Taivaantuli (epic folk metal)
- Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
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'Northern Steel' is a massive folk metal album with nine epic tracks and over 110 minutes of content. The metal songs have Nordic, Celtic, Slavic and epic symphonic elements in the vein of bands like Ensiferum, Wintersun, Moonsorrow, Equilibrium, Eluveitie, Arkona and Turisas. For business inquiries, licenses, custom soundtracks and commissions, please visit my web page at anttimartikainen.com and read the FAQ, License and Commission sections before sending me requests.
All music composed, arranged, mixed and mastered by Antti Martikainen (anttimartikainen.com, anttimartikainenmusic, / ajmartikainen ,
Video footage from VideoBlocks and Gene Cornelius (www.mizamook.com )
The gods have been observing your journey. They aren't pleased with you meddling with nature, so they have come to deal with you themselves.
The sky rumbles with thunder and the ground shakes violently...
The gods' wrath is upon you.
Akka, Ancient Goddess of Nature has awoken!
Ukko, Ancient God of Weather has awoken!
6:30 - 8:07 one of the best guitar riff & solo I've ever heard.
Mod of redemption
I have listened to this over and over again. Absolutely incredible and complex.
This whole album is excellent. Just got the remastered version and listened to it over and over in the car as we moved to our new state. 😊
An epic fight between fighters dealing with a band of orcs with a mage as back up.
You have come a long road since that day we met at the university cafe!
Wow. You have any work of your own like this?
@Jimmy Yuma He was trying for social interaction first like a normal person.
@@nobodysseus2905 Who does that lol
@@9yearoldepicgamersoldier129 Not us Gen Z'ers
I didn't investigate my ancestors but I guess i am nordic because when i listen my heart beats 2 times faster. Excellent job Antti.
Pov: you just attacked a bunch of sleeping stones and are now regretting your life choices
Absolutely amazing! The first time I listened, I was mildly impressed. But after listening to it again and again, it grew and grew on me. Amazing piece, Antti! It slowly grabs a hold of the listener and then refuses to let go. You never cease to amaze. I am promoting you all over social media. (Hope you don't mind) :)
You only hear music like this, when you are sleeping. This is something out of nowwhere. More music like this, please.
Музыка и видеоряд просто шикарны, спасибо!
А ещё они отлично подходят боссу
@@GoddessOfRjekich особенно какому-нибуть шипастому растению
Your music is awesome and I hope to hear more of it! It just helped me with writing a paper
4:45 - 4:48 sounds to me as if they would sing 'Поведи ни към победа' - Bulgarian for 'Lead us unto victory'. Not that there is some rational reason why the chorus would sing in Bulgarian, it simply sounds so similar.
Thorn, bane of the forest has awoken!
Few are the things that can enchant me in this world.
Two of these are definitely your music and this landscapes, the special atmosphere that these can create.
Thank you my friend.
I know I commented on this before, but I just have to say how this piece unfolds is truly wonderful!
This reminds me of the journey of a child starting as a padawan and growing into a bad ass paladin. Awesome.
The contrast between epic metal music and beautiful landscapes has something relaxing to it. Amazing work!
Just literally listened to this for the first time-!- let me say you have my subscription-!- Well done on all your work and cheers friends-!-
wow this must be the best epic folk metal i've ever heard.. your music just became one of my favorites :)
That was awesome! I mean, just awesome. Please, keep making more epic tunes, brotha. We'll keep listening to them. Excellent work, my friend.
Daaaamn i'm so gonna buy this
This is the second video I watch, and I like your style more and more. I'm truly amazed. Greetings from Argentina!
this music makes me chils up...nice arrangement....
I really love your work, it's fantastic. I recently discovered your UA-cam channel, now I will be your fan :)
PLEASE, don't stop creating music
@Antti, this and your newest pirate song... I think of the types of epic music I listen to, you're the only one who consistently knocks out incredibly enjoyable hits that are truly epic. Another fantastic bit of music. Thanks!
Very nice mate. Kiitos from Sweden!
Phenomenon! Really appreciate your works. Hope for more like that.
Increible, asombroso, esto si es musica del alma
My favourite epic folk metal band Equilibrium turned mainstream, so i'm looking for a replacement; this sounds very promising, keep it up!
I admit, when I first saw one of your videos recommended to me I thought "Celtic Metal? What?"
And yet it totally works. I really enjoy your songs, and it's always fun to share it with someone else and have them react with "Celtic Metal? What?"
no pathetic words,only pure, powerful sound: how music universally should like to be
Sounds like the introductory theme of a video game, then the final boss's speech right before the ending battle begins with the drums/guitars kicking in.
oh totally
The scenery is unbelievably good!
Wow, just simply wooooow... All the right influences, I see, too :D
Ahh... The Fire of the skies. How it flows through the vast white of Lappi. The snowy hills carry it forth in the night. The lakes reflect it's glory.
And when a traveler from far away lands feels the cold biting their skin and hears the running rivers. They will forever be entranced by the night sky.
The whole album is a killer. Awesome.
Another excellent piece. I don't think I've ever heard one from you that I didn't at least like, and most have impressed me greatly You are one of the main sources of my wanting to try to learn to compose music, and reinforcing my deep appreciation for it. Thank you.
большое спасибо! Вдохновляет....Музыка - класс, видеоряд, тоже бесподобный!
WOW!! I bow to your greatness.
The locations shown are outstanding..
Just the music I needed
Thanks Antii!! Another great one I can add to my Playlist to listen to at work.
Jos tykkäisin pojista ni Antti ois meitsin poikkis kyl
Thorn, Bane of the Forest theme.
And Eaglecreast Golem too!
And Akka and Ukko!
-Ancient Deity Duo-
Ukko and Akka
Edit: wait how did I do that?
Hell yeah.
Another great music ..another great place...never stop give tumb up
Epic indeed. In sound and vision.
I want to run bare foot on these lands to this amazing music!
Genial se escucha muy buena armonia, acompañada dr una hermosa naturaleza 👍
Amazing! Epicness
Will He? Where did you get that information?
4:31 Beautiful images, and with the music it makes it x1000 better :)!
Marvellous! Simply marvellous...
Man, I cannot express enough how amazing your music is!! *LOVE IT ALL! Haven't heard a single bad track* ~nya
Great work once again Antti! I liked the guitars especially, I love the lead harmonies and they sound very convincing overall.
Суровый скайримовский метал! 😎
I love to kind of music my congratulations
Awesome music .
If I was a video game developer and I was making a fantasy game, you would be the guy I would come to for the soundtrack.
Have you ever heard of a game by the name of "terraria"?
@@hahaalexasendthistorodrick yeah
@@daamazinfatb0y752 what about the mod called "Mod of Redemption"?
@@hahaalexasendthistorodrick nope
@@daamazinfatb0y752 its a really good mod and one of the first bosses actually uses this as its theme
This is perfect!
Beautiful nature, greatest emotions, thank you, dear!!!!! 👍 💜
A storm is brewing...
Nature is trembling...
The God's wrath is upon you.
*Amazing job my friend!!! Keep it up!*
You did It again, nice work sir!
Folk Metal. By Antti Martikainen. Is the right thing.
Your music always fills me with energy, and the landscapes are fascinating.
By the way, Google translates 'Taivaantuli' both as 'Heavenly fire' and 'The Heaven came'. Anybody knowing Suomi?
Heavens fire
So beautiful ... I am mesmerized
The Ancient Deity Duo.
hel yea
A storm is brewing...
...and nature trembles
The Gods wrath is upon you
Ah, I see you're a man of culture.
@@lexglitchstar indubitably
Buy and stream: songwhip.com/antti-martikainen/northernsteel
Support me and get monthly exclusive rewards: www.patreon.com/anttimartikainen
CD's: anttimartikainen.bandcamp.com/merch
Wow that was awesome!! Thanks for the ride
magnificent, inspirating ,thank You
Greetings from Alabama, USA. Loving the Folk/Nordic/etc. Metal. Keep it up!
tämä ja kalevala on mun makuun,ja tietysti piraatti musiikkisi
Simplemente genial y majestuoso
Greetings Finland, from Romania !
nice music
Thanks! Great music from here. Different gategory. but 69eyes and Amorphis are also great.
Awesome Antti 😮 you know your music 👍
this song has forced me to vibe against my will. it is too good.
I'm surprised that directors haven't already contacted you. To compose soundtracks for them.
How did you know that directors didn't contact him ?
And why would they ?
Which type of movies this type of music is suitable for ?
Maybe for medieval/fantasy themed games
He has made plenty of music for games already. (For example The Nine Parchments music which can be found here on his youtube)
They definitely should
Digoxin Overdose you’d be surprised
Wtf, this is seriously epic
Fantastic work Mate!!!
Someone could have told me this was Nightwish and I wouldn't have batted an eye.
I fell in love with your music...
This felt so weird to my ears. Great song as always Antti, keep at it.
0:49 Incredible landscape!!! I think that your music is ready for a singer(male,female or both)
Beautiful song dude!!!
Grettings from Argentina!!
gasstonn titto nah keep it vocaless if it’s a word
@@jeremybosse5088 - the word is instrumental. And - PLEASE - no vocals! No one can sing this perfect - except maybe Freddy Mercury!
@@rolandkarlsson7072 yeah I don't know what I thought honnestly I feel so stupid comming back to that
Antti maailmankartalle!
This is amazing. Congrats.
Hermosos paisajes, la naturaleza es tan perfecta! sumada la música = perfección al máximo. los graba con drone :V
Elation in Folk Metal!!!❤❤
This music should be on every radio station from here to Jupiter. Everything else is literally just noise.
Let them Jupiterians listen to real music !
Great, as always. Breath taking stuff... just awesome, very celt, it really is made from the very essence of the northen lands. Love it so much. Thanks for this wonderful music in times like these, it´s really a fresh air that we all need. THANKS AND KEEP GOING ON WITH THE MUSIC !!! :)
This is great!!!!!
You are the best
Amazing and powerful
Great melody, great song. Keep up the good work
such a masterpiece , my favorite.
I can picture this song going well with a fantasy boss fight.
Well, type "Terraria Mod of Redemption Ancient Diety Duo" in UA-cam.
literally asked my DM no use it on his homebrew boss, the fight lasted for hours and it was one the best campaigns i ever been a part of