Isaiah was 700 years before Jesus born as Yeshua to Virgin Mary. Give Isaiah 53. Spalm 22with king David 1k years before Jesus as Immanuel. 7.14 and Mathew 1.23 The OLD Testament defends the New and the New the old. One without the other is not optimal
@@enjoybaxla9664 when you are about to commit sin. Think "Is this temporary worldly pleasure worth hurting God who has been oh so merciful towards me?" That deturs me. Also dont fall into the trap that Satan allows of "Wellllll is this a sin????" 99% of the time it is. Dont fall brother
Forreal, dude had a smile on his face the whole time, and you can tell he smiles alot by the wrinkles on cheeks. Even though he appears "happy" on the outside, in his heart he is probably super sad/lost, I know I would be if I didn't have Jesus, O glory to you Lord, may that guy see your love and mercy and may he accept you Jesus amen
I always wonder if he binds the demons inside of people before he witnesses to them. Because I clearly see so many people manifesting demons while he’s speaking to them. The guy in this video was so smug, wow…
Sometimes the seed falls on hard ground. But we can always remember that the word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword. Hopefully, it will bother his conscience long enough for him to seek the Lord....somewhere else. Thank you, Ray for continuing to be so faithful for all these years.
I do too. But I also cringe at the fact that once he does keep pressing on, and they keep smirking at him... I can see Ray’s words just flying over the guy’s head (or in one ear and out the other.) I’d like to see Ray take an alternate route depending on whatever accusations they’re throwing at him (which Ray does sometimes.)
@@4thegloryofthelord He has explained sometimes that it's better to just press on and get to the point so they hear the whole message. If you stop to entertain their debate you will never get through that way.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood. You can literally see the disguise that the spirits have when being presented with the gospel. Thanks Ray Comfort for your continue reaching out through love and humility. You have an awesome crown awaiting you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth. God bless
Respectfully, I think you have the right idea but this is the wrong teaching. Sometimes it's demonic, but as Paul says: "Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?” (Romans 7:24, NASB)
@@fireandworms Paul also said Some indeed preach Christ even from envy and strife, and some also from goodwill: The former preach Christ from selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my chains; but the latter out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel. What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached; and in this I rejoice, yes, and will rejoice. Ray is bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:15-18 NKJV
This guy needs Jesus more than ever. So do I. And I profess Christ!!! Sadly, there are some people that I don’t have the patience for, and he’s one of them. Y’all pray for me, please?
Doug - I often feel the same intolerance sharing The Gospel with those with such a proud, condescending heart and attitude. I too need prayers for treating these people with more patience and perseverance. In my prayers friend.
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.”2 Timothy 4:3,4
I was once like him but by the grace of God he opened my eyes to the truth. Jesus is our Lord and Savior, he shed his blood for us sinners! What a gift from God to have me know the truth!🙏🏽
I’ve been wanting to become a missionary when I grow up, and I don’t know where I want to preach, I’ve been thinking Africa, but I think I might want to pray first.
India has had the Gospel preached to them. Now so many people have come to America from there, and they didn’t have the right motives. They have done so much to try to make America 🇺🇸 a third world country.
@@dougwilliams5474 your comment doesn't make sense and seems racist. Christianity has got nothing to do with America. Pray for your own land that ppl rise up there and every where of their own countries to preach the gospel within their own nations
@@sparklegirl5508 oh, I must be a hater and a racist . I’ve been told that I’m a racist because my favorite colors are red, white, and blue. What did I possibly say that so offended you?
Well my fellow brother's and sister's, here is another sister who has rejoined the flock of Jesus. I have allway's known, loved and had a relationship with God, allway's felt him but i too lived in sin, unaware of the true way's expected of me. Untill recently, i just couldn't run anymore, couldn't do it on my own, so i turned to God and i prayed and then i picked myself up and went off to church, all on my own, of my own choice. Now i'm going to church regularly, i have my bible (though i need to read it more) learning to give it to God and pray right and staying connected with other children of God.. etc My journey has only just begun a few months ago and i still have much to do but i'm home my brother's and sister's, i'm here! Next step, i will be baptised. God bless you all! 🙏❤️
I don’t believe in god but I’m sorta curious about ghosts and curses. I’m not entirely sure if they actually do exist. Yes, I’ve seen videos of ghosts or read articles about supposedly cursed objects, but I’m skeptical so I still choose to not believe because for all I know, all those stories could be made up. If I found out ghosts exist or at least demons, then that would probably change my belief about god.
Brother Ray, I’m waiting on my first tract sample pack from Living Waters. You are an inspiration of the bravery I hope to emulate. While admittedly I have a long way to go, but the first step is made. I pray for you my brother and I hope more people will be accepting. A good word turns away wrath, but many will see the wisdom of God as Foolish
He just seems to be someone that is very uncomfortable debating when they are not on top. He probably laughs a lot when hes stumped in a political argument as well. He's prideful like most before they are saved.
@@God-mc3vr if you think Jesus sinned then you are not a Christian because you are not saved. What is saving you? A man man of sin? There is no atoning sacrifice whatsoever in that.
I'm so glad that ray comfort is evangelizing. Seeing him on late night tv years ago kept a spark in my mind about God and Jesus Christ. Thank you Ray Comfort. I love you brother.
Ray, I admire you for continuing on when a person is as arrogant and proud as this guy. I understand why you keep get the entire gospel to his ears and let God do the work. Your patience and compassion are amazing. Love your consistent presentation of the gospel.
💯... it's all God's work. We just drop the seeds where we can. At first I'm heartbroken, seeing this guy laugh so crudely at what Jesus did for him. Then I'm horrified, because he will have to answer for this moment on Judgement Day, if he doesn't turn to Jesus... We were all there at one point in our lives! But God is rich in mercy, and He will turn to anyone who turns to Him. 🙏📖✝️
"In the last days scoffers will arise following after their own lusts.." sadly, when Ray was telling him about Jesus he was laughing, and not giving the word of God honor. It is honestly sad how far peoples hearts are from God. But what is impossible for man is possible for God, and our conversations were impossible, but God turned our hearts. He will turn even the scoffers hearts... pray for not just this man, but this generation. That God will open eyes, ears, and hearts.
Ray, I love your videos they are so inspiring I’m a 17 year old girl who wants to evangelize when I’m old enough I was wondering if you have any tips for me how can I overcome that fear of stepping out and talking to a stranger and how can I share the gospel effectively God bless you and your ministry :)
Thanks Ray, you have show me great lines so I can do what God as request me to do: sharing is Gospel to my surrounding. It already start to work in my house! please pray for me, has I'm praying for you, that the Holy spirit give strength and protection to go to stranger.
Ray, you remind me so much of my precious dad who was a door-to-door evangelist and soul winner when we were missionaries in Northern Europe. He planted several churches during his ministry, and now at the age of 90 he still speaks about Jesus and how he was healed and radically saved to anyone he encounters!! “He that winneth souls is wise” Together where wrote a book about his ministry (from saving bodies to saving souls) in English and Italian, his mother tongue 🙌🏼 for the glory of God You’re awesome Ray 🙌🏼
I used to be a bit like this guy, I thought I had it all figured out in life and I was living my life something like this guy. I was stubborn. Years down the track life circumstances brought me to a crossroads in my life where I was very sick and I couldn't see my life continuing. As an absolute last resort (as I 'd tried everything else I could think of), at the end of the road and considering suicide, I called on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I gave my broken life and myself to Jesus Christ. There's not enough space to relate my entire testimony here, suffice to say that Jesus Christ proved to me that He is Alive and Real and Present. That he is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I had a kind of Road to Damascus experience at a time when I was so ignorant, I didn't even know the meaning behind that well known phrase. Jesus is King.
I just got your book called “Faith is for weak people” and it has really opened my eyes about evangelism. It’s a great book and I recommend people should get it. I want to get the evidence bible too but I need to save up a little more for that
I call these interviews "possible seeds or possible sunlight" prayers for this young man. Thanks again Ray. Main ministry I can actually see my donations going to.
This was more along the lines of my experiences in witnessing to people. They take the conversation waaay off topic. They want to start to argue about the creation of the Bible, historical issues, debate reality and on and on. It is really hard, in my experience, to deal with that. I kind of wish Ray had addressed his argument. I guess it just wouldn't lead anywhere. People hate God and don't want the truth. We just have to pray that God will open their eyes and soften their hearts so they become ready to listen.
@@thebigone3437 I'll tell you how Jesus saved me from my sins. Before I was a Christian, I was stuck in a sin that I knew was wrong but I couldn't seem to get out of it. And I really didn't care enough to stop it anyway because doing the sin felt good because we all have a sinful nature and therefore we are naturally drawn to sin instead of the things of God. But after I became a Christian, I still did the sin for a while, but the difference was once I started listening to God, He convicted me that it was wrong and that I shouldn't be doing it. I told myself I wouldn't do it again and kept asking God to forgive me, but I still did it anyway even though I knew God wanted me to turn from it. The longer and the more I prayed to God about it though, the less I did it, but I was still doing it some. It took a while for me to completely stop listening to my sinful nature and listen to God. But only when I completely relied on God's power instead of my own to stop it, I eventually did and it felt so good to do what God had been wanting me to do: turn from sin and turn completely to Him for help. That's one of the main reasons that I know God exists and who He says He is. Because He freed me from my sins and now that I am a Christian, I know that I am going to Heaven one day to be with Him.
Unfortunately, he’s determined to live with his head in the sand. He’s refusing to believe that he’d be held accountable for anything. But I’m thankful that Ray was there to witness to this man and had such patience with him. Maybe one day the man will come to the end of himself and find The Father
I’ll tell you what gets me most about these interviews. That I fall in love, in a very real way, with every person he talks to and their humanity. (If only this would happen in real life now!)
Sad to say that individuals like Aaron in their smugness think they know more than theologians and historians who spend their entire life studying the Bible and the historic evidence that supports what was written.
It reminds me of the verse that reads, men don't want to come into the light lest their deeds be exposed, they rather stay in darkness, they live their sin
@@God-ck8ow You and your wife are sinners. Every human is. You fall short of the standard of righteousness. There is no one who is righteous. All have fallen short of the glory of God. We all deserve hell. from the best person you can think of to the worst. Because we've all sinned against the only holy Creator God. He is perfectly holy, perfectly righteous, perfectly just. Sin against Him will not go unpunished. Yet He is love. In His love, God became a man. Jesus, the Son of God. God in human flesh. He lived the only perfect life. He is the only righteous man to ever live. He perfectly obeyed the Law of God. And as has been His plan since before He created the world, He gave Himself over, completely blameless, to be falsely accused and wrongly convicted at the hands of sinful men. They beat Him, mocked Him, spat on Him, and thrust a crown of thorns on His head. Then they nailed Him to the cross. The One who created them, who Is all powerful, not only allowed them to nail Him to the cross, it was His plan. On that cross God made Him who knew no sin to become sin. The Father placed His full wrath for all the sin of those who would believe in Him upon His own Son. The punishment of sin that we all deserve and that all will receive if they do not believe in Him was given to the Son. He gave up His own life and died. He was buried in a tomb. Yet three days later God raised Him from the dead. Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven where He sits on His thrown at the right hand of the Father and awaits to return to the earth to gather up to Himself His people, establishing His perfect kingdom, and to judge the living and the dead. He is King of kings and Lord of lords. Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. No one can earn their way to heaven. There is only one Way, Jesus. He is the Way and the Truth and the Life. Only by repenting (turning away from our autonomy, our rejection of God, our rebellion -- sin) and believing in Jesus Christ can someone be saved. When a person realizes that he is a sinner, totally hopeless and unable to earn their way to heaven, with no righteousness of their own, only evil sin, and turns to Christ alone is he saved. That person is then counted as righteous because the perfect righteousness of Christ clothes them. Christ took their sin upon Himself on the cross and covers them in His righteousness. It is only by the mercy of God, by His grace, in turning to Him in faith is someone saved.
"Bro" needs to substantiate his claims & not rail off what he's heard. No justification/back up for his claims, just his speculation & lack of knowledge about objective morals that are clearly shown in reality, not subjective, "i wish it were this way" (is/ought fallacy). You're more patient than i am Ray, i thank you for being so brave, God bless you & LW team!
i like how with patience, persistence, and gently staying focused you cut him off at his knees, which he saw coming but without escape God will use that
Ray you planted another seed. Thank you my brother! Make sure and tell people that it's not just about getting into Heaven... But it's also about getting Heaven into you! A relationship with our Creator is literally Heaven on earth in a human. Tell them that. Then they can have something else to look forward to if they'll just surrender. I was just like that guy most of my adult life. I never knew I could actually have a relationship with God. I was only told about getting to Heaven.
Former atheist here. DNA and RNA cannot form in a chemical puddle or even in the most pristine laboratory environments with all the purified chemicals at hand.
@@danielfriis9262 There's never been a successful experiment even producing all the correct building blocks to life! Also, Chemists put exactly what they want in their experiments to get the exact results they want! It's guided chemistry! RNA world experiments are conducted using designed high-tech laboratory equipment, under a highly controlled environment using specific solutions of purified man-made chemical reagents. Chemically stabilized Clays using pH manipulation. The yields are abysmally small and proportionately way outnumbered by useless or detrimental products. Most biomolecules are much too unstable to stick around long enough to become useful anyway. Yields are not adequate, even in the laboratory, never mind in the harsh contaminated environment of a deep sea vent or geothermal pool!
@@danielfriis9262 the Miller Urey experiment resulted in 99% tar, and of the organic molecules that were created, they were racemates, and also bonded to the tar so they couldn't engage in chemical reactions. It proved that life couldn't arise naturally, but the propaganda sold it 180° from the truth
@@tonymaurice4157 RNA world has many experiments for different purposes. You need to be specific what experiment you are talking about. that it is "abysmally small" means nothing to a entire planet doing something for hundres of thousands of years.
He's just harden his heart so that he can enjoy the beauty of this world in his own way.. Praying for Aron.. May the Holy Spirit continue speaking to him and convict his heart.. Thank you Ray for planting the gospel in his heart.. God bless you and Living Waters Ministry!
@@acp865 Ray wanted to stick to preaching the Gospel truth, "bro" wanted to start an argument & red herrings. Jesus told us to preach the Gospel (Mark 16:15), no need to argue, the Holy Spirit does the work, not us. God bless (Matthew 5:45)!
@@robmc120 How do you know he was trying to start an argument? Merely by disagreeing with Ray? Then Ray was trying to start an argument too. Actually, he wasn’t trying to start an argument at all. He was merely stating his opinions and beliefs. Ray has a habit of avoiding topics he doesn’t want to talk about, or topics that he can’t legitimately explain.
Father, I lift up Micah to you....only You know his needs, concerns & requests today...we Thank & Praise you Lord that you open the doors that need to be opened & slam shut the doors that need to be closed, we thank You for favor in his life, in Jesus Powerful Name, Amen.
Praise God. I can tell this man seeks. I’ve been where he is where he just hasn’t heard the truth yet that would pierce his heart, but I can tell that something definitely happened here. He’s most likely looking more in to who Jesus is and studying about the Bible. Watching Ray Comfort really puts my life with Christ in to perspective and inspires me to be a better Christian.
How can you face hell with a smile on your face? This is tragic. May God continue to lend His grace and this man finds the path that leads him to salvation.
@@acp865 If you do not choose Jesus Christ then you choose hell by default. John 14:6 I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
@@gdsgstar Thanks for replying. I still searching for an answer. I just don’t understand why if a person is good why he goes to hell just because he don’t believe in god. What if a child is good and she doesn’t believe in god. Does she get sent to hell if she dies young?
@@acp865 You will be judged on what you know. But even if you have never heard the name Jesus we all have a conscience. And no matter how good we think we are, we all have sinned and fallen short. I know some people that do not want to read the bible or hear too much about it. I was one of those people. I liked my sin. I felt deep down if I read and learnt what was in the bible I would have to stop living my life, and become some guy who had zero fun. The irony, living my best life is a life with Jesus Christ. I had it wrong for a very very long time.
To everyone watching this, pray and agree: Loving God, I pray that you will comfort us in my suffering, lend skill to the hands of my healers, and bless the means used for my cure. Give me such confidence in the power of your grace, that even when I am afraid, I may put my whole trust in you; through our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen
🙏 Thank God for His patience with me. I pray to be more patient! And may He bless you so for your sweet patience! It is sad how ignorant and arrogant mankind can be.
I love how Ray always gets to the real issue of the heart and doesn't get diverted by all those different arguments that people want to get into. We could stand all day and argue about when the Bible was actually written and whether or not these are the words of Jesus. But God wants to get to the heart and address the real issue of sin. Man tries to run away from that because he doesn't want to accept the reality that he is a sinner and needs Jesus. Lord, please help this man understand the truth and please open his heart to accept the gospel and turn away from his sins and be saved.
This is what you could say is moral relativity. A sense of right and wrong is filtered through one's beliefs. In our western culture that sense of right and wrong mirrors a Christian world view. The bible preaches that morality comes from God and as such it is absolute and not subjective to man's view. The greatest commandment is to love and all of the laws and prophecies hinge off of LOVE. Without a divine moral ruler,. Any sense of morality is simply subjective to one's own beliefs. Moral relativity I believe can cause some people to uphold the disposition of "Believe in a a God if you want, just don't infringe on my standards of right and wrong, even though I apply my own world view to others."
@@God-mc3vr The Old Testament still has relevant laws such as the ten commandments. Many things still apply. Are you really a Christian because your name smells of troll? No offence.
Christians proving God to atheist shouldn't even be a thing, at the end of day even if the biblical God existence was proven as a fact, it's not like they would start trusting God and follow Jesus Christ as their lord and savior, it's not an Intellectual issue but a deceitful prideful heart issue. We see many examples in The old testament where God made his existence known but it didn't matter.
As a former atheist now Christian, I just wanna encourage you to arm yourself with knowledge of arguments for God. At the bare minimum have the cosmological argument ready at hand. I was 23 years old before I even heard the gospel. I would have died in my sins multiple times before I even heard the gospel once, or met any Christian with anything that I would have perceived as intellect. Thankfully the Lord preserved my life multiple times, saving me from certain death. I think every Christian should at the bare minimum know the cosmological argument and know how to logic to why it's the God of the Bible. I know it can be incredibly frustrating witnessing to people sometimes, but just bare with it brother, it's the Spirit who saves, and often it's the person who you would least expect Him to.
Hello, fellow atheist here. The fact that you’re assuming that I don’t believe in god because of “deceitful pride” just tells me that you’re the type person who will instantly judge a person without looking at the actual facts. Where did you get the idea that “deceitful pride” is the reason why I don’t believe?? Did you get that from the what the Bible says about atheists?? Because if you did, I’m honestly not surprised. Most people here tell me that I was never a “true Christian” or that I don’t want to believe because I love my sin. I honestly find those statements really offensive because you are making false assumptions based off a book that you don’t even know if it’s true or not. Your Holy Book knows nothing about me and you don’t know nothing about me either. You don’t know how I feel, what I believe, and you don’t even know whether I “love” my sins or not. If the Christian God was actually proven with undeniable proof or if I saw physical proof from experience, then I would believe in god.
@@ftumusiclover1239 believe in God?, What does that mean? Because even the demons believe too, a better question is would you trust Jesus Christ as your lord and savior?
The books were written within 5-30 years for the most part, with revelation about 60 years later (postmils will say less than 40), we have existing manuscript fragments from just about 100 years after, but they were written down long before that
The fact he stayed and listened to you and processed it proves he has a curiosity and hunger for truth and for God. People who truly don't believe in God wouldve walked away. Great video. 👍
So sad how deceived and lost some people are. Thank you brother Ray for ministering to this soul. Hopefully the seed that was planted will bear much fruit later.
My heart literally breaks when I see people laughing at the good news of hope in Jesus! Thanks Ray for all you do, you have inspired me to share the good news, its what we all should be doing
It’s the pride of one who thinks they know everything, but really knows nothing of substance and refuses to consider they may be wrong. It rubs me the wrong way, too. I deal with those types often.
God Bless him for his honesty and thoughtfulness. He makes good points. I hope he comes home to the Lord. Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.
@@Naythong10 Are you born again Nathan? If you are, then you need to ask God for discernment of spirits. And if you’re not, then this will all seem like foolishness to you because you are still dead in your sins.
@born naked Didn't the man claim he seen demons in the man? But you accuse me of not knowing God. You're right, He does give us a new spirit and a new heart. He also tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. I'm sorry I didn't recognize any demons. I saw a proud heart justifying his reasons of why he didn't need a savior. If you have the gift of discerning spirits, than why is it that you lord it over me?
@@outintheboondocks1466 I understand that his spirit is not of God. But you claimed the man has demons. My brother has been possessed by demons for years. He was diagnosed schizophrenic when I was 18. I remember when I just got saved I tried to preach the gospel to him but my understanding of the gospel was flawed. Right in the middle of speaking to him he said false prophet out of nowhere. Over the years I've learned to discern when someone has been possessed by a demon. I did not see demons in this man but I did not see the spirit of God in this man.
@born naked Thank you brother! Definitely want to grow and be nurtured in understanding spiritual matters better. Fell away from my faith for awhile and the Spirit has been bringing to light the things that have been hidden for some time now. When other brothers in Christ condemn and accuse me of not knowing God it's very disheartening. I can assure you my faith is in him and I'm grateful knowing that he will continue to reveal those things which are beyond our understanding at this moment as we continue to grow in him. Please offer a hand to help other believers understand. Get to know their hearts before anything else.
In my humble opinion, there was a missed opportunity when the historicity of the New Testament was questioned. This needed to be defended with apologetics and facts. Other than that, well done Ray. We pray for you and for all.🙏
Mary. You are obviously a caring person. I would really like to know your thoughts on this: Best wishes, Ray Comfort
If we have faith in Jesus Christ, the hardest as well as the easiest times in life can be a blessing. In all conditions, we can choose the right with the guidance of the Spirit. We have the gospel of Jesus Christ to shape and guide our lives if we choose it.
May the Lord bring the lost sheep home! Pray for them. May the lord return soon! Hang in there family, stay strong. God is in control! Always remember that. If you are in a storm like myself, focus on the Lord! God is with you! Whether things get better or worse, a kingdom awaits you! Finish the race! New channel here, I’d appreciate any kind of support. Don’t give up! God loves you so much! So do I. God bless you!
If you were truly crucified with Christ, you would not be trolling other Christian channels promoting yourself and asking people for money because you think it's an easy way to get rich off of gullible undiscerning well intentioned people. You're promoting your "poems" about God, over His Holy inspired inerrant Word which He exhalts above His Holy Name (Psalm 138:2). You are young and healthy able to work. The truth is you're are lazy and unwilling to get a real job and support yourself. "For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat." 2 Thessalonians 3:10 "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world."- 1 John 4:1
Jesus Christ loves you, so much that He died for you on the cross, to pay the penalty of your sins so that you wouldn't have to. We all have sinned and are deserving of God's wrath, but by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross there is full pardon for whoever believes. Put your full trust and believe in Him for salvation today, because in Him there's eternal life and freedom. Who the Son sets free is free indeed 🙏🏻 Kindly consider accepting Him into your heart as your LORD and Saviour, it's the best decision you'll ever make 😊 (Romans 10:9-10 and Ephesians 2:8-9)
It is He Who makes the ultimate decision: “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.” John 6:44
He hasn't looked in a mirror and comprehended what his reflection reveals. He is in a deceived state of mind and the father of lies has blinded his mind with half baked conspiracy schemes that to him accounts for the whole of scripture. This is ludacris of course to honest thinkers i.e. Simon Greenleaf who actually looked at the New Testament scripture and let it speak while he listened and wrote a book titled "The testimony of the EVANGELISTS". This is what the Holy Spirit says in John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.
@Minor King, Confess these words. Jesus, I confess with my mouth that you are my Lord and I also believe that God raised you from the dead.Romans 10:9-10
People love to make up their own idea of GOD and they come up with these thoughts but have never read the Bible. They make up their own fantasy instead of saying they don't know because everyone has an opinion and is to proud to say they don't know the answers. The Bible has all the answers. I like how you put it Ray, it's an acronym B.I.B.L.E. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. If only people would read it before commenting on what life is and who GOD is. It's the same as doing calculus without learning calculus
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Isaiah was 700 years before Jesus born as Yeshua to Virgin Mary. Give Isaiah 53. Spalm 22with king David 1k years before Jesus as Immanuel. 7.14 and Mathew 1.23
The OLD Testament defends the New and the New the old. One without the other is not optimal
I'm curious, Ray, what you would say to an Apatheist.
Please pray for me I am suffering from sprit of lust and I don't want to commit adultery people pray for me.
I will be praying for you.
@@enjoybaxla9664 when you are about to commit sin. Think "Is this temporary worldly pleasure worth hurting God who has been oh so merciful towards me?" That deturs me. Also dont fall into the trap that Satan allows of "Wellllll is this a sin????" 99% of the time it is. Dont fall brother
One of the most interesting things I’ve learned from this channel is how blatantly people reveal either humility or pride through facial expressions
Sometimes one can "see" the demons animating them.
Forreal, dude had a smile on his face the whole time, and you can tell he smiles alot by the wrinkles on cheeks. Even though he appears "happy" on the outside, in his heart he is probably super sad/lost, I know I would be if I didn't have Jesus, O glory to you Lord, may that guy see your love and mercy and may he accept you Jesus amen
I always wonder if he binds the demons inside of people before he witnesses to them. Because I clearly see so many people manifesting demons while he’s speaking to them.
The guy in this video was so smug, wow…
It's crazy, becuase I see people like this all the time. Facial expressions say everything, especially when talking of of the Lord
Sometimes the seed falls on hard ground. But we can always remember that the word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword. Hopefully, it will bother his conscience long enough for him to seek the Lord....somewhere else. Thank you, Ray for continuing to be so faithful for all these years.
The Word of God does not return void.....the Holy Spirit will work on this person going forward.
Love how Ray just presses on.
I do too. But I also cringe at the fact that once he does keep pressing on, and they keep smirking at him... I can see Ray’s words just flying over the guy’s head (or in one ear and out the other.) I’d like to see Ray take an alternate route depending on whatever accusations they’re throwing at him (which Ray does sometimes.)
@@4thegloryofthelord He has explained sometimes that it's better to just press on and get to the point so they hear the whole message. If you stop to entertain their debate you will never get through that way.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood. You can literally see the disguise that the spirits have when being presented with the gospel. Thanks Ray Comfort for your continue reaching out through love and humility. You have an awesome crown awaiting you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth. God bless
A crown for us to cast it back at the lord Jesus,s feet .
SOOOO true!! The demonic was so so real in this video
This old video reminds me of another person with the same facial expression of that evil mocking lying seducing spirit.
Ray interviewed.
Respectfully, I think you have the right idea but this is the wrong teaching. Sometimes it's demonic, but as Paul says:
"Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?” (Romans 7:24, NASB)
@@fireandworms Paul also said
Some indeed preach Christ even from envy and strife, and some also from goodwill: The former preach Christ from selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my chains; but the latter out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel. What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached; and in this I rejoice, yes, and will rejoice. Ray is bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 1:15-18 NKJV
Ray gave this doubting man the best gift he could possibly give him....the True Gospel of Jesus Christ
If it were me talking to him I'm afraid I would've come close to giving him a knuckle head sandwich for saying the Bible isn't real.
I agree, alot of preachers lost the true gospel of Jesus christ.
@@kevinbailey243 bro I feel the same way. I got alot of knuckle sandwiches to give away. Smh
Ray comfort is a lier and a charlatan.
Nah he’s just stupid
This guy needs Jesus more than ever. So do I. And I profess Christ!!! Sadly, there are some people that I don’t have the patience for, and he’s one of them. Y’all pray for me, please?
Doug - I often feel the same intolerance sharing The Gospel with those with such a proud, condescending heart and attitude. I too need prayers for treating these people with more patience and perseverance. In my prayers friend.
Praying now 🙏
How can a grown man be so rude smh
@@susiejo143 There are many rude people.
@@lilcay4016 Ya that's true but he supposedly cares how his kids see him 🙄
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.”2 Timothy 4:3,4
This used to be me-Jesus saved me out of this tho.
@@LANDRYPHYNO oh trust
Reason covert from mormonism
Excellent Bible verse!
2nd Timothy is consider a forgery by scholars.
@@kaiju1412 …
The contemporary scholars of Jesus thought he was a forgery.
I was once like him but by the grace of God he opened my eyes to the truth. Jesus is our Lord and Savior, he shed his blood for us sinners! What a gift from God to have me know the truth!🙏🏽
Please pray for India and the Eastern and Asian side that God raises bold evangelists to preach the gospel here also
I’ve been wanting to become a missionary when I grow up, and I don’t know where I want to preach, I’ve been thinking Africa, but I think I might want to pray first.
India has had the Gospel preached to them. Now so many people have come to America from there, and they didn’t have the right motives. They have done so much to try to make America 🇺🇸 a third world country.
In which state u are living? I'm from kerala
@@dougwilliams5474 your comment doesn't make sense and seems racist. Christianity has got nothing to do with America. Pray for your own land that ppl rise up there and every where of their own countries to preach the gospel within their own nations
@@sparklegirl5508 oh, I must be a hater and a racist . I’ve been told that I’m a racist because my favorite colors are red, white, and blue. What did I possibly say that so offended you?
Well my fellow brother's and sister's, here is another sister who has rejoined the flock of Jesus.
I have allway's known, loved and had a relationship with God, allway's felt him but i too lived in sin, unaware of the true way's expected of me.
Untill recently, i just couldn't run anymore, couldn't do it on my own, so i turned to God and i prayed and then i picked myself up and went off to church, all on my own, of my own choice.
Now i'm going to church regularly, i have my bible (though i need to read it more) learning to give it to God and pray right and staying connected with other children of God.. etc
My journey has only just begun a few months ago and i still have much to do but i'm home my brother's and sister's, i'm here!
Next step, i will be baptised.
God bless you all! 🙏❤️
This guy sounds a lot like me when I was an atheist.
What was it that happened at that moment that changed you? If you don’t mind me asking 😊✝️
Glad you woke up brother.
And why did u become a theist?
Serious honest answer plz but dont say "experience"
@@Lightylight what made you turn to Christ ? If you don’t mind me asking ?
I don’t believe in god but I’m sorta curious about ghosts and curses. I’m not entirely sure if they actually do exist. Yes, I’ve seen videos of ghosts or read articles about supposedly cursed objects, but I’m skeptical so I still choose to not believe because for all I know, all those stories could be made up. If I found out ghosts exist or at least demons, then that would probably change my belief about god.
Brother Ray, I’m waiting on my first tract sample pack from Living Waters. You are an inspiration of the bravery I hope to emulate. While admittedly I have a long way to go, but the first step is made. I pray for you my brother and I hope more people will be accepting. A good word turns away wrath, but many will see the wisdom of God as Foolish
That’s great Fred. Praying you, Ray
I find when people laugh when someone preaches the gospel quite disturbing. I will pray for Aaron. 🙏✝️
Demons get nervous.
Same here
@@sue3702 he is homosexual
He just seems to be someone that is very uncomfortable debating when they are not on top. He probably laughs a lot when hes stumped in a political argument as well. He's prideful like most before they are saved.
Let’s appreciate how HUMBLE was Ray in the first minutes of the video❤️
for those who call a person who tells lies, a human being, instead of a liar....Jesus Christ was/is a human being and he never lied
Good point! I'm gonna remember and use that truth in my future witnessing encounters. Be well, stay safe, and God bless you.
Clark Kent, Not Exactly. Jesus was God in the flesh. And He was perfect, sinless.
@@God-mc3vr You thought wrong.
@@margiecarol2944 Jesus resisted sin.
@@God-mc3vr if you think Jesus sinned then you are not a Christian because you are not saved. What is saving you? A man man of sin? There is no atoning sacrifice whatsoever in that.
I'm so glad that ray comfort is evangelizing. Seeing him on late night tv years ago kept a spark in my mind about God and Jesus Christ. Thank you Ray Comfort. I love you brother.
Ray, I admire you for continuing on when a person is as arrogant and proud as this guy. I understand why you keep get the entire gospel to his ears and let God do the work. Your patience and compassion are amazing. Love your consistent presentation of the gospel.
💯... it's all God's work. We just drop the seeds where we can.
At first I'm heartbroken, seeing this guy laugh so crudely at what Jesus did for him. Then I'm horrified, because he will have to answer for this moment on Judgement Day, if he doesn't turn to Jesus...
We were all there at one point in our lives! But God is rich in mercy, and He will turn to anyone who turns to Him. 🙏📖✝️
@@simplenaturevids Amen to that!
"In the last days scoffers will arise following after their own lusts.." sadly, when Ray was telling him about Jesus he was laughing, and not giving the word of God honor. It is honestly sad how far peoples hearts are from God. But what is impossible for man is possible for God, and our conversations were impossible, but God turned our hearts. He will turn even the scoffers hearts... pray for not just this man, but this generation. That God will open eyes, ears, and hearts.
Ray, I love your perseverance...a great encouragement to me, and I'm sure many others. God bless you.
Ray, I love your videos they are so inspiring I’m a 17 year old girl who wants to evangelize when I’m old enough I was wondering if you have any tips for me how can I overcome that fear of stepping out and talking to a stranger and how can I share the gospel effectively God bless you and your ministry :)
Just do what I do on the videos. I ask if they think there’s an afterlife. Then ask questions. Go for it! You can do it.
@Living Waters
Ray, I ordered your Sample Pack of Tracts many weeks ago... They've not arrived! Help!! Colin Wolrich x
Thanks Ray, you have show me great lines so I can do what God as request me to do: sharing is Gospel to my surrounding. It already start to work in my house! please pray for me, has I'm praying for you, that the Holy spirit give strength and protection to go to stranger.
Great job brother. I came across a guy exactly like him this weekend. Praise God for the opportunity.
Ray, you remind me so much of my precious dad who was a door-to-door evangelist and soul winner when we were missionaries in Northern Europe. He planted several churches during his ministry, and now at the age of 90 he still speaks about Jesus and how he was healed and radically saved to anyone he encounters!!
“He that winneth souls is wise”
Together where wrote a book about his ministry (from saving bodies to saving souls) in English and Italian, his mother tongue 🙌🏼 for the glory of God
You’re awesome Ray 🙌🏼
I used to be a bit like this guy, I thought I had it all figured out in life and I was living my life something like this guy. I was stubborn. Years down the track life circumstances brought me to a crossroads in my life where I was very sick and I couldn't see my life continuing. As an absolute last resort (as I 'd tried everything else I could think of), at the end of the road and considering suicide, I called on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I gave my broken life and myself to Jesus Christ. There's not enough space to relate my entire testimony here, suffice to say that Jesus Christ proved to me that He is Alive and Real and Present. That he is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I had a kind of Road to Damascus experience at a time when I was so ignorant, I didn't even know the meaning behind that well known phrase. Jesus is King.
PRAISE GOD. thank you for sharing
Isn't God good! Can't wait to meet all my brothers and sisters in Christ when we get to heaven.
Thanks for sharing your testimony!!! God Bless you!!
"As it has been said: T O D A Y , if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts...”
-Hebrews 3:15
God will do that just like how he did with the Pharoe of Egypt in Exodus.
I just got your book called “Faith is for weak people” and it has really opened my eyes about evangelism. It’s a great book and I recommend people should get it. I want to get the evidence bible too but I need to save up a little more for that
@@lydiawalton4822 Faith
I want the evidence Bible as well.
W O, Your timing is perfect. I was just looking at it online. Now I'll buy it. Thanks!
I got a copy of the evidence bible from thrift books. Its used but I saved some money.
I call these interviews "possible seeds or possible sunlight" prayers for this young man. Thanks again Ray. Main ministry I can actually see my donations going to.
This was more along the lines of my experiences in witnessing to people. They take the conversation waaay off topic. They want to start to argue about the creation of the Bible, historical issues, debate reality and on and on. It is really hard, in my experience, to deal with that. I kind of wish Ray had addressed his argument. I guess it just wouldn't lead anywhere. People hate God and don't want the truth. We just have to pray that God will open their eyes and soften their hearts so they become ready to listen.
This will help you Scott:
Best wishes, Ray Comfort
I love what you do Ray. You plant many seeds for God to water to behemoth trees. Much love
*Jesus Christ didn't come to earth to start a religion He came to show us how to get home HALLELUJAH*
Amen 🙏🏾
If you want to go home to the God of the Bible that’s a hell of a place to go
@@johnstuart6084 So you're saying Heaven is not a good place to go?
Planting seeds. Good job Ray!!!
“Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.” 2 Pet 3:13
Oh wow do we ever! How very true 😊✝️🙌💕
Ray, i like your self control and sticking to the matter at hand!
God is Great🔥🔥🔥
How so?
@@thebigone3437 Because He is our Savior who is perfect who saved us from our sins.
@@upliftingchristianmusic8534 How do you know that? It says so in the Bible, sure, but is there any evidence to back it up outside of it?
@@thebigone3437 I'll tell you how Jesus saved me from my sins.
Before I was a Christian, I was stuck in a sin that I knew was wrong but I couldn't seem to get out of it. And I really didn't care enough to stop it anyway because doing the sin felt good because we all have a sinful nature and therefore we are naturally drawn to sin instead of the things of God. But after I became a Christian, I still did the sin for a while, but the difference was once I started listening to God, He convicted me that it was wrong and that I shouldn't be doing it. I told myself I wouldn't do it again and kept asking God to forgive me, but I still did it anyway even though I knew God wanted me to turn from it. The longer and the more I prayed to God about it though, the less I did it, but I was still doing it some. It took a while for me to completely stop listening to my sinful nature and listen to God. But only when I completely relied on God's power instead of my own to stop it, I eventually did and it felt so good to do what God had been wanting me to do: turn from sin and turn completely to Him for help. That's one of the main reasons that I know God exists and who He says He is. Because He freed me from my sins and now that I am a Christian, I know that I am going to Heaven one day to be with Him.
@@upliftingchristianmusic8534 Interesting, what was the sin?
To everyone watching, I pray that you have the most beautiful day and God blesses you abundantly. Thank you for these videos! They are wonderful
Unfortunately, he’s determined to live with his head in the sand. He’s refusing to believe that he’d be held accountable for anything. But I’m thankful that Ray was there to witness to this man and had such patience with him. Maybe one day the man will come to the end of himself and find The Father
I’ll tell you what gets me most about these interviews. That I fall in love, in a very real way, with every person he talks to and their humanity. (If only this would happen in real life now!)
Totally feel you here. You have to feel deep compassion for them. Just as Jesus does.
Sad to say that individuals like Aaron in their smugness think they know more than theologians and historians who spend their entire life studying the Bible and the historic evidence that supports what was written.
Amen! There is no person that walked the earth whose life than was better documented than Jesus's life, including death an resurrection.
It reminds me of the verse that reads, men don't want to come into the light lest their deeds be exposed, they rather stay in darkness, they live their sin
Exactly, because he watched some zeitgeist movie or UA-cam documentary once
Because they love sin if they will believe in god then that mean stop what sin they are doing
@@God-ck8ow You and your wife are sinners. Every human is. You fall short of the standard of righteousness. There is no one who is righteous. All have fallen short of the glory of God. We all deserve hell. from the best person you can think of to the worst. Because we've all sinned against the only holy Creator God. He is perfectly holy, perfectly righteous, perfectly just. Sin against Him will not go unpunished. Yet He is love. In His love, God became a man. Jesus, the Son of God. God in human flesh. He lived the only perfect life. He is the only righteous man to ever live. He perfectly obeyed the Law of God. And as has been His plan since before He created the world, He gave Himself over, completely blameless, to be falsely accused and wrongly convicted at the hands of sinful men. They beat Him, mocked Him, spat on Him, and thrust a crown of thorns on His head. Then they nailed Him to the cross. The One who created them, who Is all powerful, not only allowed them to nail Him to the cross, it was His plan. On that cross God made Him who knew no sin to become sin. The Father placed His full wrath for all the sin of those who would believe in Him upon His own Son. The punishment of sin that we all deserve and that all will receive if they do not believe in Him was given to the Son. He gave up His own life and died. He was buried in a tomb. Yet three days later God raised Him from the dead. Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven where He sits on His thrown at the right hand of the Father and awaits to return to the earth to gather up to Himself His people, establishing His perfect kingdom, and to judge the living and the dead. He is King of kings and Lord of lords. Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. No one can earn their way to heaven. There is only one Way, Jesus. He is the Way and the Truth and the Life. Only by repenting (turning away from our autonomy, our rejection of God, our rebellion -- sin) and believing in Jesus Christ can someone be saved. When a person realizes that he is a sinner, totally hopeless and unable to earn their way to heaven, with no righteousness of their own, only evil sin, and turns to Christ alone is he saved. That person is then counted as righteous because the perfect righteousness of Christ clothes them. Christ took their sin upon Himself on the cross and covers them in His righteousness. It is only by the mercy of God, by His grace, in turning to Him in faith is someone saved.
God is good! let's pray for this man.
"Bro" needs to substantiate his claims & not rail off what he's heard. No justification/back up for his claims, just his speculation & lack of knowledge about objective morals that are clearly shown in reality, not subjective, "i wish it were this way" (is/ought fallacy).
You're more patient than i am Ray, i thank you for being so brave, God bless you & LW team!
You are a gift from God, Ray Comfort.
i like how with patience, persistence, and gently staying focused you cut him off at his knees, which he saw coming but without escape God will use that
Thanks for planting the seed Ray! May God help this man and his lack of faith to be blessed by Jesus! God Bless everyone!
Ray you planted another seed. Thank you my brother! Make sure and tell people that it's not just about getting into Heaven... But it's also about getting Heaven into you! A relationship with our Creator is literally Heaven on earth in a human. Tell them that. Then they can have something else to look forward to if they'll just surrender. I was just like that guy most of my adult life. I never knew I could actually have a relationship with God. I was only told about getting to Heaven.
You post this when I'm bindge watching your videos for the first time😍
Former atheist here.
DNA and RNA cannot form in a chemical puddle or even in the most pristine laboratory environments with all the purified chemicals at hand.
what expertiment are you referring to?
Exactly. After giving much thought on dna and science is why I’m a believer.
@@danielfriis9262 There's never been a successful experiment even producing all the correct building blocks to life!
Also, Chemists put exactly what they want in their experiments to get the exact results they want! It's guided chemistry!
RNA world experiments are conducted using designed high-tech laboratory equipment, under a highly controlled environment using specific solutions of purified man-made chemical reagents. Chemically stabilized Clays using pH manipulation.
The yields are abysmally small and proportionately way outnumbered by useless or detrimental products. Most biomolecules are much too unstable to stick around long enough to become useful anyway.
Yields are not adequate, even in the laboratory, never mind in the harsh contaminated environment of a deep sea vent or geothermal pool!
@@danielfriis9262 the Miller Urey experiment resulted in 99% tar, and of the organic molecules that were created, they were racemates, and also bonded to the tar so they couldn't engage in chemical reactions. It proved that life couldn't arise naturally, but the propaganda sold it 180° from the truth
@@tonymaurice4157 RNA world has many experiments for different purposes. You need to be specific what experiment you are talking about.
that it is "abysmally small" means nothing to a entire planet doing something for hundres of thousands of years.
He's just harden his heart so that he can enjoy the beauty of this world in his own way.. Praying for Aron.. May the Holy Spirit continue speaking to him and convict his heart..
Thank you Ray for planting the gospel in his heart..
God bless you and Living Waters Ministry!
I just love how Ray isn't falling for the guy's lure into argument.
His eye is truly single!
True, he didn’t fall for it because he ignored the guys valid points. He had no legitimate response, so he avoided them.
@@acp865 Ray wanted to stick to preaching the Gospel truth, "bro" wanted to start an argument & red herrings. Jesus told us to preach the Gospel (Mark 16:15), no need to argue, the Holy Spirit does the work, not us. God bless (Matthew 5:45)!
@@robmc120 How do you know he was trying to start an argument? Merely by disagreeing with Ray? Then Ray was trying to start an argument too. Actually, he wasn’t trying to start an argument at all. He was merely stating his opinions and beliefs. Ray has a habit of avoiding topics he doesn’t want to talk about, or topics that he can’t legitimately explain.
@@acp865 You need Jesus.
GOD BLESS you Ray Comfort for all the work you do for our Lord our GOD
Please be praying for me
What for? If its personal I completely understand.
Father, I lift up Micah to you....only You know his needs, concerns & requests today...we Thank & Praise you Lord that you open the doors that need to be opened & slam shut the doors that need to be closed, we thank You for favor in his life, in Jesus Powerful Name, Amen.
Heavenly Father I pray that not Micahs will but yours be done in their life for whatever is needed. Thank you Lord, In Jesus name, Amen.
Praise God. I can tell this man seeks. I’ve been where he is where he just hasn’t heard the truth yet that would pierce his heart, but I can tell that something definitely happened here. He’s most likely looking more in to who Jesus is and studying about the Bible. Watching Ray Comfort really puts my life with Christ in to perspective and inspires me to be a better Christian.
How can you face hell with a smile on your face? This is tragic. May God continue to lend His grace and this man finds the path that leads him to salvation.
Why would he go to hell?
@@acp865 Without Jesus he has to pay for his sins.
@@acp865 If you do not choose Jesus Christ then you choose hell by default. John 14:6 I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
@@gdsgstar Thanks for replying. I still searching for an answer. I just don’t understand why if a person is good why he goes to hell just because he don’t believe in god. What if a child is good and she doesn’t believe in god. Does she get sent to hell if she dies young?
@@acp865 You will be judged on what you know. But even if you have never heard the name Jesus we all have a conscience. And no matter how good we think we are, we all have sinned and fallen short. I know some people that do not want to read the bible or hear too much about it. I was one of those people. I liked my sin. I felt deep down if I read and learnt what was in the bible I would have to stop living my life, and become some guy who had zero fun. The irony, living my best life is a life with Jesus Christ. I had it wrong for a very very long time.
So glad he finally sat down!
To everyone watching this, pray and agree: Loving God, I pray that you will comfort us in my suffering, lend skill to the hands of my healers, and bless the means used for my cure. Give me such confidence in the power of your grace, that even when I am afraid, I may put my whole trust in you; through our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen
@0:54 LOL!!! You gave me a good chuckle. God bless you Ray 😆
Daily reminder Jesus loves you amen 🙏🏾 John 14:6 amen 🙏🏾
John 3:16
🙏 Thank God for His patience with me. I pray to be more patient!
And may He bless you so for your sweet patience! It is sad how ignorant and arrogant mankind can be.
*For "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."*
*Romans 10:13*
Takes more than that to be saved!
Wouldn't that give hope to Hitler? There's more to being saved than just that verse.
Don't forget the part and believe in thine heart otherwise your not saved I suggest watching Robert breaker asking vs trusting video on UA-cam
@@thealgotrader212 Hitler could have gotten saved if he decided that he would believe in Jesus Christ blood atonement for past present and future sins
@@thealgotrader212 I'm doubting Hitler ever cried out to God. Hitler believed himself to be god...little "g" god
Thanks for these!
I love how Ray always gets to the real issue of the heart and doesn't get diverted by all those different arguments that people want to get into. We could stand all day and argue about when the Bible was actually written and whether or not these are the words of Jesus. But God wants to get to the heart and address the real issue of sin. Man tries to run away from that because he doesn't want to accept the reality that he is a sinner and needs Jesus. Lord, please help this man understand the truth and please open his heart to accept the gospel and turn away from his sins and be saved.
Loving the textbook Ray!
Some people don't believe in a particular set of moral rules until someone breaks their particular set of morals rules.
This is what you could say is moral relativity. A sense of right and wrong is filtered through one's beliefs. In our western culture that sense of right and wrong mirrors a Christian world view. The bible preaches that morality comes from God and as such it is absolute and not subjective to man's view. The greatest commandment is to love and all of the laws and prophecies hinge off of LOVE.
Without a divine moral ruler,. Any sense of morality is simply subjective to one's own beliefs. Moral relativity I believe can cause some people to uphold the disposition of "Believe in a a God if you want, just don't infringe on my standards of right and wrong, even though I apply my own world view to others."
@@God-mc3vr Are following the old Testament laws found in Leviticus because most of them were reserved for priests?
@@God-mc3vr The Old Testament still has relevant laws such as the ten commandments. Many things still apply. Are you really a Christian because your name smells of troll? No offence.
@@God-mc3vr Oh, so your Latino? Or id Dios Italian?
@@dreadassembly4087 we say « Dio » in italian 😊
Great stuff guys 👍👍
Christians proving God to atheist shouldn't even be a thing, at the end of day even if the biblical God existence was proven as a fact, it's not like they would start trusting God and follow Jesus Christ as their lord and savior, it's not an Intellectual issue but a deceitful prideful heart issue. We see many examples in The old testament where God made his existence known but it didn't matter.
True. Very prideful man. Pray for him
As a former atheist now Christian, I just wanna encourage you to arm yourself with knowledge of arguments for God. At the bare minimum have the cosmological argument ready at hand. I was 23 years old before I even heard the gospel. I would have died in my sins multiple times before I even heard the gospel once, or met any Christian with anything that I would have perceived as intellect. Thankfully the Lord preserved my life multiple times, saving me from certain death.
I think every Christian should at the bare minimum know the cosmological argument and know how to logic to why it's the God of the Bible.
I know it can be incredibly frustrating witnessing to people sometimes, but just bare with it brother, it's the Spirit who saves, and often it's the person who you would least expect Him to.
Hello, fellow atheist here. The fact that you’re assuming that I don’t believe in god because of “deceitful pride” just tells me that you’re the type person who will instantly judge a person without looking at the actual facts. Where did you get the idea that “deceitful pride” is the reason why I don’t believe?? Did you get that from the what the Bible says about atheists?? Because if you did, I’m honestly not surprised. Most people here tell me that I was never a “true Christian” or that I don’t want to believe because I love my sin. I honestly find those statements really offensive because you are making false assumptions based off a book that you don’t even know if it’s true or not. Your Holy Book knows nothing about me and you don’t know nothing about me either. You don’t know how I feel, what I believe, and you don’t even know whether I “love” my sins or not. If the Christian God was actually proven with undeniable proof or if I saw physical proof from experience, then I would believe in god.
@@ftumusiclover1239 believe in God?, What does that mean? Because even the demons believe too, a better question is would you trust Jesus Christ as your lord and savior?
Erin you have hope. God bless.
The books were written within 5-30 years for the most part, with revelation about 60 years later (postmils will say less than 40), we have existing manuscript fragments from just about 100 years after, but they were written down long before that
The gospels were written by men that touched Him and walked with Him.
The fact he stayed and listened to you and processed it proves he has a curiosity and hunger for truth and for God. People who truly don't believe in God wouldve walked away. Great video. 👍
This is the crumbling world we live in now.
Prying for this man, and the US as it slides into the Darkness without Jesus Crist.
Everyone has their own truth. God bless Ray for shining the light on him
Hard to listen to anyone emphasising with their fingers & calling people bro. Poor bloke doesn't have an original thought of his own.
So sad how deceived and lost some people are. Thank you brother Ray for ministering to this soul. Hopefully the seed that was planted will bear much fruit later.
Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven amen 🙏🏾 John 14:6 amen 🙏🏾
John 14:6 KJV
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Amen! 🙏🏾
God bless ray he ever were
When this guy stands in front of the throne on judgement day, he won't be laughing.
There's only one way to find out. I'm not holding my breath.
He is just like my neighbour next door,talks and thinks just like him.Hope and pray they find the way.
It is so sad to see how the majority of us create our own gods and follow our own understanding ☹️
Well, that's how religions form. Christianity isn't an exception.
Love these videos! Thanks !
CA is an extremely fruitful place to fish for the lost. We need to do more fishing in the American 🇺🇸 government.
True that.
My heart literally breaks when I see people laughing at the good news of hope in Jesus! Thanks Ray for all you do, you have inspired me to share the good news, its what we all should be doing
His “quoting” was enraging me for some reason 😂
It’s the pride of one who thinks they know everything, but really knows nothing of substance and refuses to consider they may be wrong. It rubs me the wrong way, too. I deal with those types often.
@@kristinewall5140 These types can be quite frustrating.
God Bless him for his honesty and thoughtfulness. He makes good points. I hope he comes home to the Lord. Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.
Boy the demons were just squirming in this guy! Praying for Aaron...
I didnt see any demons.
@@Naythong10 Are you born again Nathan? If you are, then you need to ask God for discernment of spirits. And if you’re not, then this will all seem like foolishness to you because you are still dead in your sins.
@born naked Didn't the man claim he seen demons in the man? But you accuse me of not knowing God. You're right, He does give us a new spirit and a new heart. He also tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. I'm sorry I didn't recognize any demons. I saw a proud heart justifying his reasons of why he didn't need a savior. If you have the gift of discerning spirits, than why is it that you lord it over me?
@@outintheboondocks1466 I understand that his spirit is not of God. But you claimed the man has demons. My brother has been possessed by demons for years. He was diagnosed schizophrenic when I was 18. I remember when I just got saved I tried to preach the gospel to him but my understanding of the gospel was flawed. Right in the middle of speaking to him he said false prophet out of nowhere. Over the years I've learned to discern when someone has been possessed by a demon. I did not see demons in this man but I did not see the spirit of God in this man.
@born naked Thank you brother! Definitely want to grow and be nurtured in understanding spiritual matters better. Fell away from my faith for awhile and the Spirit has been bringing to light the things that have been hidden for some time now. When other brothers in Christ condemn and accuse me of not knowing God it's very disheartening. I can assure you my faith is in him and I'm grateful knowing that he will continue to reveal those things which are beyond our understanding at this moment as we continue to grow in him. Please offer a hand to help other believers understand. Get to know their hearts before anything else.
Yeeaaaahhh! Found the UA-cam channel, thx u 👋 new subscriber
He has absolutely no interest in hearing this. :(
In my humble opinion, there was a missed opportunity when the historicity of the New Testament was questioned. This needed to be defended with apologetics and facts. Other than that, well done Ray. We pray for you and for all.🙏
Mary. You are obviously a caring person. I would really like to know your thoughts on this:
Best wishes, Ray Comfort
If we have faith in Jesus Christ, the hardest as well as the easiest times in life can be a blessing. In all conditions, we can choose the right with the guidance of the Spirit. We have the gospel of Jesus Christ to shape and guide our lives if we choose it.
shape and guide toward what?
Reading your book “Faith is for weak people” now pastor Ray. God annoint you and keep you. In Jesus Name.
May the Lord bring the lost sheep home! Pray for them. May the lord return soon! Hang in there family, stay strong. God is in control! Always remember that. If you are in a storm like myself, focus on the Lord! God is with you! Whether things get better or worse, a kingdom awaits you! Finish the race! New channel here, I’d appreciate any kind of support. Don’t give up! God loves you so much! So do I. God bless you!
If you were truly crucified with Christ, you would not be trolling other Christian channels promoting yourself and asking people for money because you think it's an easy way to get rich off of gullible undiscerning well intentioned people. You're promoting your "poems" about God, over His Holy inspired inerrant Word which He exhalts above His Holy Name (Psalm 138:2). You are young and healthy able to work. The truth is you're are lazy and unwilling to get a real job and support yourself. "For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat." 2 Thessalonians 3:10 "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world."- 1 John 4:1
Tell Ray to make sure he look inside the can. Lifesavers on the way.
Jesus Christ loves you, so much that He died for you on the cross, to pay the penalty of your sins so that you wouldn't have to. We all have sinned and are deserving of God's wrath, but by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross there is full pardon for whoever believes. Put your full trust and believe in Him for salvation today, because in Him there's eternal life and freedom. Who the Son sets free is free indeed 🙏🏻
Kindly consider accepting Him into your heart as your LORD and Saviour, it's the best decision you'll ever make 😊
(Romans 10:9-10 and Ephesians 2:8-9)
Amen! Beautifully said.
It is He Who makes the ultimate decision: “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.” John 6:44
@@horseman4now I wish he would choose me but he hates me
@@AmberDennis001 How do you know that?
@@AmberDennis001 What do you mean God hates you?
Textual criticism is important,; however Ray sticks to the gospel which speaks to the heart.
He hasn't looked in a mirror and comprehended what his reflection reveals. He is in a deceived state of mind and the father of lies has blinded his mind with half baked conspiracy schemes that to him accounts for the whole of scripture. This is ludacris of course to honest thinkers i.e. Simon Greenleaf who actually looked at the New Testament scripture and let it speak while he listened and wrote a book titled "The testimony of the EVANGELISTS". This is what the Holy Spirit says in John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.
May God bless you and have really good health and happiness stay safe 🙏
Ive been backsliding and im sure im lukewarm. Im just a broken man and lost at the moment. Will He forgive me still? :(
Yes if you ask. He is long suffering and merciful.
@Minor King,
Confess these words.
Jesus, I confess with my mouth that you are my Lord and I also believe that God raised you from the dead.Romans 10:9-10
Read _The Gospel According to Jesus_
Yes! God will! Just repent and turn you Heart to Christ by trusting in Him.
Look up the “ABC’s of salvation” in order to know how to repent
Today is the day of salvation.❤🤗✝🙏
When people talk like that they never read the holy bible ,they are totally lost .blind , hell is real .
Not sure I understood s word Aaron said but I pray the Lord works in his heart!
People love to make up their own idea of GOD and they come up with these thoughts but have never read the Bible. They make up their own fantasy instead of saying they don't know because everyone has an opinion and is to proud to say they don't know the answers. The Bible has all the answers. I like how you put it Ray, it's an acronym B.I.B.L.E. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. If only people would read it before commenting on what life is and who GOD is. It's the same as doing calculus without learning calculus