The Civil War (US History EOC Review - USHC 3.2)

  • Опубліковано 7 лип 2024
    In this segment of the US History EOC Review series, Tom Richey gives a brief overview of the Civil War, including the causes of Southern secession, Union and Confederate advantages, major military engagements, and the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact.
    This lecture addresses USHC 3.2 in the South Carolina curriculum standards for US History and the Constitution.


  • @lazyakersfishing1350
    @lazyakersfishing1350 7 років тому +4

    Great video, Mr. Richey. It may be too granular, but it would be cool to see a video on how the deep southern states started to secede. The domino effect so to speak (if there was one of course). I live in Texas which was, I believe, the last state to secede BEFORE Fort Sumter.

  • @khankakar5014
    @khankakar5014 7 років тому +3

    This was really fruit full thank you very much sir. Secondly I really try hard to find your video clip about "The Great depression"topic But I could not find plz will you help us to cast light upon on this important topic of American History I will be glad of you in this act of kindness.

  • @Shaydxxn
    @Shaydxxn 4 роки тому

    just subscribed. I love your videos! And RAD OUTRO!!!

  • @BrianSSechrist
    @BrianSSechrist 4 роки тому +3

    I like how you put Fort Sumter on the chart of decisive battles just to give the Confederates a win.

    • @luisfilipe2023
      @luisfilipe2023 Рік тому +2

      It was the first battle so it was decisive

  • @avenaoat
    @avenaoat 2 роки тому

    Lee defeated in West Virginia (against Little Mc and Rosecrans) in 1861 and he was sent to Deep South to check the forts at the Atlantic shore! After Johnston injured he became leader in Virginia again.

  • @buffalopregame5904
    @buffalopregame5904 6 років тому +3

    Do u have any examples not Related to slavery that was going on between federal authority and states rights. I know there was the national Bank thing but when I hear this i think to myself that that this is no different than the politics of today. There has always been a federal v state rights debates so what specifically made it different in this time period?? Thanks

  • @robvoncken2565
    @robvoncken2565 7 років тому +2

    I always wondered why the south had so many good military leaders. The North had a much larger population and one would expect that, even with a long military tradition, the South should have been outclassed and overwhelmed by the North.

  • @prechabahnglai103
    @prechabahnglai103 4 роки тому +2

    4:35 I think you meant The First Battle of Bull Run when you said Fort Sumter as Confederate Victory. The firing on Fort Sumter wasn't really a battle. Just my opinion.

    • @petermonte2180
      @petermonte2180 4 роки тому

      Fort Sumter assault was the final straw that started the war

    • @rdc_bdos
      @rdc_bdos 3 роки тому +1

      @@petermonte2180 no, Southern succession started the war

  • @ghnfyhj
    @ghnfyhj 4 роки тому

    Prof. Matt Damon is the mutha *ucken HOUSE!!!!!!!

  • @TheStapleGunKid
    @TheStapleGunKid 3 роки тому +2

    "Defense as an objective, not conquest"
    During the Civil War, the South invaded Maryland, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Washington D. C. and New Mexico. The idea that the South was only waging a defensive war is a myth.

    • @brandonf24
      @brandonf24 3 роки тому +1

      Again, another comment devoid of any contextual nuance...Lee invaded Pennsylvania, for example, to draw union forces north after him away from the Rappahannock River and by bringing war to Northern soil in the hopes of eventually achieving a political victory, thus securing recognition and DEFENDING sovereignty for the CSA. Don't conflate the tactical and strategic objectives as always being synonymous.

    • @TheStapleGunKid
      @TheStapleGunKid 3 роки тому +2

      @@brandonf24 It was still an invasion, regardless of Lee's motives for carrying it out. There was nothing defensive about it.

    • @avenaoat
      @avenaoat 2 роки тому

      @@TheStapleGunKid You are right , battle of Glorieta Pass was the end of an expedition to invade California for the Confederacy!

    • @avenaoat
      @avenaoat 2 роки тому

      Jefferson Davis gave green lamp for Sibley to reach California through the UNIONIST New Mexico for gold! He lost at battle of Glorieta Pass New Mexico. Vermont got Confederat attact in 1864 and Kansas too in 1864. Battle of Mine Creek Kansas was the one of the biggest cavalry battle in the Civil War in 1864.

    • @robertortiz-wilson1588
      @robertortiz-wilson1588 8 місяців тому

      Yes. Yet the Union's intentions were obvious beforehand.

  • @jofoliveres2
    @jofoliveres2 4 роки тому

    McClellan failed so miserably at Antietam. He could have crushed Lee's army but instead decided to let it escape. He was such a calamitous general. Only Burnside can be compared to him in terms of incompetence.

  • @henriomoeje8741
    @henriomoeje8741 Рік тому

    Lincoln was a closeted abolitionist. He said it hated slavery but knew the fed didn't have the constitutional right to abolish it.

    • @PersistentPatriot
      @PersistentPatriot 6 місяців тому

      yes he was what people call a white supremacist and wanted Africans repatriated to Monrovia or Liberia. He did not free slaves to make them the social or political equals of whites.

  • @SnobySnowStar
    @SnobySnowStar 2 роки тому


  • @Kingcea12
    @Kingcea12 4 роки тому +2

    If the reason for secession was Lincoln‘s election then why did that cause secession? Answer: they feared he would outlaw slavery, nice try scapegoating though, it’s at least a different poorly composed argument

    • @colinnash2451
      @colinnash2451 3 роки тому +1

      the fact that Lincoln was going to restrict slavery in the territories, supported high tariffs such as a the Morrill tariff and supporting the federal government building roads and railroads instead of state governments being in control. Using state revenue from southern states to pay for northern infrastructure. To name a few examples of states rights. but don't take my word for it.
      Alexander Stephens
      “Allow me briefly to allude to some of these improvements. The question of building up class interests, or fostering one branch of industry to the prejudice of another under the exercise of the revenue power, which gave us so much trouble under the old constitution, is put at rest forever under the new. We allow the imposition of no duty with a view of giving advantage to one class of persons, in any trade or business, over those of another. All, under our system, stand upon the same broad principles of perfect equality. Honest labor and enterprise are left free and unrestricted in whatever pursuit they may be engaged. This old thorn of the tariff, which was the cause of so much irritation in the old body politic, is removed forever from the new.”

    • @avenaoat
      @avenaoat 2 роки тому

      @@colinnash2451 1.The Morrill tariff was voted after 7 states left the Union.
      2. The railroads were not built from state's money! The railroads were built by Co Limiteds! Vanderbilts, Durant and others managed this companies. Sherman the leader of the Army helped to built the intercontinental railroad!
      3. The tariff helped the USA industry, that to use American steel, American steel machins, instead of British, Belgian, French, Prussian steels, steam engines!
      4. The Civil War showed soon the Southern Cotton was substituted Egypt, Indian and other country COTTON. The sugar beet industry increased in Europe so the Brasil also changed from sugarcane to COTTON. Corn King was the winner, because the Northern corn was transport to such country where instead of corn they could product COTTON.

    • @avenaoat
      @avenaoat 2 роки тому

      @@colinnash2451 Funny a Virginian family McCormings in Chicago started an agricultural factory which produced such machine as the harvester. This machine helped the farmers to avoid the slaves for their farms! The sugar beet industry helped the abolution too!

  • @danpatterson6937
    @danpatterson6937 4 роки тому

    Secession by itself did nothing to forward the cause of the War Between the States. Left alone the CSA would have sought trade with Europe and cooperation with the US. The war began because of a perceived invasion by US troops reinforcing Ft Moultrie despite an explicit warning against it. Lincoln maneuvered the shot by his action rather than negotiate an agreement.

  • @PersistentPatriot
    @PersistentPatriot 6 місяців тому

    You're just absolutely negligent about the Southern reasons for secession. Failure to mention John Brown's racial terrorism - how can you claim to be an educator/historian when you fail to mention it??

  • @mysticwater3871
    @mysticwater3871 7 років тому +8

    Please stop pretending you are drinking out of that cup! It is empty so stop!

    • @Kinghimx
      @Kinghimx 4 роки тому

      You don’t know that for sure