UPDATED | Halo MCC Aiming Issues Explained | Aim Acceleration Updated

  • Опубліковано 19 жов 2018
  • UPDATE: The issue in this video is fixed with the new Modern Aim Style in the January 2019 Update!
    A new Insider build introduces Aim Acceleration setting, but it doesn't solve the issue.
    StrangeVolt's blog on Acceleration: drstrangevolt.blogspot.com/201...
    Eternal Dahaka's diagrams on Waypoint: www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/fo...
    Eternal Dahaka's diagrams on Reddit: / controller_deadzones_o...
  • Ігри


  • @zarphus8087
    @zarphus8087 5 років тому +2

    i have never seen a video that even mentions acceleration zones/timescales. i appreciate that you seem to make a lot of videos that put a voice to underlying thoughts that i and gamers like me often have but go ignored as nitpicky complaints by people who either dont understand the intricacies of these kinds of features, or just dont care.
    back when tf2 was all the rage, i manually configured my gamepad setup for it, using source engine's CFG files. in my research i had looked into all input variables and found these features and noticed they werent even really used yet in default configurations, and began to toy with them. blindly stumbling around until i figured out what did what, i personally put together what might be the best possible input config for playing any Source engine shooter with a gamepad. i used it for every source game moving forward. i increased the timescale for l4d2, but most other games i played kept my core settings.
    as of now, source games do use them by default, to varying degrees.

  • @tylerdavis1033
    @tylerdavis1033 5 років тому +20

    Thank you for a great video explaining what the issues the community are having with this. This information has been passed onto the development team!

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  5 років тому +3

      Thank you so much, and massive thanks to the team for all you guys do!

    • @tylerdavis1033
      @tylerdavis1033 5 років тому +1

      @@NoStringsPrd You are welcome :)

  • @DragonSoulMusic
    @DragonSoulMusic 5 років тому +8

    6:53 Nice.

  • @christopherj.tindall2046
    @christopherj.tindall2046 4 роки тому +1

    Best explanation I have seen about the sensitivity issue! Can you do one for the new mcc halo reach that just came out? Aiming feels terrible.

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  4 роки тому

      Somehow I completely missed your comment, I'm very sorry about that.
      What about the aim are you having troubles with? Reach matches Halo 4's aiming exactly, so whatever settings you use for H4, try that for Reach. Can you narrow it down a bit?

  • @KeybladeWielderXV
    @KeybladeWielderXV 5 років тому +8

    I suppose you could say the acceleration zones put you on the "Highway to the... DANGER ZONE! Du du da du!"
    Sorry. :D

  • @clevelandrocksdzd
    @clevelandrocksdzd Рік тому

    If I use a sensitivity of 7 on original CE on original hardware (played on original Xbox) what settings should I use in MCC for CE?

  • @EternalDahaka
    @EternalDahaka 5 років тому +4

    I didn't expect those graphs to make it into an informative video live this, but it's cool seeing them used. The overlays were really well done too. I really hope 343i can fix this issue. That irregular spike has always make the classic titles feel terribly clunky to me.
    This video covers the acceleration issue, but I'm interested how the new deadzone option affects the size. I'm not part of the insider and the only video I've seen on them is the default is 20% for all titles which wasn't the default for all titles, unless that's changed in this update. Is it possible to fully remove them?
    Either way I'm interested in testing those once it becomes public.

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  5 років тому +1

      Hey mate, thanks for response, your graphs have been invaluable in conveying this to 343!
      In the Insider build the only available mode is matchmaking, and I can only find matches at the peak times, which makes it very difficult to test out the new settings. Hopefully the next sessions this weekend will have offline custom games to test with. You can turn the deadzones right down from the default 20% to 0%. From about 5% and down I get drift on the stick at neutral, so I settled at 10% deadzone just to be gettng on with. I got the feeling, as I said in the video, that decreasing the deadzone slider might have affected the cardinal deadzones as well, in Halo 2 Classic I tried spinning horizontally, then slowly tilting upwards. It felt like at 10% it took perhaps slightly less tilt before I started turning than in the public build, though of course I can't be certain, I'm basing this on one short test that I haven't been able to reattempt.
      The next sessions are this weekend, I'll give the deadzones a closer look

    • @EternalDahaka
      @EternalDahaka 5 років тому +1

      Thanks a lot for the information. If the deadzone option controls the 'square' part of the deadzone it should decrease the cardinal ranges(the square/axial deadzone is what causes those regions), so you are right about that. Diagonal tests like that are easiest when looking straight up and down, since you can see the horizontal movement start/stop more easily.
      I'm a little more interested in CE and 4, since Halo 5's option only lowered the circular region, but left the square intact. I don't know if those will follow suit, or scale the whole shape evenly.
      Any reduction is a improvement though.

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  5 років тому +1

      I'll give the deadzones a look tonight on the next playsession and see how it feels. Last time I was unable to find a match in 4, but CE was common enough.
      You might want to have a look at this, Grim discusses the possibility of adding a classic and modern aim toggle based on what they've learned from your graphs, this sounds relly promising!

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  5 років тому +1

      So turning deadzones to 0%, the blue zones in the graphs seem to me to vanish completely. Only had chance for a quick test in CE and 2, but it feels smoother. However, with a low-enough deadzone you of course start drifting at neutral, not sure yet where the best threshold is but for my controller it seems to stop at 6 or 7%

    • @EternalDahaka
      @EternalDahaka 5 років тому

      Thanks for both updates. It's really cool they mentioned it as at least a possibility. It does sound promising.
      The deadzone option should be controlling the square in CE then, and probably also the circular region as well if you're seeing drift in both games. That seems plenty good to me. And yeah, a 0% deadzone isn't really viable, but it's just nice to have a full range.

  • @LateNightHalo
    @LateNightHalo 5 років тому +8

    excellent video.

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  5 років тому +3

      That means a lot dude, thank you! Love your videos

    • @LateNightHalo
      @LateNightHalo 5 років тому +1

      No Strings Prd thank you

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  5 років тому +1

      Hey mate, it's the MCC aim video guy;
      343 dev Gregory Hermann has responded with an enormous amount of detail about how H3 and H4 aiming works (still reading through, some of it is going right over my head), and the changes he's made to the way Halo 3 aiming functions. An update seems to be on its way to the Insider build in the next few days, along with offline Custom Games to test it. I don't think 343 is going to make much fanfare about this yet since there's no Insider play sessions on the way, so it may be a stealth update to look out for. I'll probably do a video on it, but I thought you might want to try it out for yourself
      link to the post: www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/9q5u3y/halo_mcc_aiming_issues_explained_the_new_aim/e98lxpy/

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  5 років тому +1

      Addendum to the previous comment, updated H3 aiming isn't in this Insider build, but will be coming nontheless

  • @Kristo7th
    @Kristo7th 5 років тому +1

    7:19 - you d word xD. I agree with having an offline mode (custom games enabled) so that people could play around with the settings and not have to worry about losing games. Plus in CE the vertical aiming seems rather slow, no matter how high up you crank the settings.

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  5 років тому

      Hah, sorry about that! No disrespect mate, was trying to provide some banter for your stream :)

  • @fishmvn9210
    @fishmvn9210 5 років тому +1

    Really liked the first video. Great follow up.
    If you need bodies to try and search 2v2 on Insider for more testing then lemme know. GT: Fishmvn

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  5 років тому

      Appreciate the offer, thank you! I've got nothing else planned on the aiming unless any more changes are made, but if there's still no Custom Games in that build I'll shoot you a message, if you don't mind just sitting around while I faff with the settings

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  5 років тому

      Hey mate, would you still be interested in being a search partner in the new Insider build, in particular H3? I've been told the aiming in that game has been updated, but it seems Custom Games haven't yet been readded in this build. I've added you as friend, GT Beige Monkfish. Cheers!

  • @tristanbackup2536
    @tristanbackup2536 5 років тому

    They gotta change the aim assist magnetism to if they decide to add some modern control scheme in the coding.

  • @Fina1Ragnarok
    @Fina1Ragnarok 5 років тому

    So Halo 5 doesn't have these spikes at the "corners"? Why is H5 the only one in the series I've ever noticed my aim shooting wildly off every once in while? Is there another reason for that behavior in Halo 5?

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  5 років тому

      Now this is far from thorough and purely conjecture, but the best I can tell for Halo 5, the aiming is mostly fine. Every game handles its aiming differently, it's always going to feel different or 'off' from game to game, but my primary concern, consistency across each angle (the spikes), seems not to be present.
      The issue with Halo 5 might be a few things; first, your controller stick registers on an axis, x and y are somewhere between 100 and -100, and they're both at (0,0) at neutral (or close to it, the inner deadzone sorts that out). I believe that the way old games, like Halo 3, factor the coordinates is that it mostly passes them through. By which I mean, if you tilt the stick a quarter of the way, you're registering let's say (25,0), and the game will start turning you at about 25% maximum velocity (ignoring all deadzones and acceleration zones). You tilt 75%, you turn 75% velocity, etc.
      Most modern games I believe add acceleration, and this is different from the acceleration zones I've been talking about. Basically, a bigger input often means a smaller output. As the input increases linearly (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100), the output increase is accelerated (5, 11, 20, 28, 36, 43, 57, 68, 81, 100, as a very rough example), where there are small differences between the small numbers, and big differences between the big numbers, rather than the same difference between all numbers. If you tilt 20%, you may turn at 5% velocity, at 50% it may be 35% velocity, and at 80% tilt you may see 75%. The further you tilt the stick, the closer your input percent matches the turn velocity percent, until both match up at 100 (again, disregarding acceleration zones). The point to this is that you have finer accuracy at 50% of the stick and below, but can still turn quickly to point at something else, such as with a scoped sniper, using 50% and above.
      If you compare H3 which doesn't do this, you may turn quicker that expected at gentle tilts (say when aiming with the AR), but then spin around too slowly, as a linear increase has difficulty balancing both accuracy and quick turns. This nonlinear acceleration tries to achieve both, giving more accuracy at small tilts and more velocity at greater tilts. H4 does this too. I think most modern games do, it's just a matter of getting used to it, the increase is uniform for all directions. However, it may be that the game has too much of this acceleration, meaning you move too slowly at small tilts, and then as you increase your tilt you kind of shoot off s the rate increases faster than you tilt. There's not much we can do about it (and this is a guess, not a diagnosis!), but by keeping it in mind you can try to get used to it.
      By the way, the 'Look Acceleration' setting has nothing to do with this. That has to do with the acceleration zones I talked about in this video. Once you hit an acceleration zone, your turn rate starts to increase to warp speed. 'Look Acceleration' is just how quickly you reach that speed once you enter that zone.
      Second, there may be input lag built in to the game. I can definitely feel a few frames, I don't know how much. That's outside my purview.
      Finally, I noticed the default Outer Deadzone is probably far too big. Note how far in the dark green acceleration zones jut in on the Halo 5 graph (7:10 in the video, the Outer Deadzone here is at 15 whereas I think default is 12?) compared to Halo Reach (0:30). I reduced the Outer Deadzone to 0%, which brings it in line with Reach and H4. Even though it's called 0%, it seems to activate at the same distance as in Reach and H4, at about 96% on my stick. These zones are only for if you want to spin around quickly, you don't want this any higher than 5%, but start at 0%. This feels much better, and prevents me from accidentally hitting the acceleration zones when trying to aim. This is probably the biggest difference you can make.
      Hope this helps! Let me know if I've explained this poorly, I'm not an expert, I've just been reading up on the subject a lot!

    • @Fina1Ragnarok
      @Fina1Ragnarok 5 років тому

      @@NoStringsPrd Wow thanks for the(unexpected) in-depth information. Appreciate the effort.
      I haven't actually played H5 in quite a while. I remember reading something after I had stopped playing it about a thing called "heavy aim". I just looked it up again and the description of what it is seems to match what I experienced in H5.
      ua-cam.com/video/Id3zII28F2I/v-deo.html is the video that I watched to describe it.

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  5 років тому

      Huh, TIL, thanks for the link!

  • @selumnaaaaa
    @selumnaaaaa 5 років тому

    I aimed so well on 5 sensitivity on Reach, which had almost no acceleration, except on the horizontals, wish that could come back as a setting

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  5 років тому +3

      I'm going to do a full video on this, but if Reach 5 Sensitivity was the best for you, then in the next update for MCC later this month; try 5.5 Sensitivity, with Look Accel set to 4 or 5, and with Modern Aiming Style. That just about matches up best I can tell.

    • @selumnaaaaa
      @selumnaaaaa 5 років тому +1

      @@NoStringsPrd Thanks for the reply! yeah, I could always get 20-30 kill games in swat on reach as I could outaim everyone quicker. Will try this come the next update!

    • @Tyrannis_Gaming
      @Tyrannis_Gaming 2 роки тому

      @@NoStringsPrd I’ve been using 5 sens lately but what about taking aim acceleration to 1?

  • @arianalijani1008
    @arianalijani1008 3 роки тому

    Hi No Strings Prd !
    I had a question. I used to play the OG games a lot, and between classic and modern aiming, I don't know which setting to use.
    Should I use the Classic setting or the Modern setting ?

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  3 роки тому +1

      Hey! It's hard to say, if you're so used to the original games that Modern feels weird, then stick with Classic. I tend to advise Modern since it's more consisted across the games, more in line with pretty much all modern FPSs, and gives you move real estate on the stick for fine aiming. Try them both in campaign or somewhere just to test them out, I think Modern is generally better but your muscle memory might disagree

    • @arianalijani1008
      @arianalijani1008 3 роки тому +2

      @@NoStringsPrd I tried modern aiming for a few days and I did feel I had more control over my aim but then I jumped in to a firefight match with classic aiming on and holy cow, those no scopes were crazy !
      So I guess I have to use Classic aiming for now.
      Thanks for the help !
      BTW, Love your video's !

    • @arianalijani1008
      @arianalijani1008 3 роки тому

      Just one more question, if I were to use Modern aiming in the near future, what deadzone settings should I use ? Are the default settings in MCC good ?

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  3 роки тому

      Sure! So I have a video which goes over the deadzones a bit (ua-cam.com/video/c6YrDvatm2c/v-deo.html) which might be helpful
      So again, which deadzones you should use depends more so on what you're after and what you're used to. The older Halo games have massive deadzones, which kind of helps to mask the huge diagonal acceleration spikes in Classic aim style, but as a result you have less real estate on the stick for precise aim. Some people prefer this. If you're used to the OG games from H3 and earlier, you may prefer this. I personally prefer as small a set of deadzones as possible;
      I prefer Axial = 6, Radial = 3 (which yields an Actual Radial Threshold of 8)
      To most closely match OG H3 (Axial = 26), you should use Axial = 20, Radial = 8 (which yields an Actual Radial Threshold of 28)
      MCC's default of A = 12, R = 12 yields an ART of 22
      In the linked video, there's an interactive graph which you can use to visualise what the size of each deadzones will appear on your stick. The Actual Radial Threshold stuff is explained in that video, but it gets a little esoteric from there. Feel free to drop by the No Strings Discord server linked on the channel page if you'd like to go into more detail (the server doesn't announce when someone new joins so you can stealth join and leave when you like)

  • @facebookmakesmesick
    @facebookmakesmesick 10 місяців тому

    Can you just answer me 1 question? What setting would be best so it is similar to playing halo 3 kn Xbox 360 sensitivity 4 or5. Lower acceleration to minimum? It feels all wonky and wierd and I m getting killed when I should not be and feel like I can't aim but I Olay on my 360 and I'm a general again. So there is soemthing wrong or hopefully setting I can change or I cannot play anymore because it will not be enjoyable

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  10 місяців тому

      I'd estimate about a 3.5 - 4.5 sensitivity (so minus 0.5 from what you used before on 360), Axial = 20, Radial = 8, Acceleration = 6, and Classic Aim Style. That should get you as close as possible to how H3 played on 360

    • @facebookmakesmesick
      @facebookmakesmesick 10 місяців тому

      @NoStringsPrd Thank you very much. I will try that when I get home. I'm dying to play but the way it felt was like I was playing a game I never played before and it very frustrating losing easy 1v1s for no reason especially when I know I should have won most battles. Idk I'll try it thanks again

    • @facebookmakesmesick
      @facebookmakesmesick 10 місяців тому

      Yea no luck can't aim. Feel like I'm playing drunk.

  • @Hydroy
    @Hydroy 5 років тому +1

    Soo the hogher the better or lower the better for competetive gameplay??? Or should i leave it a default???

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  5 років тому +1

      Which setting, just to be clear? Look Acceleration is mostly a feeling thing I think, you can bump it up higher if you don't feel you're turning fast enough. Deadzone should be set at least as high as you need not to drift when the stick is in neutral (set it to 5, see if the stick drifts when you gently nudge it and let it go), but if you're used to the old games (which had huge deadzones), you may prefer having it even higher. I prefer deadzones as low as possible, but it's up to you :)

    • @Hydroy
      @Hydroy 5 років тому +1

      No Strings Prd thank you this helped! 👌

  • @Vazerin
    @Vazerin 5 років тому

    I'm having issues with the slightest touch of my controller throwing me way off and unable to do slow turns or small jerks of movement now, my controller is new and updated

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  5 років тому

      Hey! Has this been happening since the recent update? If the slightest touch is moving you before you expect it, you may want to play with your deadzone in settings. The higher the deadzone, the further you need to tilt before the game starts listening. I think the default before this update was 20? The Bungie games had huge deadzones, you may be used to that instead.
      There are two section on the stick that are calculated differently, inside an acceleration zone, and outside of it. Try the dizzy test from 4:25 and try to get the feel for where the biting point is.
      Now, when getting the feel for sensitivity, the go-to we all do is spin the stick at full tilt. I used to judge sensitivity based on how quick it takes me to turn 1080 degrees. This isn't what sensitivity is for. Try to move the stick short distances without entering an accel zone, as if aiming with the AR or at someone's head, and set sensitivity according to that.
      When you enter an acceleration zone (the dark green in the graphs), the game ramps up your speed until you hit max turn. Aim Acceleration in settings adjusts the time it takes to reach max speed. If you want to turn around quicker, maybe try setting this higher instead of increasing sensitivity.
      Hope this helps!

    • @Vazerin
      @Vazerin 5 років тому

      @@NoStringsPrd nah man, my xbox one x I bought today came with a fucked up controller, ended up just breaking the damn thing out of fit of rage when I couldn't shoot a damn player barely moving, I believe it was the controllers censors cause I had issues with my A button not working and whenever I try to do a quick turn motion by flicking the stick I either get thrown off or dont turn at all, good thing I bought two back up controllers and the one I'm using works fine

  • @FRiCTiONjust
    @FRiCTiONjust 5 років тому

    Great video! Keep up the great work!!

  • @MisterPerson
    @MisterPerson 5 років тому +4

    but why do the old games have the best feeling aiming in the series by far?

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  5 років тому +11

      It's probably because you're used to them, honestly. Aim 'feeling' is completely subjective, no me Reach, H4 and H2A feel by far the best. If the movement on screen doesn't match what your muscle memory expects, that's when it feels off. The original games were made to be played not really with an analogue stick, but with a pressure-sensitive d-pad, if you never leave the huge deadzone you're going to have a great time. When I booted up CE and H2 on original Xbox, the aim felt utterly horrendous to me, not because it's bad, but because I'm not used to it.

    • @MisterPerson
      @MisterPerson 5 років тому

      agreed. I definitely feel the random "corner" or whatever in the outer deadzone but something about the middle area to me on the classic halos feels so good. That same middle area in halo 5 just feels so different to me i guess. Also the accel in h5 seems relatively slow. Great vid!@@NoStringsPrd

    • @adrian482482
      @adrian482482 4 роки тому

      @@NoStringsPrd great video and explanation! Every game should have the option to fully disable any acceleration! Battlefield 4/1/5 feel so great with 0% aim acceleration. Cod etc. do feel awful when you are used to 0% acceleration.

  • @Gidigachi
    @Gidigachi 3 роки тому

    Do you know what aim acceleration setting is closest to classic h3?

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  3 роки тому

      Default Look Accel of 5 should match all the old games

  • @brandona9326
    @brandona9326 4 роки тому

    Can you post your settings for each game? This was very informative and I'm struggling to find what works

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  4 роки тому +2

      The settings I use are the same for each game;
      Axial = 6
      Radial = 3 (if your controller gets drift, increase this setting by 1 until it goes away)
      Sensitivity was I think 5, Might have gone up to 5.5 last time I played. I'm mostly playing PC now so I don't recall.
      Look Accel = 10
      Modern Aim Style
      Next time I'm on Xbox I'm considering trying adding 0.5 or 1 to vertical Sensitivity just for CE, 2, 3 and ODST. Those games have slightly reduced vertical acceleration in Modern. Right now I have the same for both H and V.

    • @brandona9326
      @brandona9326 4 роки тому

      @@NoStringsPrd Thank you for posting this. I appreciate it.

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  4 роки тому

      No worries, let me know if you need anything else!

    • @jjone174
      @jjone174 4 роки тому

      No Strings, what settings do you use for Halo 5 to best mirror your settings for Halo MCC? Thanks in advance

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  4 роки тому +2

      @@jjone174 Hey there! I don't really play H5G all that much, I beat the campaign then went back to MCC. I do however have all the readings if you want to set it up like MCC or the other way around.
      Sensitivity in H5G is slightly faster than MCC, so set it about a full integer lower. If you use 5 in MCC, try 4 in H5G.
      IIRC Look Accel goes from 1-5, with 3 being the default? The default matches pretty closely with the defaultof 5 in MCC, and the unalterable Look Accel of the OG games. I'm not sure how the other settings match up, but I run a maxed out 10 in MCC, so I just set it to 5 in H5G.
      H5G's deadzone settings are split into Inner and Outer. This is not the same as MCC's settings of Axial and Radial, which are the two different Inner deadzoners. In MCC you can set Axial and Radial separately; Axial can be 0-20%, and Radial can be (depending on how much Axial you have) between 0-36%. In H5G Axial is always on and set to 12%, you cannot alter that at all. Instead, the Inner deadzone setting only adjusts Radial deadzone. Setting inner to 0 gives and Axial of 12 and a Radial of 13. Setting Inner to 15 (I think 15 is the max) sets the Axial to 12 and the Radial to 26. I would set Inner to 0.
      The Outer deadzone setting adjusts how far from the edge of the stick that the threshold of the acceleration zone is placed. At maximum, the threshold is at 86% tilt (14% away from the edge), and at minimum it's at 98% tilt. Unless your controller doesn't quite reach that at some angles (ie slow turn), you're best off keeping Outer to 0.
      Hope this help, let me know if you need anything!

  • @iKittyCats
    @iKittyCats 2 роки тому

    hi, how can i fix jump acceleration it’s happened with me with all games i play like cod battlefield apex! it’s something really annoying ☹️

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  2 роки тому

      Hey! Could you give a little more detail on what you mean by jump acceleration?

    • @iKittyCats
      @iKittyCats 2 роки тому

      @@NoStringsPrd i mean the sensitivity when i move the right joystick it’s like classic not modern 3 years i played like this in all fps games and i don’t know can’t fix this

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  2 роки тому

      So just to be clear you want the aim style to be like classic H3, or like modern FPSs?

    • @iKittyCats
      @iKittyCats 2 роки тому

      @@NoStringsPrd modren fps

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  2 роки тому

      Righto, just make sure you've set Aim Style to Modern across HCE, H2, H3 and ODST, and set Axial to roughly 12%, adjusting Look Accel and Radial to taste, that should roughly match how most modern games control

  • @nathanh4237
    @nathanh4237 5 років тому +1

    So i have a few problems with this even though overall i think the analysis is good.
    1) Its basically asking for the way that the original acceleration and deadzone shapes are designed to be changed. Thats not the point of MCC.
    2) What was the methodology for finding the deadzone and accel zone shapes in the first place? Its credited who created them, but I couldn't find how they figured it out. I'm skeptical about their accuracy.
    3) At the end, the argument is made that the aiming should be edited to match the way Halo 5 is setup. Halo 5 and Halo 3 are regarded to have the worst aiming in the series by most people. Using Halo 5 as the benchmark is a bad idea imo. If you were to compare to any game, it should be Halo 4 or H2A. Even then, that aiming should be the benchmark going forward, but we shouldn't be changing the aiming system for the old games retroactively.

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  5 років тому +2

      Thanks for the response!
      1) While I consider the placement of these zones to be a problem, I can understand the desire to make it play how it always did. This is why I welcome the recent toggles, you can adjust it to be how you want it. Any options or configs over the control would be much more welcome than appeasing one side or another. You're right, keeping the game familiar to those who played the originals is very important, but I feel I can't ignore these zones and, used as I am to other FPSs, I find the lack of consistency of aim problematic.
      2) You are correct, I am using second-hand evidence, I can't really comment on the veracity or methodology. Eternal Dahaka in the Reddit thread (description) says he used a TitanOne device, which seems to be similar to a Cronus Max, a device which allows the input of one signal to be outputted to a console, essentially allowing the use of controllers not supported natively. By using a Xbone controller through it, he has a device which outputs a signal to the console, which also measures the raw input from the controller, allowing him to see the coords. In this video, you can see me finding the very edge of the acceleration zone in Halo 3. Dahaka says he "[compares] the stick position and movement in game," so e presumably finds these zones in game and notes where the coords were at this time, hence why it's so difficult to find the any vertical acceleration zones, since you can spin horizontally infinitely.
      Of course, as I say, it's second-hand evidence, your question is a fair one, one I cannot answer. However, when I found these graphs I had already come to the same conclusion separately (see the earliest video on this topic, uploaded 21st September) and found the graphs to corroborate what I had already found. u/EternalDahaka on Reddit does seem to spend a awful lot of time talking about how aiming with controllers behave in various FPSs, and he has a YT channel (youtube dot com slash EternalDahaka) which shows some of his methodology.
      3) I used Halo 5 solely because it had the best visual representation of acceleration zones that best following the curve of the stick gate. 2A and 4 in the MCC both feel the best, but Dahaka has only made a graph for Halo 4 on 360, in which the acceleration zones are outside of the outer bounds of the graph (remember that the max radii of the graphs are shorter than the max radius of the stick, for what I understand to be technical restrictions, "This is due to the thumbstick module's data range, the circular boundary of the controller face, and the nature of the deadzone shape"), which means that in Halo 4 and Reach, you can't really see the acceleration zone apart from a small bit in the horizontal deadzones. The second Halo 5 graph shows the clearest normalised acceleration zones, which he seems to have achieved by adjusting aim settings in the game to bring it closer in (I'm not sure, haven't played much H5 so not sure what options there are). Alternatively, the graph for Halo CE on PC (which I think is shown on his channel?) also shows the much better acceleration zone curve. So while Halo 4 and Reach control the best, the acceleration zones are mostly outside the graphs, so I used the graph of Halo 5 to mostly clearly show how it should be shaped.
      Hope this helps!

    • @EternalDahaka
      @EternalDahaka 5 років тому +3

      Hello. I'm the one who tested the graphs used. No Strings Prd is correct in my testing method, and the links to the posts with the dotgraphs are in the description of this video.
      The TitanOne device has a -100 to 100 resolution(much lower than the default Xbox resolution), which can give an error of ~1%, and any more based on my personal ability to view said changes, and in constructing the lines for the graphs.
      It's definitely personal preference, and perhaps they could make aiming overly easy in comparison, but these improvements would make the classic titles feel much smoother. Of course offering an option to switch between a new aiming setup and a classic one would be the best for everyone.
      +No Strings Prd
      The issue with testing the vertical acceleration regions comes from Halo treating the axes separately with that acceleration, so with the in the 'vertical' acceleration regions only the vertical acceleration increases, which isn't noticeable when capping the view vertically up or down. In most other games passing that threshold increases the acceleration for both axes, so I can test vertical acceleration fully since I'd normally still see a jump in horizontal speed.
      Halo 4 deadzone is identical between the MCC and the 360 version, so I didn't make a distinction. I'll definitely have to now that options are available, but I guess I was lazy not indicating that. I also should have tested Halo 2 Anniversary's multiplayer. I assumed it was the same as Halo 2 and ignored it, but it's probably based of 4/5 if it doesn't have that issue.

    • @crowbarscientist9150
      @crowbarscientist9150 5 років тому

      “Halo 3 and Halo 5 are regarded to have the worst aiming in the series by most people.” I respectfully disagree with you on that one, but that’s just my opinion. I think Halo 3 has better aim than Halo 2. Halo CE and Halo 3 feel the same to me. I also have never heard anyone ever complain about Halo 3 and 5’s aiming, but then again everyone is different. Me and my friends like it, but you and other people don’t like it. That’s fine.

    • @xMCxVSxARBITERx
      @xMCxVSxARBITERx 5 років тому +1

      The real problem is added heavy-aim/input lag, not the aiming/controller customization!

  • @JJAG3
    @JJAG3 5 років тому +4

    I just want to play the game how it was released. I have never noticed this on any halo game

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  5 років тому +4

      The old games (CE, 2 and 3) had enormous axial deadzones, actually larger than MCC will allow. Between that and the less precise controllers of old, it masked the extent of the aim issues. With the old games, because of the deadzones, you were more or less playing with a pressure-sensitive d-pad, as long as you didn't go diagonally you were fine.
      If you want to try and mimic the old games, set the deadzone as high as it can go, but that doesn't really solve it. I'm working on a video on which settings in the MCC to use depending on what you're used to. Alternatively, the next MCC update later this month includes Modern aiming as an option. Highly recommend trying that out when it lands!

    • @JJAG3
      @JJAG3 5 років тому +2

      No Strings Prd I’ll definitely watch that video but I won’t use modern aiming. I want my aiming to feel the way it would if I turned on my 360 and got on halo 3 in 2007

  • @TheChadPad
    @TheChadPad 3 роки тому

    I hope they didn’t follow your advice to change the original aiming from what it was, however flawed you feel it may be. It worked fine for us back in 2008, and I’d like MCC to feel the same way

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  3 роки тому

      That's why there's a Classic/Modern toggle now. They didn't change the classic aim in response, they just added the Modern option. Classic matches how the diag accel spikes used to be in the original games

  • @DZRaz18
    @DZRaz18 3 роки тому +1

    So would setting 10 for acc increase it or decrease it? It's probably stated in the video but which side of the slider would equate to the least amount of acceleration?

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  3 роки тому +2

      So just to be clear, the factor that Look Accel changes is how quickly it takes to reach maximum turn velocity when you enter an accel zone. Regardless of your Look Accel, your maximum turn speed will be the same based on your Sensitivity. A Look Accel of 10 has the shortest length of time between entering the accel zone, and reaching maximum speed. A Look Accel of 1 will take the longest amount of time. This makes 1 'slower' than 10, as your turn speed will be slower when you initially start turning, and makes 10 the 'fastest' as there is very little wind-up before you hit max speed

    • @DZRaz18
      @DZRaz18 3 роки тому +2

      No Strings Prd This helped, thank you very much 👍

  • @danteredgraves5271
    @danteredgraves5271 Рік тому

    all that i want to do is stop aiming so fast

  • @jimlahey627
    @jimlahey627 4 роки тому

    I just want a sensitivity guide I dont care about the grids and graphs ffs

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  4 роки тому +1

      What about Sensitivity do you want to know?

    • @jimlahey627
      @jimlahey627 4 роки тому

      @@NoStringsPrd ty for reply sorry not mad at you, it's just it seems to have a delay should I be playing at 10 sensitivity for x and y and should I decrease it or and what is generally best settings for halo 2 and 4 for axel and radius and acceleration I feel like there is a delay when I aim and I hate delays I usually aim by small adjustments to stick but sometimes when I do my small adjustment I end up drifting past their head, I play on 10 10 sensitivity and 12 12 dead zones and modern aiming and 1 acceleration

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  4 роки тому +1

      The problem is that there is no 'correct' sensitivity, it's entirely subjective. You need to find a sensitivity that matches roughly where you expect to be looking when you move this stick, and even then it's going to take a little take to get completely used to it, since every FPS out there is going to feel a little different.
      Firstly go into a Custom Game and try to get the feel for precision aiming, like you're aiming at heads, without touching the edge of the stick gate, and set your sensitivity according to that. I have horizontal and vertical the same you may want them different. I use about a 5 for both sensitivity, maybe a 5.5.
      Next, test out how it feels to whip turn by tapping the stick, like you're jumping around a corner, and adjust Look Accel to speed or slow the acceleration. I personally use a 10.
      These settings, as well as the deadzones behave identically across all the Halo games (when you have Modern Aim on, which I recommend). Only difference will be how aim assist works, which is vastly different in each game, and HCE, H2C, H3 and ODST have slower vertical acceleration (tapping the stick up or down) than Reach, H4 and H2A, so for the former games you may want slightly more vertical sensitivity to compensate.
      For deadzones, again it's preference. If you like I could give you the settings which will exactly match any of the OG games, but I much prefer to have as little deadzone as my controller will allow, while the OG games have a ludicrously huge amount of deadzone. For instance, to match the deadzones of H3 you would need Axial = 20, Radial = 8, but I personally pla with A = 6, R = 3.
      I can't help with input delay. If you're on PC, try turning off Vsync.

    • @jimlahey627
      @jimlahey627 4 роки тому +1

      @@NoStringsPrd thanks, subbed and liked video, the 6 and 3 helped a ton

  • @JN-bj8ji
    @JN-bj8ji 2 роки тому +1

    Why the f are we having to research all of this when this is literally the job of the game developer. 343 ALWAYS seem to f up something

    • @NoStringsPrd
      @NoStringsPrd  2 роки тому

      The 'issue' is with how Bungie implemented acceleration zones in the original games up to ODST. When MCC launched, people perceived the difference as an issue because they were more used to modern FPSs without janky accel zones, and since MCC included H4, H2A and now Reach which have modern aim style, the difference in control scheme stood out, making it seem like the older games had problems with aim. They didn't, the aiming behaves the same as it always has. Now however we have the Classic / Modern Aim Style split to fix this for people who aren't used to Bungie's jank accel zone placement. I'm no 343 fanboy, but I have to be honest here, this isn't something 343 fucked up, the code-base for control at the time of making these first videos was 1:1 between OG and MCC. If anything, 343 fixed a problem in the old games that Bungie didn't solve until Reach.

  • @MuseR.
    @MuseR. 3 роки тому

    Halo reach has the best aim mechanics

  • @darkjetstar
    @darkjetstar 4 роки тому

    The fact that you can’t ads and shoot it goofy

    @xMCxVSxARBITERx 5 років тому +1

    No, the reason why the old Halo games "feel wrong" is because of added input lag. Just compare H5 when you have heavy-aim and when you don't have... 2 different games! Then it doesn't matter how much aiming customization there is, it will always feel off! It's not because of the fkn settings, it's because of ADDED INPUT LAG, this is the real problem.