Sadhguru is not spiritually awakened like Mooji or Eckhart Tolle

  • Опубліковано 9 гру 2022
  • When you listen to Sadhguru talk like for example with Mike Tyson or Will Smith you can see he is not spiritually awakened like Mooji or Eckhart Tolle
    I have an IQ of 135, am highly sensitive, feel nadis/chakras/energies, am an energy healer, have done 1000 sessions with women for healing and also group sessions with up to 30 participants in different cities. Before that professional musician, self-taught graphic designer and programmer. Currently traveling in a campervan and on a trip around the world. Have an MBA from Spain. I've been single for 4 years. I like French, Czech, Latinas and Japanese :-) Speak 6 languages: DE, IT, CZ, ES, FR, EN
    Learn PT and JP and a few others
    / guruyoni
    / yonijien


  • @kryptonide
    @kryptonide Рік тому +14

    Sadhguru constantly says ‘You are not the body nor the mind’.

  • @nothingreallyexists7580
    @nothingreallyexists7580 Рік тому +30

    You seem very honest sir. I'm not a follower of Sadhguru but when you make an opinion about somebody, you unconsciously make an image or opinion about yourself🙏 See it very clearly within yourself.

  • @mathildechevallier1725
    @mathildechevallier1725 Рік тому +5

    I think making an opinion on someone’s spirituality is already not spiritual as it comes from the ego mind trying to put people in boxes, comparing, judging and criticizing. Where does that lead ? Does it make sense ? How do you feel about you ? Do you feel it nourishes your soul ? Do you feel grown afterwards ? They are 3 souls having a human experience and sharing their experiences with the desire to lift people up and to help them rising their consciousness. “More or less spiritual” is already non spiritual. I thanks them to inspire the ones their inspire. Each of us take what resonate and leave the rest behind and along our journey we can be inspired by one and then another one to then come back to another and finally understanding that all the answers are within. Universe is in each of us. Blessings to all beings 🙏💛

  • @jedilady4485
    @jedilady4485 Рік тому +26

    I have known about this for many many years now since I spiritually awakened! Sadhguru is just an intelligent man with a white beard. He represented himself the wrong way.

    • @shivaiam
      @shivaiam Рік тому

      he is a black magician or vampire who gets his power from the people who follow him blindly

  • @KarthikVenkataraman
    @KarthikVenkataraman Рік тому +12

    Sadhguru has said the body is an accumulation and so is the mind and you are neither of these. The wrong identification with body and mind has been pointed out in his videos. He also said if he speaks of anything more, it becomes only a concept and not in your experience.

  • @morrissey8485
    @morrissey8485 Рік тому +7

    I arrived to the same conclusion. Thank you.

  • @AwakeFree
    @AwakeFree Рік тому +5

    It is good to have a healthy skepticism of anyone who claims to be a guru or the wise man with the way and a bunch of followers, following rituals. Rituals do not lead to understanding, they are just more conditioning. Whether they are enlightened or not, it's best not to blindly follow anyone but to inquire within oneself and learn about oneself. For as you learn what's going on within yourself, you learn about the human condition. From understanding comes right action. This is a solitary practice.

  • @slifer19964444
    @slifer19964444 Рік тому +19

    Honestly I think this video will age like milk. Wont stand a chance. I dont know how much you have watched of him or read his biography but he checks every box of being enlightened or at least deeply meditative all the time. Some people here say that they never „resonated“ with him, for me it was quite the opposite. Allthough Im not very far on my spiritual journey and Im only meditative once every two weeks if we are generous, I have had my deepest meditations listening to him. I think his whole biography (meditating 13 days as a young adult if he to believe, devoting his life to those concepts etc) and also the celebrations and meditations he does at his centers stand really contraire to your point. As I said I think this video will age like milk.. making a 4 minute video claiming Sadghuru isnt spiritual because you dont like his terminology? Yeah I dont think so..

  • @PracheeKorday
    @PracheeKorday Рік тому +5

    There r 112 paths to spirituality. If u know one path doesn't make other paths wrong.

  • @consciousnessbasedcosmos
    @consciousnessbasedcosmos Рік тому +5

    Why bother about whether Sadhguru or anybody else is spiritually awakened. Is it possible to know someone or something with certainty? The only thing that we can know with certainty is our my own self. All else is merely a guess work. Whether you are attracted to Sadhguru or not, to each his own.
    In this spiritual journey, we should only focus on our own self. We already have enough on our plate dealing with our own self, our own ego. Talking about others is only adding another obstacle. Its not only useless, it is harmful to our journey.

    • @Hergreenman
      @Hergreenman 4 місяці тому

      And then.. it's realised that there is no 'journey' 😂 and.. there never was anybody to go on one. 😮❤🎉

  • @AhmadQabbat
    @AhmadQabbat Рік тому +7

    Very good way to get views and exposure 👍 all the best bro...

    • @oh_james
      @oh_james  Рік тому

      you get it :-D but i also share knowledge.. its the combo

    • @1truthseeking8
      @1truthseeking8 Рік тому

      @@oh_james does enlightened/enlightenment include SEEING the true nature of reality? I mean seeing clearly when something is a "scam/PLANdemic/agenda"? Because yes Sadhguru PUSHED the deception of 2020 like a medical salesman craftily pushing *FEAR* and subtle guilt ..but then again I watched the DALAI LAMA get the snake venom in his shoulder, and recently watched MOOJI's videos in 2021 where he TOTALLY bought in and traded his sole for the We F & the Da vos'e agenda...
      What about you? Do you see the truth? Or do you beLIEve whatever the captured news, gov and the rest create & push?

  • @tomaspecinka2249
    @tomaspecinka2249 Рік тому +11

    I have the same feeling. I never really resonated with Sadhguru.

  • @SighDown
    @SighDown Рік тому +2

    Why do men always approach spirituality as an intellectual concept? Here’s a little food for thought: could it be that “spiritually awakened” individuals always recognize each other and the judgements of those still asleep just don’t matter?

  • @torarinvik4920
    @torarinvik4920 Місяць тому

    The reason you get that impression in the Mike Tyson and Will Smith videos is because he is relating to a mainstream audience. If you watch other videos, you will find he talks more about the transcendent. Eckhart Tolle does this too, where he is relating to a broader audience. It's smart to tailor your message in a way that the audience is receptive to. Tolle for instance talks more about surrender in retreats because a lot of people will think of surrender as defeatism and will not be open to it. You will notice a difference in his talks at Google and Standford, 60 minutes compared to the stuff that is meant for more experienced practitioners. It would be very difficult or perhaps impossible to say whether someone is enlightened or not, so the point is moot. The question is if the teaching is helpful or not, and a lot of people find his teaching to be helpful.

  • @Shishirsadventure
    @Shishirsadventure Рік тому +4

    Perfect and accurate

  • @dobmaster8208
    @dobmaster8208 Рік тому +3

    You have to understand that 1000 of teachers talk about Non duality but how many Follower are really enlightened trough just hearing words. It’s about the practice and integration and Sadhguru is someone how transmits his wisdom trough practices and sanghas rather than bubbling endlessly about non duality what everybody can do regardless if you are ,,enlightened“ or not. Second you have to see that this is your projection that someone should talk about what you think enlightenment is. Sadhguru transmits his teachings through his life and what he does for humanity. Last but not least, Sadhguru has dozens of videos online where he talks about disidentification with thoughts , your true nature and oneness but I think ( because of his million followers) he holds the ,,higher“ stuff back so he can raise the baseline state of many people as possible.. and this is really what humanity at this point needs most.

    • @dobmaster8208
      @dobmaster8208 Рік тому +1

      Edit: a separate self can not become enlightened.. if you would understand this you would understand nonduality

  • @shamsaali5785
    @shamsaali5785 Рік тому +4

    I agree with you. Sadgur is good but at a different level. May be one day he will reach selfless level of mooji but he’s not there yet! I love the analogy of business card

  • @limitlessg.a.d.2915
    @limitlessg.a.d.2915 Рік тому +1

    I hear you, and respect your sentiments. But I disagree with your approach to the context of your caption. He actually is higher in many ways because he’s open to being and sharing his experiences at the same time. That’s what sets him apart, that’s how I appreciate it the most. He understand the law of the universe ! Have you ever go listen to him speak in person sans being with another “celebrated” individual. I actually think the most awakened are the ones that practice the law of of the universe, the law of assumption, the law of knowing your spirit and your reality are separate but you experiencing yourself (subconscious).

  • @mangalsingh2050
    @mangalsingh2050 Рік тому +2

    Sadhguru is an orator, campaigner not spiritually awakened like other masters like Raman Maharshi, J. Krishnamurti.

  • @timydegreat
    @timydegreat Місяць тому +1

    Sadghuru has said mulitple times that the mind is like an old movie theatre that can only play old movies. He also says in his meditation ''I am not the body and not even the mind''. Also in Inner Engineering he talks about the importance of living in the Now. But I understand your view. When you hear Eckhart Tolle talk you immediatly become more present, and that's the purpose of a spiritual master. I am not becoming more present when I listen to Sadghuru. He has some very good insights but maybe that's the difference between a Yogi and a awakened person.

    • @oh_james
      @oh_james  Місяць тому

      Exactly. The awakened realizes maya is a joke played on the us/the sleeper

  • @melishek0001
    @melishek0001 Рік тому +1

    No person ever becomes awakened. It's the shedding of the person or self-concept that goes .. nothing is gained.

  • @lxbrd
    @lxbrd Рік тому

    His words are different. Very much mind oriented. There's a feeling.

  • @agostinam1129
    @agostinam1129 Рік тому +4

    he is an elite´s puppet

  • @sandhyanambiar6497
    @sandhyanambiar6497 Рік тому +4

    Very true. He gets angry if he is questioned.

  • @arjungupta25
    @arjungupta25 Рік тому +3

    Many people don't understand Advaita vedanta and find other paths more suitable. Just because you understand one doesn't discredit others. You will find many people abusing Mooji who don't get Advaita vedanta. Unfortunately, you seem one of them who is taking to UA-cam rather than experiencing him. What he says is fraction of he has does to others in terms of supporting them on the path and showing the way.
    In India, many ways have been explored which all lead to the same universal reality. I have been initiated by him and only after that I was able to understand Advaita vedanta. Indian yogis have depths beyond your current experience. Your view is very very limited. And it unfortunate to see you call another master as a business card and such things. Shame on you.

  • @TheAmbamatamantrasvideos
    @TheAmbamatamantrasvideos Рік тому +2

    I have always had that same feeling. Sadhguru calls himself sadguru. and that name is only for the enlightened guru who is beyond guru. like parabrahman is before or beyond brahman and paramatma is beyond or before atma.. it is the formlessness before it appeared. That is not this man on a motorcycle calling himself sadguru. He knows a lot but gets angry when people do not believe his words// only the ones that follow and adore him like sheep (Sorry )(... this is dualism and not advaita non-dualism. 🙂🙃

  • @jdcrawford
    @jdcrawford Рік тому

    He does talk about it, he points at it in a different way. Yoga asanas and meditation. They work in a way to change your conscious perspective.

  • @DreaBe
    @DreaBe Рік тому +1

    The spiritual awakening is something that is hard to convey.

  • @jesuisravi
    @jesuisravi Рік тому +1

    I don't follow Sadguru, but even though I don't have a 135 IQ I am nevertheless somehow sure he is spiritually a towering figure, and while I don't intend to dis spiritual teachers, the ones you mentioned , I feel, would without hesitation give way to him were there occasion to do so.

  • @lavieva2414
    @lavieva2414 Рік тому +2

    To be SO MUCH against a person, means you still have a long way to go by yourself, and towards Oneness.
    I think you are still struggling with matter and duality, and you need a lot of walking in your own tracable Wisdom's way to attain an inner silence worth growing.
    So please keep your dislikes for your vown majestic world of self contentment. And start really growing.

  • @lenakrupinski6303
    @lenakrupinski6303 Рік тому +3

    🙏🎆🙏 He doesen t have that peaceful energy like , osho, eckhart, mooji , yogananda. Papaji .💖💗

  • @marija068
    @marija068 Рік тому


  • @renateotten488
    @renateotten488 Рік тому +1

    What level has .....? ... that's ego or mind stuff. The beauty of life is that everyone can choose what resonates with them on a period of life. ❤
    When it does not fit you (anymore), let it be and go on travelling, no problem making out of it. Go or stay in your peace.🙂

  • @ravindramurthy3486
    @ravindramurthy3486 Рік тому

    One who is on the "QUEST TO COGNIZE TUTH" should be aware that TRUTH is ultimately not based on the pronouncements of an intellect or scripture, no matter how eminent they may be, but on personal verification based upon LIFE AND EXPERIENCE - the ultimate crucibles on which TRUTH will be tested .

  • @andrespali
    @andrespali Рік тому

    I agree with you Sir.

  • @magyger265
    @magyger265 Рік тому

    Sadguru is my boy and I speak heavily on spirituality 😁🤙

  • @DutchieDopa
    @DutchieDopa Рік тому


  • @bahauddin0438
    @bahauddin0438 3 місяці тому


  • @mariokuzner6294
    @mariokuzner6294 21 день тому

    You live under the rock bro

  • @willm5814
    @willm5814 Рік тому

    I think he’s great, but I realized early on that unlike Eckhart Tolle and Mooji he doesn’t tell you the ‘answer’


    I am also not awakened. I only have knowledge of it. i have compiled knowledge of it. but when i come in real world behavior with this world, then i forget everything.

  • @abhigarg5788
    @abhigarg5788 Рік тому

    Sometime you have to come to lower frequency to attract that kind of people maybe Sadhguru is like this to attract all kinds of people to sprictuality you can see his past life images he is completely different man today

  • @Vyborne
    @Vyborne Рік тому

    I agree with you about Sadhguru. I think the people who disagree don't understand that they are not their thoughts so they can't relate with what you're saying. However I don't get Mooji at all; never makes sense...although I know you are just using him as an example. If we are limiting ourselves to living persons , I would probably say along with Tolle would be Rupert Spira.

  • @jslogic2464
    @jslogic2464 Рік тому +1

    Not true Brother. If you are truly aware of what true enlightened beings have spoken you will get it. Further to that as an ordinary being we ourselves have limitation to understand the said beings. It only shows we are not there yet. The only way you could appreciate is by experiencing and not merely by words spoken. Your comments reflects that. You don't need to compare. Cheers.

  • @rahulkulkarni4204
    @rahulkulkarni4204 Рік тому +2

    Only awakened person can say the truth. If ekhart or mooji says that sadguru is not awakened, then it might be true.
    Otherwise, awakened jezus was killed by people who judged him wrongly. So I believe judging any awakened man by normal people like you and me is like an engineer judging skills of a doctor.

  • @howtosober
    @howtosober Рік тому +5

    Only a jivanmukti can be certain about another jivanmukti. That being said, someone on the nondual path for awhile, with a genuinely open heart, will feel a jivanmukti by and in their presence. It's not for us to say whether Sadhguru or someone is or isn't unless we have had direct experience of him. What I can say about Sadhguru is that he definitely guides his true seekers toward the Self. But you'll never hear him talking like that at, say, Google. I mean, look at these pop culture dingbats and the dumbass questions they ask of our spiritual masters. They couldn't recognize Truth if it dropped a cinder block on their heads. These beings wear and use their human personas where it is necessary. Most people can't even hear teaching about nonduality and wouldn't know what to do with it. Why would Sadhguru dump it on the wrong audience? If you go to his ashram and sit in front of him with sincere seeking, you will get what you are looking for. He's not my guru, but I've known and witnessed plenty of him to know that it's likely he is a jivanmukti- with a very particular style and presentation in the secular world- and definitely not a fraud like some of the hucksters out there screwing their students and performing "miracles" and being consumed over money and fame. I mean, look at Sai Baba. That guy's mission is huge and yet footage of every event was him dramatically vomiting up gold jewelry and handing it out to people. Sometimes Sadhguru talks about stuff that seems like pointless mysticism etc., but that is only for the people whose minds need to be entertained for awhile before they can digest anything more. His Inner Engineering, for one thing, is a specific sadhana to direct the seeker inward. Some teachers feel that having the broadest audience and meeting them wherever they are is the best way to serve in awakening people. Other teachers never leave their one ashram and will only tell you "Who Am I?" But to use that as a system for deciding who is or isn't a jivanmukti is using the wrong measuring stick. Vedanta scriptures are very specific about what is and is not enlightenment.

  • @horecia
    @horecia Рік тому +2

    you believe a lot

  • @only_visiting
    @only_visiting Рік тому +2

    "I have an IQ of 135"...sounds like someone is pretty identified with their mind. Just sayin.

  • @priyasivadasan8501
    @priyasivadasan8501 Рік тому

    Not every seeker can follow the path of advaita.

  • @eyelovetheskyandthesea
    @eyelovetheskyandthesea Рік тому

    Once I had the impression that he is one sided. Once I heard there is the Shiva way. Denying reality and all that arise as not part of you. The shakti way is seeing and acknowledge that you are also a part of all that is. And the non dual way, is both at the same time. Individuation said Carl Jung. We all are the Soul. And part of all and all is part of us also at the same time it is just temporary and in the moments you accepting. So it is somehow complex from the metaperspective and also to explain jn words. During meditation all can dissolve also you can become one with all. Where your focus goes that is what you are connecting with. And also letting go just means not to take control over other person and what they think or believe. Just be you and present. One consciousness inside and outside all. Combined paradox. The conscious of the collective is one. Every living being also has his/her personal individual perception through being present. All together is one consciousness. Sadguru knows this I think, but it is to hard for him to handeln the grief of the loss of his wife. If he would acknowledge the moment, then he would recognise his wife, the individual her is gone. I believe he has to be very rational. And it helps people around the world to get up when they are too emotional. This is what I see from my view. There is no right or wrong path. All is at the same time and at once. Stay blessed and never forget, we all have a purpose even when not understanding. Once Eckhart Tolle said, years ago, that many could live with the truth of awakening. So let them sleep. The ones that want to awaken are going to. And Sadguru is in very high consciousness and he knows, if he wants to be still here and help others to go through life, he has to shut down his personal emotions.

  • @julettasmolietta1174
    @julettasmolietta1174 Місяць тому

    Sir, how you can know mentally if Sathguru is awakened or not, by thinking you will never know these things only by experiencing, if you can go to Sathguru program alive and learn some techniques Sathguru provides as a " tool" to go beyond your thoughts then only you can know things beyond mind, I did it that's why I am saying it...

    • @oh_james
      @oh_james  Місяць тому

      Mooji offers it for free immediately over youtube

  • @ligma7333
    @ligma7333 Рік тому

    Awakening isnt some moral posturing you can do what you want free will

  • @babinskihugo
    @babinskihugo Рік тому +1

    If gaining intellectual knowledge about non-duality would make one enlighted, a lot of enlighted souls would walk on this planet now.
    It is a subjective science. You can't read about it in a book and expect enlightment for yourself as a result.
    I don't know if Sadhguru is enlighted or not because I am not enlighted myself. He does seem to have much wisdom and knowledge though. Maybe give his yoga practices a try?

  • @ignaciogarciaberropomopuyo4426

    This isn't true

  • @Hi-cu3jw
    @Hi-cu3jw Рік тому +2

    he doesn't talk about nonduality because he's relating to Will Smith or whoever at their level of consciousness; you cannot teach lvl99 nonduality to someone that's at lvl1.
    Also there's no such thing as the right behavior of an awakened being; awakening itself is an illusion. Who is there to awaken? Awaken to what? But what do I know? I am nobody.

    • @oh_james
      @oh_james  Рік тому

      " you cannot teach lvl99 nonduality to someone that's at lvl1" WRONG very wrong...

    • @Hi-cu3jw
      @Hi-cu3jw Рік тому

      @@oh_james imagine you give someone that's new to spirituality: a copy of the Ashtavakra Gita, the most potent and highest level of nonduality.
      That book is asking the individual to embrace death: that there is no body or mind. That they do not exist.
      A person that has not evolved their consciousness will have 2 reactions: (1) scoff at it completely and say it's wrong or (2) be completely terrified.
      It is a dangerous thing to teach someone high forms of non-duality because they will only intellectualize it, not fully grasp it.
      It takes time and patience for one to slowly face their own spiritual death.

    • @Hi-cu3jw
      @Hi-cu3jw Рік тому

      ​@@oh_james also spending time analyzing if another person is awakened or not, is entirely futile.
      This is like a videogame character complaining that another videogame character is aware that they are not a videogame character.
      This is like a thumb complaining that the pinky is not aware that it belongs to a hand. You both belong to a hand. You are both one. Who cares?
      Do you not see the pointlessness of it?

  • @edoardodardi57
    @edoardodardi57 Рік тому +1

    From my point of view its not that simple....Sadhguruh talks about Yoga.....that can lead you to enlightment.I dont understand your pupose Sir?

  • @DannyGu33
    @DannyGu33 Рік тому +2

    The thing is that to attract people who have not had experience with any of the spiritual unveiling of the supreme self, Sadhguru transmits the feeling that the ego of people doesn't feel frightened, like his hatha yoga classes for example, or guided meditations that don't go to the non duality but instead it makes you imagine things to calm the superficial mind but it will not free you from duality... Although it is a great start for beginners, he doesn't have what it requires to really set anyone free from the ego mind.
    I really resonate with him tho, and the music offerings to the Dhyanalinga are immaculate, I listen to them all day long

  • @dhirajadhikari8190
    @dhirajadhikari8190 Рік тому

    What about Acharya Prashant?

    • @oh_james
      @oh_james  Рік тому

      i have to look up .. i will tell you

    • @oh_james
      @oh_james  Рік тому

      with Acharya Prashant i feel only sexual hierarchy. he does it only for libido/ego

    • @dhirajadhikari8190
      @dhirajadhikari8190 Рік тому +1

      How do you feel about it, can you explain your observations?
      Also , please look Jiddu Krishnamurty.

  • @unrealshrimp
    @unrealshrimp Рік тому

    This guy's description is like a cringy tinder bio lmao 😂

  • @zoum6
    @zoum6 Рік тому

    That's what I hear him talk about in most his videos idk what you talking about tbh

  • @sushmajuyal2053
    @sushmajuyal2053 Рік тому

    He is shivansh.

  • @tarakeshnc7417
    @tarakeshnc7417 5 місяців тому

    Fact is you will never know who is enlightened and who is not. .. one can rightfully have a opinion.

  • @KoyomiMojo
    @KoyomiMojo 3 місяці тому

    Your belief one way or another doesn't make it not so.

  • @branten123
    @branten123 8 місяців тому

    Lol, you've never heard him talk about non duality, then you clearly haven't listen to him. Yeah sure he doesn't use the word "non duality", but he does talk about it.

  • @ravisingh9470
    @ravisingh9470 Рік тому +1

    As if any body will understand that😂.

  • @user-is2lc7ti9i
    @user-is2lc7ti9i 2 місяці тому

    I see something shady in Sadhguru's eyes. But his teachings on overthinking ( mental diarrhea ) helped me a lot. Maybe he's just doing too much business around him, while he could do more free online courses... he's already a millionaire!

  • @tomandband
    @tomandband Рік тому

    i dont think you are fully realized so dont know how you can judge him

  • @Berkanann
    @Berkanann Рік тому

    I think, you are mistaken. Sadhguru is beyond that level you are talking about and use to determine who is 'spiritually awakened'. I actually think Sadhguru is on a higher consciousness level than Mooji or Eckhart and I love both Mooji and Eckhart. All you are saying is that Sadhguru does not fit into your own concept of an awakened teacher. Advaita is a super effective and quick way to realisation, but not the only way and not the only thing this complex texture of existence called 'Earth and mankind' needs. Sadhguru just likes to play with other questions and matters too, not strictly just the Advaita way of self realisation. The concept of self realisation is overrated anyway, many people thinking that is the end of the journey while it is only the beginning Sadhguru is addressing matters before the first spiritual eye-opening and beyond it. I see nothing wrong it.
    Also, judging the spiritual level of others is kind of pointless and not leading anywhere. Rather use this energy to work on yours. ;)

    • @Berkanann
      @Berkanann Рік тому

      @@shivaiam Haha! All of these teachers are speaking about the same thing. Just from slightly different angles. ;)

  • @rameshande9600
    @rameshande9600 Рік тому +1

    Yes it appears sadguru not fully awakened but had some mystical experiences he is still control of ego main example is u never find the joy in his disciples they behave like slaves with the king he also admits that behaviour it clearly shows that the disciples are not getting the peaceful vibrations from their guru.But he himself maintains celebrity life and always eager to interact with celebrities something is wrong ie he is not experiencing the bliss like ramana nisargadatta maharaj

  • @theuniverse5325
    @theuniverse5325 Рік тому +1

    See , being an awakened one means you know that you are not the body but the soul (universal power) itself!!! U will know that we all are playing role here mate what's the issue ? U don't like him coz he is doing free promotion to save the planet and all ? Lol

  • @nishilchauhan1322
    @nishilchauhan1322 4 місяці тому

    I think ..You are telling this because still you are not awaken to understand those Gurus

  • @Soniagchhetri
    @Soniagchhetri Рік тому +2

    In one of the interview he actually said that he want every human to have a drop of spirituality, and he explained it why he wants to teach people that.
    I really find he's teachings great and easy to understand.

  • @mkulikowski
    @mkulikowski Рік тому

    Anybody who claims to know what is 'enlightenment' is definitely not knowing it completely sir. Judging Sadhguru in those terms is egotistic from your side. I don't know either, I don't care about who is enlightened and who is not, it's not a ranking of humans lol.
    You also lie or say out of not knowing, Sadhguru is talking about freeing oneself from the body and mind identification, that's why he created Isha Kriya. You need to be blind not to see it. He wrote also a whole book and made a course of the same name - Inner Engineering, where he clearly tries to help people to realise their potential as spiritual beings.

  • @rathodnarendra5255
    @rathodnarendra5255 Рік тому +2

    Sadhguru is much more deep then you think but aproch of the Sadhguru is different then rest he teaches that how we can use this bodymind in batter way and he is not promoting any peace or happiness which is rest do for money and cheap glory.

  • @fabianbussinger2291
    @fabianbussinger2291 Місяць тому

    moooji is also not awakened and a cult leader lol

  • @angelocanu2309
    @angelocanu2309 7 місяців тому

    Eckhart isn’t enlightened either… Not even a tiny bit.

  • @JatinderSingh-oz1hx
    @JatinderSingh-oz1hx Рік тому

    Sadhguru is a spiritual leader not spiritual teacher.

  • @nickc.5783
    @nickc.5783 Рік тому +3

    Sadhguru is very spiritually awakened, I believe he's just trying to create teachings that are accessible to broader audiences (not as spiritually inclined, especially in science and atheist community); of which he's been very successful in. Mooji and Eckhart are excellent teachers for those already desiring the path towards and deepening their understanding of non-duality and growing their consciousness.
    Even mentioning the concept of oneness and predeterminism to some individuals very quickly turns them away; a lot of individuals are scared of the idea of not having free-will.
    Change won't happen overnight, the important thing is that there are spiritual leaders that can bridge the gap between complete spirituality and non at all. Sadhguru knows exactly who he is, and I think he is making great work in introducing the world to non-duality. Individuals that are scared of the idea of non-duality deserve our complete compassion and love, as they are truly us as well.

  • @bluwng
    @bluwng 3 місяці тому

    Why do you care?

  • @m.f.s8917
    @m.f.s8917 Рік тому +2

    Dont be so hard on Sadhguru , he is unique! Can you nane any other guru who is accused of murdering his wife? 😏 you see? 🙄

  • @beautifulrose8619
    @beautifulrose8619 4 місяці тому

    I really am turned off by Sadhguru. I see he is constantly flipping back his sash from his robe. He has too many silly advices.

  • @KB-fr5ns
    @KB-fr5ns Рік тому +1

    You are obviously not enlightened

    • @oh_james
      @oh_james  Рік тому

      who cares.. your mind maybe :-D i dont cause there is no one

    • @KB-fr5ns
      @KB-fr5ns Рік тому

      @@oh_james If no one cares, why make this video?

    • @oh_james
      @oh_james  Рік тому

      libido empowerment (LE) explained it many times on this channel

  • @deexee6194
    @deexee6194 Рік тому

    Have you experienced Sadhguru inner engineering? If you haven't, you're basing your judgement of someone's entire life and work on UA-cam videos and interviews? Does that make sense to you Mr. Enlightened? Always piecework .
    Sadhguru is not Mooji and Eckhart so Sadhguru must not follow the same pattern as Mooji or Eckhart !
    There is no ONE WAY to spiritual awakening, who are you to judge who is spiritual awakened or not? And to see some comments all same from the intellect wanting to be more spiritual awakened than others to judge and decide who is or who isn't.
    Your video is proof to yourself and your commentators of your level of spiritual enlightenment and has nothing to do with Sadhguru.

  • @peterfischer5157
    @peterfischer5157 Рік тому +1

    You talk about nonduality and further awakening is interesting, but you have no clue about enlightenment, it is like explaining the taste of salt intellectually. I will never understand why so many people talk about something they have never experienced themselves. Enlightenment has nothing to do with the mind, when you have this experience the mind actually disappears and so does the I and the self, it is a feeling that comes from the center of your heart and moves away from you in waves of love and compassion, your body and all the atoms in it moves at a much higher frequency and everything else disappears, all there is left is love and compassion and yourself being part of the whole universe within yourself. It has nothing to do with all the speculations of people that never experienced it. I just wish you would stop spreading this garbage and wait until you had the enlightenment experience yourself.
    Also all your languages, your MBA and your campervan will not help you to achieve enlightenment, you will have to drop all that also your IQ of 135 and your sensivity alltogether, and stand there naked then if you are lucky when it hits you like a powerful force that you never experienced before, and nobody on this whole earth could ever miss it when it appears, I wish you good luck.

    • @oh_james
      @oh_james  8 місяців тому

      Says the person commenting.. Lol

    • @peterfischer5157
      @peterfischer5157 8 місяців тому +1

      @@oh_james Must have taken you a long time to work this lol out. How about a short description of your own enlightenment?

  • @stoyansvet128
    @stoyansvet128 4 місяці тому

    sad guru is a fake guru but he is smart. That will not help him to save him from his bad karma. ;)

  • @lawerpradeep
    @lawerpradeep Рік тому

    Yes Sad Guru is a fake.