Sorry we could not make tit to the live stream. We want to say thank you to both of you for not only for playing "Here in September" on today's show, but also for all the guidance and inspiration you give us to keep creating music. You are both truly gifts to the community! ♥
Great show! Looking forward to Songtember this year 👍🤘
Thank you! Looking forward to hearing what you create!
Thank you for choosing my tune! Made my day. Great show. Xx
Your Music Rocks Jamie
Sorry we could not make tit to the live stream. We want to say thank you to both of you for not only for playing "Here in September" on today's show, but also for all the guidance and inspiration you give us to keep creating music. You are both truly gifts to the community! ♥
Hey Patrick. How could we not include you! Also thank you so much for your constant support of what I do