A HFY Story : Wow! | 2039~ Deathworld, War, Terran & Humans

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024


  • @rossdavies8250
    @rossdavies8250 Рік тому +140

    That was one of your best stories. I loved it. The WOW! signal twist at the end was masterful. For the author, for the narrator, for the algorithm!

    • @VadulTharys
      @VadulTharys Рік тому +2

      as soon as they stated the date I knew exactly where it was going.

    • @Heegaherger
      @Heegaherger Рік тому +2

      That was a nice surprise. I’m glade the author made that his ending premise.

    • @von-shonfaison9931
      @von-shonfaison9931 Рік тому +1

      Yes it was kind of bought a tear to my eye❤❤❤

  • @jackreisewitz6632
    @jackreisewitz6632 Рік тому +13

    After all his emotional turmoil concerning his understanding of the humans, the profound perception of what it is to be human expressed in the statement that "The stars must be theirs to take." shows that, in the end, he understood humans very well indeed.
    My hat's off to the author.

  • @scott644
    @scott644 Рік тому +67

    Nice combination of history, prognostication, and intelligent design. I liked it!

  • @samsignorelli
    @samsignorelli 4 місяці тому +3

    As a fencer, was VERY happy to hear a reference to my sport! (medalist was Alexander Pusch, men's epee)

  • @RedneckRapture
    @RedneckRapture Рік тому +158

    IF we don't paralyze our own innovation, we'll handle climate change just like we handled everything else. Don't you worry, Xeno. Your descendents will be wondering how the humans will react to the latest major galactic event and worrying that we will overreact the same way many on our planet currently do when they watch the US and Russia or China dance around each other.

    • @mikesmith2102
      @mikesmith2102 Рік тому +2

      What Luddite!!!

    • @RedneckRapture
      @RedneckRapture Рік тому +10

      @@mikesmith2102 Bro, if you're going to try to insult me, at least use the term 'luddite' properly.

    • @ratzelbarreto2070
      @ratzelbarreto2070 Рік тому

      The whole climate change is just a grift, they been saying that Alaska ice would melt by 199, back in 1974. I mean were are the climate activists. Ali gore and thumberg on east Palestine disasters? I tell you why cause it a grift to control you.

    • @bozmadi7731
      @bozmadi7731 Рік тому +6

      Honestly there's plenty of options for us to be moving towards our future without destroying our ecosystem or stiffling our level of comfort the biggest issue is that the interest of many conflict with the insterest of the few. Capitalism wich has been a great vector for innovation is now the main obstacle for our collective development.

    • @izayaorihara7059
      @izayaorihara7059 Рік тому

      I rather think elite capitalism is the problem. The likes of BlackRock ruin normal market conclusions capitalism should come to. On the other hand, this may be the natural Endstadium of capitalism.

  • @oldnwise
    @oldnwise 9 місяців тому +3

    So... that was the origin of the "Wow" Signal! I could never have guessed. 😅
    Wonderful narrative, thanks.

  • @mnntropy5615
    @mnntropy5615 Рік тому +21

    Fun story! I like that I did not connect the Wow! title to the Wow! signal until the very last lines.

  • @michiganengineer8621
    @michiganengineer8621 Рік тому +23

    Have you done the OP's story "Falling Sky" yet? That story is GREAT! Very Nivenesque in many ways.

  • @Maddog3060
    @Maddog3060 Рік тому +3

    Hmm, mysterious "First People" tech orbiting the planet?
    "Black Knight Satellite
    What are you looking for?
    You are the ghost that watch the sky
    Black Knight Satellite
    What are you searching for?
    The silent ghost in the sky"

  • @shaincastillo6772
    @shaincastillo6772 Рік тому +18

    Waiting patiently for the WoW moment....

    • @goddragon8637
      @goddragon8637 Рік тому +7

      The whole video is the wow moment for you see for all our gifts our knowledge our wisdom, intelligence and, our skills we always shoot ourselves in the foot every single time...

    • @shaincastillo6772
      @shaincastillo6772 Рік тому

      Yes I agree.... I was waiting in the lobby in the count down.

    • @carlosdgutierrez6570
      @carlosdgutierrez6570 Рік тому +4

      The wow moment is the signal at the end, that is the real life wow signal.

    • @Orithos
      @Orithos Рік тому

      The WoW moment will only come when you build additional pylons. Job done

  • @yomogami4561
    @yomogami4561 Рік тому +16

    great story
    i would like to know more of the first people. given the time line i wondered if the narrator of the story was descended from dinosaurs

  • @vinnyganzano1930
    @vinnyganzano1930 Рік тому +5

    Loved the "WOW!" signal being incorporated into the he story.

    • @samsignorelli
      @samsignorelli 4 місяці тому

      I rather liked the reference to "Mad Jack" Churchill...

  • @anghusmorgenholz1060
    @anghusmorgenholz1060 10 місяців тому +1

    Reading the comments I was wondering what the hell the WOW broadcast was. I snapped world of wcraft. Duh. My day off. Really liked this. Great story and great narrator.

  • @anathardayaldar
    @anathardayaldar Рік тому +8

    And then there's the Jamaican Bobsled Team

  • @voltprime209
    @voltprime209 Рік тому +11

    It'd be funny if they made one where the aliens come to earth and the first religion they notice is the one where they have the flying spaghetti monster very real religion by the way pastafarianism

  • @Caldoric
    @Caldoric Рік тому +2

    This is the second story I've heard you read that mentioned the Aggressors, though the other one took place at a much later point on the timeline, when humanity had already taken to the stars...

  • @mikkelnpetersen
    @mikkelnpetersen 10 місяців тому +1

    "They irradiated their own planet?" - Quark (Star Trek)

  • @QuiranPup
    @QuiranPup Рік тому +2

    I knew quite quickly it was headed for that wow signal story, given the dates provided :P
    an absolutely wonderful story to listen to, and a great ending

  • @TairnKA
    @TairnKA Рік тому

    I loved the connection with Voyager and the "WOW!" signal that I've imagined to be a result of a new comm officer aboard an alien long range survey ship accidently activating a primitive frequency that was shut down by its supervising officer. ;-)

  • @cheezeguyLOZ
    @cheezeguyLOZ Рік тому +10

    Trying to find a story, can't remember if it was Agro or NetNarrator, about death reaping a squad of soldiers but the dead soldiers hold death off long enough for the one left barely alive to send a report that would save the rest of humanity. Anyone remember that one?

    • @VadulTharys
      @VadulTharys Рік тому +1

      Yep it was Agro who did it.

    • @deus0rcinus889
      @deus0rcinus889 Рік тому +1

      Do you know the name of the story?

    • @VadulTharys
      @VadulTharys Рік тому +1

      @@deus0rcinus889 no unfortunately I forgot, but it was something with death in the title

    • @TheAzynder
      @TheAzynder Рік тому +2

      @@deus0rcinus889 It was probably A Warrior's Death, if not, it sure has a similar theme.

  • @MizukiStone44
    @MizukiStone44 Рік тому +2

    This was a really neat one. Thank you for telling us this tale.

  • @nicholasmunroe8989
    @nicholasmunroe8989 Рік тому +4

    Okay, can you try to find more of stuff like this?! This is what I need! Also, If we manage to stop climate change (which I think is possible) and we don’t wipe ourselves out! Then I think we can so do it.

    • @VadulTharys
      @VadulTharys Рік тому +3

      Have you seen the reports on the recent warp bubble being produced? It seems a trek fan and nasa scientist figured out how to make a warp bubble and how to move material faster than light. NASA will be conducting more tests on using it to have a ship travel faster than light in 2024, and if that series of tests are as successful as the ones already conducted to go for a full size ship test by 2030.

    • @smaragdwolf1
      @smaragdwolf1 Рік тому +1

      well, its still early but many start to shift towards renewable energy to reduce CO² emissions, the biggest reason for climate change. Typically human, we have setbacks in form of Wars and conspiracy believers, but i think we can get this done. Its a passive Way to confront climate change, but there are also ideas how to actively manipulate the weather/climate.
      As for space-travel, NASA plans the next trips to the moon, including a moon-base, sending Humans to Mars is also on the to-do list.
      As soon we have a somewhat stable mission there, i think Asteroid-Mining could be the next step to get ressources for bigger missions.
      With the JWST-Telescop, we have a pretty sharp eye towards the Stars... if Aliens are unlucky, it will get some nice Signals from them.
      The Sky-Crane delivery of the Car-sized Mars-rover a few years back was also pretty nice... including a "live"-Stream (lets ignore the time lag because of the distance).
      to think that we started the Voyagers not even 50 years ago, thats some big steps that these Story-aliens missed. They didnt witnessed the ISS in Orbit or SpaceX's self-landing Rockets.

    • @VadulTharys
      @VadulTharys Рік тому +2

      @@smaragdwolf1 Actually CO2 is not an issue, we need it around 720ppm to help biodiversity. Now the SF6 being released in massive amounts in the production of wind turbines and solar panels is more of an issue. Funny how the "green energy" is actually the thing causing the current warming.

    • @smaragdwolf1
      @smaragdwolf1 Рік тому

      @@VadulTharys thats false and you know it. Burning megatons of Gas, Oil and Coal produces far more CO² than its good for the Planet. The other problem is CH4 - Methane, a side-product of factory farming and gas-related accidents.
      While SF6 has a high risk for the climate, its physical aspects make it inert, like Nitrogen. It doesnt really react with other stuff and has a high density, which means that it doesnt vanishes in thin air like Hydrogen. The Regulations for SF6 are far more strict then for common Gas for example.
      As for SF6 in windturbines, i checked your accusation. In enclosed components as insulation for electric systems, a turbine has about 3kg SF6. up to 3g could mathematically escape each year, which is 0,0705t CO² equivalent each year. At the same time, a turbine saves 4000t CO² because of not burned Coal, each year.
      Even if all SF6 gets into the environment somehow, its about 70,5t CO² equivalent. A turbine has an estimated lifetime of 20 years, which saves 80.000t of CO².
      do i have to check your claim about SF6 in soalr panels too? Or do you agree, that green energy is not the problem here.

    • @VadulTharys
      @VadulTharys Рік тому +2

      @@smaragdwolf1 Where did you get your degree in atmospherics? Or was it gender studies? everything you stated is propaganda to cover up the current causes of warming.
      Now tell me what is the GWP of CO2 and CH4? Then state the GWP of SF6.
      Then explain how in 2019 China was responsible for the release of enough SF6 to equal all the CO2 and CH4 emissions since 1840.
      Now tell me what the sequestration period of CH4 and CO2 are compared to SF6?
      I could care less how strict the US or Europe is in releases of SF6 because China does not care and is polluting the atmosphere, water, and overall global environment at a level never seen before.
      Also your math is wrong, if each turbine releases 3g of SF6 a year and there are say 200K turbines that is 600k grams of SF6, that is equal to 22800t of CO2. That is not including the 57054t released by Chinese industry each year, that equals 2168052000 tons of CO2.
      Don't come at me with ignorance and propaganda pushing verified lies.
      Even if we stop all SF6 releases now we will have a global warming of at least 4C over the next 20 years, with an average of 4C every 4 years after that, and it will keep getting warmer. Idiots like you are the reason our species and all species on earth will go extinct.

  • @stephenbell5190
    @stephenbell5190 Рік тому +1

    Me: Reads title
    Also me: *Owen Wilson voice* Wow

  • @merlinathrawes746
    @merlinathrawes746 11 місяців тому

    Fascinating! I would be interested in learning more about these first people.

  • @Jeff55369
    @Jeff55369 Рік тому +1

    aliens: global warming!
    trees: om nom nom. job's done.

    • @TechnoSpectre3
      @TechnoSpectre3 Рік тому

      The atmosphere: Getting a little warm? Let me just adjust the Earth's albedo factor.

  • @thelaughinghyenas8465
    @thelaughinghyenas8465 Рік тому +2

    This story was both thoughtful and enjoyable. Thank you!

  • @douglasmcneil8413
    @douglasmcneil8413 Рік тому +1

    August 15th 1977, I was in High School.

  • @oskargiza7251
    @oskargiza7251 Рік тому +2


  • @tehnosan5769
    @tehnosan5769 Рік тому

    see the thing is about the whole "some humans might survive" concept is that if they just blow up the whole planet we would have nothin to survive on :P but an absolutely awesome story

  • @zaphodthenth
    @zaphodthenth Рік тому

    Very very good story!

  • @RealArcalian
    @RealArcalian Рік тому

    Greetings Mentlegent!
    For the Rhyhtm that is Algo
    Xenos: These Humans are doing WHAT? Let's get out of here!!!!

  • @markfergerson2145
    @markfergerson2145 Рік тому +1

    Uh, there's a First People (presumably intelligent sauroids) artifact orbiting the Earth? It must have killer shields...

    • @dexdrako
      @dexdrako Рік тому

      kind of assuming its the moon

    • @smaragdwolf1
      @smaragdwolf1 Рік тому

      @@dexdrako yeah i think that too. Without the Moon, life on Earth would probably be impossible and the Story gives the impression that this World was created for Life.

    • @Maddog3060
      @Maddog3060 Рік тому +3

      It might be referring to the Black Knight Satellite urban legend.

    • @masterpython
      @masterpython Рік тому

      It sounds like it might attack the ship if it got too close. It's an ancient leave this planet alone device. They saw a life bearing planet going through it's big and dumb phase and helped things along don't want anything messing up their experiment.

  • @dkbros1592
    @dkbros1592 Рік тому +15

    humans dont need to be saved humans will save themselves

  • @rowdysgirlalways
    @rowdysgirlalways Рік тому


  • @ravenouself4181
    @ravenouself4181 9 місяців тому

    A wise decision - Pack-Bond with the murderoes monkeys

  • @syncringe1885
    @syncringe1885 Рік тому

    Imagine if that signal was the answer to faster than light travel. Like it was a form of radiation instead of a signal however we picked it up as a signal.

  • @peterforden5917
    @peterforden5917 Рік тому

    Really good !

  • @DoctorRobertNeville
    @DoctorRobertNeville Рік тому

    Just wait until they find the Black Obelix on the Moons surface.

  • @marcosargen3729
    @marcosargen3729 Рік тому


  • @gedster666
    @gedster666 Рік тому

    What a chilling ending ❤️
    For the algorithm!

    • @Netherdan
      @Netherdan Рік тому

      I believe the best response is to let us fend for ourselves much like they did. If humans are uplifted at the state we're in now, we'll definitely be a threat to the galaxy as a whole.
      We should learn to cooperate, use and share resources sustainably in order to not become an expansionist-consumerist plague of planet invaders we fear so much in our fictions

  • @allenmorgan1007
    @allenmorgan1007 Рік тому

    For the Algorithm, for the Author(s), for the Disembodied Voice!

  • @grey9803
    @grey9803 Рік тому

    Just want to point out that the tsar Bomba was a 50, megaton explosion not a 10 kiloton

  • @ManicPandaz
    @ManicPandaz Рік тому

    Humans get a zenkai boost if you don’t kill them off.

  • @pauldirac808
    @pauldirac808 Місяць тому

    Global warming Bollox had to switch off .

  • @dont.beknown5622
    @dont.beknown5622 6 місяців тому

    Well written story. Awesomely narrated. Too bad for the sorry sobs reading this story that can't handle true science and our effects on our climate. They just don't get it. The planet will be fine - just without us. We'll just exterminate ourselves one way or another. The author got that right...

  • @ryanbroguy
    @ryanbroguy Рік тому

    18:08 pronounced gaul-ic. gaelic people are from an entirely different region.

  • @nevyn_karres
    @nevyn_karres Рік тому

    Hehe I liked the story.

  • @klappstock943
    @klappstock943 Рік тому

    For the Algorithm the story and the voice

  • @rainynight02
    @rainynight02 Рік тому

    But what was the "first peoples" tech that was supposedly orbiting earth?!

  • @genericuser984
    @genericuser984 Рік тому


  • @jamaicanewshub9582
    @jamaicanewshub9582 Рік тому

    I was born August 15 1977

  • @merlinwizard1000
    @merlinwizard1000 Рік тому +1

    2nd, 22 February 2023

  • @anathardayaldar
    @anathardayaldar Рік тому

    They need not worry. Half my country still thinks global warming is a hoax.

    • @shawnlylebond8873
      @shawnlylebond8873 Рік тому +1

      Memory serves that some climatologist said the polar bears would be extinct by 2015. How are they holding up?

    • @nebraska7598
      @nebraska7598 Рік тому +1

      Then there’s the number of politicians who preach about global warming who also own beach front homes.

  • @ratzelbarreto2070
    @ratzelbarreto2070 Рік тому +1

    Ok just letting you know the out of Africa theory has been debunk, and it more like modern human are a mix of various species with a common ascenter.

  • @ruv8341
    @ruv8341 Рік тому

    For the algorithm

  • @jacksonbedard2018
    @jacksonbedard2018 Рік тому

    For the Algorithm!

  • @acefire4050
    @acefire4050 Рік тому

    Too bad the nuclear weapons are not the most powerful weapons in the United States. Has, but you've be surprised at what the most powerful weapon is. And how much damage it could do. And no other country has this capability. And I'd probably be about a hundred years before they do.

  • @elfeater1760
    @elfeater1760 Рік тому

    For the Algorithm11!

  • @MercenaryX21
    @MercenaryX21 Рік тому +3

    IT IS A.D. NOT C.E.

    • @markfergerson2145
      @markfergerson2145 Рік тому +1

      Common Era is in common use. Get over it.

    • @curtisholsinger6023
      @curtisholsinger6023 Рік тому +2

      Anno Domini is an odd thing to use. This is from the perspective of the aliens. Regardless of whether Jesus was here to save ALL souls, including the souls of aliens, the alien species itself would not be using that marker. Human history extends way past Christianity. They would logically use the most neutral agreed-upon measurement of time they could.

  • @huwmather5477
    @huwmather5477 6 місяців тому

    Greta Thunberg will save us lmao

  • @coleriedel751
    @coleriedel751 9 місяців тому

    sigh... how do aliens develop the technology to travel the stars but ignorant enough to believe in "climate crisis"?

  • @richarddrapeau7599
    @richarddrapeau7599 9 місяців тому

    I liked it, right before "global warming". I'll leave it. It's still nicely written.

  • @saanon9334
    @saanon9334 Рік тому +2

    Every time I have ever seen someone type the year as CE I know they are a cringe person.

    • @anghusmorgenholz1060
      @anghusmorgenholz1060 10 місяців тому

      For using an emerging scientific term instead of an outdated religiously biased term. Hold the mirror to yourself cringy

    • @saanon9334
      @saanon9334 10 місяців тому

      @@anghusmorgenholz1060 The "emerging scientific term" was created as a direct anti-Christian political move. What date is CE based on? What happen for it to be called Common Era? Don`t fool yourself.

  • @mikeharris6429
    @mikeharris6429 Рік тому +12

    Screw those sanctimonious xenos. The worst part of this story is that they didn’t get nuked out of existence in the first couple minutes of the story.

    • @smaragdwolf1
      @smaragdwolf1 Рік тому +3

      an how do you think humans would be able to detect and attack an Observer-Spaceship in the Shadow of a Gasgiant, if we didnt even had a Way to know, that they exist?

  • @williamreffner6542
    @williamreffner6542 11 місяців тому

    Too bad global warming is a nothing burger,nice try bye the author

  • @ImOwenWilson
    @ImOwenWilson Рік тому

    Oh wow!

  • @asandrewsilvaw
    @asandrewsilvaw Рік тому

    For the algorithm