A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash - trailer

  • Опубліковано 17 сер 2006
  • "The Age of Oil - 100-plus years of astonishing economic growth made possible by cheap, abundant oil - could be ending without our really being aware of it. Oil is a finite commodity. At some point even the vast reservoirs of Saudi Arabia will run dry. But before that happens there will come a day when oil production 'peaks,' when demand overtakes supply (and never looks back), resulting in large and possibly catastrophic price increases that could make today's $60-a-barrel oil look like chump change...
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  • @tvciudadana
    @tvciudadana 15 років тому

    This is a very important documentary. I urge everybody to see it!

  • @Chindro2828
    @Chindro2828 16 років тому

    thank you very much....

  • @ColdBloodedCarl
    @ColdBloodedCarl 17 років тому

    JohnnyHunger: No, you're wrong. Injecting water or gas into a well is a way of speeding up the production. It's called IOR-Improved Oil Recovery and they've been doing it since the 70s.
    A sign of that Ghawar is near peaking is in fact the amount of water in the oil recovered.

  • @manderssteve
    @manderssteve 13 років тому

    The solution to Peak Oil is to drill more often, drill everywhere. The faster we deplete this resource, the better off we will be.
    Lets open up the east coast to more drilling. There are now 510,000 oil wells in the USA producing an average of only 11 barrels a day each. With 1,600,000 wells producing at that rate, the USA will be self sufficient for oil for at least the next 5 years.

  • @caseysan39
    @caseysan39 17 років тому

    I've been waiting for a documentary on this since reading Deffeye's Hubert's Peak a couple years ago. Scott Peck wrote about the spiritual sickness of instant gratification, and that's what led us to this point. Too bad all those those used up moments of instant gratification won't help our children in years to come though. sigh...

  • @dookiekong007
    @dookiekong007 16 років тому


  • @manuelcvaz
    @manuelcvaz 16 років тому

    OK, you can wait for those new processes to be developed. Got a chair ?
    By the way, are you sure those precesses do
    not rely on big energy input ? Like some scarce metals that require intensive mineration (and oil) to get ?

    @TWILLIEBILLIES 17 років тому

    Some people talk about biodiesel as the replacement for oil..
    They use up all the frying-oil from their local restaurants.. only for 2 cars! What if everybody wanted to use frying oil?
    There is not enough room on this planet to create biodiesel for all of us.

  • @Rogermelly01
    @Rogermelly01 15 років тому

    Well i sure hope your right. In 2003 only 1 mega oil field was discovered. A mega oil field is an oil field which contains about 500million barrels of oil. Today we use about 85 million barrely a day around the world. I am sure you can work out that the main oil discovery of 2003 would be used up in about 6 days at this consumption rate. Leaving a lot of oil to be used up over the rest of the year from reserves discovered many years ago. It will not last forever.

  • @Worsthoofd
    @Worsthoofd 16 років тому

    Perhaps ten years ago this would be the case, but technology has come a long way since then. One of the current solar technologies being developed is aiming at achieving a sunlight-to-electricity effeciency of 50%, at the cost of $1 per Watt, to be in production in 2010. Although solar power certainly can't replace oil completely, it has the potential to be a major help once peak oil kicks in.

  • @HexJamXXX
    @HexJamXXX 13 років тому

    Just a minor point, the video shows a rocket/space shuttle taking off and those don't burn petroleum at all, the burn hydrazine among other things ;-)

  • @spherianable
    @spherianable 13 років тому

    @HexJamXXX Thats true, commonly a mixture of ammoniumperchlorate and aluminium powder

  • @OilCrash88
    @OilCrash88 16 років тому

    Sure, I've heard such crap three years ago when crude traded at 40 USD. Keep on dreamin' - you're in for a crude awakening!

  • @odrium
    @odrium 17 років тому

    You are right about cutting production. I meant production regulation.

  • @sunnyboy2009
    @sunnyboy2009 17 років тому

    It doesn't matter whether oil is scarce or not. We still need to find new renewable and environmentally friendly sources of energy.

  • @Worsthoofd
    @Worsthoofd 16 років тому

    "Solar energy can be no substitute - now or in the future."
    Which is exactly what I said. What I also said is that solar energy can be at least a major support (by providing energy required for transport, heating and manufacturing) while we struggle to maintain our economy without oil.

  • @ObieR
    @ObieR 16 років тому


  • @ozricbish
    @ozricbish 15 років тому

    Great film, start planting veg folks. Transition towns and permaculture is our destiny...

  • @quakebox
    @quakebox 15 років тому

    All industries on the planet are affected directly or indirectly by Oil, especially electricity, transportation, manufacturing, it's the most cheap and efficient energy source on earth

  • @mightbemark
    @mightbemark 16 років тому

    What about after those 16 months?

  • @nycosmopolitan
    @nycosmopolitan 14 років тому

    look hard at the blogspot solarseeds!

  • @goku3002
    @goku3002 16 років тому

    this is exactly what i am gonna say once i hear definite confirmation that there is no more oil:
    This sucks more than anything that has ever sucked before

  • @macewan
    @macewan 17 років тому

    Anyone else planning to have their home paid for in coming 15 years? Planning to switch as much as possible to renewable energy at home? Planning to purchase extra land in the country? Laying the ground work to enable them to work from home?
    Anyone else building up to handling the 'what if' scenario?

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    *there is no engine that can run on all those things **
    Anyway, the "Gasoline Engine" is actually a variant of the "Combustion Engine" originally designed to run on corn oil or any oil of similar density and burn rate
    With tweaking a Inventor has it running on compressed air (Type "Future car" in the UA-cam bar,Video of it is here).
    What do you think Boifuel, or Hydrogen,or whatever will run on but just a modified "Combustion Engine".
    You think alternative fuels change the guzzling Engine?

  • @joemo75
    @joemo75 17 років тому

    Wow, these fear mongers are really wack. The fact is, we are actually discovering more oil all the time as well as getting more efficient at extracting it. We will have moved on to a different power source long before the oil runs out.

  • @OilCrash88
    @OilCrash88 16 років тому

    Movie is now available on iTunes.

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    Fact: Burning fossil fuels doesn't even make CO2 unless there is a device known as a "Catalyst Converter" in the filtration system.
    Cause it requires platinum and gold to cause the reaction the Average Smoke stack filtration system and filtration system in Cars doesn't have a catalyst converter.

  • @fluggum
    @fluggum 13 років тому

    @begoneyoubum Global oil production have already peaked. The consequence is that oil prices grow when the economy grow. The oil price peak in 2008 made the world economy stop. We call it the finance crisis. Oil is on the run to 100$ pr barrel again. The next crunch will be triggered by state finances in the Euro zone.

  • @reedy93
    @reedy93 15 років тому

    they work when the wind blows and in some places in america it,s windy its alternative energy and you will be seeing more of them plus other,s such as solar.within 15-20 years people will have large electrical storage at home so you can level the power requirements and make your own electric & store its going to happen faster than methane hydrates from the sea bed, it has to

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    Fact: As someone that is a Real Enviromentalist and sels alternative power technology I have a "gasoline" powered car...a Chevy Avalanche SUV that got 8MPG of the floor
    I have "tweaked" her to run 20MPG on anything from pure Gasoline($4.45 a gallon) to pure Enthonal($12-$15 a gallon), with her water mister she'll get 40MPG, with her adaptor she'll run on Corn oil($170$23 a gallon), and with her low pressure regulator she'll run on Methane($17 a gallon) & Hydrogen($22 a gallon)
    Guess what I use

  • @PatriotikTraitor
    @PatriotikTraitor 17 років тому

    You're right that oil plays a smaller role un co2 emmisions compared to other fossil fuels, but when looking at the big picture, oil is in essence the life blood of industrial civilization, and i think civilization is much more harmful than co2 will ever be.

  • @mightbemark
    @mightbemark 16 років тому

    It's true if you take the time to do the research. :3

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    **If the world pulls 100 million barrels a day a lot of people would sure like to know where those extra 15 million barrels are hiding everyday**
    Most people talk about how much Barrels of oil is used for gasoline a day by the Gasoline industry that the Oil Industry sells oil to.
    Oil is also used to make Carbon Fiber,Plastic,nylon,Polyester,Fertilizer,pesticides,silicone,synthetic rubber,polyurethane (foam cups),vinyl,and even synthetic medicines. Those industries also by Oil from "Big Oil"

  • @p47plane
    @p47plane 17 років тому

    early movie synopsis: "DOOOMM!!! DOOOOMMM!!!"

  • @kdawg7736
    @kdawg7736 17 років тому

    This movie looks interesting. Talks about the coming energy crisis. Where is alternative energy when we need it?

  • @odrium
    @odrium 17 років тому

    If you have 20 liters of oil you can sell all your production at once for nothing (is basic economics, more offer lower prices) or just selling what the other need (less offer higher prices, in fact price is balanced now) and is logic that a mineral that is running low is getting more expensive.

  • @getoffmybozack
    @getoffmybozack 17 років тому

    errr, why do we see a space shuttle, since when do space shuttles work on kerosene?

  • @desertcafe
    @desertcafe 17 років тому

    Oh yes.

  • @SrServ
    @SrServ 15 років тому

    Its not even an issue. Oil can be manufactured out of any thing that is made of carbon... trees.. lawn clippings... garbage etc.

  • @odrium
    @odrium 17 років тому

    Ok "I am cool because I insult people". First I also live in Venezuela I am keeping this in english so other people can read the arguments. Second I am right: 20% for the state 80% to maintain the company, that's indeed implicit, don't be so ignorant. Second the Opec was revived thanks to Chavez and that's a fact and since then new policies about oil have been made including cutting down production and higher prices. Now oil is a fair business.

  • @walter0bz
    @walter0bz 13 років тому

    >>"The sun will burn out in a few trillion years why don't you prepare for that?"
    -nothing you can do about it.. we can't overdraw the suns energy.
    oil consumption on the other hand is based on chosen exponential growth, which we can choose to stop and reverse.

  • @ozricbish
    @ozricbish 15 років тому

    bio diesel will be no use, because oil is used for pesticides. Massive crop failures due infestation will mean that most available land will be needed for growing food....but its not all bad :-)

  • @odrium
    @odrium 17 років тому

    Yeah utkonos313 that was in fact what happened BEFORE Chavez.

  • @OilCrash88
    @OilCrash88 16 років тому

    You can buy this movie from Amazon USA

  • @Steinklein
    @Steinklein 16 років тому

    Yeah, miswrote. Big deal. Thing is, the Alaskan oil is still merely buying some time. So I exagerated - it will probably suffice for some years, maybe up to a decade. And after that?

  • @neekface
    @neekface 12 років тому

    Lol 'today's $60-a-barrel'... bit past that already eh. 9 month high today

  • @xXM0LINAXx
    @xXM0LINAXx 11 років тому

    Oil is the earth's blood...

  • @SrServ
    @SrServ 15 років тому

    Energy is only a concern in a Price System. Google Technocracy movement .... that is alternative... not fake alternative

  • @gerritvb
    @gerritvb 17 років тому

    wrong! oil production has not once fallen. Prices are up now because OPEC limits supply. Hope I saved you some time.

  • @Steinklein
    @Steinklein 16 років тому

    Oh, 1.6 trillion gallons. So we have some more weeks before it runs out. Well, that's gonna change everything. The question is thus not, if it runs out, but when. Your not arguing for solving the problems, you ask to merely buy some time.

  • @freeteepee
    @freeteepee 12 років тому

    peak oil is over - may the days of peace come soon, where we can live without this bunch of moneymaking destroyers

  • @lordmetroid
    @lordmetroid 17 років тому

    Not at all... Market will take care of supplying energy if the government gets out of the way.

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    **And this is true because you say so?**
    Short Answer,Yes

  • @113MPG
    @113MPG 15 років тому

    Pickens Plan. Save us all. Dump the devils tear.

  • @sscartwright
    @sscartwright 16 років тому

    There is plenty of Oil in the world, no shortage, problem is that the countries that sit on top of the oil are united in gouging the oil consuming nations price wise. Cant bomb or occupy them or you will disrupt production. I mean rightfully so, the OPEC nations or the multinational oil companies do not want another oil crash like the one in the 1980's, but the jacked up price is liable to create a global recession, the housing bubble is nothing,this creates drag on the entire global economy,

  • @blujon
    @blujon 17 років тому


For the rest of this year, 

DON'T purchase ANY gasoline from the two biggest companies (which now are one), EXXON and MOBIL. If they are not selling any gas, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit.

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    For your information US imports oil from 1) Canada 80% and 2) Mexico 15% with the rest being DOmestic
    Also because Oil is a commodity traded in US dollars & the US dollar has turned to shit against the Yen & Euro so gas & other products made from Oil cost more in the US and cost less in Europe and Japan
    Short solution to the oil prices going up and down would be for the World markets to make oil as worthless as water (make it a non- tradable commodity)...of course nobody is going to do that.

  • @jeexbit
    @jeexbit 16 років тому


  • @odrium
    @odrium 17 років тому

    Also what you call "investment to pay a bloated burocracy" is actually a virtually 0% illiterate country, more medicine (Barrio Adentro have more than 200 millions consultations), credits for small and medium business, housing, etc. (you should know that you live in Venezuela and your daddy worked for PDVSA)

  • @cybervigilante
    @cybervigilante 16 років тому

    People won't change their ways until they are hit over the head with a brick. Then, too late, they'll say, "Oh, I guess those silly alarmists were right. But why didn't I read about it in the corporate controlled press?"

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    **The world uses 470 million gallons of oil a day.**
    And forget how thick Coal layers are and how much oil is pooled in and area (which always seemsto be near where volcanic activity was) to make all the oil we have used in the last 100 years would require that the world be covered from end to end and 100 miles high with dinsouars.
    Oh, and if it is ancient plankton or if it's dinosaurs why isn't the world covered with a layer of oil instead of these isolated "pockets" oil is found in?

  • @reedy93
    @reedy93 15 років тому

    just noticed your from australia plenty of solar energy thier you may have been better doing a degree in that. don,t think we will get a century out of lpg boone says 20-30 years bridge to get other alternatives going

  • @bobbygnosis
    @bobbygnosis 13 років тому

    @begoneyoubum The crunch will not be an end to oil production. The crunch will be the spiking of oil prices. When people really get it in their heads that SUVs are giant lawn sculptures then we'll see some fireworks. What we've seen so far is nothing. Learn how to garden, by the by. Petroleum agriculture is going to go away as well. That's the big problem as far as I can see. Forget the cars. People will be killing each other for food.
    Victory gardens.

  • @Rhinoch8
    @Rhinoch8 11 років тому

    No food anymore... Nothing will grow on those barren fields with dead soil without petrochemistry and GMOs.

  • @Steinklein
    @Steinklein 16 років тому

    114 years? Either you're british (because a british trillion is 1,000,000 times more than an american one) or you don't know how much oil we use up. Hint: The US alone consumes 20 million barrels per DAY.
    While it is a reasonable number to say that the field lasts for 114 years, the more important question is wether it can dig up enough oil per day to keep us running for so long. At this rate, one average year of drilling gives us ten weeks of oil.

  • @TYX91101
    @TYX91101 16 років тому

    The world will soon be SWIMMING in crude oil. It was a great bull market but it's over. Amen.

  • @reedy93
    @reedy93 15 років тому

    can you point me at a web sit,e thought LNG had peaked. methane hydrate ice A Possible Mechanism For
    Ice Age And Global Warming Cycles.found this on google has anybody taped into this yet ? is this what you mean about your 500+ year industry

  • @reedy93
    @reedy93 15 років тому

    I thought gas peak prodution was due to peak 2015-2025 .had a look at hydrates on the seabed of which there is more than twice coal oil gas combined, At present there is no suitable technology for recovering sea-bed methane hydrates.could be a potential 500+ year industry especially if it can,t be recovered !
    u wont be seeing alternative energy for many many years to come ?Oil tycoon T-Boone Pickens seems to be putting a lot of his money in wind turbines

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    Which part don't you beieve, that U.S. doesn't import Middle East Oil cause it would cost to much, Thate the U.S> Can't import Iraq Oil cause the wells are burning or destroyed or that we actually can make up the difference between Canadian and Mexican oil with Texas,Alskan, and Gulf Crude, with more oil then Saudi Arabia burried below Shale under Nevada?

  • @ekimthegib
    @ekimthegib 14 років тому

    @moniequa We are going to see a severe shortage of oil in our lifetime. It will not happen over night and there won't be an apocalypse. If anything it will just be an extension of what is already happening. Inflation will increase, unemployment, basically there is going to be another great depression. Our world will get much smaller and communities will be the most important part of survival. That's what will happen within the next 6-20 years.
    Then again nobody will know until it happens.

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    **Your to much matter in oil to be dinosaurs is correct. The problem is that oil was made from ALL biological life remains that were subducted not just dinosaurs.**
    But all the Biomass of the previous ages couldn't account for how much oil is pumped out in a day

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    **You think alternative fuels change the guzzling Engine?**
    No they don't,the only thing changing is the fuel source and these people complaining about getting of Oil by going to "Alternative fuels" miss the 2 major factsof life which is
    1) 28 billion gallonsof gasoline is not easily replaced
    2) Gasoline is just 1 produc made from Oil on the Daily bases and magically replacing or removing that particular demand does not solve the 60 billion gallons a day used to make carbon fiber,plastics,etc

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    Any geologist worth his or her salt would no that oil and coal has more in common with dimonds,gems, and lava rocks then with "slow cooked biological matter"

  • @ColdBloodedCarl
    @ColdBloodedCarl 17 років тому

    "Slitteva": That's a really stupid comment. Without oil, you wouldn't be here commenting in the first place. How do you get your food? Your clothes? Oil is not the sole source of pollution in this world. Speaking of co2 (which you were refering to, I'm guessing..), coal and natural gas emissions make up 60%. Oil is only 40%, motor traffic in turn only 10%.

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    *Guess what I use*
    Yes Gasoline which is currently subsidized by world governments
    Gasoline isn't "Evil", Combustion Engines aren't even "evil"
    Question: If Cars and burning fossil fuels emmited CO2 (which they don't) then wouldn't it be easier to just use a filter to catch the CO2 emmision then Scrap the technology all together?
    FAct:the EPA was made in the 70's to combat "Global Cooling" caused by burning fossil fuels and factories/cars are cleaner now then they were in the 70's in the US

  • @helenrobjames
    @helenrobjames 14 років тому

    disapointing, have you scene zeitgiest

  • @mattao1987
    @mattao1987 16 років тому

    i know its selfish but i seriously hope i am dead when oil runs out. i do not want to live through the time of no oil. if the oil is gone the US will definetly become a third world country especially since people predicting that our economy will fall. in about a 100 years the US will just be another country stuggling to survive.

  • @econdemocracy
    @econdemocracy 16 років тому

    Mostly on-target, the clip is grossly misleading with its phrase that oil has "fueled 150 years of unparalleled prosperity" ...prosperity for some...but not for most of the poor in the oil-rich countries whose dictatorships our leaders support. Not for Americans whose kids will live with climate destabilization and ecological devastation.
    Economicdemocracy dot org slash eco

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    OPEC while a major Future/Markets player that makes the future/commodity price of oil reach $130 a Barrel recentlt can't effect the real price of oil that is fixed at 10 cents a gallon by world governments ($4.70 a Barrel)
    And if they don't produce enough oil CHina, Thailand,Russia,Mexico,Canada,and about 13 more competitors WILL provide the oil..even at a Discount on the true price ($4.70 a barrel)
    Also "Hydrocarbons" is a natural substance and they found petroleum on Saturn's Moon Titan

  • @econdemocracy
    @econdemocracy 16 років тому

    One more comment: don't get depressed, get organized. See the websites postcarbon dot org
    and relocalize dot net also do a search
    for " community solution "

  • @Schmann213
    @Schmann213 16 років тому

    Those Statistics are nowhere near realistic

  • @jbrelin
    @jbrelin 17 років тому

    It is most likely that this video is fake and serves to justify higher gas prices (so you don't complain as much). The point is to fool you into believing that oil is scarce, when it is not. That said, I am for hydrogen power. It is safer, cleans the air, and there is an abundance of water as the source. And, we have the technology to make LOTS of it.

  • @helenrobjames
    @helenrobjames 14 років тому

    i dont think swearing at each other is ethical on here so why dont you stop it please, there are children on this site

  • @joe1745ny
    @joe1745ny 17 років тому

    Hydrocarbon Law for Dummies
    check it out

  • @TYX91101
    @TYX91101 16 років тому

    How quaint... someone's still clinging to the old liberal-conservative paradigm. And Armageddon? Not in your lifetime!

  • @NeZpReSso
    @NeZpReSso 14 років тому

    this film is way too much pessimistic, guys!

  • @FrarmerFrank
    @FrarmerFrank 16 років тому

    **The earths oil companies pump 85 million barrels a day. That is quite a bit less than 47 billion barrels. hahahahahaha**
    Each barrel is 47 gallons and the World supplies is 100 million Barrels a day from all countries that produce oil which includes China,Thailand,Mexico,Venezuela,Russia,Canada,etc...not just the U.S. and OPEC
    Read slower, it's 47 Billion GALLONS...lol

  • @38herewego
    @38herewego 14 років тому

    @vikingligrveldi001 Where did you get your degree ? It must have been a mail in from the back side of a book of matches ? You speak non truths!

  • @Chindro2828
    @Chindro2828 16 років тому

    "Trickle economics"? first of all, an economy dependant on any commodity is doomed. What people need to do is start looking at viable solutions to their existance. Food is of utmost importance, we need to start moving away from this consumerism shit.

  • @NeZpReSso
    @NeZpReSso 14 років тому

    this film is way too much pessimistic, guys!