Ciao Aurelio, thank you, glad you enjoyed the drone intro. A beautiful town indeed Lucignano, not as well known or famous as other tuscan ones... undeserdevely so. A quaint place. Wish you a nice weekend and a big Ciao
Aaah, time to plan another trip to Italy.... after watching this video. Narrow cobblestone alleys, old churches, relics.... Love the simplicity of the church of St Francis of Assisi. Thanks again, Riccardo for sharing the beauty of your country. Excellent drone footage as usual 🤗😊
A little gem indeed Geraldine) First time I visited Lucignano; it's got what I like the most in little towns, especialyl quietness and tidiness. Very nice place indeed Grazie as always Geraldine and ... to the next then, as usual (maybe back to Latium I am thinking next video...)
Querido Fabrizio, siempre me alegro de verte por aquí. Gracias a ti en cambio. Me alegra que siempre te gusten los vídeos. Precioso pueblo Lucignano, de verdad... Os deseo un buen fin de semana y nos vemos en el próximo vídeo.
Glad you liked it also Lucignano Angela) A quaint place... one of "my kinds" as you know. Peaceful and not many tourists. Good memories there indeed. the next one probably will be back to Latium.. still deciding! A big ciao for now Angela and see you as usual
BELLA architettura. Cità ellittica. Mosaici di vegetazione intorno. Un banchetto per il drone. Non penso che passeggiare in questa bellissima città sia un grande sacrificio per i tuoi piedi. Né che qualcuno debba appartenere alla Compagnia dei Flagellanti, come menzionato verso la fine del video. La facciata della Chiesa de San Francesco mi ricorda quella della cattedrale di Santa María del Fiore nella vicina e influente Firenze, ovviamente in scala molto più piccola. Che modo di disporre mattoni e pietre di ogni forma e dimensione per costruire le case di Lucignano! In molti di questi vicoli medievali e impossibile che più di due persone possano transitare insieme. Pozzo d'aqcua artistico nella parte superiore della città. Ci sono un sacco di gatti qua elà. Ad esempio quel bellissimo gatto che guarda incantato attraverso la finestra di una casa, mentre le note cristalline di un pianoforte si distribuiscono per i vicoli de la città. Lo stesso del suono delle campane che risuonano, senza fine, per tutte le strade e i vicoli di Lucignano. Bellissima moto mimetizzata dietro una grande pianta da giardino. Tanti personaggi della storia di questi borghi medievali che si dissolvono nel tempo, come le figure negli affreschi della chiesa di San Francesco... Bellissima fontana cantante nel giardino pubblico di Lucignano. " QUANDO SI E FORTI SI E CARI AGLI AMICI E SI E TEMUTI DAI NEMICI". Ben detto, Lusignano. Bel video. Un salutto Pellegrino Riccardo Laziale dal Mar Tirreno.
Che messaggio stupendo, come sempre, caro Juan. Rileggendolo ho cercato di rivedere quei punti che descrivevi; neacnhe mi ero accorto bene della moto nascosta.. E' bello rivedere qualche punto, ricordare qualche scena. Spesso quando filmo in effetti non mi accorgo tantissimo di quanto mi è attorno, ma rivedendo il video mi accorgo (o non mi accorgo) di dettagli che mi ero perso. Riesci a descrivere ogni paese con un tocco unico caro Juan. Hai davvero un'anima sensibile per poter cogliere così tante sfumature. Mi è piaciuta Lucignano, il giusto mix tra città e paese, tra chaos e pace, un pianoforte che suona, qualche gatto, e poi la piazza fuori dalle mura piena di gente mentre all'interno.. quasi nessuno. Un bel posto, un bel ricordo di quel giorno di tante settimane fa (ma... non sono davvero tante, ma sembra sempre che il tempo sia lontanissimo..è sempre molto strano). Ti abbraccio forte caro Juan e a rivederci a breve, come sempre RLdMT
Ciao Riccardo!!! Bel tour a piedi di un'incantevole cittadina circondata da una splendida vista panoramica e ovviamente l'introduzione del drone è stata fantastica come al solito... mi è piaciuta moltissimo... Buon fine settimana. ♥
Schönen Abend Riccardo ⚘️🙃....auf nach Italien mal sehen...... Was für ein schönes Dörfchen in der Toskana.Danke für den schönen Spaziergang bei der Temperatur 😅😅 die Ruhe und die schönen Kirchen wunderbar.Das kleine Museum sowas liebe ich....Freue mich jetzt schon aufs nächste Video....GRAZIE ⚘️🌞 PS.L'inervento al piede'e andato mia guarigione sta procednedo bene....👍😘😊 Spero che tu stia bene?? BELLA SERATA RICCARDO 🫂🍀👍
Liebe Dagmar, was für eine Freude, Sie zu lesen und zu wissen, dass die Operation gut verlaufen ist! Mir geht es gut, ich hatte einen nicht sehr glücklichen und schwierigen Monat, um die Wahrheit zu sagen ... aber jetzt ist alles in Ordnung, ich möchte optimistisch sein ... Um die Wahrheit zu sagen, läuft es bei der Arbeit nicht sehr gut ... aber leider ist das Leben so. Ein wirklich schöner Ort in Lucignano, ein sehr angenehmer Tag. Der Herbst naht jetzt... aber es ist immer noch sehr heiß hier... mal sehen, was wir bald filmen werden. Ich habe darüber nachgedacht, über Weihnachten in die Berge zurückzukehren, um einige Weihnachtsmärkte zu filmen ... das hoffe ich! Ich umarme dich, liebe Dagmar, und freue mich, dass mit der Operation alles vorbei ist. Bis zum nächsten Mal
Thank you very much dear Clark, indeed a beautiful village in a ...beautful day indeed. Love these quieter towns, more than the crowdy ones. Ahh the cats live there "like the Pope" as we use to say) Grazie to you and to the next one Clark
Salut chère Line, je suis toujours heureuse de te lire à nouveau ! Lucignano est une très belle ville, agréable à filmer pendant l'été je dois dire. Je garde de bons souvenirs de cette journée, même si elle semble à chaque fois si lointaine. C'est un peu étrange. Je te serre dans mes bras chère Line et à bientôt, comme toujours.
Thanks a lot Riccardo for this awesome tour. The drone footage can be a separate video by itself. The town of Lucignano is very beautiful. I can't imagine what it will look like during a festival. The Church of St Francis is beautiful and the other one also. The ending of the walk at the Giardini Don Valentino del Mazza was great. I enjoyed video.
Ciao Esther, glad you enjoyed the new addition. Very beautiful agree, a bit strange with so few people around, but in full summer, perhaps they decided to go to the sea, can't blame them for that. I wanted to end at the gate, but when I saw that garden, I said... let's film this too) Wish you a nice wekend and as always, see you at the next time
Thank you very much as always dear Deana. Love this hobby and hope to continue like this for a long long time. Wish you a nice weekend and see you at the next, as always
@@StillWanderer - Grazie. Io magari non commento, ma quando ho un po' di tempo mi godo se pur da lontano i bei luoghi che tu visiti e talvolta per mia grandissima ignoranza nemmeno conosco. Spero di avere un po' di tempo in futuro, così da tornare sui tuoi passi. Grazie per quello che fai, far sapere quanto sono belli i luoghi meno famosi d'Italia è un merito che nessuno può toglierti. Ciao
@@MrTinner66 molto felice di leggere queste parole Tinner, e sempre un piacere poter mostrare questi paesini. E' un hobby che mi diverte molto, ma sopratutto.... mi rilassa molto dallo stress quotidiano. Purtroppo come vedi, ormai carico video molto più lentamente dato che mi è un po' difficile muovermi così spesso per motivi di tempo ma anche economici devo dire. Ma appena posso, durante la primavera e l'estate , mi diverto quando ho tempo nel weekend ad andare in giro e scoprire realtà nuove. Spero di poter continuare così, anche avendo dimezzato i video al mese.
Hi, I missed your Paciano video at first when I watched your Panicale vid. Very nice too. I'm even more happy with this tour through little Lucignano... We had breakfast there nearly every morning when we stayed in Foiano della Chiana, on the other side of the highway. It's such a sweet calm village with very friendly people. The café at the city garden just outside the gate is highly recommended. Prices are ridiculous low for Tuscany.
Ciao Stroop, interesting to see how many towns you've visited in that area actually. Agreed absolutely about the prices, quite low for Tuscany indeed. Never been to Foiano della Chiana! Is it nice?
@@StillWanderer Foiano is not special compared to Lucignano, but the local pizzeria is fabulous. Yes, I've spend a couple of holidays in Tuscany/Umbria. Maybe you did, but check Bevagna and Montefalco.
Nice to know about Foiano, if I ever go there I'll try the local pizzeria then) Oh visited and walked in Bevagna and Montefalco, you can check them in the channel. Stunning places... slowly slowly I'll be visiting less famous towns as times passes by@@stroopwafel6141
عزيزتي شيماء، يا لها من متعة أن أقرأ لك مرة أخرى هذه المرة! مكان لطيف بالفعل في Lucignano، يوم مبهج للغاية. الخريف يقترب الآن.. ولكن الجو لا يزال حارا جدا هنا.. أعانقك عزيزتي شيماء وأتمنى لك عطلة نهاية أسبوع سعيدة! ملاحظة. تمت إضافة ترجمات عربية!
@@StillWanderer سعيده دائما بالرد على تعليقي!! هنا في مصر الجو لطيف هذه الأيام بعد أن كان الصيف شديد الحرارة !! اتمنى لك اوقات سعيده وتمتعنا بجولات جديده في إيطاليا الجميلة 💝
شكرا شيماء. حتى هنا كان الطقس لطيفًا حتى اليوم، لكن يبدو أن الأمر قد انتهى.. :/ ولكن من الطبيعي أن يكون الأمر هكذا. عناق كبير لمصر ونراكم قريباً عزيزتي شيماء@@shaimaahassona1696
Oi Ric, espero que esteja tudo bem com você. Estou em tratamento, ainda. Adorei as tonalidades da arquitetura. Como sempre, tudo perfeito para se contemplar. Desta vez você teve companhia, pois a cidade estava bem movimentada. Amo ver as vias repletas de casas. Estas moradias são sempre a essência desses lugares tão lindos e fascinantes. Obrigada, Ric! Um abraço, meu amigo! ✨✨
Olá Mari, sempre fico feliz em ler de você novamente. E fico feliz em saber que você está se recuperando. Boas notícias então. O tempo vai demorar, eu acho.. Ah, sim, cidade muito bonita, agradável para filmar durante o verão, devo dizer. Tenho boas lembranças daquele dia. Mas o tempo voa... parece que foi ontem. Abraço você querida Mari e até breve, como sempre
Lucyna, siempre feliz de verte por aquí mi querida amiga. Un lugar realmente lindo... un día muy agradable. Buen fin de semana y nos vemos en el próximo vídeo. Saludos a Mexico!
all those potted plants. who waters them, ? the residents, the town or does it rain regularly there? your tours are why i have my potted plants on my steps . makes a big difference in the warmth of the streets.
CIao Ellen, very glad to know the tours even suggested that for the plants. Good questions actually.. I suspect people do it, but that evening not many people around. Full summer, maybe they were at the sea? It was a little strange, but great day nonetheless, beatiful town
Симпатичный и уютный городок с интересной архитектурой и красивыми церквями, также было бы интересно узнать, что за монументы в конце видео. Единственное что меня смутило, так это малое количество людей и закрытые ставни окон. Буквально на днях смотрел фильм "Un paese quasi perfetto" и надеюсь что у жителей этого городка дела намного лучше. Замечательная прогулка и спасибо вам Риккардо! P.S. я конечно могу ошибаться, но мне показалось, что у вас Риккардо новая видеокамера, или это от того, что я долгое время не смотрел ваши видео на большом экране телевизора, когда был на даче.
Дорогой Пафнутий, всегда рад видеть тебя здесь, мой дорогой друг. Действительно хорошее место... очень приятный день. Да, эти новые видео этим летом сняты новой камерой, я должен сказать, что это большая разница... более четкие и резкие изображения. Но у меня еще много видео, сделанных со старой версией, которые можно загрузить... посмотрим понемногу. Желаю вам хороших выходных и увидимся в следующем видео, дорогой Пафнутий. Объятья
No Via Cavour? Dante? XX Settembre? Risorgimento? Garibaldi? Vittorio Emmanuele? What the hell is this dump?? Just kidding my friend, what a nice, clean, well-preserved town! The stone work is immaculate and your setup really shows it well. A bit atypical to see streets paved in square pavers, instead of the ubiquitous Sanpietrini. Lots of trees too. Lovely!
lol Hugo, I was waiting for this comment from you my friend)) Indeed, atypical in that way, those crazy tuscans, always proud of their history and forgetting that Italy is around them:) A lovely place Lucignano indeed... good memory of that day, I had a great lunch in a nice cafe not far from where I started (and ended) the walk which made it more awesome. Still need to reply to your email Hugo - just grasping some air these days, as it's hellish up until next friday at my job (as I told you... long story).
@@StillWandererI edited my comment, brain fart up there. Take your time my friend, I myself am swamped at work... I blame the 3-week Sicily vacation for that! Still have to watch the two vids you uploaded while I was over there (and hopefully throw in a couple of crappy comments, LOL!).
LOL Hugo , so we're in the same boat as they say, but at least you had a great vacation in Sicily ) So +1 . I'll reply by email , let's catch up as always@@hugolafhugolaf
Ciao Lidia, buonas tardes a ti. . Gracias a ti en cambio. Me alegra que siempre te gusten los vídeos. Precioso pueblo Lucignano, de verdad... Os deseo un buen fin de semana y nos vemos en el próximo vídeo.
Canadian time 6:30 pm...spectacular drone intro. Great place to add to my bucket list. ❤
Ciao Aurelio, thank you, glad you enjoyed the drone intro. A beautiful town indeed Lucignano, not as well known or famous as other tuscan ones... undeserdevely so. A quaint place. Wish you a nice weekend and a big Ciao
Aaah, time to plan another trip to Italy.... after watching this video. Narrow cobblestone alleys, old churches, relics....
Love the simplicity of the church of St Francis of Assisi. Thanks again, Riccardo for sharing the beauty of your country. Excellent drone footage as usual 🤗😊
A little gem indeed Geraldine) First time I visited Lucignano; it's got what I like the most in little towns, especialyl quietness and tidiness. Very nice place indeed
Grazie as always Geraldine and ... to the next then, as usual (maybe back to Latium I am thinking next video...)
Hermoso riccardo ! Gracias por compartir 🇦🇷
Querido Fabrizio, siempre me alegro de verte por aquí. Gracias a ti en cambio. Me alegra que siempre te gusten los vídeos. Precioso pueblo Lucignano, de verdad... Os deseo un buen fin de semana y nos vemos en el próximo vídeo.
Ciao Riccardo, very nice town and tour. The intro was well done 👏🏻
Grazie ❤🇮🇹
Glad you liked it also Lucignano Angela) A quaint place... one of "my kinds" as you know. Peaceful and not many tourists. Good memories there indeed.
the next one probably will be back to Latium.. still deciding!
A big ciao for now Angela and see you as usual
BELLA architettura. Cità ellittica. Mosaici di vegetazione intorno. Un banchetto per il drone. Non penso che passeggiare in questa bellissima città sia un grande sacrificio per i tuoi piedi. Né che qualcuno debba appartenere alla Compagnia dei Flagellanti, come menzionato verso la fine del video.
La facciata della Chiesa de San Francesco mi ricorda quella della cattedrale di Santa María del Fiore nella vicina e influente Firenze, ovviamente in scala molto più piccola.
Che modo di disporre mattoni e pietre di ogni forma e dimensione per costruire le case di Lucignano! In molti di questi vicoli medievali e impossibile che più di due persone possano transitare insieme. Pozzo d'aqcua artistico nella parte superiore della città.
Ci sono un sacco di gatti qua elà. Ad esempio quel bellissimo gatto che guarda incantato attraverso la finestra di una casa, mentre le note cristalline di un pianoforte si distribuiscono per i vicoli de la città. Lo stesso del suono delle campane che risuonano, senza fine, per tutte le strade e i vicoli di Lucignano.
Bellissima moto mimetizzata dietro una grande pianta da giardino. Tanti personaggi della storia di questi borghi medievali che si dissolvono nel tempo, come le figure negli affreschi della chiesa di San Francesco...
Bellissima fontana cantante nel giardino pubblico di Lucignano.
Bel video. Un salutto Pellegrino Riccardo Laziale dal Mar Tirreno.
Che messaggio stupendo, come sempre, caro Juan. Rileggendolo ho cercato di rivedere quei punti che descrivevi; neacnhe mi ero accorto bene della moto nascosta.. E' bello rivedere qualche punto, ricordare qualche scena. Spesso quando filmo in effetti non mi accorgo tantissimo di quanto mi è attorno, ma rivedendo il video mi accorgo (o non mi accorgo) di dettagli che mi ero perso. Riesci a descrivere ogni paese con un tocco unico caro Juan. Hai davvero un'anima sensibile per poter cogliere così tante sfumature.
Mi è piaciuta Lucignano, il giusto mix tra città e paese, tra chaos e pace, un pianoforte che suona, qualche gatto, e poi la piazza fuori dalle mura piena di gente mentre all'interno.. quasi nessuno. Un bel posto, un bel ricordo di quel giorno di tante settimane fa (ma... non sono davvero tante, ma sembra sempre che il tempo sia lontanissimo..è sempre molto strano).
Ti abbraccio forte caro Juan e a rivederci a breve, come sempre
Ciao, Riccardo 🖐️nice to see you again 😊
Adorable town 🤗 I love it 😃
Have a happy weekend, my friend, all the best! ❤
Thank you Ioana, a quaint town ineded Lucignano. Liked it. Grazie and wish you also a happy weekend, and see you at the next as always 🤗
As usual amazingly beautiful town filmed, nice drone view with wonderful music al tune in background. Greetings Dear Ric and best wishes .
Grazie dear Rajyashree 🙏 a very beautiful town Lucignano, agreed and a nice day that one... Good memories
woww that drone shots looked really stunning. thank you for your hardwork.
Ciao Riccardo!!! Bel tour a piedi di un'incantevole cittadina circondata da una splendida vista panoramica e ovviamente l'introduzione del drone è stata fantastica come al solito... mi è piaciuta moltissimo... Buon fine settimana. ♥
Caro Sudip, grazie caro amico mio, e ora anche in lingua italiana) Bel paese davvero... buon fine settimana anche a te ed a presto caro amico mio
Schönen Abend Riccardo ⚘️🙃....auf nach Italien mal sehen......
Was für ein schönes Dörfchen in der Toskana.Danke für den schönen Spaziergang bei der Temperatur 😅😅 die Ruhe und die schönen Kirchen wunderbar.Das kleine Museum sowas liebe ich....Freue mich jetzt schon aufs nächste Video....GRAZIE ⚘️🌞
PS.L'inervento al piede'e andato mia guarigione sta procednedo bene....👍😘😊 Spero che tu stia bene??
Liebe Dagmar, was für eine Freude, Sie zu lesen und zu wissen, dass die Operation gut verlaufen ist! Mir geht es gut, ich hatte einen nicht sehr glücklichen und schwierigen Monat, um die Wahrheit zu sagen ... aber jetzt ist alles in Ordnung, ich möchte optimistisch sein ... Um die Wahrheit zu sagen, läuft es bei der Arbeit nicht sehr gut ... aber leider ist das Leben so.
Ein wirklich schöner Ort in Lucignano, ein sehr angenehmer Tag.
Der Herbst naht jetzt... aber es ist immer noch sehr heiß hier... mal sehen, was wir bald filmen werden. Ich habe darüber nachgedacht, über Weihnachten in die Berge zurückzukehren, um einige Weihnachtsmärkte zu filmen ... das hoffe ich!
Ich umarme dich, liebe Dagmar, und freue mich, dass mit der Operation alles vorbei ist. Bis zum nächsten Mal
In bocca al lupo per il tuo futuro e che migliori.....Sto gia' aspettando con ansia il prossimo video....
Saluti da Dagi caro Riccardo 🫂🇦🇹🇮🇹😊
@@dagmar6822 Grazie cara Dagmar🤗 forse il prossimo sarà nel Lazio di nuovo... a breve)) Saluto anche a te
Beautiful place. Very well filmed. Thank you.
Glad you enjoyed also Lucgnano dear Joan... This is indeed a stunning stunning town.. perhaps one of my favourite filmed last summer I must add
Amazing video 😊
Beautiful day and village. Very very few people. The cats are relaxed as usual. They get to sleep between tourists. Grazie.
Thank you very much dear Clark, indeed a beautiful village in a ...beautful day indeed. Love these quieter towns, more than the crowdy ones. Ahh the cats live there "like the Pope" as we use to say) Grazie to you and to the next one Clark
@@StillWanderer chat soon. 👍
coucou,ca fait plaisir de revoir la belle italia ,ciao bonne fin de soiree
Salut chère Line, je suis toujours heureuse de te lire à nouveau ! Lucignano est une très belle ville, agréable à filmer pendant l'été je dois dire. Je garde de bons souvenirs de cette journée, même si elle semble à chaque fois si lointaine. C'est un peu étrange. Je te serre dans mes bras chère Line et à bientôt, comme toujours.
I always like your great videos. Thanks for the awesome share. Greetings from Germany.
Thank you very much dear Friend from Germany
Thanks a lot Riccardo for this awesome tour. The drone footage can be a separate video by itself. The town of Lucignano is very beautiful. I can't imagine what it will look like during a festival. The Church of St Francis is beautiful and the other one also. The ending of the walk at the Giardini Don Valentino del Mazza was great. I enjoyed video.
Ciao Esther, glad you enjoyed the new addition. Very beautiful agree, a bit strange with so few people around, but in full summer, perhaps they decided to go to the sea, can't blame them for that. I wanted to end at the gate, but when I saw that garden, I said... let's film this too) Wish you a nice wekend and as always, see you at the next time
You have great talent. Thank you for sharing your work. I hope you continue to share your walks with us as they are truly a blessing.
Thank you very much as always dear Deana. Love this hobby and hope to continue like this for a long long time. Wish you a nice weekend and see you at the next, as always
... Che meraviglia! Grazie per aver condiviso il tuo bel video.
Caro Tinner, felice di rivederti qui dopo un po' di tempo. Davvero un posto splendido Lucignano... bei ricordi di quella giornata
@@StillWanderer - Grazie. Io magari non commento, ma quando ho un po' di tempo mi godo se pur da lontano i bei luoghi che tu visiti e talvolta per mia grandissima ignoranza nemmeno conosco. Spero di avere un po' di tempo in futuro, così da tornare sui tuoi passi. Grazie per quello che fai, far sapere quanto sono belli i luoghi meno famosi d'Italia è un merito che nessuno può toglierti. Ciao
@@MrTinner66 molto felice di leggere queste parole Tinner, e sempre un piacere poter mostrare questi paesini. E' un hobby che mi diverte molto, ma sopratutto.... mi rilassa molto dallo stress quotidiano. Purtroppo come vedi, ormai carico video molto più lentamente dato che mi è un po' difficile muovermi così spesso per motivi di tempo ma anche economici devo dire. Ma appena posso, durante la primavera e l'estate , mi diverto quando ho tempo nel weekend ad andare in giro e scoprire realtà nuove. Spero di poter continuare così, anche avendo dimezzato i video al mese.
Hi, I missed your Paciano video at first when I watched your Panicale vid. Very nice too. I'm even more happy with this tour through little Lucignano... We had breakfast there nearly every morning when we stayed in Foiano della Chiana, on the other side of the highway. It's such a sweet calm village with very friendly people. The café at the city garden just outside the gate is highly recommended. Prices are ridiculous low for Tuscany.
Ciao Stroop, interesting to see how many towns you've visited in that area actually. Agreed absolutely about the prices, quite low for Tuscany indeed. Never been to Foiano della Chiana! Is it nice?
@@StillWanderer Foiano is not special compared to Lucignano, but the local pizzeria is fabulous. Yes, I've spend a couple of holidays in Tuscany/Umbria. Maybe you did, but check Bevagna and Montefalco.
Nice to know about Foiano, if I ever go there I'll try the local pizzeria then) Oh visited and walked in Bevagna and Montefalco, you can check them in the channel. Stunning places... slowly slowly I'll be visiting less famous towns as times passes by@@stroopwafel6141
@@StillWanderer There are so many lovely little towns in that area, so have fun.
So beautiful! Greetings from Canada 🙂
Thank you! Cheers!
Thank you for the enjoyable video made all the better by your historical facts. O dont know what time you filmed but where did everone go😂
Glad you enjoyed also Lucignano Alan, and in fact, it was quite weird) I guess being at full August people went to the sea , can't blame them)
جوله ممتعه كالعاده عزيزي ريكاردو 🌷🌷
عزيزتي شيماء، يا لها من متعة أن أقرأ لك مرة أخرى هذه المرة! مكان لطيف بالفعل في Lucignano، يوم مبهج للغاية.
الخريف يقترب الآن.. ولكن الجو لا يزال حارا جدا هنا..
أعانقك عزيزتي شيماء وأتمنى لك عطلة نهاية أسبوع سعيدة!
ملاحظة. تمت إضافة ترجمات عربية!
@@StillWanderer سعيده دائما بالرد على تعليقي!! هنا في مصر الجو لطيف هذه الأيام بعد أن كان الصيف شديد الحرارة !! اتمنى لك اوقات سعيده وتمتعنا بجولات جديده في إيطاليا الجميلة 💝
شكرا شيماء. حتى هنا كان الطقس لطيفًا حتى اليوم، لكن يبدو أن الأمر قد انتهى.. :/ ولكن من الطبيعي أن يكون الأمر هكذا. عناق كبير لمصر ونراكم قريباً عزيزتي شيماء@@shaimaahassona1696
Oi Ric, espero que esteja tudo bem com você. Estou em tratamento, ainda.
Adorei as tonalidades da arquitetura. Como sempre, tudo perfeito para se contemplar. Desta vez você teve companhia, pois a cidade estava bem movimentada. Amo ver as vias repletas de casas. Estas moradias são sempre a essência desses lugares tão lindos e fascinantes. Obrigada, Ric! Um abraço, meu amigo! ✨✨
Olá Mari, sempre fico feliz em ler de você novamente. E fico feliz em saber que você está se recuperando. Boas notícias então. O tempo vai demorar, eu acho..
Ah, sim, cidade muito bonita, agradável para filmar durante o verão, devo dizer. Tenho boas lembranças daquele dia. Mas o tempo voa... parece que foi ontem.
Abraço você querida Mari e até breve, como sempre
❤🇮🇹, que bonito lugar, me encantó, saludos desde México 👋
Lucyna, siempre feliz de verte por aquí mi querida amiga. Un lugar realmente lindo... un día muy agradable. Buen fin de semana y nos vemos en el próximo vídeo. Saludos a Mexico!
@@StillWanderer bonito fin de semana igualmente para ti, saludos 👋
Gracias Lucyna! @@lucynacam1903
Ruas harmoniosa e preservação
Ciao Ale, grazie 🤗
all those potted plants. who waters them, ? the residents, the town or does it rain regularly there? your tours are why i have my potted plants on my steps . makes a big difference in the warmth of the streets.
CIao Ellen, very glad to know the tours even suggested that for the plants. Good questions actually.. I suspect people do it, but that evening not many people around. Full summer, maybe they were at the sea? It was a little strange, but great day nonetheless, beatiful town
Симпатичный и уютный городок с интересной архитектурой и красивыми церквями, также было бы интересно узнать, что за монументы в конце видео.
Единственное что меня смутило, так это малое количество людей и закрытые ставни окон.
Буквально на днях смотрел фильм "Un paese quasi perfetto" и надеюсь что у жителей этого городка дела намного лучше.
Замечательная прогулка и спасибо вам Риккардо!
P.S. я конечно могу ошибаться, но мне показалось, что у вас Риккардо новая видеокамера, или это от того, что я долгое время не смотрел ваши видео на большом экране телевизора, когда был на даче.
Дорогой Пафнутий, всегда рад видеть тебя здесь, мой дорогой друг. Действительно хорошее место... очень приятный день. Да, эти новые видео этим летом сняты новой камерой, я должен сказать, что это большая разница... более четкие и резкие изображения. Но у меня еще много видео, сделанных со старой версией, которые можно загрузить... посмотрим понемногу. Желаю вам хороших выходных и увидимся в следующем видео, дорогой Пафнутий. Объятья
@@StillWanderer Спасибо и вам всего наилучшего!
@@ПафнутийПятаков 🤗
No Via Cavour? Dante? XX Settembre? Risorgimento? Garibaldi? Vittorio Emmanuele? What the hell is this dump??
Just kidding my friend, what a nice, clean, well-preserved town! The stone work is immaculate and your setup really shows it well.
A bit atypical to see streets paved in square pavers, instead of the ubiquitous Sanpietrini. Lots of trees too. Lovely!
lol Hugo, I was waiting for this comment from you my friend)) Indeed, atypical in that way, those crazy tuscans, always proud of their history and forgetting that Italy is around them:)
A lovely place Lucignano indeed... good memory of that day, I had a great lunch in a nice cafe not far from where I started (and ended) the walk which made it more awesome.
Still need to reply to your email Hugo - just grasping some air these days, as it's hellish up until next friday at my job (as I told you... long story).
@@StillWandererI edited my comment, brain fart up there. Take your time my friend, I myself am swamped at work... I blame the 3-week Sicily vacation for that! Still have to watch the two vids you uploaded while I was over there (and hopefully throw in a couple of crappy comments, LOL!).
LOL Hugo , so we're in the same boat as they say, but at least you had a great vacation in Sicily ) So +1 . I'll reply by email , let's catch up as always@@hugolafhugolaf
@@StillWandererThe Spritzes are much better on the mainland. Just sayin'. ;-)
:)) agreed@@hugolafhugolaf
Buenas tardes😊😊
Buenas tardes😊😊
Ciao Lidia, buonas tardes a ti. . Gracias a ti en cambio. Me alegra que siempre te gusten los vídeos. Precioso pueblo Lucignano, de verdad... Os deseo un buen fin de semana y nos vemos en el próximo vídeo.