Interdimensional Relations: Astral Projection, Fairy Servants, Spiritual Warfare, Reality Slip

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024


  • @MrKruchinski
    @MrKruchinski 12 днів тому +3

    Have you ever tried to seek psychological help?

  • @BJsEsotericMusings-nq4lr
    @BJsEsotericMusings-nq4lr 3 місяці тому +25

    At soon to be 69 yrs old, I can tell you that I have experienced far too many things beyond the narrow constructs of what most accept and preceive as 'normal' 3d stuff. Much goes on beyond this limited experience. ✌️💫✨💙💯

    • @cmarsh9988
      @cmarsh9988 23 дні тому +2

      Can you tell us one of them? I firmly believe in extra terrestrial encounters but I've never experienced anything out of the ordinary in my life

    • @BJsEsotericMusings-nq4lr
      @BJsEsotericMusings-nq4lr 23 дні тому

      @@cmarsh9988 I lived 18 yrs in the Arizona Desert. I saw many unexplained aerial phenomenon over the years. I have seen the javelin looking crafts in daytime blue skies it popped into my view & before I could tell my sister where to look, it was gone. Those were so commonly seen that the town of Tempe actually had some of their cameras downtown pointing toward the skies & they were getting video of them routinely. I have seen disc crafts. On one occasion my friend and I were coming back from Scottsdale about 10:30 at night. Back then, early 90's, there were still vast tracks of desert especially along the back rounds, no streetlights to contaminate the night sky. We knew there was to be meteor showers & she would point them out as I was driving, so I could slow down and look. I had stopped the car and pulled over to the shoulder of the road in case someone drove up on us. But we were watching the meteor shower when we noticed that some of the "meteors" were moving in odd ways, there were 3 that definitely were acting like they had intelligent control. They drifted with the meteor stream then suddenly took a 90 degree turn and shot off then blinked out of sight as though hitting a worm hole or something. I live in the PNW and have seen Bigfoot tracks, so fresh that I felt certain it had crossed my hiking trail just a few minutes before I rounded a bend and then my dog reacted with caution so I stopped to assess the forest & mountain as it had grown silent & had done so as I was approaching that bend. So, I had begun to slow down to range my senses & decide if we should continue to the peak or turn around. I opted to turn around! Loads of generational psychics in both sides of my family so tons of visitation stories, my own included. For example, my Grandma, during WWII had one of her sons, who was a gunner on a battleship in the Pacific, suddenly appeared at the end of her bed to tell her goodbye. So when the navy chaplin and another serviceman showed up at her door the next day she already knew why they were there. Loads more but that should help explain my prior comment. Thanks for asking. ✌️🌷😊💫

    • @BJsEsotericMusings-nq4lr
      @BJsEsotericMusings-nq4lr 19 днів тому

      @@cmarsh9988 I had responded to your comment but it doesn't appear to have posted, off that!? Anyway, my extended family is full of gifted psychics with multiple tools of divination & medium ship. I have seen things beyond this limited 3d life. When I lived in AZ I often saw UFOs, day & night. My friend & I were driving back home on a back road so we could see a meteor shower with no light contamination. At one point, I pulled over so that I could see the array. As we watched, we noticed a couple of the 'meteors' broke out of their trajectory & suddenly did an abrupt 90 degree turn & went to fast they were gone in a blink of an eye. My grandmother had 6 of her 7 children serve during WWII. One night one of her sons appeared at the end of her bed, in uniform and said he came to tell her goodbye & he loved her. The next day with the chaplain and an officer arrived at her door she knew exactly why they were there. I have also encountered Bigfoot tracks when hiking in the mountains in northern Utah. So many stories, truly make this life far more interesting. ✌️💝😊

  • @miacunningham8637
    @miacunningham8637 5 місяців тому +20

    I grew up in a family that has a long history of paranormal encounters. It is simply common place with us. We are all divided in our thoughts. My brother, being VERY Christian, believes it all Demonic. I have always been highly drawn to the paranormal and rather than fear it, I am fascinated with it and spend my days & nights investigating all of it's possibilities. I love your channel. Thank You!

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  5 місяців тому +5

      Thank you! I’m always looking for more stories to use in episodes, so if you’d like to share some of your experiences, feel free to email me

    • @hamzaalikhan9932
      @hamzaalikhan9932 2 місяці тому

      this is one rabbit hole you shouldn't dive into, for your own good. We're ordered by God to stay away from them, and it's for a reason. They can terrorize you into a slow, painful death, or even snap your body in half in the blink of an eye. Best keep your distance from them.

  • @zoefelix650
    @zoefelix650 3 місяці тому +10

    I have spent the past 7 years listening to those WHISPERS and EVPs and i got very good at it.
    I can hear victims in interrogations, yelling at the perp, telling details and everything.
    I would love to work with detectives or anyone to help solve cases, but its very hard to find anyone who believes me and no one will give me a chance to prove myself...
    Ive gotten very good at hearing spirit boxes, audio and video recordings of "silence" AND I CAN NOW SEE AND HEAR THE UNSEEN ENTITIES AROUND US.
    I just found your channel and am glad i did :)

    • @peacemaker3156
      @peacemaker3156 2 місяці тому +3

      Next time, ask them if they work for the Creator... theyll speak if they do, or dissappear if they dont.

    • @hamzaalikhan9932
      @hamzaalikhan9932 2 місяці тому +3

      could you elaborate on this? I'm interested to know.

    • @Andrew-ry9le
      @Andrew-ry9le Місяць тому +2

      Same what do u mean by see and hear? Is it thoughts that are manifested by encounters?

    • @zoefelix650
      @zoefelix650 Місяць тому

      I would watch like EWU interrogations and hear (say a woman's voice, when no woman was in room) when I slowed the video down, I'd hear the victim explaining to someone else (I don't see) what he (suspect) did to there was some court room. She had to be found (truthful? Victimized? Idk...something like that) in order to be given permission to cross over(or something...idk exactly)
      But I became obsessed with who these voices were....and why i could hear them...
      And yes ,i have considered mental health treatment, but every time I'd be ready to commit myself, someone else would comment they heard it too...(even a troll about to bash me redacted his comment when he heard something, and although it wasn't exactly what I typed, he admitted it was close enough to apologize for being a troll)....(that was a great feeling.. lol)
      So, I started recording silence around me, which isn't so silent when audio is slowed down halfway and volume turned up 200% from original...
      And for 7+/- years I did nothing but....I'm a housewife with grown kids, so, "ghost-hunting" became MEDIUMSHIP...It took me about 5 yrs to believe I was hearing the voices of the deceased...many, MANY tests and stuff has been done to verify my sanity....imo (no , im not a therapist or psycologist) but unless mass insanity with 4 + ppl, not including many more online, and apps like tik tok and snapchat showing figures around, much more than a glitch...unless this whole world is going insane(WHICH IS A POSSIBLY) then, im not a crazy girl, making up people who aren't there.
      I strongly believe they are....
      Now, please don't attack me. I am not attacking anyone...merely stating my beliefs and expirences. If u don't have something nice to say, don't say anything, because that's just mean...and no one knows fer sure what happens when we pass, so I may be right, and I'm acceptingly open to the possibility that I may be wrong too....
      Is that enough explanation?
      Try it sometime:
      Record 30 sec in a silent room.
      When u play it back, increase volume by 200% and slow it down halfway...there are audio recording apps that have this option.
      Lmk if u heard anything or not after playback....

    • @hamzaalikhan9932
      @hamzaalikhan9932 Місяць тому +1

      @@zoefelix650 those aren't dead people, they're demons. Dead peoples' souls go straight to God and don't linger around

  • @TheSaintlyPelican123
    @TheSaintlyPelican123 3 місяці тому +7

    You're not talking out of your ass. The frequency idea is spot on. Just like the physical world vibrates at different frequencies the Spiritual world vibrates at different frequencies. And in both cases the frequency determines the substance. Think of this "world" as a frequency that we tune into every morning when we wake up & tune out of every night when we go to sleep.

  • @7ennifer
    @7ennifer 2 місяці тому +6

    My best friend played "light as a feather, stiff as a board" with her friends around middle-school age. This was a fairly common game in our parts and we all knew about it, but it never worked when I tried it. But one time for my friend, it did. My friend has always been spiritually aware, very open (for better and for worse). She was the one laying in the middle with 6 other kids around her. To do it right, It's supposed to be 1 at the head, 1 at the feet, and two each on either side of the body. You place two fingers of both hands under the body. The participants all close their eyes and chant, "light as a feather, stiff as a board" over and over again. If you feel a rising motion, you keep your fingers in contact but you don't open your eyes or break the chant. Well my friend was deeply absorbed in the chant until one of her feet bumped something hard. It was the ceiling. Now, this isn't the 12 foot ceilings of modern houses. She lived in an old 1880s house and the ceilings were low, maybe 7-8 feet max. She also wasn't pressed against the ceiling, her one leg had risen up higher than her body. She was still maybe a foot below the actual ceiling. I'm a skeptic, so I grilled her on all these details. Anyway, she was startled and opened her eyes and gasped or made some kind of sound which broke the chant. Everyone opened their eyes and she dropped like a stone. She was my best friend for 20 years, well into our late 30s before she passed away. She never changed her story and she wasn't prone to lying or sensationalizing. In fact, she was scared of the paranormal because she had many sometimes scary experiences. So as crazy as it sounds, I do believe her experience.

  • @sandcat66
    @sandcat66 10 місяців тому +17

    I have just found your channel, you cover all my interests. I think these supernatural beings are the most ancient of beings. They have always been here. Maybe they use portals. I agree with everything you have said about them. I love it. Your recording is very cool. I must admit i would have been scared hearing that. I've heard my name being called very loudly in a dream. Thankyou for your time and content. Please share more of your own stories if you are comfortable to do so.

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  10 місяців тому +4

      I’m glad you found the channel and resonate with my approach! I agree, and I’m going to try to tie the past and present together more going forward because I think it can explain a lot.
      I’m covering portals in my new series on sacred space so perhaps you’ll find something interesting in that.
      Yea it really creeped me out when I first heard it lol.
      Calling one’s name seems to be a common method of interaction. I have heard this also. I hope you were able to receive whatever message they were trying to send.
      I definitely plan on sharing more personal stories. Good to know there is interest in that.

  • @phoenixpower8532
    @phoenixpower8532 3 місяці тому +4

    I love your channel! It helps me accept and process my own experiences. I also will hear a sound before I see something and then come to out of fear. I would like to learn how to take control, because one time I believe I saw my Grandfather. Thank you for sharing 🙏🏽

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  3 хвилини тому

      Thank you! I don’t know if I’ll ever totally get used to it, but after a while I think you just kind of get used to it and it becomes easier to keep composure. I’ve also found that banishing/ cleansing can help.

  • @fierifipor
    @fierifipor 3 місяці тому +3

    When I was a kid I used to have fairly routine experiences with the paranormal (seeing ghosts, hearing voices/noises, etc.). As I got older, the phenomena got less and less until now that I’m in my 40s I feel that I am totally disconnected from whatever I was experiencing.
    However, when I started dabbling in psilocybin in my 20s,I felt myself transcending into what I can only imagine as the astral plane. I realize this feeling is common with the drug and I eventually wrote it off as simple euphoria. But then I gained this ability through cannabis, and now I can even reach this plane simply from CBD.
    As such, it has caused me to stay away from all of the above, as I find it all very frightening. I liken it to learning to ride a bike or being taught to swim

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  5 годин тому

      Thanks for sharing. If you have any standout experiences you can describe in detail please email me

  • @hey6961
    @hey6961 7 місяців тому +5

    Do everything with intent is what I have learned so far on top of everything else I knew about.

  • @_edijane_
    @_edijane_ 6 місяців тому +4

    I read somewhere that banshees were originally healers. They would absorb the grief of a family or tribe, and release it through the blood curdling wail. But their role has been twisted over the years into a feared omen.

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  6 місяців тому +3

      I really like this idea. It wouldn’t surprise me at all, seeing as how many pagan spirits were demonized after Christianization. Thanks for sharing, and if you remember where you read that, let me know 🙏

    • @NanaBren
      @NanaBren 4 дні тому

      I am American with Scots Irish ancestors. My siblings and I heard the terrible wail of a banshee the night before my uncle was murdered. It was both terrifying and heartbreakingly sad. 😢 I was very young, but it broke my heart.

  • @reikilady4216
    @reikilady4216 7 місяців тому +5

    New favorite channel...❤🎉

  • @deanbutler3264
    @deanbutler3264 3 місяці тому +2

    You talking about sleep paralysis and hearing voices just gave me a chill.
    I have some stories, I have
    " lucid dreamed " before but I have been experiencing sleep paralysis on and off for most of my adult life. 👍

  • @disideratum
    @disideratum Рік тому +13

    New subscriber here. Great insights and imagery. Very well done research. I'd like to make some suggestions.. There's a book called Magickal Protection by Damon Brand that has a working called "Sword Banishing". It's basically working with Archangels and Angels to protect you on whatever plane of existence you happen to be visiting. Also the LBRP is an old standard. Magickally charged stones like black tourmaline, labradorite, red tiger iron and hawk's eye (blue tiger eye) can be really helpful too. Like putting on a suit of armor.

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  Рік тому +5

      Welcome and thank you! Good to know. I will give that a try. I need all the help I can get 😆

    • @JanMcAllister
      @JanMcAllister 9 місяців тому +4

      I came across the knowledge that iron bars like in a prison? Has to be about 3 foot . And no further away from your sleepi g body....put your intention of protection on it... while you sleep

    • @SkyeSage17
      @SkyeSage17 5 місяців тому +1

      Desiderata... I have a copy of this. 💙

  • @JanMcAllister
    @JanMcAllister 9 місяців тому +11

    Pay attention to the moon phases also when this happens...also time of day and day of the week... dates all mean something....astrologically

  • @susanbutler2542
    @susanbutler2542 Рік тому +4

    Thank you for the great story and observations❤

  • @theomgchannel8454
    @theomgchannel8454 4 місяці тому +4

    Just found your channel. Subscribed right away! Very interesting! I just started lucid dreaming. Shortly after I began Tarrot reading and practicing Zen meditation. I went from completely skeptical to open- minded after the loss of my first-born son. I’m at the point where I’m not sure if ignorance is bliss or if I should keep moving forward. I’ve always been a “glass half full” type of a person so most of my experiences have been pretty positive so far. The problem is living in the greater Detroit area. There are not many genuine mentors to guide me in this journey

    • @Jumpoable
      @Jumpoable 3 місяці тому

      Sadhguru, Esther Abraham Hicks, Bashar, Gnostic Informant, many mentors you can access on UA-cam during this miraculous internet age. Have a wonderful Journey.

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  Хвилина тому

      Thank you and welcome! I’m sorry for your loss, and wish you the best on your journey. Hopefully we can all learn and grow together here as a community 🙏

  • @jayl5032
    @jayl5032 2 місяці тому +2

    "Fuckiiiiin.... Skin flaps."
    Dude that made me laugh so hard for some reason. Lol.

  • @WalterRussellSchaefer
    @WalterRussellSchaefer 20 днів тому +1

    I have experienced OBE a couple of times. I've moved through something that was solid too. I could hear static when I had the impression of going through a solid.
    I was sure I was in a state of astral-projection because in OBE, I could not rise above the ceiling. I had these experiences when I was much younger. I am older now.
    I have had SP and saw shadow people twice. A single spark became a room full of light and I sensed a presence. Your recording sounds as if you were saying; "Save
    me." I usually don't breathe a word of such things as well, but while we're speaking about it...

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  3 дні тому

      Thank you for sharing that. I have experienced similar interference passing through “solid” objects. It seems the etheric energy has a semblance of some of the qualities we attribute to matter. If you’d like to share more feel free to email me.

  • @SkyeSage17
    @SkyeSage17 5 місяців тому +2

    I believe we have DNA trauma locked into our psyche. This trauma keeps us ignorant or motivates us to seek more about our world that we live in. These chains that bind us must be broken. We have to integrate the shadow side. The one we have always feared.
    Fear keeps 'hue'mans from waking up.
    We have the divine light and the darkness within.

  • @melik411
    @melik411 8 місяців тому +3

    I would allow you to publish my experiences if you like. I live on Indian burial ground across the lake from new Orleans. Swamp lands. I have had experiences in almost every category available. I like your channel it is informative

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  8 місяців тому +1

      Thank you. I’m very interested to hear your stories. As it so happens, I’m working on a series regarding Native American sacred swamps, so this is perfect timing! Shoot me an email

    • @hey6961
      @hey6961 7 місяців тому

      Girl I have some as well. I have seen some ish I am still trying to understand and process with knowledge about it.
      I have empathy and sympathy for what you have seen.
      I lived on an Indian Reservation once with my mom and my family is like 4 different native tribes and my husband is 3 of the same as me and 1 different as well. I haven’t thought of sharing stories with my mother in law since she grew up in an orphanage with her siblings and the stories she has I already know is woah beyond!

  • @AndreaSzabo7171
    @AndreaSzabo7171 5 місяців тому +2

    Thank You love. 💘
    ( Team work makes the Dream work. )

  • @davidjones8043
    @davidjones8043 7 днів тому +1

    This channel is great!
    Also Formscapes and Archeidos and Arcanum are also amazing if you’re into this stuff

  • @jordyromanko-sc6ig
    @jordyromanko-sc6ig 11 місяців тому +2

    I genuinely love your content. Your knowledge and presentation are 👌👌 And thank you for sharing your experiences both good and bad.

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  11 місяців тому

      Thanks man! Much appreciated. Of course. I will share more in future episodes as well

  • @mikeskibo7298
    @mikeskibo7298 3 місяці тому

    I appreciate your work so much! These are exactly the things I like to explore and research. It is important to look at all things around us. Hiding and suppressing only holds one back in their personal development.

  • @TiffanyFusini
    @TiffanyFusini 7 місяців тому +2

    I'm binging your content. Love the Fear and Loathing cut! 😂

  • @user-hw9zo2my2t
    @user-hw9zo2my2t 6 місяців тому +1

    love your vidz..

  • @matrixtourist
    @matrixtourist Місяць тому +1

    Robert Bruce calls these entities "astral wildlife" and gives some techniques of removing them in his books

  • @Chakra-ze2mw
    @Chakra-ze2mw 11 місяців тому +2

    I'll go with you on the road trip I'm ready!😬🥺👽👀👍

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  11 місяців тому +1


    • @Chakra-ze2mw
      @Chakra-ze2mw 11 місяців тому

      @@TheHiddenPassage8 On our 🛣️ road trip We need to stop at a Flea Market and get a Bunker Sticker for your car that says "if you don't like the way I drive stay off the sidewalk!!"

  • @anthonykoopmans4435
    @anthonykoopmans4435 8 днів тому +1

    Brilliant material and well presented. And all so true! If you wish should I send you a poltergeist experience I caught on voice tape (the sounds - had a digital recorder running all night ... the actual excerpts and 1 minute in length) as well as spirit EVP voices before the physical action took place? Btw. I like the idea of a community tier group.

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  3 дні тому

      Yes, definitely send it to me along with any stories you have. Thanks!
      I do too. Gonna start working on it soon

  • @myvibe3893
    @myvibe3893 3 місяці тому +2

    My uncle told me on his deathbed. It must be pretty good on the other side, you never hear any complaints.

  • @hey6961
    @hey6961 7 місяців тому +1

    Man I typed up a whole question and life experiences when my phone froze up, wouldn’t let me send it and then just sat there sideways. WTF

  • @matthewhu3514
    @matthewhu3514 3 місяці тому

    Great vids keep up the great work

  • @JanMcAllister
    @JanMcAllister 9 місяців тому +1

    So glad i stumbled upon you🎉🎉🎉 thank you for sharing

  • @thebestusername5852
    @thebestusername5852 7 місяців тому

    Those EVP's are phenomenal. I also hear a "yeees" towards the end.

  • @TiffanyFusini
    @TiffanyFusini 8 місяців тому +1

    My gosh. Just found your channel and already love it! You are very well informed and have an interesting mind. You got my subscription ❤

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  8 місяців тому +1

      Thank you very much! Welcome to the channel ❤️

  • @aleckocsis7648
    @aleckocsis7648 8 місяців тому +2

    Honestly your not alone alot of what you said i have also experienced. I am of sound mind and have had multiple outta body experiences all i can say is it definitely changes you after you have one ... so many of your things line up with my own like October being powerful time i thought maybe the moon was affecting me i started trying to find triggers that caused me to shift outta this dimension and to what seems to be a completely different places

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  8 місяців тому +1

      I know there are many of us who have experienced this, and have been since human beings came into existence.
      I tried to find my specific triggers too, but eventually I came to the conclusion that any changes to the ordinary flow of life, sleep patterns, or diet, was likely to trigger an experience. Let me know what you came up with. Thank you for sharing!

  • @KhthoniosArchive
    @KhthoniosArchive 4 дні тому

    Psychedelics, in shamanism, are used as catalysts. Its recommended to cleanse the space, and in some traditions of magick, most recommend doing the LBRP before communing with the plant spirits. As not to have any open channels for negative beings to enter through

  • @Greye13
    @Greye13 11 місяців тому +3

    Excellent video and very fascinating topics. It's hard to determine whether alternate dimensions are real, or not, but I've had a few night dreams in my life, where I felt like I was in another dimension. It always feels so real and - usually - contains a very intense sensation of fear. There are so many things in our world/universe that we don't understand and we maybe never will, but I think keeping an open mind is part of the process. These were some interesting experiences and your own personal EVP experience is.... wow. I can see why it was scary. The screaming lady made me think of the Banshee also. Thank you for sharing those with us. As for Ouija boards, they originated as an actual table game and have long since become something that is feared and considered evil by many. When I was in high school, four of us decided to play with one and it gave me some really dark vibes, so I have refused to mess with them ever since. Anyway, have a great week.

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  11 місяців тому +2

      I have more experiences like that, so at this point I believe there are. I tried to rationalize it at first, but I simply can’t explain them away. I’ll get more into why I think that sometime. Those experiences are much different than dreams for me. But there is definitely overlap between dreams and AP, so I wouldn’t doubt it. Sometimes we can project from a dream or project unconsciously.
      Good to hear from you again, great comments as usual, and I’m glad you enjoyed. Take care!

    • @Greye13
      @Greye13 11 місяців тому

      @@TheHiddenPassage8 Yes, it's the same for me, with dreams. I've begun to wonder if dreams are possibly more than what we've been led to believe, or understand. I've had many very vivid and lucid dreams (yes lucid), and they really do seem like 'portals' almost, to different worlds or dimensions. I also, almost always, dream in color. The 'experts' would have us believe that these things are very uncommon, or even rare, but I'm not so sure about that. Either that, or there's maybe something about me that's just really different.?! - Or weird. 😂

    • @hey6961
      @hey6961 7 місяців тому

      How can I reach out to you?
      I am needing someone to talk to about my experiences as well and also sharing knowledge and experiences with you would help.
      I hope that’s okay and I just want to make sense of what is happening to me and what I have seen and experienced so I can understand and avoid it.

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  7 місяців тому

      @@hey6961 email me or dm me on insta @thehiddenpassagepodcast . I’d be happy to discuss these things with you. Thanks

  • @scottsaleff8848
    @scottsaleff8848 3 місяці тому

    The more research I do the more it opens my mind up to things you name it. Most people don't want to hear about.

  • @Starxfallen
    @Starxfallen Місяць тому

    I wish I could talk to the person in self defense sorcery because these kinda attachments are so very real & I'm going through it. I just self taught the arm movements to get some relief.

  • @sovietk.g.b.2716
    @sovietk.g.b.2716 2 місяці тому +1

    Unbelievable how correct u r...these demonic position is SO real ppl have no idea...i believe in Jesus, so that last demon would most likely leave u if u went to Christ along with ur knowledge of being able to kick them out. Ull have no problems afterwards. God bless u man

  • @margieleon8044
    @margieleon8044 8 місяців тому

    Hi🙋🏽‍♀️I’m a new subscriber. Your channel popped up as I finished watching a video about mushrooms…I really like your content. 👍

  • @zoefelix650
    @zoefelix650 3 місяці тому

    Please read:
    30:28 [You?] "Can you help me out of this dream world?"
    30:29 "HE ASKED ABOUT [the rules?]
    *I'm gunna have to get used to what your voices sound like to identify them correctly, but I'll try my best for now
    30:30 "OMG...LISTEN"
    and faintly in far away background PLEASE DON'T HURT US" they beg satin...
    30:33 "SAVE ME" is loud, but a farther voice overlaps much quieter: "SAVE HIM, HE'S IN DANGER!"
    30:34 "WILL U LAY DOWN?"

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  3 місяці тому +1

      Woah, you just made it infinitely more interesting. I think you’re onto something. I’d like to have a conversation and tell you some more things if you don’t mind emailing me:

    • @zoefelix650
      @zoefelix650 3 місяці тому

      @TheHiddenPassage8 ok ya, that would be great! I'll email you today...thanks!

  • @jenreinagel
    @jenreinagel 3 місяці тому


  • @melik411
    @melik411 8 місяців тому +1

    I dream in a lucid way every single time. I travel to different places through water. I never remember the swim just coming up out of the water into the strange place with strange beings. Many times it's a place like Gumby. Everything is made up of what Gumby is made of. Anyone familiar with this?

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  8 місяців тому +2

      I’ve gone underwater many times. Not sure if I’ve seen that but definitely things that seem cartoonish. It would be cool to compare experiences.

    • @melik411
      @melik411 8 місяців тому +1

      Anytime I can drop u my email

  • @Memnoch67
    @Memnoch67 26 днів тому

    I do not share this urge to "How to" but i will say this vibration.

  • @Travis732
    @Travis732 4 місяці тому

    The spirit talker ❤

  • @SteveOliver13
    @SteveOliver13 2 місяці тому

    I guess I fall in the 99%, I've had some experiences I can't explain yet I still can't transcend my logos, instead relying in rigid logical deduction which heavily opposes everything you're talking about at my level of understanding. But a few people close to me have shared similar experiences and discuss similar subject matter to what I've heard in your videos, and I don't believe they're lying. I believe they truly experienced something and it opened their eyes to something else, something I can't see. But having studied medicine and psychology, still in my studies planning on pursuing psychedelic assisted psychotherapy, it's hard to break free from that rigid way of thinking. While under the influence of several psychedelics, I've experienced something more, not physically but my conscious became aware of them/it but it never followed me out of a trip. I can't believe what you're saying fully, but I'm not in disbelief either. Could it be manifestations of your own inner consciousness and expectations that have created this other realm or dimension? I'm sure everyone is familiar with the placebo effect, but there's more to just the placebo effect too. A person can be told their part of the control group and that they're going to be given a placebo, effectively telling them they aren't part of the experimental group and they still report reduction of symptoms from taking a sugar pill. So the mind is a powerful thing, and my rationality immediately links the power of manifestation of one's consciousness with the types of experiences you're describing. I wont ask you to prove your beliefs, but I will ask you or anyone else how I can go about searching out this other dimension or reality. How can a normie such as myself experience what you're describing?

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  5 годин тому

      The subconscious mind certainly plays a part, but I believe that these experiences are often reflections of the subconscious rather than manifestations. In other words you attract from the astral realm what you put out.
      I’m inclined to believe there’s something more going on when contrasting these OBE’s with dreams, considering the bizarre and visceral nature of them which I do not experience in normal dreams. Of course, there’s always a part of me that wonders if it’s just a dream, but what is a dream after all?
      OBE’s are something that can only truly be qualified through direct experience. Once a person does, it becomes more difficult to write it off as a product of the mind. You encounter things that don’t derive from anything that is known to you, so at the very least, I think we are dealing with a collective unconscious. This is what Jung used as evidence of its existence.
      There are countless methods of inducing such an experience. You can look into shamanic techniques, or the 112 methods outlined by the Hindu god Shiva. If you want a modernized synthesis then check out Robert Monroe.
      What all methods have in common is that they suppress the rational mind and silence our inner dialogue. Carlos Castaneda’s books articulate this idea well. This is the essence of altered state of consciousness which is the doorway to many experiences. Your logical mind is probably an obstacle in this sense. Hope that helps.

  • @rvfiasco
    @rvfiasco Рік тому

    I definitely have some insights for you. I'm working on a book ATM but when I get some time I'll E-mail you and give you my take on this phenomenon. Keep up the Great Work!

  • @coutureitup
    @coutureitup 3 місяці тому +1

    Why wouldn’t you get the attachment removed by a shaman or have psychic surgery? You don’t have to live with this

  • @sailfish6716
    @sailfish6716 Місяць тому

    That EVP sounds more like a sentence to me. Just a few words, but a sentence nonetheless. I'd have to listen more to try to hear what the words are though. Might do that later

  • @peacemaker3156
    @peacemaker3156 2 місяці тому

    I use to atrolproject as child, Everytime I tried going to one of the '9 planets', I would go very high up, and eventually hit a glass molten looking barrier, if I tried my hardest to go thru it, I would wake up in my body. Wby? Try go to 'space' or 'planets' and see what happens lol 'space' is such a mind job on humanity.

  • @deanbutler3264
    @deanbutler3264 3 місяці тому

    Sounded like a whispered yeah after the see voices on your recording?

  • @Rhapsodies_In_Red
    @Rhapsodies_In_Red 3 місяці тому

    Never heard of light as a feather stiff as a board? Dude you’ve never seen The Craft?! That’s the only time I’ve heard of it myself.😂

  • @clayholmes9241
    @clayholmes9241 Місяць тому

    I felt a spirit enter me at tye base of my skull. I still feel it there everyday. I've never been the same since. How can I reach this entity?

  • @andrewadams8717
    @andrewadams8717 Місяць тому

    Try that evp backwards. It sounds like "see" and then a reversal

  • @jackalope2302
    @jackalope2302 6 місяців тому

    All my life I've been fascinated by both cryptozoology, UFOs and paranormal phenomena. I too hypothesize that there are places where interdimensional travel is easier and potentially even accidentally possible. I even think there are dimensions that are physical and some that are spiritual. Indeed, I think that the spiritual planes serve as an ocean connecting/separating the physical ones. Picture in island chain surrounded by an ocean.
    Off topic: Have you ever read Liber Null & Psychonaut by Peter Carroll?

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  6 місяців тому +1

      I think you might be right that some are physical. I came across that in one of Castaneda’s books. That’s a very interesting analogy. I’m not familiar with him but I’ll check it out for sure. Thanks

    • @jackalope2302
      @jackalope2302 6 місяців тому

      @@TheHiddenPassage8 if you had to recommend one of castaneda's books, especially somebody who already knows a little bit about shamanism, what would you recommend?

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  6 місяців тому +1

      @@jackalope2302 That’s a tough one. I read them all around the same time so they kind of blend together in my mind. I guess you could skip the first one and read any/ all the books between that and the eagle’s gift. Those are all great. Even if you know about shamanism, it’s pretty different than anything you’d find in mainline sources, so I don’t think any would be a waste of time. Some criticized him for that and claimed he was fraudulent. I find that hard to believe. Regardless, it’s well written, entertaining and makes you think.

  • @ordinaryextraordinarybrotha
    @ordinaryextraordinarybrotha 2 місяці тому +1

    I don't think calling on Jesus is going to help anybody. All those little boys who got violated by the Catholic Church were calling on Jesus the fact Jesus and God did nothing

  • @machinemaker2248
    @machinemaker2248 3 місяці тому

    Play the recorded voices backwards.

  • @danielm978
    @danielm978 2 місяці тому

    Is that the actual door of your granmothers house?

  • @hey6961
    @hey6961 7 місяців тому

    I did astral projection last year when I didn’t know this stuff and I had a feeling of love, light beings, then a man who called me OKIETAK laid me down in the grass who felt like he knew me and or we had met before and proceeded to romance me and well you know where I am going with this. My question is wtf what that and what does this mean?
    It scares me because I can say I have seen stuff in the late 80’s and all of 90’s that I cannot explain and I am trying to understand and find knowledge about.
    I feel I have a lot of attachments on me which has caused me much illness, depression, anxiety, dread and just feelings that scare me.
    Any knowledge or insight is greatly appreciated, please and thank you. 🙏🏼

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  7 місяців тому

      Unfortunately for astral projectors, there are many strange experiences that will leave us with more questions than answers. Sometimes it can be as simple as “an entity wanted to have sex.” If we are to retain our sanity and peace of mind, we have to be able to accept the mystery and/ or take the experience for what it is.
      As far as negative attachments go, first of all, you should not be worrying/ scared as this will only make it worse and there is no need. There are many tried and true effective methods for dealing with them. No need to suffer as long as you’re not doing something negative to open yourself up to it.
      If you have Native American heritage, I would imagine you have some resources available to you, medicine people, elders, etc? I can show you some simple banishing/cleansing techniques if you want.
      Take care and feel free to email me if you want to discuss further.

    • @machinemaker2248
      @machinemaker2248 3 місяці тому

      My gut tells me that the one who made love to you was a soul mate in a previous life.
      If anything bothers you when out of body, rise. Those things are lower beings and will fall away as you rise.
      As I started developing my occult skills I began having the scary ass dreams that are widely reported. One night when I woke, I could feel the thing was still clinging to me. It was pulling me back into sleep so it could continue to terrorize me. I did a ritual called the sword banishing, which calls on Old Testament angels for protection. As I felt the first one arrive, I saw its sword immediately plunge into something so black it was invisible, and also the sword went into me, though without harming me. In a few minutes the fear faded and I slept the rest of the night without incident. In the middle of the next day, my activities were briefly interrupted to show me, in my mind's eye, something falling out of me that was covered in old, sticky, blackened blood. It took days of cleansing rituals to feel clear of that. The sword banishing works. You canfind it in the book Magickal Protection, by Damon Brand.

  • @squarestar326
    @squarestar326 2 місяці тому

    "LiGht as a feather..." is something that the girls of the movie the craft were doing btw, i dont think that s a real thing.

  • @SteliV-gt3eb
    @SteliV-gt3eb 3 місяці тому

    Dude this shit happened to me but I've had mine since I was born and it ended up being a freaking badass over there already and if this is true to similar experiences it had been hiding in me from over there. Or it is there first time back since they created the last thought forms from my lifes

    • @TheHiddenPassage8
      @TheHiddenPassage8  5 годин тому

      If you can share your experiences in detail please email me

  • @shaneburst5661
    @shaneburst5661 9 місяців тому

    It said see us a few seconds in

  • @cathyduggar6545
    @cathyduggar6545 Місяць тому

    Ladies of feather stiff as a board does work I played it as a teenager and everybody could get my fat ass in the air like I was nothing I weighed n othing

  • @Theophanes-qw3fs
    @Theophanes-qw3fs 13 днів тому


  • @Theophanes-qw3fs
    @Theophanes-qw3fs 13 днів тому

    A prayer life will stop a lot of that..

  • @Theophanes-qw3fs
    @Theophanes-qw3fs 13 днів тому

    Be stern !..