Good job budgeting. Great income. Live with your mom as long as possible. It’s rough out there and families sticking together will get more common. I’ve been tracking each month in a spreadsheet for many years. I have another tab with each month’s total income and expenses, and another tab with asset and liabilities balances by month. Once your assets start to gain momentum it is less about budget and more about general frugality and targeting a retirement number. But the monthly totals make for fun charts to see trends. Nice work.
Good job budgeting. Great income. Live with your mom as long as possible. It’s rough out there and families sticking together will get more common. I’ve been tracking each month in a spreadsheet for many years. I have another tab with each month’s total income and expenses, and another tab with asset and liabilities balances by month. Once your assets start to gain momentum it is less about budget and more about general frugality and targeting a retirement number. But the monthly totals make for fun charts to see trends. Nice work.
Great video