Empowering Digital Inclusion: Orange's Vision at Africa Tech Festival

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Brelotte Ba, Deputy CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa, brings a powerful message of digital inclusion to Africa Tech Festival. Opening with a reflection on his recognition as CEO of the year when leading Orange Mali, Ba discusses the critical role of digital services during the pandemic, emphasizing efforts to expand mobile money and broadband services.
    Ba shares Orange's impressive reach across Africa, serving 146 million customers with a focus on reducing digital disparities. He highlights the digital acceleration in Africa and Orange's commitment to driving inclusion for all, not just as consumers but as creators and participants in this digital transformation.
    The session showcases Orange's multi-service approach to connectivity, striving for 100% connected populations while addressing the user gap with services enhancing work, communication, and financial security. Ba gives a compelling example of Orange Money's impact, providing secure payment solutions and expanding into loans and savings, particularly aiding SMEs.
    Ba also touches on Orange's energy initiatives, like providing solar kits, which have enabled entrepreneurs like Sebastien Coffey to thrive. This approach to energy is part of Orange's broader strategy to scale platforms like payments and energy to drive inclusion.
    The talk shifts to digital education and skill development, essential for empowering individuals to participate in the digital economy. Ba highlights Orange's Digital Nisa project, which supports women who have dropped out of school, and the Orange Digital Center's role in fostering youth employability and supporting startups.
    Ba concludes with a call to action, inspired by Nelson Mandela's legacy, urging investment in infrastructure, scaling platforms, and training millions of young Africans for a digitally inclusive future.
    Join us in person at the next edition of the event!
    Pre-register for 2024 here: bit.ly/3vZnheg
    Or visit the website to learn more: bit.ly/4bjRGnB