  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • For more information about Tiphani Montgomery, visit:
    For more information about Covered By God, visit:


  • @ChildofGod497
    @ChildofGod497 3 місяці тому +316

    WOWWWWW!!! Being the ONLY female of FOUR girls in my family; the only one NOT MARRIED and ALL PAST RELATIONSHIPS have been with narcissistic men. Through this video; I was just reminded that I was also the ONLY ONE who had a “QUINCENERA”. (A Mexican tradition - ceremony for a 15 year old); there is a “covenant” made at the Catholic Church during the ceremony. I DISASSOCIATE, DENOUNCE, DESTROY, CONDEMN, and BREAK the covenants made with that altar, in the MIGHTY MATCHLESS NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!
    Thank YOU for bringing this to light!!! I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THIS UNTIL WATCHING THIS VIDEO. GOD spoke and reminded me of this specific covenant which was made. I BREAK BREAK BREAK THe COVENANT MADE WITH THIS RITUAL.

  • @nikithemba3433
    @nikithemba3433 3 місяці тому +310

    God works in mysterious ways, yesterday i started the fast of the year of the bride. Today 07 June 2024 i am on day 2,we are killing idolatry and i am here watching teachings about idolatry. Ohh praise be to God

    • @wandacoleman6942
      @wandacoleman6942 3 місяці тому +26

      @@toriwalker258 I'm starting my fast tomorrow and I pray that I am gifted with the gift of speaking in tongue. Praise God 🙌

    • @vonettaroseman3569
      @vonettaroseman3569 3 місяці тому

      My goodness! The power.​@@toriwalker258

    • @bocaentgroup9203
      @bocaentgroup9203 3 місяці тому +15

      Please do not share when you are on a fast unless you are sharing it with the person(s) you are on the fast with. (Matthew 6:16-18). And remember you are fasting according to Isaiah 58:

    • @toriwalker258
      @toriwalker258 3 місяці тому +6

      @@bocaentgroup9203 thanks 🙏 God bless you for the correction!!

    • @nikithemba3433
      @nikithemba3433 3 місяці тому +2

      @bocaentgroup9203 thank you 🙏🏼

  • @KeirshandaJohnson
    @KeirshandaJohnson 3 місяці тому +183

    Minister Kevin Ewings' Prayer
    Heavenly father we thank you for your goodness, your grace, your loving kindness, your peace, your joy. Father God we all come together joining hands coming into agreement repenting of all sin, iniquity, transgression. Father all covenants, everything that we have done by our leaders ignorantly or even presumptuously. Father, we bring before the foot of the cross right now again asking for your forgiveness, asking you to expunge our record. Father your word is very clear that says that if we regard iniquity, evil, wickedness, unforgiveness, pride, selfishness, self in our hearts you are very precise you said I will not hear you and father we need you to hear us. So father we pray Lord that you would do spiritual surgery and excavate any and everything that is not of you. In fact you said in your word that you will pluck up out of our lives everything that you did not plant, your word declares that he who hides his sin shall not prosper, Father we are not hiding we are confessing yes I mean we did worship our leaders, we did everything they said, we feared them like nobody's business and we had no reverence or such fears for you, in fact we felt so safe doing are evil because we know our leaders weren’t watching, and neglecting and negating the fact that you are watching us 24/7. Total dishonor, total disrespect for the Godhead. Father God we acknowledged these evils, we acknowledge these idolatry acts that we have committed. We acknowledge Father God channeling our commitment and loyalty to mere humans and your word is very clear that he that puts his trust in another human and trumps the trust of God that person is under a curse so much so that even when good come and visit their life they wouldn't be able to recognize it. Father remove the scales from our eyes, remove the dross from our heart unclog our ears, causes us to see and hear you spiritually, realign us back father God on our course that you originally had us on. Father we break and divorce ourselves from every covenant, everything father God we would have bound ourselves too, that would've disassociated us from you by inviting the spirits into our lives that are now dominating us as a result of violating your laws which were originally rituals that gave these forces the rights. This day, this night, this day of deliverance we renounce, we denounce, we divorce ourselves, we reject everything that we have done to invite them, we command them to leave our lives by the blood of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ. Father you Jesus Christ who became a curse for us and you said curse is anyone that hangs on the tree so therefore we transfer every curse hex generational curses, curses of spells, voodoo, familiar spirits that have been following u. Father God we pray that you blind them spiritually and cause them to lose our spiritual as well as geographical location that they would have no more legal right to our lives through our renunciation of everything that we've done. Father any items that we would have taken from these leaders, anything that we’ve incorporated into our lives and our subtle way of worshiping them and honoring them, father not only will we destroy them by fire as clearly stated in scripture but again we denounce and renounce whatever effects that they would have had on our lives. Father we bring the generational curses that came through the line of idolatry, you said if we choose to serve other gods you will visit the iniquity or the idolatry upon our current generation and all the way down to the 3rd and 4th generation. Father God release our future generation as well as ourselves from these curses as we renounce tonight, as we denounce these evil covenants and these people that we were a part of and these associations who stole from us father I pray for those whose marriages father God has failed or is failing right now as a result of these places that was using their marriages, using their offsprings even the ones that aren’t produced as yet as sacrifices to the altars that they serv. Again, father God release these people, release their minds, release their spirits, release their destiny, release their wealth, release everything that you have gifted them with before the foundation of the world. You're word declares in Ephesians 1:3-4 that says bless the be the Lord our God who has already blessed us, past tense you did this before the foundation of the world according as you have chosen us in you before the foundation of the world. In other words Father God we pray that you would restore us, you have promised us in Joel 2:25 that you will restore unto us the years that the Cankerworm, the Caterpillar, the Locust and the Palmer worm has eaten away. Father God your word declares according to Proverbs chapter 11:31 and it says that the righteous shall be recompense in the earth or repaid for the losses that they have suffered. Your word declares in Proverbs 6:30-31 that if the thief be found and we discovered him tonight, that he must return, we demand that he returned unto us sevenfold of everything that he has stolen from us. Father we implement your law according to Hebrews 10:35 which clearly states that we must not cast away are confidence or our belief or confidence in the word of God for it shall work for us a great recompense of reward. Father we apply the word in Ephesians 3:20 that says that you are always willing to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we could ever ask or think according to the power of the word of God operating in us. Father we thank you right now Lord that the angels of the Lord are encamped round about us that failed. These seem angels that will deliver us according to Psalms 34:7. Thank you for Psalms 91:11-12 that you said that you given your angels charge over us to keep us and not some but all of our ways that if we as much as dash our foot against a stone these same angels will gather us in their arms. Father we thank you for Hebrews 1:13-14 where you said are they not all ministering to which of the angels have used at any point city at my right hand while I make your enemies your footstool none of us instead they're all ministering spirits or serving spirits sent forth from heaven to serve or minister to those who are heirs to salvation. There are those of us who have accepted Jesus Christ. Finally Father God we thank you that even though we were apart of these cursed organisations, even though they have inflicted spiritual shackles upon us we believe by faith tonight to the renunciation, and the word of God according to Romans 8:1 now therefore let there be no condemnation in those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit. Your word declares also in verse 28 and it says that all things to the good and the bad are working in harmony for the good of those who love God and those who are called according to his purpose. It says because you for knew us you've also justified us, you've also glorified us to be conformed to the image of your son. Father we claim the promises of God, I pray for those tonight who are bewildered in their minds, confused in their mind. I pray the spirit of peace. that's peace according to Isaiah 26:3, your word declares that you will keep them in perfect peace as long as their minds are stayed upon thee. Your word declares in Psalms 119:165 great peace of they that love thy law and absolutely nothing shall offend him. Your word declares in the book of philippians that it is only you that can grant us that peace that surpasses all understanding. I just thank you Lord I see even in the spirit right now Lord the expungement of records, the cleaning of slates right now, I thank you that you're cleaning their spiritual dashboards right now, I thank you that you're restoring them and renewing them and repairing their mind. Your word is clear according to Romans 12: 2 that they must not no longer and even the future be conformed to this world instead be transformed or changed by the renewing of their mind so that they can now prove what is that good and acceptable will of God. Now Lord we seal this prayer according to your word that clearly states that whatsoever things we desire when we pray we must believe that we have received them and we shall have them in the mighty name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ Amen Amen

  • @mekondjokamati333
    @mekondjokamati333 3 місяці тому +166

    My favorite revelation is having to fast and pray OVER and OVER and OVER till the enemy flees, till you get your answer. And also, the importance of NOT complaining and murmuring. Powerful. ❤

    • @May-tai
      @May-tai 2 місяці тому

      What time stamp was that? Roughly.

    • @talawoods25
      @talawoods25 2 місяці тому +4

      Amen! I was one of those people who would get frustrated after one fast. But I heard another Apostle say that in order to break the devil's cycle in your life/bloodline, you have to create another cycle of prayer, fasting, and devotion to God. We gotta be willing to DO WHAT IT TAKES! The violent take it by force. When you're dealing with generational chains, commit to do the work over and over and over. 100x if necessary. You may break through before that, but BE WILLING!!

  • @yourfavoriteraleighrealtor
    @yourfavoriteraleighrealtor 3 місяці тому +280

    I've been praying those prayers in Kevin's book (along with fasting) since December, and I've seen major break thru in my life. I've also recommended his book to several people at my church, and they've purchased it too. Tiphani and Kevin are fire 🔥. Keep obeying God.

    • @mrsdossou2179
      @mrsdossou2179 3 місяці тому +4

      Amen I have been praying prayers from Minister Ewing's book as well!!!! Powerful!

    • @latanyacampbell1616
      @latanyacampbell1616 3 місяці тому +1

      Whats the book

    • @mrsdossou2179
      @mrsdossou2179 3 місяці тому +4

      @Latanyacampbell1616 "Prayers That Work" Prophetess Tiphani speaks of it in the introduction of the video and shows the book as well. She also mentioned that you are able to get it from Amazon.

    • @latanyacampbell1616
      @latanyacampbell1616 3 місяці тому +2

      @@mrsdossou2179 thank you, appreciate you

    • @karenmccaskill3083
      @karenmccaskill3083 3 місяці тому +7

      God is fire but he’s using them.

  • @Taureea
    @Taureea 3 місяці тому +89

    I had idols.. all fell. I was broken. I was healed. I vowed NEVER to serve any one but God ever again. The consequences were beyond heart breaking..Having idols will always BREAK YOUR SPIRIT and your heart!

    • @MsPinklady75
      @MsPinklady75 2 місяці тому

      Wow, did one of your idols pass away?

    • @voncc3068
      @voncc3068 2 місяці тому

      ❤I x

  • @michelegilyard8740
    @michelegilyard8740 2 місяці тому +56

    When I left my former church, the pastor there said to me, he wasn’t releasing me. I told him, GOD told me to run and don’t look back.
    He stood there looking dumb founded. Shortly afterwards, started flourishing and have more funds than ever before.
    Thank GOD!!!!

  • @Sunshine-eq2zs
    @Sunshine-eq2zs 3 місяці тому +72

    Anyone else keep rewinding so they can take full thorough notes??? Not even 20 minutes in and soooo many gems have been shared!

    • @summerrayne678
      @summerrayne678 2 місяці тому

      That’s me all day watching them!! 😅❤

    • @matledimaj.somoro8086
      @matledimaj.somoro8086 Місяць тому +1

      Can also Go to transcript and you will be able to take notes at a slower pace

    • @Sunshine-eq2zs
      @Sunshine-eq2zs Місяць тому

      @@matledimaj.somoro8086 oohhh I didn’t know this, thank you!

  • @nikkiepperson7855
    @nikkiepperson7855 3 місяці тому +76

    After the first Art of War I asked God why aren’t Pastors talking about this and God told me specifically bc a lot of them are apart of it. I was flabbergasted confirmation for me. Ty Lord for this teaching that keeps reaffirming the word that I heard from the Lord.

    • @parismartin6012
      @parismartin6012 2 місяці тому +3

      Yesss. The fact that they didn't touch on it shows who and whom their loyalty is with , but moving forward it also show that they're trying to save face becomes im seeing 👀 a lot of them qoutting what Tiphani & minster kevin has been saying in 2022 . That's why GOD said he's coming for the( idols) body of Christ first because the leaders are lead by a other god, and GOD isn't have that at all. They will fall!!

    • @pre-pachroniclesbychristin1800
      @pre-pachroniclesbychristin1800 2 місяці тому +1


  • @loverofjesus1
    @loverofjesus1 3 місяці тому +68

    FIYAHHHHHH! The whole thing!!! As a daughter😭😭(only on the birth certificate) of narcissistic, cult “pastor, prophetess, apostle, or whatever they call themselves” parents…..EVERY POINT STUCKKKK! I AM FREE! Since I left their ministry I have been BATTLING! Downfall and setback one after another! They have treated me like I am their worst ENEMY! Since I have listened to Prophetess Tiphani’s teachings (of course the Bible FIRST) the scales have been falling offff! I thank God for turning my WATER INTO WINE! Jesus iyeeeeeeeee🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @DonovanJ95
    @DonovanJ95 3 місяці тому +45

    One thing that came to me earlier in the video, when he was talking about covenants with churches and its leaders, was that when we sow seeds, tithes, leave money on the altar, etc. for a move of God, you put your faith in the "seed" to move God to move for you, which is witchcraft and what witches & wizards do. You make covenants with any potential spirits behind that altar that the leaders may be serving, and in doing so, whatever spirit that was on the church, now is on you and has legal right to run in your life.
    Additionally, because you put your faith in the monetary seed for your deliverance, you actually make a covenant with Mammon on your finances, binding yourself with that spirit and the ones under it, and commit idolatry in the process by worshipping another god, even unintentionally, in place of the God you say you serve.

    • @joyanderson8646
      @joyanderson8646 3 місяці тому +1

      God doesn't need your money when He made the trees the miney is printed on. MAMMON is an ancient Canaanite God of money

    • @DonovanJ95
      @DonovanJ95 3 місяці тому +4

      @@joyanderson8646 Yes, that's the point lol God doesn't need money. People want it. When you make that financial donation, you bind yourself by sowing into the spirit behind the altar

    • @joyanderson8646
      @joyanderson8646 3 місяці тому +2

      My God my God!!!💯🔥🔥🔥
      forgive us, help us!!! 🙏😭🙏

    • @mrsg4996
      @mrsg4996 3 місяці тому +1

      Wow, yes, this part took me out. 😭 I'm a cheerful giver and have sowed exuberant amounts of money which now I'm seeing was in total error. When he said we reduced our God to a mere mortal by treating GOD like an atmosphere machine. Sheesh Lord forgive me. I repent, I repent I repent. 😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @Iam_Mrs.Evans3
    @Iam_Mrs.Evans3 3 місяці тому +39

    I’m only five minutes to Minister Ewing teaching and already I just keep saying “this is good, this is good”

  • @malikar631
    @malikar631 3 місяці тому +61

    The Art of War Pt.2 was such a blessing and right on time. I will be rewatching part 1 and 2 over and over again. Sooooo good!!!!!!!🙌🏾

    • @smaxbrown8352
      @smaxbrown8352 3 місяці тому +2

      I plan to watch Part 1❤

    • @Seleneex3
      @Seleneex3 2 місяці тому

      How do we navigate the fact that any church you want to attend and serve in now asks for people to become members (written and or verbal) prior to serving in ministry and/ or getting mentorship? Why is that such a normal practice in the modern church ?

  • @stefanieee788
    @stefanieee788 2 місяці тому +24

    Before Prophetess Tiphani’s Covered by God where she spoke of idolotry in ministries I started to fall back from KFT and I didn’t really understand why but I started to question things being taught etc. When Covered by God aired it made sense!!! Almost immediately I emailed the ministry that I wanted to withdraw my membership and threw away all things from KFT. I had to repent and disconnect myself from the ministry, leaders, all the money I sowed!!! Smh! They never preached on giving to the poor it was always kill your enemies and sow a seed on the word! I sowed so much money and the prophecies that were said on the seeds given never came to pass in my life. So thankful for mercy and deliverance and these teachings!! Definitely know God for yourself

    • @shaneikbrown733
      @shaneikbrown733 2 місяці тому

      😮😮 I always taught kft was solid I admired them for a while but then I just couldn't watch their sermons anymore. I'm glad you're free they never seem like the type to love people's money I always admired how many young people they had in the church.

    • @gayanngodfrey2824
      @gayanngodfrey2824 2 місяці тому +1

      What kft?

    • @iRetwistLocs
      @iRetwistLocs 2 місяці тому

      @@gayanngodfrey2824in the comments waiting on a reply lol

  • @TalkWithTP
    @TalkWithTP 3 місяці тому +27

    I believe that this should be a continued series either bi-weekly or monthly (I know yall busy in real life). Ex: The art of war part 3 | marine kingdom … pt 4 etc

  • @AdayaAmore
    @AdayaAmore 3 місяці тому +32

    15:20 This right here kept me from masturbation this morning! I just have to be honest. I woke up and it was so strong on me and then I thought about how the spirit of perversion wants a stronghold in my life. Thank God for ministers who teach us the enemy’s tactics!!!!

    • @swtayh
      @swtayh 2 місяці тому +2

      @AdayaAmore This book, Winning the Battle Within: Realistic Steps To Overcoming Sexual Strongholds by Dr. Neil T. Anderson, might help you.

    • @AdayaAmore
      @AdayaAmore 2 місяці тому +2

      @@swtayh Thanks. I’ll look into it.

    • @invertedbeautiful
      @invertedbeautiful 2 місяці тому


    • @May-tai
      @May-tai 2 місяці тому +2

      You have an spirit spouse or an spirit of list...they are the same.
      When you have strong urges like that.. Its not you. Glad you didn't give in!
      Check for familial doors.

    • @AdayaAmore
      @AdayaAmore 2 місяці тому

      @@May-tai I know from conception the spirit of perversion has been there trying to keep a stronghold. My mom prostituted while pregnant with me.

  • @OfficalAbigail
    @OfficalAbigail 2 місяці тому +11

    I need like 6 whole days to finish watching this because I need to digest it small small 🔥 🔥…. Oh my God 😭 😭 😭

  • @watakafiona
    @watakafiona 3 місяці тому +20

    The snake deceived Eve into sinning but the Lamb of God is the cure to what the snake started. Hallelujah

  • @ChildofGod98765
    @ChildofGod98765 3 місяці тому +51

    Lord please hear my prayers. I’m so discouraged. As a single mother I’m struggling to provide for my sons both are special needs I’m overwhelmed! Every month is a battle. Jesus help me to overcome my fears. Because as I struggle I am fearful. I trust in you Lord Jesus please give me strength as I struggle to buy groceries and as I struggle to pay rent I know you will make a way. 💕

    • @brooklynbutterfly3240
      @brooklynbutterfly3240 3 місяці тому +7

      Try visiting pantries. Churches usually have them.

    • @laustin2832
      @laustin2832 3 місяці тому

      God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of peace, love and a sound mind. Renounce, denounce, and divorce yourself from the covenant you’ve made with the spirits called fear and worry. Repent for coming into those covenants. Replace fear and worry with worship. As soon as you feel it creeping into your mind and body start praising and worshipping God. KNOW that He is God and he will supply/provide all your needs. Pray for resources, thank Him for bringing the right people into your life who will provide help and solutions. Thank Him for providing the finances to cover your needs as well as wants. I’ve been a single mom of 2 for 11 years and every day I wake up thanking Him for providing for us and letting us live comfortably even through the hardest financial times. He’s never let us go hungry or without a roof over our heads. Trust in Him and he’ll always keep you.

    • @purposedpatience6597
      @purposedpatience6597 3 місяці тому +17

      I’ve been there! My son is now 23. I even contemplated sending him to a facility 5 years ago but the Holy Spirit said don’t. I’m glad I listened to his voice and not people. Fast forward 5 years later my income jumped from 1500 a month to over ten thousand. My son has progressed tremendously. Trust me he hears your cry. Keep your heart before him and put him in remembrance of his word🫂🙏🏽

    • @yaprinc3ss
      @yaprinc3ss 3 місяці тому +6

      ‭2 Timothy 1:7 KJV‬
      [7] For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
      I highly recommend Tiphani's year of the bride fast. She has all of the videos on her UA-cam page. You will have a tremendous breakthrough in Jesus mighty name.

    • @yannagirl2474
      @yannagirl2474 3 місяці тому +2


  • @queenafriq
    @queenafriq 3 місяці тому +34

    Becoming Bolder Boulder Berean Believers! Thanking God for @Tiphani and @Kevin LA Ewing! WOW! Thank you so much for this teaching

  • @MellowSoul-ek3bj
    @MellowSoul-ek3bj 3 місяці тому +15

    I wish everyone would take time to watch this. So many of us are walking in error.

  • @emperorofeffectiveeducatio2105
    @emperorofeffectiveeducatio2105 3 місяці тому +23

    Offense at Truth! means you need deliverance. I was offended when my sister told me to reject the family sorority. God is good I’m out! Truth is supposed to offend, it’s a sword. It’s supposed to cut you up and His word heals you and delivers you!

  • @imaginemetvtalkshowwithart1514
    @imaginemetvtalkshowwithart1514 3 місяці тому +14

    Now this is making lots of sense to me. Help me Lord.

  • @hopemispella
    @hopemispella 3 місяці тому +11

    Get this, most of these knowledge resonated with one specific church I used to attend. I eventually stopped going there but I didn't know then that I needed to break the covenant. So yesterday as I was listening to this, I paused the video, denounced, renounced, divorced myself from that covenant, broke the curses and commanded all evil spirits associated with that covenant to leave me. Guess what, as I'm writing this, I just woke up from a dream about me having sex with my ex. Normally, I never remember my dreams clearly but this one, this was soooo clear. I immediately broke that covenant on the spot. That was truly God protecting me. And mind you, it's been a minute since I had sexual dreams, my God!!!! This is real!!! Satan is not here to play, and we also should start taking these things seriously!!! The spiritual warfare is Soo real!

    • @cassandragrayes6149
      @cassandragrayes6149 2 місяці тому +5

      Sammmeeee I just had two back to back and it’s been months since I had a sexual dream because I’ve been fasting, renouncing, and denouncing. I also had a familiar spirit dream of my ex being happy with someone else. I renounced and denounced that too as I know it was a soul tie. God is sooo good at protecting us.

  • @kingdomCULTURETV777
    @kingdomCULTURETV777 3 місяці тому +16

    Okay I had to listen to this about six times because I have been praying for revelation about somethings and Minister Ewing is nailing it .. But I had to listen to it quite a few times to grasp it ! So what he is saying at the 13:19 mark when he ask us to read 1 Samuel is that THE Spiritual MANIFESTATION OF Rebellion & Stubborness is IDOLATRY. What produces if we rebel and are stubborn are IDOLS... MY GOSH! This was the revelation I needed...JESUS helps us all this explains a lot ... Tiphani said it at the beginning let us help you break free ..WELP! this is about to free a whole lot of ppl! Thank you!

  • @ShaniceJanay
    @ShaniceJanay 3 місяці тому +25

    This is confirmation from the Holy Ghost because when I was in prayer last night I prayed and said “Lord I thank you that you are breaking the spirit of being in the Penal System” Thank you Jesus for replanting me ❤
    Thank you & God bless Tiphani and Kevin!

  • @CarleneEJBaptiste
    @CarleneEJBaptiste 3 місяці тому +10

    Idolatry is a spirit! Wow, I never thought of that.
    I put on my seat belt now for this....

  • @princesskike
    @princesskike 3 місяці тому +44

    THIS WAS 🔥🔥🔥 🤯🤯🤯 You cannot watch it once and think you've heard it all. GO BACK. Watch it again and again because 😮‍💨 BREAK THESE COVENANTS AND RUNNNNN FROM THESE CULTIC PLACES!

  • @ekaete-catheye.3105
    @ekaete-catheye.3105 3 місяці тому +13

    No wonder the Holy Spirit has been tugging on me to watch this video. I had lived under this spell, experienced everything he mentioned here in my previous season. All in the name of church membership. Literally everything he’s said here, everything. Thank God for mercy and grace to get out. I am so stunned by every information here.

    • @ekaete-catheye.3105
      @ekaete-catheye.3105 3 місяці тому

      I am so blessed by this. Thank you Prophet Tiph. For this

  • @kimberlywaller4736
    @kimberlywaller4736 3 місяці тому +13

    BLESSINGS TIPHANI & Minister Kevin, I’m reminded that I did sign something when I became a part of a few churches. I believe that they’re so eager to say that they have delivered me that they have evoked monitoring spirits and have caused me so much trauma and use demonic TATICS to cause me to pray more like eviction joblessness, illnesses, which all these began while living or exiting Chicago and disassociated myself from those churches; but the truth is, I need healing from wizardry. Trauma is not causing me to pray more, it’s wounding me, causing me to shut down. This has been going on for looonnng time.JESUS, this is good. I’m grateful for this teaching

  • @chaylove2909
    @chaylove2909 3 місяці тому +7

    @everyone remember to be anxious for nothing and pray about all things.
    Also we have to study to show ourselves approved unto God rightly dividing the word of Truth. Therefore, we cannot depend on our pastor to give us all the answers that is just a resource for us to continue in our research and in our prayer with God.

  • @GODSGIRL-1122
    @GODSGIRL-1122 2 місяці тому +8

    During the 3 day fast in November with covered by God my eyes were open to the bewitchment from watching Lovy and sowing into him and not progressing at all. Repented and renounced everything to do with him and God has catapulted me forward in every possible way!! God is so good. Thank you both for teaching truth! I've learned so much from you both.

    • @towandastarks8182
      @towandastarks8182 2 місяці тому +1

      Wow! I was told by a therapist to go immediatley to that church to get my answers from him!

  • @AngelHolloway04
    @AngelHolloway04 3 місяці тому +7

    I’m only 20 minutes in and I have 2 pages front and back of notes 😫😂.
    I love it

  • @charmainearthur2485
    @charmainearthur2485 3 місяці тому +30

    There are SEVERAL well KNOWN ministries that do these financial rituals. EVERY SINGLE TIME they minister, you are asked to sow into the word…….every time!

    • @WillieFordham
      @WillieFordham 3 місяці тому +3

      Who?? Say their names?

    • @stefanieee788
      @stefanieee788 2 місяці тому +4

      KFT does this. I fell for it many times until I realized what they prophecied wasn’t coming to pass when I would sow these seeds. And giving your first fruits the beginning of the yr is expected which is your first full check smh. Mercy

    • @onefoundationministries1988
      @onefoundationministries1988 2 місяці тому +1

      @@stefanieee788I have visited their church several times over the last couple years. The brethren there are wonderful people but I admit I wouldn’t likely cast membership at a place like that on account of their, in my opinion, too heavy emphasis on honoring leadership.

    • @Teianna
      @Teianna 2 місяці тому

      There are many online ministries aka prophetic voices that are immediately opening with requesting financial assistance for themselves, expecting birthday gifts for themselves, their children, and these random members of their organizations who I believe are mainly AI generated. I've even noticed they are requesting huge financial assistance in helping "members of their organizations" move, into nice homes, with the expectancy to pay 0 bills or any other expenses. Sending out Amazon lists with thousands of dollars worth of needed help from the same people who are needing help themselves. A "prophetic voice" just recently got me by demanding her viewers give $88.88 to her, or else. I was only able to send $8.88 but I noticed out of all the ministries I've tithed into, she didn't respond to my tithe. Not that I needed a response, it's just something I noticed.

  • @keinyabelin
    @keinyabelin 3 місяці тому +6

    When minister kevin said he was gonna go in....he didn't lie! I'm still speechless since last night. Mind Blown

  • @eunieflowers3305
    @eunieflowers3305 3 місяці тому +20

    No wonder God was born in a manger 🙌🏽 because literally we're cows, and we need the blood of the Lamb to neutralize the venom bite.

  • @SaraWebb-un8wg
    @SaraWebb-un8wg 3 місяці тому +9

    I am watching this from Peterborough England, thank God for this revelation 🙌🙌🙌blessed are you both.

  • @lethahayes0815
    @lethahayes0815 3 місяці тому +6

    This is so true I went to a ministry.. where God gave me a vivid dream about the leader himself wearing a black veil on his face walking down the isle of a church to marry the woman that was standing at the altar...I listened to one of pastor Ewings video that revealed a black veil is a representation of witchcraft witch/warlock...God showed me the man is warlock and in the dream he was a spirit spouse and he was marrying himself to all the single women that attended his ministry.....WHEW this stuff is reallllll

    @LORILIVINGSTONOFFICIAL 3 місяці тому +8

    It’s all getting exposed! Those you idolize are in idolatry themselves! The poor are shunned in these churches, to glory the rich! It’s all backwards…. But it’s exposed today in this message! Glory to God! It’s all exposed!

  • @delores_taylor1547
    @delores_taylor1547 3 місяці тому +4

    I’m only 5 mins in and I can say that Holy Spirit is speaking. My Apostle has been saying as well, for about a year now that there will be a Kingdom showdown and everything that can be shaken will be shaken. We are seeing this now! We need to draw closer to God like never before!

  • @talawoods25
    @talawoods25 3 місяці тому +13


  • @miriamhunte2140
    @miriamhunte2140 3 місяці тому +6

    My God. This is so powerful. I can’t explain how many things have been aborted because of idolatrous living with leaders…a co-conspirator in my own demise!

  • @princedave_ct8333
    @princedave_ct8333 2 місяці тому +4

    When going over this… as he unfolds Colossians 3:5 as one becomes like them… it just hit me “Like-them” when we are origin as creation to have GODs “likeness and image” it takes HIS GLORY and GOD WANTS HIS GLORY BACK🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @scottjustwrite
    @scottjustwrite 3 місяці тому +5

    There were soooo many parts of this that grabbed me. BBBB ; And I JUST finished reading Ezekiel 9 before this Live and it was like God placed a "highlight" pen over the part when He said, "And begin at My sanctuary" The Holy Spirit said to go back and read that part again....My God!!!🤯😓 We repent-We repent-We repent-We repent-We repent, Father. 🙏🙏

  • @carriebreese
    @carriebreese 3 місяці тому +8

    I legit just got my book 2 days ago and helped a friend of mine go through some Deliverance with it so thank you so much for your obedience to write the book

    • @Iam_jasminesheree
      @Iam_jasminesheree 2 місяці тому

      Hey. What is the name of the book?

    • @carriebreese
      @carriebreese Місяць тому

      @@Iam_jasminesheree the year of the Bride by Tiphani Montgomery

  • @jennifermitchell7127
    @jennifermitchell7127 3 місяці тому +13

    Believe it this is good.

  • @jeielygian02
    @jeielygian02 3 місяці тому +4

    When he reads Luke 22 and goes on to say how “it’s an investment to them” we can surely see it in the church and within our government.
    When he speaks on JESUS being a servant. Our creator. And how leaders want the praise for themselves vs. having a spirit of servitude - reminds me
    Of Satan wanting praise and trying to be like God.

  • @connielockhart3458
    @connielockhart3458 3 місяці тому +4

    The Art of War Pt 2 has blasted the blocked areas wide open for me. Everything makes so much sense now. Thank you God for answering my prayers and delivering me and my bloodline. Thank you God for Pastor Ewing and Prophetess Tiphani for giving us the knowledge. God bless you immensely!

  • @ruthtaylor8165
    @ruthtaylor8165 3 місяці тому +8

    This Teaching is Priceless, there really isn't a dollar amount we can put on this Blessed Teaching! Prohetess Tiffini and Teacher Kevin. I follow both of You!!! SOOOO Humble & Knowledgeable. Being from Brooklyn, your delivery style is right up my alley, each unique and yup I most certainly laugh lots!!! But guess what, I got my notes & my walk is truly better from receiving this Gospel Truth! Jesus the Christ all day, everyday! Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏 Thank You.

  • @divineanddifferent
    @divineanddifferent 2 місяці тому +3

    Just finally found time to listen 🤯! My goodness this was WORD RICH! But when he went to Ezekiel 8 I knew that he was taking us deeper. That chapter has always called me to weep! 😢😢😢 People using the things of God to lure the people of God away fron God. We gotta wake up!!!!

  • @KS-lu8nm
    @KS-lu8nm 3 місяці тому +4

    Confirmation! God has been giving me revelation about narcissism, jezebel, and witchcraft in the church just this week. This was a right on time word. Praise God!

  • @Fridah-Kavita
    @Fridah-Kavita 3 місяці тому +4

    This live is so powerful two years ago I watched the Art of War part one thats how I got introduced to Minister Kevin L A Ewing channel my life has been on an experiential change thank you woman of God Prophet Tiffany.... God bless you Pastor Kevin ewing.

  • @vanizemanjate2013
    @vanizemanjate2013 3 місяці тому +4


  • @Hankerleen_Hummpery.1
    @Hankerleen_Hummpery.1 2 місяці тому +2

    My God, this teaching needs to be eaten over and over and over and forever again because 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 my eyes are open

  • @Ifyouonlyknew22673
    @Ifyouonlyknew22673 2 місяці тому +3

    I’m so sad I couldn’t hear this 10 years ago!!!! Praise God show me how to Be Delivered amen 🙏🏾 ❤😢

  • @MsRaziaKimani
    @MsRaziaKimani 2 місяці тому +2

    I have watched this three times and counting… If I was living in the Old Testament days, I would be in sackcloth and ashes😮‍💨
    I joined a church at the beginning of 2023 that has so many of the signs of a cursed church, described here. Not to mention the downward turn every aspect of my life took since joining😭 I fully understand what Minister Ewing means when he says that one’s life becomes parched dry, your destiny is stolen, and a curse of limitation placed on you. I did not understand this is what was happening to me, but thought it was because of generational curses getting activated because of sin. Thank you Prophetess Tiphani and Minister Ewing for this live and the deep teaching!!!
    I have repented, renounced, denounced, and divorced myself from that cursed church and a few others that I was a part of before the 2023 one. I thank God for answered prayer, as I began to notice some red flags with the 2023 church and even wrote the leader of said church in the first months asking for the scriptural backing for the first red flag I noticed. I got no reply. I have been praying and asking God to make some things plain to me about the church and He has answered!!! I have heard Him and obeyed the Holy Spirit’s leading, including letting those I influenced to join the church, know that I have left. I also shared this teaching with them.
    I have sooooooo many lessons from this teaching that I could write a whole book!!! The thing is that even though I have been a believer and follower of Jesus 20 years, I was initially deceived by the 2023 church. It was so subtle. On the surface, the teaching is biblical and scripture is quoted all through. That said, I read somewhere that rat poison is 90 percent maize, but it’s the 10 percent poison that will kill you!!! The same is true of the 2023 church. I now fully understand the scripture Matthew 24:24 about even the elect being deceived. Thank You Father God that You are so intentional about setting the captives, including me, free!!!

  • @mildrianneclark9526
    @mildrianneclark9526 Місяць тому +1

    Yes, I thank God for all of my enemies. They are beneficial to the believer to keep seeking God. 🙂

  • @blazeworks
    @blazeworks 3 місяці тому +8

    Some persons have put their Jobs, Career & Professions before God as an idol.

  • @karenbrown5812
    @karenbrown5812 3 місяці тому +6

    Don’t be afraid to leave and fight against those who retaliate against you with prayer, fasting and the word of God! The Bible (The rule book).

  • @tremarie4353
    @tremarie4353 2 місяці тому +2

    MEAT, MEAT, MEAT, MEAT, MEAT! GOD YOU ARE SOOO SO GOOD. Followed both Minister Kevin and The Prophet of GOD Tiphani. They have both been consistent. thanking God for the revelation! Lord I LOVE YOU!

  • @Lola.Marie_
    @Lola.Marie_ 3 місяці тому +5

    This is an on time message ‼️‼️ my favorites

  • @cassandragrayes6149
    @cassandragrayes6149 2 місяці тому +2

    Thank you sooo much for this breakdown. I have noticed the idols I had in my past that I didn’t realize. The enemy wanted to keep me “dumb”, thinking if I didn’t worship objects or other ‘gods’ I’m good. I renounced, denounced, and divorced the spirit of idolatry in the name of Jesus.

  • @nakiacarter4621
    @nakiacarter4621 3 місяці тому +3

    I don’t believe anyone can watch this teaching and be the same.Somethings must break in the name of Jesus The execution of this message is rock solid. So many takeaways although when Minister Kevin mention about the disruption of a marriage infecting one spouse to come after the marriage causing confusion and barrenness (paraphrasing) everything is a seed. They demand it

  • @parismartin6012
    @parismartin6012 2 місяці тому +2

    Since the first video, I've been closing the doors and nailing them close ,denouncing, rebuking and comingout of covenant with all and everything on my mother, father, Grandparents on both sides and Husband's Bloodline .ok...All the books that i have purchased have given me revaluation 😢and I've been closing even more doors in my life since reading them. I thsnk GOD for JESUS Christ and the anointed women of GOD for being obedient!!!

  • @kimberlywaller4736
    @kimberlywaller4736 2 місяці тому +2

    Blessings, yes this has hindered my life, my relationships with my children has been compromised because of these churches that I once was apart of. This is and have been mine experience for sometime now. Ever since joining these occultic churches the enemy has run ramped in my life

  • @asha4189
    @asha4189 3 місяці тому +6

    This is so timely!! Literally just watched part 1 like 4 times over the weekend🤣

  • @francoiseblack6776
    @francoiseblack6776 2 місяці тому +1

    This was such a needed message. It’s so sad how many people have fallen victim to this trick of the enemy. I too was a victim for years. The Holy Spirit told me to leave a church after countless of events and I was too afraid for many years about what was next. I always had a need to belong to a church because it was ingrained that I needed covering and only a pastor could offer this. Sowing and not reaping. Watching members of the same church experience the same curses. Best decision I made by trusting God. When I left and realized that I can definitely cultivate a relationship with GOD outside of man was the best thing to happen to me. It’s amazing to fellowship but ain’t nothing like having that one on one time with God.❤ I truly pray this message reaches the people who truly believe God to be set free. There are so many unhappy Christian’s trapped in this situation and fear has crippled them to stay.

  • @erickaharr1959
    @erickaharr1959 2 місяці тому +1

    The revelation exposing the spirit of Idolatry. My God! This video had me reassessing and repenting for any idols I may have created unaware. The Lord our God said thou shalt have no other gods before him. 🔥☄️🔥☄️🔥☄️🔥☄️

  • @ErikaParnell_
    @ErikaParnell_ 3 місяці тому +2

    Glory to God He got me out 😩 thank you for shedding light on this. I was in deep idolatry and even though it felt off I didn’t want to “rebel” against God so I was obedient. I was so afraid and I thought God loved the leader more than me so I felt worthless and trapped but He heard me and set me free. It got to a point that everything she told me irritated me. I couldn’t even listen to her without becoming argumentative and eventually I walked away.

  • @KavaRichie
    @KavaRichie 2 місяці тому +1

    I have a better understanding for idolatory in many facets in my life. I started out realizing it in my relationship; but to hear that that idolatry is also in the church was an eye opener. I resonated with a lot of what was said. I got the prayer and I pray that I have the faith and the power to debuke and denouce the demonic sin and not the person. Flee Idolatry, repent and sin no more.

  • @ornellanchangvi
    @ornellanchangvi 3 місяці тому +2

    This is powerful. Such an eye opener! I wish every young person gets to hear this eye opening messages. Everyday I thank the Lord for making me discover you two. Love from Cameroon 🇨🇲 and God Bless you both.

  • @questionresearch8721
    @questionresearch8721 2 місяці тому +3

    I'm noticing the more I listen to Minister Kevin there is some internet interruption. I saw the second part of the live and it started glitching. It's a message that something wants to prevent from getting out. Too late and we got the message. 😅

  • @1165meme
    @1165meme 2 місяці тому +1

    This alllll soooo true! I have been speaking out against this in my previous church. This is our duty as children of God because He will NOT be marked. Confront the enemy and put a stop to that person. Thank you all for the unadulterated truth!!!! Keep up the good work!

  • @Kayla-qs8rh
    @Kayla-qs8rh 3 місяці тому +6

    Glad I’m left KFT God have mercy me

  • @beverlyseymour2171
    @beverlyseymour2171 3 місяці тому +1

    Kevin is spot on with everything he said about leaders being idols. That exactly how my old pastor was. He looked at anyone who questioned him as rebellious, and out of God's will. As a matter of fact every point he made was exactly how my old paster was.

  • 3 місяці тому +2

    MIND-BLOWN!!!!!! The kingdom of GOD is faithful and reliable -- as is The Lawgiver. We need to be grateful our Heavenly Father gave us the information so we can avoid pitfalls. For those in the midst of dealing with hard/bad stuff, let it be a learning opportunity; treat it as a refining fire; walk it out understanding better now that your life as a believer in Christ requires holiness-- because obedience IS protection...Where ever you are make it about Jesus and the suffering will not be in vail.

  • @tiffanyhoward4640
    @tiffanyhoward4640 Місяць тому +1

    I touch and agree in Jesus Christ name Amen hallelujah thank you Jesus

  • @jackiemcdaniel744
    @jackiemcdaniel744 2 місяці тому +1

    God gives you the ability to understand his faith for your life. I have never worried about my life, faith, or my future.

  • @lynnspurlock
    @lynnspurlock 2 місяці тому +1

    I had to pause this. This is so good. I’m like WOW was he a fly on the wall at the church I used to attend in Georgia. I’m over here hollering laughing up something. When Minister Kevin teaches with fire passion love and he says some things that cracks me up. He said they run you ragged they keep you in church. He is so on it. Okay back to the video.❤

  • @liciafreddie8577
    @liciafreddie8577 3 місяці тому +1

    Amazing how I had 3-4 revelatory dreams about the church I used to attend. I knew something was off the moment I had those dreams, eventually, the Holy Spirit took me outta there. Now this podcast is such a blessing to me. I thank YAH Almighty for the life of a sister of mine that shared this podcast with me. Praise be YAH for bringing you guys to me.

  • @KavaRichie
    @KavaRichie 2 місяці тому +1

    T. M. and this man is not lying. This just happened to me today. I had to take two days to listen to it in full. thanks

  • @lafemmeroyale
    @lafemmeroyale 2 місяці тому +1

    MY GOD !!! this teaching is SPOT ON spirit led. This is exactly what I encountered from a church in canada called Miracle Arena from a false prophet called kofi danso. May God release judgement upon every false prophet in jesus name !!!

  • @gerdaolivier4836
    @gerdaolivier4836 3 місяці тому +4

    The 6th was also the 1st day of sivan. The month where in Ester the King told them to write letters to announce the new proclamation for them to defend themselves against what Haman tried to do to them

  • @irenefinch7024
    @irenefinch7024 3 місяці тому +2

    I'm listening to this at the right time. In tears on what I'm hearing.

  • @wholeheartedlybynadia
    @wholeheartedlybynadia 2 місяці тому +2


  • @sharonmakatiani8951
    @sharonmakatiani8951 2 місяці тому +1

    Thank you Prophetess Tiphani and Kevin LA Ewing, this live has been eye opening and rewarding. The scripture reference and knowledge is amazing, powerful and delivering.
    Thank you My Father for your mercy and grace, May our brothers and sisters eyes be open so that they may see and know the true.

  • @stefanieee788
    @stefanieee788 2 місяці тому +1

    Watching this again and 🤯. Let these teachings go viral Lord!

  • @alexisforteza_
    @alexisforteza_ 2 місяці тому +3

    You all….this live is so bomb that I had to share this. Prophetess Tiphani recommend a book called “Becoming a Vessel of Honor” by Rebecca Brown and oh my….chapter 9 entitled “Defilement of Gods Temple” references Ezekiel ch 8!!!’ Ahhhh this is so good!! 🤯😀🙏🏼

  • @LisetteAimée
    @LisetteAimée Місяць тому

    i am so grateful for all of those revelation, praise be to GOD !

  • @julianrichy5830
    @julianrichy5830 2 місяці тому +2

    Thank you Lord for the ability to listen to this at 1.25 speed or 1.5 speed.

  • @rosamondsomah7340
    @rosamondsomah7340 2 місяці тому +1


  • @selwynhenry8526
    @selwynhenry8526 3 місяці тому +1

    Minister Kevin L.Ewing spoke a lots of things but the one that spoke volumes to me,what was mentioned about signing a contract when you you become member when you attend membership classes,buying materials pertaining to church.Thanks for the eye opener.Remain ever Blessed.Shalom

  • @uppitysingeruppitysinger9214
    @uppitysingeruppitysinger9214 2 місяці тому +2

    The right hand of fellowship…that’s a covenant, shaking everyone’s hand when you join

  • @aivaandari6220
    @aivaandari6220 2 місяці тому +1

    I love that you do not follow the traditions we need to break even with the “membership church” We are the church and i love this fellowship.

  • @lovelylady6063
    @lovelylady6063 Місяць тому

    I just connected to Covered by God. My soul is richly blessed by listening to this podcast. The man of God is so right in his teaching as I could hear my story in his message. I believe the HOLY SPIRIT led me hear to be encouraged, and to let me know that God is in control. Thank you Pastors Kevin and Tiphani,. May the Most High continues to uphold you with the right hand of His Righteousness.

  • @amiragraceministry401
    @amiragraceministry401 3 місяці тому +1

    PRISON-BREAK!!! Thank you for your obedience Tiphani and Kevin. Another enlightening and fire 🔥 teaching. Glory be to God!!!

  • @mrsg4996
    @mrsg4996 3 місяці тому +1

    Third time watching this and learning from the Scriptures that back it up. Thank you @@tiphanimontgomery & @KevinEwing for breaking down what the real Kingdom of God purposes should be and backing it up in the Word. This word was literal fire 🔥

  • @Brittnei1090
    @Brittnei1090 3 місяці тому +2

    That prayer broke me down bad!! I needed that, thank you 🙏🏽

  • @StrongHer40
    @StrongHer40 2 місяці тому +1

    This blessed me and I give all honor and praise to God. I absolutely enjoy listening and reading what Pastor Ewing has to say and/or share with others and I paid attention to him with the chat handle turned off as it’s super distracting.
    I wish the Q&A was further to the end so that his teaching could have been less interrupted, but overall this was a phenomenal segment concerning idols and getting after what’s in our hearts.

  • @chelc5890
    @chelc5890 2 місяці тому +1

    Father I reject and renounce the covenant I made weather ignorantly or knowingly agreed with this church, organization or group of people this day I break that contract by the blood of Jesus Christ in the Realm of the spirit.❤