Can You Repent Again

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • Can a Real Christian who returns to their Vomit repent again and be restored or is he doomed to perdition without hope


  • @pamelameela
    @pamelameela 8 років тому +34

    We need a million more preachers like Mike to help the poor folk all over the world. God taught me Himself that our salvation is conditional.

    • @ByDesign333
      @ByDesign333 6 років тому +6

      Same....but maybe WE need to get out there!

    • @ByDesign333
      @ByDesign333 6 років тому

      Same....but maybe WE need to get out there!
      Someone help me pls...lost my YT Channel...don't know how to start a new one...tried but got stumped.

    • @alankonnor35
      @alankonnor35 3 роки тому

      Dont know if anyone gives a shit but if you are stoned like me atm you can stream all of the new movies and series on instaflixxer. Have been watching with my gf recently :)

    • @ibrahimbo880
      @ibrahimbo880 3 роки тому

      @Alan Konnor definitely, I've been using instaflixxer for years myself :)

    • @genehisle5097
      @genehisle5097 3 роки тому +2

      @@ByDesign333 Mike is a great preacher,rightly dividing the word of truth for sure. I'm in repentance now,laying aside all filthyness and overflow of wickedness,repenting and having trouble with stopping taking suboxin,withdrawals aren't easy to go thru,but i gotta figure it out,need delivered from it,need that spirit of addiction cast out of me. I just want to do what is right,because he who does what is right is rightous. Thank God for Mike Desario. I dig deep myself now into the word of God.

  • @thiscommentwasposted262
    @thiscommentwasposted262 5 років тому +9

    This man was TRULY a MAN OF GOD.. He has gone with the Lord Jesus.

  • @servantofgod8483
    @servantofgod8483 5 років тому +5

    It took me seven years to come out of the system and to have the clearing of my sins.

  • @whyitrust9296
    @whyitrust9296 8 років тому +8

    I really enjoyed the talk. I can't wait to send it to some friends that I just am not able to verbalize that the Holy Spirit convicts you in the stage of temptation to allow you to reject satan's temptation and thus you are able to choose not to sin. If you do willfully sin, you are walking on thin ice! It isn't that you are convicted after you sin. God helps you WAY before the actual sin occurs. Thank goodness for you explanations on this topic!

    • @chooselife1953
      @chooselife1953 2 роки тому +1

      If you willfully sin you're not walking on thin ice, you've lost your salvation.

    • @brooklyn8649
      @brooklyn8649 2 роки тому

      @@chooselife1953 how do I repent of my sins. I think I’ve trampled on with the blood of Christ
      How can I get out of my sins and I have a heart and heart.

    • @brooklyn8649
      @brooklyn8649 2 роки тому

      @@chooselife1953 I return to my own vomit and I have willful negative thoughts All the time and I am being tempted it. How do I come to genuine repentance.

    • @chooselife1953
      @chooselife1953 2 роки тому +2

      @@brooklyn8649 You have to stop sinning. The rebellion against God ceases. Willful deliberate sin is a sin unto death that will send you to hell (Hebrews 10:26, 1 John 5:16). But the Bible is clear that you're justified by faith. But what is faith? Faith IS obedience. The plain definition of faith in the Greek is faithfulness, and fidelity, which fidelity means loyalty. If you have faith (or believe, belief) in God, you're faithful, loyal, obedient. It's the same faith you would have towards your spouse. If you say you have faith towards your spouse (which means faithfulness and loyalty i.e obedience) then you wouldn't commit adultery against them. But if you did you would be deemed unfaithful, disloyal, in other words your faith would be dead. Sinning against God is equivalent to adultery in a marriage, it's absolute betrayal (James 4:4). So if you're walking after your own pleasures and lusts, passions and desires, you're not saved. Because those who are in Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires (Galatians 5:24). So you're question was "how do I repent". Repent means turn from your sin Brooklyn, so you turn from your sin. Whether you've trampled the blood is a moot point. What matters is bringing you to repentance. Yes you will be tempted, even us few true believers of God are tempted. But we take the way of escape and resist the temptation. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says it is impossible for ANY temptation to be too strong to resist. That means you can resist ANY temptation. So you come to God, you cry out to him for forgiveness, cry, mourn, weep, let your laughter be turned to mourning, your joy to gloom, humble yourself in the sight of God and he will lift you up (James 4:9-10). If that sword is hanging over your head, that conviction, that condemnation, HOLD FAST TO IT, use that as your motivation to STOP SINNING. The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life (proverbs 14:27). You live by faith Brooklyn, you do what is right by faith, guided by your moral conscience, you cease from sin and live for God. That is salvation, redemption, eternal life. When you come to God he will write his law upon your heart (conscience), and you go through your life, guided by that moral conscience and live soberly, righteously and godly. You will make mistakes, because you're not perfect in knowledge or free from ignorance (that is a sin not unto death, unintentional). That's why you grow in grace and knowledge (2 Peter 3:18). You cease from evil (willful, deliberate wrong acts i.e sin) and learn to do good. That's what genuine repentance is, a ceasing of sin. If you want to talk about this over the phone, or email I'll be available tomorrow sometime, and if I'm not I'll make time. Because hell is no joke, Gods wrath is no joke. So if I can help anyone to repentance, pull anyone out of the fire I will do so diligently.
      Email me at
      Message my Instagram
      If you contact me either way I will send you my phone number privately. I really want to discuss these things Brooklyn, so message me when you can. I have to sleep now, I have work in the morning. But please message me so I can show you plain and clear the message of the gospel, what true salvation is.
      - Chase

    • @brooklyn8649
      @brooklyn8649 2 роки тому

      @@chooselife1953 or email

  • @truthbyjesus
    @truthbyjesus 2 роки тому +2

    “… generation of vipers, who hath WARNED you to flee from the WRATH to come? Bring forth therefore FRUITS meet for REPENTANCE…every tree which bringeth NOT forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the FIRE” (Matthew 3:7-10)
    REPENT with FRUITS, WORKS, DEEDS of obeying Jesus’s Commandments OR face God’s WRATH & Hellfire

  • @ashqelon7267
    @ashqelon7267 5 років тому +6

    These Videos by Mike, are some of Very few of the information teachings, I can Find That I am able to listen to.
    Just about everything else KILLS my Spirit man and heart.
    And YES salvation is conditional.

  • @jscott186
    @jscott186 5 років тому +4

    2 john 1:9
    Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not (remains not) in the doctrine of christ,hath not God; he that abideth (remains) in the doctrine of Christ , he hath both the father and the son

  • @scottgiannotti5480
    @scottgiannotti5480 Рік тому +2

    Thank you brother, thank you so much for this channel

  • @lowlyman4christ998
    @lowlyman4christ998 5 років тому +4

    This former man. Wow. SO GOOD. thank you, Jesus....

  • @teachingtetelestai
    @teachingtetelestai 5 років тому +7

    Ofcourse you can repent again.
    Jesus said we could to the churches in Revelation.
    Any teaching that denys that is false teaching.

    • @holzmann-
      @holzmann- 5 років тому

      But sadly most backsliders choose not to repent

  • @boxingforfitness1221
    @boxingforfitness1221 5 років тому +3

    Sir, I want to thank you for doing God's work. I can tell you are sincere and you love The Lord Jesus . I love you as a brother. Please, if i may ask, pray for my unsaved family to accep Jesus.

  • @mrlinklady
    @mrlinklady 8 років тому +2

    Amen brother, praise our Lord Jesus Christ worthy of all praise, praise Him for His precious grace

  • @jeffbanker9105
    @jeffbanker9105 6 років тому +5

    Christ Jesus is King of Kings.

  • @holytrailsministry6573
    @holytrailsministry6573 5 років тому +2

    I am greatful for our Lord and Savior for the ability for Mercy 🙏🙏🙏

  • @fredmorgan5387
    @fredmorgan5387 7 місяців тому

    This was an excellent teaching brother Mike RIP

  • @christines498
    @christines498 8 років тому +3

    GOD BLESS YOU and Thank you.

  • @tecomaman
    @tecomaman 6 років тому +3

    where are these people that have repented and continue in repentance ??

  • @tessw9744
    @tessw9744 7 років тому +2

    In light of this video, what do you think about the Prodigal Son? He squandered his inheritance, by going out into the world. When he came back, his father accepted him with open arms. His father did say though, "My son who was dead is alive again. He was lost and is found."
    My question is coming from a place of logic. First, his son *received* his inheritance , so he was alive. He squandered it by wasting it. He realized that things would be better if he were a simple servant at his father's home (which shows his repentance and knowledge of unworthiness). He goes back to his father, and his father welcomes him with open arms, seeing him from afar off rejoiced in his homecoming and even celebrated elaborately,
    Now his father said he was dead but is alive AGAIN. So to me, this means the son had to be alive BEFORE to be dead and alive *again* !
    So my conclusion is that when the Son received his inheritance , left his fathers house and squandered it, he was considered dead. When he came back, he was considered alive again, but I don't see any evidence that his father made him beg or put him through hardship because he repented unto life AGAIN.
    God's heart has always been to heal the back slidings of His people when they humble themselves in truth(which you agree with). If the humility is there, why do you say, or imply, that it will always be hard to come back? Although, given God's goodness , I wouldn't find Him requiring us to "work for it more" an injustice. He would have every right to require that, Hes God! I'm just curious as to what you think, because maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're saying.
    Thanks, brother. ☺
    ps. I love your videos and think you're doing God's work by combating the false grace doctrine!

    • @tessw9744
      @tessw9744 7 років тому

      Steven Devine
      Thank you for letting me know. Don't be sad, he's in the greatest place he could ever be. 😊
      I look forward to seeing him one day.

  • @isaacrodriguez5316
    @isaacrodriguez5316 5 років тому +3

    Thank u man of God... For the truth...

  • @tecomaman
    @tecomaman 6 років тому +2

    it is difficult to live right when there is no people with holiness and good understanding ,so the church does not exist

  • @beanscornbread1381
    @beanscornbread1381 7 років тому +5

    great sermons. subscribe!

  • @marktwain130
    @marktwain130 8 років тому +1

    for all have fallen short only through jesus christ

    • @holdingfirmly
      @holdingfirmly  8 років тому +6

      +Mark Twain There is before and after, before Redemption a person is wretched, sinful, in darkness, chief of sinners, filthy rags, but After Redemption scripture describes the Saints as redeemed from every lawless deed, Pure, Holy, Righteous, walking the Light, keeping His Commandments, having Victory over sin, flesh and devil!
      Your miserable filthy rags, wretched man, fallen short profession is manifest evidence that you have NOT been Redeemed by the Blood or set free from the bondage of sin.

    • @marktwain130
      @marktwain130 8 років тому

      But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
      God has numbered our years no more then 120 years. corruption creeps into our hearts and minds. We don't know our own hearts. Job would gather his family together to pray for the sin of his families heads.

    • @holdingfirmly
      @holdingfirmly  8 років тому +4

      +Mark Twain The heart is made Pure in Christ, Acts15:9, 1Pet1:22,
      we were filthy rags BEFORE Redemption, not after, Isa64:6 is NOT speaking to Christians, but fallen, sinful people in their sins.
      Here's what Scripture says about the Redeemed:
      They promise men liberty while they themselves remain slaves to
      corruption. For whatever a man is overcome by to that he is enslaved either sin unto death or righteousness unto eternal life. For God cannot be mocked for whatever a man reaps he shall sow, for if he sows unto his flesh he shall reap corruption, but unto the Spirit eternal life. But those who are in Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. For he whom Christ has set free is free indeed, for Christ said, " abide in me and then you will know the
      truth and the truth will set you free" yet men profess to know God, but by there deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good thing. They remain slaves to corruption promising men freedom. But blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God, for you have purified your hearts through obedience to the truth for a fervent love of the brethren . To the pure all things are pure, but to the defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure but both there mind and conscience are defiled. But we draw near to God and He
      draws near to us, we have cleansed our hands and purified our hearts, we draw near to Him in having full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. We partake of a baptism of repentance that came from godly sorrow for the Spirit convicts of sin.. this led us to clearing of wrong doing. We are baptized into His death and no longer serve sin but live as slaves to righteousness. We have set aside
      all filthiness and overflow of wickedness and received with joy the implanted word which is able to save our souls. We as children of the Light walk in the light and we do not practice sin because we are His children and we walk after the Spirit having offered ourselves as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Him. We worship in Spirit and truth, in freedom from sin and it's corrupting influence. The wicked slander us for pursuing righteousness, saying we are seeking to save ourselves, yet salvation comes from the Lord, for it is God who
      justifies and approves of a man. We only obey that which was set before us and seek His approval as children. And when we are tested and endure we shall be approved and receive the crown of life that is promised to those who love Him. As we love Him we keep His commands. All glory and honor to God and Christ our
      King. Worthy is the Lamb!!

    • @holdingfirmly
      @holdingfirmly  8 років тому +1

      +Vincent Contino Yes, I sent you an email over a week ago.

    • @zombies2323
      @zombies2323 8 років тому

      Vincent Contino You are a filthy liar!! You said you unsubbed from Kerrigan Skelly yet I see BOTH his main account and RefutingCalvinism on your page.

  • @jordanc1910
    @jordanc1910 Рік тому

    So…… hold on…. Because if we can obey our way into salvation….. why did Jesus go to the cross? To do what? To bare what?

    • @oldman9150
      @oldman9150 8 місяців тому +1

      Jesus went to the cross as a sin offering. Simply put, He offered Himself as a ransom to pay for a person's past sins. The person is reconciled back to God when that person, with a contrite and honest heart, repents and then forsakes future sinful behavior. Yes, you are then expected to obey your way into the Kingdom.
      Matthew 19:16-19 clearly shows Christ expects you to obey your way into the Kingdom;
      "Now behold, one came and said to Him, 'Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?'
      So He said to him, 'Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life,
      keep the commandments.' He said to Him, ' Which ones?' Jesus said, ' You shall not murder, You shall not commit
      adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, Honor your father and mother and you should love your
      neighbor as yourself."
      Do as Mike always said, "Get out your Bible, blow the dust off and dig deep." Continue to listen to Mike's tapes with a open heart.

    • @BareKnuckleTruth
      @BareKnuckleTruth 12 днів тому

      Good word , Amen

  • @sidmorris3797
    @sidmorris3797 8 років тому +1

    Thank you Mike.

  • @INow-en2em
    @INow-en2em 5 років тому +2

    Thank you for your work. I am trying to understand what you teach and I need some help. It's this Adamic nature issue Rom 7:15-20 that I am trying to work out. I myself started my walk with God quite a few years ago, took everything seriously when I started to get more...came out of organised Christianity and the doctrines of devils as I felt it wasn't right what they teach how they live etc but I believed I was saved and it's been a process for me but you say it can't be a process. I have gone through hell in the last years and wonder was it because God worked in me because I have changed or was it a season of a godly sorrow? How do you get saved then? I don't willfully sin but I am certainly not perfect.....I must say I total,y agree you can not continue to sin but you still mess up and your character changes over time if you co e out of much brokenness etc

    • @bonniejohnson1518
      @bonniejohnson1518 4 роки тому

      Pail was speaking of his former condition, Romans 8-2 makes that clear.

    • @servantofourlordjesuschris6456
      @servantofourlordjesuschris6456 2 роки тому

      The seed of God cannot sin, you must forsake your sins and go through repentance and a godly sorrow. You must have faith, and strive through the narrow path. It can be very hard to go through the narrow path but have the faith to push through by the grace of God through Yehoshua His Son. Stand still and believe even when you can’t see it, for we go by faith not by sight. We will have temptations through thoughts etc, but we must resist. We don’t know all things, but pray that God will reveal all things to you.

    • @jiaberries
      @jiaberries 2 роки тому

      @@servantofourlordjesuschris6456 After the repentance and godly sorrow must I be re baptized? I want to know if I still have hope to be redeemed

  • @charlespackwood2055
    @charlespackwood2055 Рік тому

    Can you adjust your camera view so as to take in the notes a little better?

  • @brandysheriff2515
    @brandysheriff2515 5 років тому +2

    I had a true relationship, pure walk with Christ and completely turned to sin and I have been living in sin for about 4 years and I have complete fear that I am going to hell.. is there any hope for me? Will I be able to get clean again? I have sinned and asked for forgiveness so many times that I’m scared it’s to much and God has let me go forever. Can somebody please help me with this question? I’m scared I’m a Judas.........

    • @servantofgod8483
      @servantofgod8483 5 років тому +2

      Brandy Sheriff God says, That he does not want even One to perish, but for All to have eternal life. Remember This.

    • @brandysheriff2515
      @brandysheriff2515 5 років тому +1

      ServantofGod thankyou so much for taking the time to tell me that!

    • @ashqelon7267
      @ashqelon7267 5 років тому +3

      Repent and do your first works , like it says in Revelations.
      He will be there when you get really serious,
      It will not be as easy like the first time you had salvation.
      This is ok, let it bring pain and a reminder this is very serious.
      Now, go back to your first love and be what you know you can be in him.

    • @brandysheriff2515
      @brandysheriff2515 5 років тому +2

      Ash qelon. I receive that thank you

    • @VS-im8hy
      @VS-im8hy 5 років тому +2

      How are you @brandy Ive been in the same boat for very long. How are things going for you?

  • @vickim6990
    @vickim6990 6 років тому +1

    doesnt the bible talk about positions christians will have in heaven according to our faith on earth?

    • @joedoe1096
      @joedoe1096 5 років тому +1

      No, it speaks of rewards and positions based on our DEEDS on earth. Nothing about faith, per se.
      Faith without works is dead, so either way you try to put it, the conclusion is the same.

  • @Lezzjam
    @Lezzjam 5 років тому +2

    I need help in finding true salvation. I currently attend Church of Christ and followed the steps for being saved. I was told I would be saved afterwards but just don't feel any different. I need to know if I've been turned over to a reprobate mind and with much hope that I haven't, I would like to know how to be saved.
    There is so many different teaching and ideas on both subjects. I can't understand the bible very well and it just seems know one else does very well. Where can the lost turn??? Thx for any feed back.

    • @wgbsigns123
      @wgbsigns123 5 років тому +4

      To find salvation one must seek him dilligently by studying the testament...and cease from all sin walk in obedience producing deeds worthy of repentance, then Christ will cleanse, forgive, your past sin record that seperates ypu from God and now that your vessel is clean his spirit can now dwell in you and guid and teach you all truths through must abide in his word and obedience until death and then you will receive the promise of salvation...i pray you do this

    • @joedoe1096
      @joedoe1096 5 років тому +2

      I'm seeking salvation also, brother, and it's very confusing, as it seems like NO CHURCH teaches what the Bible clearly teaches in simple language. This guy here has some of the best sermons I've ever seen, and he's helping me to see the Bible with new eyes.
      I now see there's no major difference between the OT and NT, both are based on grace AND works. It's not one for one and the other for the other like we were taught. I shiver at the old theology I was taught, that repentance and sin didn't matter! I nearly got myself thrown in hell! I was committing every sin on a regular basis, and taught that was fine, because "what sin can separate us from God's love?" and "Jesus sacrifice was for past, present, and future sins." AWFUL. I never would have found salvation under such teachings.
      Now, how do we tell if we're lukewarm? How can we hear the voice of God in our daily lives? More for me to investigate, learn, and grow in.
      Add me on facebook if you want a fellow journeyman to have discussions and fellowship with, Jesse Gunn on facebook. My profile picture is "REPENT."

    • @raquelgonzalez115
      @raquelgonzalez115 5 років тому +3

      What Mark satterfield said is very Him diligently..look for scriptures..I believe also when we become believers the enemy you will and can become a threat to the enemy..we have to put on the whole armor of God ..the helmet of salvation..the breastplate of righteousness ..the shield of faith .the sword of the spirit.the belt of truth ..the feet of shodness which is the gospel..we are dealing in spiritual warfare..there are demons assigned to our lives to destroy us..and our walk with Christ..we have to keep up with repentance and start binding evil spirits..and loosening the Holy spirit..a hedge of angels..and the fruits of the spirit..also please look into your church if it is a 501c3 don't want to go there these are government non exempt churches they don't have sound doctrine..please pray for me ..also I'm a targeted individual..Andre from cali

    • @joedoe1096
      @joedoe1096 5 років тому

      @@raquelgonzalez115 Targeted individual? Hang on, I just watched a video about that a few weeks ago, I will see if I can find it. It was a nun who was targeted by the Vatican for destruction, being followed, weird technologies and chemicals applied to her car and home, and she managed to overcome it all and tries to help others now.

    • @raquelgonzalez115
      @raquelgonzalez115 5 років тому

      @@joedoe1096 yes please ..i found oír they are witches and am dealing with withcraft ..please pray for me ..i have a hard time with the technology..thank u my ja me la Andre

  • @charlespackwood2055
    @charlespackwood2055 Рік тому

    Yeah, I'm on board with Arminianism. Calvinism is kind of weird to my thinking, although they make some good points.

    • @oldman-bw9um
      @oldman-bw9um Рік тому

      Sorry, the correct citation for the above Matthew quotation is 7:13-14.

    • @yafois988
      @yafois988 Рік тому

      Calvin/lutherISM is a bitter demoniac rooted man made logic derived from SEX ADDICT Augustus of HIPPO & his little buddy, Constantine whom perverted scriptures making what EVERY their heritage mutters filthy satanic and completely heresy YHVH will fully reject.
      ALL SUNday churches are wallowing in satanic calvinISM philosophies that is based upon the ERROR thru 1800 years from Augustus & Constantine abominable deeds modifying scriptures into what overwhelming LIES blasphemous unbiblical pulpits teachings ERROR we are surrounded by today.
      So NONE of it is correct, PURE or clean!
      NOTHING from the SUNday church system is from a Holy God or Jewish savior.
      I spent 34 years in that garbage can of the baptist/methodist/four square/ and others those entities and NOTHING they did or said is "essentially PURE or right. Like Mike says it's all a "system of ERRORS" one after another!

    • @charlespackwood2055
      @charlespackwood2055 Рік тому

      @@yafois988 I love truth and do not have to sow hate or demean people in the process.... as you can be right, and still be wrong in the process, based solely on the distance between the mind and the heart.

    • @charlespackwood2055
      @charlespackwood2055 Рік тому

      @@yafois988 So like how well did you know Calvin, Luther, Augustus and Constantine?

  • @jamesapt66
    @jamesapt66 8 років тому +1

    I like ur videos but im unsure, is your position that true christians dont ever sin anymore?(sinless perfection) And how do you go through a season of godly sorrow or better yet what does that mean?

    • @bonniejohnson1518
      @bonniejohnson1518 4 роки тому +1

      a season of repentance and coming clean with God...the file sins of the flesh that Paul spoke of were put to death in the baptism of repentance, no matter how long that process takes..Then the new man arises, however, no one is perfect in knowledge, and free from ignorance, therefore there are still sins of ignorance, which is spoken of in the Lords prayer...the chastisement/teaching is for sins of ignorance, not the known vile sins of the flesh found in Gal. 5:19-21, those that do such things will not inherit the kingdom said Paul

    • @Stefy44
      @Stefy44 2 роки тому +1

      I'm not sure if I understood the verse that talks about a type of sin that doesn't lead to death perfectly, but I suppose there are faults that don't lead to spiritual death and that we can call imperfections or doing things imperfectly. We don't love perfectly, we don't ask forgiveness perfectly, there are sins of omission too. But yes all the sins listed by Paul to say that those who commit such things will not inherit the kingdom must be avoided at all costs.

    • @jiaberries
      @jiaberries 2 роки тому

      @@Stefy44 I was baptized and fornicated I believed false doctrine but knew it was wrong ever since I have completely stopped all known sins and wrestle myself, crucify the flesh cry to God im scared if He will answer me. Do I have a chance

    • @Stefy44
      @Stefy44 2 роки тому +1

      If you no longer commit these sins, you are in good standing before God sister

  • @dsa122161
    @dsa122161 3 роки тому

    I have been taught of being 1.John 1 verse 9 thank you I know truth repent

  • @rubsphilip
    @rubsphilip 8 років тому

    so regardless of religion, majority of Americans believe in dating, having first girlfriend in high school. if not ,someone is gay. then having senior prompt, then college life having many such friends etc already committing fornication. this happening based on a regular culture. not in a condition being a spoiled person.

    • @bonniejohnson1518
      @bonniejohnson1518 4 роки тому

      That's because Satan is the God of this world, and has blinded their minds. However they can still encounter John 16-8 seek God and come to a repentance...Jesus said in the Garden in John 17, that He didn't even pray for the world. I would suppose because its a lost cause, but He did pray for those that should come out of the world....The whole world lieth in wickedness said the apostle John...The world in that context is the hopeless vain systems of man.

  • @ineedtruth.2075
    @ineedtruth.2075 7 років тому +1

    how are you sir? i hope you are doing okay

    • @purebride8600
      @purebride8600 6 років тому +3

      Jill Kasilag
      Mr. Mike went home to be with the Lord on October 2, 2016. Thank God we have these anointed teachings ✝️

  • @kildarecoot1785
    @kildarecoot1785 5 років тому

    Usually Christians can repent. But sadly not always. Saul and Judas proof it

  • @drenaejaj
    @drenaejaj 5 років тому +1

    So can one commit sin unto death and come to second repentance?

    • @boxingforfitness1221
      @boxingforfitness1221 5 років тому

      Dont even think about it. Dont risk it.

    • @drenaejaj
      @drenaejaj 5 років тому

      What if you already have?

    • @boxingforfitness1221
      @boxingforfitness1221 5 років тому +1

      @@drenaejaj im just saying dont. If you did, REPENT AND TURN AROUND IN THE NAME OF JESUS....Kesus bpught ypu with Hos Blood.. Live for Him. Forget the filthy world and its fleshly desires. It offers nothing bit DEATH in the end. Follow Jesus and get EVERLASTING LIFE.

    • @bonniejohnson1518
      @bonniejohnson1518 4 роки тому +1

      @@boxingforfitness1221 the sin unto death is Blaspheme of the Holy Spirit. Its the Spirit that brings about John 16-8 and reveals all things to us. To Blaspheme that conviction simply means the word of God can no longer work in you....One might say a reprobate mind that ignores his own conscience....

    • @servantofourlordjesuschris6456
      @servantofourlordjesuschris6456 3 роки тому

      @@bonniejohnson1518 does that mean I’m going to hell because I was living under my own family full of wicked spirits? Because I gave in? Jesus says to forgive people 7 times 7 remember that verse?

  • @hardway523
    @hardway523 10 місяців тому


  • @hardway523
    @hardway523 4 місяці тому


  • @hardway523
    @hardway523 4 місяці тому


  • @spreadinchrist4029
    @spreadinchrist4029 2 роки тому

    Is it a yes or no?

  • @hardway523
    @hardway523 4 місяці тому


  • @christines498
    @christines498 8 років тому

    Isn't it that if you have the HOLY SPIRIT WITHIN, the Holy Spirit won't ALLOW YOU to go back out in to the WORLD? I'm just asking.

    • @holdingfirmly
      @holdingfirmly  8 років тому +6

      +Cas Smith Why the warnings, you can grieve the Spirit away by sinning

    • @trisharundle1964
      @trisharundle1964 6 років тому +1

      cas adaps the holy spirit changes us so much. I have changed not on my own but with having the holy spirit. Through prayer and confessing the father helps us to eventually remove sin. Every thing is in his timing. If we try to remove sin our selves we fail miserbly totally trusting in jesus to help us.

    • @joedoe1096
      @joedoe1096 5 років тому +3

      @@trisharundle1964 That is nowhere in the Bible. Jesus, the prophets, the apostles all simply command sinners to stop sinning. No reason to make it complicated.
      The key that is mentioned again and again and again is "the fear of the LORD." This is why modern Christians are so weak and powerless before sin, they have been taught that:
      1. They can't stop sinning
      2. God doesn't expect us to stop sinning
      3. There's no eternal consequences to continuing in sin
      4. It's actually unrighteous to even /try/ to stop sinning ("Works righteousness! Faith alone!")
      These are all filthy lies, used by the devil to lure Christians into sin first and then to hell, and by those who love sin to justify living in it.
      Once I learned the truth, sins I had been totally trapped in for 20 YEARS melted away *snaps fingers* like that. Literally instantly. I was so shaken to learn that YES, YOU WILL GO TO HELL FOR LIVING IN SIN (something today's churches will never teach), friend, I lost my appetite for sin immediately, and have sought only to remove it from my face from then on. Is this not exactly what the Bible teaches us, that the fear of Lord brings wisdom and godliness, and chases sinful desires away? It is!
      You should seek out testimonies from Christians who have had near death experiences, and saw hell. They all report the same thing: that many, many "Christians" are in hell, who were misled by today's teachings, and even pastors, who taught that sin does not lead to death. It is very, very sad. We need to listen to scriptures at face value.

    • @servantofgod8483
      @servantofgod8483 5 років тому +1

      cas adaps That is not how the Holy Spirit operates. The Holy Spirit does not control you. Merely, instructs you and shares the knowledge of God. You still have freewill.

  • @jasonstockman3532
    @jasonstockman3532 6 років тому +2

    Romans 3:10 King James Version (KJV)
    10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:

    • @bonniejohnson1518
      @bonniejohnson1518 4 роки тому +3

      you forgot the first 3 words Paul said "It is written" he was quoting in the next several verse from the OT. First he quotes from Psalm 14-1 a fool sayeth in his heart there is no God. Yes among none believers in God there are none righteous. Then he quotes again from the OT about throats being open sepulchres. Do you think he is speaking about a righteous women such as Hana? No, may God forbid. Again he is speaking of the wicked. The he speaks of those who have feet that rush to murder. Do you think he was speaking about Joseph? No, may God forbid. He was quoting the OT and again speaking of the wicked....Knowing this first, the wicked and the righteous are contrasted against each other on EVERY page of scripture........Jeremiah in 17-9 said; mans heart is deceitfully wicked, yet that was contrasted against the righteous in verse 7 that trust/obey the Lord and are blessed by Him. And God doesn't bless wickedness...for some reason most professing Christians always number themselves among the wicked in the text...

    • @servantofourlordjesuschris6456
      @servantofourlordjesuschris6456 3 роки тому

      @M Willis i thought the channel mentions being crucified once?

    • @shillnyethesoyiencegoy9627
      @shillnyethesoyiencegoy9627 2 роки тому

      @Jason Stockman You take romans 3:10 out of context. And anyone reading this can go look for themselves and quickly see that. Stop regurgitating that wicked lie that easy believism heretics use

  • @jeffreybanker6644
    @jeffreybanker6644 6 років тому +1

  • @shawnedgley1138
    @shawnedgley1138 6 років тому

    I don't want to die

    • @shawnedgley1138
      @shawnedgley1138 6 років тому +2

      I am ok I was attacked and was freaking out truth is I repented for a while but got discouraged and went back into the world then the attack came and scared me I'm now turning back to God but I scared that he's rejected me I've heard that you can look for repentance and not find it but how would you know?

    • @shawnedgley1138
      @shawnedgley1138 6 років тому

      Watchman D yea but I haven't gone through the repentance yet

    • @shawnedgley1138
      @shawnedgley1138 6 років тому +1

      Watchman D yes I've turned from sin and no I'm not committing the sins unto death but I haven't been cleared

    • @shawnedgley1138
      @shawnedgley1138 6 років тому

      Watchman D it's not something that happens overnight repentance is a process yes you must turn from sin but you must also prove yourself to be clear In the matter as it says in act 26:20 and as the person did Corinthians

    • @shawnedgley1138
      @shawnedgley1138 6 років тому +1

      Watchman D I see what you are saying but from personal experience my first repentance took some time too don't remember the exact time but it was a few months but honestly it's God's decision