I was a hindu ,I felt soo empty inside my heart .I accepted Christ and took baptism and I have bliss and joy which is possible only with Jesus . I used to read Eckhart Tolle power of now . No other power or material thing can come close to JESUS !
I’ve become addicted to watching these testimonials from all these wonderful people as they share their sincere conversions to Yeshua and recognizing him as the Messiah. Something shared in this video made me think of one of my favorite scriptures. The speaker talks about "feeling lifted up into a king’s position" and with this sense of power, was using it to take from others and to satisfy his own selfish desires. He came to recognize that he was abusing his power and then compared it with how Yeshua used his kingly power and authority to serve, love and die for all of us. The man in this video then exclaims, "Wow! What a difference!" Those comments reminded me of this favorite verse, "... Christ hath ascended into heaven, and hath sat down on the right hand of God, to claim of the Father his rights of mercy which he hath upon the children of men..." This got me thinking [similarly to the man in this video] of the way people often behave in this world when they "ascend" to seats of power - as kings, rulers and dictators (and celebrities, perhaps) - and the types of "rights" they claim - to rule with an iron fist of power over their subjects and the devious and destructive and often evil ways they scheme to keep their power and hurt others. Such a sharp contrast to the God I worship! When He ascends to His throne, it is to "claim of the Father his right [to have mercy on me]". After all his pain and suffering to ascend to his throne as the King of Kings, that’s the one power and right above all else that he lays claim to - the right to have mercy on me. That struck me pretty deeply.
That is deep, Yeshua could claim sooo many more rights but he has us in mind. Sometimes it is so hard for me to imagine the love God has for us all,, for me. Why me? Thanks for sharing and God bless
I am going to show this video to my granddaughter. She is on the way to a career in music, acting, etc. She gets so much praise and applause! I have been thinking how to help her channel her power as a performer. She believes in Jesus. She is only ten years old.
As you, I also started noticing churches while I rode the bus. I longed for something and I knew deep inside of me that what I was missing and longing was there, in the church. I cried spontaneously every time I'd see a church. God was calling me. That's how my journey to Jesus the Messiah started
Man suddenly stops his motorcycle, lifts up helmet and for no apparent good reason asks a random stranger - the one human being at that instant who is silently quering the greatest, most fundamental question (the most essential among all properly basic beliefs): "Jesus was a carpenter, right?" Just perfect. Glory to God.
Honestly, this testimony, out of the many from the "One for Israel" ministry, touched me quite a bit. His honesty, directness, and truthfulness, including his embarrassing details - these things touched me; these elements that are included in testimonies are what relate to people.
From the beginning I have always been a very skeptical person by nature. I went from Agnostic/Atheist to New Age, believing Jesus was just a knock off of the Sun god like other gods through out history. However, after hitting rock bottom I started doing A LOT of research into Islam, Judaism, and Christianity on a scholarly level. Watching apologetic videos, debates, and so forth. Well, I come to find out EVERYTHING I believed about Jesus was false and I had been severely deceived. I found out all those New Age beliefs I had have been COMPLETELY false. On a historical, archaeological, and manuscript level Christianity, the Bible, and Christ just blew the rest out of the water. I just followed the evidence and it lead me to Messiah
I'm a catholic from Poland and it's been so much joy to watch these so different individuals telling their own experience of Jesus. I have so much respect for all our Jewish brothers and their courage to share their faith in Jesus. My Our Lord Jesus Christ bless you all and smile upon you and keep you.
My family is Catholic. I'm so glad to hear you speak so well about the Jews. The saddest thing I find about listening to these testimonies is how many of these poor Jewish people deliberately kept away from the New Testament, because they thought it was a book only for Catholics about how to torment Jews and that they thought Jesus was anti Semitic. Unfortunately, that springs from being told as children t by other Catholic school children that they were Christ killers and they were going to hell. I remember hearing children say that when I was young as well. It's one habit I hope Catholic schools break: stressing to the kids how the Jews killed Christ, because it makes it that much harder for the Jews to seek him out. It's one thing that breaks my heart every time I hear a Jewish person say that they were chased as children and beaten up by Catholics because they killed Christ. Hopefully, you don't have this in Poland like we do here in America.
Thomas Munro You are so disillusioned Thomas and I pray for you. Catholicism is the origin of Christianity founded and initiated by our Lord Jesus Christ. We are also honored to have the real live and actual presence of our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. All the other “denominations” were founded by mere men who did not agree one way or the other with the most Holy and God-inspired Word of God is the Catholic Bible. Please re-think your beliefs and return home to the one, true, holy, Catholic Church. May our Lord bless you to see the light.
Every knee shall bow and know that He is King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords. HalleluYah. I love You precious Jesus and I'm not ashamed to shout it out loud!! Thank you ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry for bringing the light to a darkening world.
Amazing testimony! Welcome to the family! Our Lord is an awesome God and it is so fun to serve in His kingdom. Come Lord Jesus come! Shalom and God bless you!
While building a house, my hubby had a carpenter come to his door. The man told my hubby he was doing a great job. Turned out that guy said he was a carpenter and was doing Street ministry!! Well, we lived up the mountain, far from the city and apparently the guy didn’t have a car! I believe Jesus came to visit my husband because he was under a lot of stress at the time.
That's was wonderful even after listening for a 2nd time! I've listened to every one of these one for Isreal Jewish testimonials, some numerous times. I cant seem to get enough! Wish there were millions more. Thanks for sharing your amazing testimony it was truly a blessing to me.
The world is a lie, told to keep us away from the light into total darkness. Into a matrix type reality where each of us is inherently given knowledge of a higher power from the creator, but the Matrix world is in place to keep you away from the light and Goodness of God/Jesus Christ. Once you realise that Jesus is the truth, the veil is lifted and you shall see the truth, and the truth will MAKE you free. And wow! What a blessed & HOLY LORD he is.
Like Francine I am a 'testimonial addict'! Praise be to Jesus who rose to The Kings position through humility and obedience; by His Spirit may we follow Him.
Me too,I get addicted to watch this wonderful stories of Jewish people,and some muslims. Its make me smile,lough, cry,and repeat:amen amen halliluya... This guy with the question outside lol.. I had that this morning,I just remember. Black young guy was seating on bus stop,and eating sandwich, so I was morning walking,and listen praise songs,passing by and smile to everybody on my way. So he saw me and ,stand up and say: Do you know, Jesus do miracles ,and he can heal,ohhhhh. We begin talk he tell his testimony we exchange numbers and I forget,thinking he probably want to bring me to his church. But now I think its jesus ,try to tell me something. Ohhh Lord!!!!! Thank you guys Who make that channel.. Because it's so important for God,to bring his favorite lost in old rituals Jewish people HOME... I am so happy,to hear that amazing stories. How just little question,and craving for answer,for trues,get immediate respond from Jesus.
This is a truly remarkable testimony! Gd's love for us is boundless and infinite, and it is through our faith in Yeshua that we can find hope and salvation. May we all continue to walk in the light of Gd's love and share it with those around us. 💜
I just love the jewish people. They are so wonderful and genuine. My heart just loves and loves these videos. I watch them when I can. I think to myself "Thank You, Heavenly Father, for my Jewish bretheren!" I love them so much. My heart can't even comprehend how much i love Jesus...I love him so so much.
wow, what a great man you are, I really have the SAME experience! I know God is REAL and He HEARS what am I talking about!!!! Really!!!! Examples: When I was jealous of somebody, I opened Bible on Psalm 37, when I didn't want to withdraw money to my friend - I got taught by Proverbs to pay right away money you owe to somebody. When I needed a confession, a priest on a street asked if I need one!!! When I was lonely and confused, in the evening after a prayer I got a phone call. I realised my mom saw my old friend, and she gave her my phone number.
I was baptized recently cause I want to find my way to a life wear I praise God and strive to be a blessing to others and I love these testimony from 1 for Israel
I have truly loved every single one of the 37 testimonies I’ve listened to. However, I absolutely feel like this guy is acting! Boy, I pray I’m wrong; for his sake! Maranatha!
Trust Jesus Christ is Adonay, it will be led by the Holy Spirit worship the Father in spirit and truth ( John 4: 23-26; 17:17). Read Christ Scriptures fully and repeat again. Thank you for your testimony, God Bless you.
In several of these jewish testimonies, it really does sound like either angels or Jesus himself have came to visit. We have an awesome God! "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unaware." Hebrews 13:2 God bless you
It's true. I had an angel stop on a motorcycle once. My husband was at work until very late. I was trying to mow my front lawn, and the mower stalled in the front yard. I couldn't get it restarted, and the way my neighbors were, I knew they would complain if I left the lawn halfmowed. I was ready to cry. I prayed, Lord, please help me with this! Within 30 seconds a man I had never seen drove around the corner, stopped his motorcycle across from my house and started walking towards me. I got nervous. He was very tough looking and I couldn't imagine what he wanted. He didn't even exchange pleasantries or greet me!! Just reached down, started the lawnmower, walked back to the motorcycle and left! I was absolutely astonished!how could he even know it wouldn't start? He never even asked me or said anything. And he came from around a blind corner. He couldn't have even seen me struggling with it. ONE of the quickest answers to prayer I've ever received, and I believe he had to be an angel. I can't think of anything else that makes sense.
It is not us, it is Jesus preparing the hearts of the lost, now as never before "The harvest is white, but the labourers are few, ask the Lord of the harvest to send the labourers".Thank you, Lord, for the greatest harvest called "Jews are preaching the Gospel to the Jews" in Israel, where it all started 2000 years ago. Because of the work of The Holy Spirit.I am one of them, a sinner of sinners on the way to hell, rescued by the Savior from eternal fire.
And by the way ,I did go through, what he did,I try to search for spiritual trues with all he mentioned, but with big scary expiriens. Only to avoid church(religion),and now I understand.
"Jesus - King of kings and Lord of lords. - Coming back in clouds of glory! - Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, of those in Heaven, on the earth and those under the earth. - The Almighty which is and was and is to come. God manifested in flesh. - All the fullness of God dwells bodily in Him. - He was in the world, the world was made by Him and the world did not know Him. - A just God and a Savior. - The Almighty." (Bible quotes.) Praise God for rescuing this precious man, but he needs to receive salvation, not just try to be better. But to realize that it only takes one sin to be separated from God (as with Adam and Eve,) therefore none of us has any hope unless we admit we cannot do it. We first recognize in ourselves we cannot please God, for we have a fallen nature, then we receive "the Divine Nature of God," by being filled with His Holy Spirit as they all were throughout the Book of Acts. This makes a new creature in Christ (II Corin. 5:17), not just a "better version of the old." We must first though, upon repentance, be baptized (submerged) under water in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38) The water is symbolic of the BLOOD of Jesus (which is pure and without sin) This is how His Blood "washes away all sin." When we are immersed in water and in the Holy Spirit, this is how we are born of the Water and of the Spirit (which Jesus prophesied of, to Nicodemus the Jewish ruler, in John 3:5.) Repent and yield your all to Jesus, be baptized for remission of sins in His Name and be filled with the Holy Ghost (upon which we shall receive the same sign following that they all did in Acts 2:38, 10:46, 19:6, I Corinth. 14:2-4.) "Christ IN you, the hope of Glory!" When we ask Him for and receive His Holy Spirit, we have Jesus (Yahweh, the Almighty) living on the inside! Which is what He has always wanted - ever since He made the first man and woman.
unfortunately so many Christians are relying on themselves, trying to not sin which is impossible and they sadly believe that they don't know if they are going to heaven or hell.... Jesus was sinless, therefore his purpose was to die on the cross to save mankind. Jesus says "he didn't come to abolish the law but to fulfill it", and when he was on the cross he said "It is finished"... the Bible says "whoever believes in me has eternal life" so I don't see how some people rely on works, trying not to sin etc... the Bible also says God hides our sins, he doesn't look at the believers.... that's why the Bible says "many are called but a few are chosen" because they simply aren't believing God's word and what he's done, he'll declare he never knew them.... it's all the corrupt churches, teaching falsely and they blindly believe and follow it....
UK Geordie; i have a wonderful teacher that he ask someone if they believed in GOD, and they said WELL YES; then he ask BUT DO YOU BELIEVE HIM??If HIS WORD is forever WHY DO THE CHURCH'S PICK & CHOOSE WHAT THEY WANT TO OBEY?? YEHOVAH said in Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 2 and in chapter 12:32. ( YOU SHALL NOT ADD TO MY WORDS OR TAKE ANY WORD AWAY FROM IT..
Revelation 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. 21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. Luke 23:37 And saying, If thou be the king of the Jews, save thyself. 38 And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, This Is The King Of The Jews. 39 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. 40 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss. 42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. 43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise. King James Version (KJV)
I have a lot to learn also I 've only been in the Bible for a little over 17 mos. Religion I had that when I was young God is for Everyone to many this Religion says this this one says that God is the Truth and that is where I am. Not putting anyone's Religion down,but this is me God Bless Love Peace to You and Your Families
Jesus touches us and reveals Himself to us in various ways. It is upto us to accept it, because His love is freely given to us at a cost He paid by dying on the cross for us so that we could walk in His resurrected power
I was a hindu ,I felt soo empty inside my heart .I accepted Christ and took baptism and I have bliss and joy which is possible only with Jesus . I used to read Eckhart Tolle power of now . No other power or material thing can come close to JESUS !
... of course , you have read New Testament... 🙏🏻🌹
I’ve become addicted to watching these testimonials from all these wonderful people as they share their sincere conversions to Yeshua and recognizing him as the Messiah. Something shared in this video made me think of one of my favorite scriptures. The speaker talks about "feeling lifted up into a king’s position" and with this sense of power, was using it to take from others and to satisfy his own selfish desires. He came to recognize that he was abusing his power and then compared it with how Yeshua used his kingly power and authority to serve, love and die for all of us. The man in this video then exclaims, "Wow! What a difference!"
Those comments reminded me of this favorite verse, "... Christ hath ascended into heaven, and hath sat down on the right hand of God, to claim of the Father his rights of mercy which he hath upon the children of men..."
This got me thinking [similarly to the man in this video] of the way people often behave in this world when they "ascend" to seats of power - as kings, rulers and dictators (and celebrities, perhaps) - and the types of "rights" they claim - to rule with an iron fist of power over their subjects and the devious and destructive and often evil ways they scheme to keep their power and hurt others. Such a sharp contrast to the God I worship! When He ascends to His throne, it is to "claim of the Father his right [to have mercy on me]". After all his pain and suffering to ascend to his throne as the King of Kings, that’s the one power and right above all else that he lays claim to - the right to have mercy on me. That struck me pretty deeply.
I, too, am addicted. And yes, this testimony was a tear jerker for sure. "He reads our thoughts...."
That is deep, Yeshua could claim sooo many more rights but he has us in mind. Sometimes it is so hard for me to imagine the love God has for us all,, for me. Why me? Thanks for sharing and God bless
Amen Francine!
I am going to show this video to my granddaughter. She is on the way to a career in music, acting, etc. She gets so much praise and applause! I have been thinking how to help her channel her power as a performer. She believes in Jesus. She is only ten years old.
Beautifully expressed - I feel the same ❤
Yeshua is what the world needs! Like the chorus goes, "just give me Jesus!"
As you, I also started noticing churches while I rode the bus. I longed for something and I knew deep inside of me that what I was missing and longing was there, in the church. I cried spontaneously every time I'd see a church. God was calling me. That's how my journey to Jesus the Messiah started
Man suddenly stops his motorcycle, lifts up helmet and for no apparent good reason asks a random stranger - the one human being at that instant who is silently quering the greatest, most fundamental question (the most essential among all properly basic beliefs): "Jesus was a carpenter, right?"
Just perfect. Glory to God.
Robert J. Simpson i was expecting something different but out of nowhere this happened....that got me teary eyed Praise God
Only God would order such an event to take place, His eye is on the sparrow and He watches over me....
Crazy love
Robert J. Simpson perfect
Glory To God!! ❤️💪🏾🙏🏽 Hallelujah!!
Honestly, this testimony, out of the many from the "One for Israel" ministry, touched me quite a bit. His honesty, directness, and truthfulness, including his embarrassing details - these things touched me; these elements that are included in testimonies are what relate to people.
I totally agree!
this is one of the most beautiful testimonies I've ever heard.
Agree !! 💯
From the beginning I have always been a very skeptical person by nature. I went from Agnostic/Atheist to New Age, believing Jesus was just a knock off of the Sun god like other gods through out history. However, after hitting rock bottom I started doing A LOT of research into Islam, Judaism, and Christianity on a scholarly level. Watching apologetic videos, debates, and so forth. Well, I come to find out EVERYTHING I believed about Jesus was false and I had been severely deceived. I found out all those New Age beliefs I had have been COMPLETELY false. On a historical, archaeological, and manuscript level Christianity, the Bible, and Christ just blew the rest out of the water. I just followed the evidence and it lead me to Messiah
Praise God.
I'm a catholic from Poland and it's been so much joy to watch these so different individuals telling their own experience of Jesus. I have so much respect for all our Jewish brothers and their courage to share their faith in Jesus. My Our Lord Jesus Christ bless you all and smile upon you and keep you.
My family is Catholic. I'm so glad to hear you speak so well about the Jews. The saddest thing I find about listening to these testimonies is how many of these poor Jewish people deliberately kept away from the New Testament, because they thought it was a book only for Catholics about how to torment Jews and that they thought Jesus was anti Semitic. Unfortunately, that springs from being told as children t by other Catholic school children that they were Christ killers and they were going to hell. I remember hearing children say that when I was young as well. It's one habit I hope Catholic schools break: stressing to the kids how the Jews killed Christ, because it makes it that much harder for the Jews to seek him out. It's one thing that breaks my heart every time I hear a Jewish person say that they were chased as children and beaten up by Catholics because they killed Christ. Hopefully, you don't have this in Poland like we do here in America.
Thomas Munro You are so disillusioned Thomas and I pray for you. Catholicism is the origin of Christianity founded and initiated by our Lord Jesus Christ. We are also honored to have the real live and actual presence of our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. All the other “denominations” were founded by mere men who did not agree one way or the other with the most Holy and God-inspired Word of God is the Catholic Bible. Please re-think your beliefs and return home to the one, true, holy, Catholic Church. May our Lord bless you to see the light.
Every knee shall bow and know that He is King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords. HalleluYah. I love You precious Jesus and I'm not ashamed to shout it out loud!! Thank you ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry for bringing the light to a darkening world.
Thanks for understand I'm talking true
Amazing testimony! Welcome to the family! Our Lord is an awesome God and it is so fun to serve in His kingdom. Come Lord Jesus come! Shalom and God bless you!
I loved your honesty and transparency 💛 thank you for sharing your story.
While building a house, my hubby had a carpenter come to his door. The man told my hubby he was doing a great job. Turned out that guy said he was a carpenter and was doing Street ministry!! Well, we lived up the mountain, far from the city and apparently the guy didn’t have a car! I believe Jesus came to visit my husband because he was under a lot of stress at the time.
Jesus is revealing Himself to His own in a mighty way. Amazing...
Awesome !...God is love..no one can hide from his love..
histhelo sogijc
Vishal Ambekar and Jesus too
That's was wonderful even after listening for a 2nd time! I've listened to every one of these one for Isreal Jewish testimonials, some numerous times. I cant seem to get enough! Wish there were millions more.
Thanks for sharing your amazing testimony it was truly a blessing to me.
What an honest testimony of sincere transformation ❤
Like Nathaniel. Can't wait to meet everyone in Heaven 🕊
These are great testimonies! Praise God for us finding these gems amongst the stones out there on youtube. Thank you!
"Humble yourself in the sight of The Lord, and He will lift you up"❤
I'm in tears. God Bless you my brother and welcome to the family!
Thank u Jesus. I pray more ppl come to u.
I love your conversion story! Thank you for sharing your love for Jesus. It’s infectious and endearing!
The world is a lie, told to keep us away from the light into total darkness. Into a matrix type reality where each of us is inherently given knowledge of a higher power from the creator, but the Matrix world is in place to keep you away from the light and Goodness of God/Jesus Christ. Once you realise that Jesus is the truth, the veil is lifted and you shall see the truth, and the truth will MAKE you free. And wow! What a blessed & HOLY LORD he is.
Amen brother! :)
newygreek amen
Like Francine I am a 'testimonial addict'! Praise be to Jesus who rose to The Kings position through humility and obedience; by His Spirit may we follow Him.
Wow incredible praise god!
Me too,I get addicted to watch this wonderful stories of Jewish people,and some muslims.
Its make me smile,lough, cry,and repeat:amen amen halliluya...
This guy with the question outside lol..
I had that this morning,I just remember.
Black young guy was seating on bus stop,and eating sandwich, so I was morning walking,and listen praise songs,passing by and smile to everybody on my way.
So he saw me and ,stand up and say: Do you know, Jesus do miracles ,and he can heal,ohhhhh.
We begin talk he tell his testimony we exchange numbers and I forget,thinking he probably want to bring me to his church.
But now I think its jesus ,try to tell me something.
Ohhh Lord!!!!!
Thank you guys Who make that channel..
Because it's so important for God,to bring his favorite lost in old rituals Jewish people HOME...
I am so happy,to hear that amazing stories.
How just little question,and craving for answer,for trues,get immediate respond from Jesus.
Jesus was a carpenter, right?
The Son of a carpenter..
@@Sheba_316... and a carpenter himself as Joseph taught him his trade....
Jesus makes the difference! Thanks for your beautiful testimony.
This is a truly remarkable testimony! Gd's love for us is boundless and infinite, and it is through our faith in Yeshua that we can find hope and salvation. May we all continue to walk in the light of Gd's love and share it with those around us. 💜
Please pray for my Jewish brother in law Walter Brody. He needs Jesus. He’s too is an actor
Your message was right on time for me🙏
Love this!! Love this man of God!!! Shalom and the richest blessings of a Jeshua upon you sir, Bob
Wow 😳 what a beautiful and powerful testimony. By the way I love the guy who ask you Jesus was carpenter right? 😳😍
That was truly amazing, clear, insightful and blessing. God bless you 😊🌅🌿
Man...talk about intense self awareness and sensitivity. That is incredible.
Praise God for those foresights and moments of clarity! Praise Yeshua Messiah for His Sacrifice! These testimonies are Pure Joy!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful testimony! I’m so happy for you, and the lives of the people who will be touched by God’s love through you. ❤
Your story touched my heart. THANK THE LORD FOR ALLOWING YOU TO SHARE ! 💜💜💜🙏💙💙💙💙💙
You a very luck man . You experienced his love I wish one day I will see that even though I believe in him very much.
Be happy as you are for you are not seeing but still believe
Tro you liars I hate what's u come evey time
Gary thanks
I just love the jewish people. They are so wonderful and genuine. My heart just loves and loves these videos. I watch them when I can. I think to myself "Thank You, Heavenly Father, for my Jewish bretheren!" I love them so much. My heart can't even comprehend how much i love Jesus...I love him so so much.
thank you for sharing
OMG... Absolutely gripping!! This is so deep I cannot stop crying..
wow, what a great man you are, I really have the SAME experience! I know God is REAL and He HEARS what am I talking about!!!! Really!!!!
Examples: When I was jealous of somebody, I opened Bible on Psalm 37, when I didn't want to withdraw money to my friend - I got taught by Proverbs to pay right away money you owe to somebody.
When I needed a confession, a priest on a street asked if I need one!!!
When I was lonely and confused, in the evening after a prayer I got a phone call. I realised my mom saw my old friend, and she gave her my phone number.
Another amazing testimony! Very concise and powerful
I was baptized recently cause I want to find my way to a life wear I praise God and strive to be a blessing to others and I love these testimony from 1 for Israel
I think the man with motorbike was an angel.
Beautiful testimony. God bless all my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus! ❤️🙏🏼
😍.. hallelujah🙌🙌🙌💒..
really awesome testimony like me but I actually little different , God bless you my brother 🌹🌹
Jesus the king who serves people,powerful thought brother...
Another beautiful testimony. Thankyou.
What a testimony, give and give more, in giving we receive.
And love another as you love yourself.
Thank you Jesus for this commandments.
Powerful and real testimony.
Such a moving testimony!! I pray that your journey with YESHUA will positively impact your life for years to come, and, eventually forever.
Thank you for sharing! God is good!
I have truly loved every single one of the 37 testimonies I’ve listened to. However, I absolutely feel like this guy is acting! Boy, I pray I’m wrong; for his sake! Maranatha!
Powerful lesson and analogy of who Jesus the True King came to be - The revelation of WHO GOD IS - WHO MESSIAH IS - AWESOME!!
Amen. To God be the glory for great things he has done.
Trust Jesus Christ is Adonay, it will be led by the Holy Spirit worship the Father in spirit and truth ( John 4: 23-26; 17:17). Read Christ Scriptures fully and repeat again. Thank you for your testimony, God Bless you.
A peace that surpasses all understanding.
When you froze, I laughed with joy :-) Hallelujah brother Hallelujah
In several of these jewish testimonies, it really does sound like either angels or Jesus himself have came to visit. We have an awesome God! "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unaware." Hebrews 13:2 God bless you
jen w that was also my thought - who was this guy on a motorbike?
It's true. I had an angel stop on a motorcycle once. My husband was at work until very late. I was trying to mow my front lawn, and the mower stalled in the front yard. I couldn't get it restarted, and the way my neighbors were, I knew they would complain if I left the lawn halfmowed. I was ready to cry. I prayed, Lord, please help me with this! Within 30 seconds a man I had never seen drove around the corner, stopped his motorcycle across from my house and started walking towards me. I got nervous. He was very tough looking and I couldn't imagine what he wanted. He didn't even exchange pleasantries or greet me!! Just reached down, started the lawnmower, walked back to the motorcycle and left! I was absolutely astonished!how could he even know it wouldn't start? He never even asked me or said anything. And he came from around a blind corner. He couldn't have even seen me struggling with it. ONE of the quickest answers to prayer I've ever received, and I believe he had to be an angel. I can't think of anything else that makes sense.
Perfectly said brother. Jesus is Awesome!
It is not us, it is Jesus preparing the hearts of the lost, now as never before "The harvest is white, but the labourers are few, ask the Lord of the harvest to send the labourers".Thank you, Lord, for the greatest harvest called "Jews are preaching the Gospel to the Jews" in Israel, where it all started 2000 years ago. Because of the work of The Holy Spirit.I am one of them, a sinner of sinners on the way to hell, rescued by the Savior from eternal fire.
Thank you!
He met the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, The Holy one of God, the Great I am
God bless that brother in Jesus Christ name in the Son
Wow, very nice occurrance, great the Jesus-Carpenter remark.
Beautiful testimony 😍
Love it.
You are not selfish-you are a good person
Loving God Loving people like us.. What a wonderful Savior..The Name of Yeshua..
Wow Yeshua would be happy with this testimony
Tremendous testimony. Powerful.
And by the way ,I did go through, what he did,I try to search for spiritual trues with all he mentioned, but with big scary expiriens.
Only to avoid church(religion),and now I understand.
thank you !!
Jesus Christ was the perfect sacrifice to pay our sins. I love him because he loved ❤️ me first. I give him ALL glory 🙌🏽
Human sacrifice? Really? Jewish? I don’t think so
Who is able to have a relationship with GOD, EXCEPT it be through JESUS
God bless you
Awesome Thankyou for sharing that
Wow thank you for sharing your experience ❤
"Jesus - King of kings and Lord of lords. - Coming back in clouds of glory! - Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, of those in Heaven, on the earth and those under the earth. - The Almighty which is and was and is to come. God manifested in flesh. - All the fullness of God dwells bodily in Him. - He was in the world, the world was made by Him and the world did not know Him. - A just God and a Savior. - The Almighty." (Bible quotes.)
Praise God for rescuing this precious man, but he needs to receive salvation, not just try to be better. But to realize that it only takes one sin to be separated from God (as with Adam and Eve,) therefore none of us has any hope unless we admit we cannot do it. We first recognize in ourselves we cannot please God, for we have a fallen nature, then we receive "the Divine Nature of God," by being filled with His Holy Spirit as they all were throughout the Book of Acts. This makes a new creature in Christ (II Corin. 5:17), not just a "better version of the old."
We must first though, upon repentance, be baptized (submerged) under water in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38) The water is symbolic of the BLOOD of Jesus (which is pure and without sin) This is how His Blood "washes away all sin."
When we are immersed in water and in the Holy Spirit, this is how we are born of the Water and of the Spirit (which Jesus prophesied of, to Nicodemus the Jewish ruler, in John 3:5.)
Repent and yield your all to Jesus, be baptized for remission of sins in His Name and be filled with the Holy Ghost (upon which we shall receive the same sign following that they all did in Acts 2:38, 10:46, 19:6, I Corinth. 14:2-4.)
"Christ IN you, the hope of Glory!" When we ask Him for and receive His Holy Spirit, we have Jesus (Yahweh, the Almighty) living on the inside!
Which is what He has always wanted - ever since He made the first man and woman.
unfortunately so many Christians are relying on themselves, trying to not sin which is impossible and they sadly believe that they don't know if they are going to heaven or hell.... Jesus was sinless, therefore his purpose was to die on the cross to save mankind. Jesus says "he didn't come to abolish the law but to fulfill it", and when he was on the cross he said "It is finished"... the Bible says "whoever believes in me has eternal life" so I don't see how some people rely on works, trying not to sin etc... the Bible also says God hides our sins, he doesn't look at the believers.... that's why the Bible says "many are called but a few are chosen" because they simply aren't believing God's word and what he's done, he'll declare he never knew them.... it's all the corrupt churches, teaching falsely and they blindly believe and follow it....
Danielle McAlpine then why does HE say at the time of the great judgement, "Depart from me you who work iniquity (sin), for I never knew you." ?
UK Geordie; i have a wonderful teacher that he ask someone if they believed in GOD, and they said WELL YES; then he ask BUT DO YOU BELIEVE HIM??If HIS WORD is forever WHY DO THE CHURCH'S PICK & CHOOSE WHAT THEY WANT TO OBEY?? YEHOVAH said in Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 2 and in chapter 12:32. ( YOU SHALL NOT ADD TO MY WORDS OR TAKE ANY WORD AWAY FROM IT..
We all must do our part and spread the good news of Jesus Christ of Nazareth..... Hurry
The bright lights of the Big City have sucked multitudes into it, just like it did Lot, who lost it all. Truth sets men free. Yeshua HaMashiach.
Regarding coincidences, see how king Saul was convinced through coincidences in the book of Samuel
Matthew 20:28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”
Praise be to the God of Israel ❤️🇵🇭
Revelation 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. 21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. Luke 23:37 And saying, If thou be the king of the Jews, save thyself. 38 And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, This Is The King Of The Jews. 39 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. 40 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss. 42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. 43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.
King James Version (KJV)
So wonderful to hear Jewish people testimonies 🙏
"... have/had a lot to learn." Oi, don't we all?
Amazing grace. = )
Hallelu-ya, bro.
Yeshua is Wonderful!
I have a lot to learn also I 've only been in the Bible for a little over 17 mos. Religion I had that when I was young God is for Everyone to many this Religion says this this one says that God is the Truth and that is where I am. Not putting anyone's Religion down,but this is me God Bless Love Peace to You and Your Families
Jesus was not just a carpenter he is a master builder .
What is this actors name? Is he still doing this work?
Jesus touches us and reveals Himself to us in various ways. It is upto us to accept it, because His love is freely given to us at a cost He paid by dying on the cross for us so that we could walk in His resurrected power
Thanks !