Yeah, as a non-Muslim I definitely identify with his scholarly approach. I like the religious context because it provides a fresh energy, but it really isn't necessary to understand some of the concepts here. Interesting.
I used to be an atheist and really hate all religions.and always mock and love to debate with religious ppl why god does not exists but after i felt sick REALLY HAD A BAD MIGRAINE FOR 1 MONTH i felt so pain in my head for 1 month it was really painful and i had been tramatized for 4months.In that 4 months i research about all religions and i was sure islam was true however i was so afraid of death in islam the question in the graves and the pangs of death..After watching this video i am now really feel more comfortable and slightly not afraid of death(STILL SCARED,BUT NOT LIKE LAST TIME)...well said hamza yusuf well said...SUBMISSION is the really open my mind and soul.
Never loose your trust in Allah swt, then you will not be disappointed, I used to be scared of unseen but learning my rights and their right for each other I learn that as long as I play with the rules then I'm good I only belong to my creator there is no harm can come unless Allah swt permits always pray he will not leave you that is his promise.
If you revert to Islam, you are starting new page as your past sins will be cleared. Also, grave questions applicable to every soul. May the Almighty guide you. Please read and understand AlQuran.
I find listening to hamza Yusuf very refreshing and enlightening. He gives a fantastic explanation of issues related to our lives today.he dies not come across as arrogant or unapproachable.i wish this kind of teaching existed everywhere. And anyone who has issues that he follows Sufism etc should actually sit and watch him and realise he has a gift allahumdillah. He is straight forward thinking and is able to associate history with today.
He's brilliant, mashAllah. May Allah preserve him. I really hope he's taught everyone everything he knows so we have more beautifully balanced students of Knowledge like him in the generations to come.
If you have ever thought about your own existence and coming passing profoundly, thank Allah. It is a blessing he gave you reasoning to understand the absurdity of this fleeting world.
He is a great Islamic scholar. I am very happy we have a man like Hamza Yusuf with his vast Islamic knowledge. May God blesses him in this world and in the hereafter.
He is Blessed, he is a genius and this man has received understanding from Allah Subhana Wa Teala. May Allah Bless you and grant your Jannah Amin., Mr. Hamza Yusuf, we are lucky to have you.
Death scares me. So much. I haven’t seen a single death of any of my loved one in my life. I don’t want to. And I also don’t want to die. May Allah make it easy for me!
Allah u Akbar.. death the begining of life.. real life ... who loves to meet Allah .. Allah loves to meet them !! mske use of this ramadhan. inshaAllah
Yes, remember about consequences, we all experience hardships in our life, we all stressed and desperate from time to time, please work hard to find meaning in your life, avoid boredom, work on yourself and everything will be ok!
I am sorry you feel this way, Please ask ALlah with all your heart to give you patience and tolerance and never stop learning your deen. It is supposed to make our lives better, okay we will all be tested. But you can do it, don't give up. ANd see if you have some kind of Jinn possession that MAY BE why you are feeling hopeless as well as evil eye, This makes you feel so dreadful I have been afflicted with evil eye many times well as magic for many years. So one of the symptoms is waswasa, insomnia, tightness in chest, despair the list goes on. This religion is suppose to make us better , stronger mentally, spiritually and physically. more educated , more manners, more wisdom, and to give us salvation. You need to be positive and protect yourself from the haram around us this is very trying times but DON"t give up! My God bless you Ameen!
Jawed me too . But be strong. It cant be that bad . Think of the children and innocents in Iraq Syria Afghanistan etc , they have it worse than all of us . So who are we to complain ?
Please reach to someone you trust, friends/family. Reach out to the your local suicide hotline. This life is a gift from Allah and it is way too valuable to “throw it away”. If you can’t reach anyone, please PM me.
Assalam bro, you better go and see your doctor, he may counsel you, because you may be depressed or something like that, I pray Allah protect every Muslim from this!
I don't think there is a single Muslim person on Earth who is as wise knowledgeable intellectual and intelligent as Shaykh Hamza.. Masha Allah. We are so lucky to listen to him
Just because he has become a "Sufi" doesn't mean we need to necessarily stop listening to his earlier lectures. He's not talking about innovations or Sufism, he's giving a very knowledgeable and detailed explanation of the phenomenon of death. If you would like to guide people away from Sufism or innovations in Islam maybe you should comment on a video of Hamza actually talking about Sufism :)
Or people need to be more intellectual & actually research & understand his position before losing their mind about him being a Sufi. When their own definition of Sufi is wrong. Sufism is based on tassawuf. Tassawuf has 1000’s of definitions. There is tassawuf which is simply relating to the inner aspect of our experience e.g purifying the heart, doing dhikr, being grateful, being kind, contemplating, being merciful & so on. Just trying to connect to the inner spiritual experience of islam. This is a part of our deen & is mentioned in Quran & sunnah (just not in the exact words of tassawuf or Sufi). And then there is the extreme Version, where Sufis want to really connect to the spiritual world & so they start singing, dancing & ecstatically moving around. Hamza Yusuf clearly distances himself from this version of Sufism. He has stated this repeatedly in his talks. He relates only to the first explanation above. Ignorant People need to really to stop having so much hate & lack of mercy on their hearts & atleast listen to his position in an intellectual manner & then decide what they think. To summarise people really need to understand that their are many definitions of Sufism. Some are mild & others take it to the extreme. There are always the extreme ones in every sect, even in mainstream Sunni Islam. And then finally even if people think he is misguided, they should have mercy in their Hearts & ask Allah (SWT) to have mercy on him & guide him to the truth. There is too much hate in this world & not enough mercy & compassion. Apologies this was not aimed at you, just the people you are referring to, who always judge him for being a Sufi & say negative things About him. As salamualaykum.
I remember when I was maybe 5 or 6 and just thinking to myself that I'm going to die some day. I remember crying to my mother that night telling her I didn't want to die.
We are not made in Gods image: surah iklahs says: "Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;He begets not, nor is He begotten, AND THERES NOTHING COMPARABLE UNTO HIM".
That is from Bible. But that verses "and God created Adam in his own image " meaning God is describing Adam a.s. in his full grown image and not born like a baby. Not the gods description. According to Islamic scholar.
this explaination all about imam al ghazali spritualy journey should follow his way to find your own journey and find your special lecturer in guide you in your spritual journey he will be your light to see in the dark that will make you not lost and keep in track to Allah .you also must clean your heart and patient because the journey its not easy. insyallah Allah guide you to his mighty because only Allah could help you to meet Allah. may Allah blessed mr.hamka always
3. Fear of nonbeing. Different types of death. American death at 25. Psychological deaths. 1. Cognitive impotence: brain malfunction, automation. Ezra pound on teacher excitement. Hamza Yousef on boredom. How do they get into that state? I TOTALLY AGREE!! Always have. 2. Emotive death. Example on marriages. 3. Intuitive Paralysis.
we learned from the Quran that every soul should test the death experience. and our beloved prophet Muhammad pbuh teach us to always remember deth moment and in the same time been serten about Allah's mercy. I pray to Almighty Allah for forgiveness and beautiful end of my life. A pray him also to be pleased with brother hamza yusuf and grant him Jannat Al-firdaws.
Agree it can be difficult for some people, based on experience you have to ask and seek Hidayah from Allah truly from your heart... the rest will follow suit..
I was only a child when I realized my mortality. Maybe 8 or 9.... I remember crying in bed for my parents and then crying for me... I have a hard time believing in religion. Although I was born into a muslim family. I am trying to learn more but the more I learn about religion and Islam the less i am convinced...
I didn't realize this post was still up. I didn't mean to say hes misguided. This shaykh is a sincere man, I've already discussed him with many others, and they said he didn't encourage the chanting of "Allah," in circles. My apologies.
You have to submit to truth to be a Muslim. You love to submit to truth to be a believer. You are automatically in a state of submission to reach "ihsan"/the better state.
So what i take out of this. When u r dead psychologically and then you come to know ALLAH who is the Al wadood and whos is the one ☝️ can only take absolute care of you and he is the only know whats in your heart and brain you come to know that become alive again when you find him you find yourself he is the one gave you life from that death (Nihilistic psychological death ). It is a new life you getting started then you submit and journey starts to meet him then the physical death is only a death of physical world but you keep goin on that journey to seem him. Thats what i found and that what i live for.
Here are some sunnah of the prophet(SAW) #...When ever the prophet is mentioned say (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) #...Dikir after every prayer/you can also add (wa bihamdi) and reciting *Alatul Kursi after every fard salah *SubahanAllah 33 times *AllahuAkbar 34 times *Amhamdulillah 33time #...While entering home syaing this supplication (Allahumma inni as'aluka khairal mawliji wa khairul makhraji bismillahi wajlana wa bismillahi kjarajna waaalla rabbina tawakkalna) #... While going outside of home saying this supplication (Bismillah tawakkaltu aaalallah wala hawla wala quwwata illa billah) #...When entering your home give salam even if there is no one give salam to your self #...Entering the bathroom with left foot and exiting with right *and covering the head and while relieving yourself sitting is wajib *and when relieving yourself don't face the qibla or your back behind it #...Entering the masjid with right foot and exiting with left and performing wudu at home #...Every muslim you cross by give salam #...Using meswak #...Using fragrence #...Reading Surah Khaf every Friday #...Dusting the bed with an edge of an cloth or bromm #...Eat with your right hand and share your food with the nearest person #... if any food drops of the plate pick it up remove the dust and eat it *after finish eating lick the plate with your fingers and lick your fingers #...Before eating and drinking saying bismillah and after finishing eating and drinking saying Allhamdulillah *if one forgots to say bismillah before eating or drinking say this (bismillahi fi awwalihi wa akhirihi) #... After finish eating sya this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil ladhi at amani hadha wa razaqanihi min ghayri hawlin minnee wa la quwwatin) #...Before staring any work or going to do something saying bismillah #...After doing wudu saying (La illah illallah wadahu la sarikala) #...While drinking or eating sitting is recommended and it is an sunnah #...Sleeping on the right shoulder #...Not sleeping on your stomach or chest #...Before going to sleep *sleep in the state of wudu *Surah ikhlas 3 times *Surah Nas 3 times *Surah Falak 3 times *Ayatul Kursi 3 times *And saying (Lailahaillallah MuhammadaRrasulullah) *And reciting Surah Mulk #...When going to sleep saying this supplication (Bismika rabbi wada tu janbi wa bika arfahu in amskata nafsi fagfir laha wa in arsaltaha fahfazha bima tahfaz bihi ibadaka-s-salihin)or (Allahuma bismika amutoo wa ahyaa) #...After waking up saying this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil-lathee ahyana baaada ma amatana wa ilayhin nushoor) #...After waking up doing wudu and put water inside the nose and blow it #... when wering cloths syaing this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil lathee kasanee hatha aththawab warazaqaneehi min ghayri hawlin minnee wala quwwah) *While wearing entire the right hand first and when taking of start with left hand same with the shoes Reference Sahih Al Bukhari: 6293.6294.6295.6296.6311.6314. 6322.7393.7394 Sahih Muslim: 265.267(c).304.2018(a).2020.2024. 2025.2032.2034.2626 Jami Al Tirmidi: 14.1857.1858.1885.2048.2678.2689. 3426.3458 Abu Dawood: 5212 Ibn Majah: 303.307.3287.3288 An nasai: 259
So I am already dead.......I am do the something over and over and over for last 7 years....morning 6 a clock I wake up and go for work and come back around 00:00 a clock... I just work 19 hours and as soon as I come to home if my baby and my wife is awake I spend sometime with them... and I go back to sleep around 03:00 AM and just sleep for 3 hours and do the something again and again...this is what I do when I get a free time learning my religion
@@markl7752 yes all government offices reduced there working hours up to 4 hours so most of the time I don't have to work more then 4 hours. but still if there is a big event I have to wait... I am a law enforcement officer who works in media department of our organization... so imagen i have only 4 colleagues who works with me in media department of our organization
The question about what is the most surprising thing in the world -and its answer, was not between Krishna and Arjuna, but between a yaksha (celestial being) and Yudhishthira (Arjuna's brother).
Jami at-Tirmidhi 3577 Bilal bin Yasar bin Zaid [the freed slave of the Prophet()] narrated: "My father narrated to me, from my grandfather, that he heard the Prophet () say: 'Whoever says: "I seek forgiveness from Allah, the Magnificent, whom there is none worthy of worship but Him, the Living, Al-Qayyum, and I repent to him," (Astaghfirullāhal-`Azīm alladhī lā ilāha illa huwal-Hayyul-Qayyūmu wa atūbu ilaih) then Allah will forgive him, even if he fled from battle.'"
Heidegger on death philosophy Stage of mortality realization Spiritual death is real, the goal of spiritual religions, you die to the sensory world 5 reasons of fear of death; 1. Pain. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said that we all fear death. و جاءت سكرة الموت بالحق 2. Fear of the unknown. Sayyidna A'li surpassed Pascal.
Hamza Yusuf says, "That is the goal of most religions: The Spiritual Death" (3:16) However, Eternal Spiritual Life, abundant eternal life--immortality--is the goal of Christianity.
Greg Fridholm We Muslims also believe in eternal life. Quran 2:82 وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ أُولَٰئِكَ أَصْحَابُ الْجَنَّةِ ۖ هُمْ فِيهَا خَالِدُونَ But they who believe and do righteous deeds - those are the companions of Paradise; they will abide therein eternally.
As a practicing Catholic so much of what Yusuf Hamza teaches is applicable to many outside the Islamic tradition. May God continue to bless him.
Yeah, as a non-Muslim I definitely identify with his scholarly approach. I like the religious context because it provides a fresh energy, but it really isn't necessary to understand some of the concepts here. Interesting.
Mary Therese McCool Islam teaches what is real
Or nothing but the truth. And thank you.
Kindly watch Ahmed Deedat lectures, even that is MARVELLOUS. He was also a good scholar and known as the lion of stage.
God bless you too and your loved ones🌹
No one else presents the truth with so much wisdom like hamza Yusuf. You are admired by millions. May Allah grant you jannatul firdaus.
Hamza yusuf is a deviant. This was before he turned to the dark side.
@@habashaman212 go away you devil
@@habashaman212 what do you mean dark side?
@@habashaman212 expand sources please
Insha Allah!
We need more Hamza Yusufs in this world
We need many many like him
go produce
Excuse me! I think you are in wrong platform sir!!!
May Allaha blesses him long life with health and iman
@@fajrsheikh4134 Inshallah.
I used to be an atheist and really hate all religions.and always mock and love to debate with religious ppl why god does not exists but after i felt sick REALLY HAD A BAD MIGRAINE FOR 1 MONTH i felt so pain in my head for 1 month it was really painful and i had been tramatized for 4months.In that 4 months i research about all religions and i was sure islam was true however i was so afraid of death in islam the question in the graves and the pangs of death..After watching this video i am now really feel more comfortable and slightly not afraid of death(STILL SCARED,BUT NOT LIKE LAST TIME)...well said hamza yusuf well said...SUBMISSION is the really open my mind and soul.
May Allah give you absolut guidance and protect you in this world and the next
Never loose your trust in Allah swt, then you will not be disappointed, I used to be scared of unseen but learning my rights and their right for each other I learn that as long as I play with the rules then I'm good I only belong to my creator there is no harm can come unless Allah swt permits always pray he will not leave you that is his promise.
Do not doubt islam its absolute truth n stay strong with belief till last breath.May Allah help every1 to know the truth of islam.
May Allah guide you Ameen ❤️
If you revert to Islam, you are starting new page as your past sins will be cleared. Also, grave questions applicable to every soul. May the Almighty guide you. Please read and understand AlQuran.
Every soul shall taste death !
@A Hasnath
In this earth, death vs living, but the next life is only living
Ameen 🙏🏼
But only a few taste life.
"Death -"
He is indeed a gift for our ummah in this time of age:) May Alloh gives him Barakah on his life and to all of us.
Happened to me this year.. I'm 24.. waiting game now. Makes life better I must say.. the remembrance of death really makes life better..
What happen? Hope your ok
Get a job
A very humbling lecture. Death is not to be feared, but rather understood.
Yes he is a gift for this ummah
mwana we ya ga le
SubhanAllah!...May Allah make us all live and die as Muslims...Ameen!
There is a smile always on the lips of this man, which a sign of enlightenment.With a lots of love 💕 from India 🙏
The reflection of the light on his glass making him as if his eyes got huge with wonder!
I love his lectures.
I find listening to hamza Yusuf very refreshing and enlightening. He gives a fantastic explanation of issues related to our lives today.he dies not come across as arrogant or unapproachable.i wish this kind of teaching existed everywhere. And anyone who has issues that he follows Sufism etc should actually sit and watch him and realise he has a gift allahumdillah. He is straight forward thinking and is able to associate history with today.
misk93 ur right he’s good but have u heard Garry miller talk ...
May Allah smoothens sakarati mawt to all of us. May Allah reward you, sheikh Hamza
Hamza Yusaf....One rare gem! For us Muslims in this day and age...god bless you sir!!!
60 years from today I will be dead. Alhamdulillah. We'll all go to a better place. May we meet in the most peaceful realms
How don't you know I'll be tomorrow? U might not get another 60 years
Inshallah 🖤
How did you know that 🤣
I’ve listened to this about four times in 24 hours. Mashallah
love this man
wow! He is much better than professor in psychology. Very clear and illustrative in explaining about life.
Topics about death will always be a relevant reminder. Jazakallahu khair sheik.
He's brilliant, mashAllah. May Allah preserve him. I really hope he's taught everyone everything he knows so we have more beautifully balanced students of Knowledge like him in the generations to come.
If you have ever thought about your own existence and coming passing profoundly, thank Allah. It is a blessing he gave you reasoning to understand the absurdity of this fleeting world.
He is a great Islamic scholar. I am very happy we have a man like Hamza Yusuf with his vast Islamic knowledge. May God blesses him in this world and in the hereafter.
Alhamdulillah for a brilliant servant of Allah like him. I listened to this first time in 2017, listened again 2021..never stop astonishing me
Allah bless the sheikh. He has been teaching me since I became Muslim. He doesn't know that though. I wish I could meet him
SubhaanAllah beautiful lecturer.😊🙏
What wisdom.... SubhanAllah 💓
After many series I have watched, this is the most mind blowing to me.
I became Muslim to be a better Christian
Islam is the way of life
baraka allah fek shaykh hamza he is the best teacher i have ever seen ,i wish all teachers be like shaykh hamza
Brother Hamza Yusuf I ❤️ u for the sake of Allah SWT ❤️
Definitely good explanation regarding concepts of Muslim. May God Allah s.w.t bless you more reward in this Donya & hereafter. Ameen
He is Blessed, he is a genius and this man has received understanding from Allah Subhana Wa Teala. May Allah Bless you and grant your Jannah Amin., Mr. Hamza Yusuf, we are lucky to have you.
This is a really good lecture. Everyone needs to see this.
tanks for this program
h youbbbbbbbb GMja assessnanzbbbbbbbih up 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🐶🐶🐶🐶
Death scares me. So much. I haven’t seen a single death of any of my loved one in my life. I don’t want to. And I also don’t want to die. May Allah make it easy for me!
Amazing lecture, thanks for the upload. Love from Latvia, Europe
Lauris Marchs It's great that he is listened to even in Latvia!
And my work mate here is from Latvia 🇱🇻
"Death -"
17:35 my favorite moment of this lecture. Lee Atwater's attitude changing post-tumor and his relevance with Machiavelli's "The Prince".
MashaAllah brother Very clear message
A true gem scholar MashaAllah ♥️
wow, I badly needed this lecture, Subhanallah, I Love to meet God, I pray that HE loves to meet me too, soon inshallah !
Shaikh Hamza, you're the most renowned Islamic authority of our time. May God bless you.
Allah u Akbar.. death the begining of life.. real life ... who loves to meet Allah .. Allah loves to meet them !! mske use of this ramadhan. inshaAllah
I keep hitting replay! Awesome mashallah!!
I have been contemplating about suicide from time to time, but I am too afraid because I believe in Allah and know the consequences if I do.
Yes, remember about consequences, we all experience hardships in our life, we all stressed and desperate from time to time, please work hard to find meaning in your life, avoid boredom, work on yourself and everything will be ok!
I am sorry you feel this way, Please ask ALlah with all your heart to give you patience and tolerance and never stop learning your deen. It is supposed to make our lives better, okay we will all be tested. But you can do it, don't give up. ANd see if you have some kind of Jinn possession that MAY BE why you are feeling hopeless as well as evil eye, This makes you feel so dreadful I have been afflicted with evil eye many times well as magic for many years. So one of the symptoms is waswasa, insomnia, tightness in chest, despair the list goes on. This religion is suppose to make us better , stronger mentally, spiritually and physically. more educated , more manners, more wisdom, and to give us salvation. You need to be positive and protect yourself from the haram around us this is very trying times but DON"t give up! My God bless you Ameen!
Jawed me too . But be strong. It cant be that bad . Think of the children and innocents in Iraq Syria Afghanistan etc , they have it worse than all of us . So who are we to complain ?
Please reach to someone you trust, friends/family. Reach out to the your local suicide hotline.
This life is a gift from Allah and it is way too valuable to “throw it away”.
If you can’t reach anyone, please PM me.
Assalam bro, you better go and see your doctor, he may counsel you, because you may be depressed or something like that, I pray Allah protect every Muslim from this!
I don't think there is a single Muslim person on Earth who is as wise knowledgeable intellectual and intelligent as Shaykh Hamza.. Masha Allah. We are so lucky to listen to him
I don't think you know who his teachers are to make a statement like that 🙂
wonderful, skillful teacher....... he makes me laugh .... explanation is wonderful..... keep it up dear teacher..
I found this in my recommendations after his talk with Dr Peterson
Just because he has become a "Sufi" doesn't mean we need to necessarily stop listening to his earlier lectures. He's not talking about innovations or Sufism, he's giving a very knowledgeable and detailed explanation of the phenomenon of death. If you would like to guide people away from Sufism or innovations in Islam maybe you should comment on a video of Hamza actually talking about Sufism :)
HowToSaveALife L Or maybe accept the difference of opinion scholars have.
Or people need to be more intellectual & actually research & understand his position before losing their mind about him being a Sufi. When their own definition of Sufi is wrong. Sufism is based on tassawuf. Tassawuf has 1000’s of definitions. There is tassawuf which is simply relating to the inner aspect of our experience e.g purifying the heart, doing dhikr, being grateful, being kind, contemplating, being merciful & so on. Just trying to connect to the inner spiritual experience of islam. This is a part of our deen & is mentioned in Quran & sunnah (just not in the exact words of tassawuf or Sufi).
And then there is the extreme Version, where Sufis want to really connect to the spiritual world & so they start singing, dancing & ecstatically moving around. Hamza Yusuf clearly distances himself from this version of Sufism. He has stated this repeatedly in his talks. He relates only to the first explanation above.
Ignorant People need to really to stop having so much hate & lack of mercy on their hearts & atleast listen to his position in an intellectual manner & then decide what they think.
To summarise people really need to understand that their are many definitions of Sufism. Some are mild & others take it to the extreme. There are always the extreme ones in every sect, even in mainstream Sunni Islam.
And then finally even if people think he is misguided, they should have mercy in their Hearts & ask Allah (SWT) to have mercy on him & guide him to the truth. There is too much hate in this world & not enough mercy & compassion.
Apologies this was not aimed at you, just the people you are referring to, who always judge him for being a Sufi & say negative things About him.
As salamualaykum.
@@altafadambabakarkhil8776 good response
Amazing it illuminates the heart
So charismatic, funny, charming and put us who,speak Arabic language fluently in to shame!!
I remember when I was maybe 5 or 6 and just thinking to myself that I'm going to die some day. I remember crying to my mother that night telling her I didn't want to die.
Anthony same!
@A Hasnath why so harsh?? Did you Miss the lecture or something, fear of death is rational, especially for a CHILD
As a child any one can fear but as we grow older we know what the reward of doing good....
then we strive n hope good from Allah .
Same I had a phobia since they but Alhamdulilah I have peace ❤️
We are not made in Gods image: surah iklahs says: "Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;He begets not, nor is He begotten, AND THERES NOTHING COMPARABLE UNTO HIM".
Body Of Iron Research what that actually means
Hussein Abbas according to who?
That is from Bible. But that verses "and God created Adam in his own image " meaning God is describing Adam a.s. in his full grown image and not born like a baby. Not the gods description. According to Islamic scholar.
اللهم اني اسالك حسن الخاتمه
this explaination all about imam al ghazali spritualy journey should follow his way to find your own journey and find your special lecturer in guide you in your spritual journey he will be your light to see in the dark that will make you not lost and keep in track to Allah .you also must clean your heart and patient because the journey its not easy. insyallah Allah guide you to his mighty because only Allah could help you to meet Allah. may Allah blessed mr.hamka always
I love him
3. Fear of nonbeing.
Different types of death. American death at 25.
Psychological deaths.
1. Cognitive impotence: brain malfunction, automation. Ezra pound on teacher excitement.
Hamza Yousef on boredom. How do they get into that state? I TOTALLY AGREE!! Always have.
2. Emotive death. Example on marriages.
3. Intuitive Paralysis.
Masha Allah
we learned from the Quran that every soul should test the death experience. and our beloved prophet Muhammad pbuh teach us to always remember deth moment and in the same time been serten about Allah's mercy. I pray to Almighty Allah for forgiveness and beautiful end of my life. A pray him also to be pleased with brother hamza yusuf and grant him Jannat Al-firdaws.
Incredible reminder
Loved it...
Fear of accountability is another good one
i so agree with u. hes just tht amazing
Agree it can be difficult for some people, based on experience you have to ask and seek Hidayah from Allah truly from your heart... the rest will follow suit..
I was only a child when I realized my mortality. Maybe 8 or 9.... I remember crying in bed for my parents and then crying for me... I have a hard time believing in religion. Although I was born into a muslim family. I am trying to learn more but the more I learn about religion and Islam the less i am convinced...
It's amazing how we uses our faith to rubbish others.
Need some more of such lectures. Where is this full class uploaded?
I didn't realize this post was still up. I didn't mean to say hes misguided. This shaykh is a sincere man, I've already discussed him with many others, and they said he didn't encourage the chanting of "Allah," in circles. My apologies.
Khalifa Yasin so you make your judgement base on no proper knowledge of an individual?
You have to submit to truth to be a Muslim. You love to submit to truth to be a believer. You are automatically in a state of submission to reach "ihsan"/the better state.
Say, Oh Man: Allah, guide us on this Dharma.
What year was this? How many people in this room are still alive?
So what i take out of this. When u r dead psychologically and then you come to know ALLAH who is the Al wadood and whos is the one ☝️ can only take absolute care of you and he is the only know whats in your heart and brain you come to know that become alive again when you find him you find yourself he is the one gave you life from that death (Nihilistic psychological death ). It is a new life you getting started then you submit and journey starts to meet him then the physical death is only a death of physical world but you keep goin on that journey to seem him. Thats what i found and that what i live for.
I laughed when he said "death is an amazing thing"
And why is it funny
Here are some sunnah of the prophet(SAW)
#...When ever the prophet is mentioned say (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
#...Dikir after every prayer/you can also add (wa bihamdi) and reciting *Alatul Kursi after every fard salah
*SubahanAllah 33 times
*AllahuAkbar 34 times
*Amhamdulillah 33time
#...While entering home syaing this supplication (Allahumma inni as'aluka khairal mawliji wa khairul makhraji bismillahi wajlana wa bismillahi kjarajna waaalla rabbina tawakkalna)
#... While going outside of home saying this supplication (Bismillah tawakkaltu aaalallah wala hawla wala quwwata illa billah)
#...When entering your home give salam even if there is no one give salam to your self
#...Entering the bathroom with left foot and exiting with right
*and covering the head and while relieving yourself sitting is wajib
*and when relieving yourself don't face the qibla or your back behind it
#...Entering the masjid with right foot and exiting with left and performing wudu at home
#...Every muslim you cross by give salam
#...Using meswak
#...Using fragrence
#...Reading Surah Khaf every Friday
#...Dusting the bed with an edge of an cloth or bromm
#...Eat with your right hand and share your food with the nearest person
#... if any food drops of the plate pick it up remove the dust and eat it
*after finish eating lick the plate with your fingers and lick your fingers
#...Before eating and drinking saying bismillah and after finishing eating and drinking saying Allhamdulillah
*if one forgots to say bismillah before eating or drinking say this (bismillahi fi awwalihi wa akhirihi)
#... After finish eating sya this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil ladhi at amani hadha wa razaqanihi min ghayri hawlin minnee wa la quwwatin)
#...Before staring any work or going to do something saying bismillah
#...After doing wudu saying (La illah illallah wadahu la sarikala)
#...While drinking or eating sitting is recommended and it is an sunnah
#...Sleeping on the right shoulder
#...Not sleeping on your stomach or chest
#...Before going to sleep
*sleep in the state of wudu
*Surah ikhlas 3 times
*Surah Nas 3 times
*Surah Falak 3 times
*Ayatul Kursi 3 times
*And saying (Lailahaillallah MuhammadaRrasulullah)
*And reciting Surah Mulk
#...When going to sleep saying this supplication
(Bismika rabbi wada tu janbi wa bika arfahu in amskata nafsi
fagfir laha wa in arsaltaha fahfazha bima tahfaz bihi ibadaka-s-salihin)or
(Allahuma bismika amutoo wa ahyaa)
#...After waking up saying this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil-lathee ahyana baaada ma amatana wa ilayhin nushoor)
#...After waking up doing wudu and put water inside the nose and blow it
#... when wering cloths syaing this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil lathee kasanee hatha aththawab warazaqaneehi min ghayri hawlin minnee wala quwwah)
*While wearing entire the right hand first and when taking of start with left hand same with the shoes
Sahih Al Bukhari:
Sahih Muslim:
Jami Al Tirmidi:
Abu Dawood: 5212
Ibn Majah:
An nasai:
Thank you for freeing me prince F
"Carried away by the agents" is a euphemism for death? Grawp!
So I am already dead.......I am do the something over and over and over for last 7 years....morning 6 a clock I wake up and go for work and come back around 00:00 a clock... I just work 19 hours and as soon as I come to home if my baby and my wife is awake I spend sometime with them... and I go back to sleep around 03:00 AM and just sleep for 3 hours and do the something again and again...this is what I do when I get a free time learning my religion
R u still working long hours?
@@markl7752 you know corvid is there for a reason now I have to for 4 hours
@@redfalconvfx7050 You're working 4 hours now because of covid?
@@markl7752 yes all government offices reduced there working hours up to 4 hours so most of the time I don't have to work more then 4 hours. but still if there is a big event I have to wait... I am a law enforcement officer who works in media department of our organization... so imagen i have only 4 colleagues who works with me in media department of our organization
The question about what is the most surprising thing in the world -and its answer, was not between Krishna and Arjuna, but between a yaksha (celestial being) and Yudhishthira (Arjuna's brother).
This is real life, not marvel and DC Comics
If People chant Allah's name in circles or in any other form, what is wrong with that ? Do you think that would be displeasing to Allah ?
Anything that goes against the teachings of Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) isn't acceptable .
@@FehmidaTahir so how does this go against his sws teachings?
@@MotorStorm66 because he never practiced anything like that nor asked to do so.
@@FehmidaTahir neither did he ask to put dots on the Arabic letters in the Qur'an
Jami at-Tirmidhi 3577
Bilal bin Yasar bin Zaid [the freed slave of the Prophet()] narrated:
"My father narrated to me, from my grandfather, that he heard the Prophet () say: 'Whoever says: "I seek forgiveness from Allah, the Magnificent, whom there is none worthy of worship but Him, the Living, Al-Qayyum, and I repent to him," (Astaghfirullāhal-`Azīm alladhī lā ilāha illa huwal-Hayyul-Qayyūmu wa atūbu ilaih) then Allah will forgive him, even if he fled from battle.'"
"The test came back've got terminal cancer" loll
Kindly please don't make fun and Allah Sweet doesn't like it. It's the fact what sheykh Hamza Yusuf speech.
how to accept your own mortality? he said it sets you free but how ?
16:50 -- "The Doctor" (1991) ☺
In realised when my father passed away
Heidegger on death philosophy
Stage of mortality realization
Spiritual death is real, the goal of spiritual religions, you die to the sensory world
5 reasons of fear of death;
1. Pain. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said that we all fear death.
و جاءت سكرة الموت بالحق
2. Fear of the unknown.
Sayyidna A'li surpassed Pascal.
20:01 look at shayk hamza Yusuf’s glasses it turns creepy two eye balls 👀 appears
11:36 Hakim as in Timothy Winter? This is a bizarre crossover!
No, Hakim Archuletta...
@@IslamOnDemand Thank you so much for the clarification! Salaam :)
@@theluminary7223 My pleasure! Wasalam :)
Hamza Yusuf says, "That is the goal of most religions: The Spiritual Death" (3:16)
However, Eternal Spiritual Life, abundant eternal life--immortality--is the goal of Christianity.
Greg Fridholm
We Muslims also believe in eternal life.
Quran 2:82
وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ أُولَٰئِكَ أَصْحَابُ الْجَنَّةِ ۖ هُمْ فِيهَا خَالِدُونَ
But they who believe and do righteous deeds - those are the companions of Paradise; they will abide therein eternally.
Greg Fridholm he's talking about spiritual death in this life before you actually die. It doesn't have anything to do with afterlife.
You don't see that we are on earth for a purpose....:)
What about magic mushrooms
Did he just quote George Carlin on death?
me too!
Non-being is easy to experience under anesthesia.
2024 ❤
I was 27 and reason was my daughter