Love the roleplayer reference. I'm an avid roleplayer and I remember the days of Wildstar. People say that Player Housing will kill the world and RP but back in Wildstar the player housing enriched roleplay massively. People weren't building homes, they were building props! Taverns, shops, all sorts of wonderful backdrops for some pretty stellar RP!
And with private neighbourhoods, rp groups could theoretically build an entire district full of ALL those things, or even bespoke neighbourhoods for specific rp events.
The idea of private versions of the ward system from FFXIV is really exciting. I truly hope Blizzard can pull this off because I'll be jumping back into WoW for sure.
Honestly, if there's ONE thing Blizzard excels at it is taking the concepts of other MMORPGS and improving on the recipe. I'm keeping a positive, hopeful attitude towards it for now.
@@godlygamer911 dragon riding is a scuffed combination of skyscale and griffon but yeah sure go off DRIVE looks fine but it ain't a roller beetle, why would I wanna play a game that's bringing features 8 years later?
I had imagined we could build in any of the races capital cities or nearby the cities. I think at the very least we will be able to have our racial aesthetics since they're not doing the zones right away.
This is like housing in LOTRO where you choose to buy a house that is located in an instance at a specific location in the game similar to a mini server. There are so many houses in the instance where other people can live with areas for socializing. LOTRO allowed you to put color and texture on the walls, furniture and gardens
As a player of both games, and House haver in FFXIV...I loved this post. Absolute Cinema. And I can only hope SE takes this to heart. As long as my 2 favourites games are improving...I'm a happy Millennial.
This looks great. Hopefully, as you said in the video, Blizzard does more than just talk to talk, but actually walks the walk. They like telling us what we want to hear.
God I want a spooky haunted house aesthetic for my warlock, a big cauldron with neon green goop, cages for my test subjects, maybe a nice comfy bed for my fel pups
I really hope we can make private neighborhoods that are open to be visited by the public. I could see myself spending a lot of time just visiting different neighborhoods and seeing all the different styles of houses. That would be very fun!
@@godlygamer911 you are the bad news are you just going to every comment to shit on the system when we know jack about it? theyre not forcing anyone to do anything in terms of themes and aesthetics, they quite literally said in the article that there will be an entire plethora of themes and styles that are based on all manner of cultures across azeroth like why are wow players so stupid? blizzard posts concept art to show examples of what a new feature would look like in its early baby stages and everyone goes "OH MY GOD!! THIS IS IT THIS IS ALL WE'RE GETTING I CANT BELIEVE IT!!"
The warlords garrisons were supposed to have multiple locations to place them when they announced that too. I really hope they do get more locations ironed out (i.e.) location relevant to each of the classic playable races.) Only time will tell if they actually do it. i think it's be cool to get a tauren themed area with plateaus,mesa, overlooking razorfen quilboar and plains. probably would be pretty straight-forward too.
This is interesting. I wonder where the housing zones will be on the map? I assumed when housing was announce, blizzard would revamp capital cities and surrounding zones and we would be able to build there. I pictured living in the walls of Ironforge or up in the cliffs of Org.
Big chunk of a comment/reaction/idea share: I'm excited for this info and the upcoming content, as well as the housing. Honestly, though, I wish there was a possibility of upgrading the Garrisons, being able to add more current materials to the Herb Garden and Mine. Upgrading it like we were doing steadily through WOD. I know the mindset of many WoW players is to just dump previous content without looking back and focusing exclusively on the new. I like making use of all my hard-won resources. Granted, the stuff you can make/use in the Garrisons is all only good for low-level characters and crafting skills, but I still like to do that for new alts and for others with new alts - selling the low-level content in the AH. I just feel like all the work that went into a lot of the older content could be fairly easily given a makeover or an upgrade, which would be more realistic to me - as far as immersion in the WoW world - because you don't go to all the trouble to build a house and then just abandon it (at least not normally) when something new becomes available. Thanks for doing what you do at Bellular Warcraft. It's VERY appreciated! 😁👍🏼💜
Can not wait for housing,should add an awesome layer to the game. Question though if I may, will the weekly live vods with yourself and Matt be returning soon? I know quite a lot of your community have been asking on the last vods comments section but the silence has been deafening. Really miss the weekly mischief and hope you will have an update for us. Thank you for all the great work.
I really hope that they don't restrict decorations to only modern things. As in, I hope that the system for boundless expression is basically giving players unrestricted access to all the doodads in the game files, and letting them go nuts. If I want my house to look straight out of 2004, I should be allowed to.
I'm really excited about all of this. I love world of Warcraft and I've been playing it since day one and I'll never stop and I really hope that they recognize that there is a huge community behind them that wants to love them.
It looks like they also saw the success of Wildstar's huge housing system too and are integrating some of the ideas of it. I like they actually looked at what works and didnt work.
I’ve posted so many comments saying for them to implement player housing JUST like what they are doing now … and they are doing it …. They read my comments I take credit for wow player housing you are WELCOME player base it was all me. lol
We've had housing in Lord of the Rings Online for over a decade, with each starting race, hobbit, man, elf and dwarf, having their own style of multi-instanced neighborhoods, that have personal houses as well as splendid kin (LotRO's version of guilds) houses. We now have Premium housing with larger stately homes in the later expansion areas (Gondor, Rohan, Kelebor housing in the Lonely Mountain and Lyndelby a hobbit enclave high in the Misty Mountains) that are even more splendid, some with special ambience for each house to change the skies, along with the many factions in the game offering their own cultural styles of furnishings and yard decorations. I played WoW up to Pandaria, wishing there was housing and hope that WoW's new system works for everyone as well.
Great video, thanks for the update Bellular! I'm definitely excited for player housing! I used to play FFXIV and it was nice to have a house to "hang out" at although after I had been playing the game a while I'll admit I did get kind of bored of the FFXIV player housing system. If WoW can manage to make something that keeps people entertained, win/win. I'm not sure if I will play 11.1 immedietly! I may wait, currently I'm playing Cataclysm Classic and having a blast!
This has been something I've wanted for a very very long time. I don't think it's possible to live up to my crazy wants but if it even gets halfway I'll be happy. So far of what I have read though it sounds really good.
Bro, I'm so happy. I can finally say I'm excited for more WoW again instead of dreading what they're going to break next. They keep winning, and I'm actually optimistic that it'll last.
For me, they are saying all the right things ... Player housing is going to be a huge win for the game. Improving the new player / new-character starting experience is definitely important and having a full team working on systems that facilitate more enjoyable in-game social experiences couldn't be more important in a time where selfish toxicity is rampant and has such a massive impact on how other people play and perceive the game. But as always, the devils in the details, and how they execute, iterate and listen to feedback will make or break how these new systems are perceived and adopted. I remain cautiously optimistic for now.
there are good reasons other games have those housing mechanics. I don't want to be part of a neighbourhood where most of the other houses on my street have been abandoned as players will inevitably log off forever for one reason or another
We better be able to mark our home’s private and party only, because I don’t want random people showing up when I’m in my house chilling or doing RP with friends. Not everyone wants people to show up inside the home bothering us. The game may be an MMO but they know there are players who prefer solo play, and running stuff with random players we won’t see again.
I'll be keeping an eye on the housing situation in WoW. If they manage to pull it off, I will be pleasantly surprised. But until then, I'll hold off my judgment either way. Eeeeexcept for the cash shop thing. I foresee them doing the classic thing of "keep the best / most original stuff for the shop".
@@MilkshakeGuruTTV last time I checked you guys still pay for things in the cash shop and it's locked to one character. Last time I checked warbands were not a thing in ffxiv. Last time I checked you guys didn't have mythic plus which they've gone to great lengths to improve in 11.1. Last time I checked your game didn't have a new BR mode with free cosmetics for the main game. So please tell me what ffxiv had that WoW is just now adding. Seriously. I'm willing to be wrong, I just don't think I am. I love ffxiv, but it seems like you don't know anything about WoW. Maybe try to at least have a basic understanding of the thing you're talking about before drooling on the keyboard about it. You didn't even mention a single feature, so at least name a single one. I've given plenty of examples of new things that arent just taken from other MMOs. I can keep naming more if you'd like. You didn't name shit.
I would be SHOCKED if Private Neighborhoods weren't monetized somehow. Thousands (potentially millions) of instances cannot be cheap to run hardware-wise.
I had to chuckle when you said 'build your own HoA'. Our guild's name is Hand of Algalon, or HoA for initials. LOL! we'll be having our own 'HoA neighborhood' right off but hopefully much less toxic than your typical HoA.
Don't listen to what the devs say but look at what they're doing instead : they're merchandising the shiet out of EVERYTHING in the game and adding stuff I don't like without removing what I don't. Blizzard can beg and I'll answer ''Bye Bye Benjamins''
I do hope WoW can pull housing decoration freedom like ESO does. I recall people saying how for mere trying to modify layout of your house in FFXIV you can get banned by Square. I really hope old engine of WoW will handle it. Housing of ESO is super fun after all. Lol yeah Housing is huge cashcow for ZOS in ESO, can't imagine Blizzard not noticing that since these two are both now in Microsoft.
The actual owning a house part of FFXIV can be really good, especially if you use mods which allow you to do a good bit more. It's just the process of obtaining the house and then keeping it that absolutely suck. There's no good reason to attach keeping your house to your subscription. So I'd say WoW's jab at it is pretty justified, though at the same time, they can't really brag too much when they're so late to the game compared to just about every other MMO. Best to let your housing system speak for itself when it releases later in the year.
The reason houses are tied to subscriptions is because of a player requested feature where people who left the game retained their properties basically freezing the market no new houses entering (at that time) and no old houses becoming available. Something a lot of people refuse to acknowledge or don't know is that almost all the 'maligned' features of XIV housing are player demanded, sometimes it's a monkey paw situation like the lottery system to combat bots spam clicking outside a sign post and other times its DIRECTLY implemented from player requests. Does the system need work, absolutely, but what we have is working and that's nothing short of a miracle considering we've had the same engine for over a decade and code debt is deep.
It should have been removed as a requirement after the lottery system and Ishgard housing were put into the game. Yes, housing is still limited. Do I think that matters at this point? No. It's up to CB3 to continue adding new housing districts at a decent pace instead of forcing people to pay a sub during downtime in the game. If they don't want to do that, then at the very least, that 45-day limit should be doubled, if not tripled. At least that way you're allowing people to take full breaks in between major patches without them worrying about their house disappearing.
There are some really well done wards in FFXIV, so neighborhoods can be awesome (they're the RP ones), but I would honestly prefer an ESO style house (as an option at least)- especially if we could be phased in a major location (like Stormwind). The vast majority of FFXIV's wards are dead, and it should be noted we have entire guilds in many of our houses (which seems like guilds wont own houses in WoW, like they can in FFXIV- which is fine cause there is the private ward idea). So I think it would be awesome to have both styles, because for most of us a neighborhood /only/ system just means less cool places you can exist in (which is something ESO-like system can example all the cool places you might be in). Again noting the vast vast majority of FFXIV's wards are dead. I realize they are adding a reward system on top of it... that may help (FFXIV doesn't do that, although we have an example of ideas in our Ishgard zone), but it could also become a whole new Garrison chain you to home system (because its too good to ignore the reward).
i can unfortunately foresee housing having hundreds of bland recolors of tables and beds etc earnable in game (prob a few cool things to be fair), and a few really unique high quality things in the shop. Just like mounts and transmog
I want to be able to set up a portal to Mardum in my demon hunters house. I need to check in on them every so often to make sure they don't... well, get bored. They don't handle boredom well
The problem is, FFXIVs system isnt that way because they wanted it to be, its that way because Housing takes a metric shit ton of data storage, Hundreds of entities in thousands of houses over multiple intances and thats just one server. Its all well and good Blizzard pounding their chest about it. But I would bet on them implementing restrictions as soon as the shit hits the fan when it comes out and suddenly the servers are taking a pounding.
I'll wait to see if the house item I want is locked behind a 0.05% drop from a raid boss. Where you can "farm" it for 10 years on 20 characters every week and still never have a chance.
Player housing looks great for humans and orcs. For everyone else, not so much. And Blizz have said they're not planning on new "neighbourhoods" because it would spread the players out too much (as if instancing doesn't already create that problem). Orcs aren't even remotely the most played horde race, practically speaking it would have made more sense to give us human and blood elf neighbourhoods.
My issue is what happens at launch when you are forced to commit to a zone and then later down the line another zone opens up? Do you get to teleport your home to the new zone or must you start from scratch? I sure hope we can teleport our home all things considered. Also, for those who play solitary toons, what about a hidden home like the base of a tree or the side of a hill or a cave underwater? And for those who have a garrison, connect your player housing to the garrison and upgrade the garrison as well - this way you recycle old good content. That's right, garrison is old good content that just needs some modern loving. The garrison could me a sort of "man cave".
9:09 yea i love nightborne elfs but their opening area is pretty annoying. With guards not giving directions or anything. So you just wander around the palace gardens.
I don’t think the “neighborhood” aspect will mean much. After a couple of years, nearly all houses will be deserted as people naturally come and go from the game. Guild plots would be less so, but even they will be affected.
I wonder what comes at the end of all of this? Once TLT is wrapped up. How long will the servers stay up? Will it just be a bunch of little QoL updates and eventually nothing? Quiet until the shutdown announcement? Do we finally let it all go after they shut down? Move on once and for all? What about the possibility of dedicated server software being passed on to us after eventual shutdown, will we get to play with their engine/editor?
I hope it is good but the thing is social is classic, in retail it's just toxic lol. Be interesting to see what happens. I love that we keep the house if sub is inactive though, that is the reason I have never had a house in FFXIV. It would be awesome if we can see our pets/mounts running about! but I doubt that haha, maybe pets?
WoW had an expiration date until they showed they aren't the brilliant hit makers they thought they were. When they couldn't create anything that comes close to the revenue WoW brings in they had to swallow their pride and keep it going.
If they don't call that part of the in-game store, "Gnome Depot" I am going to riot!
i'll join that riot
finally a real reason to block the freeway
Why go to Riot? League doesn't have player housing.
Love the roleplayer reference. I'm an avid roleplayer and I remember the days of Wildstar. People say that Player Housing will kill the world and RP but back in Wildstar the player housing enriched roleplay massively. People weren't building homes, they were building props! Taverns, shops, all sorts of wonderful backdrops for some pretty stellar RP!
And with private neighbourhoods, rp groups could theoretically build an entire district full of ALL those things, or even bespoke neighbourhoods for specific rp events.
Wildstar is the king of housing. Let's hope wow comes close
The idea of private versions of the ward system from FFXIV is really exciting. I truly hope Blizzard can pull this off because I'll be jumping back into WoW for sure.
Honestly, if there's ONE thing Blizzard excels at it is taking the concepts of other MMORPGS and improving on the recipe. I'm keeping a positive, hopeful attitude towards it for now.
As a GW2 player: lol
@@DabuddahAs a fellow GW2 player. He's right.
@@godlygamer911 dragon riding is a scuffed combination of skyscale and griffon but yeah sure go off
DRIVE looks fine but it ain't a roller beetle, why would I wanna play a game that's bringing features 8 years later?
@Dabuddah Because it's an all around better game regardless? So utilizing these features in a better game is a good thing...? What an odd question
No if there's one thing CURRENT blizzard excels at it's over promising if there's two things then its under delivering
Rift which was released in 2011 had player housing and it was great. Surprised it took this long for WoW to do it but hopefully people enjoy it 😊
after 20 years of living in your parents basement you can finally own your own home!!!!
still cant move out
but own your own home!!!
I’m hopeful that they can keep their promise about using different aesthetics of different races like garrisons were supposed to have :)
I had imagined we could build in any of the races capital cities or nearby the cities. I think at the very least we will be able to have our racial aesthetics since they're not doing the zones right away.
Agreed. This is the make or break it for me. If we are stuck with "Generic Human Building" and "Generic Orc Building" the whole thing is pointless.
@@jaymzOGWith you on that thought, but let‘s have faith. Not even Blizzard can be THAT stupid
This is like housing in LOTRO where you choose to buy a house that is located in an instance at a specific location in the game similar to a mini server. There are so many houses in the instance where other people can live with areas for socializing. LOTRO allowed you to put color and texture on the walls, furniture and gardens
Finally someone said it. This is basically neighbours from Lotro lol
As a player of both games, and House haver in FFXIV...I loved this post. Absolute Cinema. And I can only hope SE takes this to heart.
As long as my 2 favourites games are improving...I'm a happy Millennial.
XIV sure af isn't.
The preview post made me soooo happy, it sounds amazing the way they're approaching it!
So everything good about LOTRO player housing?! I'm IN!!!
It's about time. SWTOR and EQ2 have had player housing for actual decades.
@@DonDowning swtor is still top
lol, I'm still playing Everquest 2. Been playing on the Origins server aka vanilla server. DOF is about to launch.
This looks great.
Hopefully, as you said in the video, Blizzard does more than just talk to talk, but actually walks the walk.
They like telling us what we want to hear.
God I want a spooky haunted house aesthetic for my warlock, a big cauldron with neon green goop, cages for my test subjects, maybe a nice comfy bed for my fel pups
Private neighborhood for the win. Thank You!
Just thought of the ultimate horror, Player Housing Neighborhoods on the Moonguard Server. :-)
FINALLY!!!! Us roleplayers will no longer be ignored!!! 🎉
You'll enjoy your liquid lime-green toxic sludge basement, and LIKE it!!
I really hope we can make private neighborhoods that are open to be visited by the public. I could see myself spending a lot of time just visiting different neighborhoods and seeing all the different styles of houses. That would be very fun!
As a horde player I really hope I'm not forced to orcish aesthetic..
I have bad news for you
They said free expression with no race restrictions so there's a large chance you won't be forced to.
@@godlygamer911 you are the bad news are you just going to every comment to shit on the system when we know jack about it? theyre not forcing anyone to do anything in terms of themes and aesthetics, they quite literally said in the article that there will be an entire plethora of themes and styles that are based on all manner of cultures across azeroth
like why are wow players so stupid? blizzard posts concept art to show examples of what a new feature would look like in its early baby stages and everyone goes "OH MY GOD!! THIS IS IT THIS IS ALL WE'RE GETTING I CANT BELIEVE IT!!"
i don’t want to be neighbours with orcs! 😂😂
@@puffyeatoDid you not watch the video or are you just an American? Based on the end of your comment, I'm assuming the latter.
The warlords garrisons were supposed to have multiple locations to place them when they announced that too. I really hope they do get more locations ironed out (i.e.) location relevant to each of the classic playable races.) Only time will tell if they actually do it. i think it's be cool to get a tauren themed area with plateaus,mesa, overlooking razorfen quilboar and plains. probably would be pretty straight-forward too.
This is interesting. I wonder where the housing zones will be on the map? I assumed when housing was announce, blizzard would revamp capital cities and surrounding zones and we would be able to build there. I pictured living in the walls of Ironforge or up in the cliffs of Org.
As a Bellular fan. Bring back Live weekly podcasts with Mike and Matt for Fuke Sakes 😢
Big chunk of a comment/reaction/idea share:
I'm excited for this info and the upcoming content, as well as the housing.
Honestly, though, I wish there was a possibility of upgrading the Garrisons, being able to add more current materials to the Herb Garden and Mine. Upgrading it like we were doing steadily through WOD. I know the mindset of many WoW players is to just dump previous content without looking back and focusing exclusively on the new. I like making use of all my hard-won resources. Granted, the stuff you can make/use in the Garrisons is all only good for low-level characters and crafting skills, but I still like to do that for new alts and for others with new alts - selling the low-level content in the AH.
I just feel like all the work that went into a lot of the older content could be fairly easily given a makeover or an upgrade, which would be more realistic to me - as far as immersion in the WoW world - because you don't go to all the trouble to build a house and then just abandon it (at least not normally) when something new becomes available.
Thanks for doing what you do at Bellular Warcraft. It's VERY appreciated! 😁👍🏼💜
Can not wait for housing,should add an awesome layer to the game. Question though if I may, will the weekly live vods with yourself and Matt be returning soon? I know quite a lot of your community have been asking on the last vods comments section but the silence has been deafening. Really miss the weekly mischief and hope you will have an update for us. Thank you for all the great work.
I really hope that they don't restrict decorations to only modern things. As in, I hope that the system for boundless expression is basically giving players unrestricted access to all the doodads in the game files, and letting them go nuts.
If I want my house to look straight out of 2004, I should be allowed to.
I'm really excited about all of this. I love world of Warcraft and I've been playing it since day one and I'll never stop and I really hope that they recognize that there is a huge community behind them that wants to love them.
It looks like they also saw the success of Wildstar's huge housing system too and are integrating some of the ideas of it. I like they actually looked at what works and didnt work.
I’ve posted so many comments saying for them to implement player housing JUST like what they are doing now … and they are doing it …. They read my comments I take credit for wow player housing you are WELCOME player base it was all me. lol
We've had housing in Lord of the Rings Online for over a decade, with each starting race, hobbit, man, elf and dwarf, having their own style of multi-instanced neighborhoods, that have personal houses as well as splendid kin (LotRO's version of guilds) houses. We now have Premium housing with larger stately homes in the later expansion areas (Gondor, Rohan, Kelebor housing in the Lonely Mountain and Lyndelby a hobbit enclave high in the Misty Mountains) that are even more splendid, some with special ambience for each house to change the skies, along with the many factions in the game offering their own cultural styles of furnishings and yard decorations. I played WoW up to Pandaria, wishing there was housing and hope that WoW's new system works for everyone as well.
Great video, thanks for the update Bellular! I'm definitely excited for player housing! I used to play FFXIV and it was nice to have a house to "hang out" at although after I had been playing the game a while I'll admit I did get kind of bored of the FFXIV player housing system. If WoW can manage to make something that keeps people entertained, win/win.
I'm not sure if I will play 11.1 immedietly! I may wait, currently I'm playing Cataclysm Classic and having a blast!
2:55 -> I don't know man in draenor they said garrisons would be on other zones too.
This has been something I've wanted for a very very long time. I don't think it's possible to live up to my crazy wants but if it even gets halfway I'll be happy. So far of what I have read though it sounds really good.
My brain completely irrationally is over the moon excited by the prospects of player housing
Bro, I'm so happy. I can finally say I'm excited for more WoW again instead of dreading what they're going to break next. They keep winning, and I'm actually optimistic that it'll last.
For me, they are saying all the right things ... Player housing is going to be a huge win for the game. Improving the new player / new-character starting experience is definitely important and having a full team working on systems that facilitate more enjoyable in-game social experiences couldn't be more important in a time where selfish toxicity is rampant and has such a massive impact on how other people play and perceive the game. But as always, the devils in the details, and how they execute, iterate and listen to feedback will make or break how these new systems are perceived and adopted. I remain cautiously optimistic for now.
there are good reasons other games have those housing mechanics. I don't want to be part of a neighbourhood where most of the other houses on my street have been abandoned as players will inevitably log off forever for one reason or another
We better be able to mark our home’s private and party only, because I don’t want random people showing up when I’m in my house chilling or doing RP with friends. Not everyone wants people to show up inside the home bothering us. The game may be an MMO but they know there are players who prefer solo play, and running stuff with random players we won’t see again.
It sounds like Blizzard is doing Housing right, I truely cant wait to see this
I'll be keeping an eye on the housing situation in WoW. If they manage to pull it off, I will be pleasantly surprised. But until then, I'll hold off my judgment either way. Eeeeexcept for the cash shop thing. I foresee them doing the classic thing of "keep the best / most original stuff for the shop".
If the indoor decorating works like indoor decorating in Palia, then i would be very happy.
as an ff14 player with a house...
im legit only subbed right now to keep it.
You are getting conned into playing a subpar game to keep a house😂
@@godlygamer911 Thinking FFXIV is subpar when WoW is doing nothing but patching in stuff FFXIV has to improve itself since DF launch is wild.
@@godlygamer911 as someone whos been playing since arr its more the hope it gets better that keeps me subbed.
Sincerely honest question no shade, if you're not interested in playing 14 enough to pay for a sub why does it matter if you keep the house?
@@MilkshakeGuruTTV last time I checked you guys still pay for things in the cash shop and it's locked to one character. Last time I checked warbands were not a thing in ffxiv. Last time I checked you guys didn't have mythic plus which they've gone to great lengths to improve in 11.1. Last time I checked your game didn't have a new BR mode with free cosmetics for the main game.
So please tell me what ffxiv had that WoW is just now adding. Seriously. I'm willing to be wrong, I just don't think I am. I love ffxiv, but it seems like you don't know anything about WoW. Maybe try to at least have a basic understanding of the thing you're talking about before drooling on the keyboard about it. You didn't even mention a single feature, so at least name a single one. I've given plenty of examples of new things that arent just taken from other MMOs. I can keep naming more if you'd like. You didn't name shit.
This is why both games being healthy is good. Competition pushes both forward
I would be SHOCKED if Private Neighborhoods weren't monetized somehow. Thousands (potentially millions) of instances cannot be cheap to run hardware-wise.
Untill I see gameplay, I will NOT get my hopes up. Leason learned after years of dissapointment!
Im so happy they are taking ques from Final Fantasy and improving on it.
very nice! good that they take the neighbourhood route. especially the private ones.
I had to chuckle when you said 'build your own HoA'. Our guild's name is Hand of Algalon, or HoA for initials. LOL! we'll be having our own 'HoA neighborhood' right off but hopefully much less toxic than your typical HoA.
Don't listen to what the devs say but look at what they're doing instead : they're merchandising the shiet out of EVERYTHING in the game and adding stuff I don't like without removing what I don't.
Blizzard can beg and I'll answer ''Bye Bye Benjamins''
As exciting as it sounds, I will believe it when I see it. Also here before they add $90 fomo furniture sets on the store.
"nightfall reveals her true face" is about Alleria - calling it now
I do hope WoW can pull housing decoration freedom like ESO does. I recall people saying how for mere trying to modify layout of your house in FFXIV you can get banned by Square. I really hope old engine of WoW will handle it. Housing of ESO is super fun after all. Lol yeah Housing is huge cashcow for ZOS in ESO, can't imagine Blizzard not noticing that since these two are both now in Microsoft.
Damn I really hope they do a "building event" like FF14 did to engage playing in the process, and not just pop up a neighborhood out of nowhere.
The actual owning a house part of FFXIV can be really good, especially if you use mods which allow you to do a good bit more. It's just the process of obtaining the house and then keeping it that absolutely suck. There's no good reason to attach keeping your house to your subscription. So I'd say WoW's jab at it is pretty justified, though at the same time, they can't really brag too much when they're so late to the game compared to just about every other MMO. Best to let your housing system speak for itself when it releases later in the year.
The reason houses are tied to subscriptions is because of a player requested feature where people who left the game retained their properties basically freezing the market no new houses entering (at that time) and no old houses becoming available. Something a lot of people refuse to acknowledge or don't know is that almost all the 'maligned' features of XIV housing are player demanded, sometimes it's a monkey paw situation like the lottery system to combat bots spam clicking outside a sign post and other times its DIRECTLY implemented from player requests. Does the system need work, absolutely, but what we have is working and that's nothing short of a miracle considering we've had the same engine for over a decade and code debt is deep.
It should have been removed as a requirement after the lottery system and Ishgard housing were put into the game. Yes, housing is still limited. Do I think that matters at this point? No. It's up to CB3 to continue adding new housing districts at a decent pace instead of forcing people to pay a sub during downtime in the game. If they don't want to do that, then at the very least, that 45-day limit should be doubled, if not tripled. At least that way you're allowing people to take full breaks in between major patches without them worrying about their house disappearing.
Bluesky lol, no one uses that.
There are some really well done wards in FFXIV, so neighborhoods can be awesome (they're the RP ones), but I would honestly prefer an ESO style house (as an option at least)- especially if we could be phased in a major location (like Stormwind). The vast majority of FFXIV's wards are dead, and it should be noted we have entire guilds in many of our houses (which seems like guilds wont own houses in WoW, like they can in FFXIV- which is fine cause there is the private ward idea). So I think it would be awesome to have both styles, because for most of us a neighborhood /only/ system just means less cool places you can exist in (which is something ESO-like system can example all the cool places you might be in). Again noting the vast vast majority of FFXIV's wards are dead. I realize they are adding a reward system on top of it... that may help (FFXIV doesn't do that, although we have an example of ideas in our Ishgard zone), but it could also become a whole new Garrison chain you to home system (because its too good to ignore the reward).
I am literally waiting for these guys to tell me about the new stuff that wow is bringing. Housing will be awesome!
Having a yard for my battle-pets and a plaque to hang my legendaries would be sweet
i can unfortunately foresee housing having hundreds of bland recolors of tables and beds etc earnable in game (prob a few cool things to be fair), and a few really unique high quality things in the shop. Just like mounts and transmog
I want to be able to set up a portal to Mardum in my demon hunters house. I need to check in on them every so often to make sure they don't... well, get bored. They don't handle boredom well
Housing is one of the reasons I left FFXIV, I had a small house and would never be able to get the medium house I wanted.
They also said there would be more warband backgrounds to come. It’s been 6 months I still have the ugly base one 😢
I agree with Blizz trying to do that... but they're also waaaaay behind with the rest of the things FFXIV does to cater to the RPers.
The problem is, FFXIVs system isnt that way because they wanted it to be, its that way because Housing takes a metric shit ton of data storage, Hundreds of entities in thousands of houses over multiple intances and thats just one server. Its all well and good Blizzard pounding their chest about it. But I would bet on them implementing restrictions as soon as the shit hits the fan when it comes out and suddenly the servers are taking a pounding.
Honestly this is probably exactly what's going to happen because this seems like they're promising way too much
Ok smart guy explain lotro swotor, wildstar, bdo, new world, etc
They release a casino in the next patch and then make a blog post about giving everyone a house, what did they mean by this?
So far I have yet to see a housing feature that could rival WildStar.
I'll wait to see if the house item I want is locked behind a 0.05% drop from a raid boss. Where you can "farm" it for 10 years on 20 characters every week and still never have a chance.
mad... i dont want to live in a orchut with my bloodelf :/
Players build and decorate cool houses. Blizzard AI learns them and makes free assets for devs.
Can't wait to see the roleplaying neighborhoods cooked up by Moonguard
Player housing looks great for humans and orcs. For everyone else, not so much. And Blizz have said they're not planning on new "neighbourhoods" because it would spread the players out too much (as if instancing doesn't already create that problem).
Orcs aren't even remotely the most played horde race, practically speaking it would have made more sense to give us human and blood elf neighbourhoods.
Didn't they said that they don't plan it for now ? Like they did said somewhere there that new zones will be added overtime.
My issue is what happens at launch when you are forced to commit to a zone and then later down the line another zone opens up? Do you get to teleport your home to the new zone or must you start from scratch? I sure hope we can teleport our home all things considered. Also, for those who play solitary toons, what about a hidden home like the base of a tree or the side of a hill or a cave underwater? And for those who have a garrison, connect your player housing to the garrison and upgrade the garrison as well - this way you recycle old good content. That's right, garrison is old good content that just needs some modern loving. The garrison could me a sort of "man cave".
Blizzard servers with 20x the budget melted with garrisons... blizzard really underestimate the server load of a ward based housing.
9:09 yea i love nightborne elfs but their opening area is pretty annoying. With guards not giving directions or anything. So you just wander around the palace gardens.
Can't wait to find out how they timegate it!!
For me it isn’t FFXIV’s housing they need to match or exceed. It’s Wildstar’s housing that WoW really needs to surpass.
i just want a The Sims build mode theme background music
I see the weight loss, great job buddy keep it up!
I really hope there will be a Nightborne theme house!
I don’t think the “neighborhood” aspect will mean much. After a couple of years, nearly all houses will be deserted as people naturally come and go from the game. Guild plots would be less so, but even they will be affected.
I've been paying a monthly sub for FFXIV since I quit in 2022, just because I refuse to lose my house. lol
I wonder what comes at the end of all of this? Once TLT is wrapped up.
How long will the servers stay up?
Will it just be a bunch of little QoL updates and eventually nothing? Quiet until the shutdown announcement?
Do we finally let it all go after they shut down? Move on once and for all?
What about the possibility of dedicated server software being passed on to us after eventual shutdown, will we get to play with their engine/editor?
We got delves as the 4th pillar, housing legit could be the 5th pillar.
Id be happy with them keeping Garrisons relevant.
Wow 2037 - remember the early days when the game wasn't a city builder?
Blizzard sniping ffxiv housing like naked snake killing the end of old age.
Lord!!!! Look out, Moonguard will have a red light district.
WoW trying to incorporate SIMS into their war RPG. In 10 years, it'll try to add GTA goblin and gnome cars with pregnant orcs crossing the road.
Damnit! Can we please just get a fishing game for our phone so we can farm for WoW while we're afk
I hope it is good but the thing is social is classic, in retail it's just toxic lol. Be interesting to see what happens.
I love that we keep the house if sub is inactive though, that is the reason I have never had a house in FFXIV.
It would be awesome if we can see our pets/mounts running about! but I doubt that haha, maybe pets?
I NEED a house in Gilneas or Suramar
Blizzard taking ideas of other games, I am absolutely shocked! shocked I tell you!
Probably skip this feature until there are more zones. The last place Id want a player house is in Durotar or Aszhara.
WoW had an expiration date until they showed they aren't the brilliant hit makers they thought they were. When they couldn't create anything that comes close to the revenue WoW brings in they had to swallow their pride and keep it going.
Neighborhoods sound a lot like the LotRO version of housing.
cant wait for 90% of the housing stuff to be on the Game Shop for up to $100.
More like 5%.
Will I still be alive in 2026? I can't make a commitment that far out in advance. Can you bolt the doors?
Whatever happened to the podcast? Will it be returning or is it finished?
FF14 ARR, also took 80% of the features WoW had , after FF14 1.0 failed.
Discord hookup that lets guild chat sync to a server channel :O