This is probably the shortest Fortnite or PUBG video you will ever see. Also, please forgive my pronunciation of PUBG. I don't really watch PUBG videos and in my head I just always said, P U B G. I should go out more.
Richard Luong that's isn't true. Fortnite is better the PUBG is also false. Minecraft hunger games is better than both is true, no question about that.
They're both just clones (FORTNITE in particular) of the best game ever Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for bikini bottom. Which I made a video on to prove
All of these "PUBG VS Fortnite" comparisons don't look at the player numbers. I mean PUBG costs 29.99 and currently most players play PUBG on higher-end PCs while the younger generation can't afford PCs so they by a console and fortnite is bigger on console than PC. That alone makes so many younger pepole prefer Fortnite over PUBG and because thats the only game they play they become tryhard fans of the game and if you question them about PUBG they don't really know anything. Then there is the age gap. I mean kids are always going to prefer a chaos flashy colorful game while older pepole prefer realism and good graphics. You really can't compare 2 games face-to-face when they are ment for so diffrent audiences.
I would disagree on quite a few things. Go on twitch and you'll see many older people playing Fortnite. The graphics mean very little if the gameplay is better or worse in this case, because the graphics are not worse. Fortnite also seems to get much better reception in terms of the development as it's constantly being expanded at a pace that blows PubG out of the water. And if we are talking graphics, lots of people got turned away by pubg on console where the game fails to even load in half the time because they were so rushed to get profits that they barely bothered to port it properly. Fortnite also seems to have a lot more diversity in the play as you are able to alter the terrain and there are more weapon types. I Haven't played either but from an outside perspective Fortnite just seems to be the better game in most aspects. I think it comes down to two things, that it has skins (Benefiting from people grinding for cool skins even if the gameplay is boring at times, which PubG seemingly lacks that same push) and that it came out after Pubg, allowing the developers to see exactly what Pubg did right and wrong to copy the good while excluding the bad, which is something Pubg could never really help to combat so it's sort of unfair to compare them
Absolutely right PUBG is catered to virgin 30-40 year old man children that don’t bathe and are unemployed as well currently reside in their parents basement.
While ya’ all arguing over which one is better, we real man play the one and only original, Minecraft PvP Edit: how tf do people not know the word “sarcasm”
1918: I bet in the future there are going to be flying cars. 2018: Kids copying "I bet in the future there are going to be flying cars." all the time...
Have you even played Fortnite? Hmmmmm? Cause Fortnite isn’t just kids dancing with pickaxes some people get into insane awesome battles. Plus PUBG is too realistic for my liking I’d prefer Fortnite cause it’s got such a cartoony style that people like way better than a realistic battle royale game. Teens and adults play Fortnite too, it doesn’t always have to be teens and adults on every fighting game younger kids can join in on the fun too. People dancing around with pickaxes doesn’t affect anything it might just be because they are new to the game and don’t know the controls very well. Plus you can build insane bases in Fortnite or you could grab a Port-A-Fort or Port-A-Fortress and boom instant base does PUBG have anything like that? You can’t do such amazing things Fortnite can do in PUBG. Plus you can get very cool skins, some with special features like color changing for example: the omega skin and upgradable skins for example: Drift, Omega, Ragnarok, Calamity and much more. Tell me some good reasons WHY you think PUBG would beat Fortnite your reasons should be as good as mine for me to agree with you. So tell me your reasons. Edit: Longest comment ever lol
that kids saw the cartoon styled graphics and started playing it, so what? Kids play, so what again? Is your experience going to change just because kids like you play the game? That makes no sense.
@@Aether.522 PUBG have 3 maps But fortnite have only 1 Now what???? I used to play fortnite before but not anymore because it's a shitty game & waste of time But I prefer PUBG Mobile most. It's one of the best mobile games I ever played
They're talking about the game in general, nobody gives a fuck about how they look like on mobiles. Both were initially created for console and pc and that is what the discussion in this video in based on.
Pyromike pubg may have been harder in like 2017 or 2018 but now fortnite players have improved their building and editing skills like crazy. if you say im wrong go watch pro players build fights
Fortnite is suited for all ages. It wasn't even intended to be a popular game, just a project by Epic Games. The problem is that kids saw the cartoon styled graphics and started playing it, so what? Kids play, so what again? Is your experience going to change just because kids like you play the game? That makes no sense.
Meliodas the building takes more skill than you realise. If say that there is easily a bigger skill gap in fortnite compared to PUBG. Fuck I fell for the bait😂😂🎣🎣
Joseph Coakley building isn’t that hard and I would definitely not say fortnite has a higher skill gap but I do like fortnite better because the pubg mechanics are bad in my opinion
I have done some research, Minecraft is dying months after Microsoft bought mojang. So roblox would still be alive *COFF* ODERS, SCAMMERS, BOTS, HACKERS *COFF COOOOFFFF*
You could compare this two games with battlefield and CoD. PUBG is like Battlefield -more realistic (sound, graphics, weapons) -bigger maps -vehicles -play more tactical -harder to master Fortnite like CoD -shorter rounds -smaller maps -more arcade gameplay -better accessibility -easier to master You could say both games are great in their way and have both old and young people playing it but Fortnite is designed for a younger audience than PUBG and it's free that's why it will be more successful than Playerunknowns-battlegrounds 😐
Aprix Fortnite has better graphics. Doesn't look like a Rules Of Survival for Xbox One. Way more Updates and they don't 3-4 month's to get a update. Famous people play it A.K.A Drake, Post Malone and more. And yeah
The thing is, MOST people who votes on those “which game is better” stuff, HAVENT EVEN PLAYED PUBG EVEER! They’ve only played Fortnite Cause is free, so they vote Fortnite in those contests I’m pretty sure that if Pubg goes Free (it wont) , Nobody would play fortnite again
Santiag 12469| I bought pubg and have about 4 solo wins, 2 duos, and 0 squad. And I play fortnite to and I personally think it's better And would still play it more if pubg came out for free. And don't be one of those people who assume I hate pubg because I think their both great games. Fortnite:😲🏹🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫 gun = kills in first five minutes Pubg : 🙃🔫 🏚🏠🏠🏚🏠🏚🏚1 house = 5 minutes of looting time 👌😧
MinteCoffee Pubg Mobile is Free But on PC (Which is WAY better than Pubg Mobile) is not free And Pubg for Xbox One (Which is better than mobile but never as good as PC) cost 20$
I have played both, I personally prefer PUBG over Fortnite. Mainly because I prefer the more realistic aspect of PUBG over the cartoon art style of Fortnite.
TheRelaxedPlayer used to play the shit out of fortnite but I played PubG mobile a few times to see what its all about so I’m building a pc right now because of how much better it seems
'fortnite' is already a standing title(save the world because epic won't separate them) and saying "fortnite battle royal" 20x times is not a good script writing
BroPOWER! I would not say that what they did to Xbox was a massacre. PUBG in Xbox is continuously getting updated. It improving steadily and I really do enjoy the experience.
Aiden Hill it has more features but I doesn’t have the same graphics that Xbox one has. If they would port the PUBG Mobile into Xbox everyone would freak out about the graphics. The community always has something to complain about even if a game is running perfectly fine( I’m not saying PUBG runs smoothly by the way).
The only reason why many people play fortnite is a. They feel peer pressure b. They think it makes them cool c. because famous people play it or d. because it is free. People play Pubg is because a. It is great quality and gives you the mind of a soldier b. because it is great fun and can talk with other people on solo c. because it isn't really themed, which means that you will need to buy battle pass or skins d. You become a better player quicker just my opinions guys
No duh ur game isn't as popular so it doesn't get cringy kids plus 30$ MY OPINION wouldn't play just cause it does not have a new thing system in like building soo PUBG try it but thats it and fortnite has a charm that PUBG does NOT.
It really doesn’t matter how better it is, it’s up to how the person likes their games! Maybe they like realistic games, or maybe they like Non-Realistic games (like cartoon versions of games)
Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say.
Play the game, do not just judge. For example: Fortnite players try to play pubg before you judge, Just like a pubg player, try Fortnite before assessing Fortnite. Try it before assessing something Sorry bad english :v
TheChickenGamer Your saying that paying for something is better than getting something free tho.. that kinda not smart (bad grammar on purpose for all you grammar nazis) BUT OVERALL BOTH GAMES ARE VERY GOOD
Fortnite’s popular because of its mainstream effect. It’s the only video game where you’re *cooler* if you play it. Not to mention how well it runs on all platforms. PUBG really only is viable on PC and it costs $30. I love both tbh, just different styles of games.
PUBG is so much more tactical and requires a high level of skill. Fortnite is popular as it is free and is almost entirely luck based. Most PUBG haters are children and people who have never played PUBG before.
lol fortnite is "almost entirely luck based" please play the game before judging. I have played both, and I realize that PUBG is more tactical, but fortnite also requires as much if not more skill. Aiming takes skill, building takes skill, and making good decisions takes skill. People say building is no skill and stupid, but if it really is no skill, why can only a few skilled players build very fast? Building is essential to get an advantage in a fight, which is why people play fortnite, and pubg fans want more slow, tactical gameplay without having to build and just use their gun skills.
Infographics could have done more research... BattleRoyale was originally a mod for Arma 2 created by PlayerUnknown in 2014. He then got in contact with SOE and made the mod into a game mode for H1z1 after that he made PUBG in 2017. Epic Games saw the popularity on the rise and took the idea, modified with and added their own twist to made Fornite Battle Royale. Fornite capitalised on the success of the genre through a free variation of the game, inevitably leading to a more popular game. Kids especially enjoy it as they don't need to nag their parents to buy it so it makes sense ~ Easy to learn and simple to play PUBG you can download for free on many platforms.
I think the movie came out first, Secondly, it's Royale. Third, "Kids especially enjoy it as they don't need to nag their parents to buy it so it makes sense." Have played both games, and PUBG might have better requirement of Mechanical Skills, Fortnite requires more planned strategy due to the building mechanism, and this increased flexibility is what made it more popular. Saying that it is popular because it is free to play is not wrong, but that is not the big picture either
LilGunner0 yeah but it didn't and is a bigger game than PUBG now. Definitely a smart move and is probably responsible for the rise in its popularity. That's just how business works
LilGunner0 doesn’t matter, in terms of twitch views in recent terms it’s clear more people actually watch and care about Fortnite rather than PUBG. So yes it might be free but it’s much more relevant than PUBG.
PUBG Comments: wow these kids are just casuals. I bet they can't even get a hold of their own credit cards yet. They can survive in PUBG because it's for the hardcore! I bet they think its better because its free and casual for noooormies! Fortnite Comments: I like my game.
Not one is better than the other. Fortnite is for people who like fast paced, quick games, and people who like to build and find exciting ways of doing things. PUBG is for people who like more realistic, slower games, and just like realism and a good long challenge. It all comes down to preference.
People like pubg because it's more skill based. People like fortnite because it's more casual and doesn't require much skill. Fortnite caters to the majority of people, that's why it's more popular. In terms of the design of gameplay I would say they are comparable but PUBG is better because it has more skill based gameplay and mechanics that require the player to think and be good. Both games have randomness and luck involved which isn't really a great thing to have in games but both games have this and it works fine for the most part.
BrokenCode There’s skill, game sense, situational awareness, and reaction required in Fortnite. The reason why I think it’s so overlooked is because i bet you more than 60% of players between all platforms don’t take this game as seriously because of its cartoonish looks and the fact that it’s free doesn’t mean there are small details that only competitive players can notice. I have both but have been playing FNBR more because it’s more fun and exciting. If anything I haven’t touched PUBG since the beginning of Battle Pass Season 2. The building feature in FN is what really sets it apart for me in the sense that most if not all your battles will never be the same as the next or last. Fortnite isn’t for everyone, but is definitely more accessible to a wider audience.
doesn't mean anything....minecraft is still higher overall with over 100 million registered users on pc(144 million total) and that was back in 2014 when that happened(and 20+ million on consoles). In January of 2018 minecraft had 75 million montly players
It doesn't really matter if you queue up with friends though. I refuse to play any team based game without a friend stacked team. Siege, Fortnite, PAYDAY 2, or even if I ever buy PUBG.
AJP Reactions just because they are kids doesnt mean they suck at the game, just so u know, and also, fortnite even made streamers become more popular, for example, ninja, he makes a lot of money because of fortnite, pubg never made anyone REALLY popular, has it?
Im more into PUBG bc I dont like games that have 0 gun mechanics that much. When I first played fortnite I didnt build single thing, I spray controlled and tap fired. And i also hate that m4, SCAR-H and other guns are not called by the name but rather as just rifles, smg, sniper rifle and so on.
Useless Kapi EXACTLY ITS PRETTY DAMN SIMPLE mk14 L111a3 m4a1 ak 74u RPG-7 not into grenade launchers Gatling gun Scar L smg 9 what looks like a Remington and that infinite warfare shotgun
This is probably the shortest Fortnite or PUBG video you will ever see. Also, please forgive my pronunciation of PUBG. I don't really watch PUBG videos and in my head I just always said, P U B G. I should go out more.
The Infographics Show aye I’m the first to reply 😂
I’m the second but thank u a lot for making this video
Fornite is arcady casual and cartoonish while pubg is hardcore game.
also one of your shortest videos :D
Fortnite battle royal is free but if you want extra skins,etc then it cost money
But Mobile version and Chinese version for PUBG is free
Agree 100%
@@awesomegaming1991 Fortnite has a bigger package than PUBG Mobile
Screw u man all fortnite is free and its better and nobody plays pubg i mean wtf it has no SKINS
@@radubucataru2917 pubg have skins__-
Radu Bucataru what, it doesn’t need skins, it has clothing that you can change lol
The creation of this video is going to start a war in the comment section
i saw you on smash switch vids.
StickMaster500 pls new video
Pubg is better, no question about that
Why are you on every video I see lmao
Richard Luong that's isn't true. Fortnite is better the PUBG is also false. Minecraft hunger games is better than both is true, no question about that.
They're both just clones (FORTNITE in particular) of the best game ever Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for bikini bottom. Which I made a video on to prove
Not even close it’s totally Minecraft: Survival Games:):):):) lol
24 Frames Of Nick nah man Roblox beats all.
Bro all u guys are dumb sorry that I have to flex my 200 iq but it copied real life I tried it but got arrested after 1 kill 😑
24 Frames Of Nick Sorry but Coolmathgames is better
That Mario kart balloon battle though
A true gamer...
Respects both games and lets gamers play what they want.
@Water dragon your very smart i have to admitt
True but these toxic fortnite players always dont accept opinions
@@re4mus plss i play both 😭😭
All of these "PUBG VS Fortnite" comparisons don't look at the player numbers. I mean PUBG costs 29.99 and currently most players play PUBG on higher-end PCs while the younger generation can't afford PCs so they by a console and fortnite is bigger on console than PC. That alone makes so many younger pepole prefer Fortnite over PUBG and because thats the only game they play they become tryhard fans of the game and if you question them about PUBG they don't really know anything. Then there is the age gap. I mean kids are always going to prefer a chaos flashy colorful game while older pepole prefer realism and good graphics.
You really can't compare 2 games face-to-face when they are ment for so diffrent audiences.
Turpo Urpilainen Well said
I would disagree on quite a few things. Go on twitch and you'll see many older people playing Fortnite. The graphics mean very little if the gameplay is better or worse in this case, because the graphics are not worse. Fortnite also seems to get much better reception in terms of the development as it's constantly being expanded at a pace that blows PubG out of the water. And if we are talking graphics, lots of people got turned away by pubg on console where the game fails to even load in half the time because they were so rushed to get profits that they barely bothered to port it properly. Fortnite also seems to have a lot more diversity in the play as you are able to alter the terrain and there are more weapon types. I Haven't played either but from an outside perspective Fortnite just seems to be the better game in most aspects. I think it comes down to two things, that it has skins (Benefiting from people grinding for cool skins even if the gameplay is boring at times, which PubG seemingly lacks that same push) and that it came out after Pubg, allowing the developers to see exactly what Pubg did right and wrong to copy the good while excluding the bad, which is something Pubg could never really help to combat so it's sort of unfair to compare them
Absolutely right PUBG is catered to virgin 30-40 year old man children that don’t bathe and are unemployed as well currently reside in their parents basement.
Zack Smith well of course no one watches 10 year olds on twitch 😂😂😂
I have both and I prefer fortnite. I am running on gtx1060
While ya’ all arguing over which one is better, we real man play the one and only original, Minecraft PvP
Edit: how tf do people not know the word “sarcasm”
Lorenrosenhal 1420 true!
Lorenrosenhal 1420 cancer
Mc is a good game dab dab
Rofl 🤣 . Oh, you sqeakers are so funny. Minecraft is definitely where you guys belong if you can’t handle PUBG or Fortnite.
also, although pubg needs money, people spend about 100 times more money in fortnite buying v-bucks
Cruise John only streamers and idiots
Dafuq ??? I got a PUBG Ad on the video
Max Hammitzsch it's called cookies... Advertisers track you. Google it
1918:I bet there is going to be flying cars in the future
2018:kids fighting about two battle royales
Preston Garvey but yet u clicked on the video that was obviously have this...what u think was going to happen? Slow thinker?
1918: I bet in the future every settlement will be safe
2288: Another settlement needs your help
1918: I bet in the future there are going to be flying cars.
2018: Kids copying "I bet in the future there are going to be flying cars." all the time...
Preston Garvey
Another settlement needs my help right?
1918: i bet there will be flying cars in the future
2018: one topic people dont agree on
PUBG- got teens and adults fighting to be the best royal
Fortnite- got little kids dancing around with pickaxes
Have you even played Fortnite? Hmmmmm? Cause Fortnite isn’t just kids dancing with pickaxes some people get into insane awesome battles. Plus PUBG is too realistic for my liking I’d prefer Fortnite cause it’s got such a cartoony style that people like way better than a realistic battle royale game. Teens and adults play Fortnite too, it doesn’t always have to be teens and adults on every fighting game younger kids can join in on the fun too. People dancing around with pickaxes doesn’t affect anything it might just be because they are new to the game and don’t know the controls very well. Plus you can build insane bases in Fortnite or you could grab a Port-A-Fort or Port-A-Fortress and boom instant base does PUBG have anything like that? You can’t do such amazing things Fortnite can do in PUBG. Plus you can get very cool skins, some with special features like color changing for example: the omega skin and upgradable skins for example: Drift, Omega, Ragnarok, Calamity and much more. Tell me some good reasons WHY you think PUBG would beat Fortnite your reasons should be as good as mine for me to agree with you. So tell me your reasons.
Edit: Longest comment ever lol
PUBG-Guys what think graphics and textures means everything
that kids saw the cartoon styled graphics and started playing it, so what? Kids play, so what again? Is your experience going to change just because kids like you play the game? That makes no sense.
@@Aether.522 PUBG have 3 maps
But fortnite have only 1
Now what???? I used to play fortnite before but not anymore because it's a shitty game & waste of time
But I prefer PUBG Mobile most. It's one of the best mobile games I ever played
Rayan X your a waste of time
Both are good, but Fortnite Mobile needs to be customized and refined more until it can catch up to the status of PUBG Mobile.
Coolmark both gay get a pc
PUBG mobile looks and function sooooooo much better than Fortnite
They're talking about the game in general, nobody gives a fuck about how they look like on mobiles. Both were initially created for console and pc and that is what the discussion in this video in based on.
*cough* mobile lol
pubg was already released in china thats why its more developed
I'm calling it now this video is gonna get a ton of views
True Very True
David Aparicio fucking true
David Aparicio all ready got 10k
I mean what is a ton of views he has 1.6 mil subs so
PUBG = Fun Military and realistic gameplay
Fortnite = Ridiculous amount of fantasy and creative fun
Cloras Fauna Thank you.
Cloras Fauna Really? Fortnite is only creative fun. That's all? I have a feeling you've never even played or got good at fortnite but only watched it.
Daniel the Menace 101 Then tell me if theres more
there isn't alot more to the games than that, they're not competitive shooters they are "fun" luck based games.
The real battle royal is...
Musical chair!!!!!
Satura Klana holy shit I’m W O K E
Oh (Vietnam flashback when I'm still a child and cried because I don't get the last chair) the memories oh
Are you ok?
Nah your big lier
@@kesavanamudha4963 fortnite
Who came here just to read the triggered comments?
School Of Clash - Clash Of Clans & Royale Updates Me, its fun to read triggered fanboys from both sides
Lol i came to check comments after vid. They should really wake up and go outside lol
School Of Clash - Clash Of Clans & Royale Updates yes
School Of Clash - Clash Of Clans & Royale Updates me
Hat Rægaard o
When you say P U B G instead of PUB G
Magic Turtle Wanna Play G B P U?
I could not get passed that
Magic Turtle ikr
Ur supposed to say P U B G since it's an acronym for player unknown's battle ground
Magic Turtle ikr
Fortnite Vs. PUBG video
Then a RULES OF SURVIVAL ad appeared before the video.
(RoS wants to be in the video XD)
The Red Cool Guy saaaame
The Red Cool Guy same
The Red Cool Guy ros is a copy of pubg mobile with the zones and cars and graphics
The Infographics show:fortnite vs pubg
Minecraft vs fortnite and pubg
supee sanic we know who will win
You just entered the red zone!!
Pubg is better
EmilVlogs yea it is but fortnite is still good
Um H1Z1 is the best.
Arun Jovian I get scared when I see that
Arun Jovian the red zone, also known as the comment section
I just came here to look at the comments
lol same
Same lmao
Same, i don't play pubg or fortnite
Same LOL
P-U-B-G sounds so weird. Im so known to PUBG
*ok so..... why is everything written a year ago?*
*a lot has changed since then....*
Pubg is still better but minecarft is for ofcourse better then it..
@@threebrick8125 love them both
well its 2020 now and fortnite is better
Pyromike its harder
Pyromike pubg may have been harder in like 2017 or 2018 but now fortnite players have improved their building and editing skills like crazy. if you say im wrong go watch pro players build fights
Um, I think Minecraft Survival Hunger Games takes this
Minecraft sucks my option bro
Shayden Haitana that's totally your opinion dude bro homie home slice
Have you seen ROBLOX Prison Royale?
Sees title...
scrolls to comments
Grabs popcorn
Noah Reese lol same
Canned Bread the irony lol
Canned Bread bro fortnite players gonna get triggered by this
"omg pubg is better cuz it has graphics and il ignore the Chinese hackers ,ping abusers, bugs , bluehole not listening to us etc." :D
same here
Did you know that you could like PUBG AND Fortnite? I know! Crazy right?
EdgyMemes stop feeding fake ino
Pubg players don't have enough brain power to figure that problem out😂
EdgyMemes I can’t believe this is possible
No u can't.
i thought i was the only one that loved both
------- ^ Click that button he is begging for attention
TURKISH AIRLINES 2 minecraft hunger games is best
Pubg is better fortnite sucks
@@Jokerlolpopkagamings done
Minecraft hunger games is the best
Sad its dead
yea the original
PUBG? Weak
Fortnite? EXTRA Weak
Now Minecraft Hunger Games?
Edgy, hardcore, polished masterpiece
You're being sarcastic right?
This is the real answer!
Welcome to the comments where your opinion doesn’t matter.
Aqua KiD hah thanks for correcting me
Nite In Fort its nothing bad, theyre basically tewching him, but in a kinder way
Sam goes online *they're
*full stop
I have cancer now because of the way he said pubg
Tqcr it bothered me how he says P.U.B.G and I, just like anyone else, says pub g
I almost died because he pronounced it wrong
Bcs he say it right?
Pube gee
Deaths on Battle Royales
PUBG = Coffins Or Boxes
Fortnite = Abducted By Some Kind Of Alien Tech
(Team PUBG like here)
Minecraft hunger games is best battle royale
Rising Embers Gaming finally someone who speaks the truth
Rising Embers Gaming I see you're a man of culture
Very many players who play fortnite are kids. I know this because every kid school I know have pupils who play fortnite.
CCat // Cats Government no artist like marshmello . lil yatch play pubg 😂
Fortnite is suited for all ages. It wasn't even intended to be a popular game, just a project by Epic Games. The problem is that kids saw the cartoon styled graphics and started playing it, so what? Kids play, so what again? Is your experience going to change just because kids like you play the game? That makes no sense.
@Normal EU4 player dont forgot malaysia. chinese and malay also play pubg from malaysia
Well, almost everyone in my school plays PUBG. Which is amAzIng
Fortnite is very attractive
Pubg Minecraft vs Pubg
*This Is How U Trigger Fortnite Fan Boys* 😭🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️💯💯💯
Meliodas the building takes more skill than you realise. If say that there is easily a bigger skill gap in fortnite compared to PUBG. Fuck I fell for the bait😂😂🎣🎣
Meliodas I
Joseph Coakley building isn’t that hard and I would definitely not say fortnite has a higher skill gap but I do like fortnite better because the pubg mechanics are bad in my opinion
Meliodas thats so true all the fuckong minecraft kiddo fanbois came and are ree'ing at pubg players
cars or building
To be honest I feel like you can have more fun in PUBG I mean you get to beat people up with the Legendary Pan
I don't use the legendary pan ;-;
Please say pubg instead of P U B G it is annoying
Dire Wolf suck it up
Dire Wolf *P U B G*
p u b g
Calm down
We all know which game is better...
Minecraft Hunger Games
*it actually is tho.. I love minecraft hunger games lmao*
Ricardo Ventura 😂😂
Same. Too bad MCSG died and along the NexusMC
Ricardo Ventura the original
Ricardo Ventura lol
The real question:
Does it matter?
Edited so people calm tf down about it being a question and not an answer
Curran no
Curran Yes, it is. It's why the video exist.
it doesn't
Curran yes
I actually don't have a good pc for pubg but good for fortnite even though I hate fortnite and prefer playing PUBG mobile,😂🤣
*i have found my people*
@@mat_taro06 man fortnite is way better
Me looking at hubble space telescope to see who asked
@@basux1553 wow u achieve komedi
mats 777 achievement locked: spelling, it’s not Komedi it’s comedy
Ad - *PUBG* mobile
There is a new map
YEah this was written last month...
The Infographics Show you know that they are both on mobile right?
Conner Gehling Damn, I wonder why they just said “Written last month”
Kyle Buencillo I know but was just wondering if he can do it for next video
Conner Gehling he's not going to make a whole new video just because it was released on mobile
What people see Fortnite vs Pubg
What i see
Minecraft vs Roblox
I have done some research, Minecraft is dying months after Microsoft bought mojang. So roblox would still be alive *COFF* ODERS, SCAMMERS, BOTS, HACKERS *COFF COOOOFFFF*
But i like PUBG and i like ROBLOX
If pubg and fortnite switch places........kinda weird
ItzD3VIL - 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Hahahahahahahahhaha 😂😂😂😂
I know it disturbed me when he said it
He annoyed meh when he said that!
At least pubg mobile is free
Ok and so is fortnite
But is not in moblie it is you have to do a email and you can't cause it doesn't support
Fortnite is free too.
@@deepalisidhdhapura6787 fortnite wants money because they made v bucks expensive
@@deadchannel832 true
pubg= lyfe
Dewgang_47 and fortnite = life
Pubg is dead now so guess u also dead 💀
This is the channel I do research about geography, politics and history...
You could compare this two games with battlefield and CoD.
PUBG is like Battlefield
-more realistic (sound, graphics, weapons)
-bigger maps
-play more tactical
-harder to master
Fortnite like CoD
-shorter rounds
-smaller maps
-more arcade gameplay
-better accessibility
-easier to master
You could say both games are great in their way and have both old and young people playing it but Fortnite is designed for a younger audience than PUBG and it's free that's why it will be more successful than Playerunknowns-battlegrounds 😐
You should add
PUBG like Battlefield
-Difficult to run
Fortnite like COD
-Easy to run
Aprix Fortnite has better graphics.
Doesn't look like a Rules Of Survival for Xbox One. Way more Updates and they don't 3-4 month's to get a update. Famous people play it A.K.A Drake, Post Malone and more. And yeah
GlitchKing YT why does it matter that famous people play it
This isn't about which game is better. This is about how they compare to other games.
how is it hard to run in pubg
I had a pubg ad
GallaxiesKeys 4GZ that's what the algorithm for ads does
GallaxiesKeys 4GZ same
Same here
GallaxiesKeys 4GZ me to
*Pube* *Be* *Gee*
ResnaisKoks 😂😂
We may disagree for both games but we can both agree that he is pronouncing PUBG wrong
The thing is, MOST people who votes on those “which game is better” stuff, HAVENT EVEN PLAYED PUBG EVEER!
They’ve only played Fortnite Cause is free, so they vote Fortnite in those contests
I’m pretty sure that if Pubg goes Free (it wont) , Nobody would play fortnite again
Santiag 12469| I bought pubg and have about 4 solo wins, 2 duos, and 0 squad. And I play fortnite to and I personally think it's better
And would still play it more if pubg came out for free. And don't be one of those people who assume I hate pubg because I think their both great games.
Fortnite:😲🏹🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫 gun = kills in first five minutes
Pubg : 🙃🔫 🏚🏠🏠🏚🏠🏚🏚1 house = 5 minutes of looting time 👌😧
AutumnStorm those emojis..
AutumnStorm how about you land at the school or the military base then
MinteCoffee Pubg Mobile is Free
But on PC (Which is WAY better than Pubg Mobile) is not free
And Pubg for Xbox One (Which is better than mobile but never as good as PC) cost 20$
Mario Man Exactly, and he probably gets like 3 kills on fortnite
The best is...
*_Minecraft Survival Games_*
you went to far
KingCurry No he is right cause its the original
Shafted you are absolutely true
No, *_Mario Kart Balloon Battles_*
Do the smart thing. Get PUB, join the CLUB.
TheRelaxedPlayer Amen brother
I have played both, I personally prefer PUBG over Fortnite. Mainly because I prefer the more realistic aspect of PUBG over the cartoon art style of Fortnite.
TheRelaxedPlayer yes I just hate it when people build and hide it takes no skill
TheRelaxedPlayer hell yeah
TheRelaxedPlayer used to play the shit out of fortnite but I played PubG mobile a few times to see what its all about so I’m building a pc right now because of how much better it seems
makes me so mad when he says it xD
HowToMinecraft 😂
I want to die every time
anshul choudhary same
you play minecraft 😂
PUBG- Real life graphics
FORTNITE-Cartoon characters. Lol
Pubg lovers like
You are the the worst person ever
@@shubhangishukla9517 tumhari ma ki
Gaming legend more like pooping legend
_Lets start the fight!_
@Meow King finally the proof that autism is spreading
I refuse to participate in this.
Pubg is way more realistic. Guns airplane and graphics are way more accurate
@@mynameisnotimportant7731 Nya! (Too late buddy!)
who calls PubG, P-U-B-G?????
And fortnite “Battle Royal”
He might have only read articles and not videos, he only knows the abbreviation and not the pronunciation
'fortnite' is already a standing title(save the world because epic won't separate them) and saying "fortnite battle royal" 20x times is not a good script writing
He calls fortnite “battle royals” and the genre is “survival” he clearly hasn’t played either
Everyone keep in mind PUBG isn’t available for PS4 so that further limits it
TheGamingWolf And the Xbox version was a flop.
It’s taking awhile cause they don’t want to do what they did to Xbox pubg witch was a masacre
BroPOWER! I would not say that what they did to Xbox was a massacre. PUBG in Xbox is continuously getting updated. It improving steadily and I really do enjoy the experience.
phone version is much better than the Xbox version
Aiden Hill it has more features but I doesn’t have the same graphics that Xbox one has. If they would port the PUBG Mobile into Xbox everyone would freak out about the graphics. The community always has something to complain about even if a game is running perfectly fine( I’m not saying PUBG runs smoothly by the way).
The only reason why many people play fortnite is
a. They feel peer pressure
b. They think it makes them cool
c. because famous people play it or
d. because it is free.
People play Pubg is because
a. It is great quality and gives you the mind of a soldier
b. because it is great fun and can talk with other people on solo
c. because it isn't really themed, which means that you will need to buy battle pass or skins
d. You become a better player quicker
just my opinions guys
Remember... Cheaper games have more cringy children...
I'm going to *leave...*
IanVelesGDツ cheaper mean more fun
Zombie Slaya cheaper means I want to die more.
Honestly that only matters if you don’t have friends to play with...
No duh ur game isn't as popular so it doesn't get cringy kids plus 30$ MY OPINION wouldn't play just cause it does not have a new thing system in like building soo PUBG try it but thats it and fortnite has a charm that PUBG does NOT.
This is so true mostly on console not on PC because kids are gonna be too dumb to even know want button to press
Came here for the comments ... Felt completely satisfied
Haha like
Same, I came here to watch kids argue about which is better.
Better sit back and grab the popcorn cause there are 26k comments.
Man it kinda pissed me off that he kept saying P U B G instead of PUB G.
Me: are we going to play PUB G
Friend: ITS P U B G !!!
Friend: ........
CIS tube wtf are you talking about?
And Battle Royale instead of Fortnite
major bat never do that again, please.
It really doesn’t matter how better it is, it’s up to how the person likes their games! Maybe they like realistic games, or maybe they like Non-Realistic games (like cartoon versions of games)
Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say.
I just read this for nothing 😂 😂 😂
Good point
This is honestly what it looks like now when people just want to voice an opinion. Well done.
I'm happy I clicked on this video and saw this comment tbh
Only 90s kids will remember:
*Pokemon battle royale*
Kirby battle royale
Get out of here odie
xAncientSmoke x what is an odie
marcos segon very very old
Play the game, do not just judge. For example: Fortnite players try to play pubg before you judge, Just like a pubg player, try Fortnite before assessing Fortnite. Try it before assessing something
Sorry bad english :v
Mate that English/grammar is better than most people on the internet be them English speaking or not
Justin Kim Because their parents won't lend them money to buy pubg lmao
I've played pub g it's easy for anyone whose played fortnite or call of duty
Justin Kim i do play it on pc but its on my cousins account
TheChickenGamer Your saying that paying for something is better than getting something free tho.. that kinda not smart (bad grammar on purpose for all you grammar nazis) BUT OVERALL BOTH GAMES ARE VERY GOOD
0:35 did he just say forknite battle royal...
R.I.P Fortnite 🤣
Pubg is so so old game
The are playing pubg they are thinking they will start playing fortnite
Pubg is R.I.P 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣ha ha ha
Fortnite’s popular because of its mainstream effect. It’s the only video game where you’re *cooler* if you play it. Not to mention how well it runs on all platforms. PUBG really only is viable on PC and it costs $30. I love both tbh, just different styles of games.
HawksNest? Wow didn’t think I’d find u here
Bcoz u all broke af and cant afford the pubg dats why u guys say fortnite is better than pubg
---Pewdiepie 2018
now pubg is on phones too lol
anonymouse Fortnite takes more skills than being free, fool
Waumbin Tapoof is it skill to buy ingame products? H M M M M M M
We all know minecraft did it first with hunger games mode duh
Or h1z1. They had a battle royal mode
Anonymous true but Minecraft still did it first.
Today or Tomorrow hunger games and battle royale are two diffrent things
Mole PvP not likely you see hunger games is a last man standing just like the battle royale
PRO_NOOB_MAN Wrong. Arma 2 was first with it’s Battle Royal mod that was created by the same developer Player Unkown
PUBG is so much more tactical and requires a high level of skill. Fortnite is popular as it is free and is almost entirely luck based. Most PUBG haters are children and people who have never played PUBG before.
Tom PUBG is dying
Zombie Slaya So is Fortnite. I haven't seen it in the news for a while now.
Yeah PUBG is best
I played PUBG and I say Fortnite’s better. THIS IS MY OPINION GUYS
lol fortnite is "almost entirely luck based" please play the game before judging. I have played both, and I realize that PUBG is more tactical, but fortnite also requires as much if not more skill. Aiming takes skill, building takes skill, and making good decisions takes skill. People say building is no skill and stupid, but if it really is no skill, why can only a few skilled players build very fast? Building is essential to get an advantage in a fight, which is why people play fortnite, and pubg fans want more slow, tactical gameplay without having to build and just use their gun skills.
People say fortnite better as they are unable to pay for pubg and havent played yet.
Udit Tmg very annoying when people say that
@@Shadow-lb7ot same goes to pubg player also even u cant shoot,build etc even dou pubg is dead now
They didn't give credit to Minecraft Hunger Games...
Kristijan Bzdušok true
Actually, it’s closer related to Ultra Hardcore imo
Same ;(
Kristijan Bzdušok well too bad the movie was first and that this joke is overused and bad
Infographics could have done more research...
BattleRoyale was originally a mod for Arma 2 created by PlayerUnknown in 2014. He then got in contact with SOE and made the mod into a game mode for H1z1 after that he made PUBG in 2017.
Epic Games saw the popularity on the rise and took the idea, modified with and added their own twist to made Fornite Battle Royale. Fornite capitalised on the success of the genre through a free variation of the game, inevitably leading to a more popular game.
Kids especially enjoy it as they don't need to nag their parents to buy it so it makes sense ~ Easy to learn and simple to play PUBG you can download for free on many platforms.
BulletL So? Deal with it
Oh no, don't take this the wrong way, I love Inforgraphics. Have been watching them for ages, the great quality of videos keeps me coming back.
Thanks for adding unnecessary backstory to the main topic.
TW1STEDK1LL3R Robloxian It isn't unnecessary though
I think the movie came out first,
Secondly, it's Royale.
Third, "Kids especially enjoy it as they don't need to nag their parents to buy it so it makes sense."
Have played both games, and PUBG might have better requirement of Mechanical Skills, Fortnite requires more planned strategy due to the building mechanism, and this increased flexibility is what made it more popular. Saying that it is popular because it is free to play is not wrong, but that is not the big picture either
Roblox hunger games TOTALLY won the shit
Next is : Hotwheels fight club
Its called Roblox Royale you peasant
I hope youre joking right now!😅
roblox gamez and more He is joking!😂
pubg gamer squad its a joke.and I actually prefer pubg, so. So yeah calm down man. Holy fuckles
HyperBloo haha you get a like
0:43 it was released in 1997.
Hamilton Bros but battle royale released in 2017
Aidil Kyze I shifted it to 1997
u mean fortnite battle royale is free?
and if fortnite would cost as much as PUBG, fortnite would never amount that much that he did.
LilGunner0 yeah but it didn't and is a bigger game than PUBG now. Definitely a smart move and is probably responsible for the rise in its popularity. That's just how business works
LilGunner0 doesn’t matter, in terms of twitch views in recent terms it’s clear more people actually watch and care about Fortnite rather than PUBG. So yes it might be free but it’s much more relevant than PUBG.
Also many people pay money for vbucks and some even for pve
LilGunner0 just accept the fact fortnite is more famous and fun
Nutcracker I really think pubg is better and more fun. The thing that ruins fortnite is the weapon spray and building.
This video started the biggest comment war ever...
Hi person who scrolled all the way down the comments to find me!
Matthew Nittoli hello, kinda hard to find a neutral person in this war
Matthew Nittoli hi
Lol i started a comment war look at my comment..... 60 REPLYS.
Hi! You are the second on this comment section!
PUBG Comments: wow these kids are just casuals. I bet they can't even get a hold of their own credit cards yet. They can survive in PUBG because it's for the hardcore! I bet they think its better because its free and casual for noooormies!
Fortnite Comments: I like my game.
Griffin Kneesock I legit hope u realize that 75% of fortnite a community is 9 year olds right???
Tucker Turley yea ik that
Tucker Turley I hope you legit realized that’s not true right???
Silver Line it is lole. Since its free kids who dont have or own valuables such as money will tend to go for a free game
Well, I you might be right that Fortnite may have younger players. They certainly act more mature than the PUBG players I've seen.
umm, i vote for musical chairs
Yeah u not a gamer
Exenous Coming from the 9 year old 👀
Welcome to the comment section that represents WWIII
immafish WWII with 8 year olds.
alurks XD
Let's get this to the top
immafish lol
Welp Time get da popcorn to scroll down da comments
Did anyone else get annoyed when he would say "P-U-B-G"
Chance Battie yes
Yes and I play fortnite
No i had fun it laughed me
Chance Battie yup
Very annoyed from it
Can't wait till the little Fortnite kids start smack talking to everyone.
BB G4ming ikr
No that’s PUBG
OrangePenguin03 there’s more kids on fortnite
*statistacally proven that more children play battle royale, plus your profile pic is nintendo switch so...
WTF i can't believe you guys are comparing PUBG to Fortnite is like a day and a night
wiil hoog Fortnite much better
@@theweeknd2725 lol no
Let the Chinese get a hold of Fortnite and it's over.
Trust me
Never going to happen
Region locked.
EpicGames cant handle chinese hackers
Not the hacker I am worried about
the chinese don’t play children’s games
The real battle Royale was Mario kart ballon battle smh 🤦♂️
LOL 😂😂😂😂😂
Oh dude take me back
That was true chaos
Cosmic agario true so true
Cosmic agario nahhh, roblox sword heights was the very first battle royale
Fortnite:For boys Pubg:For men
Jaren Ganado you know how many examples like you commented that stfu
DaGamingBROS2017 mg okay little boy
@@DaGamingBROSmg nice name kid. it kinda
sounds like a minecraft channel, lol.
fortnite for famous person . pubg for cowards
That makes no sense at all,pubg for cowards?well why not ask this Lil kids like u to play a real game rather than a Lil cartoonist game
If you want realism, go with PUBG. If you want a cartoonish style and intense gunfights/build battles, go with Fortnite
Chicken intense?
@@ange8295 Yes
Fortnite overruled and overkilled pubg lol
Oh god here starts the shitstorm in the comments
As shall i my good sir.
Just like every video
reminds me of PC vs. Console video - good times!!!
Not one is better than the other.
Fortnite is for people who like fast paced, quick games, and people who like to build and find exciting ways of doing things.
PUBG is for people who like more realistic, slower games, and just like realism and a good long challenge.
It all comes down to preference.
Ben Klapatch I mean PUBG is for the Thrill of being hunted isn't it ?
People like pubg because it's more skill based. People like fortnite because it's more casual and doesn't require much skill. Fortnite caters to the majority of people, that's why it's more popular. In terms of the design of gameplay I would say they are comparable but PUBG is better because it has more skill based gameplay and mechanics that require the player to think and be good. Both games have randomness and luck involved which isn't really a great thing to have in games but both games have this and it works fine for the most part.
Oxide It is more graphically and mechanically realistic, so, yes it is.
BrokenCode There’s skill, game sense, situational awareness, and reaction required in Fortnite. The reason why I think it’s so overlooked is because i bet you more than 60% of players between all platforms don’t take this game as seriously because of its cartoonish looks and the fact that it’s free doesn’t mean there are small details that only competitive players can notice. I have both but have been playing FNBR more because it’s more fun and exciting. If anything I haven’t touched PUBG since the beginning of Battle Pass Season 2. The building feature in FN is what really sets it apart for me in the sense that most if not all your battles will never be the same as the next or last. Fortnite isn’t for everyone, but is definitely more accessible to a wider audience.
When he says P U B G instead of PUB G
pissed me off...
Connor Dr. Disrespect says it like that lol
It’s not thaaat bad.
Connor the you I was gonna comment that
Hes low key triggering me
PUBG is better because it available free in Android phones
Fortnite is too...
@@tiltecybernetical9334 only for ios.
@@leosenpai8246 not true
@@alexz120100 but its not supported in a large no of android phones.
Pubg is a better game reason its more realistic
It’s pronounced “Pub G”
Dylan Tews suck it up
No one gives two shits
I just wanted to say this because I thought it was kinda funny but minecraft still has more active players than fortnite and pubg
I feel like that's inaccurate, seeing as fortnite broke the record for most players on a multiplayer game at one time...
doesn't mean anything....minecraft is still higher overall with over 100 million registered users on pc(144 million total) and that was back in 2014 when that happened(and 20+ million on consoles). In January of 2018 minecraft had 75 million montly players
Prohn 75 million monthly players? i find this hard to believe lmao.
look it up in january it did....minecraft is the second best selling game of all time and is still popular today
This comment is pretty useless, cause minecraft isn't just hunger games.
It has waaay more stuff, so its logical it has more people
I think fortnite has more kids playing it then adults and I think pubg has adults playing it then kids
AJP Reactions True and I'm 13 I don't play either game. Pubg or Fortnite
sp3eedy33 what Think they are both good games
It doesn't really matter if you queue up with friends though. I refuse to play any team based game without a friend stacked team. Siege, Fortnite, PAYDAY 2, or even if I ever buy PUBG.
VerrucktMedic 👹
AJP Reactions just because they are kids doesnt mean they suck at the game, just so u know, and also, fortnite even made streamers become more popular, for example, ninja, he makes a lot of money because of fortnite, pubg never made anyone REALLY popular, has it?
Pubg has recoil
And spotting is harder
Because its not brightly color
depends on your game setting
Very child like mentality ok.
Let's say PUBG is realistic.
The comparison between the two is like roblox vs Minecraft .
no its minecwaft and woblox
Ryani7e yep still that’s how the comparison really is or like call of duty vs csgo
Its like fidget spinners and memes
THE-ULTIMATE-MO nah it’s rainbow six vs csgo
THE-ULTIMATE-MO those games are really different though...
Im more into PUBG bc I dont like games that have 0 gun mechanics that much. When I first played fortnite I didnt build single thing, I spray controlled and tap fired. And i also hate that m4, SCAR-H and other guns are not called by the name but rather as just rifles, smg, sniper rifle and so on.
True. They should have names. Like in squad, are you just going to say “there is a rifle on the floor.” Nobody will know what it is.
Copy rights bud that’s why they don’t use actual names
Useless Kapi EXACTLY ITS PRETTY DAMN SIMPLE mk14 L111a3 m4a1 ak 74u RPG-7 not into grenade launchers Gatling gun Scar L smg 9 what looks like a Remington and that infinite warfare shotgun
Mr Grim
Which ones the mk14?
the turtle whisperer im guessing the semi or the scoped assault rifle?
Pubg is the best
At least in PUBG we don’t have kids who scream when they get killed
Nah y’all still do