@@abenzenjoyment3183 depends where you are and what company, where I'm at they make 34 hr and 100 perdiem every day, but work 6 days out of the week 10 hour shifts, 20 hours OT plus 600 perdiem for the 6 days.
Excellent video, all these techniques I used, so I know you definitely know what you're doing. Also this video shows how important it is to have a great fitter and welder relationship
Absolutely the best proper training I have seen yet, even the level compensation teaching is something no one, and I mean NO ONE takes time to do. I'm SUBSCRIBED!
Bro you guys are very professional, especially Marvin he speaks very well and explains in detail. I am a metal fabricator but planning on moving forward and learning new things, I recently applied for a position of pipe fitter helper, it would be an honor and great learning experience if I ever work with people like you guys, thanks for the video.
Hi guys! Greetings from Russia! I'm the one of thoses who makes these ISOs and I'm exited of looking you doing your job. Could not stop watching. Always interesting in shop and field activities. You doing great job! Thanx
1988/89 l done my Pipe Fabricator trade test...back then no you tube! So this is a great help for rookies🙂. I gave it up in 1994 went back to Technical college. Now l work in a design office as a Piping and Layout Draughtsman,Generating Piping General Arrangements,P&IDs,Isometric drawings etc. I still started on the Drawing board,now l work with AutoCAD. Better €$£ 💘😎
Field welders are good in every position angle and weld in many bad uncomfortable areas where as shop welders either weld in jack stands or use a roller lol which takes alot less skill
Currently learning how to fit pipe, the more I learn and practice, the more Im loving it. My instructors make us fit pipe and also tack it, learning from these old timers who have been fitting for 25+ years is something else.
Straight out of welding school, passed my first bend test and was offered a 1st Welder position. I've got 1 week to cram before my first day on the job. This video has got me pumped to work with fitters and start welding like Victor.
Pro tip to find the take off for a long radius 90 if you don’t know already. Multiply your pipe diameter by 1.5. I’d recommend getting a pipe trade pro calculator as well. That thing has so many different functions on it.
Something is better than nothing, Thanks to the guys who share their experience and knowledge. Remember technology is always getting advance day by day.
@@frankie9660 I noticed that too. And who builds carbon steel pipe assemblies with Tig? Ain't nobody got time for that. Bro needs to bust out with some .045 fluxcore. lol
At 7:24, you have really have to make sure that the long side of the square on the left is on contact with both walls of the elbow, otherwise, it doesn't give you any information (everything will always be square if there is no contact). Just like two points are always aligned, and three points are always co-planar
He tacked the flange on the inside, should have been the outside ... no roll out welds? and it’s a raised face not razorfaced . They bolt up ,they aren’t “welded “ to pumps or other flanges .
That pipe fighter would have to weld too . He'd work a welder like dumbass Victor to death. My grandma could fit better than that she was blind in one eye and couldn't see how the other
Jackson yea,you know what I hate is when I'm laying something out using the one inch Mark and make my part of parts forgetting to drop and inch. Done that a few times for sure
thank you guys for putting these vids up its really helped an inspiring pipe fitter to understand the basics and helpfull tips for the feild or fab shop
I'm a class 1 welder in the UK and pipe fitter. The way you fab this is so much more detailed than what we would do. I've never used a square to level a bend for instance 🤣 (we just level the face of the bend to the pipe) bit I like the square technique.
@@JavierAldoMacedo He says he has 10 years experience. Where I come from it looks like about a week and he doesn’t do it right. He also said flanges weld up to another piece of pipe🤣😂🥲
You are good at teaching my friend,so I want to learn and increase my knowledge as a pipe fitter,i learned a lot from your vlog and I'm also your subscriber from #🇵🇭
21:33 you say the measurements out loud but end up tacking the wrong side. Point being other 2 guys also heard the same information and didn't correct you, it's a good lesson for apprentices/ helpers/ welders to actively be helping and not go on auto pilot and just go with whatever it is the lead man says and to speak up when you think a mistake is made or you have a question. Also I'm not trying to give you shit cause we all fuck up but more for helpers to pay attention and have our backs. Keep up the good work
They were doing a good job showing how to read and lay out a run. They did not show having to grind out the tack at 21.33 if they did not catch their mistake before tacking it. You are right it should have been tacked on the other side first. Some welder and fitter that work shut downs at oil refineries travel in pairs because they know how to work together to get the work done. The powers to be at a oil refinery I worked at for 32 years decided to cut the fitters pay to save money. One welder/fitter team that worked our S/D for maybe 12 years along with other welder/fitters teams did not show up for the S/D. The S/D ran long and the powers to be could not understand why it ran long because of the piping crews fell behind??????? Good pipe welding and fitting teams can always find work, you don't screw with one or the others pay and expect to get production. Bean counters are a dime a dozen, always trying to cut someone else pay to make them look good. Then they decided to cut the pipe welders pay also. Then the shit really hit the fan, pipe welders that could not go without busting weld x-rays that meant we had to go back and x-ray every weld they made on the S/D plus clearing all workers out of the x-ray shots areas. we went from working two 12 hour shifts for everyone to working two 10 hour shifts to get all the extra x-rays in. You get what you pay for. Just glad I am retired now and don't have to answer to bean counters!!!
Awesome video I'm 2 months in on Pipe fitting/tac welding I do both here in Alberta, Canada 🇨🇦 than after I check the overall I send the pipe to the welder. I'm learning on the job plus UA-cam and Tic tok
7 Steps to help and also be more efficient: 1. Get a good pipe fitters book. The UA has a good blue book, the black pipe fitters and welders handbook by (Thomas Franklin) and the red pipe fitters book IPT's Pipe Trades Handbook by (Robert A. Lee) are great ones to have in your toolbag/box. A great investment that will last a lifetime 2. Get a welding rod and bend the spool or section of spool to build as a reference. Helps visualize the direction of 90s and offsets. 3. If possible build in sections and roll-out as much as possible. Alot faster and easier. You also eliminate the chance of busting out. You also reduce your in position welding to a minimum. 4. Use angle iron or channel and chain clamps for lining up 90s, flanges, reducers, pipe to pipe, etc (90% of the time the high/low will be spot on. If not then you can fit like they are and spit the difference. 5. If you can make a 90 degree jig/fixture for using chain clamps. I have a unistrut jig for 2", 3" channel for 3-4" pipe. Have the channel scribed so I know where the 90 needs to sit. 6. Using a long straight edge (4') vs a square helps on long runs to ensure it is square. 7. Keeping a variety of spacing shims and a wedge in you toolbag to help square. A sawzall blade (1/16"-5/64") works great for 2" pipe, V welding rod for 1/8"-5/32" gap.
@@jenniferasbury8556 I personally am an oilfield pipe fitter (non-union), but have work with/along UA pipe fitters from time to time. The one UA in NM is 412 but when I worked in CA I worked with alot of apprentices that were my helpers out of the 114. Thats where I was shown the UA book. I learned from the Thomas Franklin black book, Spears Blue Book, and Nation Pipe Trades (NPT) red book.
I don't know if its a loss in translation, but its called "Raised Face" flange not Razor face. As in, there is a "raised" ring around the inside, as opposed to a "Flat Face" flange. The difference is that on things like pumps, strainers, valves, etc that are cast or made of a soft metal, the torque from bolts and the 1/4" gap on a raised face flange joint would bend and deform the flange, so flat faced flanges solve that problem. The reason why every flange isn't flat faced though is that raised face flanges focus the torque on the bolts to the gasket area of the flange, ensuring a tighter seal.
I cought that too and had to go back to when he fitted the con reducer and he had the same issue but taked it on the correct side was hoping I could find a comment that would point that out to confirm my concern for that last fit
I just want to thank you as well as the other instructors in these videos for what you all are doing and helping someone with a very rusty memory like mine who has been away from pipe fitting and the plant and refinery life. It's been 3 years since I've done that type of work because I've been doing Active Duty missions as a Reservist the whole time and shifted my focus. If I don't get selected for another Active Duty mission next go round, I'll be back doing that this type of work. So....I will definitely be watching more of y'all's training videos and taking notes and preparing. Again it's definitely appreciated!
I really enjoyed this video and it’s helping me out a lot and assisting me in understanding how to be a better pipefitter. But I have one question when you getting your flange square with the pipe if your first measurement closest to the 90 was 7 1/16 and your measurement furthest from the 90 was 7 inches shouldn’t you have tact the far side instead of the one closest to you in order to make your 7 to 7 1/16?
the elevation change is the length of your pipe from center to center. Thats why you subtract the length of both elbows (center to face) to get the length of pipe that you fit inbetween (minus your weld gap if they are really large like in this video).
Great video!!! I can tig-stick-fcaw pipe etc but I can't fit worth a damn!! I'm trying to get into an apprenticeship just to learn how to do this. thanks for sharing guys
I have always put on uniform lands and always fit high low to top of land . you can not fit to O.D. of pipe to O.D. of fitting because a lot of times fittings will not be the same O.D. as the pipe or maybe other fittings . Uniformity of land is key . In a production shop one would fit to roll out welds . You want to weld as few welds in position as possible . A good fitter and welder can make magic in a day
Where I'm from the welders are the fitters ,it's good to learn to fit . Other welders come here and they are used to the fitters tacking everything up for them,they don't always make it.
Ive had busts before on some of those concentric reducers. Sometimes the inside is almost like a false bevel and it throws a shadow on x-ray. The weld might be just fine but that false bevel shows up on film so make sure to take it out/transition!
I’m a fitter and one of my good friends is my foreman a lot on jobs and when we got to a town we were working in last year we were kinda drunk cleaning out our toolboxes, and decided to check the level on all the stair rails and handrails, the floor of the hotel bedroom, inside cabinetry, walls ect! Lmao! Upstairs and downstairs bedrooms floors all were almost a whole bubble out slipping down to the door to go outside the motel. Our only hypothesis was that it did that if a sprinkler in the room went off because of fire, water would flow right out the door to outside (motel) instead of sitting still on bedroom floor and destroying floor beneath it or downstairs the walls around the room if it wasn’t sloped. Our drunk asses really thought we figured out some coool ass engineering shit that night all proud of ourselves! 🤦🏻♀️
Yo quiero hacer eso, está bien rifadote, me gusta mucho la soldadura y estoy aprendiendo en la herrería de mi papá,. Sus videos me inspiran para seguir y estudiar eso jaja salu2
💚💚💚💚 bookmark/ notes : y ask le what look like inside the pipe 💊 / underwater welding , seeing two big birds middle infer end of the pipe , I don’t get a clamp / clip weld .. pipefitters squares 🍫 ……ect…..tbc…..-g-b, bot
Dat is awesome. Thanks, where I've been working companies now want a person to do 4 jobs n one. Like fabrication, fit, weld, and bolt up. Just 1dering if can do it by ur self
Hey guys I need help. I’m about to graduate this year but I don’t know if I should join the union or take a 10 month course at Tulsa welding school for pipefitting. Would I get payed more later on if I join the union or would the pay be same if I took the 10 month course? Which would lead me to a more “comfortable” life later on?
Pretty much every flange you do your gonna two hole it. I've never seen it not. If every flange is two holed they will always line up. Just makes it easier
We would root and hot pass with tig then flux core it on out , position and roll out welds in the shop Also been at places to where you would roll every thing you could .then put the peices together . and then you only have one or two position welds to make , Usually a pipe shop is all about speed , speed, numbers , numbers , hurry , hurry , hurry
I am a non union plumber im just curious is this like plumbing for an industrial building or is for gas in an industrial building or what? I appreciate the terms in advance.
I was a non union plumber for a bit then became a union fitter/ welder. It’s really just higher pressure systems, bigger pipe, our material is a lot of expensive and not as easy to fix if you fuck up.
I mean this is a good video but the easiest way to fit a 90 is definitely tacking the sides first and then squaring it but i guess it’s all preference. Love the videos!
Correct me if I’m wrong, I’m still kinda new at this. But at 21:45 didn’t he tack it on the wrong side? Since it was 7 1/16” on the inside and 7” on the outside doesn’t it mean that it needs to open up instead of closing? Can anyone clarify this for me
Expect about an 1/8" or 3/32" of shrinkage. Some weld dimensions give you 1/16" and 1/8" of tolerance on the lengths, i like to fit just over the finish weld dimension for that shrinkage, then i will be either spot on or slightly off about 1/16 from dimension, if you weld too hot it will suck up and go below tolerance, ask how i know, had to cut one off and reweld it 😬😬😬
👇WeldTube Store👇
Great video and very informative. As a retired pipefitter and Welder of 28yrs hats off to you guys.
Please do more pipe fabrication and fitting videos. Its really helpful for me.
It's a good refresher if you don't do much of this at work.
How much money can a pipe fitter earn
@@abenzenjoyment3183 depends where you are and what company, where I'm at they make 34 hr and 100 perdiem every day, but work 6 days out of the week 10 hour shifts, 20 hours OT plus 600 perdiem for the 6 days.
@@Ctrl-Alt-Elite YES
Totally awesome fit up..... More please.
I've been a wood worker for 40 years and just came across your channel. This is like discovering a new planet for me. Really well done. Much respect.
Hi man. People assume pipe fitting is easy. Mostly it's confused with plumbing
Excellent video, all these techniques I used, so I know you definitely know what you're doing. Also this video shows how important it is to have a great fitter and welder relationship
Absolutely the best proper training I have seen yet, even the level compensation teaching is something no one, and I mean NO ONE takes time to do. I'm SUBSCRIBED!
That fitter needs to go back to school
This is Kimchi Welder who is uploading welding video in Canada. The pipe fitting video you uploaded is very helpful. Thank you.
Bro you guys are very professional, especially Marvin he speaks very well and explains in detail. I am a metal fabricator but planning on moving forward and learning new things, I recently applied for a position of pipe fitter helper, it would be an honor and great learning experience if I ever work with people like you guys, thanks for the video.
They probably are nothing like that in real life honestly i know theyre not based off every welder and fitter ive worked with being in the union
Hi guys! Greetings from Russia! I'm the one of thoses who makes these ISOs and I'm exited of looking you doing your job. Could not stop watching. Always interesting in shop and field activities. You doing great job! Thanx
1988/89 l done my Pipe Fabricator trade test...back then no you tube!
So this is a great help for rookies🙂.
I gave it up in 1994 went back to Technical college.
Now l work in a design office as a Piping and Layout Draughtsman,Generating Piping General Arrangements,P&IDs,Isometric drawings etc.
I still started on the Drawing board,now l work with AutoCAD. Better €$£ 💘😎
I'm not a pipe welder/fitter just a shop/field welder but this is the best group of people on UA-cam period! I look forward to every new video.
A shop / field welder? Lol where im from those are 2 polar opposites
Field welders are good in every position angle and weld in many bad uncomfortable areas where as shop welders either weld in jack stands or use a roller lol which takes alot less skill
Currently learning how to fit pipe, the more I learn and practice, the more Im loving it. My instructors make us fit pipe and also tack it, learning from these old timers who have been fitting for 25+ years is something else.
Straight out of welding school, passed my first bend test and was offered a 1st Welder position. I've got 1 week to cram before my first day on the job. This video has got me pumped to work with fitters and start welding like Victor.
It's funny how this video came out today cause I'm learning pipefitting now and was looking all over the place yesterday for this information
Pro tip to find the take off for a long radius 90 if you don’t know already. Multiply your pipe diameter by 1.5. I’d recommend getting a pipe trade pro calculator as well. That thing has so many different functions on it.
this is where your browser coockies kick in.
Something is better than nothing, Thanks to the guys who share their experience and knowledge. Remember technology is always getting advance day by day.
Knowledge is power..make batagor so easy😂
Nicely done. Knowing your welder certainly helps.
Heck yeah, this videos right here is what y’all need to upload. So much knowledge that it make pipe fitting wayyyy more interesting.
Best video for basic pipe fitting I've seen! Well done guys!
Except for the fact he thinks it’s a razor face, and how he has his welder tack the wrong side of the flange…
@@frankie9660 I noticed that too. And who builds carbon steel pipe assemblies with Tig? Ain't nobody got time for that. Bro needs to bust out with some .045 fluxcore. lol
At 7:24, you have really have to make sure that the long side of the square on the left is on contact with both walls of the elbow, otherwise, it doesn't give you any information (everything will always be square if there is no contact). Just like two points are always aligned, and three points are always co-planar
Looked at 7:24 and with my eyes it is touching both sides, just have to look real close with the video frozen.
Only thing I’ll say is at around 21 minutes I would’ve checked the vertical level in that flange and matched it with that other pup piece
I love pipe fitting...a very logical process. Great video!
He tacked the flange on the inside, should have been the outside ... no roll out welds? and it’s a raised face not razorfaced . They bolt up ,they aren’t “welded “ to pumps or other flanges .
That pipe fighter would have to weld too . He'd work a welder like dumbass Victor to death. My grandma could fit better than that she was blind in one eye and couldn't see how the other
That last tac at 7 " shoulder tacked on other side. But very good job and info on pipe work. Thanks
lol I was just thinkin that
Yeah I seen that also
Jackson yea,you know what I hate is when I'm laying something out using the one inch Mark and make my part of parts forgetting to drop and inch. Done that a few times for sure
His welder should have called him out happens to the best of fitters
i think bro is kinda nervous being on camera and all haha
thank you guys for putting these vids up its really helped an inspiring pipe fitter to understand the basics and helpfull tips for the feild or fab shop
I'm a class 1 welder in the UK and pipe fitter. The way you fab this is so much more detailed than what we would do. I've never used a square to level a bend for instance 🤣 (we just level the face of the bend to the pipe) bit I like the square technique.
@Will Swift in the UK?
Hell yeah! Having a good pipefitter makes all the difference on site. Especially for in-position welds 🤘🏻
Lol yes in the real world most welders wouldn't want to work with this guy
Damn bro I wouldn’t be bragging this guy kind of sucks by how he got the first 90 I saw he didn’t know what he was doing.
@@JavierAldoMacedo He says he has 10 years experience. Where I come from it looks like about a week and he doesn’t do it right. He also said flanges weld up to another piece of pipe🤣😂🥲
@@BDE360 exactly I wouldn’t wanna work with a fitter like that if i was the welder
Im a welder but it's good to know this stuff for real helps me a shit ton and the fitter.
You are good at teaching my friend,so I want to learn and increase my knowledge as a pipe fitter,i learned a lot from your vlog and I'm also your subscriber from #🇵🇭
Very nice presentation I've learned a lot keep on posting brother good job
Very good, especially that you showed it with the map, it was great, thank you
21:33 you say the measurements out loud but end up tacking the wrong side. Point being other 2 guys also heard the same information and didn't correct you, it's a good lesson for apprentices/ helpers/ welders to actively be helping and not go on auto pilot and just go with whatever it is the lead man says and to speak up when you think a mistake is made or you have a question. Also I'm not trying to give you shit cause we all fuck up but more for helpers to pay attention and have our backs. Keep up the good work
They were doing a good job showing how to read and lay out a run. They did not show having to grind out the tack at 21.33 if they did not catch their mistake before tacking it. You are right it should have been tacked on the other side first. Some welder and fitter that work shut downs at oil refineries travel in pairs because they know how to work together to get the work done. The powers to be at a oil refinery I worked at for 32 years decided to cut the fitters pay to save money. One welder/fitter team that worked our S/D for maybe 12 years along with other welder/fitters teams did not show up for the S/D. The S/D ran long and the powers to be could not understand why it ran long because of the piping crews fell behind??????? Good pipe welding and fitting teams can always find work, you don't screw with one or the others pay and expect to get production. Bean counters are a dime a dozen, always trying to cut someone else pay to make them look good. Then they decided to cut the pipe welders pay also. Then the shit really hit the fan, pipe welders that could not go without busting weld x-rays that meant we had to go back and x-ray every weld they made on the S/D plus clearing all workers out of the x-ray shots areas. we went from working two 12 hour shifts for everyone to working two 10 hour shifts to get all the extra x-rays in. You get what you pay for. Just glad I am retired now and don't have to answer to bean counters!!!
awesome job. i wish i was a little younger, and able to move like i used to. but i can still watch the videos.
You teached me really something useful for my career
You are like car builders or notorcycles builders you love your work so i like yours content best regards
Quite good knowledge,bring some more.very good practicals
Awesome video I'm 2 months in on Pipe fitting/tac welding I do both here in Alberta, Canada 🇨🇦 than after I check the overall I send the pipe to the welder. I'm learning on the job plus UA-cam and Tic tok
Great knowledge shared your jargons aligned with the task. Good Job!!!!
7 Steps to help and also be more efficient:
1. Get a good pipe fitters book. The UA has a good blue book, the black pipe fitters and welders handbook by (Thomas Franklin) and the red pipe fitters book IPT's Pipe Trades Handbook by (Robert A. Lee) are great ones to have in your toolbag/box. A great investment that will last a lifetime
2. Get a welding rod and bend the spool or section of spool to build as a reference. Helps visualize the direction of 90s and offsets.
3. If possible build in sections and roll-out as much as possible. Alot faster and easier. You also eliminate the chance of busting out. You also reduce your in position welding to a minimum.
4. Use angle iron or channel and chain clamps for lining up 90s, flanges, reducers, pipe to pipe, etc (90% of the time the high/low will be spot on. If not then you can fit like they are and spit the difference.
5. If you can make a 90 degree jig/fixture for using chain clamps. I have a unistrut jig for 2", 3" channel for 3-4" pipe. Have the channel scribed so I know where the 90 needs to sit.
6. Using a long straight edge (4') vs a square helps on long runs to ensure it is square.
7. Keeping a variety of spacing shims and a wedge in you toolbag to help square. A sawzall blade (1/16"-5/64") works great for 2" pipe, V welding rod for 1/8"-5/32" gap.
Leonard Gonzales, what local are you out of? I noticed you mentioned the UA. I'm out of local 538. (I'm on my wife's account)
@@jenniferasbury8556 I personally am an oilfield pipe fitter (non-union), but have work with/along UA pipe fitters from time to time. The one UA in NM is 412 but when I worked in CA I worked with alot of apprentices that were my helpers out of the 114. Thats where I was shown the UA book. I learned from the Thomas Franklin black book, Spears Blue Book, and Nation Pipe Trades (NPT) red book.
Thanks for this step by step video. Loved the methodology
Man you’re good bro and so good with explanations. Thank you so much
Thank you Anthony Davis for this excellent video demonstration
I don't know if its a loss in translation, but its called "Raised Face" flange not Razor face. As in, there is a "raised" ring around the inside, as opposed to a "Flat Face" flange.
The difference is that on things like pumps, strainers, valves, etc that are cast or made of a soft metal, the torque from bolts and the 1/4" gap on a raised face flange joint would bend and deform the flange, so flat faced flanges solve that problem.
The reason why every flange isn't flat faced though is that raised face flanges focus the torque on the bolts to the gasket area of the flange, ensuring a tighter seal.
Awesome job guys...keep up the good work
Excellent video ! Keep up the great work
22:00 shouldn’t have that 3rd tack go on the opposite side to pull both measurements to 7.1/16?
That’s exactly what I thought that would have made it level he told victor to tack the wrong side after saying how important it is
Yep tacked the wrong side!
I saw that too
I cought that too and had to go back to when he fitted the con reducer and he had the same issue but taked it on the correct side was hoping I could find a comment that would point that out to confirm my concern for that last fit
Hopefully nobody checks that. It'll be 7-1/16 and the other 6-15/16 after the draw from the track on the wrong side
I just want to thank you as well as the other instructors in these videos for what you all are doing and helping someone with a very rusty memory like mine who has been away from pipe fitting and the plant and refinery life. It's been 3 years since I've done that type of work because I've been doing Active Duty missions as a Reservist the whole time and shifted my focus. If I don't get selected for another Active Duty mission next go round, I'll be back doing that this type of work. So....I will definitely be watching more of y'all's training videos and taking notes and preparing. Again it's definitely appreciated!
Awesome video guys
I appreciate the thoroughness
Nice job!
That blueprint, is that what you go by whenever you get a job to do? Like is that what's given to to follow like instructions?
Yep basically
you guys r very professional tnks for yours videos i gonna star pipe fitter its good information for me tnks 👍👍
I really enjoyed this video and it’s helping me out a lot and assisting me in understanding how to be a better pipefitter. But I have one question when you getting your flange square with the pipe if your first measurement closest to the 90 was 7 1/16 and your measurement furthest from the 90 was 7 inches shouldn’t you have tact the far side instead of the one closest to you in order to make your 7 to 7 1/16?
He fucked up, thats why. Notice how there wasnt any footage of it afterwards. Good eye!
i thought the same
How does the elevation change in the isometric drawing effect the fit up?
the elevation change is the length of your pipe from center to center. Thats why you subtract the length of both elbows (center to face) to get the length of pipe that you fit inbetween (minus your weld gap if they are really large like in this video).
Very well done indeed, great demonstration.
Very good fabrication ,helpful
Super helpful video style
Please do more pipe basics fitting thank u with levels and plumb bobs u are very helpful thank u.
Great video!!! I can tig-stick-fcaw pipe etc but I can't fit worth a damn!! I'm trying to get into an apprenticeship just to learn how to do this. thanks for sharing guys
I have always put on uniform lands and always fit high low to top of land . you can not fit to O.D. of pipe to O.D. of fitting because a lot of times fittings will not be the same O.D. as the pipe or maybe other fittings . Uniformity of land is key . In a production shop one would fit to roll out welds . You want to weld as few welds in position as possible . A good fitter and welder can make magic in a day
By the book bro!!
Its so ok. 👍👍🖐🖐. thank for vidio. My thank from Indonesia.
Great videos guys, learning alot of different skills, thanks
Good job brother please make more video for pipe fittings ❤️love from India
Where I'm from the welders are the fitters ,it's good to learn to fit .
Other welders come here and they are used to the fitters tacking everything up for them,they don't always make it.
Nice... cant wait to come down for your pipe welding class. Pass my 3g open root and get in there...
Good 👌
If its for the hall its 6g
Without the handy dandy book, how to calculate the take off of a long or short radius elbow? Thanks.
LR = NPS x 1.5 SR= Same as NPS
Este video está machin. Ya siento que puedo firiar solo de ver este video de tan buena calidad
Ive had busts before on some of those concentric reducers. Sometimes the inside is almost like a false bevel and it throws a shadow on x-ray. The weld might be just fine but that false bevel shows up on film so make sure to take it out/transition!
They have just a slight back bevel to em. Cheap big bore pipe has the same issue.
This dope man. Ima watch this til I get it 💯💯
Great video and explanation. How is Victor controlling the amps? I cannot see a trigger on the torch or a foot pedal. Thank you.
The machine has a scratch start function
Congratulations You are really good. You are masters it is nice to take from you.
The flange is 150# Raised face flange, not raiser face. The gap should be based on your weld procedure.
After watching this I just bought a level and now I'm double checking everything. Now my tables square with the wall and leveled.
I’m a fitter and one of my good friends is my foreman a lot on jobs and when we got to a town we were working in last year we were kinda drunk cleaning out our toolboxes, and decided to check the level on all the stair rails and handrails, the floor of the hotel bedroom, inside cabinetry, walls ect! Lmao! Upstairs and downstairs bedrooms floors all were almost a whole bubble out slipping down to the door to go outside the motel. Our only hypothesis was that it did that if a sprinkler in the room went off because of fire, water would flow right out the door to outside (motel) instead of sitting still on bedroom floor and destroying floor beneath it or downstairs the walls around the room if it wasn’t sloped. Our drunk asses really thought we figured out some coool ass engineering shit that night all proud of ourselves! 🤦🏻♀️
Nice one!
Yo quiero hacer eso, está bien rifadote, me gusta mucho la soldadura y estoy aprendiendo en la herrería de mi papá,. Sus videos me inspiran para seguir y estudiar eso jaja salu2
Nice fabrication
Thats my boy Marvin , real Texas pipe fitter! 🤘
Except he dont know what a flange face is called lol razor face? Think he was thinking of a razor sharp bevel and face is raised face
Please make video on elbow rolling & flange rotation.
💚💚💚💚 bookmark/ notes : y ask le what look like inside the pipe 💊 / underwater welding , seeing two big birds middle infer end of the pipe , I don’t get a clamp / clip weld .. pipefitters squares 🍫 ……ect…..tbc…..-g-b, bot
buen trabajo limpio y preciso son buenos en lo que hacen buen trabajo melvin..cuidecen
y gracias ..
awesome video..more pipe fitting / fabrication videos
Dear wonderful .. great work.. good knowing
Easier way to fit the reducer when possible, rull up your 90 check your levels sit your spacer on top and sit your reducer on top and tack it
Thats how i do mine, but sometimes the fitters that prep the pipe sand down the bevel too much and can cause uneven bevel.
And get a 4ft level to check that square. Good quality levels are incredibly accurate, even when the vial is sideways
Dat is awesome. Thanks, where I've been working companies now want a person to do 4 jobs n one. Like fabrication, fit, weld, and bolt up. Just 1dering if can do it by ur self
You can if you got the tools and equipment needed but ALOT HARDER by yourself sometimes impossible to fit and keep it fit while tacking
Marvellous theoretical with practical
Hey guys I need help. I’m about to graduate this year but I don’t know if I should join the union or take a 10 month course at Tulsa welding school for pipefitting. Would I get payed more later on if I join the union or would the pay be same if I took the 10 month course? Which would lead me to a more “comfortable” life later on?
Great Job
just being curious, did it say on the drawing what the hole orientation of the flanges was. or is this just a generic way of fitting them all the same
Just the way it’s done unless noted otherwise.
Pretty much every flange you do your gonna two hole it. I've never seen it not. If every flange is two holed they will always line up. Just makes it easier
Muy buenos el tubería y el soldador, saludos desde Valladolid España 👏👏
Man, I miss doing piping. Doing vessels now.
Can you guys do root with 7018 on pipe? In Europe they recurring to be made by 7018..
We would root and hot pass with tig then flux core it on out , position and roll out welds in the shop
Also been at places to where you would roll every thing you could .then put the peices together . and then you only have one or two position welds to make ,
Usually a pipe shop is all about speed , speed, numbers , numbers , hurry , hurry , hurry
Roll, Roll, Roll baby. Way easier for the welder
Nice job
Nice, sick video man very helpful
Awesome guys! That's one expensive demo!!
Do we learn to sketch a blue prints as well once done with program ?
like the fact that you show everything. good work
Nice work
I am a non union plumber im just curious is this like plumbing for an industrial building or is for gas in an industrial building or what? I appreciate the terms in advance.
I was a non union plumber for a bit then became a union fitter/ welder. It’s really just higher pressure systems, bigger pipe, our material is a lot of expensive and not as easy to fix if you fuck up.
I mean this is a good video but the easiest way to fit a 90 is definitely tacking the sides first and then squaring it but i guess it’s all preference. Love the videos!
Correct me if I’m wrong, I’m still kinda new at this. But at 21:45 didn’t he tack it on the wrong side? Since it was 7 1/16” on the inside and 7” on the outside doesn’t it mean that it needs to open up instead of closing? Can anyone clarify this for me
5:50 do you have to worry about the dimensions growing if you put to many large gaps?
When you do your takeouts for the fittings you also do takeouts for the gaps, he forgot to show that.
Expect about an 1/8" or 3/32" of shrinkage. Some weld dimensions give you 1/16" and 1/8" of tolerance on the lengths, i like to fit just over the finish weld dimension for that shrinkage, then i will be either spot on or slightly off about 1/16 from dimension, if you weld too hot it will suck up and go below tolerance, ask how i know, had to cut one off and reweld it 😬😬😬
We up here Boston pipefittahs