Toccata Dubois

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @a.f.4248
    @a.f.4248 Рік тому +9

    Voir et entendre jouer le maestro Zecca est toujours un plaisir sans mélange !
    Cet homme est l’élégance incarnée, à tous égards.

  • @alfredoa.potthoff6709
    @alfredoa.potthoff6709 2 роки тому +6

    Bravo, excellent! Tempo, Agogik, Registrierung; hier einfach perfekt, besser geht es eigentlich nicht.

  • @MB-gy5sq
    @MB-gy5sq 3 роки тому +10

    Luciano one of the best living performer!!!

  • @JulianoMolteni
    @JulianoMolteni 5 років тому +12

    Spettacolare come al solito il maestro Zecca.💪💪💪🎉🎉🎉.un'onore conoscerla..📶📶📶

  • @johnellis6755
    @johnellis6755 5 років тому +25

    He plays like all your birthday's and Christmas's have come at once and throw into that a load of special holidays he plays like an angel!

  • @marethakrige8136
    @marethakrige8136 7 місяців тому +6

    The phrasing is so brilliantly done!

  • @mk5244
    @mk5244 2 роки тому +5

    Kunst mag immer wieder zu Diskussionen führen. Hier kommt sie von „ Können.“ Meisterhaft, voller Eleganz und stupender Leichtigkeit. Mi piace moltissimo

  • @bruceedwards8003
    @bruceedwards8003 10 місяців тому +3

    one of my favourite organists great videos and musicality , one can learn so much from your videos.

  • @TimDellmann-Switzerland
    @TimDellmann-Switzerland 3 місяці тому +1

    bravissimo. multo buono.grazie e tanti saluti da Svizzera

  • @gianpaologiuseppescharf8778
    @gianpaologiuseppescharf8778 2 роки тому +3

    Ho avuto il privilegio di sentirla dal vivo, nella basilica di S. Niccolò di Lecco: meravigliosa!

  • @jorgegarzaelli6238
    @jorgegarzaelli6238 5 років тому +9

    Questa e la prima volta che io ascolto quest toccata. Merabigliosa ed anche un grande maestro, chiaro comme il cielo- Argentina

  • @claudiaalberti
    @claudiaalberti 2 роки тому +2

    Das Video hat mir sehr weitergeholfen beim Lernen. Viele Grüße und weiterhin viel Freude an der Orgel.

  • @ksxx1961
    @ksxx1961 2 роки тому +7

    What a hugely talented performance. Thank you!

  • @emanuelbach2018
    @emanuelbach2018 5 років тому +5

    Maestro è semplicemente meraviglioso

  • @albertoalderighi5904
    @albertoalderighi5904 5 років тому +10

    Toccata brillante e meravigliosa, tra le opere più grandi e più belle del repertorio classico.
    Gli arpeggi ascendenti e discendenti con variazioni, sono eseguiti in modo spettacolare e perfetto.
    Il momento recitativo è interpretato, con massima delicatezza ed espressività, fino a diventare romantico, per poi culminare in un'armonia di note, che innalzano la bellezza della musica fino a Dio.
    Grazie, maestro Luciano, per questa DIVINA interpretazione.

  • @4Teen8
    @4Teen8 3 місяці тому +2

    Vielen herzlichen Dank!!!

  • @loupdubois5147
    @loupdubois5147 2 роки тому +5


  • @dennisgrossi-AmoBach
    @dennisgrossi-AmoBach 5 років тому +4

    Esecuzioni tra le più oggettive e belle quelle del Maestro Zecca

  • @johnferguson4089
    @johnferguson4089 2 місяці тому +1

    Thank you Sir for a beautiful rendition of this magnificent piece of music. Your phrasing throughout is especially noted.

  • @daumesnil1000
    @daumesnil1000 5 років тому +21

    The best performance on UA-cam by far. Really excellent in every way.

  • @davidweigle6845
    @davidweigle6845 2 роки тому +7


  • @monoamiga
    @monoamiga 2 роки тому +6

    This is such a GOOD PERFORMANCE of this piece!!!

  • @paulroussell
    @paulroussell Рік тому +2

    I have played this video performance many, many times. I have heard the Toccata performed all around the world live in cathedrals, and have seen it performed on UA-cam by many other organists. No other performance I have seen is so beautifully interpreted, with perfect registrations, tempo and articulation. Magnificent, Maestro.

  • @sergeguillot
    @sergeguillot 3 роки тому +3

    Parfaitement joué avec les bons accents qui rythment cette toccata comme il faut.

  • @CarbonPhysics
    @CarbonPhysics Рік тому +3

    This is my favorite performance of this piece. Well done! And thank you for sharing.

  • @raduga5
    @raduga5 5 років тому +8

    Великолепное исполнение на прекрасном инструменте! Полное и насыщенное звучание этого экземпляра органа - божественно! Браво исполнителю!

  • @inchingolod
    @inchingolod 5 місяців тому +3

    Tanti complimenti, caro Maestro! E' una bellissima esecuzione, molto pulita ed espressiva, nonché caratterizzata da un'ottima scelta dei registri, di questa mia amatissima Toccata!
    Prima o poi, mi auguro anch'io di poterne completare il non semplice studio.

  • @franciscoantonio4321
    @franciscoantonio4321 3 роки тому +2

    Me llena de emoción el espíritu, muchas gracias por ésta Toccata tan bella. El sonido es magnífico.

  • @jean-paulyvetot1783
    @jean-paulyvetot1783 Рік тому +1

    Merci pour cette belle interprétation ! Le jeu est clair grâce à un tempo adapté, l'équilibre entre claviers et pédalier est très bon, un régal à écouter et à regarder.

  • @eziotoscana2612
    @eziotoscana2612 2 роки тому +2

    Complimenti, bravissimo come sempre! non ci sono parole per esprimere la sua bravura! sempre eccezionale!

  • @plentymusic2022
    @plentymusic2022 5 років тому +18

    This is a wonderful performance and I love the console as it has space and looks comfortable from the players point of view. The articulation and tempo are also just so appropriate for the movement. I am just so impressed with how the performer delivers the music.

  • @monicaheikius434
    @monicaheikius434 4 роки тому +5

    Thank you for brilliant organ playing!

  • @guidomagnani1528
    @guidomagnani1528 5 років тому +7

    Maestro buongiorno. Non ho parole. Sempre eccezionali le sue esecuzioni. Un cordiale saluto. Guido

  • @toreg.nyhammer6328
    @toreg.nyhammer6328 5 років тому +3

    Fantastic performance of a great piece!

  • @jclou65
    @jclou65 5 років тому +2

    Ieri sera ho sentito il Maestro ad Arnad - Valle d'Aosta - suonarla dal vivo.... è stato bravissimo...complimenti

  • @lexkooij3102
    @lexkooij3102 Рік тому +2


  • @JulianBeck-wl7kw
    @JulianBeck-wl7kw 6 місяців тому +1

    Sehr schön gespielt

  • @jokramer-coffeng5683
    @jokramer-coffeng5683 2 роки тому +1

    Mijn vader speelde dit speciaal voor mij als ik in de kerk aanwezig was.
    Geweldig mooi

  • @kiimmaritz2827
    @kiimmaritz2827 4 місяці тому +2


  • @KathleenTheisen
    @KathleenTheisen 3 роки тому +2

    Fantastic performance!

  • @AngelOffTheDarkness
    @AngelOffTheDarkness 3 роки тому +3

    The first time I heard it, it was not him but I felt like very moved by some moments. Between joy and sadness/nostalgia.
    Overall, when the theme slaps your head, it sent me right in some random concert in the XVIIIs where you have to weird stuff from this time.
    Then it is so magnificent, brilliant, soft for the ears (the tubes!), transcending, calm, aiming for the heart.
    The lowest sound was either so vibrant either so... frightening (?) (due to the composition). It reminds me of a mix of trumpet and tuba.
    Thank you for this. Have good times creating music.

  • @jayusa879
    @jayusa879 3 роки тому +1

    He's awesome.

  • @iaintelfer2462
    @iaintelfer2462 Рік тому +4

    As near to perfection as it is possible to get - thank you so much for a splendid performance. I love your technique, the pace and registration - everything. I would very much like to hear you live sometime. If you ever perform in Scotland, please make sure the advertising is wide.

  • @JesusSanAgustin
    @JesusSanAgustin 5 місяців тому +2


  • @johnzielinski9951
    @johnzielinski9951 5 років тому +3

    Bravissimo!! Superb playing, thank you very much.

  • @brucecampbell6133
    @brucecampbell6133 3 роки тому +1

    Great performance and recording!

  • @Psycandy
    @Psycandy 4 роки тому +1

    Brilliant, bravo!

  • @jannekarki3205
    @jannekarki3205 5 років тому +4

    Great work again.

  • @MrRLawn
    @MrRLawn 5 місяців тому +3

    Thank you for playing this at a consistent speed (even if a bit fast for my preference). So many organists start too fast, and can't keep up, or vary the tempo at will, as if it were a romance.

  • @Mavi98479
    @Mavi98479 5 років тому +3

    Complimenti davvero molto bello!

  • @musicforever1050
    @musicforever1050 3 роки тому +1

    Wonderful! Thank you!

    @OTTOMOBIL8 5 років тому +1

    Bravissimo LUCIANO !!!

  • @gardeningnm
    @gardeningnm 3 роки тому +1

    I love the ending to this piece. Turn speakers up full blast!

  • @pkd19
    @pkd19 2 роки тому +1

    Very good performance!

  • @EElgar1857
    @EElgar1857 4 роки тому +2

    Truly superb!

  • @NancyGerst
    @NancyGerst Рік тому +1

    Enjoyed listening to you play this as well as the very well done video. Thanks for sharing this!

  • @ramonestana7338
    @ramonestana7338 Рік тому +2

    Sergej Rachmaninov an der Orgel! Echt top!

  • @prof.m.ottozeeejcdecs9998
    @prof.m.ottozeeejcdecs9998 4 роки тому +1

    Very nice performance!

  • @rmlectronicsuk2410
    @rmlectronicsuk2410 4 роки тому +11

    Bravo! Wonderful interpretation. I like the ‘nod’ to CM Widor in places! “Anything you can do, I can do better”!

    • @reglementme6321
      @reglementme6321 4 роки тому +3

      Like, “thanks, it’s mine now”?

    • @timbauer1618
      @timbauer1618 3 роки тому +1

      we all love our good humble Charles Marie Widor :D

    • @timbauer1618
      @timbauer1618 3 роки тому

      @RMLectronics UK Do you mean at 5.30 ?

  • @raymondfrice
    @raymondfrice 5 років тому +2

    very nice/ I am sure Dubois is happy.

  • @hughpenny
    @hughpenny 5 років тому +2

    ..and all from memory!! Scary articulation and control!

  • @dionisiovelasco7774
    @dionisiovelasco7774 5 місяців тому +1

    Admiro BESTIALMENTE a Luciano Zecca.
    Quiero pedirle un consejo personal, quiero componer obras para ,órgano.
    Como debo enfrentarme al instrumento REY?

  • @joegamer3004
    @joegamer3004 3 роки тому +1

    Bei dieser Haltung hätte mir mein Lehrer schon längst seinen Finger in den Rücken gesteckt, damit ich mich gerade hinsetze😂trotzdem eine wundervolle performance

  • @JoshuaSobel
    @JoshuaSobel 5 років тому +4

    Sounds good!

  • @alessiacecchetti9868
    @alessiacecchetti9868 5 років тому +1

    Complimenti 🎵🎶 mi sono iscritta al canale!

  • @briandufresne
    @briandufresne 4 роки тому +1


  • @johnellis3244
    @johnellis3244 2 роки тому +1

    Pure genius

  • @d.macrae461
    @d.macrae461 Рік тому +1

    Masterful performance.
    Qther players turn this piece into a frenzied mish-mash; a salad or stew-pot of jumbled notes.
    Zecca uses subtle articulation and rhythmic phrasing, especially in the left-hand part, to establish the structure or 'bones' of the piece - then clothes this form with wonderfully-coloured registration and dynamics. Mille grazie!

  • @glendnewell
    @glendnewell 4 роки тому +6

    A truly wonderful sound. I was told years ago this is one of the first taccata's an organist learns because it is relatively very easy on the feet! Pity its not played more for being easy on the ear. Does anyone know who built the organ?

    • @paulsausten
      @paulsausten 3 роки тому +1

      Yes it is a German organ builder Siegried Schmid. The organ was built 2003.

  • @stripey1960
    @stripey1960 3 роки тому +8

    This is probably one of my favourite versions of this piece, from the the phrasing, tempo, registrations.. This organ is fantastic as well. The Tutti at the end blew me away! Well played Luciano. Do you ever play in the UK?

    • @joespeciale5875
      @joespeciale5875 2 роки тому +2

      Exactly. Master Luciano hits all the down beats with great energy and they sound exactly right (there’s a couple large chords Dubois put on the weak beat of the 2/4 measure, but Master Luciano makes them sound perfectly correct.)

  • @reglementme6321
    @reglementme6321 4 роки тому +2

    The dialogues between the voices (manuals) are just to get emotional.

  • @oludotunjohnshowemimo434
    @oludotunjohnshowemimo434 Рік тому

    Our director of music will play it this Sunday

  • @davidmorrison2739
    @davidmorrison2739 3 роки тому +1

    A good tempo.

  • @mariorebhan
    @mariorebhan 3 роки тому +1

    Sehr geehrter Maestro Zecca. Zunächst grossen Dank für die wunderbare Aufnahme und die tolle Vorführung! Ich bin das Stück gerade selber am üben, habe aber etwas Mühe mit dem Fingersatz. Könnten Sie mir hier freundlicherweise behilflich sein, wenn das geht? Besten Dank und freundliche Grüsse!

  • @reasonablyserious
    @reasonablyserious 4 роки тому +1

    I really enjoy watching and listening to your videos, is there any chance of buying recordings of the pieces on your channel?

  • @bruceedwards8003
    @bruceedwards8003 10 місяців тому

    does anyone know if this organ has been sampled for hauptwerk or grandorgue ?

  • @mariorebhan
    @mariorebhan 3 роки тому +1

    Also das Tempo ist am Limit und unter "non legato" wie es Dubois schreibt, verstehe ich etwas anderes...

  • @johnnywhite58
    @johnnywhite58 2 роки тому +1

    This toccata is surely the successor to Widor ?

  • @marko-gj1uj
    @marko-gj1uj 3 роки тому +3

    Reject Modernity Embrace Trollface

  • @petergriffin9931
    @petergriffin9931 2 роки тому +1

    Have you thought what it’s like to burn in hell fire?

  • @bjrnsan3572
    @bjrnsan3572 Рік тому

    99%… Aber gut

  • @dieterhaag3018
    @dieterhaag3018 Рік тому

    Viel zu schnell und daher wirungslos gespielt, das Stück ist keine reine Geschwindigkeitsübung, sonfern lebendige Mudik, die aber so nichtvzur Wirkung kommt, auch gehen manche harmonische Wendungen vollkommen unter.....schadexum den Aufwand

  • @kiimmaritz2827
    @kiimmaritz2827 2 місяці тому +1
