I'm going for 7 (5-minute) rounds on the heavy bag (all strikes). 50 parallel squats in a minute (body weight). 40 push-ups in a minute. All with a goal of improving by 2 singles every week on the body exercises and maybe add a 3-minute speed drill round to the bag every week?
So what are some good standards to shoot for? My teacher suggested that I should work up to being able to knock out a minimum 100 bodyweight squats, 50 push ups & 10 pull ups on demand. Thoughts?
Pit Master, great advice! Thanks!
thanks... what will your maxes be?
Good stuff
thanks... what will your maxes be?
I'm going for 7 (5-minute) rounds on the heavy bag (all strikes). 50 parallel squats in a minute (body weight). 40 push-ups in a minute. All with a goal of improving by 2 singles every week on the body exercises and maybe add a 3-minute speed drill round to the bag every week?
Whats good numbers for burpees,whats the standard at the pit,thanks
So what are some good standards to shoot for? My teacher suggested that I should work up to being able to knock out a minimum 100 bodyweight squats, 50 push ups & 10 pull ups on demand. Thoughts?
define "on demand"
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