Good financial plan and discipline. If you use an HSA for your health funds, you will end up with more money because no taxes come out. I used to laugh at tax ideas but it really adds up. Also for savings I am liking vanguard - known for reputable and cost effective investing - which has a cash account making over 4% and a taxable brokerage with a settlement account making over 5%. Sounds like you like SOFI but vanguard is better long term I think. Best to you. Thanks for the video.
Good financial plan and discipline. If you use an HSA for your health funds, you will end up with more money because no taxes come out. I used to laugh at tax ideas but it really adds up. Also for savings I am liking vanguard - known for reputable and cost effective investing - which has a cash account making over 4% and a taxable brokerage with a settlement account making over 5%. Sounds like you like SOFI but vanguard is better long term I think. Best to you. Thanks for the video.