God's Abundant Grace +Blessings Cardinal William Goh, for the homily in God' s Promise , to expose sin +to enlighten each other positively ahead . PTL ❤
Yes you are right sin is an abomination to the Lord. But has God stopped pouring out His wrath incessantly on all iniquity, rebellion and sin on the human race ? Romans 1:18. Because of the law, sin and death, we seem to be nonchalant and oblivious to sin, and the world moves on with sin with much impunity. But God has a greater purpose in pushing evil forwards: to reveal Christ to sinners.
Thank you William Cardinal Goh. Amen ❤
Thank you Father for such an enlightening homily.
God's Abundant Grace +Blessings Cardinal William Goh, for the homily in God' s Promise , to expose sin +to enlighten each other positively ahead . PTL ❤
Excellent. Amen.
As I see it....Sin is not so much something we have than something we do not have.... something absent in us.... the love for God not in us.
Yes you are right sin is an abomination to the Lord. But has God stopped pouring out His wrath incessantly on all iniquity, rebellion and sin on the human race ? Romans 1:18. Because of the law, sin and death, we seem to be nonchalant and oblivious to sin, and the world moves on with sin with much impunity. But God has a greater purpose in pushing evil forwards: to reveal Christ to sinners.