If you’ve never played wotlk then read this: If you play any class on retail then you’re more than ready to play any wotlk class. All wotlk classes are super easy. Ferals are the most difficult class on wotlk, but if you play retail, then you should have no problem playing any class.
100% agree. I prefer to play classic/private server just because of this. I can't keep up with this modern 0.1 second global cooldown constant spam, feeling totally useless if you miss 1 single global. Wheras in older expansions its so much more chill
Idk why they made retail so complex with rotations and raid mechanics. It's not as fun because of it. Feels like i'm a sweaty tryhard trying to git gud every time i want to learn anything new lol.
Another spec that's worth mentioning is Arcane Mage. Ludicrously simple, you literally use 2 spells most of the time, on a set rotation: 4x Arcane Blast and 1x Missiles, and when mana is running low, you just use 3x Arcane Blast and 1x Missiles instead. For AoE you spam either AE or Blizzard. And your support consists of table, int buff, Focus Magic, and decurse. It's probably even easier than Ele shaman, because shaman still have to worry about using the right totems for the fight, they have a DoT to keep up, a couple of spells to keep on cooldown, AoE damage is slightly more complex too.
Having played both, Arcane has more cooldowns to manage, and mana management is a big deal for them too. After all, you want to make sure you're nor mana starved during burst windows and when cooldowns reappear, so you're mentally adjusting your playstyle in anticipation of where your mana needs to be in 1-2mins. I'm not going to say it's the most difficult spec, and it probably comes close to appearing on this list, but there's a little more to it than just the number of buttons you hit.
While its true this is a rotation that will put bad mages low on the damage meters. Arcane mage is about calculating how many AB you can get away with before you AM. Mana management is the mages life line and its harder to gauge than you would think.
I thought I might have seen Frost DK's on this list, but upon reflection, while they have a simple priority list a lot of people tend to not understand rune management properly: they'll hit howling blast when a frost rune become available instead of pooling for an obliterate.
Because in your rotation howling has phatty prio, I’m literally learning this now w my unholy boi. I played a frost dk back towards fhe end of wrath after not playing since phase 2 tbc. Felt so complicated back then lmao, it’s still more complex than most having runes and runic power. Lmao just barley
A class 'requiring complex WeakAuras' should not be factored in here when all you do is download them and in the end they boil something down for you really nicely so that it isn't hard anymore. I mean, you do not have to be able to build a V6 with Turbocharging to be able to sit in a car which has one in it and drive it.
I mained a Prot/Ret paladin when Wrath was retail my alt was an elemental shaman. Both are wildly easy to play, agreed. This time, I'm maining a Frost DK and it's so laughably simple to pull 5k minimum DPS. I'll spike into the 6s and 7s in PVE and 8s+ in raids. As kind as you can manage your runes, it's fun as all hell.
I mained a Frost DK back during Wrath and holy smokes. . . the dude was insanely OP in PvP. Not until everyone got a CC sometime in Cata i think, did he lose more often than not. Just because when they saw him they all focused and locked him down lol. I rage quit PvP during that era because of how bad the CC was.
@@Jbayz what? who are you playing with? been playing resto druid all my life, have been top healer during all of 3.3.5 content in my guild. Not even shamans could heal as much as i did. all you need to know is how to properly blanket the raid. Resto druid is one of the most (if not the most) reliable healers of the patch.
Aspiring Holy Paladins be warned though. The spec is simple enough to understand and use, but healing a very tricky boss with high movement and high burst damage on the tanks (Lich King for example) will require you to be immaculate in your positioning, cooldown management, and yes even mana management. Honestly not the healer I would recommend for beginners. That would be the restoshaman, which is similarly simple but more freeform and with more margin for error.
I would disagree. Holy pala has so much output on single target and splash healing with such a simplistic style of healing to make up for it's shortcomings in terms of ease. Of course there are good and bad hpala players and clear distinction between them, but I find it hard to think that paladin doesn't have the easiest time doing borderline optimal healing out of all the classes in every raid tier in wotlk.
@@anthonydominguez4744 You misinterpreted what he said. He recommended that *new* healers might find the most important role (keeping the tank alive) to be quite stressful compared to playing something like a shaman or disc that’s focused on raid wide damage. A skilled group of raiders will take minimal raid damage. Unless your tank knows each boss perfectly and manages his cooldowns perfectly (most do not), tank healing can be stressful.
@@brandonkruse6412 It's a raid though, There are other healers. LK specifically depends more on your disc priest than any other healer. HPally is just ez beacon and spam.
I feel like reddit upvote farming vids about a one button ret macro rotation is going to shit up the paladins and NO ONE is getting shielded, flash of lighted, blessing'd, etc. For another 2 years
Surprised to not see arcane mage or boomkin in honorable mentions. You went from 3 dps specs to a tank and healer spec without mentioning them 😅 Arcane mage rotation in wrath has been a long running meme.
It should have been there, but I guess the only reason it isn't is because of mana management. Even though it's not really hard, you just switch up the rotation a tiny bit.
I would say resto shaman for heals tbh - earth shield + riptide + healing totem + chain heals - yeah there is a lot more to it but that'll get you through 5m stuff without thinking to much
Currently playing a prot pally. So a retribution would be better to play in the early stages? Then switch over to protection when you hit 80 and begin raids?
Ret isn't alone, prot 69696 can be macroed, combat rogue if you consistently get enough combo points per hit, warrior BT/WW leaving HS and Slam on manual until rage gen goes silly in better gear and then you can macro that in and spam one button + slam proc
What I am not sure about: Is it really more satisfying to play a spec with a difficult rotation that only do good damage If you do it 100% correct? For me this is pure stress and I am not happy if make a mistake. Today I do not have as much time as 10 years ago to train that perfection. I like it to be a Power House and I don't worrry about an easy rotation. It is most important to have fun!
Having a class it's accually possible to perfect is the best, usually you want a goldilocks between easy and hard. Some classes there is so much to do that it's impossible to time every ability and use it in the exact perfect sequence. Assassination rogue is very fun because it keeps you engaged with the extras but there's only so much to keep track of you can make sure you are keeping track of mechanics while also doing the rotation perfectly if you are fairly good.
@@joshuadrew6246 How did you know that I speak about Assassination 😂? Actually I'm a little bit confused these days... I really loved to play Assassination back in Retail Wotlk, but what I read and hear now is, that it is too easy to play and quite boring. I'm not sure anymore if I really want to play it again. Perhaps my memories are wrong...
Simple and not boring is subjective. With that said, Frost DK, UH DK, MM and Survival Hunter, Shadow Priest all are not what I would consider hard but just enough complexity to not be boring. Enh Shaman, Affl Warlock, Cat Druid probably have the most complex rotations or at least the most going on to maintain their respective top dps. Ret Paladin, Assassin and Combat Rogue, Frost and Fire Mage are very simple to play and probably the least difficult to botch the rotation. Ret Paladin are simple but do offer procs and a priority system rotation so it keeps from being stale. Same can be said for Frost DK but rune management makes it slightly more difficult than Ret Paladin. The benefit to Ret Paladin is being able to swap talents and play all 3 roles. DK can dps and tank and do both well. You will top dps meters as frost and be a great tank as blood. I also agree with Deacon that Legion was the last good modern WoW xpac.
Do a marksman hunter 😄 you can do great dps in raids (especially after hitting your arp cap) and although the rotation itself is not too difficult the extra tasks you have make it fun. It's one of the rdds you can't replace in an icc25 as you have additional and important tasks in most boss fights. So while they technically have a 3-4 button rota, you actually do so much more and it's really fun if you're up for it. In addition they are very nice to level, a bear pet for example can easily keep the attention of mobs and you can play dead if they do come at you. With that and your traps you can definitely do red or group quests on your own
Please let me dispel a community misconception about Retribution..If you still think ret Paladin can ‘perform’ with a one button macro it’s obvious you have never played one. 😉 Not only do we have art of war procs but we also have an execute and ppl to heal/support.. not to mention some targets will not require the entire sequence of abilities anyway. Ret Paladin is only EZ if you are skilled at managing your dps, party blessings AND watching your teams HP. Most ppl reading this aren’t playing at this level hence the popularity of a one button macro. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
@Scottejaye - they messed up the hourly instance cap. Currently on beta it is 5/h pr ACCOUNT instead of pr character. So if I do the Tiger Lilly stealth farm 5x times on my rogue I cannot enter any dungeons on my DK for the next 55 minuter - 99% sure this was a thing in Classic that they reverted (and not how it is currently in TBC ?)
Disagree with the healing part. Holy paladins are not easy to play in good raid teams. They have the heavy responsibility together with the paladin tanks to time divine sacrifice throughout the fight. If you screw up the raid wipes. If you want an easy healer I'd say pick shaman or druid, they are quite easy to play.
Holy pala isnt easy because is simple is easy because you have tool for every single situation but if you dont use said tools and just spam holy light.... its gonna get ugly past naxx
Yea but actually playing with a 1 button macro is just stupid. You can do so much better if you just use a few more braincells and actually press the buttons correctly in the correct priority yourself, especially when it comes to trash clearing.
@@Vondarkstar cool, so thats 2 buttons, plus a cd popper. Super hard, will see you eating my shit on the dps charts as an enh shaman that can actually play.
Blood dps deserves honorable mention. Keep up diseases, hit heartstrike when you can death strike when you can’t. Bloodboil and corpse explosion for aoe.
@@aviann5135 It definitely is a thing, there's just no real reason to play it over unholy or frost until you get arpen cap early in t10 release. Because until then even with unholy frenzy on a perfect feral druid your dps contribution is lower than the other two specs you could choose. Still beats sub rogue, frost mage, or BM hunter by a good amount though.
@@aviann5135 blood dps, on private servers, IS the highest damage spec in the game with full bis and shadowmourne. That means; at some other point prior to that, it becomes competitive. Maybe not until t10, but at some point it crosses that threshold. If I had to guess, most likely in t9 with double 2pc t9 bonuses and armor pen gear.
Yes PVE for a shammy is easy, but not PVP. Know your opponent and learn how to use totems. Think what the opponent will do before you react. And be quick you only have 1-2 seconds to think.
It's difficult for me to see in what way assassination rogue is easier than hunter or arcane mage. Mm hunters have 3 buttons to press, only 1 dot to track and nothing else. Arcane mage has 3 buttons and nothing to track either. Slice and dice is so annoying to maintain in comparison.
he’s talking about in general, if you’re looking to use min max rotations then assassination is one of the hardest especially for parsing/logs because you need perfect rotation and perfect pooling in a fight in order to compete with the other top rogues he’s just saying that rogue is easy because it does a lot of damage… lol
@@tsuma-xx Lol, you legit just press mutilate until you get 4 or 5 combo points then press envenom lol, and slice and dice gets refreshed on envenom. Legit a 1-1-2 rotation without having to look for anything. Easiest spec for sure to play.
I don't get why fire mage and unholy DK aren't on this. Fire mage is just your bomb every 10 seconds, spamming fire bolt until you get a proc and then pyro. Mages can easily also be high on dps meter, can ose invisibility or ice block and so on. Unholy DK has a really really easy rotation. The only thing you have to really get right is the start of the fight to get the most out of your burst. You can grab mobs either into a group so you can use cleave and aoe or grab mobs out of a group. Both are necessary in ICC. And you can easily decrease your received damage. The ret on the other hand mm ay have an easy rotation BUT you have to be really alert an on your game the whole you wil be required to use those two extra skills that are "a little more complex" at a moment's notice and mainly in situations that are already stressful. And not just to be extra supportive, that will be required of you. Easy rotation yes, but not an easy class in a raid
All ranged dps are far easier and simple to play. Ret might be the easiest melee but it takes far more than any ranged to make full use of its utility. The fact Warlock and Mage didn't make this list is hilarious. There is a huge difference between skill ceiling and skill floor.
Rogue: Combat or Assas are piss easy. Boomy, MM hunter, fire and frost mage are sleep inducing. MM has a slight prio shift with haste, but that's about it.
Yeah you are right. I think there is not really a difference between Assa and Combat in terms of difficulty. You are the first one who mentioned this 😊.
@@dobiusla8281 the point is that you are saying it line you start using only Lb like right at the start of the expansion. You use Ch quite long as it's 25% shorter cast time
@@dobiusla8281 lb will only hit 1 sec with cooldowns, even in ICC gear it will be hard to hit 50% haste without cooldowns but yeh I agree on that. Even if you did hit 50% in toc you will still use cl there though as most fights in toc are cleave regardless
@@Magetastic69 ret has a braindead 'rotation', but atleast there's some utility buttons that can make a difference for the raid if used correctly. Mage on the other hand... braindead rotation, braindead utility, good mobility
@@schmidth lol mage is one of a few that can decurse for the raid and has spammable CC. Let's not pretend ANY part of pve is hard it's the easiest part of the game.
@@Yeromandrake That the skill/effort required to perform at a high level is low or lower than other specs. A lot of people equate this to buttons pressed or abilities tracked, which I find incorrect , but its completely subjective
@@FTCSD Thanks, I see what you mean. Why is assa in your opinion not in this bracket? I want to play it in Wotlk and I'm very interested about your point of view 😊!
Bro really? Ret in this list? I know that the basic rotation is easy, but you're the dps with the most responsabilities apart from tanks and healers. Ret is easy to zug zug, but there's a massive gap between zug zug and a good ret. Why not fire/arcane mage. or resto druid or even marks hunter (even tho there's also a big gap between a huntard and a hunter)?
I literally said exactly what you've just said in the comment in the video lol...In terms of JUST doing DPS ret paladin is face roll but you wont be judged on being good or not on meters because the utility you bring and being able to use it is what separates a good ret from a bad ret.
@@SmokeyDaBoss420 you underestimate the support potential ret has... you have cleanse, instant flash of light, sacred shield, lay on hands, hand of protection, hand of salvation, hand of sacrifice, hand of freedom, aura mastery... thats where the difference between an average ret and a good ret comes from, just insane support potential from a dps class, while still mainting a very good dps (especially with 2 piece t10 in later stages)
If you took someone who has never played wow before and only plays FPS games they would be easily overwhelmed by WOTLK rotations. Wow is not an easy game, people think it's easy because they have been playing it for 18 years. A new player learning to heal or tank or play a more complex class like unholy would struggle on the rotation.
Where is the mage with their 3 speccs? Blood DK anyone? Nah, bring the ret when he got the utility to completely change the tide of every encounter and to prevent wipes. This is not even accurate from a rotation wise pov. This almost feels like before tbc launch "ret is only autoattack and go afk" Yeah, right.
sorry to say but ele does not fall off after you hit your brakepoints if 22-24k on LK is falling off idk wtf your talking about that's about what a bis rogue is doing not quite a bis war bt way up there idk how privet servers are scripted but if you played in wotlk when it came out ele shammy was way up there when geared
Every class is easy, but how would arcane mage and spriest not make the list. Arcane mages are a 3 button meme class and spriests are right there with them with the 2 dot 2 spell bubble rotation. Most complex thing you do is dispels.
Saying Retpally is one of the easiest specs to play, is part of the reason so many do so poorly on them. Only because you have a priority list instead of a rotation doesnt make you an easy to play class by default. Especially since your Priority changes with gear quite alot. Judgement is prio 1? Laughs in T10 And your gear is tricky too. Because u wont just stack plate...or even strenght for that matter. Not to mention the class has no mobility whatsoever and is punished alot more for bad positioning in boss fights. My exp might be P server mostly ( i mean how else duh) but i can see sooo many ret pallys just doing everything wrong what they can do wrong because they heared...oh ret pally is super easy. Its super easy to follow guide. Its much harder executing the class properly. Ofc ret pally is not cat lv of difficult. But its certainly harder then its reputation, else i wonder why so few people actually know how the class works. i would argue destro lock is much easier. But maybe a destro main could argue otherwise.
There is a this misconception of Ret paladin being easy, it is really not. Stop spreading this non-sense, its dps rotation is easy dont get me wrong just like any other dps but the class itself and the amount of buttons you need to press to save alot of lifes in raid is just not easy to do. It is not an unga bunga spec
this list is WAY off with Rogue Bear druid and Holy pally which from my extensive private server experience rewuires a fair amount of min maxing to be good on, easiest would be rest druid
Cute idea, but all WA really does is read buffs, debuffs, resorces (health and mana). If you broke WA you would break every raid frame addon that does the same.
Wotlk spam breh. Im bout to un sub and just manually search if i need something. Dont fotm every last thing. Gdkp elitist core cant wait to ask your budget...fill oit the google docs phishing form kthx.
The one button macro that a certain youtuber has been slagging you off for telling people about it scotty ... I was hoping you'd have more to say about it ... but I suppose saying nothing is better :D @scottejaye
@@wildblueberry7 not a youtuber crying it's just been simd to be 5% worse in single target and up to 15% worse in aoe. Idk about you but I'm not willing to take a 900dps loss to go afk while playing
If you’ve never played wotlk then read this:
If you play any class on retail then you’re more than ready to play any wotlk class. All wotlk classes are super easy. Ferals are the most difficult class on wotlk, but if you play retail, then you should have no problem playing any class.
100% agree. I prefer to play classic/private server just because of this. I can't keep up with this modern 0.1 second global cooldown constant spam, feeling totally useless if you miss 1 single global. Wheras in older expansions its so much more chill
Thats the reason why i want to play feral druid. I got told it was the golden time. :D
Unless you play havoc on retail, then most specs on wotlk have more buttons to press haha
Idk why they made retail so complex with rotations and raid mechanics. It's not as fun because of it. Feels like i'm a sweaty tryhard trying to git gud every time i want to learn anything new lol.
At 6:37 you see a bear tanking 3 gorillas, but the bear can actually tank up to 2 gorillas more! Truly phenomenal.
if you look closely its 5gorillas
Wow, I am impressed with the immense number of gorillas that the feral combat (bear) druid can tank at a time. Truly one of the tanks of all time.
Another spec that's worth mentioning is Arcane Mage. Ludicrously simple, you literally use 2 spells most of the time, on a set rotation: 4x Arcane Blast and 1x Missiles, and when mana is running low, you just use 3x Arcane Blast and 1x Missiles instead. For AoE you spam either AE or Blizzard. And your support consists of table, int buff, Focus Magic, and decurse. It's probably even easier than Ele shaman, because shaman still have to worry about using the right totems for the fight, they have a DoT to keep up, a couple of spells to keep on cooldown, AoE damage is slightly more complex too.
Having played both, Arcane has more cooldowns to manage, and mana management is a big deal for them too. After all, you want to make sure you're nor mana starved during burst windows and when cooldowns reappear, so you're mentally adjusting your playstyle in anticipation of where your mana needs to be in 1-2mins.
I'm not going to say it's the most difficult spec, and it probably comes close to appearing on this list, but there's a little more to it than just the number of buttons you hit.
While its true this is a rotation that will put bad mages low on the damage meters. Arcane mage is about calculating how many AB you can get away with before you AM. Mana management is the mages life line and its harder to gauge than you would think.
Difference between a Bad arc Mage vs a GOOD arc mage is staggering
@@eldonlol1623 It's a class spec that's easy to play but has one of the higher skill ceilings to master/parse with.
Arcane low dps later patches
I thought I might have seen Frost DK's on this list, but upon reflection, while they have a simple priority list a lot of people tend to not understand rune management properly: they'll hit howling blast when a frost rune become available instead of pooling for an obliterate.
Because in your rotation howling has phatty prio, I’m literally learning this now w my unholy boi. I played a frost dk back towards fhe end of wrath after not playing since phase 2 tbc. Felt so complicated back then lmao, it’s still more complex than most having runes and runic power. Lmao just barley
A class 'requiring complex WeakAuras' should not be factored in here when all you do is download them and in the end they boil something down for you really nicely so that it isn't hard anymore.
I mean, you do not have to be able to build a V6 with Turbocharging to be able to sit in a car which has one in it and drive it.
I mained a Prot/Ret paladin when Wrath was retail my alt was an elemental shaman. Both are wildly easy to play, agreed.
This time, I'm maining a Frost DK and it's so laughably simple to pull 5k minimum DPS. I'll spike into the 6s and 7s in PVE and 8s+ in raids. As kind as you can manage your runes, it's fun as all hell.
I mained a Frost DK back during Wrath and holy smokes. . . the dude was insanely OP in PvP. Not until everyone got a CC sometime in Cata i think, did he lose more often than not. Just because when they saw him they all focused and locked him down lol. I rage quit PvP during that era because of how bad the CC was.
Resto Druid is super easy in WotLK because you can run around while healing.
This is how I feel but I think people don't trust using hots. Restro druid to me feels so complete and has an answer for everything.
@@Jbayz I used to have such a good time with resto druid back in wotlk, op healer
And you get to be a f*king TREE I absolutely love resto druids for that 💕👌
@@Jbayz what? who are you playing with? been playing resto druid all my life, have been top healer during all of 3.3.5 content in my guild. Not even shamans could heal as much as i did. all you need to know is how to properly blanket the raid.
Resto druid is one of the most (if not the most) reliable healers of the patch.
0:32 elemental shaman
2:30 retribution paladin
4:21 assassination rogue
6:38 feral druid tank
8:01 holy paladin
Aspiring Holy Paladins be warned though. The spec is simple enough to understand and use, but healing a very tricky boss with high movement and high burst damage on the tanks (Lich King for example) will require you to be immaculate in your positioning, cooldown management, and yes even mana management. Honestly not the healer I would recommend for beginners. That would be the restoshaman, which is similarly simple but more freeform and with more margin for error.
I would disagree. Holy pala has so much output on single target and splash healing with such a simplistic style of healing to make up for it's shortcomings in terms of ease. Of course there are good and bad hpala players and clear distinction between them, but I find it hard to think that paladin doesn't have the easiest time doing borderline optimal healing out of all the classes in every raid tier in wotlk.
When hpally mains try to make their class seem hard lmao
@@anthonydominguez4744 You misinterpreted what he said. He recommended that *new* healers might find the most important role (keeping the tank alive) to be quite stressful compared to playing something like a shaman or disc that’s focused on raid wide damage.
A skilled group of raiders will take minimal raid damage. Unless your tank knows each boss perfectly and manages his cooldowns perfectly (most do not), tank healing can be stressful.
@@brandonkruse6412 It's a raid though, There are other healers. LK specifically depends more on your disc priest than any other healer. HPally is just ez beacon and spam.
my class is hard 🤓
I just can't switch from enhancement. I love it.
I feel like reddit upvote farming vids about a one button ret macro rotation is going to shit up the paladins and NO ONE is getting shielded, flash of lighted, blessing'd, etc. For another 2 years
Surprised to not see arcane mage or boomkin in honorable mentions. You went from 3 dps specs to a tank and healer spec without mentioning them 😅 Arcane mage rotation in wrath has been a long running meme.
It should have been there, but I guess the only reason it isn't is because of mana management. Even though it's not really hard, you just switch up the rotation a tiny bit.
I would say resto shaman for heals tbh - earth shield + riptide + healing totem + chain heals - yeah there is a lot more to it but that'll get you through 5m stuff without thinking to much
I played a resto shaman most of MoP and they were so good but almost a class that played itself with so much passive healing you could put out.
Ya they are pretty easy to heal with but resto druid to me is easiest mode for sure.
7:04 A ~plant-based~ meat shield, to be sure.
Currently playing a prot pally. So a retribution would be better to play in the early stages? Then switch over to protection when you hit 80 and begin raids?
I was talking to my friend about this just before you posted this video 🤣
Im surprised arcane and fire mage arent on here
Imagine Not mentioning any of the mage speccs especially arcane in t7
I know, right...1,1,1,2, repeat. Cooldowns. How can anyone forget lol
@@junipersages you need to be mentally prepared to being shit on the whole raid
Nice video and nice hat - go hawks
As a ret, I hate that ret can have a 1 button macro rotation. I almost wish it wasn’t allowed, so silly.
Well that macro is not good at all and u dont have to use it ...i used it and i lost something like 400 dps
It’s trash
It's fine, you will know who the garbage rets but I fully plan to use a one button macro on blood dk in arena!
Ret isn't alone, prot 69696 can be macroed, combat rogue if you consistently get enough combo points per hit, warrior BT/WW leaving HS and Slam on manual until rage gen goes silly in better gear and then you can macro that in and spam one button + slam proc
Seal of command is cleave for rent vengeance for single target spa.
What I am not sure about: Is it really more satisfying to play a spec with a difficult rotation that only do good damage If you do it 100% correct? For me this is pure stress and I am not happy if make a mistake. Today I do not have as much time as 10 years ago to train that perfection.
I like it to be a Power House and I don't worrry about an easy rotation. It is most important to have fun!
Having a class it's accually possible to perfect is the best, usually you want a goldilocks between easy and hard. Some classes there is so much to do that it's impossible to time every ability and use it in the exact perfect sequence. Assassination rogue is very fun because it keeps you engaged with the extras but there's only so much to keep track of you can make sure you are keeping track of mechanics while also doing the rotation perfectly if you are fairly good.
@@joshuadrew6246 How did you know that I speak about Assassination 😂? Actually I'm a little bit confused these days... I really loved to play Assassination back in Retail Wotlk, but what I read and hear now is, that it is too easy to play and quite boring. I'm not sure anymore if I really want to play it again. Perhaps my memories are wrong...
@@Yeromandrake it's one of the specs I've been playing/testing on private servers and it's fun to play IMO.
@@joshuadrew6246 Yeah, I also remember that it is! Thanks for your feedback!
My only fear after playing retail for so long is picking a class with a very simple and boring rotation
they just need to come out with a expansion that isnt complete garbo lol. only one thats been good for a long time is legion.
Simple and not boring is subjective.
With that said, Frost DK, UH DK, MM and Survival Hunter, Shadow Priest all are not what I would consider hard but just enough complexity to not be boring.
Enh Shaman, Affl Warlock, Cat Druid probably have the most complex rotations or at least the most going on to maintain their respective top dps.
Ret Paladin, Assassin and Combat Rogue, Frost and Fire Mage are very simple to play and probably the least difficult to botch the rotation.
Ret Paladin are simple but do offer procs and a priority system rotation so it keeps from being stale. Same can be said for Frost DK but rune management makes it slightly more difficult than Ret Paladin.
The benefit to Ret Paladin is being able to swap talents and play all 3 roles.
DK can dps and tank and do both well. You will top dps meters as frost and be a great tank as blood.
I also agree with Deacon that Legion was the last good modern WoW xpac.
Do a marksman hunter 😄 you can do great dps in raids (especially after hitting your arp cap) and although the rotation itself is not too difficult the extra tasks you have make it fun. It's one of the rdds you can't replace in an icc25 as you have additional and important tasks in most boss fights.
So while they technically have a 3-4 button rota, you actually do so much more and it's really fun if you're up for it.
In addition they are very nice to level, a bear pet for example can easily keep the attention of mobs and you can play dead if they do come at you. With that and your traps you can definitely do red or group quests on your own
Hi there! Is assassination rogue spec viable to level up ?
100% but not till 60
"Rogues are the definition of versatility!" Except for the non tank non heal part, ignore that. *coughs in paladin druid*
Please let me dispel a community misconception about Retribution..If you still think ret Paladin can ‘perform’ with a one button macro it’s obvious you have never played one. 😉
Not only do we have art of war procs but we also have an execute and ppl to heal/support.. not to mention some targets will not require the entire sequence of abilities anyway.
Ret Paladin is only EZ if you are skilled at managing your dps, party blessings AND watching your teams HP. Most ppl reading this aren’t playing at this level hence the popularity of a one button macro.
Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
Stop huffing the copium. Ret is ez mode
@@boarderz8275 ‘Ez mode’ suggests there are harder options. What spec would you consider ‘hard’? 😅
@@Vondarkstar you said yourself ret is only ez if you're skilled 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you think a 1 button macro is hard?
@@boarderz8275 the one button macro isn’t optimal, you can do a lot more dps with actually doing your rotation
@Scottejaye - they messed up the hourly instance cap. Currently on beta it is 5/h pr ACCOUNT instead of pr character. So if I do the Tiger Lilly stealth farm 5x times on my rogue I cannot enter any dungeons on my DK for the next 55 minuter - 99% sure this was a thing in Classic that they reverted (and not how it is currently in TBC ?)
This is still in TBC.
Classic was per character. TBC has always been per server.
There is no "difficult" class in wotlk. Just some class which have tight rotation which a bad internet can influent. Thats it :D
Disagree with the healing part. Holy paladins are not easy to play in good raid teams. They have the heavy responsibility together with the paladin tanks to time divine sacrifice throughout the fight. If you screw up the raid wipes. If you want an easy healer I'd say pick shaman or druid, they are quite easy to play.
So they have 1 button of complicated ?
@@SttravagaNZza hahaha gold
Please go into further detail as to why the most powerful healer with very few buttons is the hardest to play.
Holy pala isnt easy because is simple
is easy because you have tool for every single situation
but if you dont use said tools and just spam holy light....
its gonna get ugly past naxx
Destro lock... Super easy.
@@bradbradley3422 Its mid, definitely not complex lol...
thanks sm for this video
Is this why I have like 8 paladin rerolls going into wrath with my guild? It's making my comp guy ocd.
I assume combat rogue have some special SS+ tier spot.
combat rogue has a super complex rotation with juggling S&D, rupture, & expose armor
Ret pallies are confirmed to have a one button dps macro they can use so i think that makes them by default the easiest lol
Yea but actually playing with a 1 button macro is just stupid. You can do so much better if you just use a few more braincells and actually press the buttons correctly in the correct priority yourself, especially when it comes to trash clearing.
Just because you can doesn’t mean you should… Art of war procs must be used appropriately.
@@Vondarkstar cool, so thats 2 buttons, plus a cd popper. Super hard, will see you eating my shit on the dps charts as an enh shaman that can actually play.
MM hunter and fury warrior rotations are also fairly easy.
MM Hunter has an easy rota, but the amount of extra tasks you get really make it fun and challenging at times 😄
Blood dps deserves honorable mention. Keep up diseases, hit heartstrike when you can death strike when you can’t.
Bloodboil and corpse explosion for aoe.
blood dps isn’t a thing with 3.3.5 talents which is what wrath will have
@@aviann5135 It definitely is a thing, there's just no real reason to play it over unholy or frost until you get arpen cap early in t10 release. Because until then even with unholy frenzy on a perfect feral druid your dps contribution is lower than the other two specs you could choose.
Still beats sub rogue, frost mage, or BM hunter by a good amount though.
@@AzureShadow42 Blood dk gets arp capped in ToC. Remember this comment and watch them pump.
@@aviann5135 blood dps, on private servers, IS the highest damage spec in the game with full bis and shadowmourne. That means; at some other point prior to that, it becomes competitive. Maybe not until t10, but at some point it crosses that threshold. If I had to guess, most likely in t9 with double 2pc t9 bonuses and armor pen gear.
Hopefully that Surveillant guy doesn't see this , he'll be pissed xD Great video dude as always.
Are you a Iowa Hawkeye fan or just like the hat??
Yes PVE for a shammy is easy, but not PVP. Know your opponent and learn how to use totems. Think what the opponent will do before you react. And be quick you only have 1-2 seconds to think.
I thought dps warrior was the easiest? They spam 2-3 keys during boss fights, that's it?
It's difficult for me to see in what way assassination rogue is easier than hunter or arcane mage. Mm hunters have 3 buttons to press, only 1 dot to track and nothing else. Arcane mage has 3 buttons and nothing to track either. Slice and dice is so annoying to maintain in comparison.
he’s talking about in general, if you’re looking to use min max rotations then assassination is one of the hardest especially for parsing/logs because you need perfect rotation and perfect pooling in a fight in order to compete with the other top rogues
he’s just saying that rogue is easy because it does a lot of damage… lol
@@tsuma-xx Lol, you legit just press mutilate until you get 4 or 5 combo points then press envenom lol, and slice and dice gets refreshed on envenom. Legit a 1-1-2 rotation without having to look for anything. Easiest spec for sure to play.
Nice video
I don't get why fire mage and unholy DK aren't on this. Fire mage is just your bomb every 10 seconds, spamming fire bolt until you get a proc and then pyro. Mages can easily also be high on dps meter, can ose invisibility or ice block and so on.
Unholy DK has a really really easy rotation. The only thing you have to really get right is the start of the fight to get the most out of your burst. You can grab mobs either into a group so you can use cleave and aoe or grab mobs out of a group. Both are necessary in ICC. And you can easily decrease your received damage.
The ret on the other hand mm ay have an easy rotation BUT you have to be really alert an on your game the whole you wil be required to use those two extra skills that are "a little more complex" at a moment's notice and mainly in situations that are already stressful. And not just to be extra supportive, that will be required of you. Easy rotation yes, but not an easy class in a raid
So you play an easy class? What’s the problem?
Tell me more about this............... " iCON"!
All ranged dps are far easier and simple to play. Ret might be the easiest melee but it takes far more than any ranged to make full use of its utility.
The fact Warlock and Mage didn't make this list is hilarious.
There is a huge difference between skill ceiling and skill floor.
Rogue: Combat or Assas are piss easy.
Boomy, MM hunter, fire and frost mage are sleep inducing.
MM has a slight prio shift with haste, but that's about it.
Yeah you are right. I think there is not really a difference between Assa and Combat in terms of difficulty. You are the first one who mentioned this 😊.
Question, is chain lightning worth using in ST?
I remember reading it scales poorly compared with lighting bolt, maybe only on higher levels of haste?
Only to finish off adds / Bosses due to the travel Time of the other spells
You use it on cd for quite a while. Its faster cast time and similar damage to lb,
@@dobiusla8281 ICC is like nearly last part of wotlk dude.
@@dobiusla8281 the point is that you are saying it line you start using only Lb like right at the start of the expansion. You use Ch quite long as it's 25% shorter cast time
@@dobiusla8281 lb will only hit 1 sec with cooldowns, even in ICC gear it will be hard to hit 50% haste without cooldowns but yeh I agree on that. Even if you did hit 50% in toc you will still use cl there though as most fights in toc are cleave regardless
what about boomkin ? :D
Boomkin is pretty simple, yeah. Probably not in the top 3 easiest specs though. But it's definitely one of the most fun to play.
How are arms warriors?
garvage in pve
Arms will probably be bad trough entire wotlk but fury on the other hand bad at begining god dps at the end of wotlk
Really useful video for casuals
Wait are you a Hawkeye???
Terrible choice for the second pick, not having either mage spec in this list is ridiculous it’s by far the easiest class to play in raids.
Sir, are you familiar with the word hyperbole?
Show more respect.
Lol ret is the most braindead melee to play, maybe the most of all specs.
@@Magetastic69 ret has a braindead 'rotation', but atleast there's some utility buttons that can make a difference for the raid if used correctly. Mage on the other hand... braindead rotation, braindead utility, good mobility
@@schmidth lol mage is one of a few that can decurse for the raid and has spammable CC. Let's not pretend ANY part of pve is hard it's the easiest part of the game.
Ha, knew I leveled up the right people 😎
I find being a lock is easy to play also
None of them are hard, but warlock is definitely a higher skill cap class in wrath
combat rogue just as easy, sinister strike SnD rupture eviscerate lol
if desto isnt in this idk what is.....
The one button macro is garbage though
To me the easiest classes are the ones with the lowest skill cap. Neither assa nor ret fall into that bracket for me, but to each their own
What do you mean with 'lowest skill cap'?
@@Yeromandrake That the skill/effort required to perform at a high level is low or lower than other specs. A lot of people equate this to buttons pressed or abilities tracked, which I find incorrect , but its completely subjective
@@FTCSD Thanks, I see what you mean. Why is assa in your opinion not in this bracket? I want to play it in Wotlk and I'm very interested about your point of view 😊!
Assa does have a pretty low skillcap imo (I'm saying that as an assa player myself)
@@joel9metallica Like 90% of the other classes / specs
Really no arcane mage here? its literally no brainer. Also the easiest heal is resto dudu 100%
Bro really? Ret in this list? I know that the basic rotation is easy, but you're the dps with the most responsabilities apart from tanks and healers. Ret is easy to zug zug, but there's a massive gap between zug zug and a good ret. Why not fire/arcane mage. or resto druid or even marks hunter (even tho there's also a big gap between a huntard and a hunter)?
I literally said exactly what you've just said in the comment in the video lol...In terms of JUST doing DPS ret paladin is face roll but you wont be judged on being good or not on meters because the utility you bring and being able to use it is what separates a good ret from a bad ret.
Ret is 1 Button Macro super simple, fire and arcane mages are some what easy but no where as simple
@@Scottejaye got these pallies getting self-righteous 😂 good video as always mate
@@SmokeyDaBoss420 you underestimate the support potential ret has... you have cleanse, instant flash of light, sacred shield, lay on hands, hand of protection, hand of salvation, hand of sacrifice, hand of freedom, aura mastery... thats where the difference between an average ret and a good ret comes from, just insane support potential from a dps class, while still mainting a very good dps (especially with 2 piece t10 in later stages)
Easiest specs for me... Holy/Ret paladin, and Arcane mage.
There are literally no hard specs in wotlk, maybe feral or affliction can be somewhat retail-like, but come on, all classes are just priority queue
If you took someone who has never played wow before and only plays FPS games they would be easily overwhelmed by WOTLK rotations. Wow is not an easy game, people think it's easy because they have been playing it for 18 years. A new player learning to heal or tank or play a more complex class like unholy would struggle on the rotation.
@@joshuadrew6246 they don't know how to empathize with new gamers
Where is the mage with their 3 speccs? Blood DK anyone? Nah, bring the ret when he got the utility to completely change the tide of every encounter and to prevent wipes.
This is not even accurate from a rotation wise pov.
This almost feels like before tbc launch "ret is only autoattack and go afk" Yeah, right.
spoken like a true ret paladin main.
@@braindeadxd447 Holy, but close enough
Go Hawks Scotte
sorry to say but ele does not fall off after you hit your brakepoints if 22-24k on LK is falling off idk wtf your talking about that's about what a bis rogue is doing not quite a bis war bt way up there idk how privet servers are scripted but if you played in wotlk when it came out ele shammy was way up there when geared
How is holy paladin EASIER than a disc priest in a raid environment?
Every class is easy, but how would arcane mage and spriest not make the list. Arcane mages are a 3 button meme class and spriests are right there with them with the 2 dot 2 spell bubble rotation. Most complex thing you do is dispels.
Hunter with beast mastery is easy af to lvl and Play
please stop talking about the 1 button ret macro. its not competitive and everyone that plays ret is rolling their eyes every time you bring it up.
All classes in wolkt are really easy,---
Saying Retpally is one of the easiest specs to play, is part of the reason so many do so poorly on them.
Only because you have a priority list instead of a rotation doesnt make you an easy to play class by default.
Especially since your Priority changes with gear quite alot. Judgement is prio 1? Laughs in T10
And your gear is tricky too. Because u wont just stack plate...or even strenght for that matter.
Not to mention the class has no mobility whatsoever and is punished alot more for bad positioning in boss fights.
My exp might be P server mostly ( i mean how else duh) but i can see sooo many ret pallys just doing everything wrong what they can do wrong because they heared...oh ret pally is super easy.
Its super easy to follow guide. Its much harder executing the class properly.
Ofc ret pally is not cat lv of difficult. But its certainly harder then its reputation, else i wonder why so few people actually know how the class works.
i would argue destro lock is much easier. But maybe a destro main could argue otherwise.
“just vanish” bro clearly doesn’t play rogue
There is a this misconception of Ret paladin being easy, it is really not. Stop spreading this non-sense, its dps rotation is easy dont get me wrong just like any other dps but the class itself and the amount of buttons you need to press to save alot of lifes in raid is just not easy to do. It is not an unga bunga spec
Could just say Pala in general cause each spec just spams 1 button, Holy with Holy Light and Ret & Prot both have 1 button macros
Top 3 lists 4 in video
this list is WAY off with Rogue Bear druid and Holy pally which from my extensive private server experience rewuires a fair amount of min maxing to be good on, easiest would be rest druid
Bro mage tho!!!
I find it weird to rank anything by "difficulty" in a game where classes rotations are that insanely eas xd
boomie...like come on.
weakaure should be banned and not allowed on wotlk classic and any addons like that, i mean its silly how out of control addons became
Cute idea, but all WA really does is read buffs, debuffs, resorces (health and mana). If you broke WA you would break every raid frame addon that does the same.
stop worrying about things that don't have any effect on the way that you are going to play the game.
Wotlk spam breh. Im bout to un sub and just manually search if i need something. Dont fotm every last thing. Gdkp elitist core cant wait to ask your budget...fill oit the google docs phishing form kthx.
I dnt think anyone is begging for yur sub lol
You typed what I said out loud 😂 never seen someone get angry about a top 3 video before lol
@@Scottejaye youd think someone was holding a gun to his head forcing him to watch every wotlk video or something.
Wotlk Hype! Wotlk Hype!
The one button macro that a certain youtuber has been slagging you off for telling people about it scotty ... I was hoping you'd have more to say about it ... but I suppose saying nothing is better :D @scottejaye
Whos the youtuber thats crying?
@@wildblueberry7 not a youtuber crying it's just been simd to be 5% worse in single target and up to 15% worse in aoe. Idk about you but I'm not willing to take a 900dps loss to go afk while playing