Panasonic Envio Inverter Deluxe Split Air Conditioner 1.0 hp | Pre-Restoration
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
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I got it today from an air conditioning workshop for Rp1.200.000 (around 83 USD), but the price doesn't seem to accordance with its condition. The casing's bolt plastic caps and the cable clips were missing, the condensing unit's feet on the front-right side broke and missing, and even the horizontal swing and the aerowings don't work either. But hang on, although it has these downsides which may be frustrating, that doesn't mean this AC didn't have any pros/good sides. Because fortunately, all indicator lights are functioning, the Nanoe-G generator's still in commission, and lastly, it comes with the original remote! Usually, secondhand air conditioners lost their original remotes and were replaced with remotes from a different model or a universal remote, or they don't even come with the remote. Of course, there are a lot of consequences in buying used/secondhanded things, and we had to accept whatever the consequences are 😁.
This model was launched in 2015, and my first impression of it was kind of awkward as usually Panasonic's swing goes down-up, and they did an opposite to the swing when this model was designed. After passing a few years, I suddenly fell in love with this model and instantly one for myself. I finally got one after doing some research for quite a while. And umm, it's a common air conditioner and I've had no any special memories with it. It's one of the best designs with the up-down swing style compared to Panasonic's later models, you know... TKJ/P, UKJ/P, and WKJ designs, compared to them, this one's much better. That's the reason why I decided to buy one for myself.
I usually postponed videos of my fans or air conditioners projects until they're fully restored. But I decided to take a video of this one before I began restoring it.
Model: CS/CU-S10RKP
Production year: February of 2016
Color/finish: White-gold
Cooling capacity: 2.860-11.200 Btu/h
Refrigerant: R410A
Power rating: 730 watts (225-920 watts)
Current: 3.3-3.6 amps
Voltage: 220-240v
Frequency: 50hz
Bluefin Condensor
4 Way Swing
ECONAVI Dual Sensors
Auto Comfort
Nanoe-G purifying system
Quiet mode
Manufactured by Panasonic Appliances Air-Conditioning Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Shah Alam Malaysia. Made in Malaysia.
Taken December 12, 2021.
#airconditioner #splitairconditioner #panasonic
wanna see the restored condition? check out this link!
When it was launched, the hype was literally like wildfire and the technology with the design is more modern than current models
the answer of your question is on the description box of this video, so please read it.
And, now, they are cutting a bunch of useful features (Econavi, AUTO COMFORT and more)
I'm just sad of this trend to oversimplify stuff
I do love this tho!
For 83$ I think its a steal
One of my dream air conditioners, gotta get one NOS one day just in case the FTC leaks out.
great, and good luck for looking the NOS!
Dekat Tahun Baru Dapat Unit baru😎😆👍
penutup akhir tahun😊
Mantul ini Ac ,kmaren juga perbaikan dengan tipe yg sama
mantap gan
Today 12:30
Ini adalah ac sultan pada masanya
The air conditioner has auto shutdown, timer is blinking, & beep sound has 4 times because the outdoor unit isn't installing.......
@@TheeXtremeFanEnthusiast Hahaha, it's not stupid!!!!!!!
“Because the outdoor unit isn’t installing” why would it install by itself?😂
Pana Terakhir yg menurut saya Designnya masih Khas Panasonic dan bagus
Yang paling khas Panasonic desainnya itu desain generasi J(JKJ/JKP)
3:42 suaranya kyk sensor parkir mobil
asal suara "tit" nya ga 2x aja
@@TheeXtremeFanEnthusiast oh
AC Panasonic Inverter Buatan Malaysia Model : CS-S10RKP Energi Daya Listrik Hemat 730 - 730 Watt
dan hemat listrik hingga 0 watt, jika tidak dinyalakan.
@@TheeXtremeFanEnthusiast 😂😂😂😂😂
Bagus acnya
terima kasih😊
if the timer blinks,Reset ac and then turn on
and that wouldn't solved the main problem.
2:41 why tepid the timer light blink?
due to no communication between the indoor and outdoor unit.
@@TheeXtremeFanEnthusiast how did that happen?
@argon.basaltf2 *realisation*
Gw tau seri envio terakhir di seri RKP
Klo mau bilang gw lebih suka deluxe jaman dulu envio dan generasi sebelum envio(dari C_CKN-C_EKH)
Dan beberapa alowa deluxe yang mirip envio (XC_PKJ-XN_SKJ)
Klo generasi setelah envio entah kenapa juga lah tapi gw tetap suka sih
lineup deluxe yg bisa disebut "envio" sebenernya sejak EKH, dibawah itu msh bisa dibilang deluxe biasa. dan GKP mah masuknya envio generasi awal"
alowa yg deluxe bisa dibilang versi lokalnya dari envio
@@TheeXtremeFanEnthusiast C_CKN deluxe ionizer pertama kah?
Karena setau gw C_BKN gak pake ionizer
@@fan_and_ac nope, ada lagi generasi dibawahnya
@@TheeXtremeFanEnthusiast generasi CS-C_5KH
yang itu kah seri2 deluxe jadul sebelum CS-C_BKN
yes, dan masih ada CS-_15KH, CS-_03KH, CS-_02KH, CS-_00KH lagi dibawahnya
Did you make it work without the outdoor unit on i know for sure it wouldn't give cold breeze
most ac indoor units can run without the outdoor unit, and yes of course it won't deliver a cold breeze because there is no refrigerant circulated to the evaporator
For use in Japan with 200V 50Hz in Tokyo and northwards.
God thanks brother
Bro do you know when the General ABC model ac was released?
i have no idea
How do you connect these to power? and does it get the enough power too cool?
just give it a power cable, and plug it to the power outlet. and if you're asking whether this produced any cool air or not, the answer is no. because it's not hooked up the the outside unit, so it only acts as a usual fan.
@@TheeXtremeFanEnthusiast Ah alright
ketika swing nya terbuka acnya seperti bilang "bleeee" 😛
see the 1.5 hp version here:
I have one similar, I need the oudoor pcb for it cu-ye18mke because it has H11 error.
Seems to be a damaged microprocessor.
Very similar
@ sorry for the late reply. and that's too bad! have you tried contacting the Panasonic service center, looking for the outdoor PCB spare part? if they were not available anymore, I think there is no way out other than seeking for the used units with the same type for taking the parts, or trying to fix the outdoor PCB
thank you!
Your wellcome
In my house have this in my sister bedroom
wow, cool!
Like new aircond i like it
it's not actually 100% like new judging by some of the functions are malfunctioning, and its filthy remote, Panasonic's label at the outdoor unit. but thanks!
Itu Dipasang nya di Ruang tamu Atau Ruangan Lain
buat koleksi aja
Kalo Aku Ada 20 lebih Koleksi Kipas Yang SANEX Aku Punya Tapi Dah Hangus Tapi warna hijau
Pasang nya pake Apa
pake jaringnya spiderman biar kuat
@@thefanaircondirioner8433 pasang pakai susuk biar tambah cantik acnya 😂
AC model baru atau model lama
model jaman batu
Ini ac yang aku suka
Ada yang 3/4 pk untuk ac second
untuk inverter panasonic seri CS/CU-S_RKP dan seri" pendahulunya tidak ada yg 3/4 pk, paling kecil 1 pk.
Oh........ tapi kamar aku cukup untuk 3/4 pk
tidak apa", malah inverter justru lebih bagus kalau kebesaran pk. karena jadinya situ lebih butuh set suhu remote lebih tinggi (misal 25 keatas), dan dengan itu konsumsi listrik jadi lebih irit. tapi kalo butuh 3/4 pk inverter, panasonic seri PU_UKP ada yg 3/4 pk, cuma yaa fiturnya tidak sebanyak seperti si S_RKP ini
Iya. Eh tapi yang ac panasonic inverter seri PU_UKP yang 3/4 pk masih keluar di pasaran tapi sulit di cari
hmm barangnya memang belakangan ini sulit ditemukan keberadaannya
So what happened to the S10RKP?
nothing’s wrong with it unless i haven’t test it again since 2022
@@TheeXtremeFanEnthusiast oh
I want a Panasonic air conditioner
1:40 Ac ini bip nya pelan gak kaya yang pansonic low watt bipnya biasa aja
menurut ku sih beda frekuensi aja yg buat beep kedengaran lebih rendah
Bang ini ac ku udh 10th ga dingin, enaknya ganti apa diperbaiki ya bang katanya mahal sparepartnya
tergantung sih, kalo ac-nya emang udah ga worth buat diperbaiki ya ganti baru. tapi kalo masih worth buat diperbaiki ya coba perbaiki aja dulu. karena kualitas ac baru jaman sekarang udah ga se-bagus ac jaman dulu
last econavi in inverter series
for the indonesian market, yes
econavi dual sensor terakhir
untuk indonesia, yes
Seri apa ac nya itu ? 🤔
ga bisa liat label spek kah??? padahal udah jelas” saya tunjukkan di video kalo emang males baca deskripsi 😀
model nya apa
kan udah diperlihatkan di video, bahlan dicantumkan di deskripsi video.
Ac nya bagus haga nya juga murah 💵💴💶💷
Kak tinggal dimana
tinggal dirumah
😂😂😂😂 planet namex 😂😂😂😂
Panasonic model apa itu
baca deskripsi
did I subscribbe
Həzi Aslanov 310 block 9 floor up left door bakuda
Suarak nya kayak tempat parkir mobil
1:41 beep nya kaya beda sama yang lain
beda karena
@@TheeXtremeFanEnthusiast R.I.P SPEKER
Is I on air cooller spinning!!!!!!!!!!
dimesjid aku juga ada cuma bukan punya aku masjidnya tapi punya uztad terus akunyalain ac tiba tiba ac nya mati sendirinya ternyata ada timernya kedap kedip😆🤣
yaa mumpung dimasjid lagi sepi aku iseng nyalain acnya ada4 ac dimesjid merk daikin \ panasonic ada3 jdi totalnya 4 ac auto kedinginan🤭🤫😆
nahhh iyak kayak gini matinya cuma dimasjid dia mati sendirinya😄😅😊
biasanya ac yang satunya matikan terus aku ngak nyalain terus ada ibu ibu numpang lewat ngambil remot ac trus nyalain ac tapi yang ngambil remote acnya ibu ibu pengajian🤗☺😇🥰
kenceng banget anginnya😆😅🤣😂😁😆
walah kyknya ada malfungsi tuh di ac-nya wkwkwk
Eh timernya nyala
hooh karena gaada komunikasi antara indoor dan outdoor
Ac nya buka swing nya ke bawah
4 square
AC nya Kayak Versi China
at least ini bentuknya jauh mendingan dibanding seri T, U, dan W
I-auto x
maksut saya motor on off power cover 😡
Udah rusak bang ac nya
masih ada tapi belum dites lagi
Ini mah tahun 2024 ac nya kalau yang umur 1999 mah gak cakep 👎
ac-nya tahun 2024? ga bisa liat tahun produksi ac ini di label spek kah padahal udah jelas” saya tunjukkan di video kalo emang males baca deskripsi 😀
Quiet wa d f##k
Wtf off
Copy of daikin
i don't think so
wdym?...thats whole different aircond bro lmao