Coming out

  • Опубліковано 12 січ 2015


  • @ianward9157
    @ianward9157 3 роки тому +40

    How could any parent throw out such a beautiful young man. Every happiness to you. XXX X

  • @localguy7333
    @localguy7333 8 років тому +78

    I would be so proud to have a son like you. Your parents are missing out on a beautiful son. Make a life, find your happiness and maybe someday they will come around.

    • @bodhichitananda
      @bodhichitananda 3 роки тому

      Totally agree.

    • @Melidontcare
      @Melidontcare 3 роки тому

      So agree with your post..

    • @Melidontcare
      @Melidontcare 3 роки тому

      I agree with Local Guy… I would be soo damn proud to have you as my son.. I’m sorry your parents are struggling, but not your concern.. continue your education..
      If I knew you personally, I would help you financially. Hang in there, You are loved.

  • @kc3302
    @kc3302 8 років тому +116

    Parents choosing religion over their son. That is so sad. I'm glad you've created a good life for yourself and best wishes for the future.

    • @48acar19
      @48acar19 8 років тому +13

      +Ken Chapman Plus, their son is such an awesome guy!

    • @blueslushy118
      @blueslushy118 8 років тому +2

      +48acar19 true dat💕

    • @FABWaldorf
      @FABWaldorf 5 років тому +2

      I agree with Ken Chapman and 48acar19. I'd also add Austen, in my view, your parents chose to bring you in to the world and even if they didn't plan their family, they are the reason you exist and they have a duty of care to you! You're such a sweet, intelligent, charming person. I think you're an adorable and outstanding guy! Wishing u every happiness! Fergus Dublin Ireland

    • @dp53plante95
      @dp53plante95 5 років тому +5

      Austin is certainly more forgiving about his parents who have willingly abandoned him than I would be in that situation. There is never any excuse for a parent not to love their child over everything else, including their idea of religion.

    • @johnrauner2515
      @johnrauner2515 3 роки тому +2

      @@dp53plante95 Yeah and I bet like all religious nutters, his parents claim loving unconditionally is what they stand for. hahahaha. Bible bashers are the most two faced people on the planet.

  • @Music182Forever
    @Music182Forever 9 років тому +50

    I wish the best for you. You seem so sweet and genuine!

  • @rocky315w
    @rocky315w 9 років тому +80

    If you ditch your son for religion there can't be much said for that or any religion.

    • @kiranroopsharma3684
      @kiranroopsharma3684 4 роки тому

      I have ditched my brother so you can fuck off and may Jesus Christ save your wreched soul

    • @fidokalman
      @fidokalman 3 роки тому +14

      @@kiranroopsharma3684 Well aren't you the good Chrisian! LOL

    • @ronaldsmith6161
      @ronaldsmith6161 3 роки тому +5

      @@fidokalman She sounds like a wonderful Christian. I would just love to have Easter dinner with her. LOL

    • @jonathanbalagtas848
      @jonathanbalagtas848 3 роки тому +6

      @@kiranroopsharma3684 we are all just a speck of dust in the Universe....we didnt matter, definitely including man-made beliefs. Earth will still evolves even after human being exists. What does matter is YOUR OWN DOING, you reap what you sow.

    • @johnrauner2515
      @johnrauner2515 3 роки тому +4

      There never was in the first place. How can people be so fucking stupid? I mean, a bunch of children's fables are more important to them than their own son.

  • @Tripper111
    @Tripper111 8 років тому +40

    Dude. you are going to be a Great teacher of Music and Life in general. Please don't let religion change who you are.

  • @azucarinho1
    @azucarinho1 8 років тому +25

    Your story has moved me no end! All the best to you!!

  • @gdouglas999
    @gdouglas999 5 років тому +11

    "Be who you are, do what you feel. Those who matter won't care, those who care don't matter." ---Dr. Seuss

  • @howiemontgomery
    @howiemontgomery 9 років тому +35

    Austin just came across your video. What an incredible and beautiful person you are! As one of the commentators below suggested it is hard to believe that your parents as so blind and wrapped up in their religion that they would not recognize what a wonderful person they have brought up. One can only hope that they might have the intelligence to examine their beliefs, recognize those that cause them to reject you and discard them for what they are -- biases laid on by people who are
    ignorant. In any event though you clearly have been hurt by their rejection you have been able to build a life with your new family based on love, mutual respect and acceptance. Best wishes.

    • @aP-me
      @aP-me 8 років тому +4

      Just to look at Austin, you can see his pain. Hidding behind his little smiles. It makes me sick. I will never understand those people who put there religion above there child!
      Just words written a long time ago ......Lieve Austin, je ouders weten niet wat ze zullen missen ........liefs@

  • @greerbox
    @greerbox 3 роки тому +13

    What a beautiful soul. I’d be so very proud if he was my son. I felt his pain.
    I hope he finds a loving partner ❤️

  • @jeancolapierrearmande3326
    @jeancolapierrearmande3326 4 роки тому +7

    I wish you all the happiness and love you deserve, Austin! And that’s a helluva lot!

  • @tonycross3756
    @tonycross3756 8 років тому +17

    I've watched this for the second time and again am impressed - you're honest, gentle and sensitive to others' feelings. You have a most engaging affectionate smile - any boyfriend is fortunate to be smiled at like that. You'll probably find that the faith you were taught will return eventually but re-interpreted. I'm an elderly gay Catholic just hanging on in there because my faith and my sexuality are what gives meaning to my life. I send you congratulations on your video and lots of love. Tony Cross

  • @nymcooke
    @nymcooke 3 роки тому +3

    Austin, I love you, I love your honesty, your courage. Be well; be safe; flourish! --from a 70-year-old musician

  • @jetlagrob
    @jetlagrob 8 років тому +24

    Its good to be gay. Thank you for coming OUT!! Religion is a waste of time as you'll figure out eventually. You're so young & handsome. You have so much good to look forward to in your life. I think you're more spiritual than religious. Religion kills creativity; its a life of fear & guilt. Do you really feel that God wouldn't love you??
    I doubt it because you are so truly lovable. Thank you again!!!

  • @JeffRebornNow
    @JeffRebornNow 3 роки тому +4

    I wonder if Austin followed his dream and became a music teacher? God bless him wherever he is

  • @brucecoleman5379
    @brucecoleman5379 3 роки тому +12

    This just breaks my heart. Your parents do not deserve you. You seem like a real sweet, smart and genuine person. What the hell is wrong with them???

  • @LotusNotesGuru
    @LotusNotesGuru 3 роки тому +36

    When a parent's relationship with their church is more important to them than their relationship with their child, that is when there needs to be serious change.

    • @channelelectronique
      @channelelectronique 3 роки тому

      Jim, any recollection of David McKinney? Tucson? Home made chocolates? The random fit of a key in the lock of life. I've been trying to find you for years, lol. Hope all is well. Sending you Covid-free internet hugs.

    • @LotusNotesGuru
      @LotusNotesGuru 3 роки тому +1

      @@channelelectronique Well Damian, how about that? Yes, I am the same Jim from Tucson, friend of David McKinney. We should chat more, but this forum is probably not the most appropriate place. I can't believe you remember me after all of these years. I'm on Facebook, so if you look for me there, we can friend each other and chat more on messenger. Thank you for reaching out! This is very exciting!

  • @Skulb1984
    @Skulb1984 8 років тому +13

    I was really lucky. I'm always surprised when people choose their imaginary friend over their kid.

  • @jm7804
    @jm7804 3 роки тому +2

    I love the message of hope in this interview. It doesn't only apply to HS students still living at home. It also applies to the 40 year old with deep family ties and fear of coming out. You might lose a great deal by coming out. You might gain a great deal from coming out. Family members might abandon you. They might "tolerate" you. They might accept you. The only way to know for sure is to try. Would you really want someone in your life who loves the lie of who you are and not who you really are? Seriously? Is that enough? I'd rather be alone and start all over again. That's one of the great things in life is that you can hit the reset button if you choose to. Nothing is stopping you except for your own fear. This young man is so brave and positive. I can say with near certainty that he has an amazing life ahead of him. The biggest factor is that positive attitude and resiliency in the face of adversity. That smile doesn't hurt either =)

  • @johnrauner2515
    @johnrauner2515 3 роки тому +5

    . . . . . and drop dead gorgeous

  • @mcmanpa
    @mcmanpa 8 років тому +5

    Thankyou, Austin, for your genuine and heartfelt coming out story. It is a recurrent theme in many young persons’ gay lives that their happiness in their gay identity begins only when their unhappy lives in an unaccepting family ends. The price of being true to yourself is to potentially lose, temporarily or permanently, some or all of their parents’ regard. And it’s a recurrent theme that many of us mourn the loss of that familiar and comfortable environment in which we were raised. But the irony is that the greater loss is the parents’; they lose the son or daughter they brought into the world and raised; the miss out on sharing the years of their child maturing and being part of the world; they face their middle and senior years depleted of the support and energy of their younger and more energetic offspring. It’s sad that you don’t see them as much as you’d like; but it’s far better that you be surrounded by reciprocated, not selfish, love.

  • @dorthonian
    @dorthonian 6 років тому +5

    You were too young to go through all that. Your parents were supposed to help you and love you. They let you down. You are a beautiful and wonderful young man. I wish you all the best and I’m certain you will succeed in whatever you do. Stephen x

  • @ImtiazShams
    @ImtiazShams 8 років тому +18

    Hey man, just thought I'd drop you a line and say I really understand what you're going through. I can tell it hurts you to feel rejected by your parents, I want to offer you all my support and love. Have strong supporting people around you so that if, when, your parents do ever come around, you're doing fine and able to open up a new stage in your relationship with them.
    People really do change though, I left religion (Islam) and members of my family have somewhat accepted my apostasy, but I really know the feel. You're clearly a really good kid and as long as you focus on the goodness inside you, there's a chance your parents will come around. Even if they don't, it'll attract amazing people to surround you and hold you up, no matter what.

  • @kerrygreenlees1102
    @kerrygreenlees1102 8 років тому +8

    Thank you for sharing your story. You seem mature beyond your years. I came from the same type of family many years ago. It took about years for my parents to come around. Today they are best friends with me and my husband. So, things really do change and now I have a God of my own understanding and am far more spiritual than ever. It takes so much courage to come out of the closet and now we can come out even younger than I ever could have imagined. I'm so proud of you and don't give up on your parents. I hope that they come around and support you. If they don't, create your own family of friends that love and accept you for the beautiful person that you are.

  • @ald8612
    @ald8612 3 роки тому +3

    You have such great wisdom and resolve in the face of the trials and pain you have endured.

  • @michaelmoore2991
    @michaelmoore2991 4 роки тому +4

    You have my admiration. You have the courage of a lion. Thank you for being the wonderful you.

  • @stevendegliangeli7640
    @stevendegliangeli7640 8 років тому +7

    You are a very smart and beautiful man. Good things will come to you.

  • @billytxn
    @billytxn 4 роки тому +3

    I came out to my Mississippi Baptist mother in 1990, she accepted me on the spot and cried because I thought that she might not. I wish everyone could receive the same acceptance and love that I did.

  • @Jablonta
    @Jablonta 8 років тому +2

    Hi Austin. I'm Tom. You made a very touching video there mate. Congratulations. A mature, compassionate take on life, your parents, and importantly on yourself. I wish you all blessings. And remember that god is not necessarily the same as religion.

  • @Ted655687653
    @Ted655687653 9 років тому +6

    I told my parents 30 years ago that I was gay and it never got better, it only got worse. I hope your parents do come around, but if not, it sounds like you have a good support system in place. I got a degree in music also. But after I graduated, I gravitated towards computer work and made my living from that. I, like you, believe that being a hypocrite is the worst thing ever. That is why I never went into teaching. Because I never wanted to hide who I was to the students. That would be the worst thing ever. I'm glad that today is much easier for people to be gay and to be a teacher. I'm sure you'll be a great music teacher. I can tell there's a very calm, personable, and authentic person inside you. Thanks for the video. It was very inspiring.

  • @LenHealsU
    @LenHealsU 3 роки тому +1

    Congratulations on your courage and fortitude to come out like you did! You're a beacon of Light and an inspiration to others, including me! I 'm quite a bit older than you are, and wished I had fully come out years ago. But in the 1980s and prior, it was much more dangerous to arbitrarily come out for a variety of reasons. To this day I still have one foot jammed in the closet, but I recently came out to two long time close Straight friends, and they were very supportive. You're an angel sent from up above to help others.

  • @MrCrowebobby
    @MrCrowebobby 3 роки тому +5

    You're adorable. Love what I can see of your personality. Some guy is going to be very lucky to get you.

  • @ryanmcnair3451
    @ryanmcnair3451 4 роки тому +4

    Aweeee... I feel bad for your situation with parentss, especially when you said you missed them. Im hopeful they will see the error of their ways and come to the realization that you're still you.... Time has a way of healing. Take care

  • @MichaelSmith-hs5iu
    @MichaelSmith-hs5iu 2 роки тому

    Austin, You are absolutely beautiful, anyone that cannot stay faithful to you doesn't deserve you. That smile of yours looks like it would light up the world. If I wasn't such an old man I would so hit on you! I've just started trying to learn piano, if I had you as a teacher I would always want to be kept after school! Good luck Austin

  • @kennyshoulars9389
    @kennyshoulars9389 8 років тому +4

    I want to break through this screen and give you a hug. You are so sweet, it is obvious you are working hard to improve yourself and there's no doubt you will succeed at whatever your endevour is. I would be very proud to have a son like you!

  • @woofenme1596
    @woofenme1596 3 роки тому +1

    I hope that young man is doing well it would be nice to see an update. During Covid I was looking for a distraction and so picked up TJ Klunes book series Green Creek with the first book Wolfsong. I found this surprisingly grounding reminding me the importance of taking care of me connecting to the outdoors and nature reminded me that that is my “Cathedral of the pines” In the importance of me connecting in the outdoors for my own spirituality. I really love this book series and try to share it with as many family members and friends it’s a great LGBTQ adventure.

  • @peterharms3639
    @peterharms3639 3 роки тому +3

    What a very inspirational young man, all my best wishes to you and your future.

  • @jrdmoreau
    @jrdmoreau 3 роки тому +1

    I'm 70 yo but been there, done all worked out but with someone is dynamic...keep smiling ❤

  • @lucaspackel1196
    @lucaspackel1196 3 роки тому +4

    So honest and sincere

  • @rocky315w
    @rocky315w 9 років тому +4

    It's just a great sign of your character to have gone through so much so young. All the power to you , there are many more like you out there just find one and settle in.

  • @tinakoko9661
    @tinakoko9661 3 роки тому +1

    You look handsome man! Happy you come out new life!🌈🌈🌈❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍🌹🌹🌹😊😊😊💪💪💪🏠🏠🏠🌹🌹🌹🌈🌈

  • @tillll2008
    @tillll2008 3 роки тому +4

    God made it possible that you have been born. So: HE WANTED YOU exactly the way YOU ARE. God is LOVE, and you are part of his love. NEVER FORGET!

  • @ilovetotri23
    @ilovetotri23 3 роки тому +1

    Great Video! Thanks for posting it! And keeping it up! Hope you are doing well. Peace in your heart.

  • @hughjames46
    @hughjames46 8 років тому +3

    Anyone who chooses a religion over their child is a poor excuse for a human being. You are strong. This gay grandfather of three is proud of you.

  • @michaelzeglarski3876
    @michaelzeglarski3876 3 роки тому +2

    Wow. What an amazing and wonderful young man.

  • @PUAlum
    @PUAlum 3 роки тому

    Your video is over 5 years old...and it spoke powerfully to me and to many others. I think you're understanding and your nuanced view (your respect) of your parents' religion lends you a credibility that many lack when it comes to interacting with people of faith. Religion is a historical/cultural construct with all kinds of distortions adherents (and adversaries) probably can't see. But if it reflects a transcendent reality (God?), you can't expect people just to walk away. I'm glad this guy is still curious re: faith. That's really amazing in light of the push-back he experienced at home.
    his advice is so wise for a young guy! I hope 5 years later he's doing well. I bet lot of us would love an update!! But I wish i had heard this when it was new!!

  • @hithere1590
    @hithere1590 4 роки тому +3

    I hope all is well and you are safe healthy and happy as well as your family! 😀

  • @benoreilly8150
    @benoreilly8150 9 років тому +3

    Austin, you are so awesome, the way you offered advise to HS kids rather than just going off on how much you hate your parents like many of us have done, and you showed how loving and sensitive a person you are. Its great you didn't let the treatment by your parents control you, it hurts I know, cause my Mom is the same way with me. I actually don't respect her, her way of doing life. If a Mom doesn't accept and love her child unconditionally, idk whats up with that. Hugs man, you did an awesome job in this video. Wait - like Victoria BC, I'm Canadian too :) ben

  • @NCGlassGuy
    @NCGlassGuy 3 роки тому +1

    I just viewed your video ... it's 2021 ... I hope things worked out for you. Every parent should be so lucky to have a son such as yourself. My wish for you is for you to find your soul mate and to enjoy the beauty in this world and to share it with others. Peace, my friend.

  • @ericduffield524
    @ericduffield524 3 роки тому +2

    Feb 2021 UA-cam just suggested this vid to me? BUT my ❤ to this child! I hope & pray he is ok and thriving today 🙏

  • @paulabbaleo2742
    @paulabbaleo2742 3 роки тому

    I am 70 and I agree with what every thing you sed. Stay safe, and keep making good decisions

  • @andersb5007
    @andersb5007 4 роки тому +1

    You are the most inspiring person! Talented and gifted. Beautiful voice and smart. Such words of wisdom and with such caring. Can’t imagine what you have been through and how you struggled. And still you are outgoing, balanced and considerate of yourself and others.

  • @brianb5066
    @brianb5066 7 років тому

    i hope everything is working out for u Austin. u seen like a very respectable man. good luck Austin.

  • @JustHusbands
    @JustHusbands 9 років тому +3

    Awesome video! We are happy for you :)

  • @jamiejohson1865
    @jamiejohson1865 9 років тому +5

    This story broke my heart. I hate when people hide behind religion to hate people. I am very religious. Believe in a God. I believe someone has the right to not understand this completely. But to hate someone because of it. Love one another as you would yourself. It Even says in the bible verse when in doubt or you feel judgemental to love others even if one may find it a sin. It just breaks my heart to see this. I had one person tell me they were going to pray away my gay (I'm Bisexual. And married to a man) I told them to pray for the poor, and hurt and sick. Don't wast you're time to pray away something God made me to be. They didn't like that responce and said they couldn't talk to me anymore until I changed my stance on it. Most people don't know about me but then again I don't feel it's anyone's business. Some people know. I just don't see how people can use the bible to hate or disown someone when specifically it says to love and to not judge others.

    • @CAnon-mg1xm
      @CAnon-mg1xm 9 років тому

      Jamie Johson Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)a
      represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are
      the population most severely affected by HIV. In 2010, young gay and
      bisexual men (aged 13-24 years) accounted for 72% of new HIV infections
      among all persons aged 13 to 24, and 30% of new infections among all
      gay and bisexual men. At the end of 2011, an estimated 500,022 (57%)
      persons living with an HIV diagnosis in the United States were gay and
      bisexual men, or gay and bisexual men who also inject drugs.

    • @jasonlivingstone2857
      @jasonlivingstone2857 9 років тому +2

      Jamie Johson Thats the best response iv heard in ages. I love that! Dont waste your time praying for me "Pray for the poor, the hurt and the sick" instead. A true Christian! Its seems that too many Christians have the wrong priorities in life. As Ghandi said, i like your Christ but i dont like your Christians

  • @XiLZERt
    @XiLZERt 8 років тому +2

    Austin! May You succeed in life!

  • @ej34b
    @ej34b 8 років тому +1

    A completely different life... that is it. If you have good friends, life is good. Best wishes to you brave man!

  • @deeg
    @deeg 9 років тому +1

    Hi.....that was the best instructive video I have ever seen. Thanks for being so honest. I wish you the best. As you said, things do get better. Family is great to have if they're supportive.....if they're not supportive to their own children they are the ones at fault. Take care.

  • @KSbowling
    @KSbowling 9 років тому +3

    You are so sweet..good luck and all the best,

  • @danielueblacker9118
    @danielueblacker9118 3 роки тому +1

    May 2021 your emotions for the parent's and not hating them shows that you are a wonderful person. I am sorry for the pain you were in when this happened. Be happy and you are loved.

  • @ShaunDaubney
    @ShaunDaubney 9 років тому +2

    This is a really sad story, love should be unconditional and your parents should not let their beliefs stop them from seeing what an amazing person you are.
    You should be so proud of yourself for getting through it with optimism and forgiveness. I'm not sure I would be as strong. Your parents really have no idea what an incredible young man they have raised.
    I really hope this video inspires and empowers other people who are going through a similar situation.
    Good luck with the qualifications, you will make a fantastic teacher for some very lucky students.

  • @ojtveito
    @ojtveito 3 роки тому +1

    You are a survivor, and your good and positive spirit shows what a great man you are. Your parents doesn't deserve you. That you understand them is absolutely ludicrous, but your sorrow of losing your parents is obvious. You deserve a good life companion. Hope your dreams come true. This is one helluva video.

  • @ChrissonatorOFL
    @ChrissonatorOFL 9 років тому +22

    I'm diametrically opposed to religion.
    For reasons such as this, that it makes people not accepting of anything their religion says is bad. It makes people believe absurdities, and if you can make people believe absurdities you can make people commit atrocities.

    • @jessescott1990
      @jessescott1990 9 років тому +1

      Congrats for standing your ground and being yourself I know its not easy. I came out when I was 16 and ended up moving out for awhile also. But the self confidence and self worth I have now is amazing. Proud of you man :)

    • @ChrissonatorOFL
      @ChrissonatorOFL 9 років тому

      Jesse Scott Are you sure you replied to the right person?

    • @Laurence1987uk
      @Laurence1987uk 9 років тому +10

      Completely agreed. It's out of date, out of touch with morality and we simply do not need religion. Unfortunately, some people think faith is a virtue and fail to think critically. They'll allow their children to suffer because a book that was supposedly inspired by a God that probably doesn't exist says it's wrong. pathetic

    • @CAATMAN02
      @CAATMAN02 9 років тому

      Laurence1987uk interesting reply. so, do you have a better explanation of reality?

    • @ChrissonatorOFL
      @ChrissonatorOFL 9 років тому +4

      CAATMAN02 Yea, one based on actual reason and evidence.

  • @EricCVoice
    @EricCVoice 8 років тому +1

    It's a shame about your parents hon, but remember how many people are with you and stand with you! Great video and lots of hugs. You will succeed and please stay happy!

  • @artbrewer3455
    @artbrewer3455 3 роки тому +1

    Check out the Unitarian congregations in Victoria. There are two and you would be most welcome there. Unitarian churches are covenanting congregations with no doctrine or creed. Our members pursue their faith according to their own theological beliefs. Good luck!

  • @fabricemarcel
    @fabricemarcel 3 роки тому +1

    Finding out about your video now, you should be really proud of yourself and what you achieved, I believe your testimony has helped and will help others :)

  • @ScienceBuf
    @ScienceBuf 3 роки тому

    Great video! Not sure where he is at today, but certain he is going places in life.

  • @grahamscott2130
    @grahamscott2130 6 років тому

    you are a wonderful and brave young man - wishing you much success in the future

  • @stevekon11
    @stevekon11 6 років тому +1

    I have viewed many dozen of these coming out videos ,they really have left an impression on me while also nudging me to look back into my years in a Catholic HS. I haven't been a practicing Catholic in years ,who knows if it's for the same reason as others but I will say this,I think what your parents did to you was wrong and any intelligent guy with one good eye would see that he is lucky as hell to be your bf.

  • @The_Kilted_Cannuck
    @The_Kilted_Cannuck 3 роки тому +2

    Although I didn't come out until much later in life my very devout parents were completely supportive and welcomed my boyfriend, now husband, as they would welcome any of my siblings partners. My parents attended our wedding as did my Aunts and Uncles. I hope that eventually your parents will be able to reconcile their faith with the love they have for you and not miss out on a live well lived.

  • @alexwilson7235
    @alexwilson7235 3 роки тому +1

    UA-cam just recommend your video to me and this is my first video to see you. Awee you are adorable

  • @authenticmind
    @authenticmind 8 років тому

    It sounds like your parents may be religious but not very Christian. Good for you on standing up for yourself. I'm sorry you didn't have family that cared for you no matter what. As you go through life I think you'll find family that will love you, accept you, and it won't change even when you do bone headed things and make mistakes in life. Real LOVE is powerfully good.
    One side note; none of us is enough for anyone. We are all powerfully
    needy and have powerful tools to share with each other. Ownership has
    no place, but neither does deceit or users. You'll figure it out!
    You seem so sweet and kind hearted, don't worry about religion; you're really OKAY I can hear it in your manner and morals. Stay sweet, you're very deserving of a kind and good natured family of your own that "look after you." Maybe we can talk sometime? Cheers to you!

  • @controllerone
    @controllerone 6 років тому +1

    This is one of the best videos and you are an awesome person. I so admire your acceptance of your parents' beliefs. So often we demand acceptance but refuse to give it. Mature beyond your years. I love that you don't want your parents to be what they are not. It's a shame they can't be in your life, but it's honest.

  • @fantkng4847
    @fantkng4847 7 років тому +3

    such a beautiful person

  • @emperorhongsdynasty2712
    @emperorhongsdynasty2712 3 роки тому

    I would suggest you join the SGI Boston to find a spiritual family home. There, you will find no discrimination of any kinds. But, you will find peace and happiness therein, a loving solace in a difficult world. Best wishes of hope to you.

  • @xtacee1990
    @xtacee1990 9 років тому +3

    This is so inspiring and adorable at the same time :)

  • @johnjones9017
    @johnjones9017 3 роки тому

    Austin not sure if you arr still reading the comments or not but you stay strong and I myself know what your going through with mom and dad.. My father was a preacher (southern Baptist) oh yes it was very different. But after a while things were as is and my mom was always on my side. Love is unconditional. Your mom and dad should (NEVER) turn against you no matter what religion they are. Cant say God made me this way but I've always felt I was living a gay lifestyle. But now I'm loved by many and run my own business. What I say is dont give up on your dreams. Go for the gold man.

  • @raylightbown4968
    @raylightbown4968 8 років тому

    I am not religious though I am spiritual. I have no problem with Christianity but many people are force-fed misinterpretations of the Bible and/or they focus on some bits and ignore the context. Pastor = shepherd - don't be sheep. think! Most religions are basically about love and caring. This is a fine young man. I love him.

  • @larryacedillo5383
    @larryacedillo5383 3 роки тому +4

    You're okay, just fine. Always be yourself.

  • @chipwickham4176
    @chipwickham4176 3 роки тому

    God made you and he did not make a mistake. Your a great young man.

  • @petergomez8362
    @petergomez8362 4 роки тому +1

    Stay Strong Young Man

  • @1000siam
    @1000siam 8 років тому +1

    congrats on coming out and being yourself. All the best in your studies(hope some $ will unexpectedly will come your way).Enjoy your freedom,your friends, and your life.

  • @AussieMrJ
    @AussieMrJ 9 років тому

    Onward and upward my friend, wishing you the best for your future.

  • @Sean-hu3ki
    @Sean-hu3ki 5 років тому +1


  • @nikotesla2071
    @nikotesla2071 9 років тому +4

    Nice post Austin, good luck to you young man. It sounds to me like you are well adjusted and feeling just fine about yourself which is miles ahead of the kind of people that might react in a negative manner to you or your life.

    • @CAnon-mg1xm
      @CAnon-mg1xm 9 років тому

      Niko tesla In 2010, gay and bisexual men accounted for 63% of estimated new HIV
      infections in the United States and 78% of infections among all newly
      infected men. From 2008 to 2010, new HIV infections increased 22% among
      young (aged 13-24) gay and bisexual men and 12% among gay and bisexual
      men overall.

    • @nikotesla2071
      @nikotesla2071 9 років тому +5

      ***** what's your point stupid? First off 13 to 18 year olds are not men, they are boys. Secondly you failed to list the increase in straight kids who have been infected as that number is way up also.The way I see it those increases are a failure in our government to continue to do its job. Those increased numbers are caused by 2 things, sharing needles and unsafe sex. The infected people loose hope because they are treated like shit by our government, no matter how they got it, and they develop a "I don't care anymore attitude." If our government doesn't want to deal with this problem then I am not going to blame the victims. As to the reckless sexual behavior, again our government has failed to do its job in that they allow these sex dens to re-open again. That is where the trouble lays, not with the young people who are coming of age in this generation as they are educated enough to keep themselves safe. You BS use of cold stats doesn't take into account the thousands of homosexual couples that have been living as couples for decades now in monogamous relationships, those that have NOT been infected. So go peddle your fear mongering to the uneducated who are dumb enough to buy it.

    • @CAnon-mg1xm
      @CAnon-mg1xm 9 років тому

      ivyteainn "Straights pass far more diseases to others than people" So what your'e saying is that 'straights' aren't people only homosexuals are people. i suggest you check out the information before YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH..GET MY DRIFT?

      Hi Doctor,
      I am male, and I experimented and had unprotected oral sex with a gay guy. This was the first time this has happened. I was on the receiving end and not the giving end. Afterwards, I realized how stupid this was and I checked the sites and found that I could have been exposed to an STD. The person who i was with has had a full screening and was found to be negative of all stds about a year ago. Supposedly he has not had any exposures since that time but who knows. He said he doesn't have herpes or hiv and i have not seen any cold sores or herpes bumps on him. i need to get tested obviously and im very afraid. there was not any anal or other types of sex. i just received the oral and didnt' wear a condom. when should i be tested. i don't want to get tested now and have to retested in a week or two again because i did it too soon. also, any information on the percentage or likelihood of risk i have exposed myself to. thanks. i'm really panicked and scared and i hate myself for doing this.

    • @nikotesla2071
      @nikotesla2071 9 років тому +2

      ***** "A woman has admitted that she deliberately infected over 300 men with the HIV virus as revenge for a man having unprotected sex with her and giving her the virus that leads to AIDS." “I know I have nothing left to do on earth but to wait for my death but before I do, (many) men will get it,” she said". "The girl has confessed to infecting 324 men, 156 of which are students at the University where she studies." “Nothing will stop me from accomplishing my mission by continuing to sleep around, you never know but maybe you have slept with me or your husband, boyfriend, brother, father or any has slept with me." “Your day is coming, you men destroyed my life and I will make you and your people pay for it,” the girl concluded. She claims she was infected while drunk by a boy she knew to be a drug user.
      Oops, the other shoe drops.

    • @nikotesla2071
      @nikotesla2071 9 років тому +2

      ***** What kid's ego is he supposedly stroking? If you mean me I don't consider myself to be no kid jerk off.

  • @MEVMontana
    @MEVMontana 3 роки тому

    You are really courageous, choosing y o u r life over being what other people (sad enough your parents) want you to be. Rsspect and love for that! Martin

  • @joeanthony2879
    @joeanthony2879 3 роки тому


  • @vollsorglos3572
    @vollsorglos3572 4 місяці тому

    So many wise words. You can be very proud of you! :)

    @HEROESDANCEFLOOR 3 роки тому

    great and very human video and cool that you are a music student studying voice as you have a great voice for others

  • @stevefreedman470
    @stevefreedman470 3 роки тому

    Austin sweetheart....I was so sorry to hear about the way your parents let you go and cared about their religion more than you. Parents are supposed to accept their kids unconditionally! I've seen too many of these coming out videos and they always end up the same way. You kids being kicked out of the house because you were not what they hoped for themselves. It just blows my mind how parents of all people could be void of all feeling regarding their gay kids. I am a mentor/mama for our gay youth and have been for a number of years now and my kids had gone through the same thing. When they told me their story my 💔broke in half. Today my kids are doing much better and making a life for themselve and moving on. Family is what we make of it, whether blood or not, find your family that cares, accepts, loves and understands you. You need that now baby and if you ever need to chat, I will be here for you. I've been "out" in the community for nearly 30 years and in that time have seen so much honey. ALWAYS remember sweetheart, DO NOT let your being gay define who you are because you are so much more than that are kind, gentle, sweet, soft spoken and focused on what you want to do. I wish you nothing but love and hugs all along the way because you deserve it. I will be here for you...xoxoxoxo "Mama" Steve😊🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻

  • @tcnavPeace
    @tcnavPeace 2 роки тому

    Hey, A parent should never love ANYTHING more that their children. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. I love you and its theor loss not yours. Peace,T..🤘 Freedom....

  • @jolanthorgalson1
    @jolanthorgalson1 3 роки тому +1

    I wish you all the luck and love in the world. I hope everything went well.... University....Relation...

  • @garygary9310
    @garygary9310 8 років тому +2

    Thanks for sharing your story! It's so sad you had so many bad experiences and your family is not supportive at all. This will make you a better person in the end, believe me! Your parents should be proud of you your handsome and obviously smart, perhaps the Lord will open there eyes and heart.... You will find the man of your dreams someday and when you do that guy is getting a TRUE GEM!!!!!!!!!!

  • @musang22693
    @musang22693 9 років тому +1

    Great share. I'm wishing you the best of luck in your life, just be yourself and I'm proud of you. Well, I'm still didn't come out to my parent. But all my friends are supportive enough. Just don't feel ready to come out to my parent. My bad, but soon gonna make they know bout it though. Wish me luck. ^_^

    • @garygary9310
      @garygary9310 8 років тому +1

      Musang22693 I will wish you luck with telling your parent! Just do it when YOUR ready, for me it was the hardest thing for me to say. It was well worth it by the way. I was lucky my whole family is fine with it, so I will say a prayer for you!!!,

    • @musang22693
      @musang22693 8 років тому +1

      Thank you so much Gary Pevas . ^_^

  • @Maltravers2011
    @Maltravers2011 3 роки тому

    I'm a retired Anglican priest and find it sad that an obviously sensitive guy should have to face bigotry. Things are changing fast and I suspect many mainstream churches will be more accepting in the future. I wish I had known you when you were at home with Mum and Dad. I'd have had some advice for them. Be's what God wants imho. Good luck with with your career and your life within society. Feel affirmed. God loves you as you are.

  • @johnmoon3848
    @johnmoon3848 3 роки тому

    You're a beautiful, courageous, and wonderful person! Stay true to you, you are perfect! 💖

  • @jimschloderback3886
    @jimschloderback3886 3 роки тому +1

    I do believe in GOD! I’m glad you respect your Parents religion, I also know you were born Gay so I respect your honesty, I would be proud & happy to have you as a Son, God Bless & Love Always, Harold James

  • @2011spawn
    @2011spawn 9 років тому +1

    dude , gratz to you all the best to you always , also to getting the relationship back with your parents , i thought it was very hard on you ? ! you are young, you have plenty of time to work on all of this , great video Austin !

  • @tonybennett4159
    @tonybennett4159 8 років тому +5

    You are brave, strong, well balanced and understanding.
    I have far less sympathy for your parents' religious stance, however. We are critical here in the UK of those Muslims who will always put their religion above their country, and may even work against the country's interests. I feel your parents' stance is not so very different. I wouldn't think that they were hypocrites if they extended their love and acceptance to you. I'd consider them fully signed up members of the human race. I'm sorry, I really think there is no excuse. Maybe in time......who knows?

  • @rickdinan7927
    @rickdinan7927 8 років тому

    Family is not always the same people you share blood with... Family loves and support you...