DIY Hard Drive RAID Enclosure for 8 Drives, 3U Rack Mountable

  • Опубліковано 4 лют 2025


  • @StaK_1980
    @StaK_1980 10 місяців тому +16

    I am surprised that you didn't DiY the soldering iron and the wrench too... :-)
    One HELL of a DiY build! Well done!

  • @pingviinikaste
    @pingviinikaste 2 місяці тому

    Great video. I have been thinking of converting my system into a custom diy case. Not that many videos are to be found on the topic on YT.
    This one gives a good idea for my own imagination.

  • @davidl6566
    @davidl6566 10 місяців тому +4

    YES! Some time ago I started planning a 3u case to order cut sheet metal for, but decided I'll put one together sometime. This is the kind of content I was looking for

  • @larrybraun3038
    @larrybraun3038 11 місяців тому +14

    Killer Sick build. Loving that diy case.

  • @theuniqid
    @theuniqid 10 місяців тому +3

    It is an amazing build! And the cinematography! Just my two cents - consider raid6 instead for safety sake

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому +2

      Thank you for the comment. If I would have all the 8 drives the same, I would stick to RAID6.

  • @valentinzeller8439
    @valentinzeller8439 8 місяців тому

    Why is this so relaxing to me? 😌

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  8 місяців тому

      Because it was meant to be relaxing 😌

  • @richardahlquist5839
    @richardahlquist5839 5 місяців тому

    Beautiful work!

  • @Saphykitten
    @Saphykitten 9 місяців тому

    Subscribed. More of this type of stuff please

  • @hebert2s
    @hebert2s 10 місяців тому

    Amazing Work! Congrats for precision! Well done. In the future you can do another NAS with SSD disks or NVME (less eletric power needed).

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому

      Thank you for comment. Yes, I am actually thinking to create similar desing (2.5" enclosures) but put more than one M.2 SSD into each other.

    @HORNOMINATOR 9 місяців тому +1

    excellent work. 1000st like for you

  • @DawidKellerman
    @DawidKellerman 10 місяців тому +2

    Nicely done!

  • @syrinx7903
    @syrinx7903 9 місяців тому +1

    you deserve a thumbs up and a subscriber

  • @balex96
    @balex96 3 місяці тому

    Subscribed. This looks fantastic.
    Why didn't you use a standard atx power supply?

  • @cadetsjl19
    @cadetsjl19 10 місяців тому +3

    Good job 👍

  • @topazfoxy
    @topazfoxy 10 місяців тому +2

    Very impressive build - thanks for sharing!

  • @rinaldysam
    @rinaldysam 10 місяців тому

    This is exactly what I want , and you have made it. Very well done.
    However, using SAS to SATA is better than SATA to SATA. I think

  • @Quinchi
    @Quinchi 9 місяців тому +1

    Amazing amazing build, my only concern would be the only Gigabit Ethernet Port, it would definitely be a bottleneck for the data transfer rate. But incredible work

  • @alanstedman6716
    @alanstedman6716 2 місяці тому

    Take my subscribe. Nice build

  • @sakulraider
    @sakulraider 10 місяців тому

    Pěkná práce. Již málo lidí je schopno něco takového realizovat. Nedávno jsem si také upravoval můj server do Racku19". Osobně jsem použil již hotovou krabici 3P neb obsahovala 8 pozic pro disky s HotSwap rámečky a 2 pozice pro 5.25", kde mám také disky. Cenově to vychází asi stejně jen je s tím míň práce.
    Ke tvému řešení bych měl jednu poznámku. Píšeš, že za můstkem máš kondenzátory na 25V, což je krutě málo neb předpokládám, že napětí po usměrnění se bude pohybovat někde v rozmezí 25-28V při zátěži (bez zátěže to může jít dost přes 30V). Rozhodně bych doporučil minimálně na 35V, ale spíše 50V.
    Jinak ať to dlouho slouží a kutění zdar.

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому

      Díky za komentář. Snažil jsem se někde sehnat hotovou krabici do rack 19", ale marně. Navíc jsem měl hromadu diskových rámečků s diskových polí HP (obě varianty ve videu), takže jsem se rozhodl je použít. Někteří sem píšou komentáře, že používám shit komponenty, navíc jsem měl použít HBA kartu, ale účelem tohoto projektu bylo vytvořit pole na bázi Linux mdadm, kdy můžu pole sestavit na jiném PC v případě, že tady komponenty vyhoří (již se mi v minulosti stalo) a hlavně i tak je to výkonem i možnostmi úplně jinde než nějaký Qnap za podobnou nebo vyšší cenu. Kondíky 25V jsou opravdu málo, rozhodoval jsem se, zda je tam dát. Jiné jsem doma neměl a plánuju je vyměnit, jakmile stroj půjde do ostrého provozu. Shořet může cokoli a to je taky důvodem, proč jsem do toho nestrčil spínaný zdroj, ale vyrobil si vlastní.

    • @sakulraider
      @sakulraider 10 місяців тому +1

      @@madeincr Já to znám. Kolikrát jsem také stavěl něco, co se dalo sehnat, jen proto, že jsem měl většinu doma a tak jsem to mohl využít. Proto rád vidím, když si někdo něco vyrobí sám i když to nemusí být finančně na první pohled výhodné.
      K těm čínským měničům jsem se nevyjadřoval neb je občas sám použiju a pokud se zbytečně nezatíží jsou celkem funkční a je zbytečné si dělat nějaké iluze, že něco dražšího bude kvalitnější.

  • @diegolazcano9037
    @diegolazcano9037 10 місяців тому +2


  • @DwynAgGaire
    @DwynAgGaire 10 місяців тому +1

    well done!!

  • @stephanebox5235
    @stephanebox5235 10 місяців тому +1

    very, very nice job : WONDERFUL

  • @dCnpMBqQNZ37r8xg
    @dCnpMBqQNZ37r8xg 10 місяців тому +2

    19:34 This is not the way treadlocker works xD
    Nice project anyway.

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому

      Thank you for the comment. I agree. When I am putting bolts on my car I am using the thread locker the right way of course. This time I was too lazy to take the nut down again.

  • @Droid_Does_not_compute
    @Droid_Does_not_compute 10 місяців тому

    dayum, fancy AF, love the vids keep up the good work

  • @brunoejb
    @brunoejb 10 місяців тому +1


  • @xxkenxyz666
    @xxkenxyz666 10 місяців тому


  • @DaSyEnTisT
    @DaSyEnTisT 10 місяців тому +1

    Very nice build ! Wondering why you didnt use an sfx psu ? For space constraints ? Thanks

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому +2

      Thank you for the comment. I've had several power switching supplies burn out in the past (even the Fortron), so I decided to build my own - I know that the efficiency is low but this one should last much longer.

  • @jeremyjedynak
    @jeremyjedynak 8 місяців тому

    Very nice workmanship on the build!
    How much does aluminum cost per pound in the Czech Republic?

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  8 місяців тому +1

      Thank you for the comment. These L shapes cost 160 CZK / 1kg, 1kg = 2.2lbs, that means 73 CZK / 1lbs (2.95 EUR / 1lbs, 2.52 GBP / 1lbs). It's twice as expensive as 2 years ago.

  • @AnupamVipul
    @AnupamVipul 3 місяці тому +2

    Epic work thanks for the inspiration. Feedback for mk2 use something like sata 22 Pin 7+15 Pin Male Plug To Female Jack or even better SAS to SATA . having that will allow you to route power far more efficiently by using SATA Power Splitter Adapter Cable its cheap and you can even DIY it core bennift will be 3.3volt rail which is need for few hdds like one ripped out of an encloser and some sas disks . Using this aproach would be "neat" and as more and more people use HBA cards which are sata & sas u will not be limited 😜. Modding Guide: Inline SATA Connectors for referance . Thank for the Great work

  • @billkillernic
    @billkillernic 4 місяці тому

    Does this make any financial sense though ? (excluding the manhour cost and the powertool cost just for all the other parts directly related to the server/chassis) I mean what was the budget for the parts?

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  4 місяці тому

      This was mostly just a fun. The aluminium is 3.30 USD / 1 lbs here. I am not counting PC components because I need some case for them, I had the disk enclosures already (from an old server room for free).

    • @laurentwilliame2588
      @laurentwilliame2588 4 місяці тому

      Indeed. Probably not the best cost saving project but I believe this was not the goal.
      So much screws but oh boy, the result is astonishing. It will definitly inspire me for something similar.
      Great job…👍

  • @jackipiegg
    @jackipiegg 5 місяців тому

    where did the sata power cables go to?
    i count 16xGND, 8x 5V, 8x 12V. These cables disappear lol, Where did you connect it?

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  4 місяці тому

      There are white sockets - for the GND on the left and the others are on the right (viewing from the back). It is not much visible on the video.

    • @jackipiegg
      @jackipiegg 4 місяці тому

      from the back? Could you show a picture how you wire it up. shame you didn't show it in the video, I'm trying to wire up myself but its a mess right now.

  • @kiaser21
    @kiaser21 10 місяців тому +1

    Slant the drives and make it a 2U case.

  • @dim0n1
    @dim0n1 10 місяців тому +1

    ty vago, hezka prace, muzu se zeptat na kolik ti to cely vyslo, krome disku a tveho casu plz? ;-) / Holy moly, good job, can I ask plz, how much you spent for everything, except HDDs and your time?

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому +2

      Nazdárek, díky za koment. Přesně to spočítáno nemám, 8 port SATA karta stála něco kolem 800 CZK, trafo 900 CZK, ATX měnič asi 200 CZK, ostatní měniče ani nepočítám, to jsou věci, co mám běžně doma (malý 5A je do 50 CZK a ten větší cca 130 CZK), další komponenty podle toho, co potřebuješ za výkon a výbavu - mini ITX deska dnes stojí kolem 1500 CZK, procesor a RAM je na tobě, co vybereš. SATA kabely jsem sehnal na eBay, cenu už nevím. Hliníkový profily byly tuším kolem 700 CZK - objednávám z ehlinik-cz (Pardubice). Každopádně to vyjde levněji než Qnap / Synology pro stejný počet disků a výkonově je to někde úplně jinde, běží na tom Linux a RAID je softwarový (mdadm). Cpát do toho HBA kartu (jak tady někteří píší) a hrát si s hardwarovým RAIDem nemá smysl vzhledem k účelu použití, taky by to zvedlo spotřebu elektřiny. Důvodem, proč jsem neosadil spínaný zdroj, ale vyrobill vlastní je špatná zkušenost s nimi pokud jedou 24/7, už mi jich pár shořelo (Fortron šel na smrt taky), tenhle toroid v kombinaci s těmi měniči si bude povrkávat hodně dlouho.

    • @dim0n1
      @dim0n1 10 місяців тому +1

      Super, normálně bych si časem chtěl udělat taky něco svého, mám synology s 2x4tb v raidu 1 (myslím, zrcadlení) a už by to chtělo náhradu, a chtěl bych něco 4 diskového, s 2x data, 2x zrcadlení, co třeba podobný projekt ale normálně jako case, a ne do racku, 99 procent lidí rack doma nemá :). Jinak ještě jednou super video 😮

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому +2

      Já používám racky jako case :-). Když u té skříně z videa neosadíš rackové uši, máš z toho v podstatě desktopovou verzi, jen by sis musel víc pohrát s horní stranou, kde jsou vidět ty šroubky pro každou diskovou šachtu a nevypadá to hezky. V racku to vidět není.

    • @dim0n1
      @dim0n1 10 місяців тому

      @@madeincr jj, je mi to jasne, ja jen, ze by ti to prineslo o dost vice zhlednuti ;-)

  • @rubenotero2149
    @rubenotero2149 10 місяців тому +1

    Very impressive!

  • @wowkise
    @wowkise 10 місяців тому

    This is really awesome. Aren’t you scared with this exposed PSU components? also is there a reason you didn’t go for HPA instead of the sata pci? The HPA with sas to sata cables are much more slimmer and less noisy

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому

      Thank you for commnet. The device will be installed in a rack so no reason to put hands on a dangerous spot. I know the benefits of a HBA card with SAS interfaces but these cards are not so cheap as the PCIe card in the project, I also want to stick to Linux software raid (I can reassemble the raid on a different device if the current components would fail - you cannot do this with hardware raid on HBA), also the disk I/O is fine with this PCIe to SATA - actually the troughput is much higher than on some Qnap or Synology, especially over SSH and NFS. The purpose of this project was to replace my current Qnap and make cheaper but more powerful device.

    • @wowkise
      @wowkise 9 місяців тому

      @@madeincr Hi, Thanks for the reply. the HBA card doesn't mean a hardware raid, if they are in IT mode, they get exposed as regular sata disks. =)

  • @frederichardy8844
    @frederichardy8844 10 місяців тому

    Very nice build but why did you use caddies? As you're obviously good with metal work, with some kind of spring in the enclosure you could get ride of them.

  • @hjetwd
    @hjetwd 10 місяців тому

    хорошая работа / dobrá práce

  • @mikedien3609
    @mikedien3609 10 місяців тому

    Nice if you have too much time.
    I prefer to buy this used but cheap from ebay.

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому +1

      Thank you for the comment. I was searching for some on eBay but no one did meet my requirements. So I decided to DIY and this one taked a lot of time, that's true.

    • @mikedien3609
      @mikedien3609 10 місяців тому

      @@madeincr i know, i am a metal diy hobbyist, i like building such things .. but yours looks definitely cooler than mine from ebay 😉

  • @AlexTechADM
    @AlexTechADM 10 місяців тому

    Very good, congratulations, is it possible to sell the aluminum materials already finished on AliExpress?

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому +1

      Thank you for the comment. There are some aluminium profiles on Aliexpres including the L shape ones, but you have to cut them by yourself. You can try to find them also on your local hardware store.

    • @AlexTechADM
      @AlexTechADM 10 місяців тому

      @@madeincr Ok, and the measurements how can I get this information, and also the description of the components?

  • @peterschloglhofer7117
    @peterschloglhofer7117 9 місяців тому

    Preco si pouzil i3-9300 ked ma TDP 63W a musi byt chladena? Uplne by stacil N100.

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  9 місяців тому

      Díky za komentář. V době nákupu komponent pro tento projekt Intel N100 ještě neexistoval. Navíc jsem chtěl stavět na vyšším výkonu (používám tam LXC kontejnery). Na předchozím hardware pro diskové pole jsem měl Intel Atom a výkon byl tristní a hlavně co se týká výkonu šifrování a komunikace na zabezpečeném kanálu oběcně - SSH, apod.

  • @papelaminemane2575
    @papelaminemane2575 11 місяців тому

    Very nice job.

  • @sc0or
    @sc0or 3 місяці тому

    19:55 toto som vobec nepochopil. Co sa stalo z SMSP zdrojom? Naco ten audiofilsky tor je? Aj ku vsetkemu mate dost priestoru na SFX zdroj.
    PS 8TB teraz su vyhodnejsie. BarraCuda 8TB je ako 18 eur za TB. IronWolf 4TB ide ako 26 eur za TB. Stacilo by 4 disky. Tichsie su, zakladna doska ma dost SATA konektorov na to, atd.

  • @yuan.pingchen3056
    @yuan.pingchen3056 10 місяців тому

    you should demo the final result RAID Enclosure, then start the building process

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому +1

      Thank you for the comment. I agree with that, next time will do.

  • @winandd8649
    @winandd8649 10 місяців тому

    Nice! Kudos for the back plane 👍How did you power those drives?
    I presume from those 12V and 5V step down converters? Is the relay used for staggered spinup for the 8 drives in some way? By which signal is the relay controlled? Any stability issues using those step-down converters?

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому

      Thank you for the comment. Yes, all drives are powered from 12V and 5V step down converters. The ATX PSU is not strong enough to power 8 drives so the relay is used to power the drives from the converters directly. Signal for the relay is taken from the 12V line on the ATX PSU. No stability issues.

    • @winandd8649
      @winandd8649 10 місяців тому

      @@madeincr Ok, nice to know this can work! 👍

  • @mand7109
    @mand7109 10 місяців тому

    Excellent work, but strong vibration from hard drives does not allow installation in a room with people.

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому

      "LThank yopu for the comment. This case is designed for a 19" rack, so I am not expecting people in that room. The disk enclosures I used here (HP EVA) have metal silent blocks, they are catching the vibrations satisfactorily.

  • @寺田博之-65535
    @寺田博之-65535 10 місяців тому +1


  • @xealit
    @xealit 10 місяців тому

    if you have CAD files, upload them somewhere

  • @JonathanSwiftUK
    @JonathanSwiftUK 10 місяців тому

    Somebody has an aluminium fetish ! Nice job, very impressive.

  • @larry999y
    @larry999y 10 місяців тому

    конденсатор 15000мкФ х 35в ???

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому

      Спасибо за комментарий. 3 конденсатора 10000 мкФ 35 В. Во-первых, для лучшей стабильности блока питания, а во-вторых, для более длительного срока службы - выход из строя одного или двух конденсаторов не повлияет на работу блока питания.

    • @larry999y
      @larry999y 10 місяців тому

      @@madeincr замечательно

  • @BoraHorzaGobuchul
    @BoraHorzaGobuchul 10 місяців тому

    Nice. But drilling without support, while holding the piece in your hand... Not safe

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому

      Thank you for the comment. Hope I will have a nice workshop one day with a large stand drill.

  • @fizika2009
    @fizika2009 10 місяців тому

    Good job!

  • @healthy5659
    @healthy5659 10 місяців тому +1

    What a wonderful project. It is built like a tank, and everything can be made and replaced with simple and common tools! Thank you for sharing. You inspired me to try and make my own case design one day. I will use methods similar to what you did.
    The only part I don't understand: it looks to me that you used a DC-DC ATX PSU, so you used the rectifier, transformer and step down converter to convert mains into DC input for the ATX. Why did you need the other smaller DC-DC converters and relay then? Was the ATX PSU not strong enough to power all drives, so you decided to power them separately?

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому +2

      Thank you for your comment. I am glad that you like the project. Regarding to the power source - it is exactly as you wrote: the ATX PSU is rated to only about 120 watts and by design there was only one molex connector included (to power one hard drive only) so I think the PSU 5V (and probably also the 12V) line would not be sufficient. That's why I added DC-DC converter to 12V and also a two separated DC-DC converters to split 5V lines into two (I did not have just one more powerful). And then I used the relay to switch-on the 12V line which is also an input to the 5V DC-DC converter. All converters are now loaded up to max 40% and should last long time.

  • @gerardolopez8202
    @gerardolopez8202 10 місяців тому

    Please conection diagram

  • @kriansa
    @kriansa 10 місяців тому

    This is real DIY, awesome project! Did you measure the power draw and power efficiency compared to an off the shelf ATX PSU?

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому +1

      Thank you for the comment. I did not measure the power draw yet, will do that and it will be in the description of the video. I am expecting a low power draw by the mainboard because it is a Intel H310 chipset. I have similar mainboard in other project and it is drawing 8 watts at iddle. I did not measute the power efficiency because durability is a more important factor for me. Theoretically the efficiency of an toroidal transformer can reach 90%.

  • @armandomartinledezmacontreras
    @armandomartinledezmacontreras 10 місяців тому +1

    No mexico atte.jupiter

  • @ebojans
    @ebojans 10 місяців тому

    Very interesting, I haven't seen this before.
    It was mostly a calsica with a PSU, but a toroidal transformer with dc to dc converters in combination was a great idea.
    My question to you?
    Can this procedure also be applied to a NAS device with a couple of hard disks?
    Let's say from 2 to 4 in a row.
    Accordingly, a scheme for such a device with a toroidal transformer, it would be nice if you could give us a link or a picture of its connection.
    I wish you all the best and more unique videos like this.

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому +1

      Thank you for your comment. Yes, this type of power source can be applied also for a NAS. I have 2 NAS devices (Qnap) and the original switching power supply burned out after about 3 years on both devices. Then I built a toroidal transformer power source with a DC step down converter and both devices are running till now for about 9 years. Even a quality PSU (Fortron) burned out on my server after 10 years. The connection in this video is simple: The 17V from the transformer is going to the rectifier (with 3 capacitors 25V), from the rectifier to the DC-DC 12V converter and paralelly to the ATX converter (12V to ATX power unit). The DC-DC 5V converter is powered from the DC-DC 12V converter. The relay is feeding the drives only (12V and 5V lines are taken from the DC-DC converters) and the signal for the relay to switch on is taken from the 12V line on the ATX converter (the line is live after the mainboard is powered on).

    • @jm036
      @jm036 10 місяців тому

      @@madeincr The DC-DC converters are all switching type.

  • @KorbenDalasCZ
    @KorbenDalasCZ 10 місяців тому

    Co takhle nějakou desktopovou pro 4-5 disků a mitx desku :-)

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому +1

      Díky za komentář. Jasně, disky by tím pádem mohly být naležato (pátý nad ventilátorem procesoru) a celkově bysme se asi vešli i do menších rozměrů.

  • @mikedoth
    @mikedoth 11 місяців тому

    Nice. Where did you get the sata/power adapters?

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  11 місяців тому

      I got them from eBay from some Chinese seller. It was hard to find.

  • @Philipp-Privat
    @Philipp-Privat 10 місяців тому

    Very nice build. Love it!. I´m just wondering why you build the psu yourself?

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому +3

      Thank you for your comment. Power switching supply has more efficiency but has limited lifetime. I've had several power switching supplies burn out in the past, so I decided to build my own which I believe will last longer. It is a conventional transformer combined with a simple step down converter.

  • @jm036
    @jm036 10 місяців тому

    Toroid transformer to rectifier to buck converter to DC-DC ATX PSU... You know 80+ ratings, that setup warrants the invention of an 80 minus rating for inefficiency.

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому +1

      Thank you for the comment. Yeah, exactly as you wrote. But the priority in this project is not the efficiency but the lifespan. I've had several power switching supplies burn out in the past (Qnap, even the Fortron) so I am expecting that this supply will last much longer.

  • @romnv3166
    @romnv3166 10 місяців тому

    120x120 cm FAN😂

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому

      LOL, thanks for the mention.

  • @MacLimitRange
    @MacLimitRange 10 місяців тому

    A normal PSU no? HBA card? Overengineer case and shit components, lol. All this work for this many disks when you could use 2x16TB drives on a generic small enclosure desktop pc.

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому

      Thank you for the comment. Normal switching power supply will burn out in a couple of years. I want a power source which will last long time, I do not have time to solve problems with failed PSU in the midnight on a device with all my data. The purpose of this project is to create a more powerful, reliable and usable (Linux OS) device than a conventional NAS such as Qnap. Why should I use 16TB drives which will go down in performance when allocated by data because of more hard drive platters used in it? I also want to stick to software RAID (Linux mdadm) that's why I did not use HBA or any hardware RAID card - if the components will burn out I can reassemle the RAID on a different device. I know the benefits of HBA and what a real RAID is but this was not the purpose of this project.

  • @venousek85
    @venousek85 10 місяців тому

    This video is sponsored by DeWalt 😀

  • @r4dius
    @r4dius 10 місяців тому +1

    This is way to big for 8 drives, nearly half the thing is the computer, nas form factor allows for computer and 8 disk in smaller volume

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому +2

      Thank you for your comment. NAS is limiting you by its operating system and computing power. In this project there is a Linux on the system disk and you can install and do with the system anything you want. This is one of the pros of this project. Other thing is the price - this build is way cheaper.

    • @terrylaveyplays
      @terrylaveyplays 10 місяців тому

      To be fair the title does say 9 drives for a 3U rack that’s mountable, not a 8 bay NASE enclosure.

  • @carlosfester
    @carlosfester 10 місяців тому

    I think was better put a real power suply on this

    • @madeincr
      @madeincr  10 місяців тому +1

      Thank you for your comment. That way would be faster, but my experience with power switching supplies is not good. Ever a quality (Fortron) PSU burned out after 10 years of running time. The toroidal based power source should last much longer, especially if you are powering a storage device like this running 24/7 with all your data.