Disgaea D2 DLC (JP) - Baal



  • @ptbwf
    @ptbwf 11 років тому

    BTW, you can actually max all of your stats in this game fairly easily and make a fully powered Baal only as powerful as one of your characters.
    Every time you kill an enemy in LoC mode you usually gain equal to 0.1% of a random stat(or 0.025 of their hp if that is picked).
    Serums can also most likely get you to the cap just like in Disgaea 3 and 4.

  • @Blayne06
    @Blayne06 11 років тому

    I can tell, this fight's gonna be fun to prepare for.
    Items can go to Lv. 999, stats cap at 9 digits, HP/SP can go to 9 trillion...
    NIS really is going all out for this one. I sincerely hope this kind of stuff makes it into Disgaea 5.

  • @superkerel9
    @superkerel9 11 років тому

    Looking at the video of the guy that beat this guy, I can easily say that this Baal is allot harder then that Pringer X stage.
    Mostly because he has 6 phases, each with an OP evility,
    phase 2 has: Inflict ALL status effects on all enemies.
    Phase 3 has: 50% change to evade ALL attacks
    Phase 4 has: 2 Mini-baals summoned after every turn, each having half the stats of the original Baal.
    Phase 5 has: Deal damage to every enemy after every turn.
    Phase 6 has: Base panel destroyed and 20% heal.

  • @nucleargodhead
    @nucleargodhead 11 років тому

    Also can I just say this fight is terrifying? 400 billion HP alone is astronomical, but if this encounter is anything like the fight against him in Disgaea 4, you will have to kill him multiple times.

  • @ptbwf
    @ptbwf 11 років тому

    You can sure as hell get over half of Baal's stats with maxed specialists, maxed equipment growth, maxed equipment level, maxed aptitudes, matching rarity, maxed weapon mastery, maxed stored levels and serums.
    The time it takes to kill Baal or 8 uber pringer Xs is irrelevant.
    If you don't use a int maxed spellcaster with a specialized int focused magichange monster you can't possibly win against 8 maxed pringer Xs, and that is only if you utilize the right strategy with magic knight abilities

  • @ptbwf
    @ptbwf 11 років тому

    Well, technically prinnies can't get weapon mastery bonuses so you are right, but I did say maxed stat prinnies.

  • @ptbwf
    @ptbwf 11 років тому

    The maxed stat 8 Pringer X stage in Dark Hero Days was probably harder.

  • @KayJordan17
    @KayJordan17 11 років тому

    Resistance is futile, dood! No one can defeat Tyrant Baal!
    But anyway Congrats on your 100th video upload.

    @ThePOWERofSARDINES 11 років тому

    This... Isn't even his final form.. He still has 3 other color palettes/stages

  • @ptbwf
    @ptbwf 11 років тому

    If you consider the fact that this is Disgaea D2 and you can get level 999 items with 300% aptitudes, there are way more powerful specialists, and way better items etc etc, no, I would consider this to be much easier.
    Uber Pringer X x8 gives you 8 MAXED stat enemies in a game where it is impossible to even have maxed stats without buffs, and if you don't follow a specific strategy with specific classes or characters you will die every single time.
    For Baal I will just have 10 maxed characters.

  • @ptbwf
    @ptbwf 11 років тому

    With D2's mechanics all you have would have to do is have a maxed def and res character with high atk or int to pot shot Baal to death, that isn't hard.
    Higher hp and defense doesn't make a fight hard.

  • @Darknecros7
    @Darknecros7 11 років тому

    Hmmmm. Wonder if he will have a form that has "that ability" I'm referring to the one that has an area of effect of a FULL 5 X 4 area like Tyrant Overlord Baal had in Disgaea 4

  • @nucleargodhead
    @nucleargodhead 11 років тому

    Yeah, you could use a method like that to farm gency exits in the vita version of Disgaea 3. I think you have to send it to your warehouse before you game over?

  • @BlitzkriegOmega
    @BlitzkriegOmega 11 років тому +1

    oh for fuckssake, he has THAT Evility again?

  • @CadaverSwag
    @CadaverSwag 11 років тому

    Holy mother of broken- I miss the days when items capped at 100.

  • @luminangel
    @luminangel 11 років тому

    yea it comes out in October the 9th

  • @ptbwf
    @ptbwf 11 років тому

    Disgaea 4's Baal is nowhere near powerful or threatening enough to warrant 30 minutes, he was just a damn dlc character thrown in at the last minute.

  • @ptbwf
    @ptbwf 11 років тому

    *gain equal to 0.1 of random stat from the enemy*

  • @GalthanaTroper
    @GalthanaTroper 11 років тому

    Can you still abuse that Slumber Cat evility that has you get 100% evasion if you move 10 panels in a turn?

  • @superkerel9
    @superkerel9 11 років тому

    You do know that this also Baal has stats higher then can be achieved right?
    Besides, I have seen a video of pringer X x8 done in like 2 minutes, while the video of someone beating this guy took 30 minutes. (however, that video was done with baal at only 500 million stats, while this video shows him at 1000million stats and he also only had 100 billion hp instead of 400 billion like in this video)

  • @MelficeSephiroth
    @MelficeSephiroth 11 років тому

    Keeping an item even with a game over? Is that really possible?

  • @luminangel
    @luminangel 11 років тому

    a day earlier woot ^0^

  • @superkerel9
    @superkerel9 11 років тому

    Wow, so having mobs only be beatable by using one special kind of tactic is hard? No, thats just cheap and boring, Baal in this is hard and actually requires strategy instead of lol get max int spellcaster or some bullshit.
    Anyway, Baal in DD2 > 8 times Pringer X
    Show me you beating him first then if you want me to believe you.
    time it takes to kill either is irrelevant: Yeah, because a boss that takes 20 seconds is as hard as one that takes 80 minutes both with max stats?