Krysten Ritter's character was obviously a stand in for what was supposed to be or should've been Rouge. I'm still shocked that she wasn't revealed to secretly be Rouge all along using a hologram. Why even bother bringing in an A list actor like her for such a small and frankly unneeded role?
Tails and Jessica Jones/ Jane from Breaking Bad having an interview together?!
Krysten Ritter's character was obviously a stand in for what was supposed to be or should've been Rouge. I'm still shocked that she wasn't revealed to secretly be Rouge all along using a hologram. Why even bother bringing in an A list actor like her for such a small and frankly unneeded role?
She might be back in the future as the new GUN lead would be my guess.
Rouge was always an agent for GUN, but she's a spy. I don't really see her in a role like Rockwell's to be honest
Ino Yamanaka and Konohamaru Sarutobi
Kelsey Ace/Glitter Sunny
I miss Jessica Jones, I had no idea Krysten was attached to the movie!!?!?!