Winter arrived the only thing i want is to sit in a blanket with a cup of coffee and journal, but unfortunately I have a lot of work to do as im in high school but still I love winters :)💝💖
Yay another one of New aras journalling videos ara thank u so much u inspired me a lot now I am one of your supporters keep working hard and stay safe take lots of 💗💗💗 from me and my request is for u that pls say some journalling tips while you journal in your next video pls pls pls accept my request 😊😍🥰 thanks take care good bye!
Hi Ara I love your arts you are very intelligent and I do journal too everyone loves my journal first I don't know what is journal than I watch your videos than I now thank you for making this videos 🖌️☺️☺️🙂🙂😊😊
Nunca he escrito en tus videos, quizás no entiendas mi idioma. Me alientan mucho tus videos, de hecho comencé a hacer mi diario, mi canal es de tejido. Amo lo que hago, pero a veces necesito un respiro y es cuando hago mi diario. Gracias por ayudarme a ver la vida, con mas paz
You are so talented. Your every video inspire me to start journaling.I am always afraid of what will I do if I messed up but your every video inspire me. You are my inspiration. 🥰
Hi ara i just found your channel and I am already love with your channel 💕 I just love your patience I am very inspired by you I had written a spring and art journal inspired by you thank you so much 😊 In lockdown It was so boring than I found you channel and it was amazing
Loved it. It is a heartwarming video. I will also try to be more eco friendly and hope I can do it. I am soo inspired by you. You are my ideal. I love this system it is so creative. I don't have that much stuffs but I use everything that I get from magazines, newspapers, chocolate, rapper's, tags etc to make my journal much more interesting and creative. Thank you for your support and your creative idea.
Hi Sara! Thanks a lot for watching and leaving such a grateful comment💕 You're a true journaler, you already know every way to journal! Thank you for letting me know, hope you have a wonderful weekend😘💕🍀🌷
Ara I feel so relax while watching your video. doing journaling is very fun and ASMR when I am free and tired from my work so then I watched your videos its motivated me and it's made fresh and joyful because of you I started journaling . Once again thanks
@@ARALAND aah , I want al of a stationery from ediya coffee but I life in indonesia are you now what is indonesia ??? You cant searcing what is indonesia !!! Bye ara ! 😄💕
Hi Ara! You are getting so close to 200,000 subscribers! I am so happy to see this! How are you doing? I love this video; I felt like we were talking! Your new notebook looks like the color of your latte! It’s beautiful! I keep scraps of paper all of the time too! I have a whole pile of it to use for journaling! I think this is a great idea! Other ways that I try to reuse is we have cloth napkins rather than paper to use at meals. I also found reusable paper towels that work really well too! For cleaning, I bought a bag of white cotton cloths from Amazon. I use those and sanitize them when I’m done. Thank you for the video; it is always good to be reminded to try and think of ways to be eco friendly! Love from the US! Jeanne 🥰🦋😍❤️😄😘🌺🌼✨💖💕💗❣️😻🌸💞☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️
Hi Jeanne!!🥰 Thanks a lot for such a kind, lovely comment >.< I really appreciate your words, it's sooo cold here however I'm quite warm now thanks to you🥰 Oh, you've also collected ephemera! It sounds really cool, I guess your scrap pile is wonderful💕👍🏻📚 :) And thank you for sharing how to reuse cloth napkins! I know I have to use a cloth napkin, but I'm too lazy to wash it, so I use wet tissue a lot. I read your comment and reflected on it. I should use more cloth napkins too!😭 I'm doing well, hope you're also well, healthy, happy🥰🙏 Wish you a beautiful day🌷💕❤️💐💚😍 Love from Korea😘
Merhaba "Araland! Videoların bana ilham veriyor ve çok rahatlatıcı bir havası var. Her zaman berbat bir sonuç elde etmekten korktuğum için resim çizmekten ve Bullet journala başlamaktan korktum. Sayenizde korkumu yendim ve yeteneklerimi geliştirdim. Videolarına Türkçe altyazı koyduğun için teşekkürler! Başarılarınızın devamını dilerim! Hi "Araland! Your videos are inspiring and have a very relaxing feel to me. I was always afraid of drawing pictures and starting the Bullet journal because I was afraid of getting a terrible result. Thanks to you, I overcame my fear and improved my skills. Thanks for putting Turkish subtitles in your videos! I wish you continued success!
Merhaba Tsukinami 935!😍 Nazik yorumunuz için çok teşekkür ederiz. Günlüğünü tutmana çok sevindim. Yorumlarınız bana cesaret veriyor. Teşekkürler, iyi günler!💕🙏
Unnie Annyeong 🤗..hw r u doing😊 a days im busy with my online clg classes...uff they r tiring🥴..really liked the theme🤩..well I always try not to waste water a lot, also I luv to do gardening...this video inspired me to be more eco-friendly frm now on😊😊
Your videos are just soooo peaceful every night when I feel tired I just see your videos to relax myself from the terrible stress Really Ara you are great thank you sooo much Love from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳
후손들에게 좋은 환경을 주기위해 생수사먹는게 쉽지만 에코라이프는 필요하다 생각해서 20년전부터 물은 보온병에 넣어 다니며 마시고있네. 이렇게 지구환경보호에 동참하는 아라~~ 넘 이뻐요 . 이제 그림그리는 솜씨에 대해서는 언급할 가치도 없을만큼 너무 잘그려서리~~ 박스재할용하는 맘씨가 굿~♡♡
에코백의 성능? 을 결정하는 두 개 요인은 저 조그마한 속포켓과 가방을 여며주는 똑닥단추같아요! 이디야 에코백은 속포켓이 있어서 지갑이나 카드, 무선이어폰같은 작은 소지품을 보관하기 좋겠어요^-------^ (아라님 이렇게 하면 되는거 맞죠?😉😉) 비니스트 라떼 4종을 최근 이디야에서 받아왔는데 영상 속에서 만나니 더 반가워요! 특히 토피넛 라떼 이녀석... 우유가 들어가지 않는데도 매장에서 먹는 것과 흡사한 맛이 나서 아주 만족스러웠던 기억이 납니다. 나는 환경에게 얼마나 친절했을까? 이건 저 스스로를 돌아보게 하는 문장이었어요. 환경을 보호해야하고, 일회용품 사용을 줄여야만 하는걸 모르는 사람은 없는데도 실천이 어려운 이유가 뭘까 고민해보니 기후위기가 몸으로 와 닿지 않아서인것 같아요. 온도가 1~3도정도 높아진대. 해수면이 조금쯤 상승한대. 오존층에 구멍이 뚫린대. 쉽게 와 닿지 않는 결과물들이지만 닥쳤을때에는 이미 수많은 것들을 잃고 난 후이기도 하겠죠? 그렇게 생각하고 나니 쉽게 실천이 가능한 아주 작은 부분이라도 환경을 고려하기 시작했어요. 아라님처럼 작은 포장용기나 봉투를 모으기도 하고, 특히 스티커를 구매하면 꼭 따라오는 OPP 봉투! 처음에는 모두 버렸었는데 어느 순간부터 모으다보니 돈다발인 마냥-흐흐- 가득 모였답니다. 주변 친구들에게 스티커를 깔끔하게 선물할 때나, 이것저것 '비닐'이 필요한 때 정말 유용하게 쓰고 있어요. 그리고 이전에 스치듯 말씀드렸던 정크저널 제작도 도토리를 모으는 다람쥐처럼 열심히 쌓아두고 있답니다. 환경을 생각한다는건 정말 미지의 모험같아요. 당장 손에 쥐어지는 성과도 없는데다가, '나 하나 조심한다고 해서 변하는게 있긴 할까?' 하는 생각이 수시로 찾아오니까요. 그런데도 습관처럼 일회용품을 줄여나가고, 쓰레기 배출을 줄이려 노력하고, 재활용 혹은 업싸이클링을 하려고 시도하는 모습들이 담긴 영상을 보니 어쩐지 이 알수없는 모험에 동료가 생긴 기분이 들었어요. 또 너무 과장된 표현을 사용한 것 같은가- 싶지만 사실이니 그냥 적으렵니다😊 이번 영상도 정말 신경써서 작업하신 것 같아 감상이 너무 즐거웠어요. 완연한 가을 건강하고 행복하게 보내셔요! 늘 감사합니다.
윤서니이임😍😆💕 우리우리 센스쟁이 윤서님!!😭감사합니다ㅎㅎㅎ 토피넛라떼 좋아하시는군요! 겨울마다 찾게 되는 메뉴인 것 같아요~ 약간 율무차랑도 비슷한 거 같고 고소해서 먹고 나면 든든하더라구요😊 저는 윤서님의 댓글에서 '환경을 생각한다는 건 미지의 모험'이라는 말씀이 너무 와닿았어요. 그쵸, 당장 우리 눈에 보이는 성과도 찾기 힘들고 개인이 얼마나 환경에 큰 영향을 미칠지 생각하면 현타(?)도 오구요..ㅎㅎ;; 가끔 저는 환경보다 그냥 자기만족에 이런 습관을 갖고 있는 건 아닐까하는 생각도 한답니다😅근데 또 이유가 어찌 됐든, 내 영향력이 얼마나 크든 상관 없이 실천한다는 사실 자체가 중요한 것 같기도 해요~ 모두가 각자 다른 이유로 환경보호를 하더라도 환경에 좋은 거라면 괜찮지 않을까... 모로 가도 서울로 가면 된다는 입장 같네요😂ㅎㅎ 윤서님의 OPP봉투 모으시는 습관 정말 좋은 것 같아요~! 저도 따라해봐야겠어요!! 비닐봉투 사용이 가장 마음에 걸렸는데 뜯을 때 잘 뜯어서 몇번이나 재사용하면 될 것 같아요, 그만큼 따로 사는 횟수도 줄어들 거구요😊👍 그리고 정크저널도 진짜 좋은 거 같아요~! 정크저널이야말로 가장 친환경에 가까운 다꾸 아닌가 싶습니다 :) 저도 윤서님의 댓글을 읽으면서 이 모험에 동료가 생긴 기분이 들었어요! 그리고 정말 든든한 지원군이 생긴 느낌도 들었습니다 >.< 항상 감사합니다. 윤서님께 드는 이 감사함을 어찌 다 표현하면 좋을까요😭💕💕내일부터 갑자기 확 추워진다는데 따뜻한 옷 입으시고 건강히 보내시기 바라요! 행복한 일요일밤 되세요~
This is what I look forward to every Friday. Another calming video from Ara. Now that 2021 is coming to and end, it makes us look back and reflect on the year and how we can do better for 2022. Thank you Ara for another beautiful journal video. I hope to participate being more eco friendly next year too. Stay healthy.
You really inspired me to start art journalling- I started recently! And I've been wanting to since I first saw Sebastian's art journal in 'Cruel Intentions' a very, very, very long time ago. I think you showed a very useful habit of using what is around you, like collecting pretty packaging for journaling. I always felt bad throwing out little scraps of gift wrap and tissue paper, so I always kept them. Now I have a lot of pretty deco paper for my journaling. Last week, I even found old snoopy stickers that came with a book that I never used. I also kept many of my art materials from school, like stencils, cutting tools, and they are helpful now after a long time of no use. I had a lot of watercolour paper left because I didn't like watercolour back then! I kept them safely stored. I think we must think carefully about what must leave our possession. And if it must leave, can it go to someone who might use it before it gets broken down for recycling etc? I was cleaning out my purse, and I found stickers for a supermarket promotion for a free gift that I never got enough stickers for. But I hadn't stuck them on the little book for the promo. I hadn't looked at them properly, and I found out the designs are cute. So now I have free cute marvel stickers. I even have disney stickers also from a promo. I don't actually want the free gift, but I'll take the cute stickers that will only end up being thrown away by the supermarket after they get the promo card full of stickers back when the prizes are claimed. Today, I've been sorting old papers, and I found old shopping lists on cute note paper. The illustrations are too cute, so I'll cut them out and save them from being put in the recycling. Adding these to journaling supplies is one way that I think we can be a little helpful.
Hi Rosa! Omg Thanks a million for your such a nice comment!💕🙏 I know how much time it takes you to write this comment. That means a lot to me. I really appreciate it. And I love the way you care about environment! I am learning a lot from you. The way you look at your stuff is really cool, I'm sure your journal will be great too😘✨
How are you Ara I hope you're ok, this week has been very busy for me, I've had exams and I'm tired, but when you make a video, it's gone past the tiredness of the whole week. 🙃💕
Really love your videos. So calm and relaxing; not every ASMR is so... I am glad to find a chennal of ASMR that do not tap on the things to make it mitigate 🙂
Bonjour Ara, je vous trouve très inspirante, j'aime beaucoup vos dessins et vos mises en pages ... je trouve aussi que vos vidéos sont extrêmement relaxantes et pour moi qui suis stressée en permanence, cela me procure un bien fou de les regarder, elles m'apaisent énormément. Merci ! Bisous de France 🥰
Ohh dear Ara..I love Bullet Journaling and I found some ideas on pinterest..then I came to watch your videos on youtube and all your videos that you posted on youtube all are inspiring me alot..thank you soooo muchh🌳through your videos I studied how to seal wax stamp,what to write in a journal and so on...and your drawings are very attractive for me 🎨🖼and I will try to watch all your videos..keep going. . 😘Love from Daya, India
لا اعرف ماذا اقول انتِ عباره عن كتله من الابداع❤♡❤♡❤♡❤ILov you🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶
I love your journal, I start my journal when I see you video. because I don't know what is journal when I haven't see your journal videos.
You're videos are so awesome I am addicted to watching them
Ara, you've become a asmr ☕🥨....😊
Jurnal yg menurut aku paling bagus, dgn tema yg aku suka,
Bello come ogni altro tuo video
Winter arrived the only thing i want is to sit in a blanket with a cup of coffee and journal, but unfortunately I have a lot of work to do as im in high school but still I love winters :)💝💖
Thanks for giving the Bengali caption!! 😊💞
Hello..... I am form India🇮🇳 i am first time watching your videos i really like it... 😍.. Great talent... Love it..
Oh my goodness, you make my day actively Today, I am absent from online studies, but I am happy about this
I love coffee. ☕👍 I love this video 💝
Ara🌹 you are the best ‼️the way you put everithing thogether Is so beautiful 🌹...i enjoy watching ‼️.congrats ‼️‼️‼️‼️🌹🌹
I watch ur all the videos without missing❤️
My day isn't complete without watching your videos
Gold luck to your Hande Ara sister is very beatiful
Hi!!! This is my first comment . These types of videos make me feel so relax . BTW u did a great job 🤩🤩🤩 love u .Love from Pakistan😊😊😊
실망시키는 형님 작품은 없고 다 너무 좋아서 만들어보고싶어요 힘내요 언니👍☺️
I Love your vidéos thank You 😍💙💚💛❤
Yay another one of New aras journalling videos ara thank u so much u inspired me a lot now I am one of your supporters keep working hard and stay safe take lots of 💗💗💗 from me and my request is for u that pls say some journalling tips while you journal in your next video pls pls pls accept my request 😊😍🥰 thanks take care good bye!
Hi Ara I love your arts you are very intelligent and I do journal too everyone loves my journal first I don't know what is journal than I watch your videos than I now thank you for making this videos 🖌️☺️☺️🙂🙂😊😊
Your journal is cuteee🤩
Thank you for putting the Arabic language into the video, the best video 😍🇮🇶
It's very entertaining and it's cute beautiful journal and drawing keep the good work
Very very satisfying video I can definitely do it in my journal.......
And also love from India
And the cherry blossom 🌸🌸🌸🌸video was best ever video.
Your videos are an inspiration, Ily
Hi ara , i very love your journal page 🤗🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Ara! Your videos are my favourite at all,,🌸🌸🍂
this is so refreshing! thank you for making this vid☂
What an amazing video!
xmas journal pls pls
Nunca he escrito en tus videos, quizás no entiendas mi idioma. Me alientan mucho tus videos, de hecho comencé a hacer mi diario, mi canal es de tejido. Amo lo que hago, pero a veces necesito un respiro y es cuando hago mi diario. Gracias por ayudarme a ver la vida, con mas paz
I love your videos so much... You really inspire me 🤗🌈💖
Wow your journel is so cute ara ❤😍!
이벤트를 하네요.
따뜻함이 필요할때
멋진 댓글과 홍보 항상 감사합니다🥰🙏
늘 어머님 덕분에 용기를 가지고 앞으로 나아갑니다~
주말 잘 보내세요!💓💓
your vedios are so amazing
so beautiful
I love your video's
I love your journal .Soo much.and it's sound is so much satisfied...☺️☺️🌺😚
Yay! Ara’s video is out! I love you Ara! 💖
You are so talented. Your every video inspire me to start journaling.I am always afraid of what will I do if I messed up but your every video inspire me. You are my inspiration. 🥰
따뜻하고 커피향 물씬나는 영상이였습니다☕️
호오옥! 이디야 에코 챌린지라니! 정말 좋은 기획인거 같네요😊 에코백 탐납니닿ㅎㅎ
삿슴님~ 커피향 물씬 나는 영상이라니 그런 시적인 표현을..!😆👍
좋게 봐주셔서 넘 감사합니다😍🙏 건강한 한 주 보내세용!ㅎㅎ
مشتركة جديدة هنا🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️
كم تعجبني صفحتك🤍🤍🤍
The toffee nut latte sounds nice, even tho I've never drank coffee!🤧😋❤❤❤❤
Hi ara i just found your channel and I am already love with your channel 💕
I just love your patience I am very inspired by you I had written a spring and art journal inspired by you thank you so much 😊
In lockdown It was so boring than I found you channel and it was amazing
Loved it. It is a heartwarming video. I will also try to be more eco friendly and hope I can do it. I am soo inspired by you. You are my ideal. I love this system it is so creative. I don't have that much stuffs but I use everything that I get from magazines, newspapers, chocolate, rapper's, tags etc to make my journal much more interesting and creative. Thank you for your support and your creative idea.
Hi Sara! Thanks a lot for watching and leaving such a grateful comment💕 You're a true journaler, you already know every way to journal! Thank you for letting me know, hope you have a wonderful weekend😘💕🍀🌷
Love uu Ara..❤❤❤🥀 I love your books...📚 ...
Hi 👋, I am your New Subscriber . I like your Journal 💜
천천히 쉬십시오😌
これからも頑張ります❣ そゆさんも良い週末を🥰🙏
Eagerly was waiting for your new video........🥰🥰🥰
Ara I feel so relax while watching your video. doing journaling is very fun and ASMR when I am free and tired from my work so then I watched your videos its motivated me and it's made fresh and joyful because of you I started journaling .
Once again thanks
I loved the tools and the work you do❤️💕❤️
아라 영상보면 그.알.못도 그림을 그리고 싶어진다는 🙈 다이어리가 나오는 걸 보니 정말 연말이 다가왔구나 싶네요! 내년엔 어떤 다이어리를 써볼까 괜히 설레기도 하고 💕 이디야 다이어리도 깔끔하고 예쁜 것 같아요 :)
하미마미 다이어리는 내가 책임질게요!😆 담에 만나면 어떤 스타일이 좋은지 말해쥬~ 항상 댓글 남겨줘서 고마워💕 오늘 저녁은 푹 쉬고 낼 다시 또 화이팅!!💛🌷
@@ARALAND aah , I want al of a stationery from ediya coffee but I life in indonesia are you now what is indonesia ???
You cant searcing what is indonesia !!!
Bye ara ! 😄💕
메모가 당신처럼 아름답고 귀엽게 보입니다. 사랑해요 💜💜🥰😍
예쁘게 봐주셔서 감사합니다, Marooua님! 저도 사랑해요😘💜💜
Thanks a lot for your lovely comment, Marooua! Love you too😘💜💜
Me encantan tus videos!!!
You have got so good at drawing! It’s amazing how dedicated you are to journal and living a conscious life ❤ God bless
아라님 그림실력에 매주 감탄하며 영상보고 있어요😭👍👍 너무 제 취향이에요!
그리고 제 댓글 읽어주셔서 너무 감사해요!!🤍🤍🤍
저는 매주 혜원님 댓글을 읽으며 감동해서 울고 있습니다😭💖💖🙏넘 감사해요! 편안한 금요일 밤 되세요💞✨🌙
😭😭🤍🤍🤍 아라님도 좋은 밤 보내세요!!
Hi Ara! You are getting so close to 200,000 subscribers! I am so happy to see this! How are you doing? I love this video; I felt like we were talking! Your new notebook looks like the color of your latte! It’s beautiful! I keep scraps of paper all of the time too! I have a whole pile of it to use for journaling! I think this is a great idea! Other ways that I try to reuse is we have cloth napkins rather than paper to use at meals. I also found reusable paper towels that work really well too! For cleaning, I bought a bag of white cotton cloths from Amazon. I use those and sanitize them when I’m done. Thank you for the video; it is always good to be reminded to try and think of ways to be eco friendly! Love from the US! Jeanne 🥰🦋😍❤️😄😘🌺🌼✨💖💕💗❣️😻🌸💞☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️
Hi Jeanne!!🥰
Thanks a lot for such a kind, lovely comment >.< I really appreciate your words, it's sooo cold here however I'm quite warm now thanks to you🥰
Oh, you've also collected ephemera! It sounds really cool, I guess your scrap pile is wonderful💕👍🏻📚 :)
And thank you for sharing how to reuse cloth napkins! I know I have to use a cloth napkin, but I'm too lazy to wash it, so I use wet tissue a lot. I read your comment and reflected on it. I should use more cloth napkins too!😭
I'm doing well, hope you're also well, healthy, happy🥰🙏 Wish you a beautiful day🌷💕❤️💐💚😍 Love from Korea😘
Muy hermoso tu video ,me tranquiliza mucho besos.
Beautiful. Have a good weekend. Meowy from my cat Chai to your kitties.
asmr, aesthetic, day, drink, drawing, painting everything perfect!💓
Merhaba "Araland! Videoların bana ilham veriyor ve çok rahatlatıcı bir havası var. Her zaman berbat bir sonuç elde etmekten korktuğum için resim çizmekten ve Bullet journala başlamaktan korktum. Sayenizde korkumu yendim ve yeteneklerimi geliştirdim. Videolarına Türkçe altyazı koyduğun için teşekkürler! Başarılarınızın devamını dilerim!
Hi "Araland! Your videos are inspiring and have a very relaxing feel to me. I was always afraid of drawing pictures and starting the Bullet journal because I was afraid of getting a terrible result. Thanks to you, I overcame my fear and improved my skills. Thanks for putting Turkish subtitles in your videos! I wish you continued success!
Türkmüsün 👻
@@iremfelan Türklerin videoyu izlemediğini düşünmesin diye yorum atmaya karar verdim.
Merhaba Tsukinami 935!😍 Nazik yorumunuz için çok teşekkür ederiz. Günlüğünü tutmana çok sevindim. Yorumlarınız bana cesaret veriyor. Teşekkürler, iyi günler!💕🙏
Bende türküm
Türk olan başka kişilerin de izlediğini bilmek güzel bir duygu 💗
Your videos are so calming and aesthetic!🤍🤍🤎🤎I wish you very best,so that you can keep making these beautiful videos and making our time so good🤍🤍
This was so nice. Absolutely loved the eco friendly stationery. By the way how are coco and chuchu doing?
yyah me too
Hi Shivangi!😍 Thank you very much for asking coco and chuchu!! They are doing well😻✨ Hope you have a beautiful weekend, stay safe💞🍀
@ 2 51
ycg7oo99oghj. xrrgm.
Unnie Annyeong 🤗..hw r u doing😊 a days im busy with my online clg classes...uff they r tiring🥴..really liked the theme🤩..well I always try not to waste water a lot, also I luv to do gardening...this video inspired me to be more eco-friendly frm now on😊😊
Your videos are just soooo peaceful every night when I feel tired I just see your videos to relax myself from the terrible stress
Really Ara you are great thank you sooo much
Love from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳
후손들에게 좋은 환경을 주기위해 생수사먹는게 쉽지만 에코라이프는 필요하다 생각해서 20년전부터 물은 보온병에 넣어 다니며 마시고있네.
이렇게 지구환경보호에 동참하는 아라~~
넘 이뻐요 . 이제 그림그리는 솜씨에 대해서는 언급할 가치도 없을만큼 너무 잘그려서리~~
박스재할용하는 맘씨가 굿~♡♡
꺄아아 고모~ 댓글 감사합니다! 그나저나 20년 전부터 보온병을 가져다니시다니...! 진정한 에코챌린저세요😆👍👏👏저도 본받아서 에코백이든 텀블러든 잘 챙겨다녀야겠어요 ^^ 사과 먹으면서 댓글 달고 있는데 고모 생각이 나네요💕주말 잘 보내세요! :)
일러스트 가즈아~~
I buy plastic water bottles, but, i reuse them and use them on the daily :)
hey ara so can you make a video and show what stationary we need for journaling plsss
because I am starting a journal 😁
Saya selalu bahagia melihat video anda... Saya berharap dapatbuat jurnal seperti anda. Terimakasih untuk video yang indah... Semoga anda selalu sehat
Terima kasih telah menonton! Saya berharap Anda kesehatan yang baik dan keberuntungan.🥰🙏🍀
Araland, one video, I'm already obsessed from you're videos :D
에코백의 성능? 을 결정하는 두 개 요인은 저 조그마한 속포켓과 가방을 여며주는 똑닥단추같아요! 이디야 에코백은 속포켓이 있어서 지갑이나 카드, 무선이어폰같은 작은 소지품을 보관하기 좋겠어요^-------^ (아라님 이렇게 하면 되는거 맞죠?😉😉) 비니스트 라떼 4종을 최근 이디야에서 받아왔는데 영상 속에서 만나니 더 반가워요! 특히 토피넛 라떼 이녀석... 우유가 들어가지 않는데도 매장에서 먹는 것과 흡사한 맛이 나서 아주 만족스러웠던 기억이 납니다.
나는 환경에게 얼마나 친절했을까? 이건 저 스스로를 돌아보게 하는 문장이었어요. 환경을 보호해야하고, 일회용품 사용을 줄여야만 하는걸 모르는 사람은 없는데도 실천이 어려운 이유가 뭘까 고민해보니 기후위기가 몸으로 와 닿지 않아서인것 같아요. 온도가 1~3도정도 높아진대. 해수면이 조금쯤 상승한대. 오존층에 구멍이 뚫린대. 쉽게 와 닿지 않는 결과물들이지만 닥쳤을때에는 이미 수많은 것들을 잃고 난 후이기도 하겠죠? 그렇게 생각하고 나니 쉽게 실천이 가능한 아주 작은 부분이라도 환경을 고려하기 시작했어요. 아라님처럼 작은 포장용기나 봉투를 모으기도 하고, 특히 스티커를 구매하면 꼭 따라오는 OPP 봉투! 처음에는 모두 버렸었는데 어느 순간부터 모으다보니 돈다발인 마냥-흐흐- 가득 모였답니다. 주변 친구들에게 스티커를 깔끔하게 선물할 때나, 이것저것 '비닐'이 필요한 때 정말 유용하게 쓰고 있어요. 그리고 이전에 스치듯 말씀드렸던 정크저널 제작도 도토리를 모으는 다람쥐처럼 열심히 쌓아두고 있답니다. 환경을 생각한다는건 정말 미지의 모험같아요. 당장 손에 쥐어지는 성과도 없는데다가, '나 하나 조심한다고 해서 변하는게 있긴 할까?' 하는 생각이 수시로 찾아오니까요. 그런데도 습관처럼 일회용품을 줄여나가고, 쓰레기 배출을 줄이려 노력하고, 재활용 혹은 업싸이클링을 하려고 시도하는 모습들이 담긴 영상을 보니 어쩐지 이 알수없는 모험에 동료가 생긴 기분이 들었어요. 또 너무 과장된 표현을 사용한 것 같은가- 싶지만 사실이니 그냥 적으렵니다😊 이번 영상도 정말 신경써서 작업하신 것 같아 감상이 너무 즐거웠어요. 완연한 가을 건강하고 행복하게 보내셔요! 늘 감사합니다.
윤서니이임😍😆💕 우리우리 센스쟁이 윤서님!!😭감사합니다ㅎㅎㅎ 토피넛라떼 좋아하시는군요! 겨울마다 찾게 되는 메뉴인 것 같아요~ 약간 율무차랑도 비슷한 거 같고 고소해서 먹고 나면 든든하더라구요😊
저는 윤서님의 댓글에서 '환경을 생각한다는 건 미지의 모험'이라는 말씀이 너무 와닿았어요. 그쵸, 당장 우리 눈에 보이는 성과도 찾기 힘들고 개인이 얼마나 환경에 큰 영향을 미칠지 생각하면 현타(?)도 오구요..ㅎㅎ;; 가끔 저는 환경보다 그냥 자기만족에 이런 습관을 갖고 있는 건 아닐까하는 생각도 한답니다😅근데 또 이유가 어찌 됐든, 내 영향력이 얼마나 크든 상관 없이 실천한다는 사실 자체가 중요한 것 같기도 해요~ 모두가 각자 다른 이유로 환경보호를 하더라도 환경에 좋은 거라면 괜찮지 않을까... 모로 가도 서울로 가면 된다는 입장 같네요😂ㅎㅎ
윤서님의 OPP봉투 모으시는 습관 정말 좋은 것 같아요~! 저도 따라해봐야겠어요!! 비닐봉투 사용이 가장 마음에 걸렸는데 뜯을 때 잘 뜯어서 몇번이나 재사용하면 될 것 같아요, 그만큼 따로 사는 횟수도 줄어들 거구요😊👍 그리고 정크저널도 진짜 좋은 거 같아요~! 정크저널이야말로 가장 친환경에 가까운 다꾸 아닌가 싶습니다 :)
저도 윤서님의 댓글을 읽으면서 이 모험에 동료가 생긴 기분이 들었어요! 그리고 정말 든든한 지원군이 생긴 느낌도 들었습니다 >.< 항상 감사합니다. 윤서님께 드는 이 감사함을 어찌 다 표현하면 좋을까요😭💕💕내일부터 갑자기 확 추워진다는데 따뜻한 옷 입으시고 건강히 보내시기 바라요! 행복한 일요일밤 되세요~
This is what I look forward to every Friday. Another calming video from Ara. Now that 2021 is coming to and end, it makes us look back and reflect on the year and how we can do better for 2022. Thank you Ara for another beautiful journal video. I hope to participate being more eco friendly next year too. Stay healthy.
Hi manda!😍 You're so sweet, thanks a lot🙈😚💕 I'll keep going and do my best for your next year! Have a wonderful day, stay safe💝🍀
I love your journaling!!! You are amazing!!! Love from Kolkata, India!
you are journalling so good
Hello, I just want to tell you that when I grow up I want to be like you 💗
I love your videos 💕😊
You really inspired me to start art journalling- I started recently! And I've been wanting to since I first saw Sebastian's art journal in 'Cruel Intentions' a very, very, very long time ago. I think you showed a very useful habit of using what is around you, like collecting pretty packaging for journaling. I always felt bad throwing out little scraps of gift wrap and tissue paper, so I always kept them. Now I have a lot of pretty deco paper for my journaling. Last week, I even found old snoopy stickers that came with a book that I never used. I also kept many of my art materials from school, like stencils, cutting tools, and they are helpful now after a long time of no use. I had a lot of watercolour paper left because I didn't like watercolour back then! I kept them safely stored. I think we must think carefully about what must leave our possession. And if it must leave, can it go to someone who might use it before it gets broken down for recycling etc?
I was cleaning out my purse, and I found stickers for a supermarket promotion for a free gift that I never got enough stickers for. But I hadn't stuck them on the little book for the promo. I hadn't looked at them properly, and I found out the designs are cute. So now I have free cute marvel stickers. I even have disney stickers also from a promo. I don't actually want the free gift, but I'll take the cute stickers that will only end up being thrown away by the supermarket after they get the promo card full of stickers back when the prizes are claimed.
Today, I've been sorting old papers, and I found old shopping lists on cute note paper. The illustrations are too cute, so I'll cut them out and save them from being put in the recycling. Adding these to journaling supplies is one way that I think we can be a little helpful.
Hi Rosa! Omg Thanks a million for your such a nice comment!💕🙏 I know how much time it takes you to write this comment. That means a lot to me. I really appreciate it.
And I love the way you care about environment! I am learning a lot from you. The way you look at your stuff is really cool, I'm sure your journal will be great too😘✨
Omg you're videos are so adorable 🤩🥺 ... keep going you are doing the best 👍
영상이 올라왔다는 알림을 받으면 저의 해피타임이 시작됩니다 📸❣️🍊♥️🥳😘🥰🤩❤️When I get a notification that you have uploaded a video, my happy time begins 📸❣️🍊♥️🥳😘🥰🤩❤️
안녕하세요 유리님! 항상 댓글 남겨주셔서 감사합니다😍✨💕🍀🌷 Hi Yu-ri! Always thank you very much for your nice comment😘🥰🙏✨💕🍀🌷
Me encantan tus vídeos nueva sub
I love your channel
Wow.... It's beautiful, I loved it. 🥰. Blessings Ara. 🌸🌸🌸
Cuando ví que subiste un vídeo nuevo grité de felicidad 😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️
unfortunately i CANT😭
How are you Ara I hope you're ok, this week has been very busy for me, I've had exams and I'm tired, but when you make a video, it's gone past the tiredness of the whole week. 🙃💕
I liked your channel very much💌💌💌
Really love your videos.
So calm and relaxing; not every ASMR is so...
I am glad to find a chennal of ASMR that do not tap on the things to make it mitigate 🙂
Thank you very much for such a kind words🥰🙏
Bonjour Ara, je vous trouve très inspirante, j'aime beaucoup vos dessins et vos mises en pages ... je trouve aussi que vos vidéos sont extrêmement relaxantes et pour moi qui suis stressée en permanence, cela me procure un bien fou de les regarder, elles m'apaisent énormément. Merci ! Bisous de France 🥰
Make a video on why journaling is important
Ohh dear Ara..I love Bullet Journaling and I found some ideas on pinterest..then I came to watch your videos on youtube and all your videos that you posted on youtube all are inspiring me alot..thank you soooo muchh🌳through your videos I studied how to seal wax stamp,what to write in a journal and so on...and your drawings are very attractive for me 🎨🖼and I will try to watch all your videos..keep going.
. 😘Love from Daya, India
Hi Daya!😊 Oh my god... Your comment is very touching😭 Thank you so much!!💓 I'll keep making videos, have a wonderful weekend!😘💕🍀
@@ARALAND thank you for your reply..I didn't expect this reply from you alot:)
Love your creativity! And you draw and paint so well it's motivating me to practice more 🧡
El resultado del diario quedo super hermoso.🥰💚
Ilove your vidéo UA-cam ❤️❤️🤗
I love your videos so much 💞
Gerçekten mükemmel seni çooooooook seviyorummm ♡♡♡
Not only are your videos relaxing and aesthetic, but very inspiring! Thank you 💖
wow i really love this!
This is so beautiful. Especially for a coffee lover like me I love this spread so much 😍