it. Please let sonny and Carly find out about Ava's pill switching scheme
Somebody wanna explain why two experts like Curtis and Jason would break into a van and THEN check over and around it for what . . . cause if their was a bomb,; yo azzes are already dead. LOL. Honestly writers; you can do better than this.
Sam and Jason are so cute together. i love how they had said Good Bye to each other ♥
The 3 best looking people on the show.
Beverly Levy Yeah they are 😊
Curtis is a fool he says I will be careful too like he wanted someone to care lol
JaSam it was like he wanted Sam to say to him to be careful to lol
love me some jasam and curtis
In soap world, one day can last several days in the real world. Jason and Sam will be together at her appointment. There's a spoiler pic on Twitter for Wednesday's show
I meant to have type van not can
love today s
I like Curtis! And the fact that Jordan doesn't seem to makes me like him all the more!
what I don't understand is y doesn't Curtis and Jason wear freaking gloves while searching the can for clues??!?? I know the ol'Jason(Steve Burton) would wear gloves for goodness sake 😑
Cassandra Leberta Yep you're right but with the trash people that work on GH today are idoits they don't think about simple stuff like that.
Do they find out the sex of the baby wednesdayy? I read somewhere that Sam goes into early labor in February. I'm just thinking that Sam maybe in the car with Alexis, who is drinking and wrecks. But with these writers who knows? Boring storylines lately. And the storyline with Nell I hate it. Please let sonny and Carly find out about Ava's pill switching scheme
YES!!! Puhleeeezzze!!! They seem to have forgotten that!
Somebody wanna explain why two experts like Curtis and Jason would break into a van and THEN check over and around it for what . . . cause if their was a bomb,; yo azzes are already dead. LOL. Honestly writers; you can do better than this.