What is Filaria, it’s cause and pathophysiology @filaria @whatisfilaria

  • Опубліковано 2 січ 2025
  • What is Filaria, it’s cause and pathophysiology #filaria #filariasis
    Filariasis is a parasitic infection caused by three closely related round worm namely Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, B timori
    These parasites are transmitted to human by the bites of infective mosquitos. The most common vectors are
    In Africa = Anopheles species
    In America= Culex quinquefasciatus
    In Asia = Aedes mosquitos
    The parasites lives 5 -7yrs and produce millions of off springs and block the lymphatic system, The lymphatic system plays a vital role in human body. The lymphatic system is a network of vessels, which maintain the fluid level in our body tissues by removing all the fluids that leak out of our blood vessels. The lymphatic system is important for immune responses. The system protect our body from illness causing invaders. Let us discuss about lymph after blood moves from artery as the pressure in the artery is more so the oxygen rich nutrients move to the cells. Some of fluid that escape
    deposited in the interstitial cell. These excess fluids again come back to circulation through the subclavian vein. There are 120 millions of population affected by filarial ,out of which 90% cases are caused by W. bancrofti and B. Malayi is the remainder one. W. bancrofti carried out its lifecycle by two hosts
    Human phase- Definite host -Sexual development
    Mosquito phase _Intermediate host _ Asexual development
    Life cycle in Man : when an infective mosquito bites a man through the blood meal these L3 larva enters to the skin
    These larva moves to the lymphatic vessels and develop into adult larvae. Some of male adult larvae and some adult female larvae they lives 6-7years in the blood vessels. After copulation numerous microscopic juvenile larvae called microfilariae are released to lymph. Again these microfilaria enters to the blood vessels. During day time they live in large deep sheated blood vessels but during night time these microfilariae migrate to peripherial blood vessels. This movement is called nocturnal periodicity.
    Life cycle within mosquitos:
    When female culex mosquito sucks the blood from a infected person, the microfilaria through the blood meal enter the mid gut ,there its shed the sheat layer. After shedding the microfilaria penetrates to the stomach wall and migrate in thoracic muscles. The microfilaria undergo metamorphose into 1st stage larva then , molting take place. The 2nd stage larva transfer into infective stage of larva. This stage of larva is a infective to human when the mosquitos bites to a healthy man they release the L 3 larva in blood, next lifecycle takes place in human
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