When I used to pray a lot and call allah (swt) by his names during the day and saying alhamdulillah and thanking him and being content with what he had given me, I was so happy that you could take everything of possession from me and I would not be affected by it and I was so happy and these waves of happiness would come on my heart upon saying gods names during the day from literally morning until night, just waves upon waves of happiness and it would get more and more tense where it got to a point where I couldn’t handle the happiness anymore so I was literally smiling the whole day and laughing and I used to see some beautiful places in my dreams almost every night and I would wake up so happy, I have lived that life and the life of sin and let me tell you that you are to be a fool to take Islam lightly and you should get closer to god and recite his names from morning until night and there will come a point where your lips will be moving by itself....
Subhan'Allah, it is amazing what Brother Hamza Yusuf say about the tailbone tip. I have a friend who used to work as an undertaker before she became Muslim. She told me that when people are cremated there is always that tip of the tailbone which can't be destroyed. I then asked what was done with them after cremation. She replied that they were just discarded as rubbish, subhan'Allah.
Another interesting analogy that I see is just as our mothers kept us in their womb for 9 months before we came to life that is how when we die the Earth will keep us in it's "womb" before we get resurrected !
No one can change the words of God ULTIMATELY. Although the original scriptures of the Torah and Gospels were changed, God corrected those changes with the revelation of the Qur'an. And with the Qur'an, He transferred responsibility to preserve it from human beings to Himself, since they repeatedly failed in that responsibility over time. So ultimately, the word of God has been preserved and protected until the Day of Judgement.
Anyone who believes that is a fool. If God can protect the Qur'an from error, then why would He not have done so for the earlier scriptures? No people can claim to be less sinful or corrupt than any others. And Muhammad was much MORE sinful and corrupt than any prophet I know of.
JazakAllah brother, may Allah bless you and reward you for your efforts, you have explained things beautifully! This is the truth, but the disbelievers are averse to this to their own detriment.
@celal777 The Qur'an and Hadith literature are full of lessons and warnings about death and the hereafter. What is it exactly that you are looking for? What do you mean by "the reality of death"?
( Human beings, We created you all from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another. Verily the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most God-fearing of you. Surely Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware). Quran 49:13
Here are some sunnah of the prophet(SAW) #...When ever the prophet is mentioned saying (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) #...Dikir after every prayer/you can also add (wa bihamdi) and reciting *Alatul Kursi after every fard salah *SubahanAllah 33 times *AllahuAkbar 34 times *Amhamdulillah 33time #...While entering home syaing this supplication (Allahumma inni as'aluka khairal mawliji wa khairul makhraji bismillahi wajlana wa bismillahi kjarajna waaalla rabbina tawakkalna) #... While going outside of home saying this supplication (Bismillah tawakkaltu aaalallah wala hawla wala quwwata illa billah) #...When entering your home give salam even if there is no one give salam to your self #...Entering the bathroom with left foot and exiting with right *and covering the head and while relieving yourself sitting is wajib *and when relieving yourself don't face the qibla or your back behind it #...Entering the masjid with right foot and exiting with left and performing wudu at home #...Every muslim you cross by give salam #...Using meswak #...Using fragrence #...Reading Surah Khaf every Friday #...Dusting the bed with an edge of an cloth or bromm #...Eat with your right hand and share your food with the nearest person #... if any food drops of the plate pick it up remove the dust and eat it *after finish eating lick the plate with your fingers and lick your fingers #...Before eating and drinking saying bismillah and after finishing eating and drinking saying Allhamdulillah *if one forgots to say bismillah before eating or drinking say this (bismillahi fi awwalihi wa akhirihi) #... After finish eating sya this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil ladhi at amani hadha wa razaqanihi min ghayri hawlin minnee wa la quwwatin) #...Before staring any work or going to do something saying bismillah #...After doing wudu saying (La illah illallah wadahu la sarikala) #...While drinking or eating sitting is recommended and it is an sunnah #...Sleeping on the right shoulder #...Not sleeping on your stomach or chest #...Before going to sleep *sleep in the state of wudu *Surah ikhlas 3 times *Surah Nas 3 times *Surah Falak 3 times *Ayatul Kursi 3 times *And saying (Lailahaillallah MuhammadaRrasulullah) *And reciting Surah Mulk #...When going to sleep saying this supplication (Bismika rabbi wada tu janbi wa bika arfahu in amskata nafsi fagfir laha wa in arsaltaha fahfazha bima tahfaz bihi ibadaka-s-salihin)or (Allahuma bismika amutoo wa ahyaa) #...After waking up saying this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil-lathee ahyana baaada ma amatana wa ilayhin nushoor) #...After waking up doing wudu and put water inside the nose and blow it #... when wering cloths syaing this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil lathee kasanee hatha aththawab warazaqaneehi min ghayri hawlin minnee wala quwwah) *While wearing entire the right hand first and when taking of start with left hand same with the shoes Reference Sahih Al Bukhari: 6293.6294.6295.6296.6311.6314. 6322.7393.7394 Sahih Muslim: 265.267(c).304.2018(a).2020.2024. 2025.2032.2034.2626 Jami Al Tirmidi: 14.1857.1858.1885.2048.2678.2689. 3426.3458 Abu Dawood: 5212 Ibn Majah: 303.307.3287.3288 An nasai: 259
@celal777 Wherever you may be, death will overtake you, even though you be in towers raised high. (Qur'an 4:78) Every human being is bound to taste death; and [God] will test you [all] through the bad and the good [things of life] by way of trial. And unto [God] you all must return. (Qur'an 21:35)
the Torah,the Zabur and the Injeel, as it was revealed is exactly the Word of Allah,but mankind has changed it in accordance to following their own agenda or views(like the different versions of the Old and New Testaments). Except the Qur'an, which has never been changed and Allah speaks about the Qur'an and how it will always be safeguarded.
@celal777 Say: "Behold, the death from which you are fleeing is bound to overtake you, and then you will be brought back unto Him who knows all that is beyond the reach of a created being's perception as well as all that can be witnessed by a creature's senses or mind, whereupon He will make you truly understand all that you were doing [in life]. (Qur'an 62:8) There are many many more about Judgment Day and the hereafter. I can share some if you like. Hope that helps!
Shaykh Hamza himself explained his beard in a video here on youtube. He explained it by telling that he doesnt have any hair on his chin, wich is true if you look at some videos where he havent removed thr hair on his chin.
In Islam, we do not believe the sin of Adam & Eve transfered to the rest of humankind. We are ALL born pure and only we come to understand and then transgress the limits set by God do we commit sin. We will NOT be held responsible for sins of those who died before us. Where does Jesus ever say in the Gospels that he is God and that he would die taking up people's sin due to his sacrifice. Killing an innocent sinless 'god' for sins of humanity makes no sense.
jbohnoff But jesus was a sinless man. He has faith in the lord and kept the law given by god. He healed the sick, drove demons away, fed thousands of people, walked on water, and called a storm. You can say he is not God i dont care if you say that it isn’t the important part about Jesus. But i wont deny his works and the hardship he has been through to die on that cross. He rose three days after he died and 500 people saw him rise. With everything that Jesus’ disciples had witness, they were ready to died as well for him for their faith in God because they believed they are saved and it is done.
Read the gospels' narratives of the last super before he was arrested. "This is the cup of my blood, which shall be poured out for the forgiveness of sin." Since only God forgives sin, that statement is a claim to be God, and the resurrection proved it. Yes, he did die. It is a firmly attested historical fact. And so is the resurrection, with better sources than Islam.
He meant that when we go to sleep our souls go out of our bodies to the extent that they are only attached with a thread to the body (like an umbilical chord). The soul then has the ability to travel to the Alam-e-Arwaah (the world of spirits) from where our souls came. That is the spiritual realm where our true dreams come from, at least till we're alive. When we die, we enter another spiritual realm called Alam-e-Barzakh.
So we interact with this realm on a nightly basis. But I also believe that the prayer or zikr is also a way to keep this relation with our spiritual realm alive.
i leave u in Allah's hands bcoz i do not want to cause an argument and also bcoz i am not qualified in answering u. But Allah Willing u will get the guidance bcoz everyone gets true guidance in their life, but it's their choice to accept or reject, and Allah will reject the rejectors of faith on the day of judgement.
The bible says, IF THE SINNER REPENTS, HE SHALL NOT DIE, HE SHALL SURELY LIVE. you know what verse I'm talking about. It starts with , the soul that sins, it shall die. The son shall NOT bare the inequity of the father , NOR the father shall bare inequity of the son...ETC.
Islam On Demand I have been studying Islam very seriously. Can you please answer a question for me? As the Quran says, if all prophets teach the same message, and if they all taught that you can get into heaven through belief in Allah, repentance and good deeds, then to which prophet BEFORE Jesus and Muhammad did Allah say that you can get into paradise through belief, repentance and good deeds? I have read the entire Old Testament and YHWH never told any prophet that there was a heaven you could go to if you believed, repented and did good deeds. The Old Testament was about following The Law given to Moses by YHWH in order to have YHWH's favor on earth, which is to live in the Promised Land. So can you please show me where the words are of all the prophets like Abraham and Moses written that you can gain heaven through belief, repentance and good deeds? Please- I am not talking about Jesus and Muhammad, but about these teachings by Abraham and Moses, etc. Thanks for answering my question.
Oolala Mme Abraham was neither a Jew or Christian at the time of his prophethood. He fell to the floor face and head down and made a covenant with God as stated in the Bible . He was one nation of himself and help rebuild the Kaaba with his son Ishmael. He was of the religion of HANIF. Belief in ONENESS OF ALLAH
Doc Savage So what? Nothing you wrote says anything about God promising Abraham eternal life in heaven. And the Covenant GOD made with Abraham said nothing paradise and how to get there; it is about God giving the Israelites the land of Israel. And the Holy Bible says NOTHING about Ishmael and Abraham rebuilding the Kaaba. Why on earth did you answer my question with a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with what I asked?
Yes , exactly -- "Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men[e] because all sinned" (Romans 5:12)
Satan sinned against the Almighty before man did, nor did death come through sin, death was a state decreed by the Almighty, all except Him are subject to it, even the angels (who are all innocent), you are born innocent, Adam's sin was his own, you will answer for your own sins and be rewarded for your good deeds. Im sorry, but your biblical doctrine is quite flawed! Indoctrinated with pagan roman values.
Good Mr Celal777 ! That mean you are intelligent and using your mind to understand... But "The Word of God" here is the Coran, not the others ! Why ? Because the men of the books (Torah, Zebur and the Injeel) changed it for their reasons.. Celal777, do this " Surat Al Baqarah Full by Sheikh Ahmed Bin Ali Al-Ajamy " in youtube, there is a video of 1:52:23 of Sourat Al Baqarah, you just check the 0:20.58, ( you will understand)
And God was unable to protect his own words from the intentions of mere men? Either those scriptures were God's words or they were not. If He could not, He can't protect the Qur'an. If He would not, then he is not God, and he is deceiving you too.
@IslamOnDemand ... "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned " Romans 5:12
the problem is that Mohamed refers people to the Torah and Injeel of his day so it could not have been changed in his time.and there is no proof that it was changed afterwards .indeed would not be possible for it be changed after Mohamed either.
celal777 No sir, if you read the Quran it says both the Torah and gospel where changed even before the time of the prophet Mohammad and that’s one of the reasons god sent the prophet to this world. The Muslims believe the Torah and gospel (when it’s referred to the books) in their original form when they came down to both Jesus and Moses originally.
Yes it already changed, we are talking over 600 years after Jesus preaching. You believe that those 600 years the texts were preserved?? Even during Constantines time, do some historical research I'm an aspiring Historian and have totally come to terms with this. In fact the followers of Jesus pbuh were persecuted for not agreeing with the Jews that Jesus was a rebel and not a messiah. Hence they tried to crucify Jesus because in the old testament, anyone crucified would be shamed and cannot be the messiah. So the ignorant took it to the test. To crucify him for all to see that he was not the messiah. But he did not die. Which is what the Quran says. These messengers are all sent from God. Why is it we all believe in every messenger, but the Jews in there ignorance denied Jesus, and then the Christians denied Muhammad pbuh. It's history repeated. To deny a messenger who comes with proof from the lord God. We Muslims dont deny a single messenger, yet the Jews deny jesus, which we know he was and still is the messiah, now when the last prophet Muhammad pbuh comes and confirms what jesus said, and confirms the miracle birth of Jesus Christian's make the same mistake by denying him. If you do your research you will find endless amounts of Jews and Christians at that time that did follow Muhammad pbuh when he came. Many from the Jews did not because they were upset that he was Arab, and refused to accept him. Even when they sent delegations to Muhammad pbuh and questioned him on stories that only wise and knowledgeable Jews knew about from there history with God, and when Muhammad pbuh gave them the answers and stories of all which they asked. They still denied him. If you research Muhammad pbuh life, which you can because it was preserved, we have copies of the Quran from his time that letter for letter are same as today. Meanwhile if you grab a bible today and compare it to the Dead Sea scrolls and other uncovered scriptures buried with monks and priest, the changes are many. Does it not make sense that God sent 1 last book to Mankind which was clear and decreed to not change so all can learn the facts of all the previous messengers starting from the creation of Adam pbuh. It's all there in the Quran, that every messenger sent the same message and the corrupt disbelievers plotted and corrupted the religions for power. Hence why Jesus would flip tables over at the temples where rabbis were extorting peoples money and charging interest to make profits.
That is your opinion, because you did not read books of that as you did for Christianity ! Christianism and Islam are from one place and some of your book has been distortion. That is not my words but the Coran words and I respect your opinion and its also my and our mistake that you did read a lot of our religion
Ps: there something that peaple like you do, is just to read Coran withou taking his explication !!!!!! From the men of arabic language and the muslim's Scholars. That is your big mistake, :)
Astaghfirullah, he should not need to justify his lack of beard growth. Plus, he follows the Maliki madhab which has a difference of opinion on this. If you're a Salafi and wish to tell me that there are no divisions etc in Islam, don't bother.
So should he shave his entire beard because he can't grow a full beard (by the Qudrat of Allah btw) just because you, a random person on the internet, thinks he looks like some obscure history figure. We need to focus our concerns on bettering ourselves. It may be that the Sheikh is much more pious in the eyes of Allah than you ever will be.
May be you have beard like hypocrite(منافق) Qadiyani (he had full beard with turban on head also his recent head follower) who falsely claimed himself as last prophet
What an idiotic comment...all knowledge ignored because you cannot get past beard. And how do you know about the beard of namrud? Was he your friend so that you had the opportunity to examine his beard upfront? Joker.
The Quran cannot be altered only! All the other books of Allah have been turned into marvel comics! Jesus has been turned into an idol of worship! Like the pagans.
The Koran says the Torah, the Zebur and the Injeel are revealed by God. The Koran also says that nobody can change the Word of God. Therefore, the Torah, Zebur and the Injeel are unchanged.
No body can change the word of God ...he mean the quran... although those other books were changed by mankind. ..that's why God promise he will guide and preserve the quran .......he didn't said other books ...SINCE quran is the last and final book of the almighty.....it's simple to understand....
is the Torah the Word of God ? is the Zebur the Word of God ? Is the Injeel the Word of God ? it either is or isn't. once you have decided that then the Quran claims that NO ONE can change the Word of God : Sura 6:34;. what are you going to do with that ? stick your head in the sand ?
I'm a sunni Muslim and yes he is knowledgeable but he teach that Sunni and Shia Muslims should just accept other methodologies.. THIS IS NOT THE WAY OF THE PROPHET SALLAHU ALAYHI WASSALAM IN WHICH ALLAH INSTRUCTED HIM TO WORSHIP. People are fooled by the intellectual speeches but he does not teach orthodox Islam which Ibrahim stood upon.
Dreams are of 3 type: 1.Shown by ALLAH for a message 2.Shown by Saitan or Devil to make you sad or lead Astray 3.Dreams about day to day life because this think resides in your thought these dream has no meaning. If a dream made you leave ISLAM then that dream was from shaitan or Devil as no one see GOD before Judgement Day or you have heard Devil voice . How do you know lord has told you.
Mazen Karama Haha yeah right, so you follwed your dream and left Islam? what if someone in your dream came to you and said to you go drink toilet water or you will die, will you do it?
Vladmir Putin ACTUALLY pagans are people with non-mainstream religious beliefs, like ancient romans, so am I really a pagan because Christianity is pretty mainstream.
Vladmir Putin and don’t act like Islam is better. Remember the 3000 Muslims Muhammad sent into the holy lands and conquered Israel JUST because they believed in Jesus as the son of Yahweh and Yahweh himself and not “allah”?
I can`t believe this man was a christian. Hes knowledge about Islam is extra ordinary. Masha Allah!
Don't be surprised brother. All of the Sahabas were technically converts too :)
True! They were all converts indeed.
Julio Kosters True
He was born into a Catholic family
@@izmirmohamadsalleh Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. You mean reverts brother 🙂?
I haven't seen anyone more scholastic and knowledgeable than him yet. May Allah SWT protect him.
When I used to pray a lot and call allah (swt) by his names during the day and saying alhamdulillah and thanking him and being content with what he had given me, I was so happy that you could take everything of possession from me and I would not be affected by it and I was so happy and these waves of happiness would come on my heart upon saying gods names during the day from literally morning until night, just waves upon waves of happiness and it would get more and more tense where it got to a point where I couldn’t handle the happiness anymore so I was literally smiling the whole day and laughing and I used to see some beautiful places in my dreams almost every night and I would wake up so happy, I have lived that life and the life of sin and let me tell you that you are to be a fool to take Islam lightly and you should get closer to god and recite his names from morning until night and there will come a point where your lips will be moving by itself....
Subhanallah! You have spoken the truth
Subhan'Allah, it is amazing what Brother Hamza Yusuf say about the tailbone tip. I have a friend who used to work as an undertaker before she became Muslim. She told me that when people are cremated there is always that tip of the tailbone which can't be destroyed. I then asked what was done with them after cremation. She replied that they were just discarded as rubbish, subhan'Allah.
May Allah reward Sheikh Hamza Yusuf.
Sheikh Hamza greatest love respect for you since you are delivering and exuding greatest love for our prophet saw. What u say captures my soul
Damn it I have never thought of the cycle of sleep and wakefulness as a symbol of death and resurrection Very very interesting !!!
Mashallah he explained this so well
Arabs didn't believe in an afterlife :-0, I never knew that....ya Allah give us perfection and guide hamza yusuf ameen
I believe he was talking about pre islamic arab people.
Extradordinary by Yusuf Hamza !!!
Truly amazing and beautiful
Another interesting analogy that I see is just as our mothers kept us in their womb for 9 months before we came to life that is how when we die the Earth will keep us in it's "womb" before we get resurrected !
mansha allaah allaah give you ajar and hasanaat insha allaaah
No one can change the words of God ULTIMATELY. Although the original scriptures of the Torah and Gospels were changed, God corrected those changes with the revelation of the Qur'an. And with the Qur'an, He transferred responsibility to preserve it from human beings to Himself, since they repeatedly failed in that responsibility over time. So ultimately, the word of God has been preserved and protected until the Day of Judgement.
Anyone who believes that is a fool. If God can protect the Qur'an from error, then why would He not have done so for the earlier scriptures? No people can claim to be less sinful or corrupt than any others. And Muhammad was much MORE sinful and corrupt than any prophet I know of.
@@lukasmakarios4998 Because save the best for last. Allah promise that, to protect the Quran
This is so interesting. I wish I could ask him which books he's read on the life of the souls.
InshaAllah Hamza Yusuf sees this xD
banished4eva read “the soul” by imam ghazali
@@CobraClipsIt - you may as well read the books of Maimonides. This is not pure Islam.
He has a website and he has mentioned must read books there.
JazakAllah brother, may Allah bless you and reward you for your efforts, you have explained things beautifully! This is the truth, but the disbelievers are averse to this to their own detriment.
@celal777 The Qur'an and Hadith literature are full of lessons and warnings about death and the hereafter. What is it exactly that you are looking for? What do you mean by "the reality of death"?
Wow. Very enlightening.
Evil spirited people make hatred comments and mock others. Let that evil spirit OUT OF YOU my christian brothers .
الدكتور الشيخ حمزة يوسف❤❤❤❤
( Human beings, We created you all from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another. Verily the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most God-fearing of you. Surely Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware).
Quran 49:13
Subhana Allah. Now I understand the concept of being recreated from the tip of the coccyx bone. (if I got the spelling correct)
Here are some sunnah of the prophet(SAW)
#...When ever the prophet is mentioned saying (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
#...Dikir after every prayer/you can also add (wa bihamdi) and reciting *Alatul Kursi after every fard salah
*SubahanAllah 33 times
*AllahuAkbar 34 times
*Amhamdulillah 33time
#...While entering home syaing this supplication (Allahumma inni as'aluka khairal mawliji wa khairul makhraji bismillahi wajlana wa bismillahi kjarajna waaalla rabbina tawakkalna)
#... While going outside of home saying this supplication (Bismillah tawakkaltu aaalallah wala hawla wala quwwata illa billah)
#...When entering your home give salam even if there is no one give salam to your self
#...Entering the bathroom with left foot and exiting with right
*and covering the head and while relieving yourself sitting is wajib
*and when relieving yourself don't face the qibla or your back behind it
#...Entering the masjid with right foot and exiting with left and performing wudu at home
#...Every muslim you cross by give salam
#...Using meswak
#...Using fragrence
#...Reading Surah Khaf every Friday
#...Dusting the bed with an edge of an cloth or bromm
#...Eat with your right hand and share your food with the nearest person
#... if any food drops of the plate pick it up remove the dust and eat it
*after finish eating lick the plate with your fingers and lick your fingers
#...Before eating and drinking saying bismillah and after finishing eating and drinking saying Allhamdulillah
*if one forgots to say bismillah before eating or drinking say this (bismillahi fi awwalihi wa akhirihi)
#... After finish eating sya this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil ladhi at amani hadha wa razaqanihi min ghayri hawlin minnee wa la quwwatin)
#...Before staring any work or going to do something saying bismillah
#...After doing wudu saying (La illah illallah wadahu la sarikala)
#...While drinking or eating sitting is recommended and it is an sunnah
#...Sleeping on the right shoulder
#...Not sleeping on your stomach or chest
#...Before going to sleep
*sleep in the state of wudu
*Surah ikhlas 3 times
*Surah Nas 3 times
*Surah Falak 3 times
*Ayatul Kursi 3 times
*And saying (Lailahaillallah MuhammadaRrasulullah)
*And reciting Surah Mulk
#...When going to sleep saying this supplication
(Bismika rabbi wada tu janbi wa bika arfahu in amskata nafsi
fagfir laha wa in arsaltaha fahfazha bima tahfaz bihi ibadaka-s-salihin)or
(Allahuma bismika amutoo wa ahyaa)
#...After waking up saying this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil-lathee ahyana baaada ma amatana wa ilayhin nushoor)
#...After waking up doing wudu and put water inside the nose and blow it
#... when wering cloths syaing this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil lathee kasanee hatha aththawab warazaqaneehi min ghayri hawlin minnee wala quwwah)
*While wearing entire the right hand first and when taking of start with left hand same with the shoes
Sahih Al Bukhari:
Sahih Muslim:
Jami Al Tirmidi:
Abu Dawood: 5212
Ibn Majah:
An nasai:
Alhamdulillahi Masha Allah tabarak Allah
Alhamdulillah Rabil Allah min
Jazakallah khair :)
Hamza yusuf have you read fasoosul hikam of ibne arabi can you please give a commentary on this book to understand tasawwuf .
Masha Allah my brother
Say this to your self also you need it more than any bary !
@celal777 Wherever you may be, death will overtake you, even though you be in towers raised high. (Qur'an 4:78)
Every human being is bound to taste death; and [God] will test you [all] through the bad and the good [things of life] by way of trial. And unto [God] you all must return. (Qur'an 21:35)
I wonder if the dream interpretations would be different in people with congenital blindness
the Torah,the Zabur and the Injeel, as it was revealed is exactly the Word of Allah,but mankind has changed it in accordance to following their own agenda or views(like the different versions of the Old and New Testaments). Except the Qur'an, which has never been changed and Allah speaks about the Qur'an and how it will always be safeguarded.
Allah'Hu Akbar..!!
Why does sheikh look like Ibn Al haytham one who invented camera Obscura
@celal777 Say: "Behold, the death from which you are fleeing is bound to overtake you, and then you will be brought back unto Him who knows all that is beyond the reach of a created being's perception as well as all that can be witnessed by a creature's senses or mind, whereupon He will make you truly understand all that you were doing [in life]. (Qur'an 62:8)
There are many many more about Judgment Day and the hereafter. I can share some if you like. Hope that helps!
Shaykh Hamza himself explained his beard in a video here on youtube.
He explained it by telling that he doesnt have any hair on his chin, wich is true if you look at some videos where he havent removed thr hair on his chin.
Whats the name of the full lecture?
so, the cause of death is sin?
In Islam, we do not believe the sin of Adam & Eve transfered to the rest of humankind. We are ALL born pure and only we come to understand and then transgress the limits set by God do we commit sin. We will NOT be held responsible for sins of those who died before us.
Where does Jesus ever say in the Gospels that he is God and that he would die taking up people's sin due to his sacrifice. Killing an innocent sinless 'god' for sins of humanity makes no sense.
But jesus was a sinless man. He has faith in the lord and kept the law given by god. He healed the sick, drove demons away, fed thousands of people, walked on water, and called a storm. You can say he is not God i dont care if you say that it isn’t the important part about Jesus. But i wont deny his works and the hardship he has been through to die on that cross. He rose three days after he died and 500 people saw him rise. With everything that Jesus’ disciples had witness, they were ready to died as well for him for their faith in God because they believed they are saved and it is done.
Read the gospels' narratives of the last super before he was arrested. "This is the cup of my blood, which shall be poured out for the forgiveness of sin." Since only God forgives sin, that statement is a claim to be God, and the resurrection proved it. Yes, he did die. It is a firmly attested historical fact. And so is the resurrection, with better sources than Islam.
This was awesome
This was 1997 I believe... I wonder how many of the students are alive today, 22 years later... alhamdullilah
You were close... 1999. No prize for you! :)
@@IslamOnDemand 😊
I was two years old during ,
I don't understand when he says that we interact with the spiritual realm (?)
He meant that when we go to sleep our souls go out of our bodies to the extent that they are only attached with a thread to the body (like an umbilical chord). The soul then has the ability to travel to the Alam-e-Arwaah (the world of spirits) from where our souls came. That is the spiritual realm where our true dreams come from, at least till we're alive. When we die, we enter another spiritual realm called Alam-e-Barzakh.
So we interact with this realm on a nightly basis. But I also believe that the prayer or zikr is also a way to keep this relation with our spiritual realm alive.
i leave u in Allah's hands bcoz i do not want to cause an argument and also bcoz i am not qualified in answering u. But Allah Willing u will get the guidance bcoz everyone gets true guidance in their life, but it's their choice to accept or reject, and Allah will reject the rejectors of faith on the day of judgement.
Where can I get this whole lecture the link provided doesn't work?
Oh my, I have absolutely no affinity toward my family member.
2 options : 1) you will pay for your sins in Hell forever or 2) a sacrifice pays for your sins ... because God is Holy. no other way.
Why pay when God is so loving, nah I chosed Islam 20 years ago. Be happy. Respect others 🌸
The bible says, IF THE SINNER REPENTS, HE SHALL NOT DIE, HE SHALL SURELY LIVE. you know what verse I'm talking about. It starts with , the soul that sins, it shall die. The son shall NOT bare the inequity of the father , NOR the father shall bare inequity of the son...ETC.
Islam On Demand
I have been studying Islam very seriously. Can you please answer a question for me?
As the Quran says, if all prophets teach the same message, and if they all taught that you can get into heaven through belief in Allah, repentance and good deeds, then to which prophet BEFORE Jesus and Muhammad did Allah say that you can get into paradise through belief, repentance and good deeds?
I have read the entire Old Testament and YHWH never told any prophet that there was a heaven you could go to if you believed, repented and did good deeds. The Old Testament was about following The Law given to Moses by YHWH in order to have YHWH's favor on earth, which is to live in the Promised Land.
So can you please show me where the words are of all the prophets like Abraham and Moses written that you can gain heaven through belief, repentance and good deeds? Please- I am not talking about Jesus and Muhammad, but about these teachings by Abraham and Moses, etc.
Thanks for answering my question.
Oolala Mme Abraham was neither a Jew or Christian at the time of his prophethood. He fell to the floor face and head down and made a covenant with God as stated in the Bible . He was one nation of himself and help rebuild the Kaaba with his son Ishmael. He was of the religion of HANIF. Belief in ONENESS OF ALLAH
Doc Savage
So what?
Nothing you wrote says anything about God promising Abraham eternal life in heaven.
And the Covenant GOD made with Abraham said nothing paradise and how to get there; it is about God giving the Israelites the land of Israel.
And the Holy Bible says NOTHING about Ishmael and Abraham rebuilding the Kaaba.
Why on earth did you answer my question with a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with what I asked?
Oolala Mme Do you want an answer from the Quran or from the Bible?
Other religions scriptures were changed by humans (allah swt said it in quran) that's why the message was modified.
Yes , exactly -- "Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men[e] because all sinned" (Romans 5:12)
Satan sinned against the Almighty before man did, nor did death come through sin, death was a state decreed by the Almighty, all except Him are subject to it, even the angels (who are all innocent), you are born innocent, Adam's sin was his own, you will answer for your own sins and be rewarded for your good deeds. Im sorry, but your biblical doctrine is quite flawed! Indoctrinated with pagan roman values.
@@trailerwhizz best answer
Fake ex Muslim trolls in the comments are so fake.
Mari 9:55
I thought all of the information (complete DNA) is contained in every cell of the human body. (Except sperm/ovum)
The tip of the coxis?
Entirely speculative. This is not in the Qur'an.
It is 😊
so, why are those sinners all over the world still alive then?
dud-dee Amoudi, coz God is merciful he even keeps a live those who don’t believe in him alive
All are given sufficient time to repent.
he kinda looks like johnny dep at a certain angle
Good Mr Celal777 ! That mean you are intelligent and using your mind to understand... But "The Word of God" here is the Coran, not the others ! Why ? Because the men of the books (Torah, Zebur and the Injeel) changed it for their reasons.. Celal777, do this " Surat Al Baqarah Full by Sheikh Ahmed Bin Ali Al-Ajamy " in youtube, there is a video of 1:52:23 of Sourat Al Baqarah, you just check the 0:20.58, ( you will understand)
And God was unable to protect his own words from the intentions of mere men? Either those scriptures were God's words or they were not. If He could not, He can't protect the Qur'an. If He would not, then he is not God, and he is deceiving you too.
@IslamOnDemand ... "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned " Romans 5:12
the problem is that Mohamed refers people to the Torah and Injeel of his day so it could not have been changed in his time.and there is no proof that it was changed afterwards .indeed would not be possible for it be changed after Mohamed either.
celal777 No sir, if you read the Quran it says both the Torah and gospel where changed even before the time of the prophet Mohammad and that’s one of the reasons god sent the prophet to this world. The Muslims believe the Torah and gospel (when it’s referred to the books) in their original form when they came down to both Jesus and Moses originally.
Yes it already changed, we are talking over 600 years after Jesus preaching. You believe that those 600 years the texts were preserved?? Even during Constantines time, do some historical research I'm an aspiring Historian and have totally come to terms with this. In fact the followers of Jesus pbuh were persecuted for not agreeing with the Jews that Jesus was a rebel and not a messiah. Hence they tried to crucify Jesus because in the old testament, anyone crucified would be shamed and cannot be the messiah. So the ignorant took it to the test. To crucify him for all to see that he was not the messiah. But he did not die. Which is what the Quran says. These messengers are all sent from God. Why is it we all believe in every messenger, but the Jews in there ignorance denied Jesus, and then the Christians denied Muhammad pbuh. It's history repeated. To deny a messenger who comes with proof from the lord God. We Muslims dont deny a single messenger, yet the Jews deny jesus, which we know he was and still is the messiah, now when the last prophet Muhammad pbuh comes and confirms what jesus said, and confirms the miracle birth of Jesus Christian's make the same mistake by denying him. If you do your research you will find endless amounts of Jews and Christians at that time that did follow Muhammad pbuh when he came. Many from the Jews did not because they were upset that he was Arab, and refused to accept him. Even when they sent delegations to Muhammad pbuh and questioned him on stories that only wise and knowledgeable Jews knew about from there history with God, and when Muhammad pbuh gave them the answers and stories of all which they asked. They still denied him. If you research Muhammad pbuh life, which you can because it was preserved, we have copies of the Quran from his time that letter for letter are same as today. Meanwhile if you grab a bible today and compare it to the Dead Sea scrolls and other uncovered scriptures buried with monks and priest, the changes are many. Does it not make sense that God sent 1 last book to Mankind which was clear and decreed to not change so all can learn the facts of all the previous messengers starting from the creation of Adam pbuh. It's all there in the Quran, that every messenger sent the same message and the corrupt disbelievers plotted and corrupted the religions for power. Hence why Jesus would flip tables over at the temples where rabbis were extorting peoples money and charging interest to make profits.
That is your opinion, because you did not read books of that as you did for Christianity !
Christianism and Islam are from one place and some of your book has been distortion. That is not my words but the Coran words and I respect your opinion and its also my and our mistake that you did read a lot of our religion
Ps: there something that peaple like you do, is just to read Coran withou taking his explication !!!!!! From the men of arabic language and the muslim's Scholars. That is your big mistake, :)
Astaghfirullah, he should not need to justify his lack of beard growth. Plus, he follows the Maliki madhab which has a difference of opinion on this. If you're a Salafi and wish to tell me that there are no divisions etc in Islam, don't bother.
May Allaah protect you from your tongue. He doesnt have more beard than what he is growing. Allaah doesnt give everyone nice silky beard u know .
Good thing one beard is not an indication of their Iman. Many has nice "silky beard" but are nothing but complete ass holes.
Why is he shouting?
So that his words may penetrate the dead hearts of pagans like you.
Hes teaching so he needs to have a style when teching its capled rhetoric
Rajeev Deshpande To activate your pons.
This person beard is alike Namrud, a brutal king during Abraham
Muslim people are loosing their glory for many of these reasons
So should he shave his entire beard because he can't grow a full beard (by the Qudrat of Allah btw) just because you, a random person on the internet, thinks he looks like some obscure history figure.
We need to focus our concerns on bettering ourselves. It may be that the Sheikh is much more pious in the eyes of Allah than you ever will be.
May be you have beard like hypocrite(منافق) Qadiyani (he had full beard with turban on head also his recent head follower) who falsely claimed himself as last prophet
What an idiotic comment...all knowledge ignored because you cannot get past beard. And how do you know about the beard of namrud? Was he your friend so that you had the opportunity to examine his beard upfront? Joker.
all those sinners all over the world ... are going to eventually die : "death spread t all men because all sinned" (Romans 5:12)
celal777 troll when you're desperate
Then y many new born baby die ?
What sin they've committed ?
About dream we Go to others lifes is not true the Islam Don't said this you Need Moré information your talk is like you Are not sure for What you talk
The Quran claims that NO ONE can change the Word of God : Sura 6:34; 10:34
The Quran cannot be altered only! All the other books of Allah have been turned into marvel comics! Jesus has been turned into an idol of worship! Like the pagans.
These geezer needs to go to broadmoor 😂😂😂
When did Matthew Perry embrace Islam!?
Mohanad el nokali haha
Hehhe. Chandler?
The Koran says the Torah, the Zebur and the Injeel are revealed by God. The Koran also says that nobody can change the Word of God. Therefore, the Torah, Zebur and the Injeel are unchanged.
No body can change the word of God ...he mean the quran... although those other books were changed by mankind. ..that's why God promise he will guide and preserve the quran .......he didn't said other books ...SINCE quran is the last and final book of the almighty.....it's simple to understand....
Celal777 There are literally verses in Qur'an that say previous books are corrupted
is the Torah the Word of God ? is the Zebur the Word of God ? Is the Injeel the Word of God ? it either is or isn't. once you have decided that then the Quran claims that NO ONE can change the Word of God : Sura 6:34;. what are you going to do with that ? stick your head in the sand ?
What are you babbling about?
I'm a sunni Muslim and yes he is knowledgeable but he teach that Sunni and Shia Muslims should just accept other methodologies.. THIS IS NOT THE WAY OF THE PROPHET SALLAHU ALAYHI WASSALAM IN WHICH ALLAH INSTRUCTED HIM TO WORSHIP. People are fooled by the intellectual speeches but he does not teach orthodox Islam which Ibrahim stood upon.
i gave you the explanation just now. use your brain. think.
you're not qualified ? Satan deceives those who will not think and consider the arguments carefully. use your brain ... think.
interesting things said about resurection but your religion has no explanation for the reality of death whereas Christianity does.
Devils come in dreams of people in hell the lord told me.I was a Muslim and became a Christian.
Mazen Karama clear signs my friend.. :/
How do u know your dream was from God?
Dreams are of 3 type:
1.Shown by ALLAH for a message
2.Shown by Saitan or Devil to make you sad or lead Astray
3.Dreams about day to day life because this think resides in your thought these dream has no meaning.
If a dream made you leave ISLAM then that dream was from shaitan or Devil as no one see GOD before Judgement Day or you have heard Devil voice . How do you know lord has told you.
No you never were a Muslim.
You just need to pretend in order to troll.
Mazen Karama Haha yeah right, so you follwed your dream and left Islam? what if someone in your dream came to you and said to you go drink toilet water or you will die, will you do it?
Praise to Jesus Christ✝️
Go away pagan
Vladmir Putin I don’t think you know what a pagan is
@@loganthelegend0577 1 group of pagans is those who follow Paul's Christianity which says that Jesus is God, so you are defo a pagan
Vladmir Putin ACTUALLY pagans are people with non-mainstream religious beliefs, like ancient romans, so am I really a pagan because Christianity is pretty mainstream.
Vladmir Putin and don’t act like Islam is better. Remember the 3000 Muslims Muhammad sent into the holy lands and conquered Israel JUST because they believed in Jesus as the son of Yahweh and Yahweh himself and not “allah”?