this was one of the most interesting lectures i have ever listened to. It really makes a different to listen to someone with actual experience of security issues.
@byron perez Criminals will use/abuse anything available to them. Using this as an argument against anything that is of use to legally operating actors is limiting to society.
what an honor to listen to the TOR creator. Thank you MIT!
this was one of the most interesting lectures i have ever listened to. It really makes a different to listen to someone with actual experience of security issues.
I like this academic tech wizard implementation of Tony Soprano
You sir, made tor. i have infinite respect pour toi.
love how he starts out with a casual application of differential privacy to know how many ppl've read the paper
Great lecture! I as well respect this mans knowledge. Thank you for Tor. We need more privacy.
Thank you MIT!
i love you MIT
Good point: `I think that if we go around banning security that works for criminals, we wind up with insecure systems.'
@byron perez Criminals will use/abuse anything available to them. Using this as an argument against anything that is of use to legally operating actors is limiting to society.
Great talk thank you !
Did anyone understand the part where he talks about IP stacks and TCP stream contents?
is he talking about the david chaum paper ?
Me and My girlfriend brokeup, mathemtician, im sorry.
If it wasnt for tor, id be in prison right now!
bla bla bla bla