This is why Matt will forever be one of favorite youtubers of ALL TIME each detail from the editing, music choice, humor and the relatability is just so 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾. Even though I’m a junior in high school, I struggle with academic validation and academic insecurity on a daily basis (which I need to work on) but you touching based on that was really nice to know that someone understands how I feel too but again thank you matt! Love your videos!💙
my mother always tells me that if i want to get into an ivy, i should work on my academics, and my personality. i never understood the personality bit until i started watching you. you seem like the sweetest person everrr!! i hope you have the time of your life at harvard and later on as well
Hey Matt! Love your videos! I so appreciate your honesty when it comes to academic insecurity - it's so important to address it directly rather than sweeping it under the rug and allowing it to blossom into something unhealthy. I'm in grad school now and still experience this, even more so than I did in undergrad. For me, I've found that transplanting that need for academic validation with a simple love for the subject and a more playful mindset of exploration can help tremendously. Obviously easier said than done, but it's a nice way of reframing that anxiety. Cheers!
I am doing my PhD and I get my work routinely coming back looking like a dog's breakfast. I think you need to change your mindset to cope with it: (1) don't take it personally, your professor is evaluating your work not you, (2) be grateful that you are receiving feedback as not all professors provide it, (3) use that feedback to grow and learn, you and your work will be the better for it. My work was ripped apart consistently but my writing kept improving and I kept growing and now I am receiving so much validation in terms of journal articles, awards etc. You are at uni to learn. If you knew it all you wouldn't need to be there. Don't forget to get help while writing essays. Often you can improve your grades by dropping in to chat to your professor during consultation hours as they often give some good tips or impromptu feedback on draft work. Enjoy the journey and don't be too hard on yourself. Use this as an opportunity to grow and the rewards will come.
Hey Matt, I saw you crossed out the „20“ at our Daily-Journal. Just for your Information: you should add the „21“ so together its „2021“. Just a little hack! Love your videos. Keep up the work!
Harvard isnt even on my list of colleges I want to go to but I enjoy watching these vlogs!!! I graduate this year as a senior so I am excited for college and it seems like your experience is going well. Good luck with the rest of the semester
Hi Matt!! Big fan of your videos. Love your editing skills and the way you bring out stories/routine. Looks like college is being harder than expected for you. Please hang on and don't beat yourself up. Think of it as a new learning. As you mentioned, every bad day is just 24 hours in your life.
okay i am obsessed with your vlogs so much!! gonna go binge watch all your previous videos. love the editing and you personality!! quick question where is your white keyboard from? been looking into getting a new one
I am a new subscriber، I'm a mathematics student in high school and I really enjoyed and motivated watching your videos, keep up the good work bro, follow you from Algeria 🇩🇿💗
You are so inspiring and I enjoy watching every single video ❤️ keep on going you can accomplish everything you want. ❤️ Thank you and many hugs from Germany 🇩🇪❤️ ps : sorry for my bad English
This might have already been pointed out, but rather than cross out the 20 when writing the date in your journal, wouldn't the _ _/ _ _/20_ _ indicate they mean for you to write the date 2021,2022,2023..?
Hey Matt sorry if you already saw this comment but I just wanted to write it again incase you didn't already :) Hey Matt! I would love to start creating content on UA-cam, TikTok, etc…do you think that it would be smart to do that because I want to go to Harvard and I don’t want it to hurt my chances! I hope everything’s well ❤️ Also I’m not sure if u have a video on your stats that got you into Harvard but if u do can you link it? I would love to watch it!
hello!! i think creating content online doesn’t hurt your chances at all (i think it potentially may have even helped my story) - just make sure it’s appropriate and shows what you love! if your heart isn’t in it then your content will come off as disingenuous
This is why Matt will forever be one of favorite youtubers of ALL TIME each detail from the editing, music choice, humor and the relatability is just so 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾. Even though I’m a junior in high school, I struggle with academic validation and academic insecurity on a daily basis (which I need to work on) but you touching based on that was really nice to know that someone understands how I feel too but again thank you matt! Love your videos!💙
🥲🥲🥲 love you akunna!
my mother always tells me that if i want to get into an ivy, i should work on my academics, and my personality. i never understood the personality bit until i started watching you. you seem like the sweetest person everrr!! i hope you have the time of your life at harvard and later on as well
this is such a nice comment :,) thank you so much for watching!
That impromptu dance around 5:28-5:38 made me spill my coffee! 😂
please never stop making these
new one coming this week 🫶
i love ur videos sm, omg
Hey Matt! Love your videos! I so appreciate your honesty when it comes to academic insecurity - it's so important to address it directly rather than sweeping it under the rug and allowing it to blossom into something unhealthy. I'm in grad school now and still experience this, even more so than I did in undergrad. For me, I've found that transplanting that need for academic validation with a simple love for the subject and a more playful mindset of exploration can help tremendously. Obviously easier said than done, but it's a nice way of reframing that anxiety. Cheers!
i love this way of thinking about it - thank you for this ❤️
I am doing my PhD and I get my work routinely coming back looking like a dog's breakfast. I think you need to change your mindset to cope with it: (1) don't take it personally, your professor is evaluating your work not you, (2) be grateful that you are receiving feedback as not all professors provide it, (3) use that feedback to grow and learn, you and your work will be the better for it. My work was ripped apart consistently but my writing kept improving and I kept growing and now I am receiving so much validation in terms of journal articles, awards etc. You are at uni to learn. If you knew it all you wouldn't need to be there. Don't forget to get help while writing essays. Often you can improve your grades by dropping in to chat to your professor during consultation hours as they often give some good tips or impromptu feedback on draft work. Enjoy the journey and don't be too hard on yourself. Use this as an opportunity to grow and the rewards will come.
Yess Canvas was my primary motivator, I looked forward to those little graphics every time I submitted an assignment.
it’s the best.
Hey Matt, I saw you crossed out the „20“ at our Daily-Journal. Just for your Information: you should add the „21“ so together its „2021“. Just a little hack! Love your videos. Keep up the work!
Hey Matt, can you do a video on how you stay organized? Planner, iPhone notes, to-do list etc..
adding this to the list!
Harvard isnt even on my list of colleges I want to go to but I enjoy watching these vlogs!!! I graduate this year as a senior so I am excited for college and it seems like your experience is going well. Good luck with the rest of the semester
it’s a fun time :) best of luck finishing senior year !!
love this!!
Omg hi Matt!!! Watching from the Philippines
I’ve been waiting foreverrr for you to post !!
Hi Matt!!
Big fan of your videos. Love your editing skills and the way you bring out stories/routine. Looks like college is being harder than expected for you. Please hang on and don't beat yourself up. Think of it as a new learning. As you mentioned, every bad day is just 24 hours in your life.
You do such an amazing job at these videos I actually feel like I’m there experiencing Harvard first hand ! Enjoy your week ❤️
love your videos
heyyyyy!! You skin is absolutely glowing!!! You’re amazing and awesome
Love your videos Matt keep up the good work ❤️❤️
okay everything about this video is so so so perfect. I LOVE IT!!!
😭😭😭 LOVE U
loved this vlog matt!!!
thank u so much for this, you are getting me through school day by day.
my whole heart ♡ rooting for you !!!
Oh yeah! 15m of pure happiness. Keep up the work dude
I missed you matt :)) love the vids keep pumping them out 🤎
Hiiii Matt I missed you more I’m glad your doing well and taking care of yourself 💕💕💕💕 love you forever and always ♥️
This was so pleasant to watch! New subscriber from Dominican Republic 🇩🇴♥️
welcome 💙
noooo you don't get it I JUMPED when I saw the notif!!!!! SO EXCITED TO WATCHHHH
eeeee HI!!
okay i am obsessed with your vlogs so much!! gonna go binge watch all your previous videos. love the editing and you personality!! quick question where is your white keyboard from? been looking into getting a new one
ahhh this makes me so happy 🥲 the link to the keyboard is in the description of one of my recent videos!!
Thoroughly enjoyed the video. Pls be more consistent with posting . The wait is too much to bear.
Really appreciate this video, so adorable and true.. Love from 🇮🇳..
I am a new subscriber، I'm a mathematics student in high school and I really enjoyed and motivated watching your videos, keep up the good work bro, follow you from Algeria 🇩🇿💗
Enjoyed it Sir
Where is your keyboard from? It looks so cool
love your blue eyes and voice👍
omg where is your flannel from?!
urban outfitters !! i bought it last year but i’m sure they have very similar ones right now
You are so inspiring and I enjoy watching every single video ❤️ keep on going you can accomplish everything you want. ❤️ Thank you and many hugs from Germany 🇩🇪❤️ ps : sorry for my bad English
Matt, you should start a discord server!!! I just spent an hour rewatching all of your videos for the ✨vibe✨ ahahh ly
AH 😭❤️ and i’ll def look into it!!
This might have already been pointed out, but rather than cross out the 20 when writing the date in your journal, wouldn't the _ _/ _ _/20_ _ indicate they mean for you to write the date 2021,2022,2023..?
HAHAHA you're so right i can't believe i haven't caught on ......
Start subscribe from South Korea 😍
Hey Matt sorry if you already saw this comment but I just wanted to write it again incase you didn't already :)
Hey Matt! I would love to start creating content on UA-cam, TikTok, etc…do you think that it would be smart to do that because I want to go to Harvard and I don’t want it to hurt my chances! I hope everything’s well ❤️ Also I’m not sure if u have a video on your stats that got you into Harvard but if u do can you link it? I would love to watch it!
hello!! i think creating content online doesn’t hurt your chances at all (i think it potentially may have even helped my story) - just make sure it’s appropriate and shows what you love! if your heart isn’t in it then your content will come off as disingenuous
@@MattTrav Thank you so much for replying ❤️ And of course haha I usually just do tiktok trends and lifestyle content for fun xx