I know Sean Sutter! He gave me a lot of his LotR minis to get me started in tabletop gaming when he found out I was interested. Wonderful guy, always glad to see a Relicblade mention.
I'm watching through this and I'm blown away by RelicBlade. The fact that the guy did all that work on his own is inspiring and I don't think you harped on it too much!
I think my actual miniature collection went something like 40k (last edition - two big armies), WH:U (a lot of warbands), AoS (three armies), Malifaux (two crews), Necromunda (starter), Kill Team (starter) and Infinity. Suffered from the classic too many systems situation and starting selling. Now my three main systems are AoS (two big armies), Infinity and WH:U (although we don't play anymore). Thinking of getting Aristeia! as something I can support alone and bring to table. Like WH:U is also compatible with big game. Any way, N4 is the ultimate skirmish game for me once you get over the massive learning curve.
I am surprised that Saga Miniatures wasn't on this list. The battle boards give it a unique worker placement feel as well as it being a full skirmish game. The Age of Magic is a fantasy setting that can be used with a variety of miniatures.
More of a board game feel compared to games like Necromunda or Frostrave, but Mythic Battles Pantheon is an awesome skirmish game with excellent unique and straight forward mechanics. The units all have very unique powers and abilities. And the minis are awesome looking touching on all aspects of Greek mythology.
Thanks so much for this! Getting back into the hobby after a long hiatus and decided to try skirmish so I could focus a little more on the painting without the stress of large armies. I have watched this a least 3 times through and keep coming back for specific tidbits. Currently messing around with RelicBlade, Vanguard, Frostgrave, and Shadow Deep. So easy to try a bunch of different rule sets with just a few dozen minis, a mat and some basic terrain. Looking to see what else was around for true solo, I discovered Five Parsecs from Home. An elegant, quick skirmish (roughly 5 on 5 in 3-4 rounds) at the heart of a highly evolved (3rd edition) solo RPG campaign engine. In this case, solo means procedural, which I sometimes don't like, but the engine in 5PfH is really quite brilliant. It's mini agnostic, and I happen to like slightly larger (32mm) stuff for painting. The Arvalon-8 series is great for your ship's crew, and Necromunda is perfect for the humanoid bad guys. (Thanks for that!) And for folks more into fantasy, the 3rd edition of Five Leagues from the Borderlands is due out in a few months. Similar skirmish-based solo RPG campaign engine.
Great list! I learned a lot because I've only played a couple of the games that you talk about. Claustrophobia is excellent, although so far for me it has been tougher to teach than it looks like it will be. I *love* Relicblade too. It's the only one of these miniatures-based, two-player skirmish games that I own, although I have my eye on Frostgrave now too. Meanwhile, I have three other great games to recommend, but I fear that they're sort of outside the sub-genre that we're talking about. The first one is an 80s classic: _Gunslinger,_ by Richard Hamblen. Holy cow, what a great game. It has one-off scenarios, campaigns, and even a sort of ongoing role-playing game mode. It shows its age mainly in the rules complexity (quite high) and the production quality (great for early 80s Avalon Hill, but not up to modern standards). It's so cool though. There are third-party western miniatures out there that look like they would work *great* with this game, but I haven't tried them yet. Next up is _Warcults_ from the crazy geniuses behind Cave Evil. Like Gunslinger (and Warcry, from what it sounds like), it does a great job of supporting one-off scenarios as well as ongoing campaigns. The game's setting, illustrations, and graphic design are highly stylized, so if gothic death metal is not your thing you may not like the game. It is extremely fun and rewarding to build your own cult of monsters and humanoids, complete with chain of command. No miniatures for this game, just chits, but honestly miniatures wouldn't work well given the size of the cults. Think warband-sized teams rather than squad-sized. Finally, my all-time favorite game: _Duel of Ages II._ Tom Vasel carried a torch for this game for years, and my gaming buddies and I are happy to carry it forward. DoA is a team-based sports(!) game, with highly individualized characters (192 of them, for crying out loud), tons of different terrain tiles, hundreds of unique pieces of equipment, vehicles, henchmen, hunter pets, etc. It's kind of ridiculous how much is built into the game, so it's the polar opposite of something like, say, Relicblade. You can play a fun session of Relicblade in an hour. Not so with Duel of Ages--it's quite a commitment. In fact, in my opinion it's sort of a Twilight Imperium of skirmish games. If you can get the players (it supports two-player but scales up to higher player counts elegantly too) and can set aside a Saturday afternoon and evening then there's just nothing else like it in the skirmish space. No miniatures or 3D terrain in this game either, for what it's worth.
I've played Duel of Ages II, and quite enjoyed it. It's funky though. My group was NOT hot on it. I really need to play one of those Cave Evil style games. I love how they look. I've come close to pulling the trigger so many times now. :)
@@DriveThruReview Yeah, I've noticed that some folks instantly take to Duel of Ages and some really, really don't. I'm not sure what's polarizing about it, exactly. As far as I know Cave Evil itself is out of print, so it's probably super expensive on ebay and such. Warcults is still available from the publisher though, and they have come out with a couple of "chaos pack" mini-expansions over the last year or so. Warcults doesn't have a planned narrative along the lines of, say, Rangers of Shadow Deep. But as a game system it creates memorable stories, situations, and encounters as well as any other game that I've played, even my beloved Duel of Ages. It's a trip!
I’d love to try Gunslinger! Might keep an eye out for a copy. Different type of game, but I love Doomtown: Reloaded, the theme comes through for me and I love how combat is resolved using poker hands! Not by wargame complexity standards, but for a standard game it is a bit of a beast to learn though!
Thanks Joel! I was wondering about Warhammer: Underworlds but I saw your comment down below. I have only played the campaign version of Imperial Assault, I will need to give the skirmish mode a try when I get a chance.
Your very appealing list makes me realise how strong this genre is! I’m not sure if these would all be counted as skirmish games, but for me: #5 Warhammer Underworlds #4 The Walking Dead: All Out War #3 Dungeon Saga #2 Frostgrave #1 Aristeia! Honorable mention: Infinity (not played enough yet - potential future #1!) I really enjoy these types of games but am not really looking for new ones now as I want to focus on adding to Aristeia! and Infinity. Infinity is costing enough already! I would really have liked to have tried Rumbleslam. I enjoy a simple wrestling game, WWE Superstar Showdown, which is basically rock-paper-scissors, but it’s fun and gives a flavor. I can only imagine Rumbleslam would be even more so! Frostgrave is my wife’s game. I was stunned she wanted a skirmish game! She claims to not like fighting games/ take that, but always seems to play attack cards in Dominion or trap my meeples in Carcassonne! Frostgrave feels a bit random and mad but has so much character and tells great stories! My wife is really enjoying making scenery too. Dungeon Saga and Walking Dead are my son’s games. I’m lucky to be able go play these and Frostgrave too, they are all highly ranked in my top 100! Need to get around to trying Gaslands. I’m a big kid and still love diecast car models!
The Walking Dead: All Out War was one that is close to making this list for me. Really enjoyed that one. Same with Warhammer Underworlds, which would actually be high up the list, but it really is purely competitive. I love the lore and have read some of the novels around it, but the game itself is just straight competitive (still love it though).
Re: Marvel Crisis Protocol - there are affiliation lists where in team building you're incentivized to pick a team who mostly work together for example: Spider Foes led by Green Goblin with Venom, Doctor Octopus and perhaps another villain like MODOK would work just fine. There are so many shifting loyalties and team-ups in the comics that I don't mind having an unusual combination of characters. The game itself is highly cinematic - the abilities of the characters are so well designed that they all feel distinctive and larger than life. I totally understand the reticence to get into a setting that you don't have terrain for though as it is very time consuming and takes up space -I currently have Fantasy and Modern terrain and that influences the skirmish games I play. I'm slowly working on post apocalyptic stuff so I can try Fallout and This is not a Test and Zona Alfa. Great video - I need to try out Claustrophobia and have a read into the between game stuff for Necromunda - the territory management stuff really piques my interest.
Great run down. Reminds me how many games I own that have not really been played. Frostgrave, Gaslands, Imperial Assault Skirmish. I have been looking at my collection for games to play with my son. Most of the games are to complicated with to many cards. We watched a Killteam video with its 4 tests to down a model and was like that is to involved.
And I agree about Gaslands... so elegant but simple in the end rules! But you really feel like driving a fighting car, you can push your driving abilities(luck... ;) ) in very controlable way. A lot of fun. So many possibilities to build your team and give it an unique feel, without restricting to any rigid "factions". Good to play with children and adults that want serious challenge! I'm really amazed how this "matemathical" model can simulate decision space that feel like "real death race". Great work by Mike. Waiting for his Billion Suns!
What a great top 10. I really enjoyed that and even discovered a couple of new skirmish games. My favourite was the old original Necromunda. These days I’ve been interested (for obvious reasons) in the solo ones, Rangers of Shadowdeep was one on my list, but I lean more towards sci-fi than fantasy so I ended up going down this crazy rabbit hole of indie skirmish games. My current obsession is Five Parsecs from Home, a little indie rule set by Nordic Weasel that is about a small band of mercenaries making there way in the universe. The rules a fairly easy to manage solo IGOUGO style with interesting AI for adversary movement. But what’s got my interest is the between skirmish campaign that grows and builds the story of your little group of misfits. The fact that it’s model agnostic and can work with smaller 15mm models is a bonus. The other solo one I’m loving is Core Space - it’s a hybrid skirmish/board game that comes with everything you need, including terrain, in the box.
Having run and organised a lot of Necromunda, you need a referee or at least a friendly agreement to houserule certain elements of the game from being completely broken. Putting limits on flamers, for instance, which are insanely OP.
This is my first time watching one of your videos and enjoyed it. Found it kind of down a rabbit hole but glad I did. Thanks for making it. As far as a list, I only really play skirmish games any more but love them dearly. I would like to make a few comments. First, if you are considering Dracula's America, do it!! The rules are simple and very easy to mod anyway that you like. It can be played both as a regular western game, and a weird west game too. I understand the terrain issue, but it is really worth it. Thai terrain can also double for Malifaux as there are outpost towns that resemble wild west type towns....just saying. Also, I have read in the comments about Last Days Zombie Apocalypse and I can say this one is also really fun. Worth the time and extra terrain too....and if you get the terrain for this, it can be used for This is Not a Test as a less broken down town, and can give you a reason to buy into Crisis Protocol. Last, just a quick mention of Monsterapocolypse. Great fun and in a similar way very .uch like Rumbleslam except with giant robots and monsters. Little terrain needed and the starter boxes are really good value. Again, thanks for the video.
Fun list - thanks, Joel! If I hadn't gone pretty much all-in on Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault on the recommendations of you plus Charlie and Raf from Ding & Dent (I was painting the Thundrik's Profiteers minis while watching this video), I'd be taking a very close look at a couple of these. What a fun sub-genre of gaming!
great list! Malifaux would definitely be my nb1. Never heard of Relicblade before Joel's review but made me go in big time on their last kickstarter (bit expensive to order from website when shipping to Europe)
Great list! I have many of these because of your videos. Now just need to be able to see people so I can play, haha. 2 you haven't mentioned that I'm really interested in trying - ArcWorlde and Burrows & Badgers. I don't know if Core Space counts as a Skirmish game, but that's high on my list too.
Burrows and Badgers I couldn't get into. I did like there other game in that vein... Kobolds and Cobblestones. Not played ArcWorlde or Core Space, but I hope to give Core Space a try when the new printing happens.
I enjoy good skirmish games and haven't yet tried many on your list. I was very impressed with Relicblade, being completely designed and built by one person.
Love your list! My top 5 would be: Frostgrave, Warcry, Relic Blade, Kill Team and Gaslands. I really have to look into getting Kings of War Vanguard now. But you kind of scared me off from Necromunda, which is a good thing.
Dust’s top 5: #1 Frostgrave #2 Bolt Action #3 X-wing #4 Dungeon Command #5 Blitzbowl I don’t own piles of terrain but the stuff I mostly bought was Tabletop World stuff perfect for Frostgrave and reasonable for Bolt Action. The main thing I struggle with in Frostgrave is narrative when it comes to two players playing a lot. Why these two specific warbands would be bashing themselves against each other over and over. I really like semi-cooperative games like Nemesis… and I wish I could twist my Frostgrave campaigns to click in my head better.
Haha... ya I hear you about a two player campaign of Frostgrave. It's like... "You!!! Again!!!" Kind of can have a Saturday morning cartoon vibe in some ways. Forgot about Dungeon Command. That was a fun game.
@@DriveThruReview Thats exactly how my brother and I spin the story when we play Frostgrave. Our two wizards are old rivals and always will say something like "So we meet again!" or "I should have known you would try to stop me!". almost like a He-Man and Skeletor relationship. Very cheesy but i find it fun haha
I do too. But, I really have a hard time putting it into this arena. It's so mechanical and competitive. There's a lot of cool lore around it, but the actual game play is purely competitive to me. I do love it though :)
Underworlds is a tough game to place. It is wholly a boardgames in my estimation; a tactical arena combat one, but a boardgame nonetheless. Others in this category are Blitz Bowl, Blood Bowl, Puppet Wars, Aristeia!, Wildlands, Dungeon Command and gladiatorial games like Carthage & Gorechosen. And Underworlds is my top game released in the last 3 years.
Skirmish games are the best. I would like to give Wild West Exodus a try. The models look great. It does have the problem of not being reusable for other systems though.
I can’t think of a good reason to not use steam punk cowboys in other games. The genre is a little specific, but I’m sure they would work in anything from Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse to Frostgrave
Hey Joel, obviously you read the comments. Thank you. So I came to this vid searching for a fantasy skirmish game. (It will be vanguard, I guess.) I just took a very quick look through your videos. Is there a newer list? If not I would recommand taking a closer look to Masters of the Universe: Battlegrounds. Even if you are not in He-Man the game is great imo. Among other things, I have been playing Battletech for 35 years. Does this qualify as a skirmisher? And last but not least: I play Warzone 1st Ed. (2nd is crap) You can still buy the (very oldschool) miniatures newly cast in Ireland by Prince August. Crazy! Maybe it's not the best skirmisher but I always love the astetics. And it is D20 as well. regards p.s. I mentioned the Catan - starfarers (?) game in the backround. I was suprised that Mr. Teuber made it that international. Some time ago "Siedler von Catan" (settlers from Catan) got a very huge hype at least here in Germany. Back then it was some kind of a family board game revolution. Catan: Sternfahrer is great as well.
I think Battletech counts. I've probably never wanted to like a game more than I actually did with Battletech. I tried it out a couple of years ago when they kind of rebooted it with those new starter boxes and bounced right off of it for some reason. Probably worth checking it out again at some point.
You don't have to try this. I can well imagine what the criticism of the system is and why some people don't like it so much. An absolute plus with this game is that the rules essentially haven't changed since ever. The whole system and storyline is very consistent (up to Dark Age). Maybe that's just a thing here in Germany. We love our towering killer robots. best@@DriveThruReview
Cool list. I either enjoy, or want to play pretty much every game on the list. As far as board game skirmish hybrids, I would have to put Mythic Battles Pantheon, Warhammer Underworlds, Unmatched, and Puppet Wars on there as well. I am currently enjoying the campaign system in HATE, so that is on my list as well.
I really love your videos and we seem to have similar taste in games. A few comments from my end: - imperial assault skirmish is a great shout. How would you compare it to Legion? - warcry is absolutely my top 1 ever. I keep on hearing that the chaos warcry warbands are less powerful than the AoS ones. I tend to disagree since if you buy a couple of the chaos boxes and you do some list building, you won’t feel like they are underpowered. People that use stormcasts and gitz and others, they alway implicitly list build by using their existing models. Can’t wait to see what catacombs will add to it. - since you like Relicblade, you should give Burrows and Badgers a go - it’s great that vanguard has now a proper starter set... it might be a little late though since the novelty factor of the game has wore off a little
I've only played a demo of Legion... and I really liked it, but for that kind of game I would have prefer to have something with more than just the two factions. I don't know why, but it bugs me to do a big game like that in the Star Wars universe. I like to have twenty factions to choose from. It's silly I know. But, mechanically I think it's cool. (Also, can't wait for Catacombs. I think it will add a lot to the game).
Hey Joel, I was wondering if you know a few games that are more in the Rangers of Shadow Deep category rather than the 1v1 category. I only know of the new Lasting Tales that’s on KS now, but it’d be cool to try out more of this solo/co-op style. Thanks!
Hey Eddie. Check out this Geeklist. There's a ton of these style games or expansions that will turn a 1v1 into a solo/coop style game: boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/255345/solitaire-miniature-skirmish-games
Great list! Did you have a look at Infinity: CodeOne? I really love the dynamics of the infinity system, you get to react on actions of your opponent during their turn.
+Rangers of Shadow Deep +Frostgrave +Pulp Alley +Fistful of Lead +Horizon Wars +Perilous Tales +Mortal Gods +Sellswords & Spell Slingers +Last Days Zombie +Gangs of Rome I would highly recommend the "Lead Adventure forum" for miniature skirmish gaming mining.
Great question. Well... Stargrave would be in there. But, Frostgrave and Stargrave are ALMOST interchangeable. Five Parsecs from Home, Rangers of Shadowdeep, and Oathsworn I might be tempted to throw in as honorable mentions. They are all co-op and varying degrees of RPG and board game over skirmish game, but I think skirmish minded players would enjoy them.
@@ashforbes4666 I have actually. I picked up a couple of books from the series a bit ago, but haven't had time to lay it down on the table. Need to circle back with it.
I was surprised not to see Deadzone Second Edition. That's my #1. As I was listening to the list, I was thinking, "Have that, have that, have that..." until Relicblade. Until I see lists like this, I forget how many games I have. I always prefer skirmish level games to larger affairs. I'm more interested in the "every bullet counts" game.
If you haven’t tried the new Adeptus Titanicus, you really need to. Very much a skirmish game, and has the best set of rules GW has ever devised. Very cinematic.
Playing Star Breach at the moment. I like the ruleset and it's easy to coble together a faction or two from existing minis. Love Imperial Assault but haven't played Skirmish in a couple of years. Must break it out again soon though Frostgrave and Rangers are the two I'm about to focus on. I picked up Elder Scrolls but finding it's been a struggle to get it to the table. Have you played Bolt Action? The Band of Brothers starter is great value and is a good entry point. Even if you didn't want to go beyond that box there is definitely enough there for a good few games. Your fantasy terrain would work well too. One game that I'd have on the list would be Battletech. Love the theme, has good campaign options, no terrain requirement due to hex maps and relatively cheap. Newer gamers might be put off but for an older wargame grognard like me I think it's great.
I actually just picked up the latest Battletech starter box during quarantine. I got it all painted it up, but haven't got a game in yet. I also found Fallout/Elder Scrolls to be cumbersome.
Im not sure i have ever heard you mention Mordheim. Sure, its not currently in print, lol, but fan service available especially on Broheim, makes the game definitely accessible.
Have you tried Infinity Code One? Found it a lot more enjoyable than Infinity N4 as less rules, but still loads choice, great systems & great models. Also, 17 months on would Deadzone 3 make the list?
@@DriveThruReview Its a tweaked and tidied up version of 2nd ed, profile changes (Layout not just stats) and LoS changes are probably the biggest changes. But its great fun and easy to get into - the 2 player starter is also a great set as gives terrain as well as everything else needed to play a game
Great video man, thanks. Just starting out on miniature games, gonna check those out for sure! What are your thoughts on the Unmatched series? I really like its simplicity and the board designs/movement. Thanks!
Thanks Johnny. I honestly didn’t care for it that much. I almost liked it but the set I played had all of these “Counterspell” style cards that really bugged me.
@@DriveThruReview haha fair enough! Haven't played it myself, still in the "watching review videos" phase. Watched your review of the Frostgrave 1st edition. Pretty cool, gonna give it and its cooperative twin a shot. Btw, any pointers on games to play with my 10yo boy? He was the reason I've ended up watching Unmatched videos 😄
@@joao_belmont Unmatched would probably be perfect for him. And, I would recommend the Funkoverse game as well. If you can find some used Heroscape stuff, I used to play that with my oldest son. Also, maybe something like Memoir 44 or Battlelore would be good. Those were my younger son's favorites as far as skirmish-y combat stuff goes.
Thank you for that video.. I'm curious.. Where does The Edge: Dawnfall stands for you today, and why wasn't it worth to be mentioned..? (Even as the titles which came after the Top10)
@@wishmeheaven Nothing really AGAINST Edge, but Underworlds just has a ton of varieties of play styles available as well as deck building possibilities.
A long time ago there was a game called "Dungeon Command" do you know this ? It had prepainted minis and a cool system complete without dice, we really liked it.
My oldest son was really into it, and we played a lot. My youngest and I played it a little bit as well. Not sure I would get into it again though. Kind of depends if they did something new with it or not. Definitely loved it though.
You mentioned Guild Ball, and while that's dead, they are making Godtear as their new skirmish-y game. I just picked up the starter sets and I'm curious if that was on your radar.
Have you played Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse? Also, who do we need to talk to about getting a solo skirmish sci-fi similar to Rangers of Shadow Deep? I don't know anything that fills that niche, and its a shame.
Ya that would be pretty awesome. Maybe it's tough to do a solo style game like that because the entire thing will so full of ranged laser combat? I'm sure it could be done though. -edit- Sorry to answer your question, I've not played Last Days. It does look cool. I have played the Walking Dead skirmish game and really enjoyed that one.
very good list! what do you think about Mordheim? probably it's a bit too old and random for nowadays but hell it was always a great themed skirmish experience back when i used to play. BTW probably my favourite skirmish as of right now is Conan by Monolith games.
Did you ever get a chance to play The World of SMOG: Rise of Moloch? Listening to this makes me think you might be intrigued a bit as it does the Overlord vs. others thing, but you can just make it a 2 player skirmish game with the campaign and does the same thing with resources being juggled and all the units having special abilities that bounce off the dice and item upgrades. But sways more towards a board game as far as having a story and upgrades going on.
Whoops! Just got to the end where you mentioned it lol. It’s worth noting that terrain comes in the base game so it’s not a (required) separate purchase. And for team building the game doesn’t force you to stick with certain characters in a group but due to leadership abilities which only become available if half your roster is of the same affiliation you’ll be more likely to pair up certain heroes/villains. And unless you are playing very competitively faction specific compositions are all feasible.
How do you find it compared to Hero Clix? I respect the desire of Wizkidz to want to accurately represent *every* power but in my opinion, that made the game a bit *too* much to get people to want to play. Having a game where the pieces changed based on being attacked and a way to represent that (the Clix system) was brilliant though. I'd like to give Crisis Protocol a spin but it's nigh unavailable and if it were, wow is it spendy. :)
mikejonesnoreally I’ve never played heroclix so I can’t comment there. I can say that crisis protocol is extremely thematic for how each character plays. The game has a relatively simple rule set (not unmatched simple but by most miniature skirmish standards). But it also has a lot of depth in strategy and implementation due to how many things each character can do. The game can get pricy if you getting everything but the base game is very well priced and all you need to play.... you can just pickup the characters or factions you want to add on.... if you have more self restraint than I do... im also impressed at the balance as base game characters are all very viable in a competitive roster now which is a testament to the balance and minimal power creep.
You should check out Godtear. Its more of a board game style but it has the feature where each person moves all there figures then trade off combat actions one figure at a time. It's become my go to skirmish style game.
Great video! Did you have the chance to look into Age of Fantasy: skirmish and the One Page rules system? We are coming to It from Frostgrave and Advance Song of Blade and Heroes and for the moment, we are not disappointed! Strong raccomandation from me!
The Walking Dead game kind of just missed the top 10. Fallout I really didn't like. I didn't hate it. But the overall product just was lacking and a bit all over the place.
Hey great list ... thanks for doing this. One question ... I thought you put Rangers of Shadowdeep higher then Frostgrave on one of your lists and now you don’t even mention it ... any insight as to why it fell off the radar ? Oops ... just listened to last two minutes lol ... got my answer
Thank you for great crucial features review of those games. I can see you are going to more narrative games. There is another level of such games. Rather niche but maybe you will like it. Look at indie market with DIY narrative games like Five Parsecs from home or Five Leagues from the borderline.
14:04 I couldn't agree with this more. I *really* love WarHammer 40K, so don't get a bad read here, but initiative is *so* important, and just rolling a grip o' die and then another grip o' die (don't even get me started on: "Soooooo we're fighting Chaos with 40d6?" o.O ) doesn't have that same feeling like I get in Galaxy Defenders where just seeing one roll result doesn't make me wanna' jump out a window. *It makes me wanna' grab more dice!* xD I just wish Galaxy Defenders had really leaned in on the Parody aspect because it's lore is almost nonexistent. I had to make my own, which could be considered another plus, because now it's the descendants of G.I.JOE vs. Aliens. I'll definitely be giving Kill Team a look although I was surprised just how much Inquisitor *really* scratches that 40K itch, such value *and* story! The Rumble Slam pick shocked me! Blood Bowl for me was one of the first games to introduce me to GW (Along with Talisman) which is one of the most important designers in terms of making board games something different right along with Steve Jackson Games. I'd probably be too biased to make a list like this honestly, so I'm glad you did it Joel! GREAT freakin' painting by the way, I've been watching you since your first how to paint vid with Tombstone was it? I was already impressed then, but you show how painting skill just grows with experience. It's very encouraging so thank you! :)
@@DriveThruReview We appreciate *you* too Joel! FYI, I'm subscribed and the bell thingy is clicked to all, but I miss a lot of your vids. I wouldn't have known about the CCG list if you'd not mentioned it in this video.
@@mikejonesnoreally Apparently that bell thing doesn't work anymore for some reason. UA-cam made some changes to how notifications work in general I guess.
I'm surprised Mordheim wasn't mentioned... Anyways, I played Star Breach for the first time last week and enjoyed it.. a Jedi vs Sith battle with a friend. As for Dracula's America, I am 3D printing my own guys and will hopefully give it a try before the end of the year.
I would urge you to check out Horizon Wars from Osprey if you can find a copy (it’s just gone out of print, sadly). It’s a different scale to most of your other choices, but it’s a really cool Battletech style mech skirmish game. It’s great.
I love Warhammer Underworlds. But, I really have a hard time putting it into this arena. It's so mechanical and competitive. There's a lot of cool lore around it, but the actual game play is purely competitive to me. I do love it though :)
I cant reccommend anything from GW for skirmish games.... just too expensive to get into. Always thought skirmish games should be accessible, Bushido is my fave and it cost me £70 for everything i need to play the game.
ya really need to check out the Fistful of Lead rules and supplements if skirmish games with low fig count is your thing! and its miniature range agnostic!
My list would have almost no commonality with yours for a variety of reasons (including taste and that I've been playing miniatures games for more than 40 years). In no particular order: Frostgrave - The one overlap and for much the same reasons. Mustangs and Messerschmitts - The best miniatures airplane game that I've ever played. Uses 1:72 aircraft and 6' tall flight stands on rolling bases. Not fast, but brilliant. Dirtside - Moderately high detail SF ground combat game for small actions Full Thrust - Space combat, best for small fleets, with vector movement Rogue Stars - 3-5 character SF combat similar in some ways to the feel of Frostgrave Hoist the Signal for Close Action - Sailing ship combat from the 18th and early 19th centuries WFG's Frontline - WWII skirmish intended for use with 1:35 models Wings of War - Fast play air combat with very clean simultaneous movement ordering Sky Galleons of Mars - Space 1889 airship combat Champions - Usually thought of as a superhero RPG, this works really well as a miniatures superhero skirmish game as well.
I tried Rogue Stars and couldn’t get into that one. I would like to try some WW2 minis games though. I really enjoy the hex and counter style games and expect there are some skirmish games out there that I would enjoy as well.
@@DriveThruReview I don't know a lot of WWII true skirmish miniatures games. People who like the period and want to play ground games tend to gravitate toward the platoon to regiment scale games like Spearhead, Command Decision, Bolt Action, Flames of War, even Squad Leader played as a minis game. Frontline is interesting in that it's intended to use those cool Tamiya 1:35 vehicles, which allows for some pretty impressive tables, but they need to be very large. I think you could pretty easily run SPI's old Sniper or Patrol as miniatures games without much worrying about using hexes; I've thought about it more than once but haven't ever done it.
Great video, even though I only watched the parts that covered GW games. I am looking forward to getting into either Kill Team, WarCry or Necromunda and you had a lot of interesting things to say about each of them.
@@DriveThruReview I haven't played Infinity, but checked rules. I think Aristeia have much different feeling then Infinity. It is somehow in the fields of Gaslands as it is also "in the TV show" realm, so less serious theme, but still interesting, but more tactical/strategic then Gaslands(which I love also!).
The game that has been on my "must buy next list" longest. Keen to get it with the new multiplayer combo set that is going to be released. That way should work in my group that is already into too many systems.
Wonderful list! Thanks for including Relicblade! I am honored and delighted :)
I know Sean Sutter! He gave me a lot of his LotR minis to get me started in tabletop gaming when he found out I was interested. Wonderful guy, always glad to see a Relicblade mention.
I'm watching through this and I'm blown away by RelicBlade. The fact that the guy did all that work on his own is inspiring and I don't think you harped on it too much!
Good stuff! Always wanted to try relic blade
I think my actual miniature collection went something like 40k (last edition - two big armies), WH:U (a lot of warbands), AoS (three armies), Malifaux (two crews), Necromunda (starter), Kill Team (starter) and Infinity. Suffered from the classic too many systems situation and starting selling. Now my three main systems are AoS (two big armies), Infinity and WH:U (although we don't play anymore). Thinking of getting Aristeia! as something I can support alone and bring to table. Like WH:U is also compatible with big game.
Any way, N4 is the ultimate skirmish game for me once you get over the massive learning curve.
Earth Reborn is an amazing skirmish game. If you havnt played it, do yourself a favor and grab a copy and play it!
I am surprised that Saga Miniatures wasn't on this list. The battle boards give it a unique worker placement feel as well as it being a full skirmish game. The Age of Magic is a fantasy setting that can be used with a variety of miniatures.
I've looked at it, but not played it. It's something on the back burner to try out. It didn't excite for some reason.
Can't wait to see you do a review of Core Space First Born
More of a board game feel compared to games like Necromunda or Frostrave, but Mythic Battles Pantheon is an awesome skirmish game with excellent unique and straight forward mechanics. The units all have very unique powers and abilities. And the minis are awesome looking touching on all aspects of Greek mythology.
I've heard good things, but not had a chance to try it yet.
My favorite is Star Wars Imperial Assault hands down. Great to see it on your list - it seems like it's not that well-known among miniatures gamers.
Thanks so much for this! Getting back into the hobby after a long hiatus and decided to try skirmish so I could focus a little more on the painting without the stress of large armies. I have watched this a least 3 times through and keep coming back for specific tidbits. Currently messing around with RelicBlade, Vanguard, Frostgrave, and Shadow Deep. So easy to try a bunch of different rule sets with just a few dozen minis, a mat and some basic terrain.
Looking to see what else was around for true solo, I discovered Five Parsecs from Home. An elegant, quick skirmish (roughly 5 on 5 in 3-4 rounds) at the heart of a highly evolved (3rd edition) solo RPG campaign engine. In this case, solo means procedural, which I sometimes don't like, but the engine in 5PfH is really quite brilliant. It's mini agnostic, and I happen to like slightly larger (32mm) stuff for painting. The Arvalon-8 series is great for your ship's crew, and Necromunda is perfect for the humanoid bad guys. (Thanks for that!) And for folks more into fantasy, the 3rd edition of Five Leagues from the Borderlands is due out in a few months. Similar skirmish-based solo RPG campaign engine.
Awesome. Will have to check out border lands
Great list, Joel. Unfortunately I don't get to play many skirmish games, mainly because I don't have enough room to store terrain, or keep it set up.
I also don't play 2-player only games. Almost never.
I use some of the skirmish terrains in my Dungeon Crawls too
Would love a 2023 revisit of this genre. 😊
Not sure it's been long enough honestly to mix up this list. I'd be hard pressed to swap anything out of it.
@DriveThruReview that's good news for me actually I just bought Imperial Assault and some expansions! 😄
Great list! I learned a lot because I've only played a couple of the games that you talk about. Claustrophobia is excellent, although so far for me it has been tougher to teach than it looks like it will be. I *love* Relicblade too. It's the only one of these miniatures-based, two-player skirmish games that I own, although I have my eye on Frostgrave now too. Meanwhile, I have three other great games to recommend, but I fear that they're sort of outside the sub-genre that we're talking about.
The first one is an 80s classic: _Gunslinger,_ by Richard Hamblen. Holy cow, what a great game. It has one-off scenarios, campaigns, and even a sort of ongoing role-playing game mode. It shows its age mainly in the rules complexity (quite high) and the production quality (great for early 80s Avalon Hill, but not up to modern standards). It's so cool though. There are third-party western miniatures out there that look like they would work *great* with this game, but I haven't tried them yet.
Next up is _Warcults_ from the crazy geniuses behind Cave Evil. Like Gunslinger (and Warcry, from what it sounds like), it does a great job of supporting one-off scenarios as well as ongoing campaigns. The game's setting, illustrations, and graphic design are highly stylized, so if gothic death metal is not your thing you may not like the game. It is extremely fun and rewarding to build your own cult of monsters and humanoids, complete with chain of command. No miniatures for this game, just chits, but honestly miniatures wouldn't work well given the size of the cults. Think warband-sized teams rather than squad-sized.
Finally, my all-time favorite game: _Duel of Ages II._ Tom Vasel carried a torch for this game for years, and my gaming buddies and I are happy to carry it forward. DoA is a team-based sports(!) game, with highly individualized characters (192 of them, for crying out loud), tons of different terrain tiles, hundreds of unique pieces of equipment, vehicles, henchmen, hunter pets, etc. It's kind of ridiculous how much is built into the game, so it's the polar opposite of something like, say, Relicblade. You can play a fun session of Relicblade in an hour. Not so with Duel of Ages--it's quite a commitment. In fact, in my opinion it's sort of a Twilight Imperium of skirmish games. If you can get the players (it supports two-player but scales up to higher player counts elegantly too) and can set aside a Saturday afternoon and evening then there's just nothing else like it in the skirmish space. No miniatures or 3D terrain in this game either, for what it's worth.
I've played Duel of Ages II, and quite enjoyed it. It's funky though. My group was NOT hot on it. I really need to play one of those Cave Evil style games. I love how they look. I've come close to pulling the trigger so many times now. :)
@@DriveThruReview Yeah, I've noticed that some folks instantly take to Duel of Ages and some really, really don't. I'm not sure what's polarizing about it, exactly.
As far as I know Cave Evil itself is out of print, so it's probably super expensive on ebay and such. Warcults is still available from the publisher though, and they have come out with a couple of "chaos pack" mini-expansions over the last year or so. Warcults doesn't have a planned narrative along the lines of, say, Rangers of Shadow Deep. But as a game system it creates memorable stories, situations, and encounters as well as any other game that I've played, even my beloved Duel of Ages. It's a trip!
Claustrophobia is one of my "Holy Grail" games. Somewhen, I *will* play it. :3
I’d love to try Gunslinger! Might keep an eye out for a copy. Different type of game, but I love Doomtown: Reloaded, the theme comes through for me and I love how combat is resolved using poker hands! Not by wargame complexity standards, but for a standard game it is a bit of a beast to learn though!
Thanks Joel! I was wondering about Warhammer: Underworlds but I saw your comment down below. I have only played the campaign version of Imperial Assault, I will need to give the skirmish mode a try when I get a chance.
Glad to see Imperial Assault on here. I only started playing recently but it’s already my favorite game
Awesome. Glad to hear it!
Wonderful description on all the games I’ve been thinking about getting into plus new ones to consider.
Excellent reviews, you got me interested in picking up Gaslands for our channel!
Awesome. Hope you enjoy it.
Your very appealing list makes me realise how strong this genre is! I’m not sure if these would all be counted as skirmish games, but for me:
#5 Warhammer Underworlds
#4 The Walking Dead: All Out War
#3 Dungeon Saga
#2 Frostgrave
#1 Aristeia!
Honorable mention: Infinity (not played enough yet - potential future #1!)
I really enjoy these types of games but am not really looking for new ones now as I want to focus on adding to Aristeia! and Infinity. Infinity is costing enough already!
I would really have liked to have tried Rumbleslam. I enjoy a simple wrestling game, WWE Superstar Showdown, which is basically rock-paper-scissors, but it’s fun and gives a flavor. I can only imagine Rumbleslam would be even more so!
Frostgrave is my wife’s game. I was stunned she wanted a skirmish game! She claims to not like fighting games/ take that, but always seems to play attack cards in Dominion or trap my meeples in Carcassonne! Frostgrave feels a bit random and mad but has so much character and tells great stories! My wife is really enjoying making scenery too.
Dungeon Saga and Walking Dead are my son’s games. I’m lucky to be able go play these and Frostgrave too, they are all highly ranked in my top 100!
Need to get around to trying Gaslands. I’m a big kid and still love diecast car models!
The Walking Dead: All Out War was one that is close to making this list for me. Really enjoyed that one. Same with Warhammer Underworlds, which would actually be high up the list, but it really is purely competitive. I love the lore and have read some of the novels around it, but the game itself is just straight competitive (still love it though).
Really happy to see rumble slam make the list
Re: Marvel Crisis Protocol - there are affiliation lists where in team building you're incentivized to pick a team who mostly work together for example: Spider Foes led by Green Goblin with Venom, Doctor Octopus and perhaps another villain like MODOK would work just fine. There are so many shifting loyalties and team-ups in the comics that I don't mind having an unusual combination of characters. The game itself is highly cinematic - the abilities of the characters are so well designed that they all feel distinctive and larger than life. I totally understand the reticence to get into a setting that you don't have terrain for though as it is very time consuming and takes up space -I currently have Fantasy and Modern terrain and that influences the skirmish games I play. I'm slowly working on post apocalyptic stuff so I can try Fallout and This is not a Test and Zona Alfa. Great video - I need to try out Claustrophobia and have a read into the between game stuff for Necromunda - the territory management stuff really piques my interest.
my top 5:
#1 Guildball
#2 Infinity
#3 Bushido
#4 Malifaux
#5 Aristeia
I really enjoyed Guildball as well.
@@DriveThruReview yeah, its a real shame that steamforge games has abandoned it.
anab0lic Did you also kill Guild Ball?
@CORONAVIRUS yes I did :(
Great run down. Reminds me how many games I own that have not really been played. Frostgrave, Gaslands, Imperial Assault Skirmish. I have been looking at my collection for games to play with my son. Most of the games are to complicated with to many cards. We watched a Killteam video with its 4 tests to down a model and was like that is to involved.
And I agree about Gaslands... so elegant but simple in the end rules! But you really feel like driving a fighting car, you can push your driving abilities(luck... ;) ) in very controlable way. A lot of fun. So many possibilities to build your team and give it an unique feel, without restricting to any rigid "factions". Good to play with children and adults that want serious challenge! I'm really amazed how this "matemathical" model can simulate decision space that feel like "real death race". Great work by Mike. Waiting for his Billion Suns!
What a great top 10. I really enjoyed that and even discovered a couple of new skirmish games. My favourite was the old original Necromunda. These days I’ve been interested (for obvious reasons) in the solo ones, Rangers of Shadowdeep was one on my list, but I lean more towards sci-fi than fantasy so I ended up going down this crazy rabbit hole of indie skirmish games. My current obsession is Five Parsecs from Home, a little indie rule set by Nordic Weasel that is about a small band of mercenaries making there way in the universe. The rules a fairly easy to manage solo IGOUGO style with interesting AI for adversary movement. But what’s got my interest is the between skirmish campaign that grows and builds the story of your little group of misfits. The fact that it’s model agnostic and can work with smaller 15mm models is a bonus. The other solo one I’m loving is Core Space - it’s a hybrid skirmish/board game that comes with everything you need, including terrain, in the box.
Not heard of Five Parsecs. I'll check that one out. Core Space is on my list to try. Thanks!
I ran across that a couple weeks ago and the ability to play solo intrests me. I think I will check it out
Having run and organised a lot of Necromunda, you need a referee or at least a friendly agreement to houserule certain elements of the game from being completely broken. Putting limits on flamers, for instance, which are insanely OP.
Never heard of that wrestling game and let me tell you... Seems like A LOT of fun. One of the coolest sounding things I've seen in a while
This is my first time watching one of your videos and enjoyed it. Found it kind of down a rabbit hole but glad I did. Thanks for making it.
As far as a list, I only really play skirmish games any more but love them dearly. I would like to make a few comments. First, if you are considering Dracula's America, do it!! The rules are simple and very easy to mod anyway that you like. It can be played both as a regular western game, and a weird west game too. I understand the terrain issue, but it is really worth it. Thai terrain can also double for Malifaux as there are outpost towns that resemble wild west type towns....just saying.
Also, I have read in the comments about Last Days Zombie Apocalypse and I can say this one is also really fun. Worth the time and extra terrain too....and if you get the terrain for this, it can be used for This is Not a Test as a less broken down town, and can give you a reason to buy into Crisis Protocol.
Last, just a quick mention of Monsterapocolypse. Great fun and in a similar way very .uch like Rumbleslam except with giant robots and monsters. Little terrain needed and the starter boxes are really good value.
Again, thanks for the video.
Thanks Chris! Sounds like another rabbit hole to go down! :D
For me, Space Hulk would be on my top skirmish game list.
Its not really a skirmish game, and more like a miniatures board game.
Fun list - thanks, Joel! If I hadn't gone pretty much all-in on Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault on the recommendations of you plus Charlie and Raf from Ding & Dent (I was painting the Thundrik's Profiteers minis while watching this video), I'd be taking a very close look at a couple of these. What a fun sub-genre of gaming!
Warhammer Underworlds would be on this list but I kind of disqualified it because it’s so much of a straight competitor game. I love it though.
great list! Malifaux would definitely be my nb1. Never heard of Relicblade before Joel's review but made me go in big time on their last kickstarter (bit expensive to order from website when shipping to Europe)
Great list! I have many of these because of your videos. Now just need to be able to see people so I can play, haha. 2 you haven't mentioned that I'm really interested in trying - ArcWorlde and Burrows & Badgers. I don't know if Core Space counts as a Skirmish game, but that's high on my list too.
Burrows and Badgers I couldn't get into. I did like there other game in that vein... Kobolds and Cobblestones. Not played ArcWorlde or Core Space, but I hope to give Core Space a try when the new printing happens.
I enjoy good skirmish games and haven't yet tried many on your list. I was very impressed with Relicblade, being completely designed and built by one person.
Love your list! My top 5 would be: Frostgrave, Warcry, Relic Blade, Kill Team and Gaslands.
I really have to look into getting Kings of War Vanguard now. But you kind of scared me off from Necromunda, which is a good thing.
Haha. Ya, it's scary for sure!
O.O It's the other Relic fan! *gives Cesar huge interwebs hugz and then reads the second word* o.O Awkwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard........
I really love Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game. Especially for its thematic implementation of the rules as well as the scenarios.
I've always eyeballed that one... but the need to get everything scares me :)
@@DriveThruReview I would say, you don't have to get everything, but that would be kind of hypocritical... :)
@@stefanholleyn7881 Somehow I knew it. :D
Truly fantastic list Joel. I have been wanting Frostgrave for a while now. Want it even more now.
Thanks James.
it's good, 2nd edition just came out
Dust’s top 5: #1 Frostgrave #2 Bolt Action #3 X-wing #4 Dungeon Command #5 Blitzbowl
I don’t own piles of terrain but the stuff I mostly bought was Tabletop World stuff perfect for Frostgrave and reasonable for Bolt Action. The main thing I struggle with in Frostgrave is narrative when it comes to two players playing a lot. Why these two specific warbands would be bashing themselves against each other over and over. I really like semi-cooperative games like Nemesis… and I wish I could twist my Frostgrave campaigns to click in my head better.
Haha... ya I hear you about a two player campaign of Frostgrave. It's like... "You!!! Again!!!" Kind of can have a Saturday morning cartoon vibe in some ways. Forgot about Dungeon Command. That was a fun game.
@@DriveThruReview Thats exactly how my brother and I spin the story when we play Frostgrave. Our two wizards are old rivals and always will say something like "So we meet again!" or "I should have known you would try to stop me!". almost like a He-Man and Skeletor relationship. Very cheesy but i find it fun haha
Not even a mention of warhammer underworlds. Love that game to bits
I do too. But, I really have a hard time putting it into this arena. It's so mechanical and competitive. There's a lot of cool lore around it, but the actual game play is purely competitive to me. I do love it though :)
@@DriveThruReview I'll let you off then 😁
I guess you can also argue it is a card game? Like it a lot as well and have a fairly big collection.
@@WhiskeyjackZA Ya. I thought about including it in my Top 10 CCG/LCG style games list we did a month or ago even :)
Underworlds is a tough game to place. It is wholly a boardgames in my estimation; a tactical arena combat one, but a boardgame nonetheless. Others in this category are Blitz Bowl, Blood Bowl, Puppet Wars, Aristeia!, Wildlands, Dungeon Command and gladiatorial games like Carthage & Gorechosen. And Underworlds is my top game released in the last 3 years.
Great list! I really appreciate your opinion on each game!
Thank you!
Skirmish games are the best. I would like to give Wild West Exodus a try. The models look great. It does have the problem of not being reusable for other systems though.
I can’t think of a good reason to not use steam punk cowboys in other games. The genre is a little specific, but I’m sure they would work in anything from Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse to Frostgrave
Hey Joel, obviously you read the comments. Thank you. So I came to this vid searching for a fantasy skirmish game. (It will be vanguard, I guess.)
I just took a very quick look through your videos. Is there a newer list?
If not I would recommand taking a closer look to Masters of the Universe: Battlegrounds. Even if you are not in He-Man the game is great imo.
Among other things, I have been playing Battletech for 35 years. Does this qualify as a skirmisher?
And last but not least: I play Warzone 1st Ed. (2nd is crap) You can still buy the (very oldschool) miniatures newly cast in Ireland by Prince August. Crazy! Maybe it's not the best skirmisher but I always love the astetics. And it is D20 as well.
p.s. I mentioned the Catan - starfarers (?) game in the backround. I was suprised that Mr. Teuber made it that international. Some time ago "Siedler von Catan" (settlers from Catan) got a very huge hype at least here in Germany. Back then it was some kind of a family board game revolution. Catan: Sternfahrer is great as well.
I think Battletech counts. I've probably never wanted to like a game more than I actually did with Battletech. I tried it out a couple of years ago when they kind of rebooted it with those new starter boxes and bounced right off of it for some reason. Probably worth checking it out again at some point.
You don't have to try this. I can well imagine what the criticism of the system is and why some people don't like it so much. An absolute plus with this game is that the rules essentially haven't changed since ever. The whole system and storyline is very consistent (up to Dark Age).
Maybe that's just a thing here in Germany.
We love our towering killer robots.
Cool list. I either enjoy, or want to play pretty much every game on the list. As far as board game skirmish hybrids, I would have to put Mythic Battles Pantheon, Warhammer Underworlds, Unmatched, and Puppet Wars on there as well. I am currently enjoying the campaign system in HATE, so that is on my list as well.
Yes! Love me some HATE!
@Lord Inquisitor Shadowlord How? That is exactly what it is.
I really love your videos and we seem to have similar taste in games. A few comments from my end:
- imperial assault skirmish is a great shout. How would you compare it to Legion?
- warcry is absolutely my top 1 ever. I keep on hearing that the chaos warcry warbands are less powerful than the AoS ones. I tend to disagree since if you buy a couple of the chaos boxes and you do some list building, you won’t feel like they are underpowered. People that use stormcasts and gitz and others, they alway implicitly list build by using their existing models. Can’t wait to see what catacombs will add to it.
- since you like Relicblade, you should give Burrows and Badgers a go
- it’s great that vanguard has now a proper starter set... it might be a little late though since the novelty factor of the game has wore off a little
I've only played a demo of Legion... and I really liked it, but for that kind of game I would have prefer to have something with more than just the two factions. I don't know why, but it bugs me to do a big game like that in the Star Wars universe. I like to have twenty factions to choose from. It's silly I know. But, mechanically I think it's cool. (Also, can't wait for Catacombs. I think it will add a lot to the game).
@@DriveThruReview They have 4 factions now.
I still play MC:Warzone and Chronopia. They really need more love.
I'll have to check those out.
@@DriveThruReview I can verify 1st edition Warzone and 3rd are good. Skip second and sadly i didn't get to play the 4th.
Brilliant video. cheers!
Hey Joel, I was wondering if you know a few games that are more in the Rangers of Shadow Deep category rather than the 1v1 category. I only know of the new Lasting Tales that’s on KS now, but it’d be cool to try out more of this solo/co-op style. Thanks!
Hey Eddie. Check out this Geeklist. There's a ton of these style games or expansions that will turn a 1v1 into a solo/coop style game: boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/255345/solitaire-miniature-skirmish-games
@@DriveThruReview Very cool! Thanks again!
never hear about melee & wizards, that´s one I love.
Great list! Did you have a look at Infinity: CodeOne? I really love the dynamics of the infinity system, you get to react on actions of your opponent during their turn.
And all rulebooks are free.
Not looked at Code One specifically, but I didn't really care for Infinity unfortunately.
+Rangers of Shadow Deep
+Pulp Alley
+Fistful of Lead
+Horizon Wars
+Perilous Tales
+Mortal Gods
+Sellswords & Spell Slingers
+Last Days Zombie
+Gangs of Rome
I would highly recommend the "Lead Adventure forum" for miniature skirmish gaming mining.
Thanks. I'll check it out.
My Top 5
1: Marvel: Crisis Protocol
2: Mordheim
3: Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse
4: Warhammer Underworlds
5: Frostgrave
Brilliant video, thanks. So after over 3 years, would you add any new games to the list?
Great question. Well... Stargrave would be in there. But, Frostgrave and Stargrave are ALMOST interchangeable. Five Parsecs from Home, Rangers of Shadowdeep, and Oathsworn I might be tempted to throw in as honorable mentions. They are all co-op and varying degrees of RPG and board game over skirmish game, but I think skirmish minded players would enjoy them.
Have you looked at any of the Forbidden Psalm games?
@@ashforbes4666 I have actually. I picked up a couple of books from the series a bit ago, but haven't had time to lay it down on the table. Need to circle back with it.
I was surprised not to see Deadzone Second Edition. That's my #1. As I was listening to the list, I was thinking, "Have that, have that, have that..." until Relicblade. Until I see lists like this, I forget how many games I have. I always prefer skirmish level games to larger affairs. I'm more interested in the "every bullet counts" game.
Deadzone JUST missed. It's probably my #11 :)
Uh! Now, 3 years later the 3rd Ed might hit the list?
If you haven’t tried the new Adeptus Titanicus, you really need to. Very much a skirmish game, and has the best set of rules GW has ever devised. Very cinematic.
I’d like to. Just a steep entry alongside all the other things. It definitely looks cool though.
Playing Star Breach at the moment. I like the ruleset and it's easy to coble together a faction or two from existing minis. Love Imperial Assault but haven't played Skirmish in a couple of years. Must break it out again soon though Frostgrave and Rangers are the two I'm about to focus on.
I picked up Elder Scrolls but finding it's been a struggle to get it to the table.
Have you played Bolt Action? The Band of Brothers starter is great value and is a good entry point. Even if you didn't want to go beyond that box there is definitely enough there for a good few games. Your fantasy terrain would work well too.
One game that I'd have on the list would be Battletech. Love the theme, has good campaign options, no terrain requirement due to hex maps and relatively cheap. Newer gamers might be put off but for an older wargame grognard like me I think it's great.
I actually just picked up the latest Battletech starter box during quarantine. I got it all painted it up, but haven't got a game in yet. I also found Fallout/Elder Scrolls to be cumbersome.
Im not sure i have ever heard you mention Mordheim. Sure, its not currently in print, lol, but fan service available especially on Broheim, makes the game definitely accessible.
I’ve not tried it. But it’s on my shortlist to try. I’ve got the PDF and need to get some models together and time to play it :)
I'm looking forward to watch this. I'm hopeful Mythic Battles Pantheon is mentioned ... it always seems disregarded by reviewers.
Not played that one.
thaaaaaank you for the hyperlink to allof the ranking!
i watched it all but from 1 down to 10 clicking on all links :D
Godmode video
Haha :)
Have you tried Infinity Code One? Found it a lot more enjoyable than Infinity N4 as less rules, but still loads choice, great systems & great models. Also, 17 months on would Deadzone 3 make the list?
I’ve not tried Code One. Deadzone 3rd is on my short list but it didn’t seem to change very much from 2nd? I could be off base on that.
@@DriveThruReview Its a tweaked and tidied up version of 2nd ed, profile changes (Layout not just stats) and LoS changes are probably the biggest changes. But its great fun and easy to get into - the 2 player starter is also a great set as gives terrain as well as everything else needed to play a game
@@Torkijo Need to check it out then. Hopefully the narrative expansions from 2nd are compatible.
Great video man, thanks. Just starting out on miniature games, gonna check those out for sure! What are your thoughts on the Unmatched series? I really like its simplicity and the board designs/movement. Thanks!
Thanks Johnny. I honestly didn’t care for it that much. I almost liked it but the set I played had all of these “Counterspell” style cards that really bugged me.
@@DriveThruReview haha fair enough! Haven't played it myself, still in the "watching review videos" phase. Watched your review of the Frostgrave 1st edition. Pretty cool, gonna give it and its cooperative twin a shot. Btw, any pointers on games to play with my 10yo boy? He was the reason I've ended up watching Unmatched videos 😄
@@joao_belmont Unmatched would probably be perfect for him. And, I would recommend the Funkoverse game as well. If you can find some used Heroscape stuff, I used to play that with my oldest son. Also, maybe something like Memoir 44 or Battlelore would be good. Those were my younger son's favorites as far as skirmish-y combat stuff goes.
@@DriveThruReview thanks a lot man, I appreciate it. Will check those out for sure. Great content on the channel by the way, subscribed.
Great video, I will check out Starbreach
Thank you for that video..
I'm curious..
Where does The Edge: Dawnfall stands for you today, and why wasn't it worth to be mentioned..? (Even as the titles which came after the Top10)
I really enjoy that game actually. I prefer Warhammer Underworlds to it, but did enjoy Edge.
@@DriveThruReview Can you tell why do you prefer Warhammer over Edge..?
In what parameters Edge have failed you, or... Didn't shine like WH..?
@@wishmeheaven Nothing really AGAINST Edge, but Underworlds just has a ton of varieties of play styles available as well as deck building possibilities.
A long time ago there was a game called "Dungeon Command" do you know this ? It had prepainted minis and a cool system complete without dice, we really liked it.
I do. I never got around to reviewing it. I liked it "kind of". :)
I like it too. Have the all
Joel, did you collect any Heroscape stuff back in early 2000's. . . .and if by some chance it ever got rereleased would you delve back into it?
My oldest son was really into it, and we played a lot. My youngest and I played it a little bit as well. Not sure I would get into it again though. Kind of depends if they did something new with it or not. Definitely loved it though.
You mentioned Guild Ball, and while that's dead, they are making Godtear as their new skirmish-y game. I just picked up the starter sets and I'm curious if that was on your radar.
It is. But, I'm a bit gun-shy with them to be honest.
Steamforged will never get another dime of my money, after the GB fiasco.
Great video, but no Core Space? Or did i miss it
Not played that one. I am actually looking to check it out here in a few months with the upcoming reprint.
Drive Thru Games cool, i think you will like it, and find the scenery useful for some of those Osprey games, also fantastic solo
Have you played Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse? Also, who do we need to talk to about getting a solo skirmish sci-fi similar to Rangers of Shadow Deep? I don't know anything that fills that niche, and its a shame.
Ya that would be pretty awesome. Maybe it's tough to do a solo style game like that because the entire thing will so full of ranged laser combat? I'm sure it could be done though. -edit- Sorry to answer your question, I've not played Last Days. It does look cool. I have played the Walking Dead skirmish game and really enjoyed that one.
very good list! what do you think about Mordheim? probably it's a bit too old and random for nowadays but hell it was always a great themed skirmish experience back when i used to play. BTW probably my favourite skirmish as of right now is Conan by Monolith games.
I've never played that one. Heard nothing but good things though.
Did you ever get a chance to play The World of SMOG: Rise of Moloch? Listening to this makes me think you might be intrigued a bit as it does the Overlord vs. others thing, but you can just make it a 2 player skirmish game with the campaign and does the same thing with resources being juggled and all the units having special abilities that bounce off the dice and item upgrades. But sways more towards a board game as far as having a story and upgrades going on.
I've not. I remember looking into it a few years ago. I should check it out again.
Have you played marvel crisis protocol? I’m new to skirmish games but I’ve been loving that so much.
I've not. I did talk about it as a kind of honorable mention at the very end actually though. :)
Whoops! Just got to the end where you mentioned it lol. It’s worth noting that terrain comes in the base game so it’s not a (required) separate purchase. And for team building the game doesn’t force you to stick with certain characters in a group but due to leadership abilities which only become available if half your roster is of the same affiliation you’ll be more likely to pair up certain heroes/villains. And unless you are playing very competitively faction specific compositions are all feasible.
Ya. I should give it a closer look for sure.
How do you find it compared to Hero Clix? I respect the desire of Wizkidz to want to accurately represent *every* power but in my opinion, that made the game a bit *too* much to get people to want to play. Having a game where the pieces changed based on being attacked and a way to represent that (the Clix system) was brilliant though. I'd like to give Crisis Protocol a spin but it's nigh unavailable and if it were, wow is it spendy. :)
mikejonesnoreally I’ve never played heroclix so I can’t comment there. I can say that crisis protocol is extremely thematic for how each character plays. The game has a relatively simple rule set (not unmatched simple but by most miniature skirmish standards). But it also has a lot of depth in strategy and implementation due to how many things each character can do. The game can get pricy if you getting everything but the base game is very well priced and all you need to play.... you can just pickup the characters or factions you want to add on.... if you have more self restraint than I do... im also impressed at the balance as base game characters are all very viable in a competitive roster now which is a testament to the balance and minimal power creep.
You should check out Godtear. Its more of a board game style but it has the feature where each person moves all there figures then trade off combat actions one figure at a time. It's become my go to skirmish style game.
I have checked that out. I should look into it more closely.
Great video! Did you have the chance to look into Age of Fantasy: skirmish and the One Page rules system? We are coming to It from Frostgrave and Advance Song of Blade and Heroes and for the moment, we are not disappointed! Strong raccomandation from me!
I have tried One Page Skirmish actually. It was "OK" for me. I didn't hate it.
Agree with your number 1. Wondering where you rank the walking dead game and fallout/elder scrolls games.?
The Walking Dead game kind of just missed the top 10. Fallout I really didn't like. I didn't hate it. But the overall product just was lacking and a bit all over the place.
Hey great list ... thanks for doing this.
One question ... I thought you put Rangers of Shadowdeep higher then Frostgrave on one of your lists and now you don’t even mention it ... any insight as to why it fell off the radar ?
Oops ... just listened to last two minutes lol ... got my answer
Thank you for great crucial features review of those games. I can see you are going to more narrative games. There is another level of such games. Rather niche but maybe you will like it. Look at indie market with DIY narrative games like Five Parsecs from home or Five Leagues from the borderline.
Thanks Tomasz. A few other viewers have pointed this out as well. I will definitely look into them.
14:04 I couldn't agree with this more. I *really* love WarHammer 40K, so don't get a bad read here, but initiative is *so* important, and just rolling a grip o' die and then another grip o' die (don't even get me started on: "Soooooo we're fighting Chaos with 40d6?" o.O ) doesn't have that same feeling like I get in Galaxy Defenders where just seeing one roll result doesn't make me wanna' jump out a window. *It makes me wanna' grab more dice!* xD I just wish Galaxy Defenders had really leaned in on the Parody aspect because it's lore is almost nonexistent. I had to make my own, which could be considered another plus, because now it's the descendants of G.I.JOE vs. Aliens. I'll definitely be giving Kill Team a look although I was surprised just how much Inquisitor *really* scratches that 40K itch, such value *and* story! The Rumble Slam pick shocked me! Blood Bowl for me was one of the first games to introduce me to GW (Along with Talisman) which is one of the most important designers in terms of making board games something different right along with Steve Jackson Games. I'd probably be too biased to make a list like this honestly, so I'm glad you did it Joel! GREAT freakin' painting by the way, I've been watching you since your first how to paint vid with Tombstone was it? I was already impressed then, but you show how painting skill just grows with experience. It's very encouraging so thank you! :)
Thanks Mike. Appreciate it. :)
@@DriveThruReview We appreciate *you* too Joel! FYI, I'm subscribed and the bell thingy is clicked to all, but I miss a lot of your vids. I wouldn't have known about the CCG list if you'd not mentioned it in this video.
@@mikejonesnoreally Apparently that bell thing doesn't work anymore for some reason. UA-cam made some changes to how notifications work in general I guess.
You should really check out Corespace. Yes its expensive, but it is so good.
It's definitely on my radar once it gets reprinted.
I'm surprised Mordheim wasn't mentioned... Anyways, I played Star Breach for the first time last week and enjoyed it.. a Jedi vs Sith battle with a friend. As for Dracula's America, I am 3D printing my own guys and will hopefully give it a try before the end of the year.
Not played it. If they ever re-do it, I'll be in. Frostgrave and Vanguard seem to have taken it's place.
Missing my favorite skermish game. Unmatched
Honestly, I'm not a fan of that one, but I'm definitely in the minority there!
@@DriveThruReview Oh man. But you don't mind funko?
@@taykey17 Ya :D
I still have my collection of Mage Knight and Mage Knight Dungeons from 2002, it was the great into to HeroClix.
First time i see Relic Blade and it looks so cool. This game should visit KS.
It’s been on KS a few times. I believe another one is coming soon for a new expansion.
@@DriveThruReview thank you. I am glad i found it from your channel!!!
Whats fun with Gaslands is to start with a clean car and as you play and get shot up add damage and grim too it.
Absolutely! No need to wait to "paint your minis" before playing.
I would urge you to check out Horizon Wars from Osprey if you can find a copy (it’s just gone out of print, sadly). It’s a different scale to most of your other choices, but it’s a really cool Battletech style mech skirmish game. It’s great.
Ya. I just recently picked up Battletech. I have it painted it up but haven't played it yet. I'll check out Horizon Wars.
@@DriveThruReview There's a skirmish spin-off of Horizon Wars called Horizon Wars: Zero Dark. It can even be played solo against the game :)
@@tiagodias9742 Oh cool. Will have to check that out.
Thank you Joel :)
Hi! What did you think of beast grave?
I love Warhammer Underworlds. But, I really have a hard time putting it into this arena. It's so mechanical and competitive. There's a lot of cool lore around it, but the actual game play is purely competitive to me. I do love it though :)
Scrappers is a nice change of speed from Necromunda easier and faster to play cheaper to get a gang together still lots of fun.
Marvel: Crisis Protocol is pretty good. I was tempted till I ended up buying too much Shatterpoint instead.
the skirmish wargame Brutality
What do you think of Wildlands by Osprey?
I do enjoy that one as well. Bit more abstract than I typically want in my skirmish games but I’ve had a lot of fun with it.
I cant reccommend anything from GW for skirmish games.... just too expensive to get into. Always thought skirmish games should be accessible, Bushido is my fave and it cost me £70 for everything i need to play the game.
There are still people keeping the Star Wars Imperial Assault skirmish game running, updating it and rebalancing it. Look for the continuity project.
Nice. I'll look around for it!
ya really need to check out the Fistful of Lead rules and supplements if skirmish games with low fig count is your thing! and its miniature range agnostic!
Thanks. I'll look into it.
Has anyone tried wrath of kings? Parabellums conquest and their corresponding skirmish games?
I've not tried that one.
Have you ever played Edge: Dawnfall?
I have actually. I have a review on this channel even. It's a very good game!
Drive Thru Games would you consider it a skirmish game?
@@bassplant I would for sure.
Also Godtear, that game is awesome.
My list would have almost no commonality with yours for a variety of reasons (including taste and that I've been playing miniatures games for more than 40 years). In no particular order:
Frostgrave - The one overlap and for much the same reasons.
Mustangs and Messerschmitts - The best miniatures airplane game that I've ever played. Uses 1:72 aircraft and 6' tall flight stands on rolling bases. Not fast, but brilliant.
Dirtside - Moderately high detail SF ground combat game for small actions
Full Thrust - Space combat, best for small fleets, with vector movement
Rogue Stars - 3-5 character SF combat similar in some ways to the feel of Frostgrave
Hoist the Signal for Close Action - Sailing ship combat from the 18th and early 19th centuries
WFG's Frontline - WWII skirmish intended for use with 1:35 models
Wings of War - Fast play air combat with very clean simultaneous movement ordering
Sky Galleons of Mars - Space 1889 airship combat
Champions - Usually thought of as a superhero RPG, this works really well as a miniatures superhero skirmish game as well.
I tried Rogue Stars and couldn’t get into that one. I would like to try some WW2 minis games though. I really enjoy the hex and counter style games and expect there are some skirmish games out there that I would enjoy as well.
@@DriveThruReview I don't know a lot of WWII true skirmish miniatures games. People who like the period and want to play ground games tend to gravitate toward the platoon to regiment scale games like Spearhead, Command Decision, Bolt Action, Flames of War, even Squad Leader played as a minis game. Frontline is interesting in that it's intended to use those cool Tamiya 1:35 vehicles, which allows for some pretty impressive tables, but they need to be very large.
I think you could pretty easily run SPI's old Sniper or Patrol as miniatures games without much worrying about using hexes; I've thought about it more than once but haven't ever done it.
@@dougsundseth6904 Good info. Thanks Doug. Sounds like another rabbit hole! :)
Joel, what are you feelings on The Edge: Dawnfall? I still toss it out for skirmish fun.
I really enjoyed that one. I did a review for it a while back. ua-cam.com/video/DjvTaErrZuo/v-deo.html
Oh man
No Bushido From GCT 😯
That one I've not tried.
Great video, even though I only watched the parts that covered GW games. I am looking forward to getting into either Kill Team, WarCry or Necromunda and you had a lot of interesting things to say about each of them.
Aristeia is so great! You should try it! Watched whole video, but don't remamber You mentioning it?
Not tried that one yet. I think Infinity kind of put me off, but I've had a few people recommend it now. I'll give it a look :)
@@DriveThruReview I haven't played Infinity, but checked rules. I think Aristeia have much different feeling then Infinity. It is somehow in the fields of Gaslands as it is also "in the TV show" realm, so less serious theme, but still interesting, but more tactical/strategic then Gaslands(which I love also!).
The game that has been on my "must buy next list" longest. Keen to get it with the new multiplayer combo set that is going to be released. That way should work in my group that is already into too many systems.
@@piotrp6793 Definitely. Got some batreps queued up to watch later today :)
Freeblades anyone?
I'll give that one a look.