Jephthah and a sinister vow | Bible Stories

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • The story of Jephthah is a dramatic tale from the Book of Judges in the Old Testament. Jephthah was the son of Gilead but his mother was a prostitute, so Jephthah was driven out by his half-brothers and lived as an outcast. Despite this, Jephthah was a mighty warrior.
    When the Ammonites waged war against Israel, the elders of Gilead asked Jephthah to be their leader and defeat the Ammonites. Jephthah agreed on one condition - that he would be the ruler of Gilead if victorious. Before battle, Jephthah made a rash vow to God - if given victory, he would sacrifice as a burnt offering the first thing that came out of his house when he returned.
    Jephthah was victorious but to his horror, his daughter was the first to come out to meet him with timbrels and dancing when he came home. Jephthah tore his clothes in anguish but his daughter insisted he fulfill his vow. After two months for her to wander the mountains with her friends to mourn her virginity, Jephthah sacrificed his daughter as promised.
    This story illustrates the tragic consequences when vows and oaths are made rashly without considering what they may require. It is a sobering lesson in making solemn promises and also a portrait of a devoted daughter determined to see her father's word kept.


  • @Cache73
    @Cache73 Рік тому +14

    This bible lesson was so well presented. It is one I have struggled with for some time.

  • @davidjohn1233
    @davidjohn1233 Рік тому +2

    Jephthah was right he obeyed and kept his vow just as Abraham did to when the Lord tested him but to Jephthah the Lord let him do it. He said I will offer it as a burnt sacrifice did not just say will give it to the Lord so he was blameless.

  • @DavidChapa-nq9jm
    @DavidChapa-nq9jm Рік тому

    Thank you ❤❤

  • @markroberts9944
    @markroberts9944 Рік тому

    Mine, middle name, Joseph, I, must receive my blessings...No, matter internet people for my God gives me shelter in his wings for I don't have any internet savy... I am not me scared, for one day, we all must die. Yes, I am thankful to witnessed, y'all's abilities...

  • @IminHIGHpursuitofthelivingGod
    @IminHIGHpursuitofthelivingGod Рік тому +1

    Thank you I appreciate this story I have been argued and debated by other Christians as to did God except the killing of Jepthath's daughter as a sacrifice to him? I say NO! God did not ask for a vow, God would not be a hypocrite in the eyes of men.
    Jephthah stood on Ecclesiastical 5
    Jephthah made a foolish vow and killed his daughter.
    What did Jesus say about making vows? He would not have tore his clothes in anguish over her virginity.
    In my opinion Jepthah acted in pride and zeal because of what he was dealing with amongst his brothers. He was anxious and desperate.
    Jepthah stood on Ecclesiastical:5 as to why he could not take his vow back but what he also failed to remember that God commanded the Israelite not to do like the Gentiles and he disobeyed.
    Matthew 5:33-37.
    33 “Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made.’ 34 But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. 36 And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. 37 All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.
    That wrong spirit that Jepthah disobeyed God with the devil crept in and made him kill his daughter.
    33 “Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made.’ 34 But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. 36 And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. 37 All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

  • @985gavinful
    @985gavinful 10 місяців тому

    Doesn't judges chapter 11 vs 37-40 clearly says, she went up to mountains for 2 months to bewail herself, then when she came down her father completed her vow, and she knew no man..... How are we getting killing her from this scripture

  • @clydebermingham121
    @clydebermingham121 Рік тому

    It was not a Human Sacrifice … HUMAN SACRIFICE WAS NEVER ALLOWED BY GOD

  • @clydebermingham121
    @clydebermingham121 Рік тому

    STOP Placing your grooms and absurd assumptions … adding to GOD’s word that is NOT there

  • @glendagaskin151
    @glendagaskin151 Рік тому +10

    We have to realize that God totally revered life as He is the creator. Any idea that He is willing to abandon His decree only while He loved the woman is in God’s mercy. Help us to understand His Word. He saw us in light of His Word. God never changes so any time we feel the calling and it is against His Word I am sure it is not His Prompting and we have to be sure what is by learning the nature of Giod. When we don’t know for certain wait for the clear will of the savior. 17:06 understand then what God is saying.

  • @Lorenzo83579
    @Lorenzo83579 Рік тому +6

    Maybe a public proclamation of his vow could have changed the outcome.
    This reminds me of the story in 1 Samuel 14: 24-46, when during a battle Saul uttered a curse on anyone who ate food before that evening. Jonathan, his son had not heard about the curse, so he ate some honey.
    1 Samuel 14:41-45 NIV
    Then Saul prayed to the LORD, the God of Israel, “Why have you not answered your servant today? If the fault is in me or my son Jonathan, respond with Urim, but if the men of Israel are at fault, d respond with Thummim.” Jonathan and Saul were taken by lot, and the men were cleared. [42] Saul said, “Cast the lot between me and Jonathan my son.” And Jonathan was taken. [43] Then Saul said to Jonathan, “Tell me what you have done.” So Jonathan told him, “I tasted a little honey with the end of my staff. And now I must die!” [44] Saul said, “May God deal with me, be it ever so severely, if you do not die, Jonathan. ” [45] 45 But the men said to Saul, “Should Jonathan die-he who has brought about this great deliverance in Israel? Never! As surely as the LORD lives, not a hair of his head will fall to the ground, for he did this today with God’s help.” So the men rescued Jonathan, and he was not put to death.

  • @MarietaTruter
    @MarietaTruter Рік тому +12

    Thank you so much for telling these wonderful stories out of Scripture. Praise God Almighty. 🎉

  • @milliema
    @milliema Рік тому +11

    Thank you for a wonderful lesson. Your video lessons have answered some of the questions I had. You won’t believe what happened. I was praying to God asking for answers. I specifically said God I need answers. Please send an answer to me. I don’t know how but you will. I came on UA-cam as usual listening to music and your video concerning my question came with answers. I rejoiced and when I got home, I told my family that God is wonderful because He answered my question through you. Thank you

    • @stellachandler4719
      @stellachandler4719 Рік тому +2

      All Glory, All Praise and All Honour be to God in Eternity and in all areas of our lives.Amen 🎚️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🎚️

  • @johnathanelbert6880
    @johnathanelbert6880 Рік тому +26

    This why judges begins and ends with this is when Israel had no king and everyone did what was right in their own eyes. The depravity of humanity needed to be on full display. Makes you appreciate the future perfect judge, prophet, king, lawkeeper, sacrifice everything the Old Testament pointed to our LORD 🙏🙏

    • @deydraniadiancecht8298
      @deydraniadiancecht8298 10 місяців тому

      Yeah don't blame God or anything. God is always up in everyone's business all the time, yet when this happened, God is absent and not to blame? It's the fact that there wasn't a king around that's to blame here?
      Nah. God wanted this. Nothing pleases him more than having his followers murder children. From putting kids on alters to be human sacrifices to cutting open the bellies of pregnant women, God loves dead children.

  • @sableindian
    @sableindian Рік тому +4

    So, if anyone else came out Jephthah would have been OK with that. This reminds me of the end of the movie, The Striped Pajamas. It's NOT OK if it's your child, or your tribe, or family, or country. 😢
    It's NEVER OK, lesson learned...

    • @napthaliebangonan6350
      @napthaliebangonan6350 Рік тому +1

      Because Jephthah usually when Jephthah came from the battle the first come out of the door is his pet when he sees his daughter who came out he is very sad

    • @susanhamilton8288
      @susanhamilton8288 10 місяців тому +1

      Good question..what if it was a cat or dog..things God did not ask for in sacrifice to him...ego cause him to make that was wrong..i wonder if he had the law to see what God requires..maybe not as it says no king was over them..they had no leaders to impart God words to them...but he believed in God and that was good just not the vow..

  • @libbylib1819
    @libbylib1819 Рік тому +12

    Thank you very much for your detailed breakdown of the story of Jephtah and his daughter.
    I'm back to being as sad as when I first read it decades ago.
    I comforted myself with the alternative interpretation of lifelong consecration. Truly tragic story 😢😭

  • @clydebermingham121
    @clydebermingham121 Рік тому +2

    Jephtah fainfully served the LORD’s unctions …. There is NO WAY he would have profaned the LORD by such a gross deed

  • @clydebermingham121
    @clydebermingham121 Рік тому +7

    Jephtah did not go back on any condition other than “If the LORD delivers them into my hands …. “
    It wasn’t a ‘terrible ‘ end …. Jephtah did NOT give his daughter as a human sacrifice … but she ‘remained a virgin’ … She was to not marry …. His linage would end with her … his only daughter .
    Jephtah s daughter was NOT sacrificed as far as her life taken away .

    • @kathygrant39
      @kathygrant39 Рік тому +2

      I agree. If someone proclaims "whomever comes through my door", they would have to be thinking it would be a person. I also think he tore his vestment, simply because he did not want to give his daughter to the temple in service. Maybe he was hoping it would be a servant. Hannah specifically said she would give Samuel, so she was prepared for sacrificing her time with her son. Jephtah was not prepared for the answer to his prayer.

  • @andromedab902
    @andromedab902 Рік тому +4

    Jephtha's foolish, rashed vow indeed!😢 lots of lessons learnt. thanks

  • @lukefreeman7
    @lukefreeman7 Рік тому +3

    You’ve blessed me again with another fantastic teaching which has answered my internal questions about that text.

  • @scented-leafpelargonium3366
    @scented-leafpelargonium3366 Рік тому +3

    Funny how it gets "translated" into English. In Hebrew it is pronounced as "Yiftach" as there is no "J" in Hebrew and it ends with a hard gutteral "CHET" or "CH" sound, not a soft "H."
    Yiftach is related to root word Liftoach, which means "to open," and "petuach" for "open."
    Funny when I watched the video the narrator said that his daughted "opened" the door to him, as all Hebrew words always have an intrinsic meaning, either descriptive or prophetic.
    However, the English translators seem to change the pronunciation of the original names, which I have never understood why. For instance Jesus was originally named "Yeshua."
    Strangely, SATAN, the god of this world remains intact and un-"translated" to this day. 🙃

    • @Billt-qx5qy
      @Billt-qx5qy Рік тому

      With all do respect, I don’t understand why it’s a priority to have the correct Hebrew annunciation to understand the message that the Lord would have us understand. Hopefully no one will lose their salvation because they used the name Jesus instead of the correct Hebrew name. The Bible is it’s own expositor. We are to compare scripture to scripture. While it can be enlightening, it is not necessary to understand Hebrew or Greek in order to understand the Bible.

    • @scented-leafpelargonium3366
      @scented-leafpelargonium3366 Рік тому +2

      @@Billt-qx5qy I never said anyone would lose their salvation and it doesn't matter which language God used to name His only begotten Son, but for some reason He named Him in Hebrew as "Yeshua" so the Jews could not dispute His intrinsic purpose, as it also had the meaning "salvation". English didn't exist then or God might have used it and called Him "Salvation," but hardly "Jesus" as "Jesus" has no intrinsic meaning to an English speaker.
      Of course anyone can understand His message no matter what their mother tongue, but it is more a matter of respect, I feel, because of Who He is, and we are not to take His Name vainly for God does not change and His Son is the same yesterday, today and forever, yet fallible humans seem to have the need to change both the Holy Names of the Father and the Son with no English Bibles having their Names, and so they are relegated to history and mostly forgotten about, with Yehovah replaced by "the LORD", which is not a personal name but a description, and Yeshua replaced with the man-made "Jesus" which has only existed in that form for some 400 years, as there was no letter "J" when the King James Bible was published in 1611 until the mid-to-late 17th century and there is no letter "J" in Hebrew for both Names, so Yeshua would not have used their replacements when He was alive on earth, as His Name was given to Him by the Father.
      If God and Yeshua do not change, how come we can change their Holy Names at a whim without any discernible Divine permission? Most people take care to pronounce an important person's name correctly for fear of insult, yet this is what sinful men do with a Holy God.
      My father used to get irked every day a man in the church got his name wrong, and even when my father corrected him he still continued to use it, albeit by a memory slip, but it still annoyed my father nonetheless. If this matters to mortals who have less honour than our Creator God, how come everyone seems to think that God "won't mind" if we change or not use His Name at all? What is the point in naming someone if the name is irrelevant or can be ignored? 🤔
      The only reason "Yeshua" had to be altered at all was because of the peculiarities pertaining to the Greek language at that time after the Gospels started to be translated in order to be understood by the Gentiles as the message moved from Judea to the rest of the world.
      Male names in Greek ended usually with an "s", especially in the case of the Greek gods, such as Zeus, Perseus, etc., whereas female names ended with an open-ended vowel sound, such as an "a" or "e", such as Diana, Aphrodite etc., and so the Hebrew "Yeshua" with an "a" sound could be misconstrued as a goddess, and so the "s" ending had to be used out of necessity, not just out of a whim. Some Hebrew letters don't carry over into Gentile languages such as Tzadeh (TZ sound), Chet (hard CH sound) etc in English and so the nearest approximation is used, such as "Bethlehem" instead of Beit Lechem and "Sadducees" instead of Tzadokim after Zadok (Tzadok) the Priest. So in Greek, the Yud" or "Y" became an "I" and the soft "sh" sound of Shin was replaced with the corresponding hard "s" sound in Koine Greek. Thus Yeshua became "Iesous."
      However, most of the other Gentile languages do not have these peculiarities or constraints so there is no reason why the original Name of Yeshua cannot be used, after all, names do not need to be "translated," only the storyline script, as 'SATAN' the god of this world has remained intact, untouched and un-"translated" from the original Biblical Hebrew into all modern English Bibles!
      He is obviously happy that the Holy Names of God are forgotten and not known to the English speaking peoples of the world and in other Gentile languages because of the lazy and uncaring approach of carrying forth "Iesous" into Latin as "Iesus" until the "J" was added into the English alphabet, after which it was further transmogrified into "Jesus", pronounced "Jeezus", which many Christians think was the name that God gave gave to His Son because it says in English Bibles: "And they shall call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins," which makes no sense whatsoever as a sentence without some form of additional explanation. The Hebrew says that "they shall call His Name YESHUA, for He shall YOSHEA His people from their sins", and thus the direct link between "YESHUA" ("salvation") and "YOSHEA" ("save") is extremely clear and irrefutable, and would have been infuriating to the Pharisaical people who hated the Name of Yeshua and everything it stands for because it also declared His Divine mission.
      What saddens me most is that today many church people attack me for using "Yeshua" insisting that I should use "Jesus" because they claim it is English! I know no Englishman of that name!
      Strange how names like Coca-cola don't need "translation" into other languages, but rather the one name is known universally across the globe which gives the product unified big influence.
      Sadly, the Holy Name of Yeshua our Beloved Saviour cannot even compete with a soft drink for being known by name, as the Name He used throughout His perfect life has been obscured and hidden, and it has been done by Christians, so who needs the devil to stamp it out?! 🙃
      And the worst of all, nobody even cares. 🤯
      However, Yeshua did tell us to pray in His NAME, and that we would have power in His NAME, and that at His NAME every knee shall bow, but I wonder how many will know that NAME, never mind acknowledge it? Then He will say in that day, "Depart from Me, I never knew you, you workers of lawlessness." That is an answer to professing Christians in the churches who did many things like casting out demons etc and those who say we don't need God's Holy Law.
      So with all respect, I don't understand why it's a priority to have the INCORRECT annunciation of His Name to understand the message that the Lord would have us understand. Does using the Name "Yeshua" obscure the message of the Gospel any more than using the name "Jesus"?
      There are many Hebrew words left untranslated with no apparent meaning to them, yet I hear no angry objections from the congregations that the people are in darkness as a result, such as HALLELUYAH ("praise Yehovah"), AMEN ("have faith" i.e. that something will come to pass), ARMAGEDDON ("Mount of Megiddo") etc. I do know the Name of YESHUA upsets people.
      I don't know what to do about that. It is really HIS problem, not mine. But it is not a sin.

    • @jaysloan9032
      @jaysloan9032 Рік тому +1

      Thank you so much for your help explaining , very much appreciated.😊

    • @scented-leafpelargonium3366
      @scented-leafpelargonium3366 Рік тому

      @@jaysloan9032 You are welcome, we all share together what little we learn which is the blessing of fellowship. 🤍

    • @irmadominguez444
      @irmadominguez444 11 місяців тому

      The Scrolls are written in Hebrew, and our Bible is from the Scrolls. Most people don't understand the Hebrew language bc some of their vowels is completely different from English. Many different Rabbis on UA-cam, they have advised us that, all English Bible translations, was very difficult to translate into English bc English grammar is different from the Hebrew grammer. I fallow many Rabbis studies on UA-cam, and they have recommended that English speaking people learn the Hebrew language so we can see how the English translation is missing scriptures, and poorly translated. As for me, the Hebrew language is difficult to understand, but,
      My reason for Hebrew studies is...
      "Yahweh was Jewish and Yahweh spoke to his disciples in the Hebrew language." Accurate in my opinion 😊

  • @wakeupavoidtroubleteamwork
    @wakeupavoidtroubleteamwork 11 місяців тому +1

    No i did not over 18 lmao whats going to happen is happening. Charges no show networth network off me or your kids 😈

  • @diannechathurangaatukorele4530

    Why didn’t the God intervened with this and stop this inhuman act? If he was already incarnated to his soul?

  • @Success3797
    @Success3797 Рік тому +2

    Be Very careful of the wow made when in trouble ..

  • @luanna376
    @luanna376 Рік тому +2

    Why do you think that jephthah was being thoughtless when he made the vow?
    Surely he had to think that his Only Child would be estatic to have her father home after such a trying separation!
    There was something going on before he went to battle for Israel that would cause him to vow the life of whatever or whoever came to meet him on his return.
    It would be inconceivable to think that he wanted someone in his house or city dead.
    One never knows do one... But God!!!

  • @Maureeno365
    @Maureeno365 Рік тому +8

    Very good points. Meanwhile: Genesis 22:2- And He said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou loves, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.
    God’s ways are higher than our ways!

    • @wsearp
      @wsearp Рік тому +4

      The Angel of God did not let him sacrifice his son..... He stopped him..... Jepthah did not burn his daughter.... That is ludicrous, what was sacrificed was his blood line that would have been through his daughter but she sacrificed not having children.... This is why her friends mourned her sacrifice of virginity not having the blessing of having children.... Human sacrifice is abhorrent to God, He does not allow it.... Jepthah is listed among the most faithful of the patriarchs, he would not have been if he had sacrificed his daughter....

    • @Maureeno365
      @Maureeno365 Рік тому

      @@wsearp that’s just your opinion and I categorize it under the doctrine of man: that has led people as far away from knowing God as possible! God is who He is, not who you think He is, or who you want Him to be. He is who He is! The sooner people understand this, the sooner they’ll mature in spiritual things and get away from man-made doctrines!
      Judges 12:31- ‘Then it shall be, that whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, shall surely be the Lord’s, and I will offer it up for a BURNT OFFERING’.

    • @wsearp
      @wsearp Рік тому +1

      @@Maureeno365 No sir, that is Gospel but how would you know that, as apparently you don't even read the Word of God....
      I have been a student of the Bible for nearly 70 years now and besides my Bible Studies and Sermon preparations, I read the Bible from cover to cover four times a year, and have done so for so many times I've lost count....
      I take a very conservative count and am going through it for the 71st time at present but have read it many more times than that..... You may go back to your esoteric dream world now, but if I were you I would stop the blasphemy...., Those are my last comments.....

    • @Maureeno365
      @Maureeno365 Рік тому

      @@wsearp it’s good you read your Bible 70plus times and apparently you think I do not. But I will tell you that knowing God intimately has nothing to do with reading your Bible 71 times or being a teacher of theology. Most people teach from their many years of teaching, but I do not speak from theology experience but from one on one experience with the Lord. Intimacy with the Lord trumps however number of years of theology and man-made doctrine that has gotten people so far away from knowing God and being His friend. So good for you for your credentials, but it would be far better to know Him and for Him to say that He knows you too.
      Meanwhile: God SACRIFICED Jesus for us! And all your explanations concerning Jephtha are just your opinions and other theologians like you and have nothing to do with what is actually written in the word!

    • @wsearp
      @wsearp Рік тому

      @@Maureeno365 You have my permission, to sink back into your willful delusions now.... Christianity is not your grandmother's old time religion.... If you studied the Bible at all you would know that.... Educate yourself and then we can talk.... Bye bye for now....

  • @pebblessladebedrockinc.9506
    @pebblessladebedrockinc.9506 Рік тому +4

    I thank Abba for how He has you break down/rightly dividing the truth - Thank You for the great content-

  • @jacquelinemullings6966
    @jacquelinemullings6966 Рік тому +2

    God does not require burnt human sacrifice. So Jepthah's vow of sacrificing to God was that his daughter didn't have the pleasure of getting married , hence her
    bewailing her virginify

  • @DaughterofGod2121
    @DaughterofGod2121 Рік тому +3

    Can you plese do some stories out if the book of Revelation and the new testament? I think its really really important to show these things as well considering how Yeshua is coming back soon❤ the signs are everywhere going on in the world the chaos etc it be so awsome! 😊

    • @irmadominguez444
      @irmadominguez444 11 місяців тому

      If you read all of the book's in the Prophets, you will understand the book of Revelation, and Revelation is a book that reveals the entire Torah. Blessings 😊

  • @ruthsmith2367
    @ruthsmith2367 Рік тому +3

    Thank you for the video, very well done, thank you. The only thing he didn’t offer up the first person to come out of his door it was the word “whatsoever” Judges 11 30-31 “And Jephthah vowed a vow unto the LORD, and said, If thou shalt without fail deliver the children of Ammon into mine hands,
    Then it shall be, that whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, shall surely be the LORD'S, and I will offer it up for a burnt offering”. I’m thinking he thought it would be some kind of animal.

  • @clydebermingham121
    @clydebermingham121 Рік тому

    This posting is grossly misinterpreting the scriptures

  • @clydebermingham121
    @clydebermingham121 Рік тому

    It is GROSSLY ABSURD to believe that Jephtah’s life was taken away … as in , out to death)
    Jephtah did nithjnf without consulting with THE LORD
    Even before he went to battle , he consulted with the LORD whether he should go to battle or not .
    There is no way GOD would have approved of Human sacrifice among any of his devout followers . Not even Abraham was allowed to take his son’s life ….
    There is NO way that GOD would approve of that human sacrifice … And there is no way that Jephtah would have taken his own daughters life without approval of the LORD
    Jephtah did not even go to battle against the enemy without the LORD’s approval
    STOP adding what is NOT in the scriptural texts
    Read again carefully
    Stop assuming the absurd
    Comparing scripture upon scripture …. Precept upon precept
    There is NOTHING in scripture that could ever even suggest the absurd

  • @Samuel_Gerner698
    @Samuel_Gerner698 3 місяці тому

    its quite clear that Jephtah sacrificed his one and only daughter to keep his vow to the Lord. However his pride clouded his judgment. He could have sought the face of the Lord for mercy and forgiveness instead of blindly following the vow. On top of that no vow would ever be favorable before the Lord if we break his word, which is what Jephtah did. Obedience is bigger to the Lord than sacrifice and that is vows and promises as well.

  • @stardel
    @stardel Рік тому

    Jephthah was from the Tribe of manasseh and a Gileadite which were black tribes....I think you got your illustrations wrong.... remember, all this went down in the land known today as Africa, with African people, not Europeans!!!
    Fyi: TRIBES originate from the black African nation since the beginning of time to 2023 which over 3000 tribes still exists in Africa today!! Europeans don't have tribes. I know you want to be the chosen people soooooo bad, but sorry you're NOT.!!!

  • @debravan-aalst4723
    @debravan-aalst4723 Рік тому +1

    You read at the beginning that Jephtah was a “prostitute” . I have never heard that before. How so is that so??

  • @ezkl9424
    @ezkl9424 Рік тому

    For Jews to say that God does not demand human sacrifice would simply not be true, even if Jephthah was only offering to dedicate his daughter to the temple.
    The fact is, God did demand a human sacrifice of Abraham not once but twice!
    First, Abraham's wife Sarah demanded that Ishmael, her son by her surrogate Hagar, be sent into the desert to die. At first, Abraham refused to do this, but then, God told Abraham to listen to his wife.
    Hagar and Ishmael were sent into the desert and were near death, but God directed Hagar to a source of water in the rock. Thus, by this, Ishmael was the goat sacrifice to the desert, b😂ut was saved by God himself.
    Next, God demands that Abraham sacrifice his son Isaac on the altar described to him in the desert. Isaac actually carries the bundle of wood used for the burnt sacrifice on the altar to kill him. God intervenes and stops the hand of Abraham from cutting the throat of his son.
    Now here's the point of all of this;
    God demanded a sacrifice of both Ishmael, and Isaac. Abraham begrudgingly sacrificed Ishmael, and reluctantly sacrificed Isaac with great grieving. But he had faith that God would resurrect his sons.
    Ishmael was saved by the water drawn from the rock which represents Christ. Ishmael represents the Gentiles saved through Jesus.
    Isaac represents Christ himself, carrying the wood on his back upon which he would be sacrificed. Laying upon the stone altar upon which he would be resurrected.
    The sacrifice of both sons was counted as a genuine sacrifice because Abraham did not prevent it, God did.
    Then God offered a sacrifice of his own in place of both boys, his own son, Jesus the Messiah. With this action, God eliminated the need for any sacrifice, human or animal, on the altar.

  • @ericoliver1603
    @ericoliver1603 Рік тому

    In the bible book of Judges 11:40 it says that her friends would go visit her from year to year up to four times in the year at the temple where she was serving Jehovah God, Never would Jehovah accept a human sacrifice like the pagan nations practiced. Any burnt offering was an animal and the meat was shared. It is unthinkale to be saying such things about Jehovah , the God of mercy and compassion. Deutoronomy 18:9-12 says that such human sacrifices were a detestable thing that would never come into Johovah heart. Please investigage deeper before putting such false information out there .

  • @randyrocket4546
    @randyrocket4546 Місяць тому

    its one of my favorite stories because jep was kicked out of his home because he was a bastard son but in time became a mighty warrior with a mercenary army he got revenge for his birthright after victory he was named leader and was at his highest point celebrated by people dancing in the street but suddenly his heart sank when he saw his daughter running towards him and he cried because he made a vague vow to sacrifice whatever he saw come out of his house after the victory, he told his daughter he never expected it to be her because usually animals are all over the yard goat sheep chickens dog etc so my preacher tells use dont be vague pray specific choose your words wisely and ask directly in powerful prayer if you are feeling sick dont say make me feel better say i need a 100 percent healing all over my body and ask it in the name of the Lord we anoint people with oil when we pray for a healing

    @GETYOBAGMONIQUE 11 місяців тому

    It's crazy how people will twist God's words and say the God allowed human sacrifice and asked Jephthan to sacrifice when it was the other way around when some lady told me this it didn't make sense I am so glad i looked more into it before I turned away from god

  • @ernestphiri9772
    @ernestphiri9772 9 місяців тому

    There is no record in the Bible that God ever accepted human sacrifice. Jephthah cried because he new that they'll be no continuation of his posterity, because his daughter was to be wholly consecrated to the service of the Lord as a virgin forever at Shiloh Judges 21:21-23 tell us that parents could dedicate their virgin daughters to the Lord's service at Shiloh .She was his only child, hence he knew that was the end of his generation. The continuation of one's generation was very important to an Israelite.So literal interpretation to the passage brings confusion as to the character of God.

  • @lancemarchetti8673
    @lancemarchetti8673 11 місяців тому

    Just a thought :
    Imagine if it was the family dog that ran out the house first.?
    Yahweh would land up with the smell of burnt dog poluting His nostrils, not to mention the Animal Rights League would be all over this comments section!

  • @wakeupavoidtroubleteamwork
    @wakeupavoidtroubleteamwork 11 місяців тому +1

    Lie lie lies bye bye bye SOON 12:31

  • @zachaliamwita8
    @zachaliamwita8 10 місяців тому

    Jephthah was no fool. He knew the price he had to pay to deliver the children of Israel. He is one of the greatest men in the Bible. He is a figure of Christ.
    Man in his wisdom cannot understand the significance of what Jephthah did. Human wisdom is the greatest enemy of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • @warcraftaddict117
    @warcraftaddict117 Рік тому +1

    Thank you SO MUCH for covering this story. I didn't have an answer because I know it is against mosaic law and when my messianic mentor covered this with me in my early 20s the person challenged me with questioning why I thought God would teach/allow this thinking that I thought such sacrifice pleased God which obviously it does not, but I wasn't trained in the scripture to delve into things in depth. I really like how you highlight the fanaticism vs the conscience. Plus, from her messianic saturated perspective she was not taking into account what you did--the secular/pagan backdrop and occupation of Israel during that time period. She was coming at it as if Jephthah was a Jew through and through and would never do such a sacrifice, but the bible tells us obviously that Jephthah did.

  • @libbylib1819
    @libbylib1819 Рік тому +2

    Wow!!! Thank you so much for this video ❤❤ Waiting for the ads to finish so I can tuck in., 🙏🙏

  • @AndresLeonRangel
    @AndresLeonRangel Рік тому

    The story is plain weird, dark and creepy.
    I love the Lord but this is a hard story to grasp

  • @clydebermingham121
    @clydebermingham121 Рік тому +2

    The key words … his daughter remained a virgin for the rest of her life .

  • @a.b.normal1900
    @a.b.normal1900 Рік тому +6

    Im so greatfull for finding your videos. Thanks for wonderfull lesson we all can learn.

  • @anyahoskins6534
    @anyahoskins6534 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for this biblical lesson and blessing. Stay blessed 😇

  • @josepholeary3286
    @josepholeary3286 7 місяців тому

    Sermon yesterday on Genesis 22.
    It is regrettable that we read only snippets of the Hebrew Bible in church, since this text is a masterpiece of high suspense attaining a sublime crisis. The version read in church cuts to the chase too quickly, missing the experience so carefully created by the ancient author. It is a text that had been a comfort to the Jewish people throughout the ages, with its message that “the Lord will provide.” Christian minds inevitable think of Christ mounting the hill of Calvary, Many have been shocked by it and wanted to cancel it, but that would not be a good idea.
    It also recalls another shocking text, Jephthah’s sacrifice of this daughter. At a conference of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR) in Rome in 1990, a Catholic missionary complained about evangelical fundamentalists in Africa who went on about God asking people to kill their daughter, whereas of course there is no such incident in the Bible. A voice sounded straight away: “Judges 11!”
    My friend Jean Greisch met a parish priest from Normandy who complained to him: “You professors have long summer breaks, whereas I am kept in my parish all the year round.” Greisch replied: “I would love to replace you during the summer.” But the parish priest did not take a break; instead he listened to Greisch’s homilies every morning. One morning Greisch addressed the story of Jephthah, explaining that it shows the absurdity of human sacrifice, which Israel was to outgrow.
    “That’s a very strange interpretation, Father” the parish priest said at breakfast. “Why did you not give the traditional interpretation, that the story warns us against rash vows”?” “Oh, that’s a very flat reading,” Greisch replied, “I’m sure the Fathers of the Church would have given a deeper reading.” The parish priest said nothing. Next morning Greisch found a volume of MIgne open on the breakfast table: a sermon of St Jerome on Jephthah telling us that the story is a warning against rash vows. “Oh, but Jerome was notoriously cranky and cantankerokus. I’m sure St Augustine, for example, would find a deeper, more spiritual meaning in the tale.” The parish priest said nothing. Next day, Greisch found another volume of Migne open on the table: a sermon by St Augustine giving the same interpretation as Jerome. “Well,” Greisch said, “I can only congratulate you on your knowledge of the Fathers." "Yes," the parish priest proudly replied, "They are my daily reading, and I must say they offer much richer nourishment than the tepid stuff our bishops send us."

    • @josepholeary3286
      @josepholeary3286 7 місяців тому

      (Continued): If it helps resolve our unease, let’s remember that we are dealing with legends, not naked facts. The Jephthah story has a parallel in the heart-rending drama of Agamemnon and Iphigenia. The presence of an angel marks the Abraham story as legend, conveying a spiritual truth.
      Comparing the stories of Jephthah and Abraham, we see the higher value of the latter. Not all stories in Scripture are of equal value. We can play off the better ones against the worse, letting Scripture interpret itself.
      A subtext of this story during Lent is “take up your Cross and follow Jesus.” No one wants to have a cross like Abraham’s, a real text. But heavy crosses descend on us whether asked for or not. In fact, one might say that all of us have a cross to carry: bereavements, duties, ailments, abandonment. More generally all of us experience lack, dissatisfaction, and the fragility and uncertainty of our mortal, sin-plagued existence. “I want something, I know not what. It is Thou that I want, though I so little understand this. I say it and take it on faith; I partially understand it, but very poorly” (Newman, “Prayers, Verses, and Devotions,” p. 389).
      So we have the cross near at hand. Let’s embrace it enthusiastically, especially at this season: “Ave Crux, spes unice. Hail, Cross, only hope,” drawing inspiration from the faith and obedience of Abraham.

  • @leyleygee1380
    @leyleygee1380 Рік тому +3

    Wow thank you Holy Spirit for this message 🫶🙇🏼‍♀️♥️

  • @wakeupavoidtroubleteamwork
    @wakeupavoidtroubleteamwork 11 місяців тому +1


  • @magirai12345
    @magirai12345 Рік тому +1

    Please talk about transgender and gender fluid dressing

  • @ruthsmith2367
    @ruthsmith2367 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for the video ❤️ Yes I think the moral of the story is don’t make packs with God, just ask for help if he so willing to give it to you. I did watch a video sometime ago where it said she was given into God’s service which I was happy to believe but I don’t think that was right was it. He killed his only daughter just to save face and uphold his bargain with our Lord.

  • @clydebermingham121
    @clydebermingham121 Рік тому +1

    GOD would never accept any vow that is a violation of HIS HOLY LAW ….
    It is GROSSLY ABSURD to imagine anything of such

  • @digitalmaryam-8859
    @digitalmaryam-8859 11 місяців тому

    which tool u are using for making video?

  • @jer333able
    @jer333able Рік тому +2


  • @Oneffunes
    @Oneffunes Рік тому

    The corn. Did not The Spirit Of Truth, sacrifice his daughter, the spirit of Grace, she being a wise virgin, as a burnt offering in the judgment, in obedience because her oil has run out? God, saying to him obedience is greater than sacrifice. Therefore the wise virgins, must also give up their daughter, the spirit of grace, as a burnt offering in the judgment for The Spirit Of Truth. THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Remember, this is a outer experience representing a inner reality within the judgment.

  • @harrietlyall1991
    @harrietlyall1991 Рік тому

    Maybe this idea, that it’s wrong to vow something that may commit you to harm, is what underlies the “Kol Nidrei” = “All Vows” prayer on the eve of Yom Kippur. On the face of it, Kol Nidrei, in which we ask G_d to annul all our vows, seems a peculiar prayer. Why make such an odd request?? The story of Jepthah, and your excellent, sensitive, insightful analysis, provide a most apposite explanation.

  • @Destiny.joseph
    @Destiny.joseph Рік тому +1

    I was sad when I read it 😰😰 thanks for coming through ❤❤❤❤❤ I love your videos they’re so good to listen to 😇😇😇😇😇😇

  • @wendyruth4088
    @wendyruth4088 Рік тому +1

    This story said she was weeping over her lost virginity BUT the bible says she was a virgin. So how could she weep over her lost virginity?

  • @josephvazquez764
    @josephvazquez764 Рік тому

    if you are going to teach from the word of God then please tell the whole story not just part of it the true god of the bible Jehovah never desired human sacrifices from those who rendered him worship in fact he constantly condemned the Israelites from offering their children to the Baals of the surrounding nations of which the Israelites started to follow Jeremiah 7:30.31 so his daughter was not put to death but rather she devoted the rest of her life serving at the tabernacle and she received much encouragement from Israel judges 11:40 the truth will set you free john 8:32

    • @exaucemayunga22
      @exaucemayunga22 10 місяців тому

      He helped Jephtah, no?

    • @josephvazquez764
      @josephvazquez764 10 місяців тому

      @@exaucemayunga22 what jephtah promised was to give the first person that he saw from his household as a gift to serve at the temple as a dedicated servant for the rest of his or her life Jehovah knew his desires therefore he blessed him but as stated in my earlier comment jephthah or any other Israelites did not practice human sacrifices and as a faithful servant of Jehovah jephtah he knew this all too well

    • @exaucemayunga22
      @exaucemayunga22 10 місяців тому

      @@josephvazquez764 show me where it says that in the Bible. What I read was "buring offering"

  • @deeisrael37
    @deeisrael37 Рік тому

    When you make a vow to God, do not delay in fulfilling it. He has no pleasure in fools; fulfill your vow.
    It is better not to vow than to make a vow and not fulfill it.

  • @D-bowl
    @D-bowl Рік тому

    I am King of Earth

  • @tanya9463
    @tanya9463 Рік тому +2

    I will watch this video later.

    • @tanya9463
      @tanya9463 Рік тому

      Loved this video.Thank you (Catholic)

  • @DavidChapa-nq9jm
    @DavidChapa-nq9jm Рік тому

    What people think about someone or judge about someone is not what God does

  • @stellachandler4719
    @stellachandler4719 Рік тому

    A sad story indeed. Thankyou for this Vdeo Teaching.

  • @yiga-g5506
    @yiga-g5506 Рік тому +3

    Wonderful video. Please what site/app do you use in creating this kind of videos?

  • @danielcristancho3524
    @danielcristancho3524 Рік тому +1

    No, Jephthah did not make a human sacrifice of his daughter. That was pagan and everybody understood that including the Almighty. She never married and died childless, according to the bible and THAT was her sacrifice. That's why she wept for her virginity. She would not be able to give her father progeny. The line of Jephthah died with his daughter's virginity. That's why he was devastated. He'd have no grandchildren, in his time, a terrible fate. Jephthah is mentioned in the hall of faith of Hebrews 11. That is not reserved for murderers. It would have been plain murder to have sacrificed his daughter as an animal on an altar.

  • @gregorysmith2430
    @gregorysmith2430 Рік тому


  • @user-xf8sc3jz5f
    @user-xf8sc3jz5f Рік тому

    HOW TRAGIC! 🥺 ✝️ 😔