I finally have everything set up for the contest!! Be sure to vote after you watch the entire video for who you liked the best and they will win the prize!!
I remember when this just came out, I would watch it in my room with my sister. The memories that they have given me can't ever be forgotten, as these two people have built my childhood, and there break up has teared it down. Re-watching all these videos feels so nice as this is the relieve I needed. Thank you for the memories, and for all the millions of childhoods you have made.
When Jen said "virtual hug!" everyone in 2020 felt touched. Edit: holy crap it's been a year and that's a lot of likes. It's 2021 and we still feel touched.😑
Why is it like just when everything seemed fine with their relationship, they announced they’re breaking up? Edit: I mean no offense, but I know WHY they broke up, and I know they are happier that way, and I support them, I’m just mentioning it
i have a cat that's like cloud. white fur. blue eyes. but: also has a little black fur, and isn't SO big. she's about... 20 cm width and about 6 meters length.and she's really cute. she meows. (but also follows you meowing and then tackling you.)
Hey guys! Its nice to reminisce isn't it? Please don't comment with anything regarding the breakup, they did it for good reason. Let everyone vibe with watching content instead of upsetting them with the notion. It is also getting old, do you guys intend of commenting something regarding the breakup on all his videos before it? Lets just vibe ok? :))
The one by the Heart Girl person I think the story went like this: You two were playing frisbee, Jen threw it, Pat fell of cliff, Jen jump after him, then they were both falling, then they were dead, and then they woke up bc it was a dream. 👏🏻
Hi! I'm actually the person who made that "animation", I was around 10 back then I'm 16 now and I'm going to be honest, I can't remember what the story I even made was but I do remember it having to do with them both dying and then waking up and it's all just a dream soo..congrats on getting that right?
a poem for Pat and Jen roses are red violets are blue I lo- Jen: AHH!!!! me: what happened?! Jen: I fell in a hole! me: hahaha! Jen: what's so funny? 😐 me: oh no-nothing 😂😂😂
I posted a comment before and it got an incredible amount of likes, thank you for that (that's why im posting this here now) :). I want to thank everyone that helped reach 1500 subscribers. Thank you!
Story Time: BREAKING MY NECK BY FIGHTING SHREK?!?! Doctors: how did you break your neck? Jen: I was fighting Shrek *Doctors call more assistance* Doctors to the phone: Hi, we need some assistance at The Yellow Ward, Room 1 (I don't know how hospitals work), a woman walked in with a broken neck and said she was fighting Shrek
Pat and jen you guys are my favourite youtubers i love you videos i can't stop watching them i have watched you guys for over 7 year's you guys make my so happy😄
I finally have everything set up for the contest!! Be sure to vote after you watch the entire video for who you liked the best and they will win the prize!!
PopularMMOs hai
PopularMMOs hi
PopularMMOs yay
PopularMMOs hi
PopularMMOs hi
I remember when this just came out, I would watch it in my room with my sister. The memories that they have given me can't ever be forgotten, as these two people have built my childhood, and there break up has teared it down. Re-watching all these videos feels so nice as this is the relieve I needed. Thank you for the memories, and for all the millions of childhoods you have made.
Their breakup didn't tear it down, it was the childish fan combined with personal drama
When Jen said "virtual hug!" everyone in 2020 felt touched.
Edit: holy crap it's been a year and that's a lot of likes. It's 2021 and we still feel touched.😑
I felt touched
COVID -19 has joined the. Chat
and 2021
pat and jen: *do a heart and hug at cam*
me: *tries to hug my computer*
Lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol so funny I respect you mate
@@Titan_cinema_man855 thank you! i also respect you :D
I actually did the same
Jen: u went through the floor
Pat: thats called pro skillz
On point
I couldn't tell at some points who was talking the real Pat and Jen or the animated ones
Macintyre Stevens me too
Macintyre Stevens same
Macintyre Stevens I thought you was my bfff
magen shelton ??? Well that's what u think I've got no idea who u are
Macintyre Stevens SAME!!!!!
Who else thinks pat and jen make the perfect couple?
Dave Sanchez he is saying they are good together not they would be good together
Me! :3
Kieanna Wood boo lol
Bennett Miller ummmm.... they are already married... XD
8:03: Aren't We Married lady
OBJ PLAYZ I get it :( they broke uppppp
、ヽ`ヽ`、ヽ``、ヽ`、ヽ`ヽ`、、ヽ`ヽ`、ヽ``、ヽ`、ヽ`ヽ`、、ヽ`ヽ`、ヽ``、ヽ`、ヽ`ヽ`、、ヽ`ヽ`、ヽマッテェ(ノ;Д;)ノ `、、ヽ`☂ヽ`、ヽ``、ヽ`、ヽ`ヽ`、、ヽ`ヽ`、ヽ``、ヽ`、ヽ`ヽ`、、ヽ`ヽ`、ヽ``、ヽ`、ヽ`ヽ`、、ヽ、ヽ`ヽ`、ヽ``
I’m not lying you guys honestly made my childhood without you I don’t know where I’d be it’s sad to see u off UA-cam now and I hope everything is good
Yeah Jen is happy with her family and I don’t know where Pat is lately
It’s really difficult watching this when you know they’re broken up. I miss this so much.
Ariel Rose yeah
Ariel Rose yeah it is but they are happier this way so let’s be happy for them
Yeah that is why I can to rewatch their videos because I just thought that I should rewatch them from when they were together not broken up 😭😭😢
Ariel Rose you are very right
Tenya ida! Class 1-a his quirk, waving his arms crazily in the air and running super fast
Yes another Mha fan
Me as a five-year-old :not knowing what that word means
me as a nine-year-old :oh my God she made a big mistake
so you 10 now?
I am eight I’m almost nine though I’m really excited and I’m about to get to third grade and I already know most of the stuff I need to know!:)
@@hecker5629 lol your a baby
@@hecker5629 oh my goodness you are a child 😭
@@hecker5629 you shared your personal information
jen: cal and my mom should know
pat: really?
jen: yes the sink could be shipping!
you cant act as pat and jen
to shade broh
@@Jinx5155 to shade? XDDD
She\he can do what ever they want its rollplay
Hahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahajajhahahhahahahahahhahahahhahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahah ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhhahahahha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhhahahahha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhhahahahha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha ahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhha ahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhaha
Yes it could be shipping someone with someone
Hello_ There hi
Jen: Oh, look at that!
Pat: It's animated cloud!
Jen and Me: Awwww!
*ice cream ad shows up*
Me: You just have to ruin the moment of cloud!
Maya Younis XD
Not funny
Well that's not nice!
"Ar'nt we married lady?"
yea... Sad
They still made a vid together today!
(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)
they did xp me ded
Did anyone else notice in the lucky races how when pat fell it said failed to his doom?
Life is a pen
Pat is a highlighter
Life drew the world
But Pat you made it brighter
Julia_Playz xox 👏👏👏👏 that was beautiful...
Julia_Playz xox 🙌👏🙌👏🙌👏🙌👏🙌👏🙌👏🙌👏
2 block 2
Julia_Playz xox 👏👏👏 Amazing Speech My Friend. :)
Julia_Playz xox that is the nicest poem I've ever seen ;)
Life is a pen
Jen is a highlighter
Life drew the world
But Jen you made it brighter
Haleigh Yoakum Good one
+Kermit The Frog He Made A LOL.
Haleigh Yoakum was i the only one who read it in ppap and realized it was a poem?😂😂
Haleigh Yoakum awwwe
Haleigh Yoakum Nice poem
thank you for everything these last years, its felt like time has passed by so so quick. i miss you guys.
Girl cat love 1524. Is the winer 👩🏽🎀👨🏽(pat and Jen)
~Jen 2015 😆
Katty Cat 2017
knight noob_89 YOU SHALL NOT PASS wow no 2015 is when the video of "the sink is shipping" came out
Katty Cat 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅! CATS
Katty Cat lol
Katty Cat yes
Idk why but every time I watch pat I'm always eating cereal
Cushiy Cake same!
Cushiy Cake **yummy
I'm always in bed
Peyton Walker omg smae i am in bed right now
Why is it like just when everything seemed fine with their relationship, they announced they’re breaking up?
Edit: I mean no offense, but I know WHY they broke up, and I know they are happier that way, and I support them, I’m just mentioning it
They had different thoughts in life. Jen wanted children, pat wanted a job that’d make him happy.
There not lier
Dana Hinson it was for the better, their both happier that way.
I love both of you, Jen... have I ever told you that you look more beautiful the more animations you watch?
Pat you look extra epic today!!!!!
"THE SINK COULD BE SHIPPING!" Too late. Now it's writing fanfics.
Also, I love CandyJewel's animation! :3
I was thinking the same thing! LOL =3
Ōkami Jade can I have a sub
Ōkami Jade XD
2018? Anyone? Guess It Just Me... :
I thought it was me :
This mad me sad at 8:03 bc I wish they were still together 😭🥺 but it’s okay I respect there wishes I hope they get back together tho 🥺
Try their**
They aren’t gonna get back together. Sorry to break it to you but now they are happy
Am I the only one who hugged the screen?
Cookie Sisters! I hugged the screen too
Nope I did too
dong wang 2Block2
Long dong
I have I cat just like cloud except he has gray/black fur and green eyes
i have a cat that's like cloud. white fur. blue eyes. but: also has a little black fur, and isn't SO big. she's about... 20 cm width and about 6 meters length.and she's really cute. she meows. (but also follows you meowing and then tackling you.)
@@galgonen8260 6 METER LENGTH?
XSniper10 I think that her cat is a white tiger.
" I hoed his head off" sigh, Jen you know better than that
"I have many sacks"- Pat why are you guys so dirty?
Black FlowersAJ They aren't dirty, you're just perverted
No, I think you just don't get it because of how simple you are.
You're just being dirty minded. Pat and Jen are kid friendly.
Black FlowersAJ They are right thats pretty dirty minded
Who is still here watching it for good old times
who else hugged the screen when Jen said "virtual hug!" ???
ItsGalactic me
ItsGalactic I did and I'm not ashamed of it 😀😁
Almost died when Jen said over p.nis
Andres Hernandez ikr sooo funny!!!
Andres Hernandez lol me to
Andres Hernandez
Andres Hernandez, that is the best one
how much people opened your arms for a virtual hug
Piggylover17 I got a hug from GamingwithJen!!!!!!!
cindrelly31 and I saw a unicorn
Hey guys! Its nice to reminisce isn't it? Please don't comment with anything regarding the breakup, they did it for good reason. Let everyone vibe with watching content instead of upsetting them with the notion. It is also getting old, do you guys intend of commenting something regarding the breakup on all his videos before it? Lets just vibe ok? :))
I was having a bad day.. but you Guy's silliness, made me smile again.. Thanks!
BaBae Child me too
BaBae Child me to my Uncle died last night I had the worst day ever when I found out 😭😢
Life is a pen
Popularmmos is a highliter
The pen drew the world🌎
But Popularmmos
Made it Brighter💡
Lauryn Cruz that's cute :3
Lauryn Cruz huh?
Lauryn Cruz boo
The one by the Heart Girl person I think the story went like this: You two were playing frisbee, Jen threw it, Pat fell of cliff, Jen jump after him, then they were both falling, then they were dead, and then they woke up bc it was a dream. 👏🏻
Hi! I'm actually the person who made that "animation", I was around 10 back then I'm 16 now and I'm going to be honest, I can't remember what the story I even made was but I do remember it having to do with them both dying and then waking up and it's all just a dream soo..congrats on getting that right?
thumb up if you want me to draw your profile picture
XGun Manx me
XGun Manx me please me
XGun Manx me
XGun Manx me
XGun Manx me
Jen: The sink could be shipping!
-Two days Later-
|-| (that was suppose to be a box)
Jen: The sink is Here! XD
Little Gamer Kitty how did you do the two days later thing
Chicken Lover 27 -------------
------two day later
Los chicos de cristianasCubits
"You will not see anywhere else."
*looks at the millions of fake popularmmos accounts* Right...
Sammy Ward yeah
Sammy Ward I think he meant popular youtubers / not fake
Sammy Ward I agree with you because there can be some fucking fakers who act like they want to be real youtubers when there really not.
Exactly don't you agree that people always be like other youtubers. That just gets annoying
Who’s here after the breakup?😭
Me 😥😥😥
Kawaii POTATO sad
Candy jewel was my favorite
And Chrisi soda
A-tastic _
Candy Jewel 👍
A-tastic _ yup
31:55 When she said "over penis" instead of "opness" i died😂😂😂
Samantha Garcia lol
Samantha Garcia OML ME TOO 😂😂
Samantha Garcia WHAT I DONT SEE IT
Samantha Garcia AHAHHAHA I SEE IT
Ya same I DIED LITERALLY DIED of LAUGHTER!!!! :-) I could not stop laughing
If u want to see a very funny pat, then pause the video at 21:44 and look at facecam
And 24:11
Yousef Bev 😂😂😂
Yousef Bev lol haha 😂
Haha thats so funny!
ha ha
Can we appreciate how jen was
accurate and the fact that pat just slowly stabbed the zombie 👏
Who else hugged Jen back in the beginning XD
skittyles I forgot to 😢
skittyles i did
me XD
Izzy Scratch me
skittyles me
Sees this video is 30+ minutes
Gets comfortable and grabs food....
GoombaChao789 So me...
Chelsea's cats are cool same
GoombaChao789 same here :3
I love your videos make a video about the best in Minecraft Survival😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
GoombaChao789 he left out 2block2 in the description
Am i the only one who gave a virtual hug with them...
MercuryxX 21 I did too your not alone 🤗
Ikr, you're never alone ☺️
MercuryxX 21 I did
MercuryxX 21 I did
MercuryxX 21
nope i did i hug my phone
Man, I can’t believe they broke up
I just started really liking their channel to, they seemed to have great chemistry.
they are happier now
It’s for the better
hey Victoria :')
911 what's your emergency?
Ava :3 i
Ava :3 you tried to trick me but you trick didn’t me
when jen said virtual hug....i hugged my laptop.......NO SHAME XD
XxGachaKelseyxX same! Two of the same
i nutted in my phone mwahah
... errrrrrrrrrrr, ok
"It is never getting the old!" Jen 2k18
man this was the internets peak 2017
Who thinks pat and jen should battle each other with nerf guns
Bennett Miller exactly what they should do
Bennett Miller me
yes yes yes
Bennett Miller Yes they should that would be awesome
Bennett Miller meh
Alexa-DeeGamez roblox and More! Ship is sinking*
Batman that what she aid in the titanic role play they did earlier in 2016
Alexa-DeeGamez roblox and More! Hhhhhh
Alexa-DeeGamez roblox and More! Who did the sink is shipping one I forgot
Professor Phoenixia it was Bubblez Art
5:45 pat in de animation was thinking : Rip Sylvester?
Like if u saw it and it was so quick 😂 😂 😂
daniel rai
Cathy Moon I saw it.
Cathy Moon 42:04
Cathy Moon 42:04
Cathy Moon
who else is rewatching and remember when they were younger.
I LOVE the one that Jen says the sink might be shipping
Thanks for the comet
Doug Marcum me to time 1234567788999990
me too but is the first anamshin called 5secs of summmer
Thanks for the comet everybody
ElvenPortal congratulations
ElvenPortal which one.
ElvenPortal why you lie
ElvenPortal sweet!
Kane Baldeo did you actually check to see if he actually was there or did you just assume?
a poem for Pat and Jen
roses are red
violets are blue
I lo-
Jen: AHH!!!!
me: what happened?!
Jen: I fell in a hole!
me: hahaha!
Jen: what's so funny? 😐
me: oh no-nothing 😂😂😂
Bunny Bun B
Pat: #jen
It's been 5 years ago, missing this couple rn.
TechnoGirl omg Lmao
Finally a normal comment
My favorite one was the "opness" one! I loved that video!
Mine to
I vote Vince Triestoanimate
Same, same
Zero Hour12 u
Ava DeIanni that one was my favorite too
me to
mwa deux (French for me too)
Evie MSP xxx the
Evie MSP xxx nope its Moi Aussi you need to learn girl x)
Me too
"The sink could be shipping!"
Best thing Jen ever said
my favorite was opness one I was so weak!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
icecream dream ikr!!!
Lollie-pop-candy lol 😂😂😂😂
icecream dream me to I died
icecream dream me toooo my ribs hurt
I have never laugh so hard at pat and Jen except for now😂😂😂😂
I love all of these animations, and I think maybe VB Kitty ONLY because I love the chicken named Henry
GamingOcelot Ik but in the next episode of A Chicken's Courage she forgot his name! Sad...
That was pretty funny for me 😝
me too
TeoGPanda :3 mine did to
Hey PopularMMos your real name is Pat right?!?!
TeoGPanda :3 same with me
“The Sink could be shipping!!”
Me: Oh? Who’s the lucky couple?🧐🧐😝
I posted a comment before and it got an incredible amount of likes, thank you for that (that's why im posting this here now) :). I want to thank everyone that helped reach 1500 subscribers. Thank you!
Hey I saw you before. First thought you were a spammer but you;re actually really cool so I subbed. Thanks! Keep being creative man.
No problem
HDRodHot I will subscribe to your Chanel and no problem
HDRodHot sub
Akshay Kumar brah
Is it only me who hugs my screen when they do the virtual hug stuff😊😂
I do too. Don't feel left out! XD
Me too!!😂😂
I have a Jen I have a hole AUGHHHHH JEN IN A HOLE
KaydeeJane, we all do. We just gotta admit it
+Rainbow Cloud, lol like Ppap heh JH like JenHole
Doctors: how did you break your neck?
Jen: I was fighting Shrek
*Doctors call more assistance*
Doctors to the phone: Hi, we need some assistance at The Yellow Ward, Room 1 (I don't know how hospitals work), a woman walked in with a broken neck and said she was fighting Shrek
story time
Pat is the pencil
Jen is the highlighter
Cloud is the glue
Pat made the world, Jen makes it brighter, Cloud holds it ALL together
Yeah dat works
Ruby Matrix321, ?? Okay 😂
OMG it's scratch!!! I love coding on Scratch
When they gave out virtual hugs did anyone else hug there screen
No okay
. .
^ (Mine was the TV)
Emily Bonham I did
Emily Bonham i did!
Emily Bonham I did
Emily Bonham yes
Emily Bonham I did it ☺
I can't tell who's talking the real Jen are pat or the animated Jen and pat
me to!
Teah Newman yes
Teah Newman i couldn't tell ether
XD yep
I'm watching everything over again missin themm wayyyy tooo much 😭
They was my childhood but they got divorced D: It made me so sad!!
"We don't use lucky potions because they are to over penis" -Jen 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
That's cracked me up bad 😂😂😂😂
Nathalie Gamez I know right lol it killed me
Nathalie Gamez it's overpower
Nathalie Gamez She said OP
Nathalie Gamez that's the one I loveee to
Who's watching on 2017 because I am
The Chumpinator Exoid xDD
Norria Lunter Pat Pat and Jen I love your videos they're so cool
Norria Lunter Whos noticed the copy right picture for that youtube pic
Norria Lunter me
Norria Lunter meeeee
I have a Pat
I have a Jen
Pat pineapple Jenny pen!
Pinkwhale45 Lacrosse lol lol
Pinkwhale45 Lacrosse stfu thats old
Aiden Playz lol
Pinkwhale45 Lacrosse what
Pinkwhale45 Lacrosse good riming dude
Pat and jen you guys are my favourite youtubers i love you videos i can't stop watching them i have watched you guys for over 7 year's you guys make my so happy😄
I've heard the 'sink could be shipping' one a million times but don't judge Jen maybe she bought a sink online
Yes and it Was being shipped to her lol
I have a apple I have a pen UGH apple pen I have an pineapple I have a pen ugh pineapple pen apple pen pineapple pen ugh apple pineapple pen
My sister asks the following questions:
"Jen, did you lose weight?!"
"Pat, are you gaining weight?!"
i got a taco, i got a tuesday uh TACO TUESDAY!!!!!!!! YEA BOI!!!!!
Yea boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Benjamin Hernandez lolloolollol I got a Jen I got a pat PAT JEN
Benjamin Hernandez we do Pancake Tuesday
Are u talking about El tapitio taco Tuesday?
Am I the only one watching this 4 years later thinking it's sad they broke up
please bring back lucky block hunger games
Cozy Cartoons #bringbackhungergames plz
Cozy Cartoons they didnt end it you know
Cozy Cartoons #bringbackhungergames
Cozy Cartoons #bringbackhungergames
Jacob Mayer they havent done it in a while
Lisandra Mendez but the ship has sunk 😔
Sink x ?
(Btw this is just a joke)
Who's Watching at 2018
Me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ellie the Gamer nobody
Ellie the Gamer I am not english but i know its says in 2018
Ellie the Gamer me
When Jen said virtual hug,I hugged my tablet,also happy New years 2020 people also like not you tried to give Jen her hug...
Who saw herobrian?
Me too
Me too.
THIS SINK COULD BE SHIPPING!!! this comment could be shipping the thing is, NOONE knows microwave
To this day, Henry is still waiting for them.
The evolution of Popularmmos 🤣😃
I VOTE 1000000× FOR FIRST ONE I HEART THE MUSIC Also at 5:40 pat scared me
am I the only one that tried to hug Jen back
Anna Clem no
Anna Clem i did
Anna Clem No
Anna Clem I tried to hug jen cause I love them PS:only in friendly way
pat and jen my ungle knows you and he in flora so ya hes staking you
Pat: Hahaha XD!!!
Me:I'm gonna die of laughter ;'D
I would try to animate something but my patients is 1%
VictoriaCraft same
VictoriaCraft that is wot she sade
Same 😂😂😂 same with my ability to do it 😂
VictoriaCraft same lol
Yeah i would animate too but i have no time and im bad at it